Mbed BK Ed2 CH 2

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Chapter 2:

Introducing the mbed tw rev. 26.8.16

If you use or reference these slides or the associated textbook, please cite the original authors’ work as follows:
Toulson, R. & Wilmshurst, T. (2016). Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design - Applying the ARM mbed
(2nd edition), Newnes, Oxford, ISBN: 978-0-08-100880-5.
Introducing the mbed LPC1768
The mbed takes a microcontroller, the LPC1768, and surrounds it with some
very useful support circuitry. It places this on a conveniently-sized little printed
circuit board (PCB), and supports it with an on-line compiler, program library and

Introducing the mbed
The mbed takes the form of a 2 inch by 1 inch printed circuit board, with 40 pins
arranged in two rows of 20, with 0.1 inch spacing between the pins. There are
five LEDs on the board, one for status and four which are connected to four
microcontroller digital outputs. A reset switch is included, to force restart of the
current program.
The mbed Architecture
At the heart of the mbed is the LPC1768 microcontroller. The signal pins of the
mbed connect directly to the microcontroller. There is a second microcontroller
(the “interface microcontroller”) on the mbed, which interfaces with the USB.
This manages the
USB link, and acts
as a USB terminal
to the host
computer. It also
receives program
code files through
the USB, and
transfers them to a
16 Mbit memory,
the “USB Disk”.
The LPC1768 Microcontroller

This figure is complicated,

and we don’t want to get
into all its details.
However, it contains the
main capability of the
mbed, so it’s worth getting
a feel for its features,
remembering that a
microcontroller is made up
of microprocessor core
plus memory plus
The mbed Software Development Kit and API
One thing that makes the mbed special is its Software Development Kit,
containing an API (Application Programming Interface). This is the set of
programming building blocks, appearing as C++ utilities, which allow programs to
be devised quickly and reliably. Therefore, we will write code in C or C++, but
draw on the features of the API. Note that you can see all components of the API
by opening the mbed handbook, linked from the mbed home page.

The C++ compiler means that all files will carry the .cpp (C plus plus) extension.
C however is a subset of C++, and is simpler to learn and apply. This is because
it doesn’t use the more advanced “object-oriented” aspects of C++. In general, C
code will compile on a C++ compiler, but not the other way round.

C is usually the language of choice for any embedded program of low or medium
complexity, so will suit us well in this module. For simplicity therefore, we can use
only C in the programs we develop. We need to recognise however that the mbed
API is written in C++, and uses the features of that language to the full.
Getting Started with the mbed
Go to the mbed home page, connect your mbed, and follow the tutorial
instructions to complete these steps:

• Create an account,
• Open the compiler and create a program;
• Compile the program;
• Download to your mbed;
• Run the program!
The Opening Program

/* Program Example 2.1: Simple LED flashing


#include "mbed.h"
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
int main() {
while(1) {
myled = 1;
myled = 0;
The mbed Application Board
This board has a number of the most interesting peripheral devices that we might
want to connect to the mbed, like display, joystick, potentiometers, certain
sensors and connectors. The mbed plugs into the board, and a physical
connection with all the peripheral devices is then immediately made. The mbed
has to be programmed correctly before it can drive these external devices.

1. Graphics LCD (128x32) 2. 5 Way Joystick

3. 2 x Potentiometers 4. 3.5mm Audio Jack (Analog Out)
5. Speaker, PWM Connected 6. 3 Axis +/1 1.5g Accelerometer
7. 3.5mm Audio Jack (Analog In) 8. 2 x Servo Motor Headers
9. RGB LED, PWM connected 10. USB-mini-B Connector
11. Temperature Sensor 12. Socket for Xbee (Zigbee) or RN-XV (Wifi)
13. RJ45 Ethernet Connector 14. USB-A Connector
15. 1.3mm DC Jack input
Chapter Review
• The mbed platform provides a complete development environment for rapid development
of embedded products.
• The mbed LPC1768 is a compact, microcontroller-based hardware platform, designed to
work in the mbed development environment.
• Communication to the mbed LPC1768 from a host computer is by USB cable; power can
also be supplied through this link.
• The mbed LPC1768 has 40 pins, which can be used to connect to an external circuit. On
the board it has 4 user-programmable LEDs, so very simple programs can be run with no
external connection to its pins.
• The mbed LPC1768 uses the LPC1768 microcontroller, which contains an ARM Cortex-
M3 core. Most mbed connections link directly to the microcontroller pins, and many of the
mbed characteristics derive directly from the microcontroller.
• The mbed LPC1768 development environment is hosted on the web. Program
development is undertaken while on-line, and programs are stored on the mbed server.
• The mbed application board contains a set of the popular peripheral devices; it is useful
for a range of experiments, but is constrained to the devices fitted, and the interconnect

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