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Case Studies in Realizing Co-Benefits of

Multimodal Roadway Design and Gray and

Green Infrastructure

March 2018
Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Case Studies in Realizing Co-Benefits of Multimodal Roadway March 2018
Design and Gray and Green Infrastructure 6. Performing Organization
7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization
Cohn, J; McAdam, T; Ridgway, M. Report No.

9. Performing Organization Name And Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Fehr & Peers, 1003 K Street NW, Suite 209, Washington, DC 20001
CSRA, 3434 Washington Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201 11. Contract or Grant No.

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period
U.S Department of Transportation Covered
Federal Highway Administration Case Studies
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Washington, DC 20590 FHWA/HEPH-10
15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract
This document highlights case studies of projects that contribute to safe and connected pedestrian and
bicycle networks in States and communities throughout the U.S., while at the same time providing
resiliency and green infrastructure benefits that promote resiliency and relieve burdens on stormwater
systems. The case studies included in the report are organized in the following categories: (1) Mitigating
Flood Risk, (2) Public-Private Partnerships, (3) Multimodal Network Connectivity, and (4) State and Locally
Driven Projects.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement
Pedestrian and bicycle networks, multimodal This document is available to the public on the FHWA
infrastructure, green infrastructure, website at:
stormwater, resiliency, mitigating flood risk, http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestr
public-private partnerships, State and local ian

19. Security Classif. (of this 20. Security Classif. (of this 21. No. of 22. Price
report) page) Pages N/A
Unclassified Unclassified 34

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized

Case Studies in Realizing Co-Benefits of Multimodal
Roadway Design and Gray and Green Infrastructure

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Johnson Street (Chattanooga, TN) ...................................................................................................................... 5
21st Street Complete and Green Street (Paso Robles, CA) ........................................................................ 7
Hahn Arroyo (Albuquerque, NM) ........................................................................................................................ 9
Decatur Street (Edmonston, MD) ...................................................................................................................... 11
Iowa Green Streets Pilot Program (West Union, IA) ................................................................................... 13
Connective Corridor (Syracuse, NY) ................................................................................................................. 15
Taylor 28 (Seattle, WA) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Indianapolis Cultural Trail (Indianapolis, IN) ................................................................................................. 19
Bayside Trail (Portland, ME) ................................................................................................................................. 20
Pioneer Trail Roundabout (Truckee, CA) ........................................................................................................ 23
North El Paso Corridor (Russellville, AR) ......................................................................................................... 24
Green Corridor (Ranson and Charles Town, WV) ........................................................................................ 26
Winslow Way Redesign (Bainbridge Island, WA) ........................................................................................ 28
Ohiopyle Green Streets (Ohiopyle, PA) ........................................................................................................... 30
Relevant Resources ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Photo Sources ........................................................................................................................................................... 33

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is committed to documenting and promoting

connected pedestrian and bicycle networks in States and communities throughout the United
States. Networks are interconnected pedestrian and/or bicycle transportation facilities that allow
people of all ages and abilities to safely and conveniently get where they want to go. FHWA is
working with its State and local partners and stakeholders to successfully implement gray and
green infrastructure projects to manage stormwater, improve water quality, and to create healthier
environments through strategies such as increasing pervious material, creating bioswales, and
incorporating flow-through planters into projects. At the same time, State and local agencies are
working to promote resiliency and relieve burdens on stormwater systems.

This report provides information to encourage agencies interested in making improvements to

their pedestrian and bicycle networks that also provide gray and green infrastructure and resiliency
benefits. The discussion of stormwater and mobility benefits will help communities better
understand the variety of goals and outcomes they can achieve through their projects.

FHWA identified, evaluated, and categorized these gray and green infrastructure case studies
into several project types, including:

 Mitigating Flood Risk: Flood mitigation involves the management and control of floodwater
movement, such as redirecting flood run-off through the use of floodwalls and flood gates,
rather than trying to prevent floods altogether. These projects were implemented to address
local flooding and minimize future flood damage.

 Public-Private Partnerships: Public-private partnerships are cooperative arrangements

between two or more public and private sector agencies. The Federal Government encourages
the use of public-private partnerships through an array of innovative financing mechanisms
and initiatives designed to provide flexibility in the ways projects are delivered. These projects
were implemented collaboratively with input and funding from several public and private

 Multimodal Network Connectivity: Multimodal networks help to facilitate a range of

bicycling and walking trips, including access to work from residential areas, travel to and from
school, links to transit, recreation and physical activity opportunities, and access to grocery
stores, government buildings, health care, and other essential services. These projects complete
a critical link in the jurisdiction’s bicycle or pedestrian network, and improve residents’ access
to area services and amenities.

 State and Locally Driven Projects: These projects represent a set of jurisdictions with active
residents and/or municipal government driving local improvements and innovation. The
projects completed in these jurisdictions go above and beyond State and local requirements,
and they demonstrate leadership in multimodal transportation planning or stormwater

Case Study Matrix

Completion Date

Mitigating Flood


Bike Facilities



State and



Project Location

Johnson Street Chattanooga, TN 2014 $350,000 X X X X X X

21st Street Complete &
Paso Robles, CA 2014 $2,500,000 X X X X X X X
Green Street
Hahn Arroyo Parkway Albuquerque, NM 2012 $3,500,000 X X X X X X X
Decatur Street Edmonston, MD 2010 $1,300,000 X X X X X X X X
Iowa Green Streets Pilot West Union, IA 2013 $10,200,000 X X X X X X X
Connective Corridor Syracuse, NY 2015 $47,000,000 X X X X X X X X X
Taylor 28 Seattle, WA 2009 N/A X X X X X X
Indianapolis Cultural Trail Indianapolis, IN 2013 $63,000,000 X X X X X X
Bayside Trail Portland, ME 2010 $5,000,000 X X X X X X
Pioneer Trail Roundabout Truckee, CA 2010 $2,500,000 X X X X X
North El Paso Corridor Russellville, AR 2014 $2,300,000 X X X X X X
Green Corridor Ranson & Charles Town, WV 2017 $9,400,000 X X X X X X X
Winslow Way Redesign Bainbridge Island, WA 2011 $5,600,000 X X X X X X X
Ohiopyle Green Streets Ohiopyle, PA 2010 $1,300,000 X X X X X

