Baremo Test de Token Comprensión Verbal

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Spanish normative studies in a young adult population

(NEURONORMA young adults project): Norms for the Boston
Naming Test and the Token Test夽
F. Aranciva a , M. Casals-Coll a , G. Sánchez-Benavides a , M. Quintana a , R.M. Manero b ,
T. Rognoni a , L. Calvo a , R. Palomo a , F. Tamayo a , J. Peña-Casanova b,∗

Grupo de Neurología de la Conducta y Demencias, Programa de Neurociencias, Instituto de Investigación Hospital del Mar
(IMIM), Barcelona, Spain
Sección de Neurología de la Conducta y Demencias, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain

Received 3 November 2011; accepted 17 December 2011

Available online 19 September 2012

Age; Introduction: The Boston Naming Test (BNT) and the Token Test (TT) are frequently used in
Comprehension; clinical practice to assess naming and comprehension.
Educational status; Objective: The aim of this paper is to present normative data for the BNT and for the TT as
Language tests; part of the NEURONORMA young adults project.
Naming; Material and methods: A total of 179 Spanish healthy subjects from 18 to 49 years old were
Normative data evaluated. Tables to convert raw scores to scaled scores are provided. Age- and education-
adjusted scores are obtained by applying linear regressions.
Results: The results show an effect of education in both tests, and a minimal effect of age and
Conclusions: The normative data obtained will be useful in the clinical evaluation of young
Spanish adults.
© 2011 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

PALABRAS CLAVE Estudios normativos españoles en población adulta joven (Proyecto NEURONORMA
Comprensión; jóvenes): normas para el Boston Naming Test y el Token Test
Datos normativos;
Denominación; Resumen
Edad; Introducción: El Boston Naming Test (BNT) y el Token Test (TT) son pruebas ampliamente
Escolaridad; utilizadas en la práctica clínica para explorar la denominación y la comprensión.
Test de lenguaje Objetivo: En este artículo se presentan los datos normativos del BNT y el TT obtenidos en el
proyecto normativo español NEURONORMA jóvenes.

夽 Please cite this article as: Aranciva F, et al. Estudios normativos españoles en población adulta joven (Proyecto NEURO-NORMA

jóvenes): normas para el Boston Naming Test y el Token Test. Neurología. 2012;27:394—400.
∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Peña-Casanova).

2173-5808/$ – see front matter © 2011 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.
Spanish normative studies in a young adult population 395

Material y métodos: La muestra está formada por 179 sujetos sanos de entre 18 y 49 años de
edad. Se aportan tablas para convertir las puntuaciones brutas en escalares y tablas con los
ajustes pertinentes por edad y escolaridad obtenidas a partir de regresiones lineales.
Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos muestran influencia de la escolaridad en ambos tests,
pero un mínimo efecto de la edad y del género.
Conclusiones: Las normas obtenidas aportan datos de gran utilidad clínica para la evaluación
de población adulta joven española.
© 2011 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos

