Oracle - Metalink - How To Diagnose Problems With Importing Standard Purchase Orders (781351.1)

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Copyrigt (6) 2023, Orel. Al ight reserved. Orecle Conder How To Diagnose Problems With Importing Standard Purchase Orders (Doc ID 781351.1) In this Document Purpose ‘Troubleshooting Steps References, (Oracle Purchasing - Version to 12.0.6 [Release 11.5 to 12] Information in this document applies to any platform. This document provides the reader with detailed information on how to troubleshoot an issue encountered while importing Standard Purchase Orders, INTRODUCTION ‘The Purchase Document Open Interface allows you to quickly import a large volume of Standard Purchase Orders into Oracle Purchasing. The Import process involves populating the PO interface tables with the document information to be imported and then running the Import Standard Purchase Orders concurrent program which will validate the data and create the PO in the application (or return an error message). ‘The purpose of this document is to assist you in understanding the process involved in importing Standard Purchase Orders and ‘searching for the cause of any problems encountered. PO import prablems are commonly caused by data inconsistencies in the interface tables and once the cause of the problem has been identified, Metalink can be searched for similar problems or a Service Request can be logged with Oracle Support providing the data gathered. This will greatly assist support in analyzing the problem and providing a timely solution. DOCUMENTATION ‘The Purchase Document Open Interface Import Standard Purchase Order functionality is explained in detail in the following Oracle Documentation Oracle® Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual Release 11 Part No. A95955-03 ‘There is no version of the Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual Release for R12, Please review Note 4375871 for Information on changes made to the import process in Release 12, ‘TEST CASE INFORMATION ‘This section will provide sample data showing a test run of the Import Standard Purchase Orders program for data manually entered Into the PO interface tables. ‘An insert statement such as the following can be used to insert data to be imported into the PO interface tables = INSERT INTO po.po_headers_interface (interface_header_id, action, org_id, document_type_code, currency_code, agent_id, vendor_name, vendor_site_code, ship_to_location, bill_to_focation, reference_num) VALUES (2pps.po_headers_interface_s.NEXTVAL, ORIGINAL’, 207, ~ Seattle 'STANDARD’, "sD’, -- Your currency code 24, ~ Your buyer id stock ‘Advanced Network Devices’, "FRESNO’, "V1- New York City’, ~ Your ship to "VI- New York City’, — Your bil to "Currency test’) ~ Any reference num I INSERT INTO po.po_lines_interface (interface line_id, interface_header_id, line_nurs, shipment_num, line_type, item, uom_code, quantity, -unit_price, promised_date, ship_to_organization_code, ship_to_location) VALUES (po_lines_interface_s.nextval, po_headers_interface_s.currval, 1, 1, "Outside processing’, "Flooring OSP*, ‘fa, 4 7.50, "10-APR-20097, wt, "VA New York City’) / INSERT INTO po.po_distributions_ interface (interface_header_id, Interface_line_id, interface_cistribution_id, distribution_num, quantity_ordered, charge_account_id) VALUES (po_headers_interface_s.currval, 'po.p0_lines_interface_s.CURRVAL, po.po_distributions_interface_s.NEXTVAL, 1 1, 12975) ~ Your Charge Account Id Please note that the above is only a sample script and that other combinations of data are possible, Please note that the process of loading data into the interface tables is not within our scope of support. Obviously, different variations of data can be used depending on the business requirement for the Purchase Orders being imported. ‘The Oracle Open Interfaces manuals (referenced in the Documentation section above) contained detailed information on which fields ‘can be used and which fields are optional or derived during the Import Process. Please review this documentation to understand ‘what combinations of data are possible. ‘Once the data has been inserted into the interface tables, a queries like the following can be used to review the information before running the import program : a - Select * from PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE where INTERFACE_HEADER_ID=8headerid bb - Select * from PO_LINES_INTERFACE where INTERFACE_HEADER_Il ‘&headerid ¢- Select * from PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_INTERFACE where INTERFACE_HEADER_ID=&headerid ‘Once the data has been reviewed, the Import Standard Purchase Orders program can now be run. The following screenshot shows, tthe concurrent program being submitted : Sees eae eo + mavanced Pricing Noten Summary Personal Pater Secuiy Profle 4+ tachment Mena ran ee BS Brot oan POMO OO UR sis If there is a problem with the program and it errors out, the Purchasing Interface Errors Report can be run to provide information as to the cause of the error. The following screenshot shows the concurrent program being submitted : [gp trace applatinn"vapnda 7.0.6 Vowon Hew F127 [P0_0OCS_ OPEN INTEREACE [ —$§—_____—_ Coe Jones os JE | + Advanced Pricing Noten Summary Personal Profil: 4+ Astachment Mens Biv root [dona PPO OOM saint [IF the PO was not imported, the following SQL can be run to query the Interface Errors table and show the same information as the Purchasing Interface Errors Report : ‘Select * from PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS where interface_type = 'PO_DOCS_OPEN_INTERFACE" order by creation_date desc; DIAGNOSTICS, ‘The following Diagnostics and Reports are available to help troubleshoot the Import Standard Purchase Order process : 1 - Diagnostics Too! : Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Documents Open Interface Data Collection Test (please refer to Note 224887.1 for assistance) ‘This Diagnostics will validate the data to be imported by the import program and highlight any missing or incorrect information. Tt ‘can provide details as to the incorrect or incomplete data in the interface tables. ‘The errors can be very informative when attempting to diagnose problems while importing POs. It is recommended that the output of this Diagnostics be uploaded whenever a Service Request is logged with Support for this type of problem. 