NORTH KOREA Is The NEW EGYPT. That's Why FREEMASONRY Is Building A 330 Meters High PYRAMID There, Through An EGYPTIAN Contractor

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NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID
there, through an EGYPTIAN contractor 
User ID: 34773944 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 05:45 PM
Report Abusive Post Hi people.
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I'm going to prove that North Korea is the New Egypt.

Or at least, that's how the Masonic-Occultist-Illuminati elites of the world like to see
it, in their sick games.

North Korea is the only country today in the world that can be claimed to have what
Karl Marx called a "mode of production" that is similar to that of Ancient Egypt.

The "mode of production" is the socio-economic system of a country.

The "mode of production" of Ancient Egypt had the following characteristics:

- A centralized state and an hereditarian regime, where the Head of State

(Pharaoh) was always the son of a previous Head of State

- The Heads of State (Pharaoh) used to make supernatural claims, like that they
were descendants of gods

- The workers were "slaves" or "serfs" directly to the State. There were no
individual slaves owned by individual slave-owners. Workers were collectivelly
reduced to the condition of direct serfs of the State.
Now, look at North Korea in the 21st century: it has the same characteristics of
the "mode of production" of Ancient Egypt!

- North Korea has a centralized state and an hereditarian regime, where the Head
of State is always the son of a previous Head of State

- There are indeed supernatural claims about the leaders of the country. Kim Jong
Il’s official biography says he was "heaven sent", born in a log cabin in Mount Paektu
while his father was fighting the Japanese. "Wishing him to be the lodestar that
would brighten the future of Korea, they hailed him as the Bright Star of Mt.
Paektu," his biography reads. The official account of his death also says that just
before Kim Jong Il died, the skies glowed red above sacred Mount Paektu and the
impenetrable sheet of ice at the heart of the mystical volcano cracked with a
deafening roar.

- Workers in North Korea can be considered "direct slaves of the State" or "direct
serfs of the State", just like in Ancient Egypt. Kim Jong-un can be considered the
"Pharaoh" of North Korea.

This is why North Korea is, today, the only country in the world that has a "mode of
production" that is very similar to that of Ancient Egypt.

Well, but what most people can never imagine is that the Masonic-
Occultist-Illuminati elites of the world indeed consider North Korea to be
the "New Egypt", or, at