Lesson - 9 - UK KG

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Lesson 9 • the word a, the letter a

Learning objectives Vocabulary words

Children will: apple, astronaut, ankle, ambulance, ant, alien, arrow
• recognise and write the letter a.
• read the words a, I and am in sentences.
• read and identify words using the rime at. Other languages often do not distinguish between
long and short vowel sounds. Pupils may mix them
Statutory Framework for EYFS up when reading aloud and speaking. Find games
The Early Learning Goals in Literacy for them to play where correct pronunciation and
identification of sounds is important, like Bingo with
Word Reading ELG
word pairs such as fan and farm, cat and cart, and
• Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at so on.
least 10 digraphs.
• R
ead aloud simple sentences and books that are Extra assistance
consistent with phonic knowledge, including As pupils learn more letters, be sure to give them
some common exception words. lots of opportunities to revise the letters they have
Writing ELG already learnt. A lot of games traditionally played
• Write recognisable letters, most of which are with a pack of cards or with numbers can be played
correctly formed. using letter cards with both the lower and upper
• S pell words by identifying sounds in them and case letters on them: Bingo, Snap, Go Fish and
representing the sounds with a letter or letters. Concentration or Memory for example.

Sight words Classroom activities

a, I, am Mind the Gap!
Write this sentence on the board: I am a ___.
Word families Ask pupils to read this sentence by themselves, write
am, Sam, cat, bat, fat, mat it down and fill in the gap with a word of their own.
Discuss their individual sentences as a group.


Lesson sequence Content and skills Children will:
Hear: Introduce the word a and identify and read the words Worksheet 1
Animated Lesson revise the words I and am. a and I in isolation and in Sight words

Write: Reinforce correct letter write the letter a. Worksheet 2

Dot-to-Dot formation of lower case a. Handwriting

Find: Match pictures to words. find the correct word in a Worksheet 3

Label It, Jumping Astronauts Identify the correct onset group. Choose the correct Phonemic awareness
and Missing Sound letter to complete the word. letter to match the word to
the picture.

Vocabulary: Build vocabulary skills: blend sounds to read words Worksheet 4

Blend a Word and Wheel of Match pictures to words. and recognise them in a Read and write
Words Blend and recognise words. group.

Read: Read aloud book. listen, follow the reading and Reading Eggs Story Book
Book read along. I am

I am a Name

Sight words
Lesson 9 • Worksheet 1

-I am a
1 Write each word. I am a

2 Complete each sentence with one of the words.

I am cat.
I a bat.
am a fat cat.
I Sam.

52 Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2021


Lesson 9 • Worksheet 2
1 Trace and write.

A is for
Appley ant.

2 Circle every A. Circle every a.

A B A E S a c n a g
T A N A A c a o a a
How many? ____ How many? ____

3 Trace and write.

your best

Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2021 53


Phonemic awareness
Lesson 9 • Worksheet 3

Circle the thing in each row that begins with a. Colour them.

a Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2021

Read and write

I am a
Lesson 9 • Worksheet 4

1 Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

cat bat Sam

I am a I am a
. .

I am I am a fat
. .
Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2021 55
LESSON 9 • the word a, the letter a

-I am
the word a Trace Write

I am a cat.
-I am
• • • •

I am a bat.
-I am
• • • •

I am a fat cat.
-I am
• • • • •

I am Sam.

Activity 1
• •
- Activity 2
Draw a cat each time you read the book Clap each word as you read.
this week.
I read I am _____ times!
I counted _____ words.

Activity 3 Activity 4
Write two sentences about yourself Draw two of your favourite animals.
that start with I am. Label each with I am a _____ .
I can write I am sentences. I can read the words I am!

Able to read independently

9 Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2018
Needs assistance to read
I am I am

Level Word count Lexile

1 16 BR

Words to know

a am I

Reading Eggs
I am
Copyright © 2020 Blake eLearning


Written by Katy Pike

Illustrated by Luke Jurevicius
Editor: Garda Turner
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 Design and layout: The Modern Art Production Group


I am

Written by Katy Pike

Illustrated by Luke Jurevicius

I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 3 4 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2


I am a cat.
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 5 6 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2


I am a bat.
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 7 8 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2

I am a fat cat.
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 9 10 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2


I am Sam.
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 11 12 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2
Focus Questions Trace

Who is in the story?

Who is fat? bat
Circle the at words. Sam
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 13 14 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2



Can you see

A fat cat what I am?

For lessons, games

and hundreds more
books head to
I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2 15 I am • Level 1 • 978-1-76020-578-2

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