Sundarakanda 59 TTP

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||Sundarakanda ||

|| Sarga 59||( Slokas text in Telugu )

(PS: This is a true translation of the Sanskrit epic which tends to have long descriptive sentences
which are retained as they are)

||om tat sat||

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)/5678 //2$9" :;<= <>?/@A4|

F 0 GE+" GHI C/I$J||1||
B84 1CDE%

1|| :;<= <>?/@A4 )/K 1$9" L678 B84 M/I$" GE+" GHI" 1CDENFO||

Hanuman, the son of wind god, having narrated all of this, again started to say good words.

1PQ RSTU7V4 !WFG17 E 1"XY04|

Z[<\#7 ]?^ 00 E DYG_" 0+4||2||

1||RSTU7V4 !WFG17 1"XY04 ]?^4 Z[" L\#7 1P[4 00 0+`a DYG_"||

My success is due to Rama's exertions, Sugriva's enthusiasm and Sita's conduct. My mind has
developed devotion.

d %= HeUf g h$ij#k|
/D\ b$cQ
1$9bl DYGmUfsn RGo RNp\qD4||3||
/17 ?" 1rs`t u/Y" /D\ + vwx/J|
+ /#yzx6 HR7K 1"1rs{
. |}w 1~||4||
A+N\7/@ HR7#7t€‚ Nƒ„Nm?|

1||1$9… 'lDYGm#f4 'n RNp\qD4 /D\ Q%= h$ijK |NmUfgk h$ijK 'k||?J
1rs`/4 /17 u/Y" /D\ + vwx/" | *F‚Nƒ„Nm? A+N17 L/@ 8K HR7K /K
|}w 1"1rs,. 1~ 'yzx6 +HR7K||

Ever rich in asceticism this king of Rakshasas can burn the whole world with the power of his
penance. Even though (Sita was) angry he was not burnt ( because ever dutiful Sita will not act
without Rama's permission). Because of the power of his penance he was not burnt though he
touched her limbs. What the enraged Janaka's daughter can do even the flame of fire cannot do (
she did not since she wanted Rama to kill Ravana).

‡ 17 0ˆ:‰=||5||
0†G/rC6= 1R9+;
'Š@‹zG" VŒ %7 XG?" E hŽŒ|
w78" 1@ 1:‘ˆ7 #Y’
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1||XG?J hŽŒ 'Š@= %7 )G" VŒ "—GK DYC6= 0ˆ:‰= 10;

‡ 8
‘ˆ7 1: “ |”•g/@– #Y’
. " w78" 1@||

In this task which I have narrated, with the permission of Jambavan and others , it is better to see
the king's sons ( Rama and Lakshmana) along with Sita.

':O*k DR7DI4 1RNp1V˜" ™‰|

I " RG_" E 0ˆ—[J||7||
?" ["%" /$\ :;
š" ™+12›t œ$†[Gž4 Nm?/@Ÿ4|
Nm? ¡¢4 DdG£4 ¤4 XGž”9A¥-Ÿ4||8||

1|| ': )N4 'k 1RNp1V˜" ?" ["%™‰" 0ˆ—[" RG_" E /$\ :;
I " DR7DI4||
—[Gž4 Nm?/@Ÿ4 ¤4 vA¥-Ÿ4 DdG£4 XGž4 1›/4 š" ™+4 ||

I am alone enough to destroy the city of Lanka , the great army , the Rakshasa warriors and even
Ravana. What to speak of doing so with all of you who are strong wise accomplished heroic ones
desiring victory.

':" ¦ RG_" §‘f 1¨+7" 1™$12$J|

1:™/¡" Gq{7© 1ª#$§/" §q||9||

1|| ':" ¦ §‘f 1¨+7" 1™$12$" 1:™/¡" 1ª#$§/" RG_" Gq{7© ||

I can kill Ravana along with his army , his sons, his brothers and his followers.

Y :@¬+i" E ­#Y" E g§G7" g>_" /…|

8 `NF®ts\
¡ } ¯”z‰%
p } 1"§°||10||
?+7:" v‚©{7© :h{7© E RNp\=|

1|| —Y:@" ±+i" E ­#Y" E g8G7" /…g>_" `NF®/4 '\

¡ } ¯”z‰%
p } 8 ?h
1"§° Gq{7© RNp\= :h{7© E||

Even if the weapons of Brahma, Indra ,Rudra. Vayu , Varuna which are difficult to see are used by
Indrajit, I can kill and destroy them in a war.