Introduction et al.31 and Mitrushina et al.32 ). For young adult populations,

normative data are available from the 60-item versions in
The primary objective of the NEURONORMA project (NN) is English7,15—17 and in Spanish.33,34 A Spanish version of the
to collect normative data from the Spanish population using second edition of the BNT has also been published, and
neuropsychological tests frequently employed in assessing includes normative data for both younger35 and older Span-
cognitive capacities. Normative data have recently been ish adults.36,37 Some abbreviated versions in Spanish provide
published for subjects older than 50.1 As an extension of normative data for elderly subjects.38,39
the NN project, the same test battery is currently being The TT is a comprehension test in which the subject
normalised in subjects aged 18 to 49 (NEURONORMA young must follow verbal directions involving multi-shaped and
adults project, NNy). The current article presents normative coloured cards; task complexity increases as the test pro-
data from two language tests, the Boston Naming Test (BNT) gresses. Ever since it was first published, the TT40 has played
and the Token Test (TT). an important role in neuropsychological examination. Its
Both tests are frequently used in research and clinical main purpose is to assess verbal comprehension, including
practice since they are easy to administer and highly sen- short-term memory for verbal sequences and the ability to
sitive for detecting language difficulties in a number of understand syntax.2 There are several versions and modifi-
different pathologies.2 Due to their characteristics, both cations of the test, including abbreviated versions (for an
tests may be useful in assessing other cognitive areas such exhaustive review see McNeil and Prescott41 ). Non-aphasic
as the integrity of semantic memory (for BNT) or working persons with at least 4 years of schooling have no difficulty
memory (for TT).3—6 completing the TT, and usually make few or no errors.31
The BNT provides information about subjects’ ability Studies report a good level of correlation between the TT
to name objects depicted in black and white drawings.7 and other tests of comprehension42 and verbal production.43
Kaplan, Goodglass, and Weintraub developed the first exper- The TT can be administered to both adults and children.
imental version of the BNT with 85 test items. In the There are several studies about the influence of sociode-
standard version, the number of items was reduced to mographic factors on TT performance. Some authors have
60.8 The second edition currently allows subjects to select found a slight age effect on scores.22,37,44 Children’s scores
answers from multiple choice arrays and lets administrators have been found to reach adult levels beginning at age
classify the different types of errors.3 Several short versions 11, which reflects normal development.45 In adults, Emery46
have been developed in order to reduce test administration compared the performance of a group of subjects aged 75
time (for an exhaustive review see Kent and Luszcz9 ). to 93 and that of a group of subjects aged 30 to 42. Perfor-
Performance on the BNT has frequently been linked to mance was lower in the first group. The ability to complete
sociodemographic factors, such as age, education, intelli- the task properly is highly conditioned by the subject’s years
gence quotient and sex. Several studies state that older of education.34,37,44 In elderly adults, it has been observed
subjects present poorer results and that the standard devi- that years of education have a more pronounced effect than
ation also increases with the age of the group as scores age on subjects’ scores.37 Earlier results indicate that sex
become more dispersed.7,10—13 However, other authors have has no significant effect on performance.37,47
not found any significant relationship between age and The main objective of this study was to obtain reference
performance.14—17 data reflecting the performance of Spanish young adults on
The influence of education on performance is also con- the BNT and the TT, and adjust scores by sociodemographic
troversial. Although there are numerous studies showing variables if necessary.
influence by this variable,17—26 other studies do not describe
any education effect.13,15,16,27—29
Most studies find no significant differences in perfor-
mance between men and women,10—13,22,30 but other studies
Material and methods
describe a slight advantage for the male population.11,17,23,24
A study carried out by Randolph et al.12 suggests that these Subjects
results are due to a high number of test items on the BNT
being male-biased. Other studies detect no influence of sex Recruitment methods and sample characteristics have
on performance.9,13—16,20,22,23,25,28—30 already been described in the project’s methodology arti-
Numerous studies provide normative data from the BNT in cle. To summarise, we recruited 179 white subjects who had
different languages (for a review, see Strauss et al.,2 Lezak been educated in Spain, regardless of their first language
396 F. Aranciva et al.

(for bilingual subjects). The sample was stratified by age to SS according to their position within the distribution.
and educational level. All subjects were unaffected by cog- This transformation of raw scores to scaled scores produced
nitive impairment; their scores on the Mini-Mental State a normal distribution (mean = 10, standard deviation = 3) to
Examination48,49 were ≥24 and their scores on the Memory which linear regressions could be applied. (b) SS correlation
Impairment Screen50,51 were ≥4. coefficients (r) and coefficients of determination (R2 )
were determined for age, years of education, and sex
Neuropsychological tests for each of the tests. (c) The regression coefficient (ˇ)
from this analysis was used as the basis for adjusting for
sociodemographic factors. The SS was adjusted for age,
We employed the neuropsychological protocol selected
education, and sex according to the following formula:
for use within the framework of the NN project.1 Tests
SSA&E&S = SS − (ˇ1 × [age − 35] + ˇ2 × [education − 13] + ˇ3 ×
were administered according to the standard procedures
sex). The resulting value was truncated to the next lower
described in their manuals.
integer. We adjusted for only those sociodemographic
variables accounting for more than 5% of the variance and
Boston Naming Test presenting a significant regression coefficient. For more
detailed information about methodology, see the project’s
We used the second edition of the BNT.3 The test material methodology article.
consisted of 60 drawings representing objects whose names
had varying degrees of frequency and familiarity. Item num-
ber 19, ‘pretzel’, was replaced with another food term,
‘magdalena’, since people in our area were unlikely to be Results
familiar with the first item. Picture cards were shown one
by one to the subjects, who were then asked to name the Table 1 displays the array of frequencies of raw scores
object shown. We offered clues to subjects who were unable for the entire group aged 18 to 49, with the correspond-
to answer after 20 s, or who provided an incorrect answer. ing scaled scores and percentile ranks. In the table, we
If the error was caused by difficulty recognising the object, use the patient’s raw score to find the associated scaled
subjects were given a semantic clue. If they were able to score. The percentile range corresponding to each scaled
identify the object, but incapable of recalling the correct score provides an assessment of the subject’s performance
word, they were given a phonological clue. If they were still with respect to the reference population. Nevertheless, this
unable to answer after having received the clues, subjects scaled score should be adjusted for sociodemographic fac-
had the option of choosing the target word from a multiple tors by using the tables provided.
choice list at the end of the test. The maximum score, cal- Table 2 displays correlation coefficients (r) and
culated as the sum of all cards for which a correct answer coefficients of determination (R2 ) of cognitive variables with
was given, either spontaneously or after hearing a semantic age, education, and sex. We found a significant education
clue, was 60 points. effect on both tests. This variable accounted for 10.9% of
the TT variance and 8.9% of the BNT variance. The effects
Token Test
Table 1 Scaled and percentile scores of the BNT and the
In this project, we used the abbreviated version of the
test,44 which comprises 36 test items presented in 6 parts.
We used 20 plastic cards in 5 different colours (yellow, NSS Percentile ranges BNT TT
green, red, black, and white), 2 sizes (large and small) and 2
2 <1 ≤38 ≤32
shapes (square and round). Subjects were asked to carry out
3 1 39 32.5
a series increasingly complex actions in response to the ver-
4 2 40—42 33
bal directions provided by the researcher. The test included
5 3—5 43—44 33.5
6 parts with a total of 36 commands. On the first 5 parts
6 6—10 45—46 —
of the test, if the subject responded incorrectly or did not
7 11—18 47—49 34
respond within 5 s, the command was repeated. Subjects
8 19—28 50 34.5
who completed the task on the second attempt received
9 29—40 51—52 35
half a point instead of 1 point. The highest possible score on
10 41—59 53—54 35.5
the test was 36 points.
11 60—71 55 —
12 72—81 56 —
Statistical analysis 13 82—89 — —
14 90—94 57 —
A standardised statistical analysis was carried out for all the 15 95—97 58 —
neuropsychological tests included in the project. A brief 16 98 — —
summary of the procedure is as follows: (a) raw scores were 17 99 — —
converted to scaled scores (SSs). To do so, we generated an 18 >99 59—60 36
array of cumulative frequencies of raw scores and created
Number of subjects 179 179
16 percentile ranges. Each of these ranges corresponds to a
scaled score between 2 and 18. Raw scores were converted BNT: Boston Naming Test; SSs: scaled scores; TT: Token Test.
Spanish normative studies in a young adult population 397

