TM Functional Safety 07 2011 en

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Technical Manual

Safety (FS)

NC Software
606 420-01 SP 05
606 421-01 SP 05

July 2011

1 Update Information
1.1 General Information............................................................................7

1 Update Information No. 01 –

Functional Safety
1.1 Overview..............................................................................................9
1.1.1 Released service packs ...........................................................9
1.2 NC Software 606 42x-01 SP 05 ........................................................10
1.2.1 Important notes .....................................................................10
1.3 New Safety Functions ......................................................................11

2 Introduction
2.1 Meaning of the Symbols Used in this Manual ...............................13
2.2 Warnings............................................................................................14
2.3 Proper Operation...............................................................................17
2.4 Trained Personnel .............................................................................17
2.5 General Information..........................................................................18
2.6 Overview of FS Components ...........................................................23
2.6.1 List of approved control components....................................24
2.6.2 List of approved inverter components...................................27
2.6.3 Differences between systems with and without
functional safety (FS)...........................................................29

3 Directives and Standards

3.1 Applicable Directives ........................................................................31
3.2 Basis for Testing................................................................................32
3.3 Requirements on Safety Integrity ...................................................35
3.4 SIL and Target Failure Measures .....................................................35
3.5 Storage and Operating Temperatures ............................................35
3.6 Limit Values for EM Noise Immunity ..............................................35
3.7 Mission Time .....................................................................................35

July 2011 3
4 Realization and Safety Functions
4.1 Glossary .............................................................................................37
4.2 Realization of the HEIDENHAIN Safety System.............................41
4.3 Activation of Functional Safety (FS) ...............................................41
4.4 (S)PLC Programs ...............................................................................42
4.5 SPLC ...................................................................................................43
4.6 SKERN ................................................................................................45
4.7 Cross Comparison.............................................................................46
4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions ...........................47
4.8.1 Overview of the safety functions ..........................................47
4.8.2 Overview of monitoring functions .........................................49
4.8.3 Safe stop 0 (SS0) ...................................................................50
4.8.4 Safe stop 1 (SS1) – Fastest possible stopping ......................51
4.8.5 Safe stop 1D (SS1D) – Delayed SS1......................................54
4.8.6 Safe stop 1F (SS1F) – Fastest possible stopping ..................54
4.8.7 Safe stop 2 (SS2) – Controlled stopping ................................55
4.8.8 Summary of the stop reactions .............................................58
4.8.9 Safe torque off (STO).............................................................60
4.8.10 Safe operating stop (SOS) .....................................................62
4.8.11 Safely limited speed (SLS).....................................................63
4.8.12 Safely limited position (SLP) ..................................................64
4.8.13 Safe brake control (SBC)........................................................66
4.8.14 Safely limited increment (SLI)................................................67
4.8.15 Nominal-actual value comparison ..........................................67
4.8.16 Nominal-actual value comparison of position values .............68
4.8.17 Nominal-actual value comparison of speed values................68
4.8.18 Protection against unexpected start-up.................................69
4.8.19 dv/dt monitoring of the braking processes ............................69
4.8.20 Response times, definitions, demand rates ..........................70
4.8.21 Safe status bits......................................................................75
4.8.22 Fault reaction to safe status bits ...........................................78
4.8.23 Behavior when a fault is detected .........................................80
4.8.24 Stop reactions depending on the fault situations ..................82
4.9 Special Features of Software Version 606 42x-01 .........................88
4.10 Requirements the Application Must Meet .....................................92
4.11 Remaining Risks................................................................................94

5 Safety-Related MPs and Signals

5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs)..................................95
5.2 SMP Commissioning ......................................................................112
5.3 Acceptance Test ..............................................................................119
5.4 Safety-Related Hardware Signals..................................................120
5.5 Entries in the OEM.SYS File...........................................................124

4 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6 Safety-Related Operating Modes and
6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) .........................125
6.1.1 Operating mode 1 (SOM_1) ................................................126
6.1.2 Operating mode 2 (SOM_2) ................................................127
6.1.3 Operating mode 3 (SOM_3) ................................................129
6.1.4 Operating mode 4 (SOM_4) ................................................131
6.1.5 Operating mode – restricted spindle operation (SOM_S)....133
6.1.6 Operating mode selection – inputs......................................134
6.1.7 Configuration of axis groups................................................136
6.1.8 Magazine axes.....................................................................138
6.1.9 Non-safe axes and spindles.................................................139
6.1.10 Electronic handwheel ..........................................................140
6.1.11 Use of several operating units.............................................142
6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces .............................................143
6.2.1 Interfaces of the SPL...........................................................143
6.2.2 Interfaces of the SMOP.......................................................152 Interfaces of the handwheel (HR)........................................155

7 Safety-Related Tests and Forced

Dynamic Sampling
7.1 Safety Self-Test ...............................................................................157
7.2 Self-Test Sequence .........................................................................159
7.3 Test of the Cut-Out Channels ........................................................162
7.4 Test of Machine Control Voltage...................................................162
7.5 Test of the Chain of Normally Closed Contacts ...........................163
7.6 Test of the Guard Doors .................................................................163
7.7 Test of the Motor Brake Control....................................................164
7.8 Motor Brake Test ............................................................................166
7.8.1 Brake test for synchronized axes ........................................168
7.9 Test of the Machine Configuration................................................175
7.10 Test of the Machine Keys and Permissive Buttons/Keys............175
7.11 Test of the Emergency-Stop Circuit ..............................................175

July 2011 5
8 SPLC – Safety-Related PLC
8.1 General Information........................................................................177
8.2 Safe Software Structure.................................................................178
8.3 Software Structure of PLC / SPLC.................................................178
8.4 Glossary ...........................................................................................179
8.5 SPLC Development Tool.................................................................181
8.6 PLC and SPLC Programs.................................................................182
8.7 Safety of the SPLC Program ..........................................................183
8.8 Requirements to Be Met by the SPLC Program...........................184
8.8.1 Axis groups / working spaces for an example milling
8.8.2 Moving the axes with open guard doors .............................184
8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC ....................................................................185
8.9.1 The splcapimarker.def definition file....................................185
8.9.2 Safety-related inputs, FS inputs...........................................187
8.9.3 Safety-related outputs, FS outputs......................................188
8.9.4 SKERN --> SPLC programming interface ............................190
8.9.5 SPLC --> SKERN programming interface ............................193
8.9.6 PLC --> SPLC programming interface .................................194
8.9.7 SPLC --> PLC programming interface .................................195
8.9.8 Diagnosis of the SPLC operands .........................................195
8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program............................................................196
8.10.1 Operation with open guard door..........................................196
8.10.2 Selecting a safety-related operating mode (SOM)...............197
8.10.3 Requirements to be met by SPLC outputs..........................197
8.10.4 Requirements on the data of the ApiToSafety structure.....200
8.10.5 Filtering of inputs.................................................................219
8.11 Sample Cases ..................................................................................221
8.11.1 Movement of NC axes and spindle .....................................221
8.11.2 Movement of the axes of the tool magazine.......................228

6 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

1 Update Information

1.1 General Information

Update Information for the Functional Safety Technical Manual appears at
irregular intervals, often as part of a new software version. This is preliminary
information in PDF format, containing brief descriptions of new software
functions as well as new hardware components. After the Update Information
has been published, the new items are included in the Functional Safety
Technical Manual.
The Technical Manual and each Update Information are saved in the
HEIDENHAIN FileBase on the Internet, where registered users can access
them at
Registered users of the HEIDENHAIN FileBase on the Internet receive an
e-mail notification when a new Update Information appears.
This version of the Technical Manual includes all Update Information
notifications up to and including number 01, meaning that the contents of this
Functional Safety (FS) Technical Manual correspond to the scope of functions
of software version 606 42x-01 with Service Pack 05.

July 2011 1.1 General Information 7

8 HEIDENHAIN Functional Safety Technical Manual
1 Update Information No. 01 – Functional Safety

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 Released service packs

The following service packs were released for 606 42x-01:
„ Service pack 01: August 2010
„ Service pack 02: December 2010
„ Service pack 03: February 2011
„ Service pack 04: March 2011 (not for functional safety)
„ Service pack 05: May 2011 (full version)

July 2011 1.1 Overview 9

1.2 NC Software 606 42x-01 SP 05

1.2.1 Important notes

New test of the safe outputs:
Service pack 05 expands the safety selftest as regards the safe outputs. This
new safety test for safe PL outputs is necessary for certification of the
functional safety.
During the test all safe, dual-channel PL outputs are specifically switched off.
This state is checked to ensure that all dual-channel outputs assume this state
(= 0) and remain in it.
However, the PLD-H 04-08-00FS modules with ID 727 219-01 do not fulfill the
requirements of this test yet, and must therefore be modified. Other PL
modules already support this test.
If PLD modules with ID 727 219-01 are in the electrical cabinet when the new
test is performed, the test is aborted with the error message "E031 error
Further procedure:
HEIDENHAIN started building the PLD-H 04-08-00FS modules with the
appropriate modification in April 2011, and changed the variant to 02
(ID 727 219-02).
Starting immediately, please ship all machines with HSCI and functional safety
only with the 02 variant of PLD-H 04-08-00FS PL modules. The modules must
also be exchanged for affected machines already in the field, so that the test
can be performed. Please get in touch with your contact partner at
HEIDENHAIN first, in order to coordinate the exchange action in the best
possible manner.
The test can be deactivated via SMP560 bit 12 = 1 until the PL modules have
been exchanged. The test must be reactivated once the modules have been


„ On machines with PLD-H 04-08-00FS (ID 727 219-02) PL modules, or

without PLD-H 04-08-00FS, the test must be activated with SMP560 bit
12 = 0.

10 HEIDENHAIN Functional Safety Technical Manual

1.3 New Safety Functions

dv/dt monitoring of dv/dt monitoring of the spindle during SS1 reaction

the spindle
dv/dt monitoring of the spindle is being introduced as a new safety function in
service pack 05. The safety function monitors braking of the spindle during an
SS1 reaction.
After an SS1 reaction has been initiated, the SKERN monitors the spindle
speed to ensure that it continually decreases. Should the monitoring
determine that the speed remains constant or even increases, an SS0 reaction
is initiated for the spindle. SS1F is initiated for all other axes. This monitoring
can be deactivated with SMP560 bit 11 for commissioning purposes.
However, this monitoring is essential to the HEIDENHAIN safety strategy, and
must be reactivated after commissioning.
Input for SMP560 bit 11:
0: dv/dt monitoring of the spindle active
1: dv/dt monitoring of the spindle inactive

July 2011 1.3 New Safety Functions 11

12 HEIDENHAIN Functional Safety Technical Manual
2 Introduction

2.1 Meaning of the Symbols Used in this Manual


Failure to comply with this information could result in most serious or fatal
injuries, and/or in substantial material damage.


Failure to comply with this information could result in injuries and

interruptions of operation, including material damage.


Tips and tricks for operation as well as important information, for example
about standards and regulations as well as for better understanding of the

July 2011 2.1 Meaning of the Symbols Used in this Manual 13

2.2 Warnings


The functional safety as provided by HEIDENHAIN only handles the safety

functions stated and described in this manual. Functional safety can reduce
the inherent risks of machine tools. However, it is impossible to implement
safety measures that ensure that nothing will ever go wrong with a
machine tool.
In order for functional safety to take effect, the machine manufacturer
„ verify the theoretical and actual setup of the machine tool, the necessary
(S)PLC programs and the machine-parameter settings with a thoroughly
documented acceptance test. This acceptance test must be performed
by qualified personnel.
„ thoroughly understand the information contained in this manual and
other documentation for the control and other electronic components
being used (such as inverters and motors), as well as understand and
enforce the safety instructions, constraints and relevant standards.
„ draw up a risk analysis, as required by the EC machinery directive.
„ implement all measures deemed necessary based on the risk analysis of
the machine. These measures may be implemented as a part of
functional safety, or with other suitable equipment or procedures. All
measures must be validated.

14 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety


Many safety-related machine parameters (SMP) and the safety-related PLC

program (SPLC program) are important for ensuring the safety of the
machine when it is controlled by an iTNC 530 with integrated safety
Changing these safety-related machine parameters or the SPLC program
can result in loss of the machine safety as specified in the applicable
Safety-related machine parameters are therefore protected by a special
OEM password that is only known to the machine manufacturer.
Changes to the safety-related machine parameters and the SPLC program
may only be performed by trained personnel of the OEM. He is responsible
for the safety of the machine and compliance with the applicable standards,
in particular with EN 12417.
The HEIDENHAIN safety strategy cannot detect erroneous
parameterization or programming by the OEM. The necessary level of
safety can only be achieved with thorough acceptance testing of the
When exchanging a power module or motor, the same type must be used,
since otherwise the settings of the machine parameters could lead to
different reactions by the safety functions. If an encoder is exchanged, the
affected axis must be recalibrated.
Hardware components of the machine tool may only be exchanged by
trained personnel.


Prior to the initial operation or shipping of a machine tool, the

machine manufacturer must conduct a complete acceptance test.
All of the machine's safety functions must be tested. Furthermore, the
input values of the safety-related machine parameters and the entire SPLC
program must be checked for correctness.
If the SPLC program is changed subsequently, the entire acceptance
test must be repeated.
If individual machine parameters are changed subsequently, a partial
acceptance test is required.
Upon subsequent changes the safety functions affected by the respective
change must be tested. The changes and the necessary acceptance tests
may only be performed by trained personnel of the OEM.

July 2011 2.2 Warnings 15


„ The machine tool is not in a safe state until after it has booted completely
and the safety self-test was passed successfully!
„ During start-up or the reset phase, the control is not in a safe state (e.g.
installation of a service pack). Axes and spindles are without torque
during this time!
„ When exchanging hardware components, also use the same model. If an
encoders is exchanged, then the motor affected must be referenced and
tested again.
„ Depending on the changes during an exchange or update of the
software, either a partial or complete acceptance test becomes
necessary. The following must be ensured before or during an exchange
or update of the software:
• All openings (e.g. doors) to the working space must be closed
• Emergency stop must be activated
• There must be no tools in the spindle
• Vertical axes must be protected against falling
• No persons are permitted in the danger zone
„ The control must be shut down correctly before the machine is switched
off via the main switch. Should this not be possible due to an error, an
emergency stop is to be initiated via the man switch before removing
power from the machine.

16 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

2.3 Proper Operation
The described components may only be installed and operated as described
in this manual. Commissioning, maintenance, inspection and operation are
only to be performed by trained personnel.
HEIDENHAIN contouring controls and their accessories are designed for
integration in milling, drilling and boring machines, and machining centers.

2.4 Trained Personnel

Trained personnel in the sense of this manual means persons who are familiar
with the installation, mounting, commissioning, and operation of the
HEIDENHAIN components. Furthermore, electrical engineering work on the
system may be carried out only by trained electrical engineering technicians or
persons trained specifically for the respective application.
Basically, persons who perform work on HEIDENHAIN components must
meet the following requirements:
„ They must have been trained or instructed in the standards of safety
„ They must have appropriate safety equipment (clothing, measuring
„ They should be skilled in first-aid practice.

July 2011 2.4 Trained Personnel 17

2.5 General Information


Please note the following during initial operation of your new machines
with the new HSCI hardware generation of the iTNC 530:
With the introduction of this hardware, the new functional safety (FS) is
available for the first time, featuring the following properties:
„ Safety category 3 (Performance Level d) in accordance with EN ISO
December 2008
„ SIL 2 as per DIN EN 61508
„ Operating modes as per EN 12417
„ Integrated SPLC for adaptation to the machine
The enhancements regarding functional safety to the NC software are
fundamental new developments by HEIDENHAIN. This means that the
necessary software tests have been performed only partially, and that the
complete system does not yet have sufficient functional tests. This means
that special care must be taken when working with the affected new
machines, since faulty operation of the integrated safety functions of the
software cannot be ruled out.
Please inform your colleagues and employees using these machines of
these possible dangers. No persons should be within the traverse range of
the axes.


„ Only the iTNC 530 HSCI control with NC software 606 42x may currently
be used for applications with functional safety. Other controls (e.g. the
TNC 6xx NCK-based controls) and NC software versions do not yet
support the use of functional safety!
„ However, NC software 606 42x has not yet been generally approved for
applications that use the integrated functional safety (FS) of the control.
Separate approval by HEIDENHAIN is required for the use of integrated
functional safety (FS) according to EN ISO 13849-1!

Every machine tool operator is exposed to certain risks.

Although protective devices (safeguards) can prevent access to dangerous
points, the operator must also be able to work with the machine without this
protection (e.g. if the guard door is open).
Several guidelines and regulations to minimize these risks have been
developed in recent years.

18 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC obligates you as a machine-tool
manufacturer to perform detailed risk assessments in order to prove operator
safety during the various operating phases of the machine. The combination
of hazard analysis and risk evaluation leads to the determination of how much
risks must be reduced by design measures or control methods in order to
achieve an appropriate level of safety.
In accordance with EN 12417, the electronic controls of universal machines,
milling machines, lathes and machining centers must fulfill the requirements
of EN 13849-1 category 3 (previously EN 954-1) for their safety-related parts.
In particular this means that the control must be designed such that an
individual fault does not lead to loss of the safety function, and that any
individual fault is detectable if this is possible in an acceptable manner.
According to EN ISO 12100-1/2 (Safety of Machinery), it is important for safe
operation of the machine that the safety measures permit simple and
continuous use of the machine and that they do not impair its correct and
intended operation. If this is not the case, then this can lead to the safety
measures being circumvented in order to attain the simplest possible
operation of the machine.
The HEIDENHAIN safety strategy integrated in the iTNC 530 HSCI complies
with Category 3 as per EN 13849-1 and SIL 2 as per IEC 61508, features
safety-related operating modes in accordance with EN 12417, and assures
extensive operator protection.
The basis of the HEIDENHAIN safety strategy is the dual-channel processor
structure, which consists of the main computer (MC) and one or more CC
drive controller modules (CC = control computing unit).
All monitoring mechanisms are designed redundantly in the control systems.
Safety-related system data is subject to a mutual cyclic data comparison, see
page 4–46.
Safety-related errors always lead to safe stopping of all drives through defined
stop reactions.
Defined safety reactions are triggered and safe operating statuses are
achieved via safety-related inputs and outputs (in two channels) which have an
influence on the process in all operating modes.

July 2011 2.5 General Information 19

Additional „ Documentation
information This manual is a supplement to the Technical Manual of your control, and
describes the functions of the functional safety (FS) and the SPLC from
HEIDENHAIN. Therefore, please also refer to the following documentation:
• Technical Manual of your control
• "Inverter Systems and Motors" Technical Manual
• Online help of the PLCdesignNT development environment for (S)PLC
„ Documentation for NC software 606 42x-01
For the documentation of the new iTNC 530 HSCI hardware generation,
please refer to the iTNC 530 HSCI Technical Manual.


Update Information No. 25 loses its validity as soon as the iTNC 530 HSCI
Technical Manual for NC software 606 42x becomes available.


You can download manuals, other documentation and PC software tools for
machine manufacturers from the HEIDENHAIN FileBase.

„ Specifics and constraints

The first software versions for functional safety of the iTNC 530 HSCI do not
include the full range of features necessary to provide functional safety for
all machine models. Please see page 4–88. Your contact person at
HEIDENHAIN will be glad to answer any questions concerning the iTNC 530
HSCI with functional safety.


Before planning a machine with functional safety, please inform yourself of

whether the current scope of functional safety features suffices for your
machine design.

In practice, and in the sense of this document, a HEIDENHAIN control system

for a machine tool consists of:
„ a HEIDENHAIN NC control with integrated safety and HSCI, an MC main
computer and CC controller units
„ peripheral units such as screen, keyboard, machine operating panel and
„ the SPL or PL assemblies with their I/O modules for connecting safety and
standard inputs and outputs
„ synchronous and asynchronous feed and spindle motors
„ position and speed encoders
„ supply modules and inverters

20 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

A prerequisite for the functional safety of HEIDENHAIN controls is the
connection of the actual control components via the common HSCI
connection (HSCI = HEIDENHAIN Serial Controller Interface).

Cabinet Panel

PSL Inverter HDL BF 2xx

RESET (X112)

TE 6xx

MB 620 FS


MC 6xxx
CC 6110

Permissive Buttons,
Key Switches

Emergency Stop, PL 62xx FS

Door Contacts,

HR xxx FS

Figure 3.1: Possible setup of an HSCI system

July 2011 2.5 General Information 21

HEIDENHAIN control components for setting up a system with functional

Series Component of the control system

MC 6xxx MC main computer with HSCI interface for the


CC 6xxx CC controller units with HSCI interface and

support for a variable number of control loops

PLB 6xxx FS Functional safety (FS) version of a bus module,

serves as carrier for several PLD-H xx-xx-xx (FS)
I/O modules. Designated SPL in this document.

PLD-H xx-xx-xx FS Functional safety (FS) version of an I/O module.

Designated SPLD in this document.

MB 6xx FS Functional safety (FS) version of a machine

operating panel. Designated SMOP in this

TE 6xx Keyboard unit (ASCII keyboard, keys for

supporting the operator) without safety-relevant

TE 6xx FS Functional safety (FS) version of a keyboard unit

with an integrated MB 6xx FS machine operating
panel. The MB is designated SMOP in this

HR xxx FS Functional safety (FS) version of an HR


BF xxx Screen with HDL connection.

Position and speed HEIDENHAIN encoders with analog, EnDat 2.1

encoders and EnDat 2.2 interface.

UM 1xxD, UVR 1x0D, HEIDENHAIN power modules (UM), supply

UV 130D, UR 2xxD, modules (UV), regenerative supply modules
UE 2xxD and UE 1xx (UVR), inverter units (UE) and regenerative
inverters (UR).

SIEMENS- The use of modules from Siemens'

SIMODRIVE 611 SIMODRIVE 611 power module product family or
other non-HEIDENHAIN inverters has not been
approved for the integrated functional safety!

22 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

The HEIDENHAIN safety strategy enables you to implement the protection
objectives defined in Directive 2006/42/EC easily and enjoy economic benefits
at the same time.
The following items may no longer be required:
„ Safety contactor combinations for emergency stop and guard door control
„ Time delay relays and auxiliary relays
„ Limit switches
„ Wiring effort

2.6 Overview of FS Components

One of the priorities of software release 606 42x-01 is the support of the new
digital real-time bus system HSCI (HEIDENHAIN Serial Controller Interface)
from HEIDENHAIN. HSCI combines the communication between axis system
and automation into one bus system between control components. Along
with simplifying the connection technology, HSCI is also the basis for safe,
dual-channel, digital communication, which is the technical prerequisite for
future integrated safety functions, referred to as "functional safety." The
official release of HSCI with integrated functional safety will be announced in
a separate Update Information once the FS system has been certified.
The following tables give an overview of the HSCI, FS and inverter
components of the iTNC 530 HSCI. The individual HEIDENHAIN components
are described in the iTNC 530 HSCI Technical Manual and the Inverters and
Motors Technical Manual.
In systems with functional safety, certain hardware components assume
safety-relevant tasks. Approval for these components must be granted for
each variant individually by HEIDENHAIN. In the following tables you will find
the basic ID number and variant for those hardware components that have
safety-relevant tasks.


The following lists, consisting of hardware components and their variants,

contain all hardware components that may be used in systems with
functional safety.
In HSCI systems with integrated functional safety (FS) you may use only
devices or variants that have been certified for use in such systems.

Please take the following lists into account when configuring your machine
and in case servicing is required. The right-most table column contains the
approved ID numbers of these components.

July 2011 2.6 Overview of FS Components 23

2.6.1 List of approved control components
In systems with functional safety, certain hardware components assume
safety-relevant tasks. Approval for these components must be granted for
each variant individually by HEIDENHAIN. In the following tables you will find
the basic ID number and variant for those hardware components that have
safety-relevant tasks.


Systems with FS may consist of only those safety-relevant components for

which the variant is listed in the table below (e.g. xxx xxx-03).

Components indicated in this list with -xx do not assume any safety-relevant
task in the sense of functional safety (FS). You can use any variant of these
Components indicated in this list with "Not yet approved for FS" are not
approved for use in systems with functional safety.
The list will be expanded or revised correspondingly when new components
are approved for use in systems with functional safety (FS). Should a
component you wish to use not be listed, please ask your contact person at
HEIDENHAIN if the component may be used.

Hardware component ID
MC 6241 Main computer 1.8 GHz with HDR, electrical cabinet version, 573 398-03
without Profibus
MC 6241 Main computer 1.8 GHz with HDR, electrical cabinet version, 653 220-03
with Profibus
MC 6222 Main computer with 15-inch TFT display, 1.8 GHz with SSDR, 634 109-02
operating-panel version, without Profibus
MC 6222 Main computer with 15-inch TFT display, 1.8 GHz with SSDR, 634 113-02
operating-panel version, with Profibus
MC 6341 Main computer with 15-inch TFT display, 2.2 GHz dual core with Not yet appro-
HDR, electrical-cabinet version ved for FS
MC 6341 Main computer with 15-inch TFT display, 2.2 GHz dual core with Not yet appro-
HDR, electrical-cabinet version, with Profibus ved for FS
HDR iTNC Hard disk for MC 6x41, 80 GB, NC software 606 420-01 682 272-01
HDR iTNC Hard disk for MC 6x41 (export version), 80 GB, 682 272-51
NC software 606 421-01
SSDR iTNC Solid State Disk for MC 6222, 32 GB, 736 591-01
NC software 606 420-01
SSDR iTNC Solid State Disk for MC 6222 (export version), 32 GB, 736 591-51
NC software 606 421-01
SIK iTNC SIK for MC 62xx, single-processor version, incl. SW option 2 586 084-xx
SIK iTNC SIK for MC 62xx, single-processor version, incl. SW option 2 586 084-xx
(export version)
SIK iTNC SIK for MC 63xx, single-processor version, incl. SW option 2 Not yet appro-
ved for FS
SIK iTNC SIK for MC 63xx, single-processor version, incl. SW option 2 Not yet appro-
(export version) ved for FS

24 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Hardware component ID
BF 250 15-inch TFT display with HDL connection 599 916-xx
BF 260 19-inch TFT display with HDL connection 617 978-xx

CC 6106 Controller unit for HSCI for max. 6 control loops 662 636-01
CC 6108 Controller unit for HSCI for max. 8 control loops 662 637-01
CC 6110 Controller unit for HSCI for max. 10 control loops 662 638-01

UEC 111 Controller unit with inverter and PLC, 4 control loops 625 777-xx
UEC 112 Controller unit with inverter and PLC, 5 control loops 625 779-xx
UEC 111 FS Controller unit with inverter and PLC, 4 control loops, functional Not yet appro-
safety ved for FS
UEC 112 FS Controller unit with inverter and PLC, 5 control loops, functional Not yet appro-
safety ved for FS
UMC 111 FS Controller unit with inverter and PLC for power supply via external Not yet appro-
DC link, 4 control loops, functional safety ved for FS

CMA-H 04-04-00 SPI expansion module for analog nominal-value outputs 688 721-xx

PSL 130 Low-voltage power supply unit, 750 W, for +24 V NC and 575 047-xx
+24 V PLC
PSL 135 Low-voltage power supply unit, 750 W, for +24 V NC, +24 V PLC 627 032-xx
and +5 V NC

MS 110 Mounting case for multi-row configuration 658 132-xx

MS 111 Mounting case for multi-row assembly, additional connection for 673 685-xx
24 V supply to the fan

TE 620 Keyboard unit without touchpad 625 806-xx

TE 630 Keyboard unit with touchpad 617 976-xx
TE 635Q FS TE with touchpad and integrated MB for HSCI connection, 662 255-01
functional safety
TE 645Q FS TE with touchpad and integrated MB for HSCI connection, 685 394-01
functional safety (19-inch)

MB 620 FS Machine operating panel for HSCI connection, functional safety 660 090-01
PLB 6001 FS HSCI adapter for OEM-specific machine operating panel, Not yet appro-
functional safety ved for FS

HR 410 FS Portable electronic handwheel with cable connection 337 159-11,

578 114-03
HR 520 FS Portable electronic handwheel with cable connection and display 670 304-01,
670 305-01
HR 550 FS Portable electronic handwheel with wireless transmission and 598 515-02,
display 606 622-02
HRA 551 FS Handwheel adapter with integrated charger 731 928-01

July 2011 2.6 Overview of FS Components 25

Hardware component ID
HRA 550 FS Handwheel adapter with integrated charger 633 108-02

PLB 6104 PLB for HSCI, 4 slots 591 828-xx

PLB 6106 PLB for HSCI, 6 slots 630 058-xx
PLB 6108 PLB for HSCI, 8 slots 630 059-xx
PLB 6204 PLB for HSCI, 4 slots, with system module 591 832-xx
PLB 6206 PLB for HSCI, 6 slots, with system module 630 054-xx
PLB 6208 PLB for HSCI, 8 slots, with system module 630 055-xx
PLB 6104 FS PLB for HSCI, 4 slots, functional safety 590 479-03
PLB 6106 FS PLB for HSCI, 6 slots, functional safety 804 755-01
PLB 6108 FS PLB for HSCI, 8 slots, functional safety 804 756-01
PLB 6204 FS PLB for HSCI, 4 slots, with system module, functional safety 586 789-03
PLB 6206 FS PLB for HSCI, 6 slots, with system module, functional safety 622 721-03
PLB 6208 FS PLB for HSCI, 8 slots, with system module, functional safety 620 927-03
PLD-H 16-08-00 PL for PLB 6xxx: 16 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs 594 243-xx
PLD-H 08-16-00 PL for PLB 6xxx: 8 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs 650 891-xx
PLD-H 08-04-00 FS PL for PLB 6xxx FS: 8 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs, functional 598 905-01,
safety 598 905-02
PLD-H 04-08-00 FS PL for PLB 6xxx FS: 4 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, functional 727 219-02
PLA-H 08-04-04 PL for PLB 6xxx, eight ±10 V inputs, four ±10 V analog outputs, 675 572-xx
four PT 100 inputs

If other low-voltage power supply units are used for +24 V NC and +24 V PLC,
the output voltages must fulfill the requirements for Protective Extra Low
Voltage (PELV) with double basic insulation according to EN 50 178, also see
the iTNC 530 HSCI Technical Manual, chapter 3.8.

26 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

2.6.2 List of approved inverter components


In HSCI systems with integrated functional safety (FS) you may use only
inverters or power supply modules that have been approved for use in such

Please take this into account when configuring your machine and in case
servicing is required. Suitable devices are listed below in the right column of
the table.
Components indicated in this list with "Not yet approved for FS" are not yet
approved for use in systems with functional safety.
The list will be expanded or revised correspondingly when new components
are approved for use in systems with functional safety (FS). Should a
component you wish to use not be listed, please ask your contact person at
HEIDENHAIN if the component may be used.
Below you will find an overview of the devices that—according to ISO
13849— are permitted for use in systems with FS:

Hardware component Device ID for systems

with integrated FS
Inverter modules
UM 117DW Not yet approved for FS
UM 116D Not yet approved for FS
UM 116DW Not yet approved for FS
UM 115D 671566-01
UM 114D 671288-01
UM 113D 730435-01
UM 112D 731984-01
UM 122D 667633-01
UM 121BD 667942-01
UM 111BD 671968-01
UM 121D 667838-01
UM 111D 667945-01
Power supply modules
UVR 120D 728252-01
UV 130D Not yet approved for FS
UVR 130D 728248-01
UVR 140D 728253-01
UVR 150D 728255-01
UVR 160D 728257-01
UVR 160DW 728258-01
UVR 170DW Not yet approved for FS

July 2011 2.6 Overview of FS Components 27

Hardware component Device ID for systems
with integrated FS
Non-regenerative compact inverters
UE 210D Not yet approved for FS
UE 211D Not yet approved for FS
UE 212D Not yet approved for FS
UE 230D Not yet approved for FS
UE 240D Not yet approved for FS
UE 241D Not yet approved for FS
UE 242D Not yet approved for FS
UE 110 Not yet approved for FS
UE 111 Not yet approved for FS
UE 112 Not yet approved for FS
Regenerative compact inverters
UR 242D Not yet approved for FS
UR 230D Not yet approved for FS
UR 240D Not yet approved for FS

28 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

2.6.3 Differences between systems with and without functional safety (FS)
With the following HSCI control components, you must make a distinction
between those that are required in a system with functional safety and those
that can be used in a system without functional safety. Devices with FS are
listed below in the middle column:


Please refer to the lists of components approved for FS.

Device designation Device ID for systems Device ID for systems

with integrated FS without integrated FS
Machine operating panels and keyboard units
In systems with FS you must use a machine operating panel for functional-
safety applications. In these operating panels, all keys have twin channels. A
movement can therefore be executed without additional permissive button/
MB 620 (FS) 660 090-xx 617 973-xx
TE 635Q (FS) 662 255-xx 617 975-xx
TE 645Q(FS) 685 394-xx 682 104-xx
PLB basic modules
In FS systems, mixed use of PLB basic modules with and without FS is
possible. However, at least one PLB 62xx FS must be used in systems with
PLB 6104 (FS) 590 479-xx 591 828-xx
PLB 6106 (FS) 804 755-xx 630 058-xx
PLB 6108 (FS) 804 756-xx 630 059-xx
PLB 6204 (FS) 586 789-xx 591 832-xx
PLB 6206 (FS) 622 721-xx 630 054-xx
PLB 6208 (FS) 620 927-xx 630 055-xx
PLB 6001 (FS) Not yet available 668 792-xx
PLD-H I/O modules
In systems with FS, the mixed use of PLD-H modules with and without FS is
possible in PLB basic modules with FS. However, do not insert PLD-H modules
with FS in PLB basic modules without FS. Furthermore, the modules with FS
must always be inserted into the PLB with FS starting from the left.
PLD-H 16-08-00, 598 905-xx 594 243
PLD-H 08-04-00FS
PLD-H 08-16-00, 727 219-xx 650 891-xx
PLD-H 04-08-00FS
In FS systems, handwheels with cross-circuit proof permissive buttons must be
used. Handwheels for which this has been implemented are identified with FS.
HR 410(FS) 337 159-xx, 296 469-xx,
578 114-xx (with detent) 535 220-xx (with detent)
HR 520 (FS) 670 304-xx, 670 302-xx,
670 305-xx (with detent) 670 303-xx (with detent)

July 2011 2.6 Overview of FS Components 29

30 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety
3 Directives and Standards

3.1 Applicable Directives

Compliance with the following directives is mandatory for the design of
machine tools:

Directives Applicable since

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC December 29, 2009

EMC Directive 2004/108/EC July 20, 2007

Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC January 16, 2007

HEIDENHAIN controls with integrated safety strategy fulfill their share of the
requirements as specified in the above directives, thus enabling you as the
manufacturer to produce your machines in accordance with the machinery
HEIDENHAIN controls with integrated functional safety (FS), for which safety-
relevant specifications (suitability for certain PL or SIL levels) will be indicated
in the future, are not considered safety components in the sense of Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC (article 2, letter c). Since these controls are also not
"partly completed machinery" (article 2, letter g), they do not fall under the
provisions of the Machinery Directive. For this reason we do not issue any EC
Declaration of Conformity nor a Declaration of Incorporation in the sense of
the Machinery Directive.

July 2011 3.1 Applicable Directives 31

3.2 Basis for Testing
The safety functions described as well as the devices for controls with
functional safety (FS) are tested by TÜV Süd. The directives and standards
serving as the basis for testing are listed below:
European directives

Directives Applicable since

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC December 29, 2009

EMC Directive 2004/108/EC July 20, 2007

Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC January 16, 2007

Functional safety

Safety standards Requirement Meaning / Designation

DIN EN 61508-1 to 4 SIL 2 Functional Safety of Electrical/

(2001) Electronic/Programmable
Electronic Safety-Related

EN 954-1 (1996) Cat 3 Safety of Machinery – Safety-

Related Parts of Control

DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Cat 3 / PL d Safety of Machinery – Safety-

(2008) Related Parts of Control

Due to the applications of the device or system, the following directives and
standards are also valid:

Safety standards Meaning / Designation

IEC 61800-5-2 (FDIS) (2006) Adjustable Speed Electrical Power

Drive Systems – Part 5-2: Safety
Requirements – Functional

DIN EN 60204-1 (2007) Safety of Machinery – Electrical

Equipment of Machines – Part 1:
General Requirements

32 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Primary safety

Safety standards Meaning / Designation

DIN EN 50178 Electronic Equipment for Use in Power


Electromagnetic compatibility

Safety standards Meaning / Designation

DIN EN 61800-3 EMC product standard including

specific test methods for electrical
power drive systems

"EMC and functional safety for power drive systems with integrated safety
functions" principle for testing dated February 2007

July 2011 3.2 Basis for Testing 33

Requirements of The goal is to control or avoid errors in the control, and to limit the probability
IEC 61508 SIL 2 of dangerous failures to defined values. Safety integrated levels (SIL) have
been defined to measure the achieved level of safety-related performance.
The entire system, including all associated components, must achieve the
required safety integrated level. For systems with programmable electronics,
the SIL capability and the limited failure rate PFH (probability of dangerous
failure per hour) result from applying IEC 61508 during the development and
manufacture of these systems.
A safety integrated level corresponds to a defined range of probability for the
dangerous failure of safety functions. By achieving SIL 2, which the
HEIDENHAIN controls with functional safety do, the probability of failure of
the safety functions is between 10-6 and 10-7 failures per hour.

Requirements The EN 13849 standard (previously EN 954) is of special importance.

of EN 13849-1 This standard groups the requirements for safety-related control components
Category 3, into categories (B, 1, 2, 3, 4) and performance levels (a, b, c, d, e) in ascending
Performance degrees of safety-related effectiveness.
Level d
Category B must always be fulfilled. It requires the following:
In accordance with the applicable standards, the design of safety-related parts
of machine controls and their safeguards must ensure that they can withstand
the influences to be expected.
To attain category 3, the occurrence of an individual fault must not result in the
loss of the safety function. The system must reliably detect individual faults.
The safety function must always remain in effect if an individual fault occurs.
The performance level determines the capability of the safety-related parts of
the control to perform a safety function. Performance Level d corresponds to
SIL 2 of IEC 61508 (see above), but is determined using a risk graph.