Year Completed: 2014

Cost Estimate: $350,000
Street Type: Commercial Alley
Case Study Category: Mitigating Flood Risk

Like many cities in the United States, Chattanooga, TN,

relies on an aging combined sewer system. Following
a series of combined sewer overflow events into the
Tennessee River, the Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation mandated that
Chattanooga refurbish its sewer and stormwater
infrastructure. As a result, Chattanooga now requires
that all new private and public developments within
the combined sewer system reduce or detain
stormwater runoff during rain events.

Following introduction of the stormwater mandate, a

new restaurant was proposed at the edge of the
Southside Historic District. The site was located on
Johnson Street, a 400-foot-long commercial alley
Permeable pavers on Johnson Street
within the combined sewer system. Not only was
Johnson Street in the combined sewer system, but it experienced nuisance flooding with nearly
every heavy rain or storm event. The developers already owned an ecofriendly hostel on Johnson
Street, and they were eager to address the flooding issues with the new development.

After some discussion with the Chattanooga Public Works Department, the restaurant developers
decided to implement a green solution—permeable pavers—on Johnson Street even though the
‘gray’ infrastructure requirement for new pipes and storage tanks on the restaurant property would
have cost $327,000, about $25,000 less than a ‘green’ solution. Green stormwater infrastructure
reintroduces ecological functions and natural drainage processes back into the built environment.

The City of Chattanooga and the developer agreed to a public-private partnership to transform
Johnson Street into a bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly green street that addressed the flooding risk
and addressed compliance with the City’s stormwater mandate. The restaurant owners paid for
14,000 square feet of permeable pavers to cover the entire alleyway, and Chattanooga Public Works
installed the pavers as well as three feet of gravel below the street surface to act as a detention
layer that detains excess rainwater.
This shared street is an application of design flexibility that meets the needs of all users, while
doubling as stormwater management, capturing the first inch of runoff during storm events and
eliminating nuisance flooding. After completion, the project won the Tennessee Governor’s
Environmental Stewardship Award for Excellence in Green Building as well as a Chattanooga Low
Impact Development Excellence Award.

Johnson Street before (top)

and after (bottom)

Additional Resources:

 Chattanooga Public Works’ Resource: Rain Program

 NACTO Urban Street Design Guide – Commercial Shared Street

 NACTO Urban Street Stormwater Guide – Green Alley

 Urban Drainage Design Manual

 ADA Accommodation on Shared Streets:

o New FHWA Report: Accessible Shared Streets: Notable Practices and

Considerations for Accommodating Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities

o Argyle Street in Chicago, IL


Year Completed: March 2014

Cost Estimate: $2.5 million
Street Type: Neighborhood Main Street
Case Study Category: Mitigating Flood Risk

Frequent flooding on 21st Street in Paso Robles, CA, stemmed from an 1800s-era decision to funnel
runoff from the surrounding 1,230–acre Mountain Springs Creek watershed through a substreet
drain pipe. As development and impermeable surface increased throughout the watershed, the
aging infrastructure failed to contain stormwater events, and 21st Street became a regular flooding
hazard. A two-year storm event generating flows of 24 cubic feet per second (cfs) was enough to
overtop the curb line and crossing walkways, erode landscape areas, and impede traffic. Not only
was this a safety concern for people using the street, but without a filtration system, the water
continuing downstream exceeded
acceptable pollution levels. After being
fined by the State Water Resources Control
Board for an illicit discharge into the Salinas
River, the City worked with the Board to
redirect the fine to fund a concept plan for
San Luis Obispo County’s first complete
and green street.

The redesign stretches five blocks along a

mixed commercial and residential street
and ultimately replaced everything in the
right-of-way, from the underground
Open median channel in the center of 21st Street
stormwater infrastructure to the travel lane
striping and flanking sidewalks. The project’s centerpiece, a day-lit channel and underlying
infiltration trench (14 feet wide by 600 feet long) runs in the median. This central feature is
supported by deepened curbs, impermeable liners, and trench dams installed adjacent to
bioretention areas in the bulbouts and sidewalk borders. These features ensure that the asphalt
roadway does not pool water and endures a typical lifespan. The project reduced roadway width
and installed permeable pavers in the pedestrian areas, to reduce a total of 26,000 square feet of
impervious surface.

21st Street’s original design did not accommodate pedestrians and cyclists, and the City saw this
stormwater makeover as an opportunity to not only green the street, but also complete the street
for all users. The final treatment added ¾ of a mile of striped, on-road bicycle lanes, ADA-compliant

sidewalks, bulbouts at each intersection, two pedestrian-activated flashing yellow lights at the
highest volume intersections, seating, 81 street trees, high-efficiency lighting, bicycle racks, and
informational signage about the transformation. In addition, the project added a railroad pedestrian
crossing where there was previously no pathway or signs. Post-project evaluation found that
pedestrian volumes increased on the corridor, and the average vehicle speed decreased about 30
percent from 30 to 23 mph.

