Lesson2 1 PDF
Lesson2 1 PDF
Lesson2 1 PDF
Reading Assignment: Textbook Section 4.1.1
In the previous module we looked at first order differential equations. In
this module, we will move on to second order differential equations. Just as
we did in the last module we will look at some special cases of second order
differential equations that we can solve. Unlike the previous module however,
we are going to have to be even more restrictive as to the kinds of differential
equations that we will look at. This will be required in order for us to actually be
able to solve them.
Many engineering problems can yield second-order linear differential equa-
For example, consider the motion of an object of mass m attached to a
spring with spring constant k. Let y(t) denote the displacement at time t of
the mass from its equilibrium position. Combining Newton’s second law and
y” + p(t)y 0 + q(t)y = g(t)
y = y h + yp
Constant N onconstant
coef f icient coef f icient yp Constant
coef f icient?
Characteristic equation
aλ2 + bλ + c = 0
trial&error No
V ariationof
λ1 6= λ2 , λ1 = λ2
λ1 6= λ2 ,
bothcomplex Obtainy1
y(t) = Pn (t)eαt cos βt
+Qn (t)eαt sin βt
of orderto U ndetermined
Legendre Bessel Cauchy − Euler P ower coef f icients
y” − 5y ′ − 6y = t2 and y” − 5y ′ − 6y = 1
respectively, find some solutions of the following equations
y” − 5y ′ − 6y = 18t2 − 1 and y” − 5y ′ − 6y = 6t2 + .
Solution By linear property, the function
1 5 31 1
18(− t2 + t − ) − (− ) = −3t2 + 5t − 5
6 18 108 6
is a solution of y” − 5y ′ − 6y = 18t2 − 1 and the function
1 5 31 5 1 5
6(− t2 + t − ) + (− ) = −t2 + t − 2
6 18 108 3 6 3
is a solution of y” − 5y ′ − 6y = 6t2 + 53 .