Social Studies First Lesson

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SOCIAL SCIENCE (MEANING, NATURE, anthropology, history, geography, economics,

AND SCOPE political science, sociology, law, civics, etc.

Social Science is a generic term covering the  CONCEPT OF SOCIAL STUDIES

scientific study of man. It is a discipline or
branch of science that deals with the socio-
cultural aspects of human behaviour. The social Definition of Social Studies:
sciences generally include cultural anthropology,
economics, political science, sociology, According to Michaelis, “the Social Studies are
criminology, and social psychology. concerned with man and his interaction with his
social and physical environment; they deal with
human relationships; the central function of the
What are the seven social sciences? social studies is identical with the central
purpose of education – the development of
The seven social sciences are: anthropology, democratic citizenship”.
economics, geography, history, political science,
sociology, and psychology.
National Council for the Social Studies defined
Social Studies as“the integrated study of the
Definition of Social Science: social sciences and humanities to promote civic
Social science is defined as any scholastic
discipline or scientific field that investigates
human society. Nature of Social Science:

The real nature of this discipline can be well

According to James High “Social Sciences as understood by analyzing the above definitions.
those bodies of learning and study which
recognizes the simultaneous and mutual action
of physical and no-physical stimuli which 1. A unique combination of various
produce social relation”. disciplines.
2. A study of human relationships.
3. A study of man’s development through
According to Charles Beard “Social Sciences the ages.
are a body of knowledge and thought pertaining 4. A realistic course of study.
to human affairs as distinguished from sticks, 5. It forms an important part of the core-
stones, stars and physical objects”. curriculum.
6. It includes commitment to action.
Bining & Bining defines Social Science as “the 7. Aims at preparing the learner for
subject that relate to the origin, organization, and wholesome social living.
development of human society, especially to
man in his association with other men”. Scope of Social Studies:

Social Studies:

Social Studies is a field of study which deals

with man, his relation with other men and his
environment; its content is drawn from several
social sciences. It is a course of study including
The scope of Social Studies is very vast and Difference between Social Studies and Social
wide as wide as the world itself and as lengthy Science:
as the history of man. According to Michaelis
“the breadth of social studies programme should 1. The focus and emphasis of both are different:-
provide for a variety of experiences so that the When a student studies geography as a social
child’s learning will be well rounded and well science, he has to focus his attention on the
balanced”. methods of geography, tools and concepts, etc.
Wile studying geography as a social studies, he
should focus attention on using ideas and
The main points are as follows:
concepts from geography, to understand man,
how his efforts to control his environment have
1. Vast and wide as the world. It is as wide led to a better life, how various geographical
as the world and s long as the world. It factors influence his life, etc.
is the study of human relationships in
areas such as:
2. Social Sciences represent an adult approach,
a) People of one’s own nationality and
while the social studies represent a child-
people across the world.
approach: Social sciences are to be taught at the
b) People and various kinds of institutions.
high school and college level. Social Studies are
c) People and Earth.
simplified portions of social sciences to be
d) People and Time.
taught at primary level.
e) People and resources.
2. A functional study of Natural and
Physical sciences and Fine Arts. Social 3. Social sciences are the theory part of human
Science – Natural Science – Physical affairs; social studies are the practice part of
Science are inter related Development, human affairs:Social sciences are large bodies of
change, etc. in one field effect the organized and authentic knowledge representing
others. human affairs. While social studies gives an
3. A study of current affairs. insight into various aspects of man and society.
4. A study leading to International
4. The social sciences are far larger than the
5. Practical study of various resources.
social studies: The purpose of the social sciences
is to find out new truth about human
Similarities between Social studies and Social relationships; the purpose of the social studies is
Sciences: to guide adolescents in their learning of selected
portions of what has been discovered in social
1. Social Science and Social Studies are sciences.
not only related generically. They also
share common body of content.
5. In social sciences, social utility is the primary
2. Both are related to society and have
object; in social studies instructional utility is the
same aims and objectives.
primary object.
3. Both emphasis on inculcating good
qualities like truthfulness, sincerity, etc.
of human being. 6. Social sciences are the part of cultural of
4. Both helps to understand the various knowledge having direct bearing on man’s
aspects of the society and utilize them. activities in any field, Social studies offers
5. Both are must be accurate and reliable- learning situation and insight into all knowledge.
only then can be useful.
The main goal of teaching social studies is to people of all backgrounds in the
teach students to become good citizens. We are future.
are living in diverse society – one that requires
knowledge of social studies to succeed. With a 4. Economic Education
social studies background, children become - Economics is a crucial part of social
adults that can participate civilly in our studies, whether studied on its own,
democratic society. or as a part of history, anthropology,
or political science. By learning
economics, young people
THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL STUDIES understand how their financial
IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM decisions have an impact on their
future, as well as the future of
All children who go through the school society.
curriculum become something when they 5. Critical Thinking
graduate. And no matter what that something is, - Critical thinking is a part of social
they will need to interact with others from studies — students are taught to
different cultural and socio-economic evaluate others’ decisions and make
backgrounds. Students must study how society connections between influences and
works, and how people work in a society for it circumstances. Young people get the
all to work once they enter society after opportunity to learn from others’
graduation. mistakes through social sciences.
6. Real-world Understanding
- Studying social sciences gives
8 REASONS WHY IS SOCIAL STUDIES students an understanding of the real
IMPORTANT FOR STUDENTS? world around them. Students learn
about places, cultures, and events
1. Better Reading and Learning around the world, what conspired to
- Students are given reading material make them the way they are, and
that corresponds with the current can make inferences about how the
learning topics. Giving reading rest of the world works.
materials in context helps students 7. Political Skills
become better readers. They also - From social studies classes, students
become better learners because they learn about government, political
are asked to use analysis, critical ideas, country economy and
thinking, and writing to show resources, and more. Students gain
understanding. political skills by analyzing and
2. Citizen Responsibilities and Values evaluating existing systems and
- Students need an understanding of imaging the future of the place in
history, political science, culture, which they live.
and all humanities to be able to 8. Respect History
understand why it is important to be - History is what made the world the
a good citizen. way it is, and it is essential that
3. Cultural Understanding people study it in order to have an
- Students should be exposed to appreciation for and understanding
cultures far beyond what they of the way the world works.
experience personally every day. We Learning about history is what
need students to learn about, makes it possible to learn from the
understand, and appreciate cultural past and plan for the future.
differences if we expect them to
have meaningful interactions with

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