Project construction was funded with a $933,000 Urban Greening Grant from the California Natural
Resources Agency and the City of Paso Robles. The project brought the city into compliance with
State Water Resources Control Board thresholds and produced a water management solution
applicable for both the dry and rainy seasons that the region faces. At the same time, the pedestrian
and bicycle amenities completed an important east-west route for active transportation in Paso
Robles, connecting residential neighborhoods, small businesses, and visitors with the Paso Robles
Events Center at the project’s terminus. As a best practice, the redesign included local firms so that
the knowledge of green and complete streets could begin to grow in the local engineering and
construction industry.

The project received two prominent awards in 2014: the Green Innovation Award from the Central
Coast Chapter of the US Green Building Council and the Transportation Project of the Year from
the Central Coast Chapter of the American Public Works Association.

21st Street looking east before (left) and after (right) redesign

Additional Resources:

 Cannon Video: https://vimeo.com/181964665

 Cannon Project Brochure

 Central Coast LID Institute Case Study

 MUTCD Guidance on Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons


Year Completed: June 2012

Cost Estimate: $3.5 million
Street Type: Greenway
Case Study Category: Mitigating Flood Risk

Prior to the completion of this project, the three-mile Hahn Arroyo in Albuquerque, NM, resembled
many concrete-lined stormwater channels throughout the Southwest. With the stormwater and
active transportation project completed jointly by the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood
Control Authority and the City of Albuquerque, the land now serves the dual purpose of managing
stormwater and providing recreation space for local residents along the new Paseo del Nordeste

An in-channel water quality structure

and underground cisterns manage the
Hahn Arroyo’s stormwater, removing
pollutants and cleaning stormwater
water before it enters the Rio Grande.
In addition to filtering and controlling
floodwaters in times of abundance, the
cisterns store water for irrigation. The
water harvesting system is used for
irrigating the trees, shrubs, and grass In-stream filtering structure at work during a June
areas of the project, as well as irrigating 2013 storm
the ball fields of adjacent Montgomery Park. No outside water is used for the irrigation of the
landscaping—an important innovation in the drought-prone Southwest.

The arroyo included limited transportation and public open space elements prior to this project.
Rather than continue to treat the arroyo as a hidden public works conveyance, the Albuquerque
Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority and the City decided to expand the aesthetic and
functional possibilities of the channel and create the Paseo del Nordeste Trail. Both a paved bike
path and dirt pedestrian path are included in the design, and seating, lighting, bike parking, bike
air pump stations, and public art are interspersed along the trails. The arroyo trail connects to the
rest of Albuquerque’s trail system via the North Diversion Channel Trail, as well as to multiple
schools, sports fields, parks, and residential and commercial districts. As the trail runs adjacent to
the Hahn Arroyo, it is grade separated from vehicle traffic, further improving safety for bicyclists
and pedestrians using the trail.

To complement the stormwater sustainability measures, the project repurposed site materials by
using the old concrete channel lining to create benches along the trail. Additionally, the trail is lined
with native grasses and trees to encourage ecological restoration and wildlife activity similar to a
natural stream.

One of many bike and pedestrian entrances to the Hahn Arroyo Trail

Additional Resources:

 Green Infrastructure LID in Arid Environments

 Hahn Arroyo/Paseo del Nordeste Guided Tour

 NACTO’s Urban Street Stormwater Guide – Bioretention Design Considerations

 Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods


Year Completed: November 2010

Cost Estimate: $1.3 million
Street Type: Residential Street
Case Study Category: Mitigating Flood Risk

Despite a relatively small population of 1,500 and a limited municipal budget, Edmonston, MD, was
among the first Washington, D.C. suburbs to complete a green streets project. The improvement
project on Decatur Street, the town’s pimary east-west corridor, stemmed from Edmonston’s costly
experience with chronic flooding and Decatur Street’s aging infrastructure. While Edmonston sits
in a flood plain of the Anacostia Watershed, former Mayor Adam Ortiz attributed the town’s
flooding issues on the abundance of permeable surfaces. Instead of repairing the 'expired' street in
the conventional way, Edmonston’s political leadership and community members agreed to fix it
with an approach that both reduced the amount of permeable surface and improved
nonmotorized accomodations on Decatur Street.

Rather than widening the street to make room for bicycle1 and pedestrian facilities, Edmonston
narrowed the travel lanes. In addition to adding on-street designated bike lanes, the project also
included planting of native trees, installing wind-powered lighting, rebuilding all sidewalks and
crosswalks with permeable pavers, and adding corner bulbouts. The bulbouts and sidewalk buffers
hold rain gardens (also called ‘bioretention planters’) to remove toxins and reduce the amount of
runoff leaving the roadway. The bicycle and pedestrian features connect with the Anacostia
Tributary Trail System, which links Edmonston with Cottage City to the south and Riverdale Park to
the north. Prior to this project, there were no bike lanes in Edmonston.

The Town of Edmonston received project support from both local and regional partners, including
the Chesapeake Bay Trust, which helped jumpstart the project with a $25,000 design grant. Other
partners included the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region III office, the Maryland
Department of the Environment, and the Low Impact Development Center. The project construction
was funded by the EPA through a $1.1 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant.

Performance evaluation of the new street found that the green infrastructure treatments capture
the first 1.33 inches of rainfall, which accounts for 90 percent of Edmonston’s annual storms. More
importantly for Edmonston and the region as a whole was the model that this project set for other

1In order to install dashed bicycle lanes, an approved Request to Experiment is required as
detailed in Section 1A.10 of the MUTCD.

towns in the Anacostia watershed. Following the implementation of the Decatur Street project, the
nearby towns such as Bladensburg sought to create green streets of their own.

