Assignment 3

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Information Security

Assignment #3 Due Date: 17 Jan 2023

Total Marks=100
Note: Read the Book carefully to solve this assignment. And will be a quiz in the class on
submission day.

Question:1 Answer these questions briefly? [20] Marks

1. What is the difference between weak and strong collision resistance?
2. What are some approaches to producing message authentication?
3. When a combination of symmetric encryption and an error control code is used for message
authentication, in what order must the two functions be performed?
4. What is a message authentication code?
5. What is the difference between a message authentication code and a one-way hash function?
6. In what ways can a hash value be secured so as to provide message authentication?
7. Is it necessary to recover the secret key in order to attack a MAC algorithm?
8. List two disputes that can arise in the context of message authentication.
9. What are the properties a digital signature should have?
10. What is the difference between direct and arbitrated digital signature?
11. In what order should the signature function and the confidentiality function be applied to a
message, and why?
12. What are some threats associated with a direct digital signature scheme?
13. DSA specifies that if the signature generation process results in a value of s = 0, a new value of k
should be generated and the signature should be recalculated. Why?
14. What happens if a k value used in creating a DSA signature is compromised?
15. Suppose H(m) is a collision-resistant hash function that maps a message of arbitrary bit length
into an n-bit hash value. Is it true that, for all messages x, x′ with x ≠ x′, we have H(x) ≠ H(x′)
Explain your answer?
16. What is a public key certificate?
17. What are the roles of the public and private key?
18. What requirements must a public-key cryptosystems fulfill to be a secure algorithm?
19. List the different approaches to attack the RSA algorithm
20. List three general approaches to dealing with replay attacks.

Question:2 [40] Marks

Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm, for the following:
a. p = 13; q = 17, e = 13; M = 1 0
b. p = 7; q = 13, e = 11; M = 8
c. p = 17; q = 53, e = 17; M = 87
d. p = 23; q = 31, e = 19; M = 187

Question:3 Make RSA (encryption & decryption) application which inputs two price numbers from
user and check the numbers are prime. User can choose the public key; application should calculate its
private key and then after this should encrypt or decrypt the word file. [20] Marks
Question:4 [20] Marks
In DSA algorithm you are given with q=31 choose appropriate p, h=3 and choose x= last digit of
your registration number (if not valid then choose x=5) and choose k= last digit of your
registration number (if not valid then k=7)
And H(M)=5. Now calculate the signature {r,s} and also verify these signatures on the receiver

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