‡ t vNF² O >_f/J||11||
. › ´[Gm-.”z$+IR|
0^s¦³ v1m{
‘g+k $µ :w7K š" ™+4 ?= h¶ER=||12||

‡ /4 O vNF04 /" >˜f 0^ v1m{

1|| XG?J 'X7; . '¦³ h$+IR ´[Gm-.4 $µ
‘g= 'k :w7K | ?= h¶ER= š" ™'+4||

If you permit me, I will shatter them with my valor. With ceaseless matchless shower of rocks in a
war even the Devas will die, what to speak of the night creatures!

\V·sD7l^‘9³" 0+i$4 DYE¸#k|

+ 0†G+I" 10 N0rc #”g›¹||13||

1|| \V$" Ž³" 'l^#k 0+i$4 DYE¸#k 10 '”g›h 0†G/" + N0rcK ||

Even if the ocean exceeds its limits the mount Mandara may be shaken but Jambavan cannot be
moved in war.

1$9RNp1 1"ºw" RNp\ c E »$9%|

'[O* vw¶8 œ· g¼!/4 Nk4||14||
D+1 ½7>Ž°+ ¹[17 E 0ˆ/@+4|
0+i·sD7G]7/ š" ™+>7q RNp\4||15||
1 ‘g!$ 8¾p’ V+f·9$V Dšp!|
¬+i17 DYl¿5
f $" `"1/ 9v#17 g||16||

1|| œ$4 g¼!/4 Nk4 )N4 1$9RNp1"ºw" »$9%4 c vw\8 '[J||D+117

0ˆ/@+4 ¹[17 À>Ž°+ 0+i· 'k 'GZ$7Œ | §q RNp\4 šJ ™+4|| 1‘g!$ 8¾p’
V+f·9$VDšp’ ¬+i17 9v#17 DYl¿5
f $" `"1/||

The heroic son of Vali alone is enough to destroy all the Rakshasa led by him ( Ravana). The speed
of the thighs of the great soul Panasa as well as Nila shatters the mount Mandara, what to speak of
the Rakshasas in a war. Tell me who among Devas, Asuras, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Uragas and
Pakshis can battle Mainda and Dvivida.
Y 0ˆÁ Ž“ DdGV1/IÃ|
)/¿4 DYl¿5
f $" + D¶7© $˜® ||17||
k?0:G·Œ2%K D$0" #$r<Š•“|
Y `w Ž“ 1$9g+$ 1/IÃ||18||

Y )“ 0ˆÁ DdGV1/Ià $˜® )/¿4 DYl¿5

1|| 'x9™“ f $" + D¶7© ||
k?0:G·Œ2%K D$0" #$r" LŠ•“ )“ g+$1/Ià '0m/|xÄ ||

The two sons of Aswini are outstanding , foremost among fighters. I do not see any one who can
face them in a battle. With boon given by the creator, being very proud these two foremost among
Vanaras consumed the nectar of immortality.

'x9ÅR@+w$•" › 1$9QNk?0:4|
1R9G‚7/90¦[" '+¿$i/Ig;rR||19||
I E DY0(7 0:~J EÆJ|
G·Œ2¾+ 0“
I DdG"VÃ||20||
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)?ŽG › 1"HeÈ
f 1g®$(H"ARJ|
I 19 l,Ê;
["%" w`ɦ" `% I g+R4||21||

1|| ™R 1$9QNk?0:4 'x9Å4 <w$•" '+¿4 '¦[" 1$9 'G‚9/9" #/Ig= ||

I E œ­ DdG"Và !R˜" 0:~" EÆ" DY0(7 '0m/" Ç/GÄ
G·Œ2¾+ 0“ I ||
f )?ŽG 1g®$(H"AR" ["%" w1ɦ" `Ë
1"NmÈ I ||
I | 19 g+R4 l,.;

Earlier the grand sire of all worlds has given them immeasurable invulnerability to honor them .
Vast armies of Suaras have been slain by the heroic Vanaras ,armed with the boons. And they drank
the nectar of immortality. If these two become angry they can destroy Lanka along with all the
elephants horses and chariots. All the Vanaras can stay.

f X]@Nm? ™+4|
0¥G h:? ["% #u
RA<3’ 1$9/Y w0 v¶
F v/" 0^||22||

1|| ["% 0¥G h:? ™+4 X]@Nm? RA<3’ 1$9/Y 0^ w0 v\

Y v/J ||

I have burnt Lanka and made my name known all over the royal paths.

A8/7l —Q R² [Np Ì_17 0ˆ—[4|

R A8l !WFT RSŽ˜q|¼/4||23||
':" *1[RA17 514 DG+10žG4|
:;<hl 1$9/Y w0 v¶
F v/" 0^||24||

1|| 'l—[4 R04 A8l| 0ˆ—[4 [Np Ì_4 E| RSŽ_ 'Ÿ|¼/4 R !WFG4 A8l |
F v/J||
DG+10žG4 ':" *1[RA17 514| :;<= ±l 0^ w0 v¶

I announced that mighty Rama will triumph. So will mighty Lakshmana. Protected by Rama
Sugriva will triumph. I am son of wind god and a servant of Rama. My name is Hanuman.