Fulfillment of the HEIDENHAIN controls with functional safety operate according to the
requirements following principles in order to fulfill the requirements for category 3:
The control is structured in such a way that individual faults are detected, and
that an individual fault in the control does not result in loss of the safety
Redundant structures, reciprocal data comparison and dynamic sampling of
safety-related signals are used for error detection.
The principles below are followed in order to fulfill the requirements of SIL 2:
In order to avoid faults in safety-related software, HEIDENHAIN adheres to
annexes A and B of IEC 61508-3.
Tables A.2 to A.15 and A.16 to A.19 of IEC 61508-2 are used to control random
faults and to avoid systematic faults.

34 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

3.3 Requirements on Safety Integrity

3.4 SIL and Target Failure Measures

A complete system from HEIDENHAIN, consisting of control, encoder and
drive, fulfills SIL 2. This corresponds to a PFH_total (probability of dangerous
failure per hour) of 10-7 to 10-6.
Summary of the fulfilled safety categories and levels for the safety functions
described in this manual:
„ Complete system: SIL 2 and category 3
„ PFH_total: 10-7 to 10-6
„ Performance level: d
The safety functions and hardware components for functional safety (FS) are
certified by independent institutes. Upon request, your contact partner at
HEIDENHAIN can provide you with the safety-related characteristic values
needed for calculations as per EN ISO 13849-1.

3.5 Storage and Operating Temperatures

The limit values for the individual HEIDENHAIN components are stated in the
iTNC 530 HSCI Technical Manual.

3.6 Limit Values for EM Noise Immunity

According to the current standards, safety related power drive systems with
integrated safety functions, abbreviated as PDS(SR), must have an increased
noise immunity to electromagnetic phenomena (electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC)). HEIDENHAIN complies with the limit values specified in the "EMC and
functional safety for power drive systems with integrated safety functions"
principle for testing dated February 2007. This specification is used when
testing and certifying the iTNC 530 HSCI with integrated safety.

3.7 Mission Time

An average life limit of 20 years is assumed for these controls.

July 2011 3.7 Mission Time 35

36 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety
4 Realization and Safety Functions

4.1 Glossary

A channel and All safety-related areas of the control (hardware and

B channel software) have a dual-channel design. The two channels
are designated as the A channel and B channel.
Areas covered by the A channel are colored blue in this
Areas covered by the B channel are colored red in this

STL Statement list of the (S)PLC program

API Application programming interface

Interface between the (S)PLC program and the
respective safety-kernel software (SKERN MC, SKERN
CC) or the standard functions of the NC software.

CC Controller computer:
Modular HSCI slaves, for servo drive control
CCs also assume safety-related tasks (see SPLC/
SKERN below). The MC determines the master CC on
the basis of the relative positions in the HSCI system.
The first CC in the HSCI system (nearest the MC)
becomes the master CC.

Master CC Master controller computer:

Modular HSCI slaves, for servo drive control
In a safety-related control system, the master CC alone
assumes the following special tasks in addition to the
usual tasks of every CC:
„ Represents the B channel of a safety-related control
„ Generates the output states of the SPLC of the
B channel (for the safety-related outputs on the SPL),
such as the outputs for controlling the brakes
„ Monitors the controlling of the motor holding brakes
of the B channel (via power module or SPLC) and the
disabling of power modules for all axes in the system
„ Supplies the B-channel data for cross comparison
„ Supplies the actual position values for the SPLC

July 2011 4.1 Glossary 37

CC-CC Special HSCI telegram for exchanging the following
communication data between two or more CCs:
„ States of the individual axes (at standstill or in motion)
„ Axis-group assignment
„ Actual position values of the axes
„ Status of brake control
„ Status of the axis-specific cutout ports of
the B channel
„ Information about fatal fault

FPGA Field programmable gate array:

Freely programmable logic circuit.

HDL HEIDENHAIN display link:

HDL is a data connection between the MC and the

HR Handrad HR (German) = Handwheel HW

Handwheel for operating the machine.

HSCI HEIDENHAIN serial controller interface:

HSCI is a field bus system that is based on Ethernet
hardware and has a line structure according to the
master-slave principle. There is one master in the
system; all other devices are slaves. All data transfers
are initiated by the master; however, direct
communication between the slaves is also possible.

IOC file Configuration file of the HSCI system:

Configuration of all participants in the HSCI system,
their sequence and configuration of the inputs and
outputs of the (S)PLC.

LIFT-OFF Function that lifts off the tool automatically from the
contour by a defined distance in the tool-axis direction
in order to protect the workpiece (e.g. in a power

MC Main computer:
Control hardware that also functions as a master for

PLC Programmable logic control:

The main task of the PLC program is the processing of
the input information from the PLs and the generation
of output states for the PLs (see page 4–42).

SKERN Safety-kernel software:

The software process of the safety-kernel software
(SKERN) runs in parallel to the SPLC. Basic safety
functions are permanently defined in the SKERN
software and cannot be changed (see page 4–45).

38 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMOP Safe machine operating panel:
The (safety-related) machine operating panel is an HSCI
slave to which safety-related keys for controlling a
machine tool are attached and to which further
(safety-related) inputs/outputs are connected (see page
The safety-related data is transmitted from the SMOP
to the MC and CC over two channels via the HSCI
connection. The safety-related data is transferred from
there to the respective SPLC.

SPLC Safe programmable logic control:

The main task of the SPLC program is the processing of
the input information from the SPLs and the generation
of output states for the SPLs. This can be configured
flexibly using the SPLC program.
(see page 4–43)

SPL and PL (Safe) programmable logic unit:

A PL is an HSCI slave equipped with multiple I/O
modules. Each I/O module provides digital ((S)PLD) and/
or analog (PLA) inputs and/or outputs (I/Os). These I/Os
are read and controlled by the PLC and SPLC during
normal operation (see page 4–43).
An SPL is a dual-channel PL, which is equipped with
controllers for the A channel and the B channel. The
safety-related data is transmitted from the SPL to the
MC and CC over two channels via the HSCI connection.
The safety-related data is transferred from there to the
respective SPLC.
A safety-related control generally uses both SPLs and
single-channel PLs. Safety-functions require the use of
An (S)PL is structured as follows:
„ Bus module
All (S)PLs have a bus module. The bus module can
have only one controller (for the A channel), or two
controllers (for the A channel and the B channel) in the
case of a control with integrated safety.
„ System module
A system module has control-specific
I/Os and connections for touch probes. At least one
system module is present in every system.
„ I/O module – (S)PLD, PLx
One S(PL) has slots for four, six or eight I/O modules.
Both (safety-related) digital ((S)PLD) I/Os and, for
example, analog (PLA) I/Os can be inserted.
„ System PL
SPL with system module

July 2011 4.1 Glossary 39

SPLD and PLD One SPL or PL has slots for four, six or eight digital I/O
A safety-related control generally uses both SPLDs and
single-channel PLDs. Safety-functions require the use
of SPLDs.

FS inputs, Safety-related dual-channel inputs/outputs. One FS

FS outputs input/output consists of two physical terminals.

(S)MP (Safety) machine parameters:

Parameters for adapting the control to the respective
machine tool (see page 5–95).

S status Safe status range of the HSCI telegram. The safe status
range contains bits for the status of watchdogs,
emergency stop and power-fail information, etc. of the
individual HSCI participants. The bits of the safe status
range provide the basic safety-related information of the
A channel (see page 4–75).

TM Tool magazine:
Tool magazine for the storage and management of
different tools.

SSt Safety self-test:

Safety self-test (see page 7–157)

WD Watchdog:
Counter for monitoring the status of other functions or

40 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.2 Realization of the HEIDENHAIN Safety System
The dual-channel safety system of HEIDENHAIN controls is achieved by a
dual-channel control architecture. The two computers are located in the MC
main computer and CC controller unit components, where two independent
software processes run. These two processes realize two safety channels,
which capture and evaluate all safety-relevant signals in the two channels.
Faults are detected by mutual comparison of the states and data (cross
comparison) in the two channels. This way, the occurrence of just one fault in
the control does not lead to the safety functions being incapacitated.
The SPLC (safety-related PLC) and SKERN (safety-kernel software) software
processes are the basis of the two redundant channels. The two software
processes run on the MC (CPU) computer and the CC (DSP) controller unit
The dual-channel structure of the MC and CC is also used in the PL 6xxx FS
input/output systems and the MB 6xx FS machine operating panel. This
means that all safety-relevant signals (e.g. permissive buttons and keys, door
contacts, emergency stop button) are captured via two channels, and are
evaluated independently of each other by the MC and CC. The MC and CC use
separate channels to address the power modules, and to stop the drives in
case of a fault.
Furthermore, HEIDENHAIN controls with functional safety offer four safety-
related operating modes as per the EN 12 417 standard (Machine Tools–
Safety–Machining Centers). The application-oriented operation offered by this
promises a high level of acceptance, and therefore safety.

4.3 Activation of Functional Safety (FS)

Functional safety is not a software option that must be enabled. If the control
identifies a PLB 62xxFS in the HSCI system during booting, functional safety
is activated. In this case, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
„ Functional safety versions of safety-related control components (e.g.
MB 620FS, HR 520FS)
„ Safety-related SPLC program
„ Configuration of safe machine parameters
„ Wiring of the machine for systems with functional safety

July 2011 4.3 Activation of Functional Safety (FS) 41

4.4 (S)PLC Programs

The main task of the (S)PLC program is the processing of the input information
from the (S)PLs and the generation of output states for the (S)PLs.
To do so, it edits the PLC memory via PLC commands with memory operands.
Logical states and signed bytes, words (16 bits) and doublewords (32 bits) are
saved in this memory.
Specific areas have different tasks:
„ Memory mapping the status of the inputs
„ Memory for timers and counters
„ Memory for internal states and calculations
„ Memory for the interface to the software of the MC and CC
„ Memory defining a map of the outputs to be set
This division of the memory is also called a memory map.
On a control with integrated safety, three different PLC programs with
separate memory maps are run simultaneously:
„ Standard PLC program on the hardware of the MC
„ SPLC program on the hardware of the MC
„ SPLC program on the hardware of each CC

MC 6xxx CC 6xxx


Cross comparison DSP

A channel

B channel

HSCI Interface HSCI Interface

Figure 3.2: SKERN and SPLC

42 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.5 SPLC
The safe PLC program (= SPLC program), the PL 6xxx FS (= SPL) input/output
modules and the MB 6xx FS (= SMOP) machine operating panel provide the
machine tool builder with a flexible configuration of the safety system. The
SPLC consists of the SPLC runtime system and the SPLC program. The SPLC
runtime system is part of the software supplied by HEIDENHAIN. It executes
the SPLC program that must be written by the machine tool builder. The
safety-related inputs and outputs as well as additional safety functions can be
programmed flexibly in the SPLC program. The SPLC is also responsible for
the import and processing of FS inputs, as well as for the output of FS outputs.
The SPLC software runs both on the MC (SPLC MC) and on every CC (SPLC
CC) completely independently. The SPLC MC is assigned to safety channel A,
and the SPLC CC to safety channel B. Every SPLC communicates with further
HSCI participants (e.g. SPL, SMOP) via HSCI. The evaluated data is then
transmitted to the respective SKERN (MC/CC). The SPLC requests the
execution of safety functions from the SKERN. However, the SKERN can
activate safety functions that provide an even higher degree of safety for the
The physical FS inputs (terminals on SPL or SMOP) of the A channel and the
B channel are first gated with AND; only the result of the AND operation is
then forwarded to the SPLC as input status. Consequently, the SPLCs of the
A channel and the B channel will receive the value 0 as input information if two
inputs have different states (e.g. A channel = 0, B channel = 1).
As with the standard PLC program, the PLCdesignNT PC software from
HEIDENHAIN is used to create the SPLC program. For requirements to be met
by the SPLC program, see page 184.
Tasks of the SPLC:
„ Flexible adaptation of the safety functions to the respective machine tool by
the machine tool builder
„ Import (reading in) of FS inputs
This includes, for example:
• Axis-group-specific "Control Voltage ON" key
• Door contacts of the guard doors
• Permissive buttons and keys (on the handwheel, operating panel and
tool magazine)
• Keylock switches for the safety-related operating modes (SOM_1,
SOM_2, SOM_3, SOM_4)
• Test input for motor holding brake
• Feedback from chain of normally closed contacts
• Axis-direction keys
• Other keys with a Start function (NC start, spindle start, spindle jog)
• Keys with Stop function (NC stop, spindle stop)
„ Gating of FS inputs/outputs

July 2011 4.5 SPLC 43

„ Realization of machine-specific safety functions
„ Realization of timer functions
„ Data transfer from the SPLC to the safety-kernel software (see also page 8–
• Request for the safety-related operating mode (SOM_1, SOM_2,
SOM_3, SOM_4)
• Axis-group-specific request for monitoring the safely limited speed
(SLS) in the respectively active, safety-related operating mode
• Axis-specific and axis-group-specific activation of a permissible
movement after the evaluation of the inputs of axis-direction keys (of
• Axis-group-specific request for stop reactions (SS1, SS1F, SS2)
• Axis-group-specific state of the permissive buttons and keys
• Status of the chain of normally closed contacts
• Status of the "Control Voltage ON" (CVO) key
• Axis-group-specific drive enable (PDO = Permit Drive On)
• At least one machine operating key is pressed
• Status of the test input of the motor holding brakes
„ Controlling of outputs that are commanded by the safety-kernel software
(e.g. SBC safety function), or of safety-related outputs defined by the
machine tool builder.
The SPLC program of the master CC controls the SPLC outputs of the
B channel of each SPL; the SPLC program of the MC controls the SPLC
outputs of the A channel.

44 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

The software process of the safety-kernel software (SKERN) and the SPLC run
in parallel on the MC and CC. Basic safety functions are permanently defined
in the SKERN software and cannot be changed by the machine tool builder.
The safety-kernel software receives status information and requests for safety
functions from the SPLC. The SKERN initiates safety functions and monitors
them. Furthermore, all dynamic tests are controlled by the safety-kernel

The safety-kernel software is responsible for the realization of all basic safety
„ Initiation and monitoring of the stop reactions (SS0, SS1, SS1F, SS2)
„ Standstill monitoring in SOS state
„ Monitoring of the safely limited speeds (SLS) in the various safety-related
operating modes
„ Initiation of safe brake control (SBC)
„ Safely-limited position (SLP)
„ Nominal-actual value comparison of position values or speed values
„ Control of dynamic tests
„ Carrying out the cross comparison
„ Commanding the control of safety-related outputs of the SPLC (e.g. control
of motor holding brakes)
„ Transfer of axis-group states (STO, SOS, AUTO (AUTO = operation if the
guard doors are closed) or of the safety function in direct connection with
the operating mode: SLI_2 through SLI_4, SLS_2 through SLS_4) to the
„ Transfer of the axis states (at standstill or in motion) to the SPLC
„ Transfer of the axis positions to the SPLC
„ Performing the safety self-test (SSt)

July 2011 4.6 SKERN 45

4.7 Cross Comparison
During the cross comparison, safety-related signals and operating states
(active safety functions) are exchanged between the MC and the CC, and
compared in both units. The cross comparison is performed by the SKERN of
the MC and the CC in a safety cycle (3 ms).
If one of the CCs or the MC detects a fault, an SS1 reaction is initiated.
The cross comparison contains the following data:
„ All output signals from the SPLC that are transferred to the safety-kernel
„ Status information of the safety-kernel software in the MC and CC.
„ Output signals from the SPL that are fed back to the safety-kernel software
(outputs can be read back).
Each of the dual-channel hardware outputs has a feedback mechanism
on the I/O modules of the SPL, which can be used to read the status of the
output. This dual-channel information is sent from the SPL to the SPLCs via
the HSCI, and transferred to the safety-kernel software of the MC and CC.
The cross comparison is always active for all safety-related outputs.
„ Status information of the SPLC program on both the MC and CC
(SPLC program is being executed).
„ SS1F stop reactions requested by the SPLC runtime system
The gated and, where applicable, fed-through signals, which are the output
signals from the SPLC of the MC and CC to the respective SKERN, are
In the HEIDENHAIN system the SPLC output statuses mapped from the
physical inputs, and not the physical inputs themselves, are used for the cross
comparison during forced dynamic sampling. During forced dynamic sampling
the physical inputs are checked only for a short-circuit to +24 V. A real cross
comparison of the physical inputs is only performed during the safety self-test
to avoid problems with dual-channel keys that do not switch simultaneously.


A direct cross comparison of the physical input signals of the SPLC does
not take place.

46 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions


The risk analysis you have to carry out for the machine must state the
requirements to be fulfilled by the individual safety function.
Before using the control, you must check whether the safety functions
realized by HEIDENHAIN meet the requirements of your risk analysis.

All components (e.g. control hardware, control software, emergency stop

button, safety relays) that are involved in the individual safety functions must
meet the requirements for the safety function. The hardware of the individual
safety functions, including the wiring, must also be structured according to the
determined requirements.

4.8.1 Overview of the safety functions

In order to ensure operator protection, the control and drive system with
integrated HEIDENHAIN safety design provides a number of safety functions
you can request and initiate through the SPLC program, and parameterize
through SMPs. These safety functions to be complied with correspond to the
draft of the new DIN IEC 61800-5-2 standard.

Overview of definitions Brief description

Safe stop 0 The current to the drives is cut off. The

(SS0) STO and SBC functions are initiated
The drives are switched back on by
turning the machine off and on. The
stop reaction is carried out via two

Safe stop 1 The drives are stopped along the

(SS1) emergency braking ramp. The STO
and SBC functions are initiated after
The drives are switched back on via
Control Voltage ON. The stop reaction
is carried out via two channels.

Safe stop 1D Same as SS1, but axis-group-specific

(SS1D) switch-off with delay.

Safe stop 1F The drives are stopped along the

(SS1F) emergency braking ramp. The STO
and SBC functions are initiated after
The drives are switched back on by
turning the machine off and on. The
stop reaction is carried out via two

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 47

Overview of definitions Brief description

Safe stop 2 The axes and spindles are stopped

(SS2) along the braking ramp. At standstill
the STO function is initiated for the
spindles, and the SOS function for the
axes. The stop reaction is carried out
via two channels.

Safe torque off The energy supply to the motor is

(STO) interrupted via two channels (by MC
and CC).

Safe operating stop The drives remain under position

(SOS) control and are monitored for
standstill via two channels (by MC and

Safely limited speed The SS1 safety function is initiated if

(SLS) defined speed limit values are
exceeded. Monitoring takes place via
two channels (by MC and CC).

Safely limited position The SS1 safety function is initiated if

(SLP) an absolute position limit value is
exceeded. Monitoring takes place via
two channels (by MC and CC).

Safe brake control Dual-channel control of external motor

(SBC) holding brakes (by MC and CC).

Safely limited increment The function must be realized via the

(SLI) SPLC program.

48 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.2 Overview of monitoring functions
Further monitoring functions are integrated in addition to the safety functions.
These monitoring functions can be programmed through SMPs to a certain

Overview of definitions Brief description

Nominal-actual value comparison Dual-channel comparison (by MC and

of position values CC) of the actual position values
(speed encoder, position encoder) to
the nominal position value.

Nominal-actual value comparison Dual-channel comparison (by MC and

of speed values CC) of the actual speed values (speed
encoder, position encoder) to the
nominal speed value.

Monitoring of the encoder Dual-channel monitoring (by MC and

amplitudes CC) of the signal amplitudes of the

Monitoring of the encoder Dual-channel monitoring (by MC and

frequency CC) of the input frequency of the

Protection against unexpected If all axes or spindles of an axis group

start-up do not move for more than 3 seconds
during SLS, an automatic axis-group-
specific transition to SOS or STO is
carried out.

dv/dt monitoring of the axes/ During deceleration the axes and the
spindle by the MC/CC spindle are monitored via two
channels (by MC and CC) for a
decrease in speed.

Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the internal temperature

of HSCI components.

Monitoring of rotational speed of Dual-channel monitoring (by MC and

fan CC) of the rotational speed of the
internal fans of HSCI components.

Monitoring of the supply voltages On each board, the supply voltages

are monitored via two channels.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 49

4.8.3 Safe stop 0 (SS0)
An SS0 reaction is initiated in the event of a fault.
An SS0 reaction is initiated by the SKERN. The SPLC cannot request an SS0
reaction from the SKERN.
If an SS0 is initiated, the STO (see page 4–60) and SBC (see page 4–66) safety
functions are activated for the affected axis (axes) and spindle(s) via two
The switch-off of safe outputs must be realized through the SPLC program
(see page 8–197). The behavior of normal PLC outputs can be configured via


„ Axes and spindles that do not have mechanical motor holding brakes
coast to a stop.
„ The measures to be taken against external force (e.g. sagging of hanging
axes) must be in accordance with Information Sheet No. 005 "Gravity-
loaded axes (vertical axes)" issued by the engineering technical
committee of the BGM (German Employer's Liability Association in the
metal industry).

After SS0, the drives can be restarted only by turning the main switch off
and back on (power supply voltage of the machine).

Breaking behavior upon SS0

Start of SS0 reaction


Spindle without brake coast to a stop

Spindle with holding brake

Axis only stopped

by holding brakes

Axis/Spindle: STO
MC: STO.A.x, STO.A.G, STOS.A.G RDY.x off

Figure 3.3: Braking behavior upon stop 0

(For signal designations, see page 5–120)

50 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.4 Safe stop 1 (SS1) – Fastest possible stopping
An SS1 reaction is initiated if a fault or an emergency stop occurs.
An emergency stop can be initiated internally by the SKERN itself, or can be
initiated depending on the safety-related inputs for emergency-stop buttons.
An SS1 reaction is initiated by the SKERN. The SPLC can request an axis-
group-specific SS1 reaction from the SKERN (for axis groups, see page 6–
If an SS1 is initiated, the affected axis (axes) and spindle(s) are decelerated by
the respective CC as quickly as possible along the emergency braking ramp.
When the SS1 reaction starts, the monitoring timers with the time defined in
SMP525.x for the axes and in SMP526.x for the spindles are started. The
initiated deceleration process is additionally monitored via dv/dt monitoring
(see page 4–69).
The steepness of the emergency braking ramp (ramp for deceleration) is
defined in MP2590. The greater the value entered in MP2590, the steeper the
emergency braking ramp. The maximum value for MP2590 is limited by the
output power of the inverter. The minimum value is defined in MP1060. The
permissible acceleration of the axis during normal machining operation is
defined in MP1060. If the value in MP2590 is less than the value in MP1060,
the value from MP1060 will be used.
A special case is the value of 0 in MP2590, which results in deceleration at the
limit of current.
After the values for MP2590 and MP1060 have been defined, the collective
braking behavior of all axes must be checked by the machine tool builder by
initiating an emergency stop. It must be ensured that this does not lead to an
overload and, as a result, to the switch-off of the inverters. The maximum
permissible deceleration time of all axes must not be exceeded.
The switch-off of safe outputs must be realized through the SPLC program
(see page 8–197). The behavior of normal PLC outputs can be configured via

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 51

A distinction is made between the following cases for SS1 reactions:
„ Normal deceleration process
(timer monitoring and dv/dt monitoring do not respond):
If a standstill of the axes (feed rate < 50 mm/min) or spindles (speed < 10
rpm) within the time defined in SMP525.x or SMP526.x is detected by a CC,
this CC initiates the SBC safety function. After the time defined in MP2308
(default: 200 ms) has expired, this CC then initiates the STO safety function.
If the MC detects that the CC is in STO, the MC also initiates the STO and
SBC safety functions.
„ Faulty deceleration process (timer monitoring responds)
If the time set in SMP525.x or SMP526.x is exceeded in the timers on the
MC and CC during the deceleration process, the MC and CC initiate the SS0
safety function independently of each other.


„ Axes and spindles without mechanical motor holding brakes coast to a

stop if an SS0 is initiated.
„ The measures to be taken against external force (e.g. sagging of hanging
axes) must be in accordance with Information Sheet No. 005 "Gravity-
loaded axes (vertical axes)" issued by the engineering technical
committee of the BGM (German Employer's Liability Association in the
metal industry).

„ Faulty deceleration process (dv/dt monitoring responds)

The fault reaction is in accordance with the description of dv/dt monitoring
(see page 4–69).
After SS1, the restart of the drives is enabled by switching on the machine
control voltage (CVO) via the Control Voltage ON button (see page 4–81).

Correct breaking behavior upon SS1

Start of SS1 reaction

Axis Spindle and axis
stopped along emergency
stop ramp by CC (SS1)
dv/dt monitoring active

Reaction time
of holding brake
MP2308 (200 ms)

Spindel: STO
Speed limits MC: STO.A.G, STOS.A.G, STO.A.Sx RDY.x off
Spindle n < 10 rpm CC: STO.A.Sx
Additionally stopped
Axis F < 50 mm/min by holding brakes

CC: BRK.B.x, CC: STO.B.x


SMP525.x (Axis)
SMP526.x (Spindle)

Figure 3.4: Braking behavior upon stop 1

52 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Braking behavior with wrong values in SMP525.x/SMP526.x

Start of SS1 reaction

Spindle and axis
Axis stopped along emergency
stop ramp by CC (SS1)
dv/dt monitoring active

Spindle coast to a stop

SMP526.x Axis stopped by
holding brakes

MC: STO.A.x,



Figure 3.5: Braking behavior upon stop 1 with incorrect parameters

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 53

4.8.5 Safe stop 1D (SS1D) – Delayed SS1
The SS1D stop reaction is a delayed SS1, in which, for example, the axis group
of the spindle is not decelerated until the axis groups of the NC axes have
been stopped.
The braking sequence of the axis groups for SS1D is defined in MP610.x.
The switch-off of safe outputs must be realized through the SPLC program
(see page 8–197). The behavior of normal PLC outputs can be configured via

4.8.6 Safe stop 1F (SS1F) – Fastest possible stopping

An SS1F reaction is initiated in the event of a fatal fault.
An SS1F corresponds to an SS1 reaction, but it is initiated globally for all drives
of the machine tool. The switch-off of safe outputs must be realized through
the SPLC program (see page 8–197). The behavior of normal PLC outputs can
be configured via IOconfig.
After SS1F, the drives can be restarted only by turning the main switch off
and back on (power supply voltage of the machine)!

54 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.7 Safe stop 2 (SS2) – Controlled stopping
An SS2 reaction is initiated by the SKERN. The SPLC can request only
axis-group-specific SS2 reactions from the SKERN (see page 6–136 for axis
A distinction is made between the following cases for SS2 reactions:
Normal deceleration process
(timer monitoring and path monitoring do not respond):
An SS2 reaction is initiated by the SKERN or must be initiated by the SPLC
program upon:
„ Releasing an axis-direction key (axis-specific SS2 by the SKERN; the SPLC
program must set the attribute PP_AxFeedEnable = 0, see page 208)
„ Releasing the permissive button or key while the spindle is running (Figure
3.6) (axis-group-specific SS2 by the SKERN; permissive button/key
information is passed on by the SPLC program)
„ Releasing the permissive button or key during programmed movements in
the SOM_2 or SOM_3 operating mode (axis-specific SS2 by the SKERN; the
SPLC program must set the marker MG_Program_Running = 0, see page 205)
„ Pressing the NC stop key (SS2 reaction must be initiated through the SPLC
„ Switching between safety-related SOM_x operating modes (SS2 reaction
must be initiated through the SPLC program)
„ Opening the guard door of an axis group during programmed movements
without pressing a permissive button or key (SS2 reaction must be initiated
through the SPLC program).
„ Selection of or switching to one of the following machine modes of
operation (SS2 reaction is initiated by the SKERN)
• Switching to the El. Handwheel mode of operation (El. Handwheel
mode of operation or activation of an HR 5xx handwheel)
• Switching to operation through machine operating panel
• Switching to the Reference run mode of operation
If an SS2 is initiated for the axes, the SKERN instructs the NC software to
decelerate the drives of the affected axis (axes) on the contour until standstill.
This ensures that the nominal contour is not departed from during the
deceleration process (workpiece protection). To do this, the axes are stopped
using interpolation.
When an SS2 reaction starts, the SKERN monitoring timers with the time
defined in SMP527.x for the axes are started, and path monitoring for the
permissible axis-specific path of traverse defined in SMP550.x is activated.
When the axes have come to a standstill (SKERN monitors for feed rate
< 50 mm/min), the safe operating stop (SOS) safety function is initiated for the
affected axes.
If the spindle is running at the same time, the SKERN initiates an SS1 for the
spindle of the working space after the axes have been brought to a standstill
through SS2. This must be realized in the SPLC program. On a machine with
multiple spindles, it is possible that a spindle can already be decelerated
before all axes have been stopped. This behavior can be achieved through a
suitable configuration of axis groups (see page 6–136).

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 55

An SS2 reaction for the spindle must be initiated by the SPLC program upon:
„ Pressing the spindle stop key
„ Releasing the spindle jog key
If an SS2 is initiated for the spindle, the SKERN instructs the NC software to
decelerate the spindle of the axis group.
When an SS2 reaction starts, the SKERN monitoring timers with the time
defined in SMP528.x for the spindles are started.
When the spindles have come to a standstill (SKERN monitors for speed
< 10 rpm), the safe torque off (STO) safety function is initiated for the affected
SMP549.x can be used to activate the same behavior for the spindles as for
the axes. The spindles will then also change to the SOS state as part of an SS2
reaction. This may be required for the configuration of lathes. However, the
change to SOS instead of STO is only possible if the SS2 reaction was
triggered by pressing the spindle stop key. If the SS2 reaction was triggered
by a different event, then the STO state is maintained at the end of a stop
Faulty deceleration process (timer monitoring responds)
If the time defined in SMP527.x for the axes or the time defined in SMP528.x
for the spindles is exceeded in the SKERN timers during the deceleration
process, the SKERN initiates the SS1 safety function.
Faulty deceleration process (path monitoring responds)
If the axis-specific maximum permissible path defined in SMP550.x for the
SS2 reaction is exceeded, the SKERN initiates the SS1 safety function.
The machine control voltage (CVO) is not switched off at the end of an SS2
reaction! The drives can therefore be restarted directly.

Correct breaking behavior upon SS2

after releasing permissive buttons at turning spindle
SS1 for Spindle
Start of SS2 reaction


Axis Decelerating on contour

Path monitoring active
Spindle and axis
stopped along emergency
stop ramp by CC (SS1)
dv/dt monitoring active

Spindel: STO
MC: STOS.A.G, STO.A.Sx RDY.x off

Axis: SOS

SMP527.x (Axis)
SMP526.x (Spindle)

Figure 3.6: Braking behavior upon stop 2 (releasing the permissive button or
key while the spindle is running)

56 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Correct breaking behavior upon SS2
after pressing spindle stop
Start of SS2 reaction
Spindle: braking at braking ramp

Spindle SS2 reaction for spindle

Spindle: STO
MC: STOS.A.G, STO.A.Sx RDY.x off

SMP528.x (Spindle)

Figure 3.7: Braking behavior upon stop 2 (pressing the spindle stop key)

Braking behavior with wrong value in SMP527.x for axis

Start of SS2 reaction


Spindle and axis
stopped along emergency
stop ramp by CC (SS1)
dv/dt monitoring active
Decelerating on contour
Path monitoring active

Spindle: STO
MC: STOS.A.G, STO.A.Sx RDY.x off

SS1*) CC: STO.B.x

Axis MC: STO.A.x,
Spindle BRK_REL.A.x
SMP527.x SMP525.x (Axis) *) see also braking behavior upon SS1

SMP526.x (Spindle)

Figure 3.8: Braking behavior upon stop 2 with incorrectly set parameters

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 57

4.8.8 Summary of the stop reactions


Stop 0 Immediate initiation of STO and Immediate initiation of STO and

Clearing of WD.A.STO, WD.A.SMC Clearing of STO.B.P.x
and STO.A.P.x
Activation of motor holding brakes Activation of motor holding brakes;
error code to MC
Status of the signals: Status of the signals:
–STO.A.G = 0 –STO.B.x = 0
–STOS.A.G = 0 –BRK.B.x = 0
–STO.A.x = 0 –BRK_REL.B.x = 0
–BRK_REL.A.x = 0

Restart: main switch Off/On Restart: main switch Off/On

Stop 1 Stopping along the emergency Stopping along the emergency

(SS1) braking ramp: braking ramp:
"Drives Off" command for axes and A command from the MC or
spindle to the CC. detection of the fault by the CC itself
leads to axis-specific electrical
deceleration along the emergency
Wait until all drives have been braking ramp until standstill; then
switched off by the CC: axis-specific activation of the
--> STO and activation of motor mechanical brakes;
holding brakes After 200 ms --> STO

For status of the signals, see above.

For status of the signals, see above.
Restart: with Control Voltage ON
(CVO) Restart: with Control Voltage ON
The deceleration process is
monitored by timers according to The deceleration process is
SMP525.x/SMP526.x, and dv/dt monitored by timers according to
monitoring SMP525.x/SMP526.x, and dv/dt

(If the fault is detected by the CC

itself, an error message is sent to the
MC beforehand)

Stop 1F Fault reaction: Fault reaction:

(SS1F) Corresponds to stop 1 (SS1), but: Corresponds to stop 1 (SS1), but:

Restart: main switch Off/On Restart: main switch Off/On

58 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety


Stop 2 Deceleration along the contour: Stopping with delay:

(SS2) Instruction to the NC software: Stop Sets monitoring timers with time
the axes and spindles along the defined in SMP527.x
braking ramp;
In addition, SS2 is reported to the
PLC. The PLC then issues an NC stop
or spindle stop. Upon standstill of axes or spindles:
Upon standstill: --> SOS for axes, STO for spindles
--> SOS for axes, STO for spindles (depending on SMP549.x)
(depending on SMP549.x)
Restart: direct restart possible
Restart: direct restart possible
Deceleration process is monitored by
Deceleration process is monitored by the timers according to SMP527.x/
the timers according to SMP527.x/ SMP528.x, and path monitoring
SMP528.x, and path monitoring according to SMP550.x
according to SMP550.x

The switch-off of dual-channel safety-related FS outputs due to a stop reaction

must be realized through the SPLC program (see page 8–188).

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 59

4.8.9 Safe torque off (STO)
The STO function provides protection against unexpected start-up of the
drives and against faulty reactions of axes and spindles (e.g. unexpected
increase in speed or unexpected direction of traverse).
In STO, the power supply to the motor is safely interrupted via two channels
(CC and MC). The drive cannot generate a torque, and is therefore unable to
execute any hazardous movements.
The safety function is realized in the HEIDENHAIN safety design by safely
disabling the pulses (PWM signals) for the power switches via two channels.
The PWM signals to the power output stages of the axes and spindles are
switched off immediately by the CC (–STO.B.x) and MC (–STO.A.x) (for signal
designations, see page 5–120). On the MC, the global signals –STO.A.G and –
STOS.A.G are also switched off.
If wired, the MC switches off the safety relays in the power supply units or
compact inverters (–STO.A.G, –STOS.A.G). This wiring was safety-relevant for
inverters of the old generation; when inverters of the new generation (new ID
numbers) are used, however, this wiring is not obligatory. However, control
systems with FS absolutely require the use of inverters and power supply
units that are approved for use in systems with functional safety (FS). The
wiring of the safety relays in the compact inverters or power supply units via
STO.A.G and STOS.A.G is then optional.
There is the additional possibility of using the main contactor to cut off power
to the drive system. However, this possibility is not safety-relevant for the
HEIDENHAIN safety design.
Standstill monitoring is not active in the STO safety function. The only
exception is the following function:
„ Test of the cut-out channels
If the STO function is active only in the CC, the MC monitors the standstill
position. Conversely, the CC monitors the standstill position if the STO
function is active only in the MC.


The safe torque off (STO) safety function must automatically switch off the
machine control voltage (CVO) via –STO.A.G. Therefore, the –STO.A.G
signal must be connected to the latch circuit of the machine control voltage
via a relay contact.

Please refer to the basic circuit diagram from HEIDENHAIN. The line voltage
of the machine is not switched off.

60 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety


When the STO function is activated, the motor cannot generate a torque
anymore. This can result in a hazardous movement, such as may occur
„ Axes and spindles without mechanical motor holding brakes (coasting to
a stop)
„ Vertical and inclined axes without weight compensation
„ Direct drives with low friction and self-retention
„ External force on the drive axes
„ The measures to be taken against external force (e.g. sagging of hanging
axes) must be in accordance with Information Sheet No. 005 "Gravity-
loaded axes (vertical axes)" issued by the engineering technical
committee of the BGM (German Employer's Liability Association in the
metal industry).
It is your duty as a machine tool builder to carry out a risk analysis and use
it as a basis to minimize the risks by taking suitable measures.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 61

4.8.10 Safe operating stop (SOS)
The SOS function provides protection against unexpected start-up of the
In SOS, all feedback control functions (speed, position, etc.) are maintained.
While the SOS function is active, control measures prevent the drive from
performing hazardous movements resulting from faults.
After the SOS function has been deactivated, e.g. by closing a guard or by a
start command, the machining motion of the drive can be restarted at the point
of interruption.
When the SOS safety function is active, dual-channel standstill monitoring is
performed by the MC and the CC.
Standstill is considered to be achieved if the spindle speed / axis feed rate falls
below the following limit values:
„ Spindle speed < 10 rpm
„ Axis feed rate < 50 mm/min
If these limit values for spindle speed and axis feed rate are exceeded when
the SOS function is active, the SS1 safety function is initiated.
If, however, the maximum permissible path defined in SMP545.x (limit value
for standstill monitoring in [mm] or [°]) is exceeded while adhering to the limit
values for the spindle speed and axis feed rate in SOS, the SS0 safety function
is initiated.
In the safety-related SOM_1 operating mode, the SOS safety function
becomes active when the guard door is opened.
Also, the nominal-actual value comparison of position values or speed values
is performed via two channels if the SOS safety function is active.
In control systems without FS, the axes of an axis group were disconnected
from power when the "axis group enabling (X150/X151 or MP4132) signal was
reset (= 0). This was the only possibility of preventing any further axis
motions. In systems with FS, you can ensure that the axes of an axis group
are at a standstill without disconnecting the axes from power. You can monitor
the axes for SOS instead—this is sufficient to ensure that they are at a

62 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.11 Safely limited speed (SLS)
The safely-limited speed safety function is active in all operating modes
(except SOM_1) when the guard door is open. SLS monitors whether the
drives exceed the specified speed limit values.
In the HEIDENHAIN safety design, the speed limit values are monitored via
two channels by the MC and the CC, and a safe stop is initiated via SS1 if these
values are exceeded.