Table 2 Correlation coefficients (r) and coefficients of determination (R2 ) of the scaled scores by age, education, and sex.
Age (years) Education (years) Sex
2 2
r R r R r R2
BNT −0.179a 0.032 0.278b 0.089c −0.162a 0.026
TT −0.088 0.008 0.329b 0.109c −0.098 0.010
BNT: Boston Naming Test; TT: Token Test.
a Correlation significant at 0.05 level (bilateral).
b Correlation significant at 0.01 level (bilateral).
c R2 greater than 0.05.

Table 3 Education-adjusted table for BNT and TT.

Education (years)

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
+1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 −1 −1
TTb +2 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3
BNT: Boston Naming Test; TT: Token Test.
a ˇ = 0.259.
b ˇ = 0.471.

of age and sex on the TT and BNT scores were minimal (<5%), BNT. These findings coincide with those from several ear-
so we did not adjust for those variables. lier studies,17—26 including studies conducted with Spanish
Adjustments for education were applied by using the speakers.33 The effect of sex on the performance of the tasks
regression coefficient obtained from the multiple regression was minimal. This fact coincides with other earlier studies
analysis. We have provided a table (Table 3) with the points that did not find a relationship between naming ability and
that should be added to or subtracted from the SS depend- sex.10—13,22,30
ing on the subject’s level of education in order to calculate In general, the results observed in our study resembled
SSA&E&S . those from other studies with similar samples of young adults
in which an education effect was found, but age and sex
effects were not.34,35
Discussion Compared to the NN project study carried out in sub-
jects older than 50,37 the results of the current study show
differences in the effect of age on performance, probably
The main objectives of this study were to collect normative
due to the effect of ageing on visual confrontation naming.
data from 2 language tests administered to Spanish young
The data from both normative studies support the hypoth-
adults and analyse the influence of these sociodemographic
esis that naming ability starts to decline in subjects older
variables on performance. These variables were adjusted
than 50. Results for age and sex coincide with the findings
when necessary. This study is part of the NEURONORMA
in older adults. The relationship between these variables
young adults project, a normalisation project for cognitive
and the BNT therefore remains stable over time.
tests in subjects younger than 50.

Boston Naming Test

Token Test
According to data from this study, the effect of age on the
subjects’ performance on the BNT is very small. Therefore, The results from the current study showed a significant edu-
scores do not need to be adjusted by age in young adults. cation effect on TT scores, as do other prior studies.33,43 We
These results coincide with those from a previous study of did not find an age effect on performance, probably because
an all-male sample with a similar size and age range.16 How- the task’s ceiling effect occurs during adolescence.45 We also
ever, they do not coincide with the results found by Kaplan found no relationship between performance and sex, which
et al.7 in the sample used to normalise the original test. concurs with previous studies.47
There are also discrepancies with other studies that include As we observed for the BNT scores, educational level
subjects with a wider age range. By including elderly sub- had a greater effect than age on TT scores. The pattern
jects, these studies have shown a clear age effect.10—13 Some of the age and sex effects is similar in both tests, which
authors state that the influence of age may be significant was also true for the normative study in subjects older than
beginning at 60 years52 or as late as 80 years.23 Our data 5037 ; in that study, we found that age but not sex affected
reveal a moderate education effect on performance on the performance.
398 F. Aranciva et al.

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