'ÍNGh% 0Î7 RG_17 ¯R/@+4|

I ÏÐ"Ñ|Gm¾p \Ò9 N>_<Š•?||25||
RNp]Ÿ D”Gm? ÍN1w
I DN”Ó?|
OS¸6D”Gm? E+i¸ÔG h,rÁ||26||
'Ï+I8¹I ‘Õ RG_" —[#”r/J|

1|| ¯R/@+4 RG_17 'ÍNGh%0Î7 x"Ñ|Gm¾p '‚\

I K \Ò9 RNp]Ÿ4 D”Gm?
ÖN1"?D N”Ó? OS¸6D”Gm? E_i¸×" ±G h,rÁ —[#”r/" RG_" 'Ï+I8¹I
‘Õ N>_" LŠ•?||

In the middle of the Ashoka grove of the evil minded Ravana, under the Simsupa tree , the pious
lady surrounded by Rakshasa women, tormented by sorrow, without brightness looking like moon
rays veiled by clouds, not caring for the glory of Ravana . is brooding over Rama only.

DlGY? E !ÍFØ 'G,.«

f E +Ù||27||
I › ‘Õ R0" 1R9/@w ÑÁ|
I RO E ÚQÛG ™$+i||28||

1|| DlGY? !ÍFØ +Ù 'G,.«

f ÑÁ ‘Õ 1R9/@w R0" ';$%
I ™$+i ÚQ© ±G
I ('ŠI)||
RO '++7Ï?

The chaste woman of beautiful hips, Janaki though bound is wholly devoted to Rama only, like
Paulomi is devoted to Indra.

I /ÝG E|
/‘Ng14 1"œ? $܂9\
I D Þw"W ]? X$Is›Œ $?||29||

• ÍN1"?DÞw"W ]? X$Is›Œ $? ||
1|| /‘Ng11"œ? $߂9\

Wearing a single piece of cloth, filled with dust, very sorrowful and piteous, Sita is desirous of only
the welfare of her husband.

\ 0^ RNp] 0Î7 /$àá<w Câ>@â4|

RNp]Ÿ”9ã|Ÿ4 #m{
. › DY05G‹||30||
)NŽØ‚R Þw X$IsÏw
I DR8˜|
ä "W D@¹G ›<VO||31||
'(`Ó^ vGR
RG˜9hGm? • 0$IG7Nm/ h`a^|

1|| vã|Ÿ4 RNp]Ÿ4 Câ>@â4 /$àá<w ,Þw X$IsÏw

I DR8˜ '(4 `^7 ,
ä "W, RG˜K vhGm?
›<VO D@¹©G vGR I R
• , 0$IG7Nm/h`a^ \ 0^ RNp]0Î7
DY05G‹ #m{
. ||

Sita, who is again and again threatened by ugly looking Rakshasis, who is piteous and always
thinking of her husband , who is sleeping on the ground, who is without luster like the lotus on the
onset of winter , who has turned away from Ravana, who is set on giving up her life, who is in the
pleasure garden in the middle of Rakshasa women, is seen by me.

N("Ï= 0mV¶«Ùp v¶91 CD|?||32||

//4 1"Á-? åG 1$90$•" E #”Ó?|
R0!WFG 1×7" E Ñe?9 ÇYlC|V?||33||

1||0mV¶«Ùp N("ÏK MD|? //4 1"Á-? 1$9" '$•" E #”Ó? R0!WFG1×7" E

Ñe?9 ÇYl" M|V?||

Some how the doe eyed one has been given confidence, then spoke to. Hearing about the alliance
of Rama and Sugriva gave her happiness.

h8/4 1C5æ· XšI$ž$I” ç/I<|

8+z:hI #`WFG" 1 0ˆ?@ Nm?V1J||34||

1|| 0ˆ?@ \ Nm?V1J #`WFG" + :hI ±l 8K (/K) h8/4 1C5æ$4 X$I” M/I<
XšI4 ||

That the ten-headed one though having done harm is not killed , is because the chaste disciplined
lady's high devotion to her husband.

h©/I</Y" R0!
I GÎ /17 Xv, 7l|
\ DYNmèáG /+9"W /9¿uK E N”Ó?||35||
DYlD?réZ[17 v‘7G /;?" V?|

I /17 GÎ h©/I</Y" Xv, 7l DYNmèáG /+9"W /9¿uK N”Ó? E \

1|| R0!
DYlD?réZ[17 v‘7G /;0?" V?|

Rama is there as the instrument of killing Ravana. Due to separation from her husband, the lady is
with a thin body like the students on the first day of studies.