„ The speed limit values for the axes and spindle are defined in
EN 12417:2007 for the various safety-related operating modes, and are
stored in safe machine parameters in the HEIDENHAIN controls.
„ The monitoring for SLS is always axis-specific. During interpolating
movements (movements in which more than one axis is involved) the
resulting contour speed of the tool center point or tool can assume higher
values than the defined axis-specific limit values.
„ The machine tool builder must enter the axis-specific speed limit values
for SLS of the various safety-related operating modes in the SMPs such
that the permissible speed limit values of the standard are not exceeded
even when interpolating movements are executed. The resulting contour
speed of the tool center point must not exceed the permissible speed
limit values of the standard.

If the safely-limited speed (SLS) safety function is activated when the speeds
are already above the speed limit values (e.g. by opening the guard doors), SS1
will be initiated immediately. Pressing the F LIMITED soft key enables you to
open the guard doors without initiating an SS1 reaction.
If you press the F_LIMITED soft key, the maximum permissible speed of the
axes and of the spindle is limited to the defined safely-limited speed. The
limitation depends on the safe SOM_x operating mode selected by keylock
switch. The speed of axes and spindles is reduced to the limit values for
"safely limited speeds." If SOM_1 is active, the axes and spindles are brought
to a stop, because only then will you be allowed to open the guard doors in

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 63

4.8.12 Safely limited position (SLP)
The safely-limited position safety function replaces the conventional hardware
limit switches and is active in all operating modes.
Control measures ensure that an SS1 reaction is initiated if a defined absolute
position limit value (SMP650.x and SMP670.x) is exceeded. This is done by a
dual-channel comparison of the actual position to the position limit value. The
associated limit values are stored in safe machine parameters.


„ The technologically maximum possible overtravel of the axes must be

taken into account when setting the absolute position limit values.
„ The positive and negative absolute position limit values should be
selected such that during traverse to these positions the standard
software limit switches are reached first.

The first time the SLP safety function is initiated, the operator has the
possibility of returning the axes to the permissible area after switching the
machine back on.
If he uses this possibility and moves the axes in the wrong direction, the drives
will be stopped via SS1. Then the drives cannot be moved until the limit values
have been changed in the safe machine parameters.
The absolute position of the machine axes must be captured via two channels
in order to ensure the safely-limited position (SLP) function:
„ Axis reference run
After switching on the control, the absolute position is determined by
means of the "Traversing the reference marks" function.
For example, for position encoders with distance-coded reference marks
you must traverse two reference marks in order to determine the absolute
value of the position, and for absolute encoders with EnDat interface the
position value is read out when the control is switched on.
In the "Traversing the reference mark" machine mode of operation, only one
axis can be moved at any one time. If the control is in the Reference Run
mode, and more than one NC axis or auxiliary axis whose associated axis
groups are not in the AUTO or SOM_1 monitoring states are moving, then
the SKERN initiates an SS2 for all axis groups that are not in AUTO or
If the guard door is open, an automated reference run can only be executed
by means of NC start and the permissive button or key.
If the guard door is closed, the reference run can be executed both by
means of NC start and directly by means of the axis-direction keys.
As long as the axes have not been homed, it is not possible to traverse the
axes in another machine mode of operation (such as Manual Operation or
El. Handwheel).
The absolute positions determined in this manner are compared to the last
axis positions stored in the control. If a difference between the two values
is found, the axes must be checked. If an axis that has not been checked is
not in the "Traversing the reference marks" mode of operation, the axis can
be moved only if the guard door is closed (independent of the active mode
of operation).

64 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

„ Axis check
Checking the axes is also required when the machine is commissioned or,
for example, after an encoder has been replaced. In addition, the axes must
be checked if an SMP, or an MP with an indirect influence on the safety
functions (e.g. MP960.x) has been changed. This is done by comparing the
actual value display to the actual position of the machine axes. The end user
is prompted to move the machine axes via soft key to a reference position
defined by you. After checking the markings applied to the machine table
and at fixed points, the end user must press the dual-channel permissive
key (PB) of the machine operating panel to confirm that the reference
position has actually been reached (end user's confirmation).
If the guard door is open, the axes can only be checked automatedly by
means of NC start.
If the guard door is closed, the axes can be moved to the test position both
by means of NC start and by means of the axis-direction keys. SOM_2,
SOM_3 or SOM_4 must be active for checking the axis. In SOM_1 the axes
cannot be checked.
As a machine tool builder, you must establish the assignment of the position
of the limit switches to the reference marks. In order to be able to verify this
assignment, a marking for every axis must be applied to the machine table
and the machine base at a clearly visible location. The marking corresponds
to a certain reference position and must be entered in SMP646.x.


„ The assignment of the axis position to the position of the limit switches
is ensured only if the axes have been checked, i.e. the limit switches at
the end of the traverse range (absolute position limit values) become
effective only for checked axes.
„ The safe operation of a machine requires that all axes have the "checked"
status. The axis display must not show any axis marked by the warning
symbol for "unchecked axis"!
„ Axes must be checked only by trained personnel.

The positions of the axes are saved before the machine is shut down and are
used as start positions after the machine is switched back on.
After the reference marks have been traversed or the absolute value has been
read out, the SKERN compares the position determined in this manner to the
respective position saved (in the MC and CC). If the deviation exceeds the
value saved in machine parameter SMP642.x because, for example, an axis
was moved manually while the control was inactive, the confirmation is
requested again, as during commissioning. The "Check axis positions" prompt
appears. After approaching the test position, the SKERN compares the
currently determined position to the reference position in SMP646.x. The
"Check axes" state cannot be left as long as the positions determined by the
SKERN MC and SKERN CC deviate from the reference position in SMP646.x
by more than the value in SMP642.x.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 65

The machine parameters for defining the safe limit switches (SMP650.x,
SMP670.x) are referenced to the machine datum. The machine datum is
defined by the non-safe machine parameter MP960.x. Any changes made to
MP960.x are assumed by functional safety after the control has been
rebooted, and therefore affect the safe position limit values, which are shifted
according to the changes made to MP960.x. If major changes are made to the
value in MP960.x, this might lead to the position limit values being shifted to
such that the safety of the machine is affected. In order to prevent the user
from accidentally changing this value, a confirmation is requested, as during
commissioning. If the user notices that the change might affect the safety of
the machine, MP960.x must be reset to its original value. The actual value of
the axis must match the actual position.

4.8.13 Safe brake control (SBC)

In the SBC safety function, axis-specific dual channel control of the existing
motor holding brakes is carried out by the MC and CC. The SBC safety function
is requested by the respective SKERN and must then be executed by the
The existing mechanical motor holding brakes of axes and spindles are
activated via two channels:
„ After the request from the SKERN MC, the SPLC MC activates the brakes
axis-specifically via the safety-related outputs –BRK_REL.A.x of the SPL and
connected safety relays.
„ After the request from the SKERN CC, the SPLC CC activates the brakes
axis-specifically via the safety-related outputs –BRK_REL.B.x of the SPL and
connected safety relays (if present), or
„ The SKERN CC activates the brakes via –BRK.B.x if a corresponding inverter
interface is present.
„ See page 7–164 for the brake control block diagram.
In addition, all brakes are controlled collectively by the MC via the –STO.A.G


Hanging axes must be controlled axis-specifically. Do not combine them

into a group of axes whose brakes are controlled collectively rather than

The dual-channel controllability of the motor holding brakes is checked in the

safety self-test. In addition, the holding torque of the brakes is tested.
The operation and testing of motor-holding brakes must be in accordance with
Information Sheet No. 005 "Gravity-loaded axes (vertical axes)" issued by the
engineering technical committee (BGM (German Employer's Liability
Association in the metal industry)).

66 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.14 Safely limited increment (SLI)
With the current NC software version, the SLI safety function needs to be
realized by the machine manufacturer via the SPLC program. However, the
safety function does not monitor the increment itself, but rather the conditions
for maintaining the movement. The increment is monitored by the normal NC
software; there is no dual-channel monitoring by the SKERN for maintaining
the increment.
The increment function is activated with the INCREMENT OFF/ON soft key.
This opens an input window in which the user can enter the current increment.
When an axis-direction key is pressed, the NC software moves the axis by the
defined increment.
The SPLC program is to monitor the conditions for whether the axis
movement may exceed the defined increment. The axis-direction key must
remain pressed for maintaining the movement. While the axis-direction key is
pressed, the axis is moved once by the defined increment and is then stopped
automatically. If you want to move the axis by the increment again, you must
release the axis-direction key and press it again. In addition, it might be
necessary to press the permissive button or key, for example. The conditions
to be monitored for maintaining the axis movement must be defined by the
machine manufacturer. All necessary conditions must be monitored by the
SPLC program. As soon as one of the conditions is no longer fulfilled (e.g.
releasing the axis direction key), the SPLC program must initiate an SS2
reaction. Depending on the keylock switch, the respective SLS (safely limited
speed) must be active during the increment function.

4.8.15 Nominal-actual value comparison

Depending on the active safety-related operating mode and the type of axis,
position values or speed values are used in the nominal-actual value

STO active SOM_1 active SOM_2, SOM_3,

(guard door is SOM_4 active
closed) (guard door is

NC axes, No nominal- Comparison Comparison with

auxiliary actual value with speed position values
axes comparison values

Spindles No nominal- Comparison Comparison with

actual value with speed speed values
comparison values


You must ensure that no continuous actual-to-nominal value transfer takes

place through W1044 or PLC module 9145, since this would make fault
detection through the nominal-actual value comparisons impossible.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 67

4.8.16 Nominal-actual value comparison of position values
The nominal-actual value comparison of position values is active for all
position-looped axes in all operating modes. This monitoring function is active
only when the guard doors are open; however, no additional delay times for
permissible deviations are active.
The maximum permissible deviation between the actual and nominal value
can be set in SMP641.x. If the axes are intentionally operated with following
error, this does not need to be taken into account in the parameterization of
SMP641.x. The following error is automatically considered in position-value
If the maximum permissible deviation is exceeded, an SS1 reaction is initiated.
The SKERN CC monitors the motor encoder (rotary encoder), and the SKERN
MC monitors the position encoder (if present) or a specifically generated
position value of the motor encoder.
4.8.17 Nominal-actual value comparison of speed values
The nominal-actual value comparison of speed values is always active for the
speed-controlled axes, regardless of the selected safety-related operating
mode or the status of the guard doors. This monitoring function is a plausibility
check between the nominal value of the controller and the actual value of the
encoder. This monitoring function is to ensure that, for example, a failure or
confusion of encoders is detected.
The maximum permissible deviation between the actual and nominal value
can be defined in SMP630.x for the axes, and in SMP631.x for the spindle. In
SMP632.x or SMP633.x, you additionally define a time window within which
the limit values are allowed to be exceeded. The actual speed value must be
within the defined tolerance at least once within the time period defined in
SMP632.x or SMP633.x. If it is, the time set in SMP632 or SMP633.x,
respectively, restarts. If the actual value does not reach the permissible limit
values within the time window, an SS1 reaction is initiated.
The monitoring for the deviation defined in SMP630.x is always active, but in
SMP632.x and SMP633.x a time window is defined within which the actual
speed value must be at least once within the tolerance defined for the nominal
value. If this, for example, happens already after 0.5 seconds, the time in
SMP632.x already restarts after 0.5 seconds.
The SKERN CC monitors the motor encoder (rotary encoder), and the SKERN
MC monitors the position encoder (if present) or a specifically generated
position value of the motor encoder.

68 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.18 Protection against unexpected start-up
The SKERN monitors the rotational speed of all axis and spindle motors to
provide protection against unexpected start-up. If all motors of an axis group
are at a standstill for more than 3 seconds, the safety-kernel software of the
MC and the safety-kernel software of the CC initiate an axis-group-specific
SS2 independently of each other.
The "Protection against unexpected start-up" safety function is active in the
following machine modes of operation when the guard door is open:
„ Program Run, Full Sequence operating mode
„ Program Run, Single Block operating mode
„ Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI) operating mode


Here are some instances in which the safety function triggers an SS2
reaction in the operating modes mentioned above:
„ If the override potentiometer is turned down after the start of an NC block
„ During long dwell times (e.g. programmed waiting times) > 3 seconds in
an NC block
„ Three seconds after the end or cancellation of an NC program, if the axes
or spindle remain at a standstill

To prevent this automatic transition from SLS to SOS/STO (such as during very
slow movements or for the tapping cycle, etc.), you have to press the
permissive key on the machine operating panel. If the guard door is closed,
there will be no transition to SOS/STO. This function only provides additional
protection when the guard door is open. The same applies to the handwheel
when the safety-related operating mode 4 (SOM_4) is active.

4.8.19 dv/dt monitoring of the braking processes

The dv/dt monitoring function performed by the SKERN ensures that there is
no further increase in the speed of axes and spindles after an SS1 or SS1F has
been initiated.
The dv/dt monitoring of axes verifies that the axes are not accelerated
anymore after the waiting time defined in SMP530.x has expired. If a fault
occurs, an axis-specific SS0 is initiated for the affected axis, and an SS1F for
all other axes and spindles.
The dv/dt monitoring function does not respond if an axis coasts to a stop, e.g.
after an SS0 reaction.
If the time defined in SMP525.x is exceeded during the deceleration process,
an SS0 reaction is initiated.
dv/dt monitoring of the spindle is being introduced as a new safety function in
service pack 05. The safety function monitors deceleration process of the
spindle during an SS1 reaction. The waiting time for dv/dt monitoring of the
spindle is permanently defined and cannot be configured via an SMP.
After an SS1 reaction has been initiated, the SKERN monitors the spindle
speed to ensure that it continually decreases. Should the monitoring
determine that the speed remains constant or even increases, an SS0 reaction
is initiated for the spindle. SS1F is initiated for all other axes.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 69

4.8.20 Response times, definitions, demand rates
The following data apply to stop reactions:
„ Response times
The data applies to all safety functions.
• Response time of the SKERN:
The corresponding stop reaction is initiated no later than two HSCI
cycles (2 * 3 ms) after the fault has occurred.
• Response time of the SPLC:
The corresponding stop reaction is initiated no later than 22 HSCI cycles
(22 * 3 ms = 2 * SPLC cycle + 2 * HSCI cycle; SPLC cycle = max.
30 ms, HSCI cycle = 3 ms) after the fault has occurred.
• Response time of the CC:
CC-CC communication
Data is transmitted between the CCs at an interval of 3 ms. If the CC
software detects a telegram to be faulty, a fault reaction is initiated
within 4 * 3 ms.
• The time until the axes come to a standstill after the stop reaction has
been initiated must be added to the response time of the control. The
times resulting from the corresponding MPs (e.g. acceleration) and the
behavior of the CC (deceleration at the limit of current) must be used for
this calculation.
• HEIDENHAIN specifies a target value of 150 ms within which the axes
must come to a standstill (finger protection).
„ Definitions and monitoring ranges
• Speed: SLS + 5 %
• Absolute position: > SMP650 and < SMP670
• Standstill of the axes: < 50 mm/min
• Standstill of the spindle: < 10 rpm

70 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Worst-case Response times after initiation of emergency stop:
consideration of
response times

Time Reactions of HSCI participants Signal involved

t=0 Emergency stop initiated via –ES.A.SMOP = 0

emergency stop button ES.SMOP
–ES.B.SMOP = 0

t = 200 µs Safe status bits of all HSCI –ES.A = 0

participants are set correspondingly
–ES.B = 0

Reaction of MC

Safe/Fastest reaction: The MC detects –ES.A = 0 and –ES.A = 0

initiates an emergency stop reaction
t = 200 µs + 3 ms

t = 200 µs + 3 ms + reaction of CC "Normal" time until switch-off by

MC: At standstill the MC
The MC is informed about the sets:
switch-off of the CC through a –STO.A.x = 0,
message from the CC and initiates –BRK_REL.A.x = 0
STO.A and SBC.
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN MC
demands that the SPLC program
activate the brakes and switch off
the FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

t = 200 µs + 3 ms + time from SMPs "Maximum" time until switch-off

by MC: At standstill the MC
The time of the monitoring timers sets:
defined in SMP525.x for the SS1 –STO.A.x = 0,
reaction for axes, or in SMP526.x –BRK_REL.A.x = 0
for the SS1 reaction for spindles is
exceeded. The MC initiates STO.A
and SBC.
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN MC
requests the SPLC program to
activate the brakes and to switch off
the FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

Reaction of CC

Fastest reaction: The CC detects –ES.B = 0 in the –ES.B = 0

safe state and initiates an
t = 200 µs + 3 ms
emergency stop reaction (SS1).
Deceleration process along the
emergency braking ramp (MP2590).

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 71

Time Reactions of HSCI participants Signal involved

t = 200 µs + 3 ms + max. 100 msa "Normal" time from the start of the At standstill the CC
SS1 reaction by the CC to the sets:
standstill of the axes –BRK_REL.B.x = 0

t = 200 µs + 3 ms + max. 100 ms + After the standstill of the axes and The CC sets:
MP2308 SBC, the CC initiates STO.B with a –STO.B.x = 0
delay (by the time in MP2308).
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN CC requests
the SPLC program to switch off the
FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

Safe reaction: The CC receives an HSCI telegram –ES.B = 0

with information about –ES.B = 0
t = 600 µs + 6 ms
from the µC.B of the SMOP

t = 600 µs + 6 ms + 3 ms The CC detects –ES.B = 0 in the –ES.B = 0

telegram and initiates an
emergency stop reaction (SS1).
Deceleration process along the
emergency braking ramp (MP2590).

t = 600 µs + 6 ms + 3 ms + "Normal" time from the start of the At standstill the CC

max. 100 msa SS1 reaction by the CC to the sets:
standstill of the axes –BRK_REL.B.x = 0

t = 600 µs + 6 ms + 3 ms + After the standstill of the axes and The CC sets:

max. 100 ms + MP2308 SBC, the CC initiates STO.B with a –STO.B.x = 0
delay (by the time in MP2308).
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN CC requests
the SPLC program to switch off the
FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

t = 600 µs + 6 ms + time from SMPs "Maximum" time until switch-off

by CC:
The time of the monitoring timers The CC sets:
defined in SMP525.x for the SS1 –STO.B.x = 0,
reaction for axes, or in SMP526.x –BRK_REL.B.x = 0
for the SS1 reaction for spindles is
exceeded. The CC initiates STO.B
and SBC.
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN CC requests
the SPLC program to switch off the
FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

a. Time that is assumed by HEIDENHAIN to be the maximum deceleration time for feed axes.
An axis speed of 5 m/min and a braking acceleration of 1 m/s2 were assumed.

72 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Response times after opening the guard door
at speeds > SLS:

Time Reactions of HSCI participants Signal involved

t=0 Activation of SD guard door contacts –SD.A.x = 0

at the SPL inputs
–SD.B.x = 0

t = max. 22 ms Capturing the signals of the SPL –SD.A.x = 0

inputs of the µC.A and µC.B of the
–SD.B.x = 0
SPL via PICs.

Safe reaction: The MC and the CC receive an HSCI –SD.A.x = 0

telegram with information about –
t = 22 ms + 6 ms –SD.B.x = 0
SD.A.x = 0 from the µC.A and –SD.B.x
= 0 from the µC.B of the SPL

Reaction of MC

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 2*SPLC cycle The SKERN of the MC receives

information about the open guard
door because the SLS axis-group
status was set by the SPLC

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 2*SPLC cycle The SKERN of the MC monitors for the

+ 3 ms SLS safety function and detects that the
limit values have been exceeded:
Initiation of SS1 stop reaction

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 2*SPLC cycle "Normal" time until switch-off by MC:

+ 3 ms + cut-out time of CC The MC is informed about the switch-
off of the CC through a message from At standstill the MC
the CC and initiates STO.A and SBC. sets:
After the SS1F reaction has been –STO.A.x = 0,
performed, the SKERN MC requests –BRK_REL.A.x = 0
the SPLC program to activate the
brakes and to switch off the FS outputs
(the machine manufacturer is
responsible for the implementation).

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 2*SPLC cycle "Maximum" time until switch-off by MC:

+ 3 ms + time from SMPs The time of the monitoring timers
defined in SMP525.x for the SS1 At standstill the MC
reaction for axes, or in SMP526.x for the sets:
SS1 reaction for spindles is exceeded. –STO.A.x = 0,
The MC initiates STO.A and SBC. –BRK_REL.A.x = 0
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN MC requests
the SPLC program to activate the
brakes and to switch off the FS outputs
(the machine manufacturer is
responsible for the implementation).

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 73

Time Reactions of HSCI participants Signal involved

Reaction of CC

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 1*SPLC cycle The SKERN of the CC receives

information about the open guard
door because the SLS axis-group
status is set by the SPLC

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 1*SPLC cycle The SKERN of the CC monitors for the

+ 3 ms SLS safety function and detects that
the limit values have been exceeded:
Initiation of SS1 stop reaction.
Deceleration process along the
emergency braking ramp (MP2590).

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 1*SPLC cycle "Normal" time from the start of the At standstill the CC
+ 3 ms + max. 100 msa SS1 reaction by the CC to the sets:
standstill of the axes. –BRK_REL.B.x = 0

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 1*SPLC cycle After the standstill of the axes and At standstill the CC
+ 3 ms + max. 100 msa + SBC, the CC initiates STO.B with a sets:
MP2308 delay (by the time in MP2308). –STO.B.x = 0
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN CC requests
the SPLC program to switch off the
FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

t = 22 ms + 6 ms + 1*SPLC cycle "Maximum" time until switch-off by

+ 3 ms + time from SMPs CC:
The time of the monitoring timers At standstill the CC
defined in SMP525.x for the SS1 sets:
reaction for axes, or in SMP526.x for –STO.B.x = 0,
the SS1 reaction for spindles is –BRK_REL.B.x = 0
exceeded. The CC initiates STO.B and
After the SS1F reaction has been
performed, the SKERN CC requests
the SPLC program to switch off the
FS outputs (the machine
manufacturer is responsible for the

a. Time that is assumed by HEIDENHAIN to be the maximum deceleration time for feed axes.
An axis speed of 5 m/min and a braking acceleration of 1 m/s2 were assumed.

74 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

4.8.21 Safe status bits
The safe status bits are transmitted to every HSCI participant via the HSCI
telegram. The individual HSCI participants (MC, CC, SPL, SMOP) themselves
can set the safe status bits, evaluate the received bits and react to them. The
fault reactions defined for the individual safe status bits vary depending on the
type of HSCI participant, see page 4–78.

Safe status bit Signal Meaning

0 –ES.A Emergency stop channel A
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
1 –ES.B Emergency stop channel B
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
2 –ES.A.HW Emergency stop channel A, handwheel;
no function in controls without
functional safety.
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
3 –ES.B.HW Emergency stop channel B, handwheel;
no function in controls without
functional safety.
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
4 –STO.A.MC.WD Watchdog of MC software, switch-off
of inverters, A channel (with functional
safety: switch-off of FS outputs).
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
5 –STOS.A.MC Spindle is switched off by the MC,
A channel, STOS.A.G is initiated
(CC: switch-off of spindle); no function
in controls without functional safety.
6 –STO.B.CC.WD Watchdog of CC software, switch-off of
inverters, B channel
The control has initiated the SS1F alarm
7 –SMC.A.WD "Fast" watchdog of MC software; alarm
on CC, which initiates the deceleration
of the axes.
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
8 –SPL.WD With FS: Multi-channel watchdog of
SPL firmware (A/B channel); serious
error of PL.
Without FS: Single-channel watchdog of
PL firmware.
The control has initiated the SS1F alarm

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 75

Safe status bit Signal Meaning
9 –SMOP.WD With FS: Multi-channel watchdog of
SMOP firmware (A/B channel); serious
error of MOP machine operating panel
Without FS: Single-channel watchdog of
MOP firmware (machine operating
10 –PF.PS.AC Power supply of inverter too low
(parameterized LIFT OFF function in
some cases).
11 –PF.PS.DC DC-link voltage UZ too low
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
12 –PF.BOARD Fault in the supply voltage of the
respective module.
The control has initiated the SS1F alarm
13 –N0 Internal safe status bit
The control has initiated the SS1 alarm
14 –REQ.SS2 The control has initiated the SS2 alarm
reaction. Possible causes include:
„ Speed of MC fan or CC fan outside
the tolerance
„ Temperature of MC, CC, UEC, UMC,
PL or MB outside the tolerance
„ CC has detected an internal fault
15 – Reserved

76 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

The following additional status bits are available for an external PL:

Safe status bit Signal Meaning

16 –SPL.A.WD SPL watchdog, channel A
17 –SPL.B.WD Only in controls with functional safety
(FS): SPL watchdog, channel B
18 PGOOD.NC Voltage monitoring of NC reports a fault
19 PGOOD.PLC Voltage monitoring of PLC reports a
20 –INT Internal interrupt
21..31 1 Reserved

The following additional status bits are available for an external MB machine
operating panel:

Safe status bit Signal Meaning

16 –SMOP.A.WD SMOP watchdog, channel A
17 –SMOP.B.WD Only in controls with functional safety:
SMOP watchdog, channel B
18 PGOOD.A Voltage monitoring of channel A reports
a fault
19 PGOOD.B Voltage monitoring of channel B reports
a fault
20 1 Reserved
21..31 1 Reserved

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 77

4.8.22 Fault reaction to safe status bits
An entry consisting of "- - -" in the following table means that the dual-channel
outputs are not switched off based on the safe status bits. They are only
switched off automatically if the control crashes, if an internal fault of the
component occurs, or if there is a fault in the HSCI communication.


The SPLC program must switch off the FS outputs.

The SKERN demands via the interface signal NN_GenOutputEnable that the
SPLC program switch off the FS outputs in case of a fault, also see page 8–

Name Evaluation and reaction



–REQ.SS2 SS2 SS2 - - -e

–N0 - - -d SS1 - - -e

–PF.BOARD SS1F SS1F Switch-off of FS outputsc

–PF.PS.DCa - - -b SS1 - - -e


–SMOP.WD SS1F SS1Ff - - -e Switch-off of FS


–SPL.WD SS1F SS1Ff Switch-off of FS - - -e


–SMC.A.WD SS1 SS1 - - -e

–STO.B.CC.WD SS1F SS1F - - -e

–STOS.A.MC - - -d Detection - - -e

–STO.A.MC.WD SS1 SS1 - - -e

–ES.B.HW SS1f SS1f - - -e

–ES.A.HW SS1 SS1f - - -e

–ES.B SS1f SS1f - - -e

–ES.A SS1 SS1f - - -e

a. The evaluation of these signals and their reactions can be deactivated via a PLC module.
b. If –PF.PS.DC is active, the watchdogs of the MC are not retriggered anymore. The other
HSCI participants therefore detect the MC as being defective.
c. The FS outputs are switched off automatically only on the HSCI participant on which the
fault occurs (locally). Local fault detection by evaluating the internal fault bits (control crash,
internal fault of the component, fault in the HSCI communication).

78 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

d. The outputs are not switched off based on the safe status bits. They are only switched off
automatically if the control crashes, if an internal fault of the component occurs, or if there
is a fault in the HSCI communication.
e. No reaction
f. Fast reaction, not relevant for safety. The CC receives safety-relevant information via the
HSCI telegram.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 79

4.8.23 Behavior when a fault is detected

General If an emergency stop or an error occurs, specific stop functions are used to
information bring all drives to a safe standstill as quickly as possible.
Once a stop function has been initiated it is always run in its entirety, even if
the cause of its initiation is no longer applicable. This applies regardless of the
Control Voltage ON (CVO) status. The machine cannot be restarted until the
stop function and the associated braking reaction have been run in their
However, a stop reaction that has been initiated can be replaced by a higher-
priority stop.
The cause of SS0/SS1F/SS1/SS2 reactions is displayed on the screen.
The stop reaction with the highest priority is the SS0 reaction, followed by
SS1F and SS1. The SS2 stop reaction has the lowest priority. These stop
functions can be initiated by every monitoring channel (MC/CC).

Stop reactions Stop reactions are defined and divided into categories in EN 60204-1. The stop
reactions and all further safety functions are described in detail under Safety
Functions (see page 4–47). The table below shows the assignment of the
stop reactions to the categories.

EN 60204-1 HEIDENHAIN Priority

Category 0 Safe stop 0 (SS0) Highest priority
Category 1 Safe stop 1F (SS1F)
Safe stop 1 (SS1)
Category 2 Safe stop 2 (SS2) Lowest priority

Safety function The safety functions are described in detail under Safety Functions (see page
states 4–47). The table below shows which safety function provides which safety
level to the end user.
For the initiation of safety functions by the SPLC and SKERN, it always applies
that the safety function providing the higher level of protection to the machine
operator is active.

Safety function Level

Safe torque off (STO) Highest safety
Safe operating stop (SOS)
Safely-limited speed (SLS) Lowest safety

80 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Restarting the After SS1F or SS0
drives after stop (i.e. the STO safety function is active), the restart of the drives can only be
reactions enabled by switching the main switch off and back on.
For safety reasons, switching the main switch back on leads to a new safety


There is an increased risk when the machine is switched on (booting), and

especially when the drives are switched on. It must be ensured that there
are no persons in the immediate danger zone!

If an SS1 was initiated, the drives can be restarted by simply switching on the
machine control voltage, without actuating the main switch. All logic functions
of the machine are retained while the control voltage is switched off, and
continue to run unimpeded.
An unexpected restart by resetting the emergency stop button is not possible,
since the safe torque off (STO) operating status was initiated via two


For large machine tools whose work zone cannot be fully seen, the use of
an additional reset button in accordance with EN 954 or EN 13849 is

The reset button must be situated outside the danger zone in a safe position
from which there is good visibility for checking that no person is within the
danger zone. Switching the machine back on by using Control Voltage ON
(CVO) is not permissible until the reset button has been pressed. This
functionality must be realized in the SPLC program.
After an SS2 (SOS), a restart is possible without actuating the main switch and
without switching on the machine control voltage.

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 81

4.8.24 Stop reactions depending on the fault situations
The following tables show which stop reactions, depending on the fault that
occurred, are triggered by the MC or the CC:

Safe stop 0 (SS0)

Active state: Fault situation: SS0 reaction

initiated by:
SOS Axis is moving at < 50 mm/min, but the path from SMP545 MC, CC
has been exceeded (axis-specific)
SS1 Limit values for dv/dt monitoring according to SMP530.x MC, CC
during the SS1 reaction have been exceeded (alarm code of (axis-specific)
the CC: E240)
SS1 Limit value for timer monitoring according to SMP525 or MC, CC
SMP526 during the SS1 reaction has been exceeded (alarm (axis-specific)
code of the CC: E200)

82 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Safe stop 1F (SS1F)

Active state: Fault situation: SS1F reaction

initiated by:
NM (normal SS0 reaction requested by the SPLC program MC, CC
mode = normal
NM Error while checking the watchdog counters MC, CC
NM Internal safety-relevant software error MC
NM One of the device-specific monitored voltages exceeds the MC, CC
defined limit values (signal –PF.BOARD)
NM Monitoring detects that the voltages exceed or fall below MC, CC
the defined limit values
NM Error during the "Axis checked" status comparison MC
between the MC and CC
NM Fatal system error occurred MC, CC
NM Active safe status bit: MC, CC
NM Error while monitoring the CRC checksums (applies to all MC, CC
CRC checksums)
Booting Different types of axes assigned to the same axis group MC, CC
NM dv/dt monitoring responds for an axis or spindle, and SS0 MC, CC
is initiated for the respective axis. SS1F is initiated for all
other drives.
NM SSO has been requested for an axis group. As a result, MC, CC
SS1F follows for all other axis groups.
NM SS1F has been requested for an axis group. As a result, MC, CC
SS1F also follows for all other axis groups.
NM Invalid axis-group state MC, CC
NM Invalid stop reaction requested MC, CC
NM Invalid safety function requested MC, CC
SOM_2, Operating mode switched to SOM_4 for an axis group MC, CC
SOM_4 Operating mode switched to SOM_2 or SOM_3 for an axis MC, CC
NM Axis group without spindle requests SLI for a spindle MC, CC
(= operating mode SOM_S requested)
NM Spindle axis group requests SLI for axes MC, CC
NM Invalid SMP checksum MC, CC
Booting The motor shaft speed entered in or transferred for CC
MP3210 is not between 0 and 100 [* 1000 rpm]
Booting The rated speed for gear ranges entered in or transferred CC
for MP3510 is less than or equal to 0 rpm
STO SMP1054.x parameterized incorrectly (SMP = 0) CC
NM Watchdog WD.A.HSCI is reset MC, CC or SPL

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 83

Safe stop 1 (SS1)

Active state: Fault situation: SS1 reaction

initiated by:
STO Test of the chain of normally-closed contacts before MC
retriggering the MC watchdogs, to see whether all contacts
are closed
NM Limit values for safely limited position (SLP) exceeded MC, CC
NM Limit values for safely limited increment (SLI) exceeded MC, CC
NM Limit values for amplitude monitoring exceeded MC, CC
NM Error reported by encoder-frequency monitoring MC, CC
SS2 Limit values for path (SMP550.x) or time (SMP527.x, MC, CC
SMP528.x) exceeded during SS2 reaction
SOM_S When the guard door is open: MC, CC
Limit value of < two revolutions (SLI) or speed of < 50 rpm
(SLS) exceeded
SOM_2, When the guard door is open: MC, CC
SOM_3, Speed of the axes exceeds the respective limit values for
SOM_2, When the guard door is open: MC, CC
SOM_3, Spindle shaft speed exceeds the respective limit values for
SOM_2, SMPs for limit values for SLS parameterized incorrectly CC
SOM_3, (SMP = 0)
NM Emergency stop initiated via one of the emergency stop MC, CC
NM Internal emergency stop initiated via the SKERN (e.g. by IPO, MC, CC
NM Error during nominal-actual value monitoring with position or MC, CC
speed values
NM Error while performing forced dynamic sampling MC, CC
SOS Limit values for the safe operating stop SOS exceeded: MC, CC
Axis movements > 50 mm/min or > 10 rpm
NM Bit 0 of SMP560 is not set to enable SOM_4 when that MC, CC
operating mode is switched to
NM Error found during cross-comparison MC, CC
NM Active safe status bit: MC, CC
–SMC.A.WD, –STO.A.MC.WD, –ES.A.x, –ES.B.x, –
PF.PS.DC and –N0 (–N0 and –PF.PS.DC only CC reaction)
SOM_1 Moving a safe axis with open guard door MC, CC
NM SS1 reaction initiated by the SPLC program MC, CC

84 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Safe stop 2 (SS2)

Active state: SS2 reaction

initiated by:
NM The temperature exceeded or fell below the limit values MC, CC
NM The fan speed fell below the limit values MC, CC
SOM_2, No valid permissive button or key active for switching on the MC, CC
SOM_3, spindle while NC program is running
SOM_2 Number of axes permitted to move in SOM_2 exceeded. MC, CC
Only one axis may be moved.
SOM_3, Number of axes permitted to be moved by the handwheel MC, CC
SOM_4 (e.g. with axis-direction keys) exceeded. Only one axis may
be moved if SMP560 bit 9 = 0.
NM Maximum time in SMP511 for performing the safety self- MC, CC
test (with open guard door) exceeded
SLS Protection against unexpected start-up becomes active MC, CC
(switches to SOS state)
SOM_2, No valid permissive button or key, or permissive button or MC, CC
SOM_3 key released during movement
SOM_2, NC stop or spindle stop key is pressed, and the SPLC MC, CC
SOM_3, program requests an SS2 reaction
SOM_2, Axis-direction key was released during movement MC, CC
SOM_2, Spindle jog key released while spindle was active MC, CC
SOM_2, Switch between machine operating modes (e.g. from El. MC, CC
SOM_3, Handwheel to Manual Operation mode)
NM Active safe status bit –REQ.SS2 MC, CC
NM Untested axis moved MC, CC
NM SS2 reaction initiated by the SPLC program MC, CC

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 85

Reaction upon
errors during the
safety self-test

Active state: Fault situation: Reaction upon

STO Illegal start of the SSt by the PLC: Guard doors not closed MC, CC wait
STO Illegal start of the SSt by the PLC: Not all drives had been SS1F initiated by
switched off by the MC after the brake test before the SSt CC
(alarm code of the CC: C037)
STO Emergency-stop circuit not closed MC, CC wait
STO Request that the chain of normally-closed contacts is not SS1F initiated by
closed (alarm code of the CC: E001) MC, CC
STO Request that the chain of normally-closed contacts is not SS1F initiated by
open (alarm code of the CC: E001) MC, CC
STO The guard doors are not closed during the safety self-test MC, CC wait
STO CVO key active before such a request is placed. The MC waits
message "Switch off external dc voltage" is displayed.
STO CVO key is not pressed after "Switch on external dc MC, CC wait
voltage" prompt
SOS During the SSt, SOS is active on the MC and CC, unless SS0 initiated by
you activate STO for test purposes. If SOS is active, then a MC, CC
safe operating stop is watched for. However, only the path
is monitored, but not the speeds.
STO MC does not test the motor brake control although the SS1F initiated by
parameter setting requires it CC
STO Error during test of motor brake control SS1F initiated by
NM Limit values for the safe operating stop (SOS) exceeded MC requires that a
during test of motor brake control safe position be
moved to
STO No machine operating key may be pressed MC, CC wait
STO Error while switching on all spindle power modules via a SS1F initiated by
global signal. The power modules do not report readiness MC, CC
within 10 seconds.
STO Error while switching on all axis power modules via a global SS1F initiated by
signal. The power modules do not report readiness within MC, CC
10 seconds.
STO Error while switching off all spindle power modules via a SS1F initiated by
global signal STOS.AG. The power modules are still ready MC, CC
although the time in SMP2172 has expired.

86 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

STO Error while switching off all axis power modules via a global SS1F initiated by
signal STO.AG. The power modules are still ready although MC, CC
the time in SMP2172 has expired.
STO Error during axis-specific switch-on of the power modules. SS1F initiated by
The power modules do not report readiness within 10 MC, CC
STO Error during axis-specific switch-off of the power modules SS1F initiated by
via STO.A.x and STO.B.x. The power modules are still MC, CC
ready although the time in SMP2172 has expired.
STO Error while checking the internal watchdogs during the SS1F initiated by
self-test MC, CC; MC aborts

July 2011 4.8 Description of the Safety/Monitoring Functions 87

4.9 Special Features of Software Version 606 42x-01
The first software versions for functional safety of the iTNC 530 HSCI do not
include the full range of features necessary to provide functional safety for all
machine models.