Additional Resources:

 Environmental Protection Agency Green Streets Success Stories

 NACTO’s Urban Street Stormwater Guide – Stormwater Elements section

 Prince George’s County, MD, Guidelines for Rain Gardens


Year Completed: 2013

Cost Estimate: $10.2 million
Street Type: Small Town Main Street
Case Study Category: Public-Private Partnerships

Located in northeastern Iowa, West Union, with a population of 2,500, experienced deterioration
inits downtown streets, sidewalks, and public areas. So when it was approached by the Iowa
Economic Development Authority (IEDA) about a Green Streets Pilot Program, the small town
commited to and ultimately implemented one of the most sustainble downtown revitalization
projects in the country. The Town and IEDA were the initiating partners, and before the end of the
project, $7.5 million had been granted or donated by 17 outside Federal, State, and local sources.

The scale of this project was

made possible by the
collaboration of many partners,
and West Union now serves as
a model and pilot for small
towns in Iowa and throughout
the country. The green streets
project centers around the
town square and extends along
Vine Street. Six blocks’ streets
and sidewalks were rebuilt with
permeable pavers and
Bioswales were added into the bulbouts at each major
stonework. Four intersections
intersection in downtown.
received high-visbility crossing
treatments using permeable pavers as a design medium and mid-block crosswalks were installed
in the areas of highest pedestrian traffic. As part of the street redesign, sidewalks were widened
and LED street lighting and street furniture were added. One of the unique features of the project
is the geothermal heating and cooling system built beneath the new street system, and connected
to 60 downtown buildings. Atop this new energy system, 36,000 square feet of rain gardens collect
and filter 95 percent of rainwater that fall in the downtown.

These sustainble improvements are expected to save West Union $104 million in operating costs
over the next 50 years, and the Town is expected to pay off the $10.2 million investment over a 15-
year period. Operational saving aside, the project spurred additional investment and growth in
downtown including 12 new businesses, 4 new buildings, 11 improved interiors, 10 historic façade

renovations, and the addition of 12 new affordable housing units in historic downtown buildings.
The project won the 2015 Iowa American Society of Landscape Architects’ Award as well as Unilock’s
2014 Award for “Best Permeable Streetscape.”

Attractive landscaping also helps spread awareness of the stormwater management taking
place on and below the streets in downtown.

Additional Resources:

 Conservation Design Forum Video

 Discovery Channel Video

 Conservation Design Forum Pictures

 Complete List of Funding Sources


Year Completed: Fall 2015

Cost Estimate: $47 million
Street Type: Multimodal Urban Core
Case Study Category: Public-Private Partnerships

The newly inaugurated “Connective Corridor” links downtown Syracuse, NY, and the Syracuse
University campus with two miles of multimodal green streets along University Avenue and East
Genessee Street, incorporating pedestrians, cyclists, transit, and automobiles. Prior to completion
of this project, the city’s two activity centers felt largely disconnected, severed by Interstate 81 and
lacking pedestrian or bicycle amenities. The evolution and implementation of this project arose
from the strategic and financial partnership between the City and the University, as well as
participation from Onondaga County, Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council (SMTC), and
New York State.

Early meetings between the City of Syracuse, the University, and private partners, such as National
Grid, envisioned a vibrant network of streets that would bring life to downtown and serve as a
“living laboratory” for the University. In 2007 SMTC, the region’s Metropilitan Planning
Organization, released the University Hill Transportation Study that echoed this vision with calls for
greater integrgation of land use and alternative transportation methods. Soon, the goals for
improved connectivity and public space were paired with goals for intensified sustainability and
stormwater management along the corridor. Onondaga County agreed to pay for the corridor’s

The Corridor clearly designates separate spaces for cars, bicycles, and pedestrians.

below-ground stormwater infrastructure, which aligned with the stringent stormwater standards
identified in the County’s Save the Rain Plan. In addition to $2.6 million in Save the Rain funding
for below-ground catchment infrastructure, the project added rain gardens in all bulbouts and
sidewalk buffers, permeable pavers, and new native landscaping, including 285 new trees and 4,000
smaller plantings.

The project improved connectivity by adding raised and separated two-way bike lanes, widened
sidewalks, streetlights, sidewalk furniture, and wayfinding signage. The corridor also incorporates
free bus transit between downtown and the Univeristy. These changes marked a total overhaul for
the area by encouraging pedestrian activity, and economic investment at the street level.
Concurrent with construction, 70 façade improvements were completed and façade lighting was
added to 23 buildings to create a “corridor of light.”

A four-year construction
effort and $47 million
investment, this project
required financial backing at
all levels. Public contributions
came from the Federal
Highway Administration
(FHWA) and Federal Transit
Administration, and the
Department of Housing and
Public art is featured prominently throughout the corridor.
Urban Development at the
federal level; Empire State Development, Dormitory Authority of New York State, and New York
State DOT at the S tate level; and the City of Syracuse and Onondaga County at the local
level. Private funding came from the University of Syracuse, National Grid, Time Warner, and
many others. A list of funders and specific grants can be found here. In recognition of the
coordination involved, the project won the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Global
Leadership Award. FHWA recongnized the project with a 2015 National Environmental Excellence
Award and American Public Works reconized the project for innovative design and construction
Additional Resources:

 University of Syracuse Connective Corridor website

 USGBC Global Leadership Award video

 FHWA Separated Bike Lanes Planning and Design Guide

 ITE Separated Bikeways Report


Year Completed: 2009

Cost Estimate: N/A
Street Type: Urban Arterial
Case Study Category: Public-Private Partnerships

As the first mixed-use apartment building in the Denny Triangle neighborhood, the Taylor 28
project transformed an arterial roadway in downtown Seattle, WA, into a multiuse corridor. This
project was completed as part of a new development and paid for by the property owners, but
required creative thinking and flexibility from both the City and the developer. The project provided
sidewalks a minimum of 38 feet wide, captures stormwater in rain gardens, provides generous space
for pedestrians and bicyclists, and includes detailing to create a sense of space unique to the street.