)G<êI 0ˆÁu ]? ÍNDR8˜|

8#/Y DYlN$IG7"/K 1$9" MDD#7?J||36||
1|| 0ˆÁu ]? 'êI )G" ÍNDR8˜ '/Y 8K DYlN$IG7" /K 1$9" MDD#7?J||

The noble lady is thus absorbed in grief. What action needs to be done by all that is to be proposed.

±?7ë ZF05
Y <8µ L%Ž7 gì@Ùc
E¦”9"`K 1:ŠY%^" 1"›?^J
ZF0¦2"#$%"í )*+,-./012$34 ||

Thus ends the fifty ninth Sarga of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first poem ever composed in
Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki.

||om tat sat||

'( ,-./012$34||

/17 /#9E+" Ñe?9 g¼î;$Á,/|

'§NI" ¦ vw ‘œ" #m,.Gž`a g+R4||1||
I 0\@ï RSG17 0ˆ/@+4|
1ÛD" V;
. ‘œ + æss¹? ±l //Y hŽ#+J||2||
'§NI©G D¶7© XGž4 67/vNF¬4|

1|| /17 :;0/17 /K GE+" Ñe?9 g¼ î;4 'Á,/|| g+R4 #m,.Gž4 '\@Ÿ4 ‘œ
vw 0ˆ/@+4 RSG17 1ÛD" V"¦" '§NI" ¦||67/vNF¬4 XGž4 ‘œ #m{
. +
L¹? E ±l //Y hŽ¦" '§NI" ±G D¶7©||

Hearing those words of Hanuman , the son of Vali spoke as follows. " Oh Vanaras ! Going near the
great soul Raghava is not proper without the divine lady who has been seen. To inform that divine
lady is seen but not brought is not proper for you all known for your valor".

+ › +4 DdG‹ Nxawzk Nxa/rRNFO||3||

¦[74 \0$ðŒ7’ Q¾’ :”1/I<4|
Œñ 9G" :/œ’ RNpê’ :ò0?||4||
š0+7#/YN$IG7" VmÕ?9 ^0 +Ù"|

1|| :”1/I<4 \0$ðŒ7’ Q¾’ DdG‹ +4 ¦[74 NxaK +› | |

Y NFO 'k NxaK +||Œ’
RNpê’ :;0? )G" :/œ’ '/Y š" š" '+7K N$IG7" +Ù" VmÕ?9 ^0||

There are none in the Suras or Daityas who are a match to the noble Vanaras in flying or in a battle.
Hence having killed the Rakshasa heroes what other action is left. Let us get Sita.

/OG" Nm/1"N[r" 0†g= :”1/I04||5||

MgE D$0ÇYt gN70$•G#$•vK||6||

1|| '$•vK :”1/I04 0†g= D$0ÇY/4 )G" Nm/1"N[r" /" '$•vK gN7" MgE||

The noble Vanara Jambavan knower of ways of execution of tasks, having made up his mind very
pleased spoke meaningful words.

+ ?G‘{ 0l $Np<Å 8… Xg+r`7l RA™/¡|

. /… Xg+r`7¦ %$7ŠfJ||7||
8… ¦ R017 0l”zv{

1|| RA™/Y Xg= 8… D`7l ){ 0l4 +4 'Np< | +?GK ¦ | R017 0l4 8…

. /… Xg= %$7Šf" D`7¦||

Oh Prince ! The way you thought of is not acceptable to my mind. Though we are capable we
should follow the thinking of Rama and you should see that the task is accomplished.

±?7ë ZF05
Y <8µ L%Ž7 gì@Ùc
E¦”9"`K 1:ŠY%^" 1"›?^J
ZF0¦2"#$%"í ,-./012$34 ||

Thus ends the Sixtieth Sarga of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first poem ever composed in
Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki

||om tat sat||

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Sundarakanda Slokas

Sundarakanda Slokas with Prose order & meaning in English

Sarga 59 ( meanings in English along with prose order for Sloka). Sloka Text in-

- Devanagari

- Gujarati

- Kannada

- Telugu
Sarga 59 Summary in

- English

- Sanskrit

- Telugu

Sarga 59

Prose order and meanings in Telugu

Sarga 56


//IóÞkN- )— ô©@#G 1$3.

"//2$9" MDD#7?J"

Hanuman chalisa

Om tat sat !
Copyright (c) 2010 All rights reserved.

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