Before planning a machine with functional safety, please inform yourself of

whether the current scope of functional safety features suffices for your
machine design.

Your contact person at HEIDENHAIN will be glad to answer any questions

concerning the iTNC 530 HSCI with functional safety.
The current constraints and specifics are listed below:
Switching of safe machine parameters (SMPs)
For reasons of safety, safe machine parameters cannot be switched or
changed without entering the OEM password. The changes do not become
active until the OEM password has been entered. Also, if safe machine
parameters are changed, a partial acceptance test is required. This mechanism
in software version 606 42x-01 prevents you from switching between
different parameter sets of safe machine parameters. This mechanism has the
following consequences:
„ Exchanging axes while the PWM output remains the same is not possible
„ Interchangeable heads cannot be realized at present
It is possible, however, to create a parameter set for a maximum configuration
of the machine. Axes can then be activated or deactivated via MP10. This is
possible without the OEM password, but it requires rebooting the control and
checking the switched axis (axes) again. This means that the deactivation/
activation of optional axes or indexing fixtures is possible. Save the maximum
configuration in the safe machine parameters. Then use MP10 to switch the
Master-slave-torque and gantry modes
In software 606 42x-01, only the master axis can be configured as a safe axis.
The slave axis must be configured as a non-safe axis. As a result, all safety
functions for axis monitoring are active only for the master axis.
The master axis is switched off via two channels (by the SKERN MC and
SKERN CC). The slave axis is switched off once by the SKERN MC (STO.A.x
signal), and also through the standard functions of the NC software in the MC
and CC. The CC also uses the STO.B.x PWM interface signal.
Brake test
See "Brake test for synchronized axes" on page 7 – 168
Master-slave operation is nevertheless possible, depending on the machine
design. The machine tool builder is responsible for the implementation.

88 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

This absolutely requires that the master axis and the slave axis be firmly
connected with each other via a mechanical connection. All movements of the
slave axis must always affect the master axis. Problems of the slave axis (such
as axis "runaway") can then be detected by the FS monitoring functions of the
master axis as long as the master axis is not in the STO state. No safe
monitoring functions are active while the STO safety function is active. In the
STO state, movements of the slave are detected by the normal NC software
(e.g. following-error monitoring of the master), and not by functional safety.


The machine tool builder's risk analysis of the master-slave axes must
ensure that the master axis and the slave axis are mechanically firmly
connected with each other, and that the motor holding brake of the master
axis suffices as motor holding brake for the synchronized axes.

The risk analysis of the synchronized master-slave axes must prove whether
this type of master-slave operation is sufficient for the safety design of the
C-axis operation
This version of the FS software does not yet support safe C-axis operation. It
is not possible to operate an axis and a spindle alternately with a common
Traverse ranges
Switching the traverse range with MP100.x does not affect functional safety.
Machine parameter MP100.x is used to operate axes alternately as NC or PLC
axes. The SKERN derives this axis status solely from the entry in MP100.0.
The indices of MP100.x can only be used to switch the standard functions of
the NC software. For the SKERN the configuration in MP100.0 remains
decisive. In software version 606 42x-01, the safety-related examination of the
axes is inextricably linked to MP100.0. Therefore, the safety-related
examination of an axis always remains the same. PLC axes are sometimes
subject to more stringent safety requirements (e.g. movement possible only
in connection with permissive button or key).
Safe traverse-range switchover with MP100.x is not possible if software
version 606 42x-01 is being used.

July 2011 4.9 Special Features of Software Version 606 42x-01 89

Alternating table operation
Here, you must first remember the constraints regarding the ranges of
traverse. For alternating table operation, an axis (e.g. two rotary tables as
"A axis" and "a axis", respectively) must usually be operated alternately as NC
axis and PLC axis. This switchover is still possible for the NC software, but not
for the safety-related examination of the axis. Also, in functional safety, this
axis must be defined in a separate axis group. As a result, for example, the
axes X, Y, Z must be configured in an axis group for NC axes, and the two
rotary tables (A axes) must also each be defined in a separate axis group. This
results in three axis groups.
This leads to a problem if the axis group of the NC axes and one of the two
A-axis groups are to be interpolated and moved together. The problem is
caused by the "Protection against unexpected start-up" safety function.
The "Protection against unexpected start-up" function sets an axis group
consisting of axes to the SOS status, and an axis group consisting of spindles
to the STO status (as a result of an SS2 reaction, configurable via SMP549.x)
if the axes/spindles of this axis group are not moved for more than three
seconds. Once the axes of this axis group are in the STO state, this state
cannot be left automatically anymore.
The NC axes and the A axis are in two separate axis groups. In an NC program
it is not unusual that especially the A axis is at a standstill for more than three
seconds, and this results in the "Protection against unexpected start-up"
function becoming active. Later in NC program run, however, the A axis
should be moved again, which is then no longer possible. The same problem
occurs with an SS2 reaction (deceleration along the contour). In this case,
standstill monitoring may prevent you from moving up to the end of the
Version 606 42x-01 of the FS software does not support alternating table
operation if the different axis groups are to be interpolated and moved

90 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

EnDat 2.2
Version 606 42x-01 of the FS software does not support EnDat 2.2 encoders.
This applies to all EnDat 2.2 encoders with or without functional safety (FS).

Non-HEIDENHAIN inverters
The use of modules from Siemens' SIMODRIVE 611 power module product
family or other non-HEIDENHAIN inverters has not been approved for the
integrated functional safety!

Spindles with gear ranges

Spindles with gear ranges and only one motor encoder (single-encoder
system) are not supported. Spindles with a gear ratio (one or more than one
gear range) can be used as safe spindles only if they have a motor encoder and
a position encoder. The position encoder must be mounted behind the
gearbox or the transmission so that it returns the actual speed of the spindle,
i.e. of the tool.

Variable gear ratio

Safe axes with a variable gear ratio in MP1054.x (distance per motor
revolution) cannot be operated with software version 606 42x-01. A variable
gear ratio is a formula in MP1054.x, which does not provide a constant factor
as the result.

July 2011 4.9 Special Features of Software Version 606 42x-01 91

4.10 Requirements the Application Must Meet
The machine tool builder uses the basic circuit diagrams as a basis for wiring.
This is a non-binding proposal, and must be adapted by the customer to the
requirements of the machine that he uses. The machine tool builder is
autonomously responsible for adhering to the relevant standards and safety
It is imperative that the following requirements be fulfilled:
„ The normally closed contacts of all relays with safety-relevant functions
must be wired to the chain of normally closed contacts. The chains of
normally closed contacts are checked when the control is switched on.
„ The brakes must be controlled via two channels. In the HEIDENHAIN design
this occurs by switching off the motor holding brakes via two channels.
„ The temporal demands placed on the safety functions must be checked on
the machine and documented.
„ A comprehensive test of all safety-relevant functions must be performed
before commissioning. The results of this functional test must be
„ The safety self-test, including the test of the motor brakes and motor brake
control, must be repeated within no more than 168 hours.
„ For each specific machine, a calculation of the safety characteristic numbers
is to be performed in accordance with ISO 13849-1 for all components used,
including external safety components.
„ When installing and operating HEIDENHAIN components, please refer to
the Technical Manual of the respective control as well as to the "Inverter
Systems and Motors" Technical Manual.

The following encoder configurations can be used on HEIDENHAIN control
systems with functional safety in order to monitor safe axes:
„ Two-encoder systems (speed and position encoders) with analog encoder
signals (1 VPP, EnDat 2.1)
„ Single-encoder systems (speed encoder) with analog encoder signals
(1 VPP, EnDat 2.1)
„ Single-encoder systems (speed encoder) with certified EnDat 2.2
FS encoder (as soon as these are supported)
„ Two-encoder systems (speed and position encoders) with EnDat 2.2
encoders without certified encoder or with certified EnDat 2.2 FS encoder
(as soon as these are supported)

92 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety


External devices used in safety functions of the control must meet the
following requirements:
„ Safety contactor combinations (SCC) or corresponding devices
Only devices that correspond to EN ISO 13849-1 Category 3,
Performance Level d or EN 61508 SIL 2 may be used as safety contactor
combinations (SCC) or corresponding devices (e.g. safety-relevant PLC).
„ Safety relays
Only devices that correspond to EN ISO 13849-1 Category 3,
Performance Level d and EN 61508 SIL 2 and have a positively-driven
normally closed relay contact may be used as safety relays.
„ Encoders
The control system with FS performs plausibility checks in order to
detect faults in encoders. However, the plausibility checks can detect
faults only if the drive moves. But, in the SOS safety function, the drive
is kept in its current position, and there is no movement. If the
connection between the drive and the encoder loosens at this point in
time, this fault cannot be detected by the control system.
For safe axes/spindles with a single-encoder system, this results in the
following requirement for the encoder used:
Use only encoders for which the loosening of the connection between
the drive and encoder at standstill is ruled out. The encoder manufacturer
must be able to exclude the "loosening of the mechanical coupling" fault
for the chosen encoder. The "mechanical coupling" characteristic value
provides information on the "loosening of the mechanical connection"
Dual-encoder systems and non-safe axes/spindles are not affected by
this requirement.

July 2011 4.10 Requirements the Application Must Meet 93

4.11 Remaining Risks
Please keep the following in mind in addition to the information given in
chapter (2–14) 2:
„ If the machine is switched off via the main switch and wired as suggested
in the basic circuit diagram, the main contactor of the UV(R) power supply
unit is switched off through the leading main-switch contact. This results in
the immediate switch-off of the PWM pulses to the inverters. The torque is
removed from the axes and spindles, and the available holding brakes of the
drives are activated at the same time. The delay times caused by the wiring
and the brake relays can lead to a a slight sagging of hanging axes until the
holding brakes engage.
This causes a problem only if the machine is switched off via the main
switch while the drives are in closed-loop control.
„ If an inverter is defective, in rare cases this can lead to the drives being no
longer controlled. The torque is removed from the axes and spindles. The
delay times until the detection of the failure can lead to a a slight sagging of
hanging axes until the holding brakes engage.
This causes a problem only if the defect occurs while the drives are in
closed-loop control.

94 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

5 Safety-Related MPs and Signals

5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs)

A machine parameter is safety-relevant if it has an effect on the safety-related
software, and therefore on the safety of the machine. SMPs are firmly linked
with the safety-related software. They are monitored via a checksum and can
be changed only after entering a separate code number and the OEM
password (see page 5–99).
The input values of the safe machine parameters are defined and entered
during commissioning of the machine.
The safe machine parameters are protected from unauthorized changes to
ensure that the safety of the machine is not endangered. For this purpose, a
machine parameter file (*.mpl) containing the machine parameters to be
protected is defined in the PLC:\OEM.SYS file using the MPLOCKFILE = ...
keyword. These parameters are specified in the same way as in a normal
machine parameter file, except that no values are assigned.
The MPLOCKFILE indicates the MPs that require the corresponding code
number in order to be edited. The machine tool builder can add any number of
MPs to the MPLOCKFILE in order to protect them from being changed by the
end user. MPs that have been added by the OEM can be edited without
entering the OEM password.
However, only the SMPs that have been defined as such by HEIDENHAIN are
used for generating the checksum for SMPs. This is an internal list of machine
parameters that cannot be edited by the machine tool builder. You will find a
list of these machine parameters on page 5–99 ff. If one of these MPs is
changed, the control reboots. The OEM password must be entered for the
new machine parameter value to go into effect. Then a partial acceptance test
must be performed.


„ The machine parameter file for SMPs, *.MPL ("MPLOCKFILE"), must be

activated in the OEM.SYS file.
„ The machine tool builder is autonomously responsible for any changes to
the *.MPL file ("MPLOCKFILE").
Changes can lead to the loss of safety!

After entering the code number 95148 or in the Machine parameter

programming mode of operation, you can only edit the machine parameters
that are not contained in the MPLOCKFILE file. Safety-related controls from
HEIDENHAIN contain the default entry MPLOCKFILE = PLC\mp\SGMP.MPL in the
OEM.SYS file. This MPLOCKFILE contains all machine parameters that are relevant
for the safety of the machine, and can have any desired name. The file
extension *.mpl is important, however. SMPs are indicated by color in the MP

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 95

The following code numbers and the OEM password control the access rights
to MPs and SMPs in the iTNC 530:
„ Entry of the code number 95148 or 984651 if no MPLOCKFILE is present
Reading and editing of all machine parameters. Since there is no
MPLOCKFILE, there are no SMPs. The code number 95148 or 984651 can be
changed using the token MPPASSWORD in the OEM.SYS file. After that, the
code number 95148 or 984651 only gives you read access to the MP file.
„ Entry of code number 95148 if MPLOCKFILE is present
Reading and editing of all machine parameters that are not listed in
MPLOCKFILE. The machine parameters of MPLOCKFILE can only be read, not
edited. This code number cannot be changed if MPLOCKFILE is present, and
is therefore always valid.
„ Entry of code number 984651 and MPPASSWORD if MPLOCKFILE is
Reading and editing of all machine parameters and safety-related machine
parameters (MPs in MPLOCKFILE). After the control has been rebooted, any
changes to the SMPs must be confirmed by entering the OEM password.
You can change this code number by means of the keyword MPPASSWORD =
in the OEM.SYS file to protect the machine parameters of MPLOCKFILE from
unauthorized changes. This renders 984651 invalid for the changing of MPs.
After that, the code number 984651 will only give you read access to the
machine parameters of MPLOCKFILE.
„ OEM password 5038167 and SGMPCHANGE
After SMPs have been edited and the control has been rebooted, the OEM
password must be entered to confirm the changes.
You must change this OEM password by means of the keyword SGMPCHANGE
= in the OEM.SYS file to protect the SMPs from unauthorized changes! This
will render 5038167 invalid.


The password 5038167 must be changed during commissioning of the

machine in order to protect the machine parameters of MPLOCKFILE and the
SMPs from unauthorized changes!

The message Safe machine parameters have been edited. Run a partial
acceptance test! can appear if an acceptance test of the machine parameters
has already been performed (i.e. a valid checksum is stored), but one or more
than one SMP was changed later on.

96 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

This message displays a list of the SMPs that have been changed. Use this list
to check whether the safe machine parameters contained are those safe
machine parameters you changed deliberately. For the changes to go into
effect, enter the OEM password.


Only the machine tool builder is permitted to load edited SMPs by entering
the OEM password that is known to him (e.g. for optimizing the MPs).
Changing any SMPs necessitates a partial acceptance test!

The end user cannot put the control fully into service after changing SMPs,
because he does not know the OEM password. If an incorrect password is
entered or password entry is canceled, the control returns to the Power
Interrupted state.
The following procedure is used to edit SMPs:
The (edited) SMP parameter set is transmitted to the SKERN. The SKERN
compares the checksum of the new SMP parameter set with the checksum
saved for the last valid SMP parameter set (= reference SMP parameter set).
If the checksum is the same, the control goes into normal operation.
If the checksum has changed, you are prompted by a dialog to perform a
partial or complete acceptance test. You must confirm this by entering the
OEM password and pressing the permissive key.

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 97

Then the SKERN checks for all SMPs whether an SMP has changed compared
to its reference SMP parameter set. Each comparison is used to create a list
of SMPs that require a partial acceptance test to be performed. After the PLC
and the SPLC have been started, the SKERN prompts you to confirm for every
SMP in the list of edited SMPs that you will perform a partial acceptance test
for this SMP. To confirm the prompt, press the permissive key. After all SMPs
in the list have been confirmed, the new checksum of the edited SMPs is
loaded and saved in non-volatile memory.


You must perform the partial or complete acceptance test as prompted by

the control!

If an SMP has been edited and the OEM password is not available, the SMPs
can be corrected to the original value in the Programming and Editing mode
of operation by pressing the MOD soft key and then entering the code number
984651 or, if applicable, by using the password defined in OEM.SYS >
MPPASSWORD= .... There is also the possibility of using the code number to
reimport and reactivate an SMP set (from the manufacturer) matching the
checksum via the file system (with the PGM MGT soft key). Changes made to
machine parameters in the meantime by the end user, however, will be lost
during this process.
The (S)MP set defined by you during commissioning of the machine must be
supplied together with the machine when the machine is shipped.
Start-up of the control is successful only if the active SMPs match a checksum
saved in the control.


„ Operator protection must be the most important criterion in defining the

SMP values. Therefore, the parameterizable tolerances, limit values and
delay times must be determined during commissioning depending on the
requirements of the machine, and must be optimized regarding operator
„ After the acceptance test, you must remove all invalid (old) machine
parameter files from the hard disk (so as to avoid old data from being
confused with new data).
The current data that corresponds to the acceptance test must be saved.

98 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Safe machine
SMP (iTNC 530): SMP511
Description: Time until the safety self-test. A test of the
HEIDENHAIN control components must be
performed after no more than 168 hours.
Input: 1 to 10080 [min]
Default value: 10080 minutes = 168 hours

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP525.x

Description: Default time for stopping the axes along the
emergency braking ramp upon SS1 reaction (axis-
Input: 0.000 to 10.000 [s]
Default value: 1 [s]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP526.x

Description: Default time for stopping the spindles along the
emergency braking ramp upon SS1 reaction (axis-
Input: 0.000 to 10.000 [s]
Default value: 1 [s]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP527.x

Description: Default time for controlled stopping of the axes upon
SS2 reaction (axis-specific)
Input: 0.000 to 10.000 [s]
Default value: 1 [s]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP528.x

Description: Default time for controlled stopping of the spindles
upon SS2 reaction (axis-specific)
Input: 0.000 to 10.000 [s]
Default value: 1 [s]

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 99

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP530.x
Description: Delay time for dv/dt monitoring
Input: 0.000 to 10.000 [s]
Default value: 0.030 [s]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP535.x

Description: Run times of the max. 16 timers for the SPLC program
Input: 0.0 to 1 000 000.0 [s]
Default value: 0 [s]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP540.x

Description: Limit value for the "safely limited speed" (SLS) of the
axes in safe operating mode 3 (SOM_3)
Input: 0 to 5000 [mm/min] or [°/min]
Default value: 2000 [mm/min] or [°/min]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP541

Description: Limit value for the "safely limited speed" (SLS) of the
spindle in safe operating mode 3 (SOM_3); MP560=0
Input: 0 to 6000 [rpm]
Default value: 500 [rpm]


The speed limit values for the axes and spindle are defined in
EN 12417:2007 for the different safety-related operating modes.

100 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP545.x
Description: Axis-specific limit value for standstill monitoring in
SOS state
Input: 0.001 to 30.000 [mm] or [°]
Default value: 0.500 [mm] or [°]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP547.x

Description: Axis-specific limit value for safely limited increment
Input: 0.001 to 10.000 [mm] or [°]
Default value: 2.000 [mm] or [°]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP549.x

Description: Axis-specific configuration defining whether the
spindle (like the axes) is to be switched to SOS
instead of STO upon SS2 reaction (used for lathes).
Only active via spindle stop key.
Input: 0: Default (spindle in STO, axes in SOS)
1: Axes and spindles in STO upon SS2
2: Axes and spindles in SOS upon SS2
Default value: 0

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP550.x

Description: Axis-specific limit value for maximum permissible
path upon SS2 reaction.
Input: 0.0010 to 100.0000 [mm] or [°]
Default value: 0.500 [mm] or [°]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP551.x

Description: Limit value for the "safely limited speed (SLS)" spindle
speed in safe operating mode 4 (SOM_4);
(MP560 bit 0=1 and code number).
Input: 0 to 6000 [rpm]
Default value: 500 [rpm]

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 101

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP552.x
Description: Limit value for the "safely limited speed (SLS)" axis
feed rate in safe operating mode 4 (SOM_4);
(MP560 bit 0=1 and code number).
Input: 0 to 5000 [mm/min]
Default value: 2000 [mm/min]


The speed limit values for the axes and spindles are defined in
EN 12417:2007 for the various safety-related operating modes.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP555.x

Description: Display mode for rotary axes. The modulo value must
be entered for the respective axis in MP810.x, too.
Input: 0.0000 to 99 999.9999 [°]
0 = no modulo display
(software limit switches active)
Value = modulo value
(software limit switches inactive)

102 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety


The machine tool builder is autonomously responsible for activating

additional functions via machine parameter MP560!
If bits are set in MP560 (bit x=1), and therefore additional functions become
active, the safety of the machine no longer complies with the requirements
of EN 12417!
The safety functions comply with EN 12417 only if all additional functions
of MP560 are deactivated (bit x = 0)!

The following dangers require special awareness:

Increased risk in safe operating mode 4 (SOM_4) (MP560, bit 0):

Higher spindle speeds and feed rates are possible.
The permissive button or key must be pressed only for spindle start, after
that the spindle runs without the permissive button or key being held down.
There is a risk of injury by accidental contact with the spindle!
The machine tool builder must check whether this special mode can be
permitted for machine operation.
Danger during self-test with open guard doors (MP560, bit 1):
If the commutation angle is measured incorrectly after power ON, there is
a risk of rapid and uncontrolled axis movements during the first drive
enabling (motor is uncontrollable).
If the guard door is open, the operator may suffer injuries from flying parts!
Danger during brake test with open guard doors (MP560, bit 1):
The sagging of hanging axes cannot be ruled out.
If the guard door is open, the operator may suffer injuries (crushing hazard
/ danger of collision)!
Unexpected start-up resulting from closing the guard door (MP560,
bit 2):
Closing the guard door can lead to an unexpected start-up. The
requirements of EN ISO 12100-2 must be complied with.
EN 12417 does not permit an unexpected start-up!
Potential loss of dual-channel controllability of motor holding brakes
due to deactivation of brake control test / short-circuit test (MP560,
bit 3):
Malfunction of the motor holding brake is detected too late.
The sagging of hanging axes cannot be ruled out.
Potential loss of safety due to deactivation of self-test (MP560, bit 4):
The maximum time for testing the cutout channels can be exceeded.
If a fault has caused the failure of the cutout channel during this time period,
this will not be detected.

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 103

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560.x
Description: The machine tool builder is autonomously responsible
for additional functions.
Input: %xxxxx

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 0

Description: 1 = Enabling of safe operating mode 4 (SOM_4);
Permissive key of MB only required for spindle or NC
start. Also, max. spindle speed (MP551.x) and max.
axis feed rates (MP552.x) can be set separately for

Increased risk in safe operating mode 4 (SOM_4):
Higher spindle speeds and feed rates are possible.
Permissive button or key must be pressed for
spindle start. The machine tool builder must check
whether operating mode 4 can be permitted for
machine operation.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 1

Description: 1 = During the safety self-test the guard doors do not
need to be closed.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 2 - not in software version 606 42x-01
Description: 1 = NC start is possible via the PLC by closing the axis/
spindle guard door after external stop state and S=0.

Unexpected start-up resulting from closing the
guard door. The requirements of EN ISO 12100-2
must be complied with!

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 3

Description: 1 = The brake control test is not performed (see page

104 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 4 - not in software version 606 42x-01
Description: 1 = No stop2 reaction when the time from MP511
(time by which cutout channel test must be run) has
expired, the test has not been run and the guard door
T is opened.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 5 - not in software version 606 42x-01
Description: 1 = Measurement of current is inactive during safety

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 6

Description: 1 = Test of axis-specific switch-off via PWM output
STO.B.x is not possible (two axes on one interface
PCB with OR gate). All axes are switched off
collectively at the same time.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 7 - not in software version 606 42x-01
Description: 1 = Permissive button of handwheel is only required
for spindle start or NC start in operating mode 4
(SOM_4). The permissive button on the handwheel
does not need to be held down continuously. This
means the behavior is the same as on the machine
operating panel. Only possible if operating mode 4 is
active (bit 0 = 1).

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 8

Description: 1 = There is no wiring of –STO.A.G and –STOS.A.G to
the safety relays in the power modules. Switch-off of
the power modules over the signals –STO.A.G and –
STOS.A.G is not checked in the safety self-test.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 9 - not in software version 606 42x-01
Description: 1 = In the El. Handwheel mode of operation the
simultaneous movement of several axes is permitted,
e.g. for compensation movements (only relevant in
SOM_3, SOM_4).

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 10- not in software version 606 42x-01
Description: Reserved for future functions

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 11—dv/dt monitoring of the spindle

during SS1 reaction
Description: 1 = dv/dt monitoring of the spindle during SS1
reaction not active. Only for commissioning purposes!
Monitoring must be reactivated after commissioning
(bit 11 = 0).

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 105

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP560 bit 12 - Test checking whether safe outputs
can be switched off
Description: 1 = Test checking whether safe outputs can be
switched off is not active. Only for modules that do
not support the test! The test must be reactivated
after exchanging the affected modules (bit 12 = 0).

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP585.x

Description: Inverted PLC inputs of the A channel (max. 8 inputs).
The inputs are inverted before the logical AND gating
of the input information (see page 6–144).
Input: PLC operand address, e.g. 63

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP586.x

Description: Inverted PLC inputs of the B channel (max. 8 inputs).
The inputs are inverted before the logical AND gating
of the input information (see page 6–144).
Input: PLC operand address, e.g. 63

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP587.x

Description: PLC inputs tested with forced dynamic sampling. The
power must therefore be supplied via –TEST.A and –
TEST.B. The power is supplied via the test output of
the corresponding SPL on which the input is located
(max. 16 inputs).
Input: PLC operand address, e.g. 63

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP590.x

Description: Limit value for the axis speed in "safely limited speed"
(SLS) mode in SOM_2
Input: 0 to 2000 [mm/min]
Default value: 2000 [mm/min]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP591

Description: Limit value for the spindle speed in "safely limited
speed" (SLS) mode in SOM_2
Input: 0 to 6000 [rpm]
Default value: 500 [rpm]


The speed limit values for the axes and spindle are defined in
EN 12417:2007 for the different safety-related operating modes.

106 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP600.x
Description: Assignment of axes to axis groups
Input: Number of axis group
0 to 7
–1: Axis group for non-safe axes

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP601.x

Description: Assignment of spindles to axis groups
Input: 0 to 7
–1: Axis group for non-safe spindles


Keep the input values in SMP641.x and SMP642.x as small as possible so

that incorrect positioning can be detected as early as possible.

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP641.x

Description: Maximum permissible position deviation for the
actual/nominal monitoring-of-position-values safety
Input: 0.000 to 30.000 [mm] or [°]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP642.x

Description: Maximum permissible position deviation between:
„ The currently determined reference position and
the last position saved in the SKERN during the
reference run of the axes
„ The position in the SKERN and the value in
SMP646.x during the test of the axis
Input: 0.000 to 30.000 [mm] or [°]
Default value: 1 [mm] or [°]

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 107

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP646.x
Description: Position at which the operator can check the
agreement of the actual position with the position
values used internally (position of the marking)
Input: –99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] or [°]

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP650.x

Description: Positive absolute position limit values (SLP)
Input: –99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] or [°]
Input value relative to the machine datum

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP670.x

Description: Negative absolute position limit values (SLP)
Input: –99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] or [°]
Input value relative to the machine datum

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP690

Description: Deactivation of CRC check of the SPLC program. This
must only be done while commissioning the control.
Input: 0: CRC check is active
1: CRC check is inactive

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP691.0

Description: Checksum through SPLC program's intermediate

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP691.1

Description: MC checksum through SPLC program's binary code

108 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP691.2
Description: CC checksum through SPLC program's binary code

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP693

Description: Version of the SPLC-API used to create the SPLC
Input: Numerical value that corresponds to the API version
used (e.g. 100 for version 1.00)

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP1054.x

Description: Linear distance of one motor revolution [mm or °]

Input: Analog axes: No function

Digital axes: Entry of a formula possible

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP2172

Description: Delay time for inhibiting inverter enabling (delayed
watchdog of MC for safe status signal –
Delay time for removing the enabling of the inverter in
the event of serious faults detected by the control
(leading to an internal emergency stop)
Input: 0 to 60 [s] as an integer
0: 3 [s] as default value

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP2230.x

Description: Multiplier for motor current during test of motor brake
Input: 0.1 to 30.0 [· motor stall current]
0: No test of motor brakes, or motor without motor
holding brakes

SMP (iTNC 530): SMP2232.x

Description: Maximum permissible path during test of motor
Input: 0 to 10.0000 [mm] or [°]

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 109

Further machine parameters are included in the checksum in addition to the
above-mentioned safe machine parameters, and any changes to them require
entering the OEM password. Also, changing the value of certain machine
parameters causes the control to reboot. The table below provides an
overview of the affected machine parameters and their behavior:

Machine Meaning Reboot OEM

parameter password

MP10 Active axes Yes (if an axis is No


MP12 Axes in demo mode Yes Yes

MP100 Assignment of axis designation Yes Yes

MP108 Assignment of axes to drive-control Yes Yes


MP109 Assignment of spindles to drive-control Yes Yes


MP110 Assignment of position encoder inputs to axes Yes (if change No

to/from value 0)

MP111 Assignment of position encoder inputs to Yes No


MP120 Assignment of nominal speed value outputs to Yes Yes


MP121 Assignment of nominal speed value outputs to Yes Yes


MP130 y index of the machine parameters MP2xxx.y Yes Yes

for the axes

MP131 y index of the machine parameters MP2xxx.y Yes Yes

for the spindle in operating mode 0

MP210 Counting direction of position encoder signals Yes Yes

MP331 MP331 = Distance for the counting pulses from Yes Yes
The signal period (automatically calculated by
the TNC) = MP331 / MP332

MP332 Number of counting pulses in the distance from Yes Yes


SMP5xx For description, see list above Yes Yes

SMP6xx For description, see list above Yes Yes

110 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Machine Meaning Reboot OEM
parameter password

MP1054 Linear distance of one motor revolution Yes Yes

MP2172 Delay time for removing the enabling of the Yes Yes
inverter in the event of serious faults detected
by the control (leading to an internal emergency

MP2200 Type of axis motors Yes Yes

MP2230 Test of motor holding brakes: Factor for motor Yes Yes
stall current

MP3140 Counting direction of encoder signals for Yes Yes


MP3142 Line count of the rotary encoder on the spindle Yes Yes

MP3210 Motor revolutions at rated speed Yes Yes

MP3510 Rated speed for gear ranges Yes Yes

July 2011 5.1 Safety-Related Machine Parameters (SMPs) 111

5.2 SMP Commissioning


„ In all safe machine parameters, you must always enter values that ensure
that there is no danger to the operator.
„ Monitoring functions that initiate an SS0 reaction if an error occurs must
be examined particularly carefully, and must already be parameterized
appropriately during the commissioning phase. Axes and spindles
without mechanical motor holding brakes coast to a stop after an SS0.

A suitable analysis of the machine and the individual axes/spindles by the

machine tool builder results—due to standards and directives—in
requirements to be fulfilled by the safety functions, and compliance with these
requirements is mandatory.
The limit values to be maintained must be determined by the machine tool
builder in a machine-specific risk analysis.
The machine must be configured such that the requirements resulting from
the standards and directives for safety functions are always met. The machine
tool builder must first consider the machine's limit values and reaction times
to be maintained so as to prevent any danger to persons. These
considerations and values result in safety functions, safe machine parameters
and the SPLC program. The hardware of the machine (e.g. servo drives, power
modules) and the software (e.g. normal machine parameters, PLC program)
must be designed and configured such that the limit values and reaction times
are always observed.

Limit values for SLS The limit values for SLS in the SMPs are axis-specific values.
Limit values for axes
The limit values for the axes must be set such that, even during interpolating
movements with multiple axes, the resulting contour speed is less than the
permissible speed limit value specified in the standard EN 12417.
Limit values for spindles
In the safety-related operating modes, the SMPs for the maximum
permissible spindle speed must be set such that the spindle comes to a stop
within no more than the number of revolutions specified by EN 12417 when
an SS1 reaction is initiated. When determining the maximum permissible
spindle speeds, you have to take into account that the behavior of the spindle
may vary depending on the different tools and the existing gear ranges or wye/
delta switchover. It must be ensured that in the worst case the spindle comes
to a stop within no more than the specified number of revolutions. You must
also keep in mind that the weight or center of gravity differs from tool to tool,
for example.

112 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP525, SMP526 Default time for axis-specific stopping along the emergency braking ramp
upon an SS1 reaction. The braking ramp for SS1 is defined in MP2590
(emergency braking ramp), which is not an SMP.
The machine parameters SMP525 and SMP526 monitor the braking process
of an SS1 reaction. The SS1 reaction is defined such that the drives are
switched to the STO state (switched off) at the end. This presupposes that the
respective brake of the axis (SBC safety function) is active. Therefore, the time
set in SMP525 and SMP526 must also include the time until the brake
becomes active (= overlap time for braking). An emergency stop is one of the
causes that initiate an SS1 reaction.
When the SS1 reaction starts, monitoring timers with the default time defined
in SMP525.x for the axes and in SMP526.x for the spindles are started in the
MC and CC. The axes or spindles must come to a stop within this time,
otherwise an SS0 is initiated by the SKERN.
The braking time of an SS1 reaction (entry in SMP525/526) must be greater
than the time needed for electrical braking of the axis/spindle in the worst
case. Especially for axes/spindles without mechanical brake, you must ensure
that the time entered is greater than the maximum possible braking time for
the axis/spindle.
A response of the monitoring function leads to an SS0, i.e. immediate pulse
switch-off. Non-decelerated axes/spindles coast to a stop after pulse switch-
off. In the worst case, this can cause damage to the machine. Specific
operating conditions of the machine, such as maximum feed rate, overload on
the axes, etc., must therefore also be taken into account in the time setting.


A response of the monitoring function (SMP525, SMP526) leads to an SS0.

Axes and spindles that do not have mechanical motor holding brakes coast
to a stop.

The time for SMP525/526 consists of:

SMP525 = Maximum required braking time until standstill + overlap time for
braking (MP2308) + time until there is no more holding current (50 ms) +
70 ms
An SS1 reaction can be initiated while the guard doors are open or closed. The
"maximum required braking time until standstill" must therefore be determined
independently of the safety-related SOM_x operating modes, taking into
account the axis-specific maximum possible feed rate in the AUTO state if the
guard doors are closed. The value for the "maximum required braking time
until standstill" is determined from the machine tool builder's axis-specific risk
analysis. Operator protection is the highest priority in determining the values.
In the further configuration of the individual axes (e.g. jerk, acceleration), you
must ensure that the time in SMP525.x/SMP526.x is maintained.
Please also note the description of the SS1 reaction and the setting of the
emergency braking ramp (see page 4–51). The emergency braking ramp must
also be set independently of the SOM_x safety-related operating modes,
taking into account the axis-specific maximum possible feed rate in the AUTO
state if the guard doors are closed.

July 2011 5.2 SMP Commissioning 113

After any changes to MP2590, you must check whether the timer monitoring
(safety function) for SS1 is exceeded. If this occurs in the relevant worst-case
scenario, then the setting for the braking ramp must be changed again.
Changing the absolute values of the SMP is not permitted. Entries in SMPs
are permanently defined, based on the risk analysis, and may not be
retroactively changed for specific machine functions.
Example: Less steep SS1 ramp via MP2590
„ Timer monitoring for SS1 reaction responds
„ Unwanted reaction by the SKERN
„ Correct reaction: The SS1 ramp must be made steeper again

SMP527, SMP528 Default time for controlled stopping upon SS2 reaction (axis-specific). The
braking ramp for SS2 is defined in MP1060 (braking ramp), which is not an
When the SS2 reaction starts, monitoring timers with the default time defined
in SMP527.x for the axes and SMP528.x for the spindles are started in the MC
and CC. Axes and spindles must come to a stop within this time, otherwise an
SS1 is initiated by the SKERN.
An SS2 reaction can be initiated while the guard doors are open or closed. The
value for SMP 527.x/SMP 528.x must therefore be determined independently
of the SOM_x safety-related operating modes, taking into account the axis-
specific maximum possible feed rate in the AUTO state while the guard doors
are closed. The values are determined from the machine tool builder's axis-
specific risk analysis. Operator protection is the highest priority in determining
the values.
In the further configuration of the individual axes (e.g. jerk, acceleration), you
must ensure that the time in SMP527.x/SMP528.x is observed.
Keep in mind that in an SS2 reaction the axes are decelerated along the
contour. The NC axes involved are interpolated and decelerated. Axis-specific
values can be entered in SMP527 and SMP528, but the value of the most
critical axis should be entered as the time for all collectively interpolating axes.
The axis that is the last to come to a standstill or the slowest one to decelerate
is considered to be the most critical axis.
After any changes to MP1060, you must check whether the timer monitoring
(safety function) for SS2 is exceeded. If this occurs in the relevant worst-case
scenario, then the setting for the braking ramp must be changed again.
Changing the absolute values of the SMP is not permitted. Entries in SMPs
are permanently defined, based on the risk analysis, and may not be
retroactively changed for specific machine functions.
Please also note the description of the SS2 reaction on page 4–55.

114 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP530 Delay time for dv/dt monitoring
After the delay time has expired, the dv/dt monitoring function checks
whether the speed of the axis has stopped increasing. Therefore, the axis-
specific delay time must be set such that, from this point on, the acceleration
of the axis actually stops increasing during a normal braking process. To do
this, the axis should be accelerated and an SS1 should be initiated during the
acceleration phase. The time t from the initiation of the SS1 reaction to the
actual deceleration (change in algebraic sign of acceleration) of the axis can be
measured in the oscilloscope of the control:

Values for SMP 530.x

MP530.x = 2 * t

SMP526.x (Spindle) SMP525.x (Axis)

Start of SS1 reaction

The axis-specific value for SMP530.x is derived as follows:

SMP530.x = 2 * t
where: SMP530.x must be less than SMP525.x.
Please note that controller settings can affect the behavior of the dv/dt
monitoring function. Machine parameter SMP530 must be set to a value that
prevents the operator from being exposed to hazardous situations, even in the
worst-case behavior of the machine. You must also keep in mind the varying
workpiece loads on the machine, for example.


A response of the dv/dt monitoring function (SMP530) leads to an SS0.

Axes that do not have mechanical motor holding brakes coast to a stop.

The dv/dt monitoring is a possibility for removing energy from an axis if it has
been determined that an SS1 reaction has failed. The value in SMP530 should
not be parameterized too tightly within the limits resulting from the risk
analysis of the machine. HEIDENHAIN finds the default value of 30 ms to be
most practical. However, this value must be changed if as a result the dv/dt
monitoring responds during regular deceleration procedures.