Prior to development, Taylor Avenue included two travel lanes and back-in angled parking on both
sides of the street. The project’s final design maintained the same vehicle capacity (two travel lanes)
but replaced the angled parking with
parallel parking, reducing on-street
width by 20 feet. Landscaped
bulbouts were added around the
project driveway and intersection
crossings to maximize pedestrian
space and manage motor vehicle
speed. To minimize bicycle conflicts
with parking and loading vehicles,
the right-of-way design included a
bicycle lane on a raised curb between
the parked vehicles and the
designated pedestrian area. In
addition to these adjustments, LED
A raised bicycle lane is provided at the outer edge of
lighting and seating were installed.
the plaza.

Due to concerns that increased development in this neighborhood would overwhelm the combined
sewer system, the City required on-site stormwater detention. The development design team
worked closely with City of Seattle staff to achieve multidisciplinary outcomes that crossed typical
boundaries between zoning, transportation, and public utilities to address layout, rainwater
harvesting and reuse, stormwater collection and distribution, and maintenance responsibilities.
Curb cuts, eight bio-retention rain gardens, and 1,000 square feet of permeable pavers funnel
stormwater to a 16,000 gallon underground cistern. The cistern provides water reuse for

nonresidential toilets and is also the sole water source for all on-site and right-of-way landscape
irrigation. These design features result in zero discharge from on-site and right-of-way runoff and
can fully contain runoff generated from the 25-year storm event.

All Taylor Street improvements were paid for by the developer, as it was determined that the added
upfront costs would be offset by the long-term water savings for the development. As a result, the
public right-of-way was redesigned to provide more safe and inviting public space with limited
costs to the city.

Taylor Avenue North before (top)

and after (bottom) the project

Additional Resources:

 Landscape Architecture Foundation

 Mithun Project Profile


Year Completed: May 2013

Cost Estimate: $63 million
Street Type: Multimodal Urban Core
Case Study Category: Public-Private Partnerships

Starting with a five-block pilot in 2007, the Indianapolis Cultural Trail transformed downtown
Indianapolis from an auto-centric grid of arterials to a space that is welcoming to all modes. The
Cultural Trail—so called because it connects all six of the City’s downtown cultural districts,
including museums, art and performance institutions, and civic spaces—is a unique example of a
separated bike and pedestrian trail running through a downtown core. Stormwater management
and sustainability were also central to the trail design, which weaves 25,000 square feet of bioswales
throughout downtown, adding eight acres of green space and 500 trees.

Project for Public Spaces helped design the eight-mile trail as a loop around downtown and two
spurs that connect to the White River and Monon Trail greenways. Parts of the trail have shared
space for bicyclists and pedestrians, while other segments provide pedestrian walkways that are
separate from a two-way facility for
bicyclists. The project took
advantage of downtown’s wide
streets by reducing lane widths and
reclaiming the space for bikes,
pedestrians, and landscaping. In
addition to uniting the downtown
core, the trail adds a critical bike
and pedestrian connection at the
interchange of I-65 and I-70.

In total, the $63 million public-

private partnership took six years
of construction and significant
contributions from the Mayor’s
Office, the City of Indianapolis, the
Central Indiana Community
Foundation, and Project for Public
Spaces, amongst others. Led by a
$15 million seed gift from Eugene
Indianapolis took advantage of previously wide arterials
to reclaim space for pedestrians and cyclists. and Marilyn Glick, the project

raised a total of $27.5 million in private donations, nearly matching the $35.5 million in Federal
transportation funds, including TIGER funds, granted over a period of several years and funding
cycles. All elements of the trail, including the green space and pathways, are managed by a
nonprofit called Indianapolis Cultural Trail, Inc.

Bioswales and planters are incorporated throughout the trail medians.

Indianapolis has seen extensive economic development and livability benefits as a result of this
investment. A recent study completed by Indiana University found that property values in the trail
vicinity have increased by $1 billion, businesses report more customers and higher sales, and
residents feel safer downtown since construction of the Cultural Trail. The average trail user spends
around $53 while downtown, and 17 percent of trail users surveyed by Indiana University were from
outside the Indianapolis area, indicating the importance of the trail as an attraction for visitors.

Additional Resources:

 Indy Cultural Trail Website

 Indiana University Public Policy Institute: Cultural Trail Study


Year Completed: August 2010

Cost Estimate: $5 million
Street Type: Urban Trail
Case Study Category: Network Connections

The Bayside Trail in Portland, ME, links the Eastside Promenade and Back Cove trails, completing
the “perimeter” trail system long envisioned for the Bayside peninsula. The 1.2-mile trail runs along
an abandoned railroad right-of-way, through a former industrial and now mixed-use
neighborhood. As such, it provides a “spine” of green2 in a largely concrete urban landscape.

Sections of the trail use permeable pavers improve stormwater flow. The abandoned railroad
right-of-way presented a potential connection through the Bayside and East Bayside
neighborhoods, and in 2000, Portland set goals in A New Vision for Bayside plan to buy the right-
of-way and transform it into a multi-use trail. This plan was complicated by environmental and
resiliency concerns, specifically contaminated soils and low-lying, flood-prone stretches. In addition,
the corridor links diverse residential, commercial, and industrial districts, and required buy-in from
a multitude of stakeholders.