2 - Purchasing Interface Errors Report This report is available through Oracle Purchasing and highlights the errors that were encountered while running the Import Standard Purchase Orders program. CODE FILES / PATCHES Installing the latest patches for the Import Standard Purchase Order process can resolve many issues and is highly recommended. Please make sure you have the latest fixes installed and tested before spending effort analyzing an issue in depth. The files to check for are listed below Package Name File PO_HEADERS_Sv5 POXPIV2.pls PO_LINES. sv4_832 POXPILCB.pls PO_DOCS_INTERFACE_SV4 POXPLILB.pls PO_DOCS_INTERFACE_SV2 POXPIDLB.pls PO_ITEMS. sv POXCOLIE pls RELEVANT TABLES The PO Import process utilizes the following tables when reading the data to be imported and when creating the PO Table Name Use PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE ‘Stores header data to be imported by the Import Standard Purchase Orders program PO_LINES_INTERFACE ‘Stores line data to be imported by the Import Standard Purchase Orders program PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_INTERFACE ‘Stores distribution data to be imported by the Import Standard Purchase Orders program PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS ‘Stores error records resulting from failed runs of the Import ‘Standard Purchase Orders program PO_HEADERS_ALL ‘Stores PO Header information once the Import Standard, Purchase Orders program has been PO_LINES_ALL. ‘Stores PO Line information once the Import Standard Purchase Orders program has been PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL ‘Stores PO Shipment information once the Import Standard Purchase Orders program has been PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL. ‘Stores PO Distribution information once the Import Standard Purchase Orders program has been KNOWN ISSUES AND RELEVANT NOTES ‘The following notes described some of the more commonly encountered problems with the Import Standard Purchase Order process Note 472121.1. R12 Import Standard Purchase Orders Concurrent Request Failed At 'PO_PDOI_LINE_LOC_PROCESS_PVT': Note 762493.1 PDOI Error Ship To Organization Id (Valu \Value) Specified Is Inactive Or Invalid When Importing Purchase Orders TRACING To trace the Import Standard Purchase Orders program from 11.5.10 onwards, do the following 1 Navigate to System Administrator responsibilty 2 - Navigate to Prfiles>System 3 - Query the Profile Option Concurrent: Allow Debugging and set it to Yes at User level 4 - Navigate to Purchasing responsibilty 5 - From the Requests form, choose the Import Standard Purchase Orders program and set the required Parameters. 6 - Glick the Debug button 7 - Check the SQL Trace checkbox and specify Trace with Binds and Waits '8 - Submit the Concurrent program 9 - Retrieve the trace file created. LoccIne In order to create @ FND Debug Log forthe Import Standard Purchase Orders program, the following steps need to be followed : 1 - Using a SQL client run the following query and Note down this log_seq. select max(log_sequence) from fnd_og_messages; 2 Set the following profiles atthe user level FND: Debug Log Enabled = YES FND: Debug Log Filename = NULL FND: Debug Log Level = STATEMENT FND: Debug Log Module = % 3 - Run Import Standard Purchase Orders program 4. Using @ SQL client run the following query Select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence > &log_seq_noted_above order by log_sequence ‘The output of this query can indicate errors that were encountered during the Import Standard Purchase Orders program. LOGGING A SERVICE REQUEST WITH ORACLE SUPPORT If the information in this note does not assist in resolving the problem, please log a Service Request with Oracle Support. Providing tte following information while logging the SR will greatly assist us in quickly identifying and resolving the problem 1 - Sample data from the interface table before and after the Import Standard Purchase Orders program is run. Also provide relevant {data from the errors interface table after the import program is run. 2 - Output and log of the Import Standard Purchase Orders program, 3 - Output of Purchasing Interface Errors Report for the failed Import run. 4 - FND Debug Log of the Import Standard Purchase Orders program. 5 = Trace of the Import Standard Purchase Orders program. NOTE:437587.1 - Release 12 Oracle Purchasing API and Open Interface Changes NOTE:224887.1 - 111 : Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Documents Open Interface Data Collection Test NOTE:472121.1 - R12: Import Standard Purchase Orders Concurrent Request Fails with “Exception in Package o.plsql.PO_PDOI_LINE_LOC_PROCESS_PVT. Procedure validate_line_locs.20" R12 : ORA-01422 Error While Running Import Standard Purchase Orders ORA-0651: st "APPS.PO_PDOI_GRP" DOI Error: Ship To Organization Id (Valu Value) Specified Is Inactive Or Invalid When Importing Purchase Didi ind what you are looking for?

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