July 2011 5.2 SMP Commissioning 115

SMP545 Axis-specific limit value for maximum permissible path during standstill
monitoring in SOS state.
If the maximum permissible path defined in SMP545.x (limit value for
standstill monitoring in [mm] or [°]) is exceeded in SOS, while adhering to the
limit values for the spindle speed and axis feed rate, the SS0 safety function
is initiated (see page 4–50).
Operator protection is the highest priority in determining the path limit.
Therefore, an axis-specific risk analysis must be performed. Primarily, "finger
protection" (7-10 mm) must be considered.

SMP550 Axis-specific limit value for maximum permissible path upon SS2 reaction.
Path monitoring is only active in the SOM_2, SOM_3 and SOM_4 operating
modes when the guard doors are open. Therefore, the value for SMP550 must
be set for the greatest permissible SLS in these operating modes.
If the axis-specific maximum permissible path for the SS2 reaction in
SMP550.x is exceeded, the MC and CC initiate the SS1 safety functions
independently of each other (see page 4–51).
The axis-specific limit value must be set such that the permissible total path is
not even exceeded during interpolating movements.
Operator protection is the highest priority in determining the path limit.
Therefore, an axis-specific risk analysis must be performed. Primarily, "finger
protection" (7-10 mm) must be considered.

116 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

SMP630, SMP631 Maximum permissible speed deviation in % for actual/nominal monitoring of
speed values. In SMP632.x (axes) and SMP633.x (spindles) you additionally
define time windows within which the limit values are allowed to be
exceeded. Actual/nominal monitoring of speed values is active, regardless of
the selected safety-related operating mode or the state of the guard doors.
Determine the values for these parameters in the SOM_1 operating mode,
using the feed rates and rotational speeds possible in that operating mode.
The drive dynamics play an important role in setting the permissible speed
deviation. To set these values, consider the nominal speed values (n nominal)
and the actual speed values (n actual) in different applications (e.g. roughing,
finishing). Define the maximum permissible deviation such that it is greater
than the usual differences.
The values in SMP630/SMP631 should not be parameterized too tightly within
the limits resulting from the risk analysis of the machine. HEIDENHAIN finds
a value of 10 % to be most practical. However, this value must be changed if
as a result the nominal/actual value monitoring responds during normal
machine behavior.

SMP632, SMP633 Time window for permissible overshoot of the limit values for nominal/actual
monitoring of speed values. Determine the values for these parameters in the
SOM_1 operating mode, using the feed rates and rotational speeds possible
in that operating mode.
Entry in SMP632.x for feed axes:
Determine the maximum start-up time of the individual axes at the
acceleration set for the axes. From this, you can calculate the value for
SMP632.x as follows:
SMP632.x = start-up time at set acceleration *10
Entry in SMP633.x for spindles:
Determine the maximum reversing time (e.g. from +10000 rpm to –
10000 rpm) of the individual spindles at the acceleration set. From this, you
can calculate the value for SMP633.x as follows:
SMP633.x = reversing time *2
The values in SMP632/SMP633 should not be parameterized too tightly within
the limits resulting from the risk analysis of the machine. HEIDENHAIN finds
a value of 4 seconds to be most practical. However, this value must be
changed if as a result the nominal/actual value monitoring responds during
normal machine behavior.

July 2011 5.2 SMP Commissioning 117

SMP641 Maximum permissible position deviation for the actual/nominal monitoring-of-
position-values safety function This monitoring function is only active if the
guard doors are open; there are no additional delay times.
The value for SMP641.x must be determined depending on the maximum
safely limited speed (SLS) in the SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4 operating mode.
The drive dynamics play an important role in setting the permissible position
deviation. Use the maximum occurring following error of the axis to set this
value. From this, you can calculate the value for SMP641.x as follows:
SMP641.x = maximum occurring following error * 10
However, operator protection always is of the highest priority. For the axes,
you must define the maximum distance the axis is allowed to move without
endangering the operator if the door is open. This value is the maximum value
for SMP641.x. The other, non-safe parameters of the axes must be defined
such that the occurring following error (including reserve) remains below the
value in SMP641.x if the guard door is open.
If the axes are intentionally operated with following error, this does not need
to be taken into account in the value defined in SMP641. The following error
is automatically considered in position-value monitoring.

MP subfiles Switching safe machine parameters (SMPs) via subfiles, editing them without
repeating the acceptance test, and adaptation by the operator are not possible
and not permitted. When using MP subfiles, you must therefore consider the
worst case for the operator in the setting of the SMPs. In all safe machine
parameters, you must enter values that ensure that there is no danger to the
operator. In the further configuration of the control (e.g. jerk, acceleration), you
must ensure that the limit values from the SMPs are observed.
If machine parameters that influence the dynamics of the machine are made
available to the end user, the permissible limits must be documented by the
machine tool builder. Limits for user parameters cannot be defined through
the control!

118 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

5.3 Acceptance Test
The acceptance test of a machine must be performed in accordance with the
position paper DKE-AK 226.03 by the German Commission of Electrical
Engineering (DKE). The safety of the machine is ensured only by the
successful acceptance test of the machine tool.

Complete The complete acceptance test must be performed during the commissioning
acceptance test of a machine, and if changes have been made to the software or hardware.
During a complete acceptance test, all provided safety functions (such as the
compliance with limit values, functions of control units, functions of actuators)
are checked. The fault reaction physically takes effect. The correct functioning
of the safety functions is tested.
The control prompts you to perform a complete acceptance test by displaying
a corresponding warning message. After the acceptance test has been
completed successfully, the warning message should be acknowledged by an
action (e.g. pressing a special key) that is normally not used for
acknowledgment during operation.
The acceptance test must be performed by personnel authorized by the
machine tool builder.
Passing of the complete acceptance test and any modifications must be
documented in a suitable way.

Acceptance test of The complete acceptance test does not need to be repeated for series-
series- manufactured machines if a complete acceptance test has been conducted on
manufactured one of these machines, and the hardware and software version as well as the
machines data of the safety-related parameters (protected against editing) match exactly
those of the tested machine (see VDE 801/A1 AK4).
However, the basic safety functions, such as emergency stop, the
effectiveness of guard door contacts and interlocking devices, etc. must be
tested for every machine. Furthermore, the agreement of the actual position
in the software with a marked reference position (machine datum) must be

Editing individual If changes are made to safety-related machine parameters (SMPs), the partial
SMPs acceptance test must be performed. Only the safety functions affected by the
changes must be checked in this test. The control prompts you to perform the
partial acceptance test by displaying a warning message, and requires
acknowledgment after the test has been performed.

Procedure Upon request HEIDENHAIN can provide you with a possible test procedure as
a basis for the acceptance test for a machine tool. This is a non-binding
proposal, and must be adapted by the machine manufacturer to the
requirements of the respective machine. The test also needs to be expanded
by OEM-specific functions and modifications. The acceptance test must verify
all safety functions and functions of the SPLC program.

July 2011 5.3 Acceptance Test 119

5.4 Safety-Related Hardware Signals
The following naming convention applies to the signal names and the
watchdog designations:
„ 1st position: Description of the function of the signal
„ 2nd position: Safety channel to which the signal is assigned
„ 3rd position: Origin of the signal, or axis addressed by the signal
„ 4th position: Origin of the signal, or axis addressed by the signal

Signal names –
Channel A (MC)

Signal names – Cutout channel A

Old New On HSCI participant
–SH1A –STO.A.G Safe torque off global SPL
–SHS1A –STOS.A.G Safe torque off spindle global SPL
–SH1.x, –STO.A.x Safe torque off (axis-specific, CC
–SH1.s PWM)
–AP1.x –STO.A.P.x Safe torque off (axis-specific,
internal signal)
–SH1AB –STOS.A.MC Safe torque off spindle (axis-
specific, internal signal)
–NE1 –ES.A.SMOP Emergency stop SMOP
--- –ES.A.SPL Emergency stop SPL
--- –ES.A.HW Emergency stop on handwheel SMOP, HW
ZT.MB.1 PB.A.SMOP Permissive key SMOP
ZT.HR.1 PB.A.HW Permissive button on SMOP, HW
ZT.WZM.1 PB.A.TM Permissive key for tool SPL, configurable input
–SRG.AS.1, –SD.A.x Safety door contact SPL, configurable input
Test.1 –TEST.A.SMOP Test output on SMOP SMOP
Test.2 –TEST.B.SMOP Test output on SMOP SMOP
(generated by the A channel)
–TEST.A.SPL Test output on SPL SPL
–TEST.B.SPL Test output on SPL (generated SPL
by the A channel)
–WKZ.SP.1 –TH.A.S1 Tool holder – Spindle 1 SPL, configurable output
–BRK.G.1 –BRK.A.G Brake global SPL, configurable output
–BRK_REL.A.x Brake port for external relay SPL, configurable output
(axis-specific output for brake
control via external relay)

120 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Signal names – Cutout channel A
Old New On HSCI participant
–PF.PS.ZK –PF.PS.DC Power failure – DC power CC, SPL
–PF.PS.AC –PF.PS.AC Power failure – AC power CC, SPL
RRK.1 FB_NCC.A Feedback from chain of SPL, configurable input
normally closed contacts
T.BRK.1 T.BRK.A Test brake SPL, configurable input
BAx.1 KSW.A.x Keylock switch (e.g. selection SMOP
of operating mode)
CVO.A.SMOP Control Voltage ON; SMOP SMOP
PDO.A.x Permit drive on; SPL SPL, configurable input
(axis-group-specific drive

July 2011 5.4 Safety-Related Hardware Signals 121

Signal names –
Channel B (CC)

Signal names – Cutout channel B

Old New On HSCI participant
–SH2.x, –STO.B.x Safe torque off (axis-specific, CC
–SH2.s PWM)
–AP2.x –STO.B.P.x Safe torque off (axis-specific,
internal signal)
–SH2.WD – Safe torque off (axis-specific,
STO.B.CC.WD. internal signal)
–NE2 –ES.B.SMOP Emergency stop SMOP
--- –ES.B.SPL Emergency stop SPL
--- –ES.B.HW Emergency stop on handwheel SMOP, HW
ZT.MB.2 PB.B.SMOP Permissive key SMOP
–ZT.HR.2 PB.B.HW Permissive button on SMOP, HW
–ZT.WZM.2 PB.B.TM Permissive key for tool SPL, configurable input
–SRG.AS.2, –SD.B.x Safety door contact SPL, configurable input
–WKZ.SP.2 –TH.B.S1 Tool holder – Spindle 1 SPL, configurable output
–BRK.G.2 –BRK.B.G Brake global SPL, configurable output
–BRK.x -BRK.B.x Brake (axis-specific, PWM) CC
–BRK_REL.B.x Brake port for external relay SPL, configurable output
(axis-specific output for brake
control via external relay)
RRK.2 FB_NCC.B Feedback from chain of SPL, configurable input
normally closed contacts
--- T.BRK.B Test brake SPL, configurable input
BAx.2 KSW.B.x Keylock switch (e.g. selection SMOP
of operating mode)
PDO.B.x Permit drive on; SPL SPL, configurable input
(axis-group-specific drive

122 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Signal names – One
signal for both

Signal names – One signal for both channels

Old New On HSCI participant
--- RDY.x Power module is ready CC
--- PWM.x Signals of the PWM interface CC

July 2011 5.4 Safety-Related Hardware Signals 123

5.5 Entries in the OEM.SYS File
The following new key words (TOKEN) appear in the OEM.SYS file of systems
with HSCI and functional safety:

IOCCFG = Name and path of the IOC file (e.g. PLC:\IOC\*.ioc). During startup, a control
in an HSCI system expects the complete configuration of the HSCI system in
the form of an IOC file. This file contains the configuration with all participants,
their sequence and the configuration of the inputs and outputs of the PLC and
SPLC. The IOconfig software for PCs is used to create the IOC file.

PLCSAFETYCFG = File name and path for conditional compilation of the SPLC program
(e.g. PLC:\Splc4\*.cfg).
On the iTNC 530 you select and deselect machine options by making the
corresponding entries in machine parameters. Only one PLC program is
necessary for all variants of machine options. This PLC or SPLC program is
conditionally compiled depending on the machine parameters MP4000.0 to
MP4000.15. For this purpose, PLCCOMPCFG = followed by the path of the
configuration file must be entered in the OEM.SYS file, and the machine
options in the MP4000.x machine parameters.
For the SPLC program the entries must be made in the *.CFG file used for this.
You can either use the same file as for the PLC program or create a separate
file with the same syntax. Then PLCSAFETYCFG= must be entered in the
OEM.SYS file.

PLCSAFETY = File name and path of the SPLC program (e.g. PLC:\Splc4\*.src).

124 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6 Safety-Related Operating Modes and Interfaces

6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes)

The controls offer four safety-related operating modes as per EN 12417
(Machine Tools–Safety–Machining Centers) prepared by the engineering
technical committee. The application-oriented operation offered by this
promises a high level of acceptance, and therefore safety.
The goal of the standard documented safety measures is that the
„ setup,
„ manual intervention and
„ process monitoring
of automatic production processes is possible on machining centers with open
safeguards without endangering the machine operator. Instead of the guards,
other safety measures are employed. This becomes necessary on modern
machining centers primarily because of the complex movements with varying
directions of motion and high acceleration and velocity values.
The SPLC program of the MC and CC decides which of these safety-related
operating modes is effective for which axis group. Normally the safety-related
operating modes are enabled by one or more keylock switches. On the SMOP,
however, the safety-related Key Switch x inputs (KSW.A.x, KSW.B.x) are
provided, which are connected with the contacts of the keylock switch and are
evaluated by the respective SPLC program. Keylock switches are taken into
account only when the guard door is opened. If the guard door is closed,
maximum velocities are permissible in all safety-related operating modes. The
respectively active operating mode is shown on the screen of the control.
The default values, limitations and the resulting functions possible in the
operating modes must be realized by the machine manufacturer in the SPLC
program in accordance with EN 12417. The SPLC program must request from
the SKERN any safety functions that have to be activated due to the condition
of the machine, depending on the active operating mode. Further safety-
related functions, such as the control of the motor holding brakes, must
likewise be realized via the SPLC program.
The SKERN monitors compliance with the requested safety functions and the
safe condition of the machine, and triggers a stop reaction in the event of error
in order to safely stop the machine.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 125
The following safety-related operating modes are selectable by keylock
switch. The following text lists the most important features of the individual
operating modes. Ensure compliance, however, with the other requirements
of EN 12417.

6.1.1 Operating mode 1 (SOM_1)

Operating mode 1 (automatic operation, production)
Safe Operating Mode 1 (SOM_1)
„ Operation with closed guard door
„ No machine motions are possible when the guard doors are open. An error
triggers an SS1 reaction.
„ Selection, for example, via keylock switch 1 in position 1
„ In the safety-related SOM_1 operating mode, the SOS safety function
becomes active when the guard door is opened.
If the F_LIMITED soft key is pressed while the guard door is closed, the axes
and spindles are decelerated until standstill. In this condition, if the permissive
button or key is being pressed, the guard door can be opened without
triggering a safe stop reaction for the axes and spindle.

126 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6.1.2 Operating mode 2 (SOM_2)
Operating mode 2 (set-up mode)
Safe Operating Mode 2 (SOM_2)
„ Operation with open guard door
„ Axis motions of 2 m/min at most (SMP590)
„ Spindle stop within 2 revolutions (permissible shaft speed in SMP591)
„ Selection, for example, via keylock switch 1 in position 2
Triggering and maintenance of the motion for only one axis at a time, with the
following measures:
„ Axis-direction keys as jog buttons
„ NC start key plus permissive key PB.SMOP
„ Handwheel keys plus permissive button PB.HW
„ Turning wheel on the handwheel plus permissive button PB.HW
„ Spindle start or spindle jog buttons plus permissive button or key PB
Maintenance of the spindle run is possible only when the permissive button
or key is pressed.
The HEIDENHAIN design makes it possible to continue the programmed
movements of axes without the permissive button or key. There is no
monitoring here of the permissive buttons or keys by the SKERN. This
realization deviates from the requirements of EN 12417. However, various
realizations by the machine manufacturer of the SOM_x operating modes are
possible if they can be permitted for specific machines. The machine
manufacturer must use his machine and risk analysis to decide whether the
programmed axis movements can be enabled without the permissive button
or key. With the SPLC program you have the possibility of adapting the
operating modes at any time so that they completely comply with EN 12417,
see page 8–205.
If there are multiple operating units, only one of them is permitted to be
functional at a given time (e.g. the handwheel or machine operating panel).
As a protection against unexpected spindle starts, the spindle cannot be
started with M03/M04 (Spindle ON clockwise/Spindle ON counterclockwise).
If the spindle was switched off via M05 (Spindle STOP), for example, and M03/
04 was then programmed, the message "Switch spindle on" is displayed.
Spindle Start and the permissive button or key must first be activated before
the program continues at SLS.
Dual-channel monitoring of the actual speed of the axes or spindle on SLS. If
the monitoring responds, a safe stop (SS1) follows.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 127
The SPLC program in SOM_2 must also safely prevent:
„ Automatic pallet changing
„ Automatic tool and workpiece changing
„ High-pressure coolant
„ Tool measurement (e.g. laser)
„ Turning operation on drilling and milling centers
„ A chip conveyor may be moved only by additionally pressing the permissive
If the guard door is closed when operating mode 2 is active, operation is
possible as in operating mode 1. This happens automatically without any
change in the keylock-switch position. This functionality must be realized in
the SPLC program, see page 200.
If the F_LIMITED soft key is pressed while the guard door is closed, the axes
and spindles are decelerated to the corresponding limit values of operating
mode 2. In this condition, if the permissive button or key is being pressed, the
guard door can be reopened without triggering a stop reaction for the axis and
spindle. The SKERN ensures that opening the guard door while the spindle is
running without pressing a permissive button or key triggers a Safe Stop 2 for
the axes, followed by an SS1 with transition to STO for the spindle.

128 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6.1.3 Operating mode 3 (SOM_3)
Operating mode 3 (manual intervention, for qualified operators)
Safe Operating Mode 3 (SOM_3)
„ Operation with open guard door
„ Operation only by a qualified person
„ Axis motions of up to 5 m/min (SMP540)
„ Spindle stop within 5 revolutions (permissible shaft speed in SMP541)
„ Selection, for example, via keylock switch 1 in position 3
Triggering and maintenance of movements for one or more axes with the
following measures:
„ Axis-direction keys as jog buttons
„ NC start key plus permissive key PB.SMOP (only triggering)
„ Handwheel keys plus permissive button PB.HW
„ Turning wheel on the handwheel plus permissive button PB.HW
„ Spindle start or spindle jog buttons plus permissive button or key PB
Maintenance of the spindle run is possible only when the permissive button
or key is pressed.
The HEIDENHAIN design makes it possible to continue the programmed
movements of axes without the permissive button or key. There is no
monitoring here of the permissive buttons or keys by the SKERN. This
realization deviates from the requirements of EN 12417. However, various
realizations by the machine manufacturer of the SOM_x operating modes are
possible if they can be permitted for specific machines. The machine
manufacturer must use his machine and risk analysis to decide whether the
programmed axis movements can be enabled without the permissive button
or key. With the SPLC program you have the possibility of adapting the
operating modes at any time so that they completely comply with EN 12417,
see page 8–205.
If there are multiple operating units, only one of them is permitted to be
functional at a given time (e.g. the handwheel or machine operating panel).
As a protection against unexpected spindle starts, the spindle cannot be
started with M03/M04 (Spindle ON clockwise/Spindle ON counterclockwise).
If the spindle was switched off via M05 (Spindle STOP), for example, and M03/
04 was then programmed, the message "Switch spindle on" is displayed.
Spindle Start and the permissive button or key must first be activated before
the program continues at SLS.
Dual-channel monitoring of the actual speed of the axes or spindle on SLS. If
the monitoring responds, a safe stop (SS1) follows.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 129
The SPLC program in SOM_3 must also safely prevent:
„ Automatic pallet changing
„ Automatic tool and workpiece changing
„ High-pressure coolant
„ Tool measurement (e.g. laser)
„ Turning operation on drilling and milling centers
„ A chip conveyor may be moved only by additionally pressing the permissive
If the guard door is closed when operating mode 3 is active, operation is
possible as in operating mode 1. This happens automatically without any
change in the keylock-switch position. This functionality must be realized in
the SPLC program. This functionality must be realized in the SPLC program,
see page 200.
If the F_LIMITED soft key is pressed while the guard door is closed, the axes
and spindles are decelerated to the corresponding limit values of operating
mode 3. In this condition, if the permissive button or key is being pressed, the
guard door can be reopened without triggering a stop reaction for the axes and
spindles. The SKERN ensures that opening the guard door while the spindle is
running without pressing a permissive button or key triggers a Safe Stop 2 for
the axes, followed by an SS1 with transition to STO for the spindle.

130 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6.1.4 Operating mode 4 (SOM_4)
Operating mode 4 (advanced manual intervention, process monitoring)
Safe Operating Mode 4 (SOM_4)
The necessity of operating mode 4 results from the requirements that play a
role in particular during single-part manufacturing. Here it is often unavoidable
that the safeguards are open even during an automatic process. This is the
only way to enable the user to recognize critical collision movements or
deviations from the predetermined process and to intervene accordingly.


There is an increased risk in operating mode 4:

„ SOM_4 permits a higher axis speed (SMP552) and spindle speed
„ Releasing the permissive button or key for spindle run is permissible.
„ You as machine manufacturer must check whether operating mode 4 can
be permitted for machine operation.

The following measures apply to operating mode 4:

„ Guard door open
„ To be used only by qualified operators
„ Emergency stop button must be at hand
„ The operator must wear protective clothing
„ Spindle start only with permissive button or key
„ NC start only with permissive button or key
„ Wheel on the handwheel operates only with permissive button
„ Axis motions of up to 5 m/min (SMP552)
„ Spindle stop within 5 revolutions (permissible shaft speed in SMP551)
„ Selection via keylock switch 2 or special code word, fingerprint scanner, or
USB stick, for example
„ Activating the operating mode 4 is permissible only from the operating
mode 1
„ Display on the control screen that operating mode 4 is active
The SPLC program in SOM_4 must safely prevent:
„ Automatic pallet changing
„ Automatic tool and workpiece changing
„ A chip conveyor may be moved only by additionally pressing the permissive
„ High-pressure coolant
„ Tool measurement (e.g. laser)
„ Turning operation on drilling and milling centers

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 131
During operating through the machine operating panel, the axis and spindle
movements are permitted after the start and without further pressing the
permissive key. In the Handwheel mode, the permissive button is obligatory
for all movements (starting and continuing). If it is entirely necessary for the
end user, you can use SMP560 bit 7 to also enable the same behavior for
handwheel operation as for operating-panel operation. However, this requires
a corresponding risk analysis on your part.
The possibility of selecting operating mode 4 is enabled via a separate
parameter (SMP560). If operating mode 4 is selected without having been
previously enabled over SMP, the operating mode is not switched, and the
"BA4 not enabled" error message is displayed.
Dual-channel monitoring of the actual speed of the axes or spindle at SLS. If
the monitoring responds, a safe stop (SS1) follows.
SMP560 and the code number for enabling SOM_4 are only accessible to you
as the machine manufacturer. You must act on the basis of your assessment
of the risk (e.g. safety-related and/or organizational replacement measures /
qualified operators).
As a protection against unexpected spindle starts, the spindle cannot be
started with M03/M04 (Spindle ON clockwise/Spindle ON counterclockwise).
If the spindle was switched off via M05 (Spindle STOP), for example, and M03/
04 was then programmed, the message "Switch spindle on" is displayed.
Spindle Start and the permissive button or key must first be activated before
the program continues at SLS.
The operating mode 4 must remain active until the keylock-switch position
changes, the control is switched off, or until the mode is deselected through
a soft key. You have to use the SPLC program to ensure that, after leaving the
operating mode 4, the user can only change into the operating mode 1.
If the guard door is closed when operating mode 4 is active, operation is
possible as in operating mode 1. This happens automatically without any
change in the keylock-switch position. This functionality must be realized in
the SPLC program. This functionality must be realized in the SPLC program,
see page 200.
If the F_LIMITED soft key is pressed while the guard door is closed, the axes
and spindles are decelerated to the corresponding limit values of operating
mode 4. In this condition, if the permissive button or key is being pressed, the
guard door can be reopened without triggering a stop reaction for the axes and
spindles. After the guard door has been opened, the permissive button or key
can be released again. The SKERN ensures that opening the guard door while
the spindle is running without pressing a permissive button or key triggers a
Safe Stop 2 for the axes, followed by an SS1 with transition to STO for the

132 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6.1.5 Operating mode – restricted spindle operation (SOM_S)
Safe Operating Mode S (SOM_S)
Even if the guard door is open, restricted spindle operation permits running a
complete cycle (e.g. probing cycle), by pressing spindle start and the
permissive button or key once.
Unlike other safety-related operating modes, the operating mode SOM_S
cannot be activated by the user, e.g. through the keylock switch. Instead, it
must be realized in the PLC program and is usable only in the safety-related
operating modes SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4.
If the guard door is open, the restricted spindle operation can be enabled by
soft key. After the soft key is pressed, the PLC must set the PLC marker
M4058 "restricted spindle operation." If the probing cycle is ended or
cancelled, the PLC must reset the marker M4058. The SPLC program can
import the marker M4058. If this marker is set, and one of the safety-related
operating modes SOM_2 to SOM_4 is activated by the keylock switch, the
SPLC program can specify the more restrictive safety-related function SLI with
restricted spindle operation for the axis group of the spindle. Now the spindle
speed is restricted to <= 50 rpm and path monitoring for two revolutions is
active. If the spindle speed or the path is exceeded, an SS1 is triggered.
Even if the SPLC program specifies the safety function SLI, at first the safety
function STO applies for the spindle. Even in restricted spindle operation, the
spindle must be started with the permissive button or key and spindle start,
so that you may specify SLI instead of STO. As soon as that has happened,
the spindle may stay in SLI. Not until the end of the probing cycle does the
SPLC have to reactivate the safety-related operating mode SOM_2, SOM_3 or
SOM_4 selected via the keylock switch. This switches the spindle at standstill
back into STO.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 133
6.1.6 Operating mode selection – inputs
The inputs +KSW.A.x (x = operating mode) for the safe operating modes are
transmitted by the SMOP to the MC, and the inputs +KSW.B.x are transmitted
to the CC.
Through the SPLC you can program as desired the attainment of the various
operating modes. Through the SPLC you can also configure the FS inputs for
selecting an operating mode. This makes it possible, for example, to attain
operating modes through further keylock switches. As an alternative you can
use the SPLC program to realize an operating mode change also through the
input of various code numbers.
Possible meaning of the inputs (high active):
„ +KSW.A.2, +KSW.B.2: Activation of operating mode 2 – SOM_2
„ +KSW.A.3, +KSW.B.3: Activation of operating mode 3 – SOM_3
„ +KSW.A.4, +KSW.B.4: Activation of operating mode 4 – SOM_4
If more than one input or none of the inputs is active for the operating modes
SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4, the SPLC program must ensure that SOM_1 is
automatically activated.
In addition, the SPLC program must ensure that the operating mode SOM_4
can only be activated from within SOM_1, and that after SOM_4 is exited,
SOM_1 is automatically active.
If when the guard door is open the operating mode SOM_x is changed, for
example with the keylock switch, the SPLC program must request an SS2
reaction. The request applies for every change of a safe operating mode:
„ If any change of the operating mode SOM_x is made, when the guard door
for axes and spindles is open, the SPLC must request from the SKERN the
stop reaction SS2 for the axis group of the NC axes or the axis group of the
„ If any change is made between safe operating modes, when the guard door
of the tool magazine is open the SPLC must request from the SKERN the
stop reaction SS2 for the axis group of the tool magazine.
Normally, the SKERN switches the spindles into STO if the SPLC requests the
safety function SOS and the spindle is at a standstill. If necessary, the spindle
(like the axes) can be switched at an SS2 reaction to SOS instead of STO,
depending on SMP549.x (used for lathes).
If the axes and spindles are moving when the guard door is opened and
operating mode SOM_1 is active, an SS1 reaction (emergency stop) by the
SKERN results. After attaining standstill, the axes and spindles go into the STO
It must be possible to remove the key while it is in the position for operating
mode SOM_1. This prevents operation of the machine while the guard is open
(= increased danger).
For more information about the inputs of the operating mode selection and the
keylock switch to be used, see page 6–153.

134 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

The table shows the available safety functions in the various operating modes:

Available safety For axes in operating For spindles in For auxiliary axes in
function mode operating mode operating mode

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Safe torque off (STO) X X X X X X X X X X X X

Safe operating stop X X X X -a -a -a -a - X X X


Safely limited speed - X X X - X X X - X X X


Safely limited X X X X - - - - X X X X
increment (SLI)

Safely limited position X X X X - - - - - - - -


Safe stop 0 (SS0) X X X X X X X X X X X X

Safe stop 1 (SS1) X X X X X X X X X X X X

Safe stop 1F (SS1F) X X X X X X X X X X X X

Safe stop 2 (SS2) X X X X X X X X X X X X

Safe brake control X X X X -b -b -b -b X X X X


a. If necessary, the spindle (like the axes) can be switched at an SS2 reaction to SOS instead
of STO, depending on SMP549.x (used for lathes).
b. If the spindle has a brake, the safety function SBC is available.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 135
6.1.7 Configuration of axis groups
You can configure by machine parameter whether an axis is an NC axis, a
spindle or an auxiliary axis (MP100). The configuration of the axes also affects
the behavior of an axis after a safety function is triggered.
Through the additional configuration possibility for working spaces, axes can
be secured by different guard doors. To make a model of this behavior, the
axes are divided by the axis-specific SMP600.x and the spindles by the axis-
specific SMP601.x into up to eight axis groups. All axes of an axis group must
be of the same type (NC axis, spindle, or auxiliary axis). The safety kernel
software ascertains or checks the type from the entry in MP100.
The SPLC program evaluates the inputs for guard doors, permissive buttons
and keys, start /stop keys and keylock switches, and assigns this information
to the correct axis groups. For example, a physical door contact can define the
guard-door condition of two or more axis groups.
You can use the SPLC program to request from the SKERN the desired safety
functions SOS, SLS, SLI, STO or SS0, SS1(F), SS2 for the individual axis
groups, depending on the evaluated inputs (see above). The requested safety
function is then run by the safety kernel software.
Three axis groups suffice for simple machines:
„ Axis group for NC axes
„ Axis group for spindle(s)
„ Axis group for auxiliary axes
For more complex machines it can be worthwhile to divide the axes into
further groups in order to describe individual working spaces that are
protected by separate guard doors. For example, one axis group can be used
for the auxiliary axes of the tool changer while another is used for auxiliary
axes of the pallet changer.
This then makes it possible to ensure that one of the axis groups (e.g. the tool
changer) is safely protected by guard doors and can operate normally while the
guard doors of another axis group (e.g. pallet changer) are open.
For the safety function Safe Stop 2, the brakes of the axes might have to
function in a certain sequence. For example, the spindle is normally not
decelerated until the NC axes are stationary. For every axis group, SMP610
can contain a list of other axis groups that have to be stopped before this axis
group. If the safety function Safe Stop 2 is triggered for an axis group, all other
axis groups listed in this MP are braked first, even if no Safe Stop 2 was
triggered for these other axis groups.


The delays resulting from the braking sequence in SMP610 must be taken
into account when complying with the time specifications for axis standstill.

136 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Example of the configuration of MPs for a simple machine tool with three
axis groups:
MP600.x: Assignment of axes to axis groups
MP601.x: Assignment of spindles to axis groups
„ Axis group 0: NC axes
„ Axis group 1: Spindles
„ Axis group 2: Tool magazine axis
MP600.0: 0 ;1st axis, X
MP600.1: 0 ;2nd axis, Y
MP600.2: 0 ;3rd axis, Z
MP600.3: 2 ;4th axis, b
MP600.4: 0 ;5th axis, C
MP601.0: 1 ;1st spindle, S
MP610: Braking sequence of the axis groups
MP610.0: %00000000;For NC axes, wait for no other
axis group
MP610.1: %00000001;For spindles, wait for braking of
the NC axes
MP610.2: %00000000;For auxiliary axes, wait for no other
axis group
Example for the configuration of the MPs of a machine tool with two axis
groups for NC axes, one spindle and two axis groups for auxiliary axes:
MP600.x: Assignment of axes to axis groups
MP601.x: Assignment of spindles to axis groups
„ Axis group 0 and 1: NC axes
„ Axis group 2: Spindles
„ Axis group 3 and 4: Auxiliary axes
MP600.0: 0 ;1st axis, X
MP600.1: 0 ;2nd axis, Y
MP600.2: 0 ;3rd axis, Z
MP600.3: 1 ;4th axis, A
MP600.4: 3 ;5th axis, a
MP600.5: 3 ;6th axis, b
MP600.6: 1 ;7th axis, B
MP600.7: 4 ;8th axis, u
MP600.8: 4 ;9th axis, v
MP601.0: 2 ;1st spindle, S
MP610: Braking sequence of the axis groups
MP610.0: %00000000;NC axes of the group 0 do not wait
MP610.1: %00000000;NC axes of the group 1 do not wait
MP610.2: %00000011;NC axes brake before the spindle
MP610.3: %00010000;Auxiliary axes of group 3 can brake only after auxiliary
axes of the group 4
MP610.4: %00000000;Auxiliary axes of group 4 do not wait

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 137
6.1.8 Magazine axes
As separate safe axes, the additional axes for the tool magazine are defined as
PLC axes by machine parameter MP100.
When the magazine door is closed, the automatic positioning and manual
traverse of the tool magazine are enabled for a tool change. The positions are
specified by the PLC.
The contacts of the magazine door T are to be connected over two channels
to FS inputs –SD.A.T (MC) and –SD.B.T (CC) of the SPL. The contacts of the
permissive keys TM are connected to the FS inputs PB.A.TM and PB.B.TM.
In order to position the tool magazine while the magazine door is open
requires, for example, pressing the dual-channel jog keys TM_R.x or TM_L.x
together with the dual-channel permissive key PB.x.TM. This is to be realized
in the SPLC program.
If the working spaces for magazine axes and NC axes are separate, the
permissive keys TM for the tool magazine must have no influence on the
working space of the NC axes and spindles. Vice versa, the permissive keys
of the working space for the NC axes and spindles must have no influence on
the magazine axes. This SPLC program must ensure this.
When the magazine door T is open (–SD.A.T (MC) and –SD.B.T (CC) are both
0) the tool magazine can only be positioned manually in SLS. The safely limited
speed for the magazine axis is specified in SMP590.x (SOM_2).
The following applies for the magazine axes when opening the magazine
„ During automatic positioning, the magazine is braked by the SS1 reaction.
The ramp gradient can be reduced with MP2590 if problems occur with the
tools (see page 4–51).
Automatic tool changing is to be prevented in the operating modes SOM_2,
SOM_3 and SOM_4. The axes can be moved manually, whereby the
traversing speeds are monitored by the safety function SLS (SMP590.x).
If the permissive key, jog key, or both are released, the SPLC program must
trigger an SS2 reaction for the magazine axes. The position feedback control
remains active in the subsequent safety function SOS so that the magazine
disk cannot be turned while the tool is being inserted. The subsequent
reapproach to a grid position must also be realized by the (S)PLC program.
If the guard door is open, a moving magazine axis is braked by an SS1 reaction.
The ramp gradient can be reduced with MP2590 if problems occur with the
The magazine axis is allowed to be moved to the next position by pressing the
permissive keys and jog keys, whereby the safety function SLS is active.
If the guard doors are closed, it is permitted to move the magazine axes with
the jog keys alone. No permissive key is required.

138 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

When the magazine door is closed, the magazine axis is referenced together
with the axis group of the NC axes in the same working space. The handwheel
does not influence the magazine axis.
During an emergency stop or SS0/SS1, the magazine axis is treated just like
the group A axes.

6.1.9 Non-safe axes and spindles

With the entry –1 for the respective axis or spindle in MP600.x or MP601.x you
define the axis or spindle as non-safe. The following constraints apply to non-
safe drives:
„ The following applies for non-safe axes:
• The monitoring of simultaneously moving axes in SOM_2 is performed
only for safe axes. Non-safe axes are ignored.
• When moving non-safe axes in SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4 and with an
opened guard door, no limitation to SLS occurs. Even with an opened
door, non-safe axes are in the operating mode SOM_1 and can be
moved at the maximum feed rate.
• Safely limited speed (SLS) is inactive
• Standstill monitoring in the SOS state (SMP545.x) is inactive.
• Safely limited position SLP (SMP650.x, SMP670.x) is inactive.
• The maximum permissible position error for referencing or testing the
axes (SMP642.x) is inactive.
• The testing of axes is inactive.
• Non-safe axes can also be moved if the axis has not yet found its
• An NC stop always affects all the axes.
• Nominal-actual value comparison of position values is inactive.
• Monitoring of the encoder amplitude and frequency is inactive.
• The safety functions STO, SOS and SBC are not available.
„ The following applies for non-safe spindles:
• Monitoring of the encoder amplitude and frequency is inactive.
• When switching on a spindle in SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4 and with an
open guard door, no limitation to SLS occurs. Even with an open door,
non-safe spindles are in the operating mode SOM_1 and can be moved
at the maximum shaft speed.
• A non-safe spindle is not stopped by an SS2 reaction.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 139
6.1.10 Electronic handwheel
The HR 410 FS, HR 420 FS, HR 520 FS and the HR 550 FS wireless
handwheel are available to the machine manufacturer.
With the HR 410 FS, the El. Handwheel machine mode of operation is
selected by pressing the corresponding key on the MB machine operating
On large machines or machines with work zones that cannot be seen by the
operator, switching the machine operating mode on the MB machine
operating panel can represent a hazard for the operator. The MB can take over
operating sovereignty without permission from the HR or the operator. If this
is not permissible due to the risk analysis of the machine, an additional
safeguard must be realized through the SPLC program. There must be an
additional request in the SPLC program of whether the permissive buttons of
the HR are pressed. Only if this is the case can the operating sovereignty be
switched, for example. The validity of the signal edge of the pressed
permissive buttons must be considered here, which, for example, is valid only
for three seconds (permissive button must be let go and pressed again).
Another possibility is the use of an HR 5xx FS. With these handwheels, the
operating sovereignty can be switched only from the HR 5xx.
For the HR 420 FS, HR 520 FS and the HR 550 FS wireless handwheel, the El.
Handwheel operating mode is activated directly at the handwheel.
An SS2 is triggered by a switch between machine operating modes.
All machine movements that are triggered via the handwheel are monitored
regarding the speed limit values specified for SLS (safely limited speed) when
the guard door is open.
During the safety self-test, the signal levels that indicate a non-pressed
condition must be applied to the inputs of the handwheel permissive buttons.
The direction keys and start keys as well as the wheel on the handwheel unit
are active only while the handwheel permissive button is being pressed.
In the El. Handwheel mode, the FS inputs for the handwheel permissive
buttons PB.x.HW are selected, and the FS inputs of the permissive keys on
the machine operating panel and the magazine axis are deselected so that only
the permissive function of the handwheel is effective.
On the HR 410 FS, HR 420 FS and HR 520 FS portable electronic handwheels
with cross-circuit safety (two microswitches per permissive button) the
normally-open contacts, which are switched in parallel, are routed to the MC
through the FS input PB.A.HW of the SMOP, and the normally-closed
contacts, which are connected in series, are routed to the CC through the FS
input PB.B.HW of the SMOP.
Logic "1" on the MC and logic "0" on the CC signal permission.
The other logic levels do not indicate permission. During a machine
movement, they trigger an SS2 reaction for the axes. An SS1 reaction is then
activated for the spindle.

