WCN Syllabus

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Any sort of communication i.e., data or voice or video is wireless these days. Internet of
Things (IoT) basically is dependent on wireless networks. Thus, networking is also to be
wireless for ease of operation and compatibility. Networking may be limited to very small
space or extending across continents. All possible networking systems and their
architecture are introduced in this course. The evolution of cellular communication
networks starting from 1G to 4G (LTE and LTE advanced) is also elaborated.

Course Objectives:

• To understand wireless LAN Technology.

• To study the Internet of Things and Bluetooth technology
• To familiarize the principles of cellular networks and evolution of cellular networks.
• To explore the advancements in 4G LTE and LTE Advanced.
• To describe the mobile applications and mobile IP.

Unit I: 8L

Wireless LAN Technology: IEEE 802 architecture, IEEE 802.11 architecture and
services, IEEE 802.11 medium access control, IEEE 802.11 physical layer, gigabit Wi-Fi,
other IEEE standards, IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN security.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this unit, the student will be able to
• identify the IEEE 802.11 architecture and services (L1)
. • explain the IEEE 802.11 medium access control (L2).
• analyze theIEEE802.11 physical layer characteristics (L4).
• differentiate the Wi-Fi, gigabit Wi-Fi (L4).
• adapt other IEEE standards, IEEE802.11 wireless LAN security (L5).

Unit II : 8L

Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15: The Internet of Things, Bluetooth motivation and overview,
Bluetooth Specifications, Bluetooth high speed and Bluetooth smart, IEEE 802.15, ZigBee
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this unit the student will be able to
• understand the Internet of Things (L2).
• identify the Bluetooth motivation and overview, Bluetooth specifications (L1).
• demonstrate the Bluetooth high speed and Bluetooth smart (L3).
• illustrate about IEEE 802.15, ZigBee 402 (L3).

Unit III: 8L

Cellular Wireless Networks: Principles of cellular networks, first-generation analog,

second-generation TDMA, second-generation CDMA, third-generation systems.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this unit, the student will be able to
• explain the principles of cellular networks (L2).
• describe the first-generation analog (L2).
• demonstrate second-generation TDMA (L3).
• understand the third-generation systems and differentiate 1G, 2G, and third generation systems (L2 &

Unit IV: 10L

Fourth Generation Systems and LTE-Advanced: Purpose, motivation, and approach to

4G, LTE architecture, evolved packet core, LTE resource management, LTE channel
structure and protocols, LTE radio access network, LTE Advanced.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this unit the student will be able to
• understand the purpose, motivation, and approach to 4G (L2).
• illustrate the LTE architecture, evolved packet core (L3).
• explain the LTE resource management (L3).
• demonstrate LTE channel structure and protocols (L3).
• distinguish between LTE radio access network, LTE-Advanced (L4).

Unit V: 8L

Mobile Applications and Mobile IP: Mobile application platforms, mobile app
development, mobile application deployment, mobile IP.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this unit the student will be able to
• understand the mobile application platforms (L2).
• develop the Mobile App (L3). • explain the LTE resource management (L2).
• propose a mobile application deployment, mobile IP (L5).
Text Book:
1. Cory Beard, William Stallings, Wireless Communication Networks and Systems, Pearson Education,

1. William Stallings, Wireless Communication and Networking, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice, 2/e, Prentice Hall of India,
3. Kaveh Pahlaven, P. Krishna Murthy, Principles of Wireless Networks, 1/e, Pearson Education, 2002.
4. Kamilo Feher, Wireless Digital Communications, 1/e, Prentice Hall of India, 1999

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

• describe about the different WLAN technologies (L2).

• explain the concepts of Internet of Things and Bluetooth (L2).
• illustrate about IEEE 802.15, ZigBee 402 (L3).
• explain the principles of cellular networks and its evolution(L2).
• demonstrate the motivation towards 4G, LTE architecture resource management and protocols (L3).
• distinguish between LTE radio access network, LTE advanced (L4).
• understand the mobile application platforms and design mobile app (L2).

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