Permeable pavers on the Bayside Trail

Eventually, and with the help of a public-private funding effort, the adjacent neighborhood
associations came together with the City of Portland, Maine Department of Transportation, Portland

2 American Society of Landscape Architects’ Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management Case Study:
Bayside Promenade Trail, https://www.asla.org/stormwatercasestudies.aspx

Trails, and the Trust for Public Land to design a combined bike and pedestrian trail with both paved
and gravel surfaces. The trail is interspersed with green and hardscaped open spaces and remains
lit through the night for added safety and functionality. Multiple neighborhood cut-through
pathways were added to increase connectivity to the adjacent neighborhoods, and wayfinding
helps visitors and residents navigate the extended trail network.

To address contamination and stormwater runoff, the trail uses pervious pavement and
incorporates landscaped bioswales and retention beds along the right-of-way adjacent to the trail.
Green infrastructure along the corridor is estimated to reduce stormwater runoff by 10 to 20
percent. These efforts were funded by a combination of $800,000 in Federal funding, $1.6 million
in private funding, and $3.5 million from the City to both purchase the property and fund
construction costs. Gradually the completed trail gained users and helped to reinvigorate the
Bayside housing and mixed-use development markets.

The former railroad right-of-

way (top) transformed into the
multi-use Bayside Trail (below).

Additional Resources:

 Portland Trails

 Trust for Public Land


Year Completed: Fall 2010

Cost Estimate: $2.5 million
Street Type: Suburban Arterial
Case Study Category: Network Connections

The Pioneer Trail Roundabout is one of many roundabouts in Truckee, CA. Truckee constructs
roundabouts for their safety benefits, aesthetic appeal, and their flexibility given the seasonal nature
of traffic in the area. This roundabout, at the intersection of Donner Pass Road and Pioneer Trail,
was designed with enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities in order to connect the nearby
neighborhoods with the Community Recreation Center and swimming pool. High-visibility
crosswalks with pedestrian refuges were added to each leg of the four-way roundabout, and off-
road multiuse pathways connect the roundabout and recreation facilities with a much larger
network of area trails and bike lanes. By completing this gap in the trail network, the recreation
facilities and adjacent neighborhoods are now accessible from the regional golf course, Adler Creek
Middle School, and downtown Truckee.

In addition to slowing traffic and enhancing pedestrian and bicycle safety, the roundabout doubles
as a stormwater retention area. The center of the roundabout, 120-feet in diameter, is a bioswale
with native landscaping. It is designed for a 20-year, one-hour storm event and has become a
standard green infrastructure treatment for Truckee’s numerous roundabouts.

This eight-month construction effort was funded in part by a Caltrans bike trail grant, traffic impact
fees, and the Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District.

Additional Resources:

 NCHRP Report 674: Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for
Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities

 Massachusetts DOT: Separated Bikeways Design Guide, Chapter 4: Intersection Design

 California Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan


Year Completed: December 2014

Cost Estimate: $2.3 million
Street Type: Neighborhood Collector
Case Study Category: Network Connections

As one in a set of complete streets projects planned for Russellville, AR, the North El Paso Corridor
now provides an essential bike and pedestrian connection between downtown Russellville and the
Arkansas Tech University campus. The ¾-mile roadway was identified in the 2011 Downtown Master
Plan as a “key connection” for active transporation, and now includes pedestrian-scale streelights,
buffered bike lanes, and new ADA-compliant sidewalks on both sides of the street.

North El Paso Avenue is now safer at all hours of the day for pedestrian and cyclists.

This project was included in Russellville’s Capital Improvement Program, which was developed to
work in concert with the city’s stormwater management plan and master street plan. As one
example, rain gardens and new street trees were added in the North El Paso bicycle buffers to
improve stormwater management and capture runoff. Another project to benefit from coordination
was the Main Street pedestrian improvement effort in downtown Russellville. The Public Works
Department added rain garden bulbouts at key intersections to shorten crossing distances and
lower vehicle speeds.

A more-inviting pedestrian environment can go a long way in reviving a downtown, and since
completion of these projects, new businesses have arrived both in downtown and along the El Paso
Corridor. Arkansas Tech is now pursuing mixed-use housing along the El Paso Corridor, in part due
to the influx of activity and extensive use by both pedestrians and cyclists.

The Public Works Department had to be flexible while implementing and funding this project.
During construction, the city discovered that the corridor, a former State highway, still had a
massive concrete slab embedded beneath the roadway. This required modification of the original
concept—a single two-way buffered bike path—to retain the existing centerline and instead
implement two, one-way protected bike lanes on either side of the road. To pay for the project
the City used a loan, which they then repaid using the special 10-year, statewide ½ cent sales tax,
dedicated to highway improvements and approved by Arkansas voters in 2011.

North El Paso Avenue before (top) and after (bottom) project.

Additional Resources:

 FHWA Separated Bike Lanes Planning and Design Guide

 ITE Separated Bikeways Report

 MUTCD: Green Paint


Year Completed: Spring 2017

Cost Estimate: $9.4 million
Street Type: Commercial Boulevard
Case Study Category: State and Locally Driven Projects

Just over an hour from the Washington, D.C. metro area, Ranson and Charles Town, WV, are a model
of planning collaboration. “Two Cities, One Revitilization Plan”3 was the community mantra as the
neighboring towns looked to transform their shared autocentric arterial, Fairfax Boulevard, into a
green street and their abandoned industrial brownfields into a renewed commerce corridor. A HUD
Community Challenge grant provided funding and assitance for the new Ranson “Smart Code” and
land use plan, while research and remediation for former industrial sites came from a Brownfields
Area-wide Planning grant from the EPA. Construction of the Green Corridor—a two-mile stretch of
Fairfax Boulevard in Ranson and George Street in Charles Town—was funded by DOT TIGER II and
IV grants.