140 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

As on the other handwheels, in the HR 550 FS with serial data transfer, the
permissive buttons are designed with normally open and normally closed
contacts. However, the HR 550 FS is not directly connected with the FS inputs
of the control. This handwheel is connected with an HRA access point that
converts the permissive button information from the HR over relays for the FS
inputs of the control. The relays, on the other hand, are designed for both
permissive buttons as parallel-circuited normally open contacts. The access
point is connected like a cable-bound handwheel to the machine operating
panel. The logic "1" states of both relay contacts signalize consent. The other
logic levels do not indicate permission. During a machine movement, they
trigger an SS2 reaction for the axes. An SS1 with transition to STO is then
activated for the spindle.
The handwheels can be used in all four safety-related operating modes
SOM_1, SOM_2, SOM_3 and SOM_4. However, SOM_3 and SOM_4 with an
active handwheel machine operating mode permit moving only one axis. An
error triggers an SS2 reaction. For exceptions, however, the OEM has the
capability of using SMP560 bit 9 to allow the simultaneous traverse of two or
more axes (e.g. for compensation movements (only relevant in SOM_3 and
The active safety functions depend on the selected operating mode.
The HR handwheels from HEIDENHAIN do not require both hands for
operation, nor is this explicitly required for machine tools.

July 2011 6.1 Operating Modes (SOM Safe Operating Modes) 141
6.1.11 Use of several operating units
Besides having a machine operating panel, many machines are also equipped
with an electronic handwheel or other machine operating units. On such
machines, switching between the various operating units must be controlled
through the SPLC.


The SPLC program must ensure that only one of the operating units
(handwheel, machine operating panels) is active at any one time so as to
prevent danger to the operator.

This can be realized in the SPLC by filtering the input signals (see page 8–219).
However, the signals must be filtered so that the keys with stop functions
always stay active on all operating units. This applies in particular to all
emergency stop buttons on the machine!
In the HEIDENHAIN design, the operating unit is addressed through one
channel. The keys' input signals are filtered by the SPLC over two channels. It
is ensured with dual channels that no more than one operating unit can be
active at any time. The filtering is always done before the PLC scan and the
filtered values are set again to the same markers as in the original key
conditions. In this way, too, only the filtered markers are available to the PLC
In connection with the PLC program it is possible to acknowledge error
messages of the control from the additional operating units (e.g. handwheel).
The error messages of the control are always shown on the control's BF
screen, but they might not appear on the other operating units. If, after a
thorough risk analysis, you nevertheless make it possible for the machine
operator to acknowledge error messages from such operating units, the
operator must expressly be informed of this (e.g. machine tool manual).
Acknowledging an error could otherwise lead to an unexpected restart of
machine motions.

142 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces

6.2.1 Interfaces of the SPL

Participant Available interfaces See page

SPL FS inputs/outputs — General 6–144

FS inputs of guard doors SD 6–145

FS inputs of permissive buttons and keys PB 6–146

FS inputs of emergency stop 6–147

FS inputs FB_NCC.A/FB_NCC.B 6–148

FS inputs PDO.A.x/PDO.B.x 6–148

FS outputs –TEST.A.SPL/–TEST.B.SPL 6–148

FS outputs of tool holder TH 6–150

FS outputs STO.A.G/STOS.A.G 6–149

FS outputs BRK_REL.A.x/BRK_REL.B.x 6–149

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 143

FS inputs/outputs Safety-related inputs/outputs, FS inputs/outputs
Safety-related (FS) inputs and output signals serve to initiate safety functions
or safe operating states through external system components, or to pass on
safety-relevant information to external control components.
All requests and acknowledgments for safety functions or safe operating
states are to be sent and requested over both safety channels.


The risk analysis you have to make for the safety functions must show the
requirements to be fulfilled by the individual safety function (e.g. required
performance level d as per EN 13849-1).

All components (e.g. keylock switches, emergency stop button, safety relays,
control) that are involved in the individual safety functions must meet the
requirements for the respective safety function. The individual safety
functions must also be designed according to the determined requirements.
Emergency stop buttons are to be used exclusively for emergency stop
purposes. Under normal operating conditions, a machine must not be
switched off via the emergency stop buttons. The proper functioning of all
emergency stop buttons is to be tested annually by pressing these buttons.
The safety-related inputs/outputs (FS inputs/outputs) lie on the SPL input/
output assembly or the SMOP machine operating panel. The corresponding
input/output signals must always be routed to the system in two channels,
and must be available to both the MC (first safety channel = Index A) as well
as the CC (second safety channel = Index B), or be formed by both computer
In addition to the respective channel-specific signal (channel A or channel B),
the MC (channel A) and the CC (channel B) also receive the signal of the other
channel for evaluation.
All FS inputs/outputs have the characteristics of PLC interfaces with logic
levels of 0 V and 24 V. They are designed according to the quiescent current
principle, i.e. low-level current automatically results in logic "0". This means
that the safe state is automatically selected for the operator, control and
The wiring and evaluation of safety-related inputs is to be realized according to
the quiescent current principle. A logic level of 0 V at a safe input must result
in a safe state for the operator.
The dual-channel inputs/outputs of FS slots make it possible to realize safety
functions up to performance level D of the EN 13849. The control of inputs and
the transmission of output states also requires components that are approved
for use for applications up to PL d. The dual-channel inputs/outputs are not
pulsed, but carry static 0 V or 24 V. The inputs/outputs are subjected to forced
dynamic sampling in appropriate tests that are part of the safety self-test that
must be performed no later than every 168 hours.

144 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

AND gating of safe input information


First, the physical dual channel inputs of the A channel and the B channel
are AND gated, and only then is the result of the AND operation forwarded
to the SPLC as the input state.

This AND operation means that the SPLCs of the A and B channels will receive
the value 0 as input information if two inputs have different states
(e.g. A channel = 0, B channel = 1)
If safe inputs are inverted through SMP585.x and SMP586.x, the input
information is inverted before the AND operation.
The physical terminals of a safe PL module have the following states: terminal
of A channel = 0, terminal of B channel = 1.
Both inputs are inverted through the setting in SMP585.x and SMP586.x:
A-channel information = 1, B-channel information = 0.
The AND gating of the A and B channels therefore results in logic "0".
This logic "0" is transferred as input information to the SPLC input markers.
SMP587.x is used to force the dynamic sampling of safety-related inputs. A
prerequisite is that the elements (e.g. the normally open contact of a switch)
are supplied by the test outputs –TEST.A or –TEST.B (see page 6–148).
The wiring of safety-related outputs is to be realized according to the
quiescent current principle. A logic level of 0 V at a safe output must result in
a safe state for the operator.
If there is an external (ES.A, ES.B) or internal emergency stop (crash of the
MC's NC software), an SS1 or SS1F will be initiated. The safety-related
outputs (FS outputs) are switched off (= 0) if all axes are at a standstill, or no
later than after the expiration of the time defined in SMP2172. This means that
the FS outputs are usually not switched off until after the actual emergency
stop reaction SS1 and the standstill of the axes/spindles.

Guard doors SD guard door –SD.A.x, –SD.B.x

The contacts of the guard doors must be realized in two channels. They have
to be routed in two channels to FS inputs of the SPL.
The SPLC program sees the states of these FS inputs in input markers. From
these input markers it recognizes which working space or spaces are no
longer secured by closed guard doors and requests from the safety kernel
software a corresponding safety function for the axes in this working space.
The configuration divides the axes into axis groups. All axes of an axis group
have to be in the same working space.
Various conditions apply for the respective axis groups, depending on the axis
operating mode SOM_1 to SOM_4 and the condition of the guard doors (see
page 6–125).

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 145

Permissive PB permissive buttons and keys –PB.A.x, –PB.B.x
The contacts of the HEIDENHAIN permissive buttons and keys are arranged
in two channels. They are routed over two channels to the corresponding
inputs of the SPL or the SMOP.
Permissive buttons and keys always apply for certain axis groups. The SPLC
program reports to the SKERN the axis groups for which an effective
permissive button or key has been pressed.
A typical milling machine has permissive buttons on the handwheel, and
permissive keys on the operating panel and for the tool magazine. Depending
on the machine operating mode, the SPLC program decides whether the
permissive button on the handwheel is effective, or the permissive key on the
operating panel.


The SPLC program must ensure that only one permissive button or key is
effective for any specific working space at a given time!

When the guard doors are open, the permissive keys of a machine operating
panel (input PB.x.SMOP) must be pressed for spindle motion and NC start.
The permissive key integrated on the SMOP consists of two independent
sensor elements under one push button (two normally open contacts).
The permissive buttons of the HR 410 FS, HR 420 FS handwheels or a
wireless handwheel (PB.x.HW input) must be pressed for axis and spindle
movements that are triggered via handwheel keys. On the handwheel a two-
step button is used which, however, has a normally open and a normally
closed contact.
The permissive keys of the tool magazine (PB.x.TM input) must be pressed for
movements of the tool magazine.
The safety functions of the permissive buttons or keys must be ensured by a
timer in the SPLC program. The SPLC program detects edges at the physical
inputs of the permissive buttons or keys when they are pressed. The
permissive buttons or keys are considered pressed only if both contacts are
closed. Both contacts of the permissive buttons or keys can be executed as
normally open contacts or as antivalent.
After the edges are detected, you have to start a timer in the SPLC program
with a time of up to 30 minutes. The permissive button or key retains its
validity only for these 30 minutes for triggering or maintaining a movement
(determined over machine keys, e.g. NC start, spindle start). Therefore,
permission is in effect if the timer's time (max. 30 minutes) has not yet expired
and the permissive button or key remains pressed. The permissive button or
key is then considered to be pressed (see page 8–187).

146 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Through the risk analysis of your machine you have to define the time for the
timer of the permissive buttons' or keys' duration of validity, e.g. on the
handwheel. For specific machines, it might be necessary to define the
permissive buttons' or keys' duration of validity to be significantly less than the
maximum 30 minutes.
The SPLC program must ensure the following prerequisites for the triggering
of movements:
„ Valid permission is required for:
• NC start
• Spindle start
• Manual axis movement with the handwheel
• Spindle jog mode
• Movement of the tool magazine
The SKERN monitors for a valid permission and therefore allows the following
„ Manual axis movement with the handwheel
„ Spindle jog mode
„ Movement of the tool magazine
„ Maintenance of movement in handwheel mode
„ Maintenance of spindle motion
„ Suppression of the protection against unexpected start-up
If the permission is no longer recognized as valid, the stop function SS2 is
triggered for the axes and then SS1 for the spindles.

Emergency stop Emergency stop inputs

inputs Safe dual-channel inputs for the emergency stop are available on the SPL (safe
PL), the SMOP (safe machine operating panel) and the HW (handwheel). The
corresponding inputs –ES.A.x and –ES.B.x are sent over HSCI to the SPLC of
the MC and CC.
If a signal level of logic "0" is available on one of the two –ES.x.x inputs, this
already triggers the emergency stop function (SS1). The emergency stop
reaction has priority over all other functions and operations and is
automatically triggered by the SKERN.
The –ES.A.x/–ES.B.x inputs are stimulated alternately and with a slight delay
via the –TEST.A.x and –TEST.B.x test outputs. This makes is possible to detect
an emergency stop through the other channel, even during a channel test.

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 147

FB_NCC.A / FB_NCC.A/FB_NCC.B "Feedback from chain of normally closed contacts"
The FB_NCC signal must be led to a safe dual-channel input of the SPLC. The
feedback inputs are connected with +24 V (PLC) via the serially connected,
positively driven, normally closed contacts of all safety-relevant relays and
contactors. The normally closed chain is checked during the self-test and
cyclically taken into account during operation. The switch-off or functionality of
the signal is checked during the self-test after the control is started up.
For better diagnostics it would also be possible to wire inputs on normal PLC
inputs from the individual contacts of the chain of normally closed contacts.
This would make it possible to determine which contact leads to an error and
will issue a corresponding PLC error message.
HEIDENHAIN cannot offer any inspection of whether all safety-related relay
contacts are wired into the chain of normally-closed contacts, because this
depends on the machine design. All normally-closed contacts of the relays that
assume safety-related tasks must be wired into the chain of normally-closed
Examples for feedback inputs:
„ Main contactor
„ Relays for Safe Torque Off
„ Safety relays for axes/spindle
„ Relays for the tool holder
„ Contactors for axis-specific switch-off of motor holding brakes by the MC
and CC through –BRK_REL.A.x and –BRK_REL.B.x
„ Contactor for common switch-off of the motor holding brakes through –

PDO.A.x / PDO.B.x Axis-group-specific drive enabling

For large machines whose work zone cannot be fully seen, the SPLC program
must assign or lock the drive enabling for the individual axis groups depending
on the FS inputs (e.g. PDO.A.x/PDO.B.x).


outputs In normal machine operation, the same level (logic "1" with closed contacts)
can be present for a long period of time at safe inputs (e.g. inputs of the
emergency stop switch, door contacts). If during this time, for example, both
safe inputs of the emergency switch or the door contacts lose their function,
an emergency stop or the opening of the door might not be detected.
In order to ensure that these safe inputs can reliably detect an opening of the
contacts (= hazardous condition = logic "0" level), a cyclic dynamic sampling
The dynamic test outputs –TEST.A.x / –TEST.B.x are used for this.
The function of the inputs is tested in dual channels without triggering the
reaction required with actual switching. Due to the alternately delayed
dynamic sampling, the functionality is maintained during the test through the
other channel.
The automatic tests (forced dynamic sampling) use TEST.A/TEST.B to check
whether in the event of switch-off ("0" state) of the supply via TEST.A/TEST.B
the corresponding inputs also go to "0" and therefore to the "fail-safe"

148 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

STO.A.G / STO.A.G "Safe Torque Off," STOS.A.G "Safe Torque Off for Spindle“
STOS.A.G As an option, the MC can use the SPL and its FS output –STO.A.G (Safe
Torque Off) and –STOS.A.G (Safe Torque Off for Spindle) to control the safety
relays in the supply units or compact inverters. This enables the MC with the
aid of the SPL to additionally use the safety relays (axes X, Y, Z... and spindle)
to lock the power switches (IGBTs). Depending on the wiring, the main
contactor can also be circuited (hardware-based separation). This functionality
of the MC is not safety-related in the HEIDENHAIN safety strategy and can be
deactivated through SMP560 bit 8.
Through the –STO.A.G output it is likewise possible to use a contactor to
switch all motor holding brakes together.
The –STO.A.G output is switched off together with the –STOS.A.G output.
However, the –STOS.A.G output can be switched by the SKERN
independently of –STO.A.G and, if the door is open, is switched off when the
spindle is stationary.


The –STO.A.G and –STOS.A.G signals are a single-channel signal in the

HEIDENHAIN safety strategy. So do not use this signal for the realization of
safety functions that require a dual-channel switch-off (e.g. controlling a
tool holder).

SPLC outputs can be defined for the dual-channel switch-off of external

assemblies. Functions that require a dual-channel switch-off should be placed
on a safe dual-channel output that you must handle from the SPLC depending
on the NN_GenOutputEnable interface marker among other things. The SPLC
program must ensure the switch-off of these outputs.

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 149

Tool holder TH tool holder
The "open the tool holder" and "close the tool holder" functions must be
programmed in the SPLC program. You can use the program of the SPLC to
define how the tool holder mode can be achieved. However, this has to be
done so that the "open the tool holder" function is possible only through an
intentional initiation of this function, e.g. with the "tool holder" key and the
permissive key with subsequent "open the tool holder" key.
You must ensure the following in the SPLC program:

For the "open the tool holder" function:

„ Set the PLC marker "open the tool holder = logic 1" depending on the SPLC
„ Inquire from the SPL whether the guard door has been opened (SD.A.x,
SD.B.x = 0)
„ Trigger an SS2 reaction for the spindle
„ Inquire from the safety kernel software whether spindle speed is zero (N<
10 rpm)
„ Activate the STO safety function (power stage is not ready for operation)
„ Inquire from the safety kernel software whether the STO safety function is
The FS outputs TH.A and TH.B must not be opened unless all above
mentioned conditions are fulfilled. Then the tool can be taken from the tool
While the tool holder is opened, the possibility of a spindle start must be ruled
out by the SPLC program!

For the "close the tool holder" function:

„ Clear the PLC marker "open the tool holder = logic 0" depending on the SPLC
program (e.g. by pressing the "tool holder" key).
„ The FS outputs TH.A and TH.B close the tool holder.

For the "automatic tool changer" function:

„ When the guard door is closed, the PLC marker "open the tool holder"
controls the FS outputs TH.A and TH.B,. whereby the SPLC program has to
ensure a spindle standstill. Moreover, the SPLC must prevent malfunctions
(e.g. lock the "tool holder" key).

150 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

BRK_REL.A.x / FS outputs BRK_REL.A.x/BRK_REL.B.x
BRK_REL.B.x The SPLC MC activates the motor holding brakes through the safety-related
outputs –BRK_REL.A.x of the SPL and connected safety relays. If it is desired
that the MC be capable of activating the motor holding brakes globally through
–BRK.A.G, then the –BRK.A.G signal must be generated by gating the axis-
specific signals –BRK_REL.A.x in the SPLC.
The SPLC CC activates the motor holding brakes for specific axes through the
safety-related outputs –BRK_REL.B.x of the SPL and connected safety relays.
This functionality is safety relevant only if the motor holding brakes are not
controlled directly through the axis-specific inverter signals –BRK.B.x.

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 151

6.2.2 Interfaces of the SMOP

Participant Available interfaces See page

SMOP FS inputs/outputs – General 6–144

FS inputs of permissive buttons and keys PB 6–146

FS input of tool holder TH 6–150

FS inputs of keylock switch KSW 6–153

FS inputs of emergency stop 6–147

FS inputs of machine keys 6–153

FS inputs CVO.A.SMOP/CVO.B.SMOP 6–154

FS outputs –TEST.A.SMOP/–TEST.B.SMOP 6–148

152 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Keylock switch Keylock switch (KS)
The keylock switches serve for selection of a safety-related operating mode.
There are two inputs per switch position of the keylock switch on the machine
operating panel. The inputs are realized in two channels and can be freely
configured through the SPLC program.
The selection of safety operating modes is safety relevant and must therefore
be "fail safe." So, in the event of power failure, a missing power supply through
TEST.A/TEST.B or wire breakage, the operating mode must be active that
provides the greatest protection for the operator. This is SOM_1. Therefore a
keylock switch with dual-channel normally-open contacts is to be used, as
proposed in the HEIDENHAIN basic circuit diagram. The automatic tests
(forced dynamic sampling) use TEST.A/TEST.B to check whether in the event
of switch-off ("0" state) of the supply via TEST.A/TEST.B the corresponding
inputs also go to "0" and therefore to the "fail-safe" condition.
For machines that offer more than one safety-related operating mode, a dual-
channel activation of the various operating modes is required for the
HEIDENHAIN system. The keylock switch in the HEIDENHAIN system must
be realized as it is shown in the HEIDENHAIN basic circuit diagram. There
must be 2 x 2 normally open contacts: two normally-open contacts for
SOM_2, and two normally-open contacts for SOM_3. SOM_4 must be
activated by an additional keylock switch.
A single-channel selection of the safety-related operating modes for the
HEIDENHAIN FS system would mean that the operating modes would no
longer meet the required performance level d or category 3.

Machine operating Machine operating keys

keys The machine operating keys are the keys on the safe machine operating panel
(SMOP), as well as all axis-direction keys and the start/stop keys.
Each machine operating key has two switching contacts (two normally-open
contacts each) When the machine is switched on and during the cutout
channel test, the inputs of the machine operating keys are monitored for logic
"0". For this purpose, all machine operating keys in the SPLC program must be
combined into a group signal MK.G. This is evaluated by the SKERN in the
safety self-test (see page 7–157).
The functions of the machine operating keys only become effective if the MC
and CC receive the corresponding signals, i.e. if both contacts have been

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 153

Stop keys:
For machine operating keys with a stop function (e.g. spindle stop, NC stop)
one normally-open contact each is evaluated by the SPLC of the CC and the
other one by the SPLC of the MC.
The stop keys are considered not relevant to safety. The safety is attained
through the emergency stop button.
HEIDENHAIN recommends always configuring the logic of stop-key inputs so
that the input marker of the SPLC has the value 1 if the stop key is not pressed.
You can configure this through SMP585.x and SMP586.x (see page 6–144).
This makes these machine operating keys already effective when the MC or
CC receives a corresponding signal, i.e. if one of the two contacts was closed.
All braking reactions that are triggered as a result of pressing a stop key must
be defined by the machine manufacturer in the SPLC program. These include,
„ Pressing NC stop
„ Pressing spindle stop
HEIDENHAIN recommends triggering an SS2 as the reaction to a stop key.
The associated braking process is then monitored by the SKERN.

CVO.A.SMOP / Control voltage on; (CVO)

CVO.B.SMOP The dual-channel input Control Voltage On (CVO.A.SMOP/CVO.B.SMOP) is
transferred by the SMOP through the SPLC to the safety kernel software.

154 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety Interfaces of the handwheel (HR)

Participant Interfaces See page

HR Permissive buttons PB 6–146

FS inputs of emergency stop 6–147

Cable connection to the machine operating 6–155


Radio link to the machine operating panel 6–155

Cable connection Cable connection of the HR to the machine operating panel

If the connection between the handwheel and X23 on the SMOP is made
directly (without access point) by cable, then all lines carrying safety-related
data (PB, emergency stop) are dual-channel. The handwheel is connected to
the machine operating panel and the data from the machine operating panel is
transmitted over HSCI to the other HSCI participants.

Radio link Radio link or serial data transfer from the HR to the SMOP
The use of an HR 550 FS handwheel necessitates the use of an AP access
point (HRA 5xx FS handwheel adapter), which is connected at X23 of the
machine operating panel.
For the HR 550 FS wireless handwheel, an unambiguous assignment must be
ensured between the handwheel and the access point. For the HR 550 FS
wireless handwheel, this mutual assignment of the wireless handwheel and
the access point is made through the respective serial numbers, which are
unambiguous and not identical. The wireless handwheel must be placed in the
AP access point for this. The HR and AP only communicate over the RS 422
serial interface during this assignment.
If you remove the HR from the AP during the serial number exchange process,
the process will be canceled and a corresponding error message will be
issued. During normal control operation, the control software identifies the
wireless handwheel by the serial number of the HR.
During the safety self-test and when the connection to the wireless
handwheel is set up, the system ensures that only the HR and the AP that
have been assigned unambiguously to each other are addressed. If a
difference is found in this comparison of serial numbers, the connection will
be terminated. During this entire process the relay contacts in the AP for the
emergency stop and the permissive buttons remain open.
During the communication from the wireless handwheel through the access
point to the control, the safety-related dual-channel information is transmitted
to the AP. This decodes the information and reproduces the information of the
permissive buttons and the emergency stop on safety relays in the AP. These
are wired to FS inputs at the machine operating panel.
For more detailed information about the wireless handwheel, refer to the
Technical Manual for your control.

July 2011 6.2 Safety-Related Hardware Interfaces 155

156 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety
7 Safety-Related Tests and Forced Dynamic Sampling

7.1 Safety Self-Test

Faultless functional safety is essential for the machine and must therefore be
tested at specified intervals (forced dynamic sampling).
When the machine is switched on and at regular intervals during operation, the
complete safety self-test and the test of the brakes must be performed to test
the functions listed below.
Safety self-test of HEIDENHAIN control components:
„ Test of the cut-out channels
„ Test of the safety-related outputs
„ Test of the chain of normally closed contacts
„ Test of the machine control voltage
„ Test of the guard doors
„ Test of the machine configuration
„ Test of the machine keys and permissive buttons/keys
„ Test of the emergency-stop circuit
„ Test of various internal monitoring functions
Test of the brakes:
„ Test of the brake control
„ Test of the motor holding brakes (via holding torque)
The guard door must always be closed during the safety self-test and the test
of the brakes. However, you can deactivate the closure of the guard doors on
your own responsibility for test purposes (by setting SMP560 bit 1 to 1).
The default time for the safety self-test of HEIDENHAIN control components
is specified in machine parameter SMP511 (it must be performed after no
more than 168 hours). As soon as the guard door is opened after this time has
expired, the safety self-test must be performed again to ensure the safety of
the machine. The default time in SMP511 is monitored by the safety-kernel


Please note that the maximum possible time of 168 hours that can be
specified for the safety self-test in machine parameter SMP511 applies
only to the the control components from HEIDENHAIN. If you are using
other components, the respective particular specifications must be
complied with!

If, in addition to HEIDENHAIN control components, you are using other

components, possibly from other manufacturers, for implementing safety
functions, all specifications and any test interval times of the individual
components must be complied with. Test intervals even shorter than 168
hours may be required in this context. Appropriate measures must be taken to
ensure that these time intervals are maintained.

July 2011 7.1 Safety Self-Test 157

The operation and testing of motor-holding brakes must be in accordance with
Information Sheet No. 005 "Gravity-loaded axes (vertical axes)" issued by the
engineering technical committee (BGM (German Employer's Liability
Association in the metal industry)). This Information Sheet requires a cyclic
brake test to be performed on nonredundant holding systems no later than
after the expiration of eight hours or after a working shift is over. For systems
that are safely protected from being accessed (e.g. by guard doors with guard
locking), the test can be performed right before accessing the systems when
the opening of the guard door is requested. This extends the test interval from
eight hours to the point in time at which the guard door is to be opened. In this
case, the brake test does not need to be performed until the guard door is
actually opened. PLC module 9144 enables you to start the brake test and the
safety self-test at any time via the PLC program. You can ensure safe
monitoring of the test interval by entering the corresponding time in SMP511.
However, the self-test can be started through the SPLC program at shorter
intervals than the time entered in SMP511. This makes it possible to prompt
the machine operator to perform the safety self-test at shorter intervals. The
safety self-test can be started by soft key, for example.
The messages prompting the operator to perform the self-test can be cleared
with the CE key, except for the last message (which appears after no more
than 168 hours, or after the expiration of the time entered in SMP511).
The safety self-test must be executed for the entire machine within the
specified time; an axis-group-specific division is not possible.
If no test is performed within the specified time and the door is open, the
machine is brought to a safe stop. If no test is performed and the door is
closed, the machine is also brought to a safe stop as soon as the door is
After that, the door must be closed and the test must be performed.
After the test has been completed, the time period specified in SMP511 or the
SPLC program is active for a new test prompt.


After the machine has been switched on, the machine will not be in a safe
state until the safety self-test and the test of the brakes have been
completed successfully.

Standstill monitoring remains active during the entire self-test.


In a system with functional safety, the safety self-test can be performed on

the controller units only if at least one axis/spindle is active per controller
unit (drive-control motherboard).

158 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

7.2 Self-Test Sequence
When the control is started, the safety self-test automatically begins with the
first part after the SPLC program has been compiled. In the first part, internal
monitoring functions and signals are tested. The machine control voltage must
be switched off during the first part. The guard doors of all work envelopes
must be closed and the machine control voltage (CVO) must be switched on
before the second part begins. The cut-out paths, parts of the external wiring
and the test of the brakes are tested during the second part of the self-test.
The self-test is performed in the sequence described below. A detailed
description of the individual test steps is provided on the following pages.
„ Step 1: Start of the self-test
„ Step 2: Test of various internal monitoring functions
„ Step 3: Test of the chain of normally closed contacts, see page 7–163
„ Step 4: Test of the emergency-stop circuit, see page 7–175
„ Step 5: Test of the machine control voltage, see page 7–162.
„ Step 6: Test of the machine keys and permissive buttons/keys, see page 7–
„ Step 7: Test of the guard doors, see page 7–163.
„ Step 8: Test of the brake control, see page 7–164.
„ Step 9: Test of the motor holding brakes (via holding torque), see page 7–
„ Step 10: Test of the cut-out channels, see page 7–162

July 2011 7.2 Self-Test Sequence 159

The diagram below shows the basic sequence and the essential signals of the

Step Function Screen display

1 Start of the self test, immediately after Pop-up window
compiling of the PLC program
Self test
2 Phase 1 of the self-test: HSCI components are
Triggering and detection of essential tested
internal signals are tested.
3 Test of chain of normally closed contacts
via FB_NCC signal
4 Test of ES.A/ES.B inputs via the TEST.A/
TEST.B test outputs
5 Waiting for Control Voltage ON (CVO RELAY EXTERNAL DC

160 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Step Function Screen display
6 Switch-on of machine control voltage is EMERGENCY STOP test
detected, test of chain of normally closed
contacts via FB_NCC signal
7 Phase 2 of the self-test:
„ Test of the machine operating keys
„ Testing the guard doors for being
„ Test of the motor brake control
„ Cut-out channel test, including the
triggering and detection of the STO.A.G
and STOS.A.G signals
On each rising edge of the STO.A.G signal,
the chain of normally closed contacts
(FB_NCC) and the state of the motor
holding brakes (T_BRK) are tested.
8 Normal control operation TRAVERSE REFERENCE
Machine control voltage is switched on, POINTS
STO.A.G output and ES.A/ES.B are at 1.
STOS.A.G is at 0.

July 2011 7.2 Self-Test Sequence 161

7.3 Test of the Cut-Out Channels
The following cut-out channels are tested:
„ –STO.A.G = 0
„ –STOS.A.G = 0
„ –STO.A.x = 0
„ –STO.B.x = 0
To check the effectiveness of the cut-out channel tests, the MC and CC have
the following feedback inputs:
„ FB_NCC.A and FB_NCC.B: Test of the entire chain of normally closed
contacts (e.g. tool holder, motor holding brakes, etc.)
„ RDY.x: Test of readiness of the power module
The following function is also tested:
„ Switch-off of all safety-related outputs on the SPL and SMOP, and test of
the state (= 0).
„ Service pack 05 expands the safety selftest as regards the safe outputs.
During the test all safe, dual-channel PL outputs are specifically switched off
via hardware watchdogs. This state is checked to ensure that all dual-
channel outputs assume this state (=0) and remain in it. The PLD-H 04-08-
00FS modules with ID 727 219 variant 01 do not fulfill the requirements of
this test, and must therefore be replaced by variant 02 modules. Other PL
modules already support this test. If the previous PLD version with ID
727 219-01 is in the electrical cabinet when the new test is performed, the
test is aborted with the error message "E031 error xxxxxxxx…". The test can
be deactivated via SMP560 bit 12 = 1 until the PL modules have been
exchanged. The test must be reactivated once the modules have been

7.4 Test of Machine Control Voltage

During the safety self-test the operator is prompted to switch on the machine
control voltage (CVO). Prior to this, the test has already verified that the
machine control voltage is switched off.

162 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

7.5 Test of the Chain of Normally Closed Contacts
Interrogation of the complete chain of normally closed contacts (FB_NCC.A,
FB_NCC.B inputs) as to whether all safety relays are in the safe state (= relay
dropped out). This test is part of the cut-out channel test and is also performed
each time the machine is switched back on via Control Voltage ON (all relay
contacts must be closed). This means that the chain of normally closed
contacts must always be closed before the STO.A.G signal is set. After the
test has been initiated, there is a waiting time of max. 200 ms, during which
the chain of normally closed contacts must be closed. This waiting time was
introduced to give the relays with slower switching times sufficient time to
close the normally closed contacts.
The SPLC must transmit the states of the FS inputs FB_NCC.A and FB_NCC.B
(feedback from chain of normally closed contacts) to the safety-kernel
software to enable the safety-kernel software to check the effectiveness of a
cutout during the safety self-test, see page 8–215.
A short circuit to 0 V or 24 V of the FB_NCC signal is detected during the self-
test. For this purpose, the K1 relay controlled via –STO.A.G (HEIDENHAIN
basic circuit diagram) must be wired to the chain of normally closed contacts.

7.6 Test of the Guard Doors

This test checks whether the guard doors of the work envelope are closed for
the safety self-test. If the guard doors are not closed, the self-test will not be
continued until the doors are closed. An appropriate message prompts the
operator to close the guard doors.
The SPLC must transmit the states of the axis groups to the safety-kernel
software to enable the safety-kernel software to check the guard doors during
the safety self-test, see page 8–200. The second part of the self-test must not
be started until all guard doors are closed so that the operator is not
endangered. The SPLC program must inform the SKERN when all axis groups
are in the "Automatic mode" safe operating mode (SOM_1).

July 2011 7.6 Test of the Guard Doors 163

7.7 Test of the Motor Brake Control
This test checks whether the motor holding brakes can be switched via two
channels. The brake control test is performed at the beginning of the safety
self-test. If it is unavoidable in exceptional cases (e.g. for test purposes), you
can—on your own responsibility—switch off the test collectively for all axes
by setting SMP560 bit 3.


In principle, the test of motor brake control should be active!

If the brake test is deactivated via SMP560 bit 3 for test purposes, a
malfunction of the motor holding brakes cannot be detected and the
sagging of hanging axes cannot be ruled out.

To perform this test, the test line must be wired to the feedback inputs
T.BRK.A and T.BRK.B (see Figure 3.20: block diagram of motor brake control).
However, the T.BRK signal is not used to provide feedback information about
the state of the brake during operation. The T.BRK signal is used only for the
test of motor brake control.
The SPLC must transmit the T.BRK.A and T.BRK.B signals to the safety-kernel
software to enable the safety-kernel software to check the motor brake
control during the safety self-test, see page 8–217.
The individual tests (see below) of motor brake control are performed by the
MC, while the CC monitors the correct test procedure on the MC. If faults
occur while the tests of motor brake control are being performed, the MC and
the CC each initiate an SS0.
„ Depending on how the brakes are controlled during the test, an SS0 is
initiated if:
• one of the transistor contacts in the inverter is not interrupted,
• one of relays used for controlling the brakes is not switched off via the
B channel (= 0),
• one of the safe SPL outputs used for direct brake control is not
switched off (= 0),
• one of relays used for controlling the brakes is not switched off via the
A channel (= 0),
• there is a short circuit to 24 V,
• one of the transistor contacts in the inverter does not make a
• one of the relays used for dual-channel control of the brakes does not
switch (= 1),
• one of the safe SPL outputs used for direct brake control does not
switch (= 1), or
• there is a short circuit to 0 V.
The test does not depend on the state of MP2234.x bit 0. MP2234 bit 0 = 0 is
used to output the –BRK.B.x signal to the inverter via the PWM interface. If
MP2234 bit 0 = 1, the –BRK.B.x signal is not output. The outputs on the SPL
module are used for brake control via the B channel.
For the requirements to be met by the SPLC program for controlling the brakes
during the test, see page 199.

164 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Figure 3.20: Block diagram of motor brake control
A protective circuit in the form of a varistor must be connected in parallel to
the inductance (coil of the holding brake) for controlling the motor holding
brakes (see basic circuit diagram). Due to the inductance of the motor holding
brakes and any relays used, a voltage peak that may exceed 1000 V occurs
when the exciting current is switched off. This may destroy other electronics,
such as connected PLC inputs/outputs.


A basic wiring error in the brake control circuit can cause gravity-loaded
axes to fall down, in particular during the brake control test. During the first
motor brake control test after wiring a machine, a gravity-loaded axis must
therefore be secured against falling!

During the brake test, brake control is carried out once by only the B channel,
and once by only the A channel. The servo drives are not feedback-controlled
during the test. Keep this in mind during the commissioning phase of the
machine, and secure the respective axes against falling.

July 2011 7.7 Test of the Motor Brake Control 165

7.8 Motor Brake Test
After the control has been switched on, the test of the motor holding brakes
is performed at the end of the self-test. In all other periodically recurring tests,
the test of the motor holding brakes is performed at the beginning of the self-
test. This prevents the axes from sagging during operation, even if the brakes
have become smudged with oil in the meantime, for example.
During the test of the motor holding brakes, a current according to
SMP2230.x, is output while the brake is active, thereby applying a torque
against the motor holding brake. The control uses the holding torque of the
brake to determine in which direction (algebraic sign) the test torque is to be
applied, and which amount of test torque is to be applied. As a result, the ratio
of the test torque relative to the load on the servo drive always remains the
same. The test torque is applied in the direction of the holding torque. In
SMP2232.x you define the maximum permissible traverse path. If it is
exceeded during the brake test, i.e. a defective motor holding brake is
detected, the servo drives are not switched off, but they continue being
feedback controlled (the SOS safety function is active) to prevent hanging
axes from sagging.
The error message "8300 Motor brake defective x" is generated.
For the setting of machine parameters MP2230.x and MP2232.x, please refer
to the Technical Manual of your control.
For hanging and preloaded axes, feedback control applies a certain motor
torque while holding the position of the axis (holding torque, holding current).
During the test of the motor holding brakes the test torque (test current) is
added to the holding torque corresponding to the position. The sign of the test
current applied is always the opposite of the sign of the holding current
determined. The motor encoder is used for the test of the motor holding
brakes. Test procedure:
„ Determining the current axis position and the holding torque (the axis is
being feedback-controlled)
„ Reducing the control parameters, waiting for the activation and the
application of the brake
„ Switching feedback control off
„ Adding the test torque to the holding torque determined. At the same time
the position of the axis is monitored, and it is checked whether the test
torque is generated (measurement of motor current).
If no increase in current was detected during the test of the motor brakes, the
error message "8310 No current in brake test x" is issued. It is not possible to
clear the error messages and the message window prompting the operator to
move the axes to a safe state.


Axes with defective motor holding brake must be moved to a safe position
before switching off the machine.

166 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

The axis/spindle guard doors must be closed while the brake test is being
performed; otherwise the error message "MC guard doors are open" or " CC
guard door open in brake test" will be issued. The brake test cannot be
performed until the axis/spindle guard doors are closed. The SPLC must
transmit the status of the guard doors to the SKERN.
If a brake is found to be defective during the test of the motor brakes, the axes
remain in closed-loop control. This status is maintained until the control is shut
down or the drives are switched off via the PLC. Before switching off the
machine or the drives, you must traverse axes with defective motor holding
brake to a safe position or somehow else secure them against falling.
For the requirements to be met by the SPLC program for controlling the brakes
during the test, see page 199.
You can deactivate the closure of the guard doors on your own responsibility
for test purposes (by setting SMP560 bit 1 to 1).
If an axis has more than one motor holding brake, you can only test both
brakes together.
The operation and testing of motor-holding brakes must be in accordance with
Information Sheet No. 005 "Gravity-loaded axes (vertical axes)" issued by the
engineering technical committee (BGM (German Employer's Liability
Association in the metal industry)). This Information Sheet requires a cyclic
brake test to be performed on nonredundant holding systems no later than
after the expiration of eight hours or after a working shift is over. For systems
that are safely protected from being accessed (e.g. by guard doors with guard
locking), the test can be performed right before accessing the systems when
the opening of the guard door is requested. This extends the test interval from
eight hours to the point in time at which the guard door is to be opened. In this
case, the brake test does not need to be performed until the guard door is
actually opened. PLC module 9144 enables you to start the brake test and the
safety self-test at any time via the PLC program. You can ensure safe
monitoring of the test interval by entering the corresponding time in SMP511.

July 2011 7.8 Motor Brake Test 167

7.8.1 Brake test for synchronized axes
General information:
The brake test is activated (> 0) or deactivated (= 0) separately for each servo
drive via MP2230.x. During the brake test, an additional test torque from
MP2230.x, defined via a multiplier, is applied to the motor stall current. This
test torque exerts additional load on the holding brake of the servo drive. The
axis is prevented from moving during the brake test and the brake test is
considered to have been passed only if the brake withstands this load.
The control determines the algebraic sign of the test torque individually for
each servo drive depending on the holding torque. If servo drives are not
subject to gravitational load, or if the brake is closed and is therefore currently
without holding torque, the sign of the test torque cannot be determined
In software versions up to 606 42x-01 SP02, this caused a problem with the
brake test of synchronized axes if different algebraic signs were determined
for the master drive and slave drive. In rare cases this could result in the test
torques of the master drive and the slave drive counteracting each other so
that the synchronized axis is distorted. As a consequence, the result of the
brake test could not be attributed to the actual holding force of the brake,
which means that the result of the brake test was not meaningful in these
Also, for gravity-loaded axes, the algebraic sign must be opposite to the
current holding torque. Otherwise, the power module must generate the
holding torque plus the test torque against gravity, and in unfavorable cases
this can result in a shut-down through the power modules due to overload.
HEIDENHAIN modified the brake test for synchronized axes as follows:
Behavior during the brake test of synchronized axes:
The function reads the machine configuration to detect which servo drives are
operated together as a synchronized axis and which must therefore be
handled separately in the brake test. Machine parameter MP850.x is used to
configure the servo drives as a synchronized axis. The brakes and servo drives
of the synchronized axis are tested simultaneously. It is ensured, however,
that the same algebraic sign is used for the test torque of all servo drives.
The sign is determined for all servo drives of the synchronized axis based on
the entry for the holding torque of the master in MP2630.x. If no value is
entered in MP2630.x, the current holding torque of the master is used.

168 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

There are two possibilities for starting the brake test. In both cases the
function described above is used to test the brakes of synchronized axes
„ Automatic brake test
The brake test takes place automatically during the power-up test of the
control, as soon as all servo drives of the respective synchronized axis have
been switched on.
„ Brake test via PLC module
Using PLC module 9144, you can start the safety self-test via the PLC. The
brake test is then automatically performed at the beginning of the self-test.
What is new in the service packs listed below is that the slave drives of a
synchronized axis are tested simultaneously with the master. As a
prerequisite for the brake test of a synchronized axis, all servo drives of the
axis must be switched on and the brakes must be open.
HEIDENHAIN modified the brake test as described above with the following
service packs:
„ NC software 606 42x-01 SP 02 (December 2010)

July 2011 7.8 Motor Brake Test 169

Additional possibility as of 606 42x-01 SP02:
Testing the brakes of a synchronized axis successively
The above-mentioned service packs 02 and higher will also make it possible to
activate a changed brake test sequence via MP860 bit 2. If MP860 bit 2 = 1,
the servo drives of a synchronized axis are tested successively rather than
simultaneously. As a result, the brake test is performed individually for all
servo drives of a synchronized axis.
All brakes and servo drives of the synchronized axis are tested successively,
one after the other, at the specified test current. For the brakes and servo
drives that are not part of the momentary test, but are configured as
connected to the servo drive to be tested, the current is set during the test so
that the servo drive is not moved. The brakes of these servo drives must be
open for this purpose. This way, each time only the brake of an individual servo
drive is tested, without the other servo drives or brakes of the synchronized
axis having an effect on the test.
To be able to use this brake test sequence, the individual brakes of the
synchronized axis must not be combined. It must be possible to control the
brakes individually.
Due to the modified sequence of the brake test, more time is necessary to
perform the test for all axes. You may have to consider this in your PLC
program if you monitor the times of the power-up test or the brake test.
There are also two possibilities for starting the brake test. In both cases the
function described above is used to test the brakes of synchronized axes
„ Automatic brake test
The brake test takes place automatically during the power-up test of the
control, as soon as all servo drives of the respective synchronized axis have
been switched on.
„ Brake test via PLC module
Using PLC module 9144, you can start the safety self-test via the PLC. The
brake test is then automatically performed at the beginning of the self-test.
What is new in the below-mentioned service packs is that the slave drives
of a synchronized axis are tested successively after the master. As a
prerequisite for the brake test of a synchronized axis, all servo drives of the
axis must be switched on and the brakes must be open.
HEIDENHAIN modified the brake test for synchronized axes as described
above with the following service packs:
„ NC software 606 42x-01 SP 02 (December 2010)

170 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Constraints for the brake test:
As a prerequisite for the brake test of a synchronized axis, all servo drives of
the axis must be switched on and the brakes must be open. The test can only
be performed if all relevant servo drives are switched on.


Before performing the brake test, ensure via the PLC program that all servo
drives of a synchronized axis are switched on and the holding brakes are

For slave drives for which the brake test has been disabled via MP2230.x, the
current is adjusted so that the servo drive is not moved while the other servo
drives of the synchronized axis are being tested.
Since the algebraic sign of the test torque cannot be determined until the
drives are feedback-controlled and the brakes are open, an appropriate waiting
time must be specified for the start of the brake test of synchronized axes. The
time set in MP2309.x is used for this. The value for MP2309.x must equal the
time that passes until the brake is really open after the controller has been
switched on. The same time must be entered in MP2309.x for all servo drives
of a synchronized axis.
In general, the following applies to the brake control: If the brakes are
controlled by the PLC, and not by the inverters, the PLC module 9159 (drive
controllers are switched off) transmits the status message to the PLC program
regarding the closing of the brakes during the brake test.
HEIDENHAIN recommends:


For all machines on which a brake test for synchronized axes is performed,
HEIDENHAIN recommends installing the above-mentioned service packs
to be able to use the new behavior of the brake test. If software versions
340 49x-06 and 606 42x-01 are used, the sequential brake test of
synchronized axes should also be activated (MP860 bit 2 = 1).
„ If required, modify the PLC program with respect to the conditions and
the changed behavior of the brake test.
„ Test the behavior of the PLC program and the brake test on the machine.
„ If required, update the NC software and the PLC program of the affected
machines in the field.

If you need assistance in evaluating the situation, also please contact the
responsible HEIDENHAIN service agency.
If you also need the modified brake test for synchronized axes for software
versions for which no service pack is currently planned, please contact the
responsible HEIDENHAIN service agency.

July 2011 7.8 Motor Brake Test 171

Machine parameters and PLC module:

MP_860.x Synchronous control

Input: Bit 2: Brake test for synchronized axes
0 = Test the brakes of a synchronized axis simultaneously
1 = Test the brakes of a synchronized axis successively (new
behavior, as of 606 42x-01 SP02)
MP_2230.x Multiplier for motor current during test of motor brake
Input: 0.100 to 30.000 [· motor stall current]
0: No test of motor brakes, or motor without brake
Recommended: 1.3 · ML / M0
MP_2232.x Maximum permissible path during test of motor brakes
Input: 0 to 10.0000 [mm] or [°]
MP_2309.x Controller parameters adjusted to closed brake
Input: 0: Not active
0.001 to 5.000 [s]
MP_2630.x Holding current
Input: –100.000 to +100.000 [A]

Module 9144 Safety self-test / Emergency stop test

PLC module 9144 is used to activate special functions regarding the safety
self-test or emergency-stop test, as well as the functional safety (FS) of a
HEIDENHAIN control system.
The test can be started directly through the PLC module. Also, a PLC soft key
can be made available through the PLC program if all minimum requirements
are fulfilled so that the user can start the self test directly by soft key.
In the self-test performed after the control has been switched on, the test of
the motor brakes is performed at the end of the self-test once all cut-out paths
have been tested and the servo drives have been switched on. In the repeated
self-test via module 9144, the test of the motor brakes is performed right at
the beginning of the self-test. The servo drives are not switched off for further
tests until the test of the motor brakes has been passed.
The (S)PLC program must ensure that the following minimum requirements
are met before the repeated self-test is started:
„ All guard doors must be closed and, if possible, locked.
„ No active machining operation is allowed.

172 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Further constraints may apply, depending on the control model used:
„ Safety self-test and emergency-stop test for controls with functional
safety (FS)
The PLC program can determine at what time a test is to be performed or
suggested. The PLC program can use PLC module 9037 to inquire how
much time is left until the self-test must be performed. The PLC program
can use Module 9144 to start the test immediately, taking the minimum
requirements (mode 0) into account. The PLC marker 4288 is not supported.
If the test is repeated using Module 9144, the brake test is automatically
performed at the beginning of the self-test. All servo drives whose brakes
are to be tested must be switched on for the brake test. After the brake test,
the NC software switches off the servo drives before starting the self-test.
„ The marker M4190 is set and the marker M4189 is reset when a test is
„ The marker M4189 is set and the marker M4190 is reset when the entire
test cycle has been completed.
„ The marker M4192 is set when there is a request for the control voltage to
be switched on. The marker is planned to be supported as of SP 03.
Module 9144 and the PLC markers are used to start the repeated self-test
through the PLC and to fully automate the self-test. The test is started via
Module 9144 and initiates an external emergency stop through the signals
MC.RDY and STO.A.G after the brake test has been completed successfully.
Then the test continues up to the point at which the control voltage must be
switched back on. This can be done by the user on request by the NC, or the
procedure can be automated such that marker 4192 is evaluated and the
control voltage is switched on by the PLC. As soon as the control voltage has
been switched back on, the self-test is continued up to completion.
Please also note the following when performing the brake test on
synchronized axes:
Only if a brake test for the master and an associated slave drive of the
synchronized axis is configured via MP2230.x will the slaves automatically be
included in the brake test of the master. The brake test of all servo drives of
the synchronized axis is based on the settings in the machine parameters.
In order to start the brake test of synchronized axes via PLC module 9144, all
drives of a synchronized axis must be switched on via the PLC program before
the brake test can be performed. If a servo drive involved is not switched on,
the brake test is canceled with the error message 8330 Brake test was

July 2011 7.8 Motor Brake Test 173

PS K/B/W/D <Mode>
0: Start self test immediately
1: Reserved
10: Define the operating mode for functional safety
11: Request for testing the axis position
PS K/B/W/D <Parameter 1>
Mode 0: No evaluation, must be programmed
Mode 1: No evaluation, must be programmed
Mode 10:
0: Operation through machine operating panel
1: Operation through manual control unit
2: Homing and testing of axes
Mode 11: Number of axis to be tested
PS K/B/W/D <Parameter 2>
Mode 0: No evaluation, must be programmed
Mode 1: No evaluation, must be programmed
Mode 10: No evaluation, must be programmed
Mode 11: No evaluation, must be programmed
CM 9144
PL B/W/D <Status/Error>
Mode 0:
0: Function is executed
1: Error according to W1022
Error code:

Marker Value Meaning

M4203 0 No error
1 Error code in W1022
W1022 2 Invalid value programmed for mode or parameter
28 Test already active
43 This is not an HSCI system or a system with functional
51 Function is not supported by this control
58 Control without operating-mode group
61 Function is not supported by this control

Module 9159 Advance status message: Drives will be switched off

CM 9159
PL W/D <Drives, in bit code, that are switched off in the time
defined in MP2308>

174 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

7.9 Test of the Machine Configuration
The test of the machine configuration takes place right at the beginning of the
safety self-test.
In this test, the serial numbers of the HSCI participants, of all EnDat encoders
and the inverters are read by the MC. The serial numbers determined are
compared with the serial numbers saved. If the list of saved serial numbers
does not match the serial numbers determined, a dialog box appears. This
dialog box informs the end user about a discrepancy. The user must check the
new configuration of the machine at this point and confirm it by entering the
OEM password, or he must react to a fault that occurred in the configuration.
If the configuration is not confirmed, the safety self-test will be interrupted at
this point and will not be continued.

7.10 Test of the Machine Keys and Permissive Buttons/Keys

All machine operating keys (axis-direction keys, handwheel/machine operating
panel/tool magazine permissive buttons/keys, tool holder, spindle start, NC
start, Control Voltage ON) are checked to verify that they are "not actuated."
The SPLC program determines the keys to be tested. The SPLC program must
use a logical OR operation to combine the input markers into the group signal
MK.G. It then reports the result to the SKERN, see page 8–217. Also, the SPLC
must inform the SKERN about the state of the permissive buttons/keys, see
page 8–214.

7.11 Test of the Emergency-Stop Circuit

Test sequence within the safety self-test:
The emergency stop inputs –ES.A.SMOP, –ES.B.SMOP, –ES.A.SPL, –
ES.B.SPL, –ES.A.HW and –ES.B.HW are tested using the test outputs –
TEST.A.x and –TEST.B.x. –TEST.A.x controls the inputs of the MC, and –
TEST.B.x controls the inputs of the CC. A safe stop 1 is initiated if a fault
During normal control operation the test (forced dynamic sampling) is
performed using the dynamic test outputs –TEST.A.x and –TEST.B.x, see page

July 2011 7.11 Test of the Emergency-Stop Circuit 175

176 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety
8 SPLC – Safety-Related PLC

8.1 General Information


„ HEIDENHAIN reminds its customers that the basic circuit diagram of the
control is a non-binding proposal: the OEM must adapt the diagram to the
needs of the respective machine.
„ HEIDENHAIN reminds its customers that the requirements formulated in
this chapter for an SPLC program constitute a non-binding proposal: the
OEM must adapt the program to the needs of the respective machine.
„ The OEM is responsible for adhering to the relevant standards and safety
regulations (EN 12417).
„ The OEM is responsible for the safety of a machine. The OEM must
ensure the safety of the machine by performing a comprehensive
acceptance test. The acceptance test must cover all safety functions of
the machine, including all functions that are realized in the SPLC program.
„ For general information about the SPLC programming, please refer to the
online help of PLCdesignNT, starting from version 2.7. You can download
the current version of PLCdesignNT from our FileBase under PC

July 2011 8.1 General Information 177

8.2 Safe Software Structure
Overview of the HSCI participants and the possibility of programming the PLC
and SPLC via an external PC:

Figure 3.40: Programming

8.3 Software Structure of PLC / SPLC

The HEIDENHAIN Serial Controller Interface (HSCI) is an interface that makes
it possible to exchange data via two channels. This is the basis for the safety
integrated in the controls from HEIDENHAIN. The relationships between the
dual-channel inputs/outputs, the HSCI interface, (S)PLC, SKERN and the
development and diagnostic tools affected are described in this chapter.

178 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.4 Glossary
Software (processes) on the MC, CC and PL:

IPO (MC) Interpolator of the control (manages the drives).

The IPO manages the communication with the CC slaves.

PLC (MC) Programmable logic control for adapting machine-specific

functions by using physical digital and analog inputs and
The term PLC in this case includes both the freely
programmable part (PLC program) and the associated
run-time environment (PLC run-time system, abbreviated

SPLC Process on the MC and CC that includes machine-

(MC/CC) specific functions in the safety functions, using the aid of
an SPLC program (running in the respective process)
created by the OEM.
As with the PLC, the term SPLC includes both the freely
programmable part (SPLC program) and the associated
run-time environment (SPLC run-time system,
abbreviated SPLC-RTS).

SKERN SKERN, or safety-kernel software:

(MC/CC) Processes on the MC or CC in which the basic safety
functions of the control are collected.
Also, the SKERN triggers the safety functions (such as
stop reactions).

CC-FW Firmware (controller software) on the CC controller unit

PL-FW Firmware on the PLs and SPLs

Symbol Symbolic designations can be used for operands in PLC

information projects and in SPLC projects (see page 8–181). The
system specification understands the term "symbol
information" to mean the assignment of symbolic names
to operands.


July 2011 8.4 Glossary 179

Software outside of the control for project setup and diagnostics:

PLCdesignNT Development tool for creating PLC programs and SPLC

programs, see page 8–181.
Furthermore, PLCdesignNT can also be used as a
diagnostics tool for displaying PLC data and SPLC data, as
well as displaying information about the PLC program

180 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.5 SPLC Development Tool

PLCdesignNT The PLCdesignNT software development environment provided for you by

integrated software HEIDENHAIN can now be used for creating SPLC programs as well as PLC
development programs.
The online help of PLCdesignNT contains comprehensive documentation
about the SPLC API to assist your programming:
„ Introduction to SPLC programming
„ SPLC language content
„ SPLC operand addressing
„ Data exchange with the PLC
You can download the current version of PLCdesignNT from our FileBase
under PC Software.
An integrated setup tool creates a checksum-protected setup of all files
belonging to a project. This ensures that when a machine series is put into
service, the SPLC program from the acceptance test is installed on the control
without the possibility of having been manipulated.

PLC compiler Compiling on the development system

For developing the program, the compiler of the PLCdesignNT development
system from HEIDENHAIN is used to check the syntax of the source files,
generate intermediate code from the HEIDENHAIN statement list, and to
generate debug information and make it available in a file.
Local compiling
The target system variant of the compiler is located on the control. Each time
the control is (re)started, the PLC compiler translates all files belonging to an
SPLC project into executable machine code for the SPLC runtime system.
By reading a CRC checksum, the SPLC runtime system makes sure that the
code has not been changed since the acceptance testing of the machine.
This ensures that the source code is always stored on the control, and that it
is available should service be necessary.

Capabilities of the The HEIDENHAIN PLC statement language for generating the SPLC program
compiler is limited to the commands for data processing (logical/arithmetic gating),
memory transfer (load/write to accumulator) and conditional processing (If/

Compiler functions To achieve the dual-channel redundancy, the PLC compiler generates code in
for SPLC two separate runs but from the same source code: once for the SPLC process
programming on the MC hardware and once for the SPLC process on the CC hardware.
During this generation, a CRC sum is determined via the binary data, and is
used by the SPLC runtime system to make sure that the code has not been
changed since the acceptance testing of the machine.
Operands that serve as an interface to the SPLC runtime system or to the PLC
are placed by the compiler on permanently defined address ranges, and
information about these ranges is stored in the debug information file.

July 2011 8.5 SPLC Development Tool 181

8.6 PLC and SPLC Programs

Figure 3.42: Relationship between PLC and SPLC programs

On a safe control, three different PLC programs are run in parallel. Each
program saves its operands in a separate process image.
The program on the MC, is managed by the PLC runtime system
The program on the MC, is managed by the SPLC-MC runtime system
The program on the CCs, is managed by the SPLC-CC runtime systems
The PLC program and the SPLC-MC program use the I/Os of the A channel.
The SPLC program on the master CC uses the I/Os of the B channel.

182 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

These programs are developed with the PLCdesignNT development tool in a
workspace containing two projects. A project always consists of a main file
and any associated files (definition files for process-image data or other source
The following cycle times apply:
„ PLC cycle time and SPLC-MC cycle time: can be set via MP7602
„ SPLC-CC cycle time: permanently 21 ms


Please note that the SPLC-CC does not run at the same clock rate as the
This means that it is not possible to set a dual-channel output with a PLC
pulse. Furthermore, it cannot be guaranteed that the SPLC program will run
between two PLC clocks.
Therefore, information from the PLC must be sent to the SPLC as statuses,
and not as events.

8.7 Safety of the SPLC Program

The PLCdesignNT programming tool used to create the SPLC project
(SMAIN.SRC) and the SPLC programs (SMAIN.MC.BIN and SMAIN.CC.BIN)
resulting from the project is not safe. The safety of the SPLC programs is
ensured by the successful acceptance testing of the machine tool. The SPLC
RTS MC saves the CRCs for the intermediate code (SMAIN.PLC) and the two
binary codes (SMAIN.MC.BIN, SMAIN.CC.BIN) in safe machine parameters
(SMPs). The SPLC runtime systems check whether each SPLC program is
safe in its own channel.


The safety of the SPLC programs is not ensured until the machine tool has
successfully passed the acceptance test. This test must be performed by
the machine manufacturer.

Once the machine tool has successfully passed the acceptance test, the
respectively valid CRCs are stored in the corresponding SMP691.x, and are
used for comparison each time the SPLC programs are translated. If one of the
stored CRCs does not match the presently generated CRC, an acceptance test
must be performed. The scope of the acceptance test is determined by the
changes to the SPLC program. If the control determines that there is a
difference between a current CRC checksum and a saved CRC, without the
SPLC program having been changed intentionally, then the entire acceptance
test must be performed.
An error message appears if the presently generated CRC checksum differs
from the corresponding entry in SMP691.x. The error message contains the
present checksum, which must then be entered in SMP691.x. The OEM
password is needed to confirm this change to the SMP.

July 2011 8.7 Safety of the SPLC Program 183

8.8 Requirements to Be Met by the SPLC Program
Chapters 8.9 to 8.11 describe the requirements that HEIDENHAIN considers
an SPLC program must fulfill for a simple milling machine. HEIDENHAIN
reminds its customers that the requirements formulated in this chapter for the
SPLC program constitute a non-binding proposal: the OEM must adapt the
program to the needs of the respective machine.

Chapter 8.8 Introduction

Chapter 8.9 Interfaces to/from the SPLC (SPLC API), see page 8–185
Description of all data (input and output data) that are
available to the SPLC program

Chapter 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program, see page 8–196

Specification of the SPLC program and description of all
details necessary for implementing the SPLC program

Chapter 8.11 Examples and exceptions, see page 8–221

Description of the functionality of the SPLC program by
way of examples and exceptions

8.8.1 Axis groups / working spaces for an example milling machine

A simple milling machine generally has three axis groups:
„ Axis group for all NC axes (axis group A)
„ Axis group for the spindle (axis group S)
„ Axis group of the auxiliary axes for the tool magazine (axis group T)
If there are other auxiliary axes, such as for a pallet changer, then additional
axis groups are necessary.
In the HEIDENHAIN safety design, the configuration of axis groups is realized
via SMP600.x and SMP610.x, see page 6–136.
Such an example machine has two working spaces:
„ Working space for NC axes and spindle. Protected by A/S (axis/spindle)
guard door
„ Working space for auxiliary axes of the tool magazine. Protected by T (tool)
guard door

8.8.2 Moving the axes with open guard doors

If the axis/spindle guard door is open, then movement of the NC axes and the
spindle is enabled by selecting a safe operating mode (SOM), see page 6–125.
Any operator can move the tool magazine even if the tool guard door is open
by pressing the appropriate keys. For safety reasons, the keys for this
operation must be located so that the operator needs both hands to press
them. This ensures that he cannot reach into the tool magazine while it is
For more information on guard doors, see page 6–145.

184 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC
The safety-related dual-channel inputs and outputs are the interfaces of the
SPLC to the safety-relevant hardware of the machine.

8.9.1 The splcapimarker.def definition file

The SPLC-API programming interface is the interface between the SLPC and
the SKERN. This programming interface is prescribed by HEIDENHAN, and is
described below. The existing interface markers of the SPLC-API are
prescribed, and only HEIDENHAIN can change or extend them. The interface
markers are specified in the splcapimarker.def definition file. Therefore, an
SPLC program is based on the prescriptions of the SPLC-API used.
HEIDENHAIN makes this splcapimarker.def file available to the (S)PLC
developer. As soon as the file is included in the SPLC program via the
INCLUDE command, the control uses the symbolic SPLC-API. The file
consists of all symbolic SPLC operands, which have been gathered in a
HEIDENHAIN releases a revised version of splcapimarker.def at irregular
intervals. The most recent version of splcapimarker.def is automatically
transferred to the control when the NC software is updated.
After an update of the NC software, you will find the current version of the file
in the following directory of the control: PLC:\proto\plc\splcapimarker.def.
This means that if the control's software is updated, the interface description
of the SPLC-API and its version can change. In order to ensure that the SPLC-
API does not change without being noticed, in SMP693 you must enter the
version of the SPLC-API used to create the SPLC program. If the value in
SMP693 differs from the version of the SPLC-API of the NC software used,
the "Changed NC software version" error message will inform you of this. If
the SPLC-API versions differ, then you must check the SPLC program. If
necessary, you must adapt it and perform a new acceptance test of the
machine. After you have checked the SPLC program you must change the
entry in SMP693 for the SPLC-API version.
Proceed as follows:
„ Replace the splcapimarker.def file:
During the update of the NC software, a new version of splcapimarker.def
was automatically copied to the PLC partition of the control.
 Switch to the Programming and Editing operating mode.
 Enter the MOD code number 807667 to switch to the PLC Programming
mode of operation.
 Press the PGM MGT key to open the file manager.
 Switch to the PLC:\proto\plc directory.
 Copy splcapimarker.def to the program directory of your SPLC program.
Overwrite the existing splcapimarker.def file.
 After you have checked the SPLC program and translated it with the new
splcapimarker.def file, you must change the entry in SMP693 for the SPLC-
API version.

July 2011 8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC 185


If the SPLC-API version has changed, you must check the SPLC program.
If necessary, you must adapt it and perform a new acceptance test of the


Please also copy the splcapimarker.def file to your PC as well, and add it to
the PLCdesignNT project. Otherwise, during the next transfer of SPLC
project files to the control, the file might be overwritten by the old version.

The SPLC-API programming interface can also be included in the standard PLC
program (INCLUDE). If this is the case, the data from ApiFromSafety and
ApiToSafety are copied to the double-word range of the PLC. This data can
then be used for additional interrogations or diagnostic purposes in the PLC

186 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.9.2 Safety-related inputs, FS inputs
The SPLC program for the control of a machine tool can access safety-related
inputs (= FS inputs) of the machine operating panel (MB 6xx FS or SMOP) and
of dual-channel modules in the SPLs (PL 6xxx FS or SPL). Each safety-oriented
input must be wired twice (A and B channels) and the information for the two
input terminals must be formed by two independent elements (such as a
pushbutton with two normally open contacts), see page 6–144. This rules out
the possibility of an individual faulty electrical contact leading to an undesired


For all physical inputs of the SPLC:

If the input marker of the SPLC program has the value 0, then the assigned
safety functions must be activated.

The following safety-related inputs are relevant for a simple milling machine:
„ ES: external emergency stop (from operating panel, from handwheel, … )
„ CVO: "Control Voltage ON" key (one or more)
„ SD: door contacts of the guard doors
„ PB: permissive buttons/keys (on the handwheel, operating panel, tool
„ KSW: keylock switches for safe operating modes SOM 2, SOM 3, SOM 4
„ T.BRK: test input for motor holding brake
„ FB_NCC: feedback from the chain of normally closed contacts
„ Axis-direction keys
„ Other keys with a Start function (NC start, spindle start, spindle jog)
„ Keys with a Stop function (NC stop, spindle stop)


If one of the inputs listed above is missing, then instead of the input marker
another marker can be defined whose value is set to 0.

Please see page 6–144 for more information about the safety-related inputs.

Plausibility of the If a permissive button/key is pressed for longer than 30 minutes without
permissive button/ interruption, then the SPLC program is to set the corresponding input marker
key to 0. If the operator releases the permissive button/key, the input marker must
also be set to 0. Furthermore, the SPLC program must set an export marker
that tells the PLC program to display a warning. This makes it possible to
detect a jammed permissive button/key. In all following considerations, the
filtered input marker of the permissive button/key is used. Hereinafter, the
permissive button/key is only considered to be pressed if the filtered input
marker is set to 1. The 30 minutes are a guideline. The risk analysis of the
machine can result in a different, perhaps even shorter value.

July 2011 8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC 187

8.9.3 Safety-related outputs, FS outputs
The SPLC program for the control of a simple milling machine must handle at
least the following physical outputs:
„ Control of the tool holder
„ Control of the motor holding brakes, either axis-specifically or via a global
Each safety-related output (= FS output) must be wired twice (A and B
channels) and the information for the two output terminals must be acted on
by two independent elements (such as two relays connected in series in order
to release the brakes), see page 6–144. The SPLC program on the MC controls
the A channel, and the SPLC program on the CC controls the B channel. This
rules out the possibility of a faulty electrical contact leading to an undesired
Please see page 6–144 for more information about the safety-related outputs.


For all physical outputs of the SPLC:

If the output marker of the SPLC program has the value 0, then the
assigned safety functions must be activated, and it must be ensured that
connected elements activate a status that is safe for the machine operator.

In software version 606 42x-01 without SP, all safe dual-channel outputs of
the control system (system module on PLB, PL expansion modules, PL
module of UEC, PL module of UMC) were automatically switched off upon an
external emergency stop. This switch-off occurred immediately after a
triggered emergency stop (ES.x signals) had been detected by the control
system. The SPLC outputs remained switched off until the emergency-stop
status was rescinded.
However, the behavior described repeatedly leads to difficulties with complex
machines, since safe information must be exchanged and safe outputs set
even when in an emergency stop state. This became possible with
modifications to the NC software and the firmware of the components
„ For outputs of a PL 6xxx (system module on PLB, PL expansion modules)
this applies as of 606 42x service pack 01.
„ For outputs of a UMC 1xx and UEC 1xx (PL part), this applies as of 606 42x
service pack 05.
Safe outputs will then no longer automatically be switched off upon an
external emergency stop (ES.x signals). In general, safe, dual-channel outputs
will then no longer be switched off via safe status bits (4–75). The machine
manufacturer will then be responsible for ensuring that the SPLC program
switches them off. The interface marker NN_GenOutputEnable should be used
to make a decision about switching off the safe outputs, see page 8–197.
As of the appropriate service pack, this automatic switch-off only occurs if the
control crashes, if an internal fault of the component occurs, or if there is a
fault in the HSCI communication.

188 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Please note the following should service be necessary:
„ Machine with NC software 606 42x-01 without service pack
• Installation of the service pack
The firmware of the components is updated automatically. The SPLC
program must handle the switch-off of the safe, dual-channel outputs.
• Installing a new hardware component
Even if the firmware of the component is newer, it is overwritten by the
firmware from the NC software. The NC software handles the switch-
off of the safe, dual-channel outputs.
„ Machine with NC software 606 42x-01 and corresponding service pack
• Installing a new hardware component
The NC software overwrites the firmware of the component with the
firmware from the NC software. The SPLC program must handle the
switch-off of the safe, dual-channel outputs.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the implementation of
these changes, please contact HEIDENHAIN.

July 2011 8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC 189

8.9.4 SKERN --> SPLC programming interface
The SPLC program receives the following data from the SKERN safety-kernel
software in an ApiFromSafety structure of the type SPlcApiFromSafety:

Element name Brief description See page

NN_AxBrkReleaseReq[<axis>] Request to release the motor holding brake 8–199

NN_AxGrpInMotion[<axis-group>] Confirmation that at least one axis of the axis 8–198,

group is in motion 8–228

NN_AxPosition[<axis>] Current position value (actual value) of the axis in

the reference system in 0.0001 mm or 0.0001 °

NN_AxGrpState[<axis-group>] Confirmation of the safety-related status of the 8–198

axis group (SLS, SOS, STO, AUTO)

NN_GenSafe Confirmation that safe operation is possible with

an open guard door

NN_AxSafe[<axis>] Confirmation that the position value of the axis is


NN_BrkActivationTest Confirmation that the test of the brake control is 8–199

being performed. For this reason, special rules
apply for the control of motor holding brakes.

NN_GenOutputEnable Confirmation that safe outputs which trigger or 8–197

permit a motion may be switched on

As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_AxBrkReleaseReq:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) Request to activate an axis-specific motor holding


1 (TRUE) Request to release an axis-specific motor holding


As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_AxGrpInMotion:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) All axes of the axis group are at standstill

1 (TRUE) At least one axis of the axis group is in motion

Please note that SPLC marker NN_AxGrpInMotion is not synchronized with PLC
marker W1026 Axis in position. Due to differing runtimes, it can happen that
axes for PLC and SPLC do not come to a standstill at the same time.

190 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_AxGrpState:

Status Brief description

S_STATE_STO Safe Torque Off safety function

S_STATE_SOS Safe Operating Stop safety function

S_STATE_SLS_2, Safely Limited Speed safety function, specifies the

S_STATE_SLS_3, safe operating mode SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4 for
S_STATE_SLS_4 activating the respectively permissible speed

S_STATE_SLS_S Restricted Spindle Operation safe operating mode

S_STATE_AUTO Automatic Mode safe operating mode (SOM_1)

As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_GenSafe:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) The safety self-test must be performed before the

guard doors may be opened. Safe operation is not
ensured while the guard doors are open.

1 (TRUE) The safety self-test was performed successfully, and

the time until the next required test has not elapsed
yet. Safe operation is possible while the guard doors
are open.

As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_AxSafe:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) The position value supplied for the axis is not reliable,
and may not be used for the realization of safety

1 (TRUE) The axis is a safe axis, the axis has been homed, and
the axis position has been verified. The position value
supplied for the axis is reliable, and can be used for the
realization of safety functions.

July 2011 8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC 191

As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_BrkActivationTest:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) Test of the brake control is not currently being


1 (TRUE) Test of the brake control is currently being performed.

As a rule, the following statuses are possible for NN_GenOutputEnable:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) The control is in the "external emergency stop" state.

Safe outputs that trigger or permit motions should be
switched off via the SPLC program.

1 (TRUE) The control is in normal operation. Safe outputs that

trigger or permit a motion can be set.

192 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.9.5 SPLC --> SKERN programming interface
The SPLC program supplies the following data to the SKERN safety-kernel
software in an ApiToSafety structure of the type SPlcApiToSafety:

Element name Brief description See page

PP_AxGrpStopReq[<axis-group>] Stop reaction (starting on page 4–50) 8–210

requested for the axis group

PP_AxGrpStateReq[<axis-group>] Safety function 8–200

(as of 4–60) for the axis group

PP_AxGrpActivate[<axis-group>] Report of a permissible motion request for at 8–204

least one axis of the axis group

PP_AxFeedEnable[<axis>] Report of a permissible motion request for 8–208

the axis

PP_AxGrpPB Report of a pressed or valid permissive 8–214

button/key for the axis group

PP_GenFB_NCC Feedback on the status of the chain of 8–215

normally closed contacts

PP_GenCVO Control voltage is switched on or is to be 8–215

switched on

PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[<axis-group>] Report of a permissible request to switch on 8–215

the axes of the axis group (drive enabling)

PP_GenMKG Group feedback on the status of the machine 8–217

operating keys

PP_GenTBRK Feedback on the status of the test input of 8–217

the motor holding brakes

PP_GenSOM Feedback on the active safety-related 8–218

operating mode SOM of the machine

If the SPLC requests a stop reaction or safety function from the SKERN, then
the SPLC program is also responsible for showing the operator any relevant
error messages. With correct parameterization of the safe machine
parameters and of the SPLC program, all requested stop reactions and safety
functions run without error messages from the SKERN or the NC software.


Ensure that all requests (stop reactions, safety functions) by the SPLC
program run without errors, and are not unwantedly interrupted by an
additional error detection or trigger by the NC software. Should this be the
case, then the SPLC program must output error messages or instructions
for the operator.

July 2011 8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC 193

8.9.6 PLC --> SPLC programming interface
The importing of PLC operands (markers, double words) into the SPLC should
be declared during the definition of the corresponding SPLC operands. The
corresponding SPLC operands are to be considered unsafe, and this should
also be reflected in their names. The following naming convention has been
„ PS_M_Name: for SPLC operands of type M (marker)
„ PS_D_Name: for SPLC operands of type D (double word)
The SPLC program needs at least the following data from the PLC program:
„ Handwheel keys (input markers for handwheel model HR 410, logical
markers for handwheel model HR 420): The keys of these handwheels are
not safe inputs, and must therefore be imported from the PLC process
„ Machine operating mode (the SPLC program must distinguish between
"manual operation via operating panel", "automatic operation via operating
panel", "manual operation via handwheel" and "automatic operation via
„ The request for restricted spindle operation
„ The request for clamping of individual axes
„ The request for opening the tool holder
Importing the NC start and NC stop keys of an HR 410:
/sFromPlc:M9900 PS_M_Taste_HR410_NC_Stopp
/sFromPlc:M9901 PS_M_Taste_HR410_NC_Start

The PLC modules 9169 (axes for which I32 does not switch off the drives) and
9143 (activation of the brake test) cannot be used for controls with functional

194 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.9.7 SPLC --> PLC programming interface
The exporting of SPLC operands (markers, double words) into the PLC should
be declared during the definition of the corresponding SPLC operands. The
following naming convention has been proposed:
„ SP_M_Name: for SPLC operands of type M (marker)
„ SP_D_Name: for SPLC operands of type D (double word)
The SPLC program must realize at least the following safety-related functions
and export the appropriate data to the PLC program:
„ Status of the handwheel keys after appropriate filtering
„ Status of the tool holder
In addition to the explicitly declared export markers, all input markers of the
SPLC program are also exported to the PLC program. Each input marker of the
SPLC program is mapped to the PLC program's input marker that belongs to
the same physical input. The SPLC program must filter the following SPLC
input markers:
„ Permissive buttons/keys
„ Axis-direction keys
„ Keys with a Start function on the machine operating panel
„ Keys with a Start function on the tool magazine
The PLC program should never change its input markers!