Median bioswales capture and filter stormwater runoff.

The Green Corridor plan combines new goals of multimodal access and stomwater management
with the historic vision for a connecting spine laid out in the original 1890 Charles Town plat. Fairfax
Boulevard is a critical local corridor, connecting residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, job
centers, hospitals, and parks. The redesign now makes this thoroughfare both safe and inviting for

3 Environmental Protection Agency’s Brownfields Success Stories: Ranson and Charles Town, WV,

all modes. New additions to the corridor include bike lanes, widened sidewalks, streetlights, and
bus shelters.

Stormwater treatment includes a landscaped median with bioswales designed to capture, treat, and
inflitrate runoff through soils and plants, including 2,000 new street trees and shrubs. A conveyance
system drains excess water from large storm events into a retention pond developed on adjacent,
formerly industrial land. Soils excavated from the corridor project were used to cap the former
foundry site. These measures respond to new, more stringent, water quality standards for
communities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Inflitration was particularily important for this site
in order to reduce the acidity of stormwater, which can slowly dissolve the limestone geology of
the region and lead to sinkholes.

An artist’s rendition of the Fairfax Boulevard redesign

Ranson and Charles Town, with populations of 4,500 and 5,300, respectively, were able to
combine their financial and staff resources to imagine a regional-scale project garnering Federal
interest and financial support. Stormwater management and transportation are often regional
challenges, and the Green Corridor project presents a successful example of a community-driven,
regional solution.

Additional Resources:

 EPA Success Stories: Ranson and Charles Town

 Chesapeake Bay Water Quality


Year Completed: 2011

Cost Estimate: $5.6 million
Street Type: Main Street
Case Study Category: State and Locally Driven Projects

The culmination of many decades of discussion and community planning, the Winslow Way
Redesign successfully highlights the importance of Winslow Way as a pedestrian activity center for
Bainbridge Island, WA. An explicit goal of the the Winslow Master Plan, updated in 2006, was to
“maintain Winslow Way as the centerpiece of Winslow, develop a multimodal street design program
and create a pedestrian environment that supports vibrant retail.” The Bainbridge Arts Master Plan
(2003) also identified Winslow Way as a focus of activity. Simultaneous to these planning efforts,
the City’s Water Quality and Flow Monitoring Program noticed increased levels of pollutants in the
watershed and set goals to incorporate green infrastructure into future development projects.
While stemming from different needs, these goals combined to produce a community-oriented
streetscape with access for all modes, space for art and artists, and foundations in environmentally-
friendly landscaping and engineering.

Mini pedestrian plazas and seating invite people to hang out and enjoy the streetscape.

With an emphasis on ADA compliance, the half-mile redesign repaired and widened sidewalks
where previously people were forced to travel single file to navigate between poles and benches.
In addition to wider, six- to eight-foot sidewalks, the project added gathering spaces using bulbouts
and rain gardens. With limited right-of-way, the project restructured angled parking and narrowed

travel lanes to reclaim space for pedestrians. These changes made both mid-block and intersection
crossings safer for pedestrians. Shared Lane Marking or sharrows were added to the narrowest
parts of the corridor and designated bike lanes were added near the intersection with State Highway

To reduce runoff pollution and manage storm events, the corridor added rain gardens, street trees,
underground retention and filtration cells, and pervious concrete sidewalks. These green
infrastructure treatments helped the city achieve its goals to manage stormwater using a more
natural and vegetated solution. The design funnels rainwater through the filtration system using
curb inlets on some blocks and no curb at all on others. Following project completion in 2011,
Bainbridge Island observed reductions in pollutants during rain events. In addition to the many
aesthetic, aboveground improvements, the project replaced all in-street water infrastructure and
relocated all overhead utilities into the belowground right-of-way.

Project funding was a public-private effort with $800,000 in city utility funds, $2.2 in State
funding from the Transportation Improvement Board, $1.6 million from the Federal Government,
and $1 million from Winslow Way property owners. The project won a 2013 Federal Highway
Administration/Washington State Department of Transportation Project of Excellence Award.

A pedestrian crossing on Winslow Way before (left) and after (right) the redesign

Additional Resources:

 SvR Design Project Highlights

 NACTO Urban Bikeways Design Guide: Shared Lane Markings


Year Completed: August 2010

Cost Estimate: $1.3 million
Street Type: Small Town Main Street
Case Study Category: State and Locally Driven Projects

Ohiopyle Borough in western Pennsylvania has under 100 residents, but over 1.4 million annual
visitors who come to visit Ohiopyle State Park and nearby attractions such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s
Fallingwater and Kentuck Knob. Ohiopyle prides itself as a sustainable community and in 2009 it
partnered with the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) to prepare the Joint Master Plan and
Implementation Stretegy for both the Borough and the State Park. This plan was inspired by the
larger Laurel Highlands Conservation Landscape Initiative steered by the Pennsylvania Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and marked the first time that the DCNR jointly
prepared a plan with a municipality. The planning effort led directly to the Ohiopyle Green Streets
Project, which greatly improved pedestrian connectivity and stormwater management along three
streets near the Visitor’s Center and primary commercial establishments.

Permeable pavers and bioswales improve stormwater management.