Input markers that are not effective due to safety reasons must be set to 0
by the SPLC program. However, no input markers are to be set to 1.

You can find more information about this filtering in the "Filtering of inputs"
Exporting the spindle start and spindle jog keys of an HR 410 FS:
/sToPlc:M9865 SP_M_Taste_HR410_S_Start
/sToPlc:M9866 SP_M_Taste_HR410_S_Tipp

8.9.8 Diagnosis of the SPLC operands

In the control's integral oscilloscope the following channels are available for
the diagnosis of freely definable markers, double words and the interface
signals between the SKERN and the SPLC:
„ SPLC: SPLC operands of the MC SPLC program
„ SPLC CC: SPLC operands of the CC SPLC program
These channels are used to record the SPLC operands. Enter the operand in
the input field next to SPLC or SPLC CC.

July 2011 8.9 Interfaces of the SPLC 195

8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program

8.10.1 Operation with open guard door

Should the A/S guard door be open, then only either the operating panel or the
handwheel can be active. They may never both be active at the same time.
The keys for triggering and stopping axis movements of the machine are
located on the operating panel and the handwheel:
„ In the El. Handwheel operating mode, the following keys (if present) on the
handwheel may be operable: permissive button, spindle jog key, spindle
start key, NC start key, axis-direction keys, and stop keys.
The permissive key, start keys, spindle jog key, and axis-direction keys on
the operating panel must be without function. However, all keys on the
operating panel that have a Stop function (NC stop, spindle stop, combined
NC and spindle stop), if present, must be effective.
„ In all other machine operating modes the permissive key, spindle jog key,
NC and spindle start keys, axis-direction keys, and stop keys on the
operating panel may be active.
The permissive button, start key and spindle jog key on the handwheel must
be without function. However, all keys on the handwheel that have a Stop
function must be effective.
„ If the T guard door is also open, then neither the keys on the operating panel
nor the keys on the handwheel may be active, aside from those that stop

Machine El. Any but Any

operating mode: Handwheel Handwheel

T guard door Closed Closed Open

Keys on the
operating panel for:

Stopping a motion Active Active Active

Starting a motion, Inactive Active Inactive

permissive key

Not a machine No regulation Active No regulation

operating key

Keys on the
handwheel for:

Stopping a motion Active Active Active

Starting a motion, Active Inactive Inactive

permissive button

Not a machine Active No regulation No regulation

operating key

196 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.10.2 Selecting a safety-related operating mode (SOM)
The SPLC program must activate the appropriate safe operating mode based
on, for example, the setting of one or more keylock switches. The operating
mode SOM_4 may only be selected separately, for example via a second
keylock switch. If one keylock switch is in the setting for SOM_4, and the
other for SOM_2 or SOM_3, then the machine must switch to operating mode
SOM_1. The safety-related operating modes must correspond to EN 12417,
and the directives from HEIDENHAIN must be followed, see page6–125 to 6–
This includes realization of the following functionality in the SPLC program:
„ Switching to another safety-related operating mode
The SPLC program must not permit direct switching from SOM_2 or
SOM_3 to SOM_4, nor from SOM_4 to SOM_2 or SOM_3. If the operator
nevertheless tries to switch directly, then the SPLC program must instead
switch to the SOM_1 safe operating mode.
„ Restricted spindle operation
The SPLC program must import the requirement for restricted spindle
operation from the PLC program. If such a requirement is current, and at
least safe operating mode SOM_2 is enabled (via keylock switch, for
example), then the SPLC program must prescribe the SLS safety function
with restricted spindle operation for the axis group of the spindle, instead of
the currently active safe operating mode (see page 6–133).

8.10.3 Requirements to be met by SPLC outputs

Global enabling of If the marker NN_GenOutputEnable = 0 (meaning that it is not set), the SPLC
the outputs program is to switch off all SPLC outputs that trigger or permit a motion.
Outputs that only serve as status message can always be set, regardless of
this marker.
The NN_GenOutputEnable marker is set to 0 by the SKERN in the following
cases (as a prompt to switch off safe PLC outputs):
„ At the end of an SS1 reaction upon an external emergency stop (ES.A,
ES.B), when axes/spindles have come to a standstill
„ At the end of an SS1F reaction (severe hardware or software fault), when
axes/spindles have come to a standstill
„ At the beginning of an SS0 reaction
Please note that if there is an SS1 reaction (without external emergency stop),
e.g. after speed or position monitoring has triggered, the NN_GenOutputEnable
marker is not set to 0, in contrast to the STO.A.G signal. Upon an internal
emergency stop or a fault from the PET table with emergency stop, the
NN_GenOutputEnable marker remains set (= 1).

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 197

The NC switches off all SPLC outputs, regardless of the status of the output
markers, if a fatal error of the control occurs, or if the respective PL module
goes in an error state itself.


Upon an emergency stop the SPLC program is responsible for switching off
the SPLC outputs. The SKERN simply clears the NN_GenOutputEnable
marker. The machine manufacturer is responsible for the point at which
safe outputs must be switched off.

For more information on safety-related outputs, see page 8–188.

Tool holder The SPLC program imports the request for opening the tool holder from the
PLC program. The PLC program may only place this request if the spindle is at
a standstill, and if it has been disconnected from power if the guard door is
open. The SPLC program checks whether the PLC program is behaving
If there is no request from the PLC to open the tool holder, then the SPLC
program must close the tool holder, see page 6–150.
If there is a request to open the tool holder, and the guard door is closed, the
SPLC program must check whether the spindle is at a standstill
(NN_AxGrpInMotion[S]=FALSE). Then it can open the tool holder. No further
checks are necessary once the tool holder has been opened.
If there is a request to open the tool holder, and the guard door is open, the
SPLC program must ensure that the spindle is at a standstill and has been
disconnected from power, and that it will remain so. To do so, the SPLC
program must set PP_AxGrpStateReq[S] to the value S_STATE_STO_O. If the
spindle is not at a standstill, the SKERN will trigger an emergency stop. In the
following SPLC cycle the SPLC program can open the tool holder if the PLC
program continues to request it, if the axis group is at a standstill
(NN_AxGrpInMotion[S]=FALSE), and if the axis group has been disconnected
from power (NN_AxGrpState[S]=S_STATE_STO_O or S_STATE_STO). No further
checks are necessary once the tool holder has been opened.
In every cycle in which the tool holder and guard door are open, the SPLC
program must set PP_AxGrpStateReq[S]= S_STATE_STO_O (especially if the
guard door is opened while the tool holder is open).

198 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Motor holding If the motor holding brake of an axis is controlled via a separate output, then
brakes the SPLC program is to copy the value of the marker NN_AxBrkReleaseReq to
this output, i.e. the SPLC program is to release the brake at just the instant
when the marker NN_AxBrkReleaseReq is set.
If the motor holding brakes of multiple axes are controlled via a collective
output, the SPLC program is to differentiate between normal operation and
the brake control test:
„ In normal operation (NN_BrkActivationTest = FALSE) the SPLC program is
to gate the NN_AxBrkReleaseReq markers for all drives involved with logical
AND, and copy the result to the brake output, i.e. the SPLC program is to
release the brakes when the NN_AxBrkReleaseReq markers are set for all
axes involved.
„ During the motor brake control test (NN_BrkActivationTest = TRUE), the
SPLC program is to gate the NN_AxBrkReleaseReq marker for all drives
involved with logical OR and copy the result to the brake output.
The SKERN sets NN_AxBrkReleaseReq correctly during switch-on/switch-off of
the drives: The SKERN also ensures for non-safe axes that
NN_AxBrkReleaseReq is never set when the drive is switched off. Therefore, it
is usually not necessary to consider additional information from the PLC.
During the motor brake control test (NN_BrkActivationTest = TRUE) the
SPLC program must always observe the value set in NN_AxBrkReleaseReq.
From a safety point of view, it would not be problematic to activate the motor
brake outside of this test, although NN_AxBrkReleaseReq is set. If an error
occurs during the brake control test, NN_AxBrkReleaseReq is set to 0 to activate
the brakes.
If the SPLC program releases a motor brake although NN_AxBrkReleaseReq is
not set, safe brake control cannot be guaranteed anymore. This may be
permitted from a safety perspective if according to the machine
manufacturer's risk analysis the motor brakes generally do not have a safety
function, or do not have a safety function in a special operating situation (e.g.
if the guard door is closed). However, it must be noted that temporary single-
channel control of the axis brakes, even if permitted from a safety perspective,
increases the danger of damage to the machine (especially if there are any
hanging axes).
For more information about the SBC safety function and brake control, see
page 4–66 and page 7–164 ff.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 199

8.10.4 Requirements on the data of the ApiToSafety structure
The interface data from the SPLC program to the SKERN safety-kernel
software are collected in an SPlcApiToSafety structure.
From the point of view of the PLC, this structure consists of markers and
double words.

PP_AxGrpStateReq The attribute PP_AxGrpStateReq in SPlcApiToSafety is an array of double

words, where each array index specifies an axis group. The permissible values
are defined in the splcapimarker.def file as constants:

Status Brief description

S_STATE_STO Safe Torque Off safety function

S_STATE_STO_O Safe Torque Off Operating safety function

S_STATE_SOS Safe Operating Stop safety function

S_STATE_SLS_2, Safely Limited Speed safety function, specifies the

S_STATE_SLS_3, safe operating mode SOM_2, SOM_3 or SOM_4 for
S_STATE_SLS_4 activating the respectively permissible speed

S_STATE_SLS_S Restricted Spindle Operation safe operating mode

S_STATE_AUTO Automatic Mode safe operating mode (SOM_1)

In PP_AxGrpStateReq the SPLC program specifies for each axis group what the
minimum level of monitoring for the respective axis group is during the current
state of the guard doors and the setting of the keylock switch.
PP_AxGrpStateReq does not take into account other keys that influence the
monitoring (emergency stop, permissive buttons/keys, start keys, stop keys,
The safety-kernel software might perform even stricter monitoring than
prescribed by the SPLC program, but never a less strict monitoring. It reports
the monitoring actually in effect to the SPLC program via NN_AxGrpState.

200 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

NC axes
For each axis group with NC axes, the SPLC program must set the
PP_AxGrpStateReq marker to one of the following values, depending on the
state of the guard door of the associated working space and the active safe
operating mode:

Guard door Safety-related operating PP_AxGrpStateReq






Closed *a S_STATE_AUTO

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

If the control is in safe operating mode SOM_1 and the guard door is open, the
SPLC must set the PP_AxGrpStateReq marker to the value S_STATE_SOS.
However, in this case it is not necessary for the SPLC to additionally request
a stop reaction. Setting PP_AxGrpStateReq = S_STATE_SOS already ensures
that an SS1 reaction will be triggered by the SKERN if an axis should move
while the control is in this state.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 201

If a tool holder on a spindle is open, then the SPLC program is to set the
PP_AxGrpStateReq marker for the axis group to which this spindle belongs to
the value S_STATE_STO_O, so that this spindle is disconnected from power.
If all tool holders on the spindles of an axis group are closed, then the SPLC
program is to set the PP_AxGrpStateReq marker to one of the following values,
depending on:
„ the state of the guard door of the associated working space,
„ the active safe operating mode and
„ the state of the restricted spindle operation (requested / not requested)

Guard door Safety-related Restricted spindle PP_AxGrpStateReq

operating mode operation SOM_S





Closed *a Any S_STATE_AUTO

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

202 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Auxiliary axes of the tool magazine
The tool magazine is typically located in its own working space, with its own
guard door. If the working space of the tool magazine is sufficiently separated
from the normal working space, then it suffices to consider just the guard door
of the tool magazine. In this case the SPLC program should set the
PP_AxGrpStateReq marker for every axis group with auxiliary axes to one of the
following values, depending on the state of the guard door:

Guard door PP_AxGrpStateReq



In addition, the SPLC program should request suitable stop functions, in order
to stop or prevent motions that are not permitted. The setting of the keylock
switch is not taken into consideration here, since it is usually located at a
greater distance from the guard door of the tool magazine.
If auxiliary axes are accessible from the normal working space, then the SPLC
program should specify the requested state of the axis group in a similar
manner as for the spindles:
For a closed guard door: S_STATE_AUTO; for an open guard door it depends on
the setting of the keylock switch: S_STATE_SOS or S_STATE_SLS_*.
Similar rules as for spindles apply to the motions of such auxiliary axes:
A motion must always be started with a permissive key and a specific motion
key. The motion may only be maintained as long as the permissive key is

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 203

PP_AxGrpActivate The attribute PP_AxGrpActivate in SPlcApiToSafety is an array of logical
markers, where each array index specifies an axis group. It can have the
following states:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) Axis group must not be activated

1 (TRUE) Axis group can be activated

The SPLC program uses the PP_AxGrpActivate marker to report to the safety-
kernel software that there is a current event permitting a motion of the
associated axis group. If the guard door is open, then a key must always be
pressed in order to start a motion, so the SPLC program should set the marker
at just the instant when a key with which the axis group can be moved is
pressed. If the guard door is closed, the machine can start a motion
automatically, even without a key being pressed. But no motion may occur as
an immediate reaction to the guard door having just been closed. Therefore,
the SPLC program should set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker if, since the last
time the guard door was closed, a key was pressed with which the axis group
can be moved. The exact rules vary depending on the type of the axis group.
NC axes
If the working space of an axis group with NC axes is completely protected by
guard doors, then the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker to
FALSE at first. If an axis-direction key, NC start or permissive button on the
handwheel is pressed while the guard door is closed, then the SPLC program
is to set the marker to TRUE. Once this has happened, the SPLC program
should continue setting the marker to TRUE as long as the guard door remains
If the working space of an axis group with NC axes is not completely protected
by guard doors, and the control is being operated via the operating panel, then
the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker to one of the
following values for this axis group, depending on the active safe operating
mode and the keys on the machine operating panel:

Safety-related Permissive key Axis-direction NC start PP_AxGrpActivate

operating mode MB (SMOP) key MB (SMOP)

SOM_2, a
At least one is * TRUE
SOM_3, pressed

SOM_2, Pressed * Considered TRUE

SOM_3, pressed after
SOM_4 positive edge

Any other combination FALSE

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

b. The SPLC program sets PP_AxGrpActivate upon the positive edge of the start key if the
permissive key is pressed. It clears PP_AxGrpActivate when the start key or permissive key
is no longer pressed.

204 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

If the working space of an axis group with NC axes is not completely protected
by guard doors, and the control is being operated via the handwheel, then the
SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker to one of the following
values for this axis group, depending on the safe operating mode and the keys
on the handwheel:

Safety-related Permissive button NC start PP_AxGrpActivate

operating mode handwheel (HR) handwheel

SOM_2, Pressed *a TRUE


Any other combination FALSE

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

If the T guard door is also open, then the SPLC program is to set
PP_AxGrpActivate[A] to FALSE for the NC axes.

MG_Program_ In addition to the PP_AxGrpActivate[A] marker, the SPLC program is also to

Running marker handle a marker called MG_Program_Running. It should set this marker
simultaneously with PP_AxGrpActivate[A] if it accepts an NC start as valid, i.e.
if it has detected a positive edge for the currently effective start key while a
permissive button/key is pressed. Furthermore, the SPLC program is also to
set the MG_Program_Running marker if it sets the PP_AxGrpActivate[A] marker
because the guard door is closed. The SPLC program is to clear the
MG_Program_Running marker if NN_AxGrpState[A] is for 1 second in a state that
does not permit a motion (S_STATE_SOS, S_STATE_STO_O or S_STATE_STO). The
SPLC program needs the MG_Program_Running marker in order to control
PP_AxFeedEnable correctly, see page 8–208.
For the safety-related operating modes SOM_2 and SOM_3 to be in
accordance with EN 12417, the permissive button/key must be pressed in
order to maintain programmed and automatic motions. For this to function
correctly, the SPLC program must clear the MG_Program_Running marker if the
permissive button/key is not pressed, or if the permissive button/key pressed
is not associated with the working space in question. If the
MG_Program_Running marker was set before deletion, the SPLC program must
request an SS2 for an SPLC cycle.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 205

If the working space of an axis group with spindles is completely protected by
a guard door, then the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker
to FALSE for this axis group at first. If the spindle-jog key, spindle start key, NC
start or permissive button on the handwheel is pressed while the guard door
is closed, then the SPLC program is to set the marker to TRUE. Once this has
happened, the SPLC program should continue setting the marker to TRUE as
long as the guard door remains closed.
If the working space of an axis group with spindles is not completely protected
by a guard door, and the control is in the El. Handwheel operating mode, then
the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker to one of the
following values for this axis group, depending on:
„ the safe operating mode and
„ the keys on the handwheel

Safety-related Permissive button Spindle start Spindle jog PP_AxGrpActivate

operating mode handwheel (HR) (single-channel) (single-channel)

SOM_2, Pressed *a Pressed TRUE


SOM_2, Pressed Considered * TRUE

SOM_3, pressed after
SOM_4 positive edge

Any other combination FALSE

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

If the working space of an axis group with spindles is not completely protected
by a guard door, and the control is in a "being operated via operating panel"
mode, then the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker to one
of the following values for this axis group, depending on:
„ the safe operating mode and
„ the keys on the machine operating panel

Safety-related Permissive key Spindle start Spindle jog PP_AxGrpActivate

operating mode MB (SMOP)

SOM_2, Pressed *a Pressed TRUE


SOM_2, Pressed Positive edge * TRUE


Any other combination FALSE

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

206 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

If the T guard door is also open, then the SPLC program is to set
PP_AxGrpActivate[S] to FALSE for the spindle, regardless of the operating

Auxiliary axes of the tool magazine

The SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpActivate marker for an axis group
with auxiliary axes to one of the following values, depending on the state of
„ the guard doors of the associated working space,
„ the associated permissive key and
„ the associated motion keys

Guard door Permissive key of tool Motion keys of tool magazine PP_AxGrpActivate

Open Not pressed *a FALSE

Open * No motion key pressed, or FALSE

more than one at the same

Open Pressed One motion key pressed TRUE

Closed * * TRUE1

a. Any value: The value does not influence the decision.

1) Any pending automatic movements are started by setting the

PP_AxGrpActivate marker when the guard door is closed. This may mean an
unexpected start-up for the operator.
If the tool magazine is designed such that persons can stay inside the tool
magazine while the guard door of the tool magazine is closed, additional
protective measures must be taken. Under no circumstances may magazine
axes move while persons are inside the tool magazine. This can be ensured,
for example, by the SPLC program setting the PP_AxGrpActivate marker only
after the operator has pressed a key to confirm that there is no one left inside
the tool magazine. In this way, he confirms that automatic movements may
be started.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 207

PP_AxFeedEnable The attribute PP_AxFeedEnable in SPlcApiToSafety is an array of logical
markers, where each array index specifies an axis. It can have the following

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) Axis not enabled

1 (TRUE) Axis enabled

The SPLC program uses the PP_AxFeedEnable marker to report to the safety-
kernel software that the associated axis may be moved. This marker is
important for when not all of the axes in an axis group may be moved,
especially for manual motions using the axis-direction keys.

NC axes
If the working space in which an NC axis is located is completely protected by
guard doors (all guard doors of the working space are closed), then the SPLC
program is to set the PP_AxFeedEnable marker to TRUE for this axis.
If the working space in which an NC axis is located is not completely protected
by guard doors (not all guard doors of the working space are closed), then the
SPLC program is to set the PP_AxFeedEnable marker for this axis to one of the
following values, depending on the operating mode, the axis-direction keys of
this axis, the permissive button on the handwheel and the
MG_Program_Running marker (see 8–204).
„ During operation via the operating panel (manual or automatic), the SPLC
program is to set the PP_AxFeedEnable marker to TRUE for exactly the period
that the MG_Program_Running marker is set or an axis-direction key for the
corresponding axis is pressed.
„ During operation via the handwheel, the SPLC program is to set the
PP_AxFeedEnable marker to TRUE for exactly the period that the
MG_Program_Running marker is set or the permissive button on the
handwheel is pressed. The SKERN monitors the maximum number of axes
that may be moved simultaneously.

208 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

For machines with only one spindle, the SPLC program can always set the
PP_AxFeedEnable marker to TRUE. The spindle has the constant 18 in the
PP_AxFeedEnable marker. PP_AxGrpActivate and PP_AxGrpStopReq manage
the protection against unexpected motions of axes.
There are no generally valid rules for machines with more than one spindle. A
risk analysis specific to the situation must be used to decide which spindle or
spindles may be moved with which keys if the guard door is open.

Auxiliary axes of the tool magazine

If the working space in which an auxiliary axis is located is completely
protected by guard doors, then the SPLC program is to set the
PP_AxFeedEnable marker to TRUE for this axis. If not, then it is to set the marker
to TRUE for exactly the period that an axis-direction key is pressed for this
auxiliary axis.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 209

PP_AxGrpStopReq The attribute PP_AxGrpStopReq in SPlcApiToSafety is an array of double words,
where each array index specifies an axis group. The permissible values are
defined in the splcapimarker.def file as constants.
The SPLC program uses PP_AxGrpStopReq to request that the safety-kernel
software perform a specific deceleration operation.

General information
The SPLC program should set the PP_AxGrpStopReq marker for each axis group
to one of the following values:

S_STOP_SS1F Deceleration along the emergency braking ramp, due to

emergency stop or fatal error

S_STOP_SS1 Deceleration along the emergency braking ramp

S_STOP_SS1D Delayed deceleration along the emergency braking ramp

S_STOP_SS2 Deceleration along the contour

S_STOP_NONE No special deceleration operation

If the SPLC program wants to prevent all axes of an axis group from moving,
then it should set the PP_AxGrpStopReq marker to the value S_STOP_SS2 for this
axis group. If it wants to prevent motion of a specific axis, then it should set
the PP_AxFeedEnable marker to FALSE for this axis.

Closed guard door

If the working space of an axis group is completely protected by a guard door,
then the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpStopReq marker to S_STOP_NONE
for this axis group.

210 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Opened guard door for NC axes
If the working space of an axis group with NC axes is not completely protected
by a guard door, then the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpStopReq marker
for this axis group to one of the following values, depending on operation

Event PP_AxGrpStopReq

Stop key is pressed S_STOP_SS2

External stop request (issued by additional external S_STOP_SS2

dual-channel devices, for example)

T guard door open S_STOP_SS2a

Switchover of safety-related operating mode S_STOP_SS2


SOM_2 or SOM_3 is active, A/S guard door is open S_STOP_SS21

and the permissive button/key is no longer pressed
while an NC program is being run


a. The risk analysis for the machine must show whether stopping of
the NC axes is actually necessary here.

1) You will find more detailed information in the description of

MG_Programm_Running, see page 8–205. The HEIDENHAIN design generally
permits manual axis movements via dual-channel axis-direction keys without
additional permissive button/key. However, this results in a complex logic for
controlling the PP_AxFeedEnable and PP_AxGrpStopReq markers.
If you want the operator to also press the permissive button/key for
performing manual axis movements with the axis-direction keys, this can be
implemented in the SPLC program as simply as follows: Set the
PP_AxFeedEnable marker permanently to TRUE, and if the guard door is open,
set the PP_AxGrpStopReq marker always to S_STOP_SS2 when no permissive
button/key is valid or pressed.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 211

Opened guard door for spindle axes
If the working space of an axis group with spindles is not completely protected
by a guard door, and one of the safety-related operating modes SOM_2,
SOM_3 or SOM_4 is active, then the SPLC program is to set the
PP_AxGrpStopReq marker for this axis group to one of the following values,
depending on operation events:

Event PP_AxGrpStopReq

Stop key is pressed S_STOP_SS2

External stop request S_STOP_SS2

Spindle jog key released S_STOP_SS2

T guard door open S_STOP_SS1Da

Switchover of safety-related operating mode S_STOP_SS2



a. The risk analysis for the machine must show whether stopping of
the spindle is actually necessary here.

If the operating element is switched, i.e. when changing from handwheel

operation to the operating panel, or vice versa, a stop with S_STOP_SS2 can be
useful or even necessary. You, as the OEM, must make this decision
separately for each machine, depending on its specific design.

212 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Auxiliary axes of the tool magazine
If the working space of the tool magazine is not completely protected by a
guard door, then the SPLC program is to set the PP_AxGrpStopReq marker for
this axis group to one of the following values, depending on operation events:

Event PP_AxGrpStopReq

T guard door is opened while the tool magazine is in S_STOP_SS1


Permissive key and exactly one tilting key are pressed S_STOP_NONE

Switchover of safety-related operating mode SOM_x S_STOP_SS2

Other S_STOP_SS2

There are no stop keys for the auxiliary axes.

Stop event
It suffices for the SPLC program to set a stop request in an SPLC cycle if a
stop is necessary. The SKERN is responsible for maintaining the stopped
status until the stop has concluded.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 213

PP_AxGrpPB The attribute PP_AxGrpPB in SPlcApiToSafety is an array of logical markers,
where each array index specifies an axis group. It can have the following

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) No valid permissive button/key pressed for the axis


1 (TRUE) A valid permissive button/key is pressed for the axis


The SPLC program uses PP_AxGrpPB to report the status of the currently
effective permissive button/key to the safety-kernel software.

Permissive buttons/keys
The following rules apply to PP_AxGrpPB:

A/S guard door A/S guard door closed OR

open AND T guard door closed
T guard door open

Operation via Operation via Operation via

handwheel or handwheel operating panel
operating panel

PP_AxGrpPB[A] FALSE Permissive Permissive key

button of of operating
handwheel panel

PP_AxGrpPB[S] FALSE Permissive Permissive key

button of of operating
handwheel panel

PP_AxGrpPB[T] Permissive key of Permissive Permissive key

tool magazine key of tool of tool
magazine magazine

For more information on permissive buttons/keys, see page 6–146.

214 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

PP_GenFB_NCC The PP_GenFB_NCC attribute in SPlcApiToSafety is a marker. It can have the
following states:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) Chain of normally closed contacts is open

1 (TRUE) Chain of normally closed contacts is closed

Feedback from chain of normally closed contacts

The SPLC program is to copy the value from the SPLC input for the feedback
from the chain of normally closed contacts into the PP_GenFB_NCC marker.
For more information on the normally closed contacts, see page 6–148.

PP_GenCVO, The SPLC uses the PP_GenCVO signal to report to the SKERN that the control
PP_AxGrpPermit voltage may be switched on. The PP_GenCVO attribute in SPlcApiToSafety is a
DrvOn marker. It can have the following states:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) No valid request for "Control Voltage ON"

1 (TRUE) Valid request for "Control Voltage ON"

The SPLC uses the PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn signal to report to the SKERN that
the drives belonging to an axis group may be switched on. The SPLC program
uses the signal to request from the SKERN that the STO safety function be
canceled for the axis group, and that the axis group be set to the SOS state.
Theoretically, a separate safe key could be used for this enabling, but in
practice the "Control Voltage ON" key is used for this.
The attribute PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn in SPlcApiToSafety is an array of logical
markers, where each array index specifies an axis group. It can have the
following states:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) No drive enabling

1 (TRUE) Drive enable

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 215

Status "Machine ON"
The SPLC program is to set the PP_GenCVO marker when the "Control Voltage
ON" key of the machine operating panel is pressed or the latch circuit is set via
the corresponding relay (e.g. K1).

Request "Control Voltage ON"

The SPLC program is to set the PP_GenCVO marker when the "Control Voltage
ON" key of the operating panel is pressed. On simpler machines the "Control
Voltage ON" key of the operating panel also switches all axis groups on. In
these cases the state of the PP_GenCVO marker is to be copied into the markers
PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[A] (for NC axes), PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[S] (for spindles)
and PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[T] (for auxiliary axes of the tool magazine).

Separate key for "Control Voltage ON" on the tool magazine

If the tool magazine has its own switch-on key, then the SPLC program is to
copy the state of this key into the PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[T] marker. The state
of the "Control Voltage ON" key of the operating panel should continue to be
copied into the PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[A] and PP_AxGrpPermitDrvOn[S]
For more information on the control voltage, see page 6–154.

216 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

PP_GenMKG The PP_GenMKG attribute in SPlcApiToSafety is a marker. It can have the
following states:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) No machine operating key pressed

1 (TRUE) At least one machine operating key is pressed

Group information about machine movement keys

The SPLC program is to set the PP_GenMKG marker to TRUE for exactly the
period that at least one key having no stop function is pressed. Such keys
include all permissive buttons/keys, the axis-direction keys on the operating
panel and the axis-direction keys for the tool magazine. However, the single-
channel axis-direction keys on the handwheel have no influence on this
The PP_GenMKG marker should be set appropriately before the signals from the
keys are filtered. Only the unfiltered key signals are to be considered for the
evaluation of this marker. See the "Filtering of inputs" chapter for more
information about the filtering of key signals.
For more information on the machine operating keys, see page 6–153.

PP_GenTBRK The PP_GenTBRK attribute in SPlcApiToSafety is a marker. It can have the

following states:

Status Brief description

0 (FALSE) Test input active

1 (TRUE) Test input inactive

Test input of the brakes

The SPLC program is to copy the state of the physical test input T.BRK for the
motor holding brakes into the PP_GenTBRK marker.
For more information on the brake control, see page 7–164.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 217

PP_GenSOM The PP_GenSOM attribute in SPlcApiToSafety is a double word. The permissible
values are defined in the splcapimarker.def file as constants.

Active safe operating mode

The SPLC program is to set PP_GenSOM to one of the following values,
depending on the active safe operating mode.

Status Brief description

S_MODE_SOM_1 Safe operating mode SOM_1 active

S_MODE_SOM_2 Safe operating mode SOM_2 active

S_MODE_SOM_3 Safe operating mode SOM_3 active

S_MODE_SOM_4 Safe operating mode SOM_4 active

PP_GenSOM is evaluated at the following locations:

„ By the SKERN:
Allow/Reject the permissive button/key in the "Check axes" mode of
„ By the NC software:
Display of active safe operating mode on the screen
„ By the NC software:
Limitation of axis and spindle speed when the F LIMIT soft key is pressed

218 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.10.5 Filtering of inputs
The most important function involved in exporting operands from the SPLC to
the PLC program is the filtering of inputs. The SPLC program must use this
filter to always ensure that if a guard door is open, then only one operating
element may be functional. This filter is a single-channel mechanism.


The SPLC program only filters those inputs that trigger a motion, but never
the inputs that stop a motion!

For more information about the filtering of inputs of keys, see page 6–142.

Handwheel keys The SPLC program must read the permissive button on the handwheel as an
SPLC input, and import the other handwheel inputs from the PLC program.
These inputs must be filtered, and the filtered values then exported to the PLC


This filtering must also be in effect in the SPLC program itself. It should
occur after PP_GenMKG has been determined, but before the further
evaluation of the inputs.

The following filter rule applies here:

IF A/S guard door is open
IF T guard door is open OR NOT operation via handwheel
IF handwheel key without STOP function is pressed
set the "handwheel key cleared" export marker
clear the handwheel permissive button
clear the handwheel inputs that do not have a STOP
If the A/S guard door is open and the El. Handwheel operating mode is not
active, then the handwheel must be set inactive. In this situation the SPLC
program must clear the permissive button on the handwheel. The PLC
program must block the handwheel pulses if it has received the information
"not pressed" from the permissive button on the handwheel.
The status of the T guard door only has an influence on the handwheel inputs
if the A/S guard door is open.
If the PLC program detects that the handwheel keys have been cleared and
the T guard door is open, then it is to display a "T guard door open" message.

July 2011 8.10 Tasks of the SPLC Program 219

Machine operating The SPLC program reads the keys on the machine operating panel as SPLC
panel keys inputs. It must filter the corresponding input markers, and the PLC program
then automatically sees the filtered values in its input markers.


This filtering must also be in effect in the SPLC program itself. It should
occur after PP_GenMKG has been determined, but before the further
evaluation of the inputs.

The following filter rule applies here:

IF A/S guard door is open
IF T guard door is open OR NOT operation via MB
IF MB key without STOP function is pressed
set the "MP key cleared" export marker
clear the MB permissive key
clear the MB inputs that do not have a STOP function
The status of the T guard door only has an influence on the inputs of the
operating panel if the A/S guard door is open.
If the PLC program detects that the operating panel keys have been cleared
and the T guard door is open, then it is to display a "T guard door open"

Keys on the tool The SPLC program reads the permissive key and the tilting keys on the tool
magazine magazine as SPLC inputs. It must filter the corresponding inputs, and the PLC
program then automatically sees the filtered values in its input markers.


This filtering must also be in effect in the SPLC program itself. It should
occur after PP_GenMKG has been determined, but before the further
evaluation of the inputs.

The following filter rule applies here:

IF T guard door is open
IF NOT T permissive key
clear tool magazine inputs that do not have a STOP

220 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

8.11 Sample Cases
The examples and exceptions described in this chapter are intended to explain
and summarize the formal specification of the SPLC program. This section
complements the overall chapter, and should serve to improve understanding
of the formal specification.

8.11.1 Movement of NC axes and spindle

For the activation of a special operating mode with open A/S guard door, a
distinction must be made between keys like NC start and spindle start, where
the motion continues even once the key is released, and keys like the axis-
direction keys, which only permit a motion as long as the key is pressed. If the
motion is to be stopped once the key is released, the SPLC program must set
the PP_AxFeedEnable marker to FALSE upon release of the key. Additionally, it
can trigger an SS2 stop for the corresponding axis group.

Spindle jog key Movement of the axis group S via the spindle jog key
The figure below shows the sequence for motion of the spindle via the spindle
jog key either on the operating panel or the handwheel, in the safety-related
operating mode SOM_2:

July 2011 8.11 Sample Cases 221

Spindle start key Movement of the axis group S via the spindle start key
The figure below shows the sequence for starting the spindle via the spindle
start key either on the operating panel or the handwheel. The SPLC program
detects a valid spindle start upon the positive edge of the spindle start key
while the permissive key is pressed.
Here is an example of how this can work:
If the permissive key and spindle start key are pressed, and spindle start was
not pressed in the previous cycle, the SPLC program sets the
PP_AxGrpActivate marker. If either the permissive key or spindle start key are
not pressed, it clears the PP_AxGrpActivate marker.
After the spindle has been started, it remains in motion until it is explicitly
stopped, for example via the spindle stop key or the emergency stop input.
In safe operating modes SOM_2 and SOM_3 without restricted spindle
operation, the SKERN also stops the spindle if the permissive key is released.
The SKERN receives the status of the permissive key via the
ApiToSafety.PP_AxGrpPB attribute. The same applies to operation via the
Only during operation via the operating panel in safe operating mode SOM_4
or with restricted spindle operation does the spindle continue running upon
release of the permissive key, until it is explicitly stopped. This case is shown
in the figure below.

222 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Axis group of The figure below shows the sequence for a motion of an NC axis (axis group
NC axes A) via the machine operating panel in SOM_2:

As indicated in the figure, in manual operation the NC axes may be moved with
a dual-channel axis direction key via the operating panel, without having to
press a permissive key.
On the other hand, the permissive key must be pressed for every axis
movement with manual operation of the control in the El. Handwheel
operating mode, since this is the only dual-channel key on the handwheel. An
axis-direction key is not necessary, since the axes can also be moved via the
wheel on the handwheel. The SPLC is not aware of any operations using the

July 2011 8.11 Sample Cases 223

If multiple axes are moved simultaneously, the SPLC program sets the
PP_AxGrpActivate marker to TRUE as long as at least one axis-direction key is
pressed. If just one axis-direction key is released, then the SPLC program sets
the corresponding PP_AxFeedEnable marker to FALSE, which triggers a stop of
the corresponding axis.

224 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

For manual operation with jog increments the SPLC program sets the
PP_AxFeedEnable marker to TRUE when the axis-direction key is pressed, and
keeps the TRUE status after the axis-direction key is released, until the motion
is stopped and the axis-group state switches back to S_STATE_SOS. The figure
shows the chronological sequence. In some cases the axis motion does not
begin until after the user has already released the axis-direction key.

July 2011 8.11 Sample Cases 225

NC start key The figure below shows the sequence for starting an NC axis via the NC start
key on the machine operating panel in SOM_2.

The SPLC program detects a valid NC start upon the positive edge of the
NC start key while the permissive key is pressed at the same time. This can
be implemented analog to the spindle start. In automatic operation, the SPLC
program sets PP_AxFeedEnable to TRUE for all NC axes.
After an NC start, the NC axis remains in motion until it is explicitly stopped,
for example via the NC stop key or the emergency stop input.
The start for automatic operation in the El. Handwheel operating mode is
identical to automatic operation via the operating panel. When the operator
releases the permissive button on the handwheel, the SPLC program sets
PP_AxFeedEnable to FALSE, and the SKERN stops the motion.

226 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Opening the Opening the T guard door during an axis movement while the A/S guard
T guard door door is open
If the operator opens the T guard door while the A/S guard door is open, the
SPLC program sets the following markers to the following values:
„ PP_AxGrpActivate[A] = PP_AxGrpActivate[S] = FALSE
„ PP_AxGrpStopReq[A] = S_STOP_SS2
„ PP_AxGrpStopReq[S] = S_STOP_SS1D
This sequence is shown in the figure below.

July 2011 8.11 Sample Cases 227

8.11.2 Movement of the axes of the tool magazine
If the T guard door is open, the tool magazine can be moved via the
T permissive key and the tilting key. These keys are located directly next to the
access door of the tool magazine.
The figure shows the sequence for a movement of the tool magazine.

The figure shows a case where the tool magazine is at standstill while the
T guard door is being opened (NN_AxGrpInMotion[T] = FALSE). Should the tool
magazine move while the T guard door is being opened, the SPLC program
sets PP_AxGrpStopReq[T] to S_STOP_SS1, so that the tool magazine is
decelerated along the emergency braking ramp, after which the drive is
switched off.

228 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual Functional Safety

Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Straße 5
83301 Traunreut, Germany
{ +49 8669 31-0
| +49 8669 5061
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Technical support | +49 8669 32-1000
Measuring systems { +49 8669 31-3104
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PLC programming { +49 8669 31-3102
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Lathe controls { +49 8669 31-3105
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749 363-21 · Ver01 · 7/2011 · PDF

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