The Green Streets Project aimed to better control and clean stormwater flowing into the ajdacent
Youghiogheny River. To meet these goals, the project used multiple green infrastructure techniques
including pervious pavers, bioretention, and bioswales. Almost 16,000 square feet of pervious
pavers were used for sidewalks and on-street parking spaces, below which the town installed gravel
retention pits capable of storing approximately 200,000 gallons of water. To filter runoff, the project

designed 3,700 square feet of bioswales filled with 1,321 perennials, 24 shrubs and 48 trees. Breaks
in the curb allow runoff to flow over the roadway and into these detention areas. In addition to
these street-level components, the project incorporated 41 locally-crafted rain barrels to divert
stormwater into a usable resource for gardens and landscaping.

These stormwater improvements were paired with a more pedestrian-friendly roadway cross-
section that included ADA compliant sidewalks and a multiuse path connecting all major tourist
destinations in town. This project was completed with $1.3 million American Reinvestment and
Recovery Act Green Project Reserve grant through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment
Authority (Penn VEST).

Sherman Street before (top) and

after (bottom) project

Additional Resources:

 Pennsylvania Environmental Council Press Release

 North Carolina State University Permeable Pavement Guide


• Livability in Transportation Guidebook: Planning Approaches that Promote Livability: This

FHWA and FTA guidebook illustrates how livability principles have been incorporated into
transportation planning and project design, using examples from State, regional, and local
sponsors. It explores how transportation planning and programs can improve community
quality of life, enhance environmental performance, increase transportation and housing choice
while lowering costs, and support economic vitality. Many of the case studies resolve capacity
and operational issues through a multimodal network and systems approach, reflecting better
integration of land use with transportation.

• Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise during Municipal Operations: This EPA Office of
Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds document provides approaches local government officials
and municipal program managers in small to midsize communities can use to incorporate
green infrastructure components into work they are doing in public spaces. The guide
demonstrates ways in which projects can be modified relatively easily and at a low cost
recognizing that municipal resources can be limited.

• Green Infrastructure and Climate Resiliency: Collaborating to Improve Community Resilience:

This EPA Office of Wastewater Management report summarizes four charrettes that explored
ways in which green infrastructure could help cities become more resilient to climate change.
Participants identified the multiple benefits of green infrastructure practices and collaborated
across city agencies to achieve efficiencies and maximize benefits.

• Enhancing Sustainable Communities with Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Help Communities

Better Manage Stormwater While Achieving other Environmental, Public Health, Social, and
Economic Benefits: This EPA Office of Sustainable Communities document helps stakeholders
create a vision for how green infrastructure can enhance their communities. It also directs
readers to other resources that provide more detailed information that can be tailored to
communities’ particular climate, goals, and circumstances.

• Green Infrastructure and the Sustainable Communities Initiative: This Department of Housing
and Urban Development report shares the green infrastructure best practices and outputs of
HUD grantees under the Sustainable Communities Initiative grant programs. These profiles
present grantees’ green infrastructure work and link to other resources with more detailed
information on plans and projects.

• Urban Street Stormwater Guide: This NACTO guide depicts how cities can utilize streets to
address resiliency and climate change while creating public spaces that deliver social and
economic value while protecting natural resources. It provides cities with national best practices
for sustainable stormwater management in the public right-of-way, including core principles
about the purpose of streets, strategies for building inter-departmental partnerships around
sustainable infrastructure, technical design details for siting and building bioretention facilities,
and a visual language for communicating the benefits of such projects.

• Stormwater Case Studies: The American Society of Landscape Architects website provides 480
stormwater case studies, showcasing the value of promoting green infrastructure policies.

• A Resource Guide for Planning, Designing and Implementing Green Infrastructure in Parks:
The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) in collaboration with the American
Planning Association (APA) and the Low Impact Development Center (LIDC) produced a suite
of resources on green infrastructure stormwater management in parks including a resource
guide, briefing papers, and case studies. This information focuses on how to plan, finance,
implement, and maintain green stormwater management projects in parks and other public
lands, especially projects that are designed to engage and benefit underserved communities.


Chattanooga, TN
• http://www.themunicipal.com/2015/09/green-partnerships-build-better-communities/
• http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/business/aroundregion/story/2014/jun/15/flying-

Paso Robles, CA
• https://cannoncorp.us/wp-
• http://www.prcity.com/government/departments/publicworks/engineering/pdf/10-17A-

Albuquerque, NM
• https://www.cabq.gov/parksandrecreation/documents/hahn-arroyo-complete-with-color.pdf
FHWA New Mexico Division Office

West Union, IA
• https://www.cdfinc.com/Project?project_id=136

Syracuse, NY
• http://connectivecorridor.syr.edu/connective-corridor-photos/connective-corridor-photo-

Seattle, WA
• https://landscapeperformance.org/case-study-briefs/taylor-28

Indianapolis, IN
• https://www.visitindy.com/indianapolis-cultural-trail

Portland, ME
• https://www.tpl.org/our-work/portland-bayside-trail#sm.000002l72avs5df2bw7aszkic5iwp
• https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOKdvyu1O8mxhI3Wm5Ea9LmauzQLKeCm6Xb_mKlwEaNXh

Russellville, AR
• http://ctmainstreet.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/7-Implementing-Streets-for-Everyone-

Ranson and Charles Town, WV

• http://ransonrenewed.com/initial-designs-emerge-for-fairfax-blvd-join-us-for-the-
• http://www.localdvm.com/news/west-virginia/fairfax-boulevard-project-complete/698547313

Bainbridge Island, WA
• http://www.svrdesign.com/winslow-way/

Ohiopyle, PA
• http://www.landscapeonline.com/research/article-a.php?number=27789
• http://www.docs.dcnr.pa.gov/cs/groups/public/documents/document/dcnr_008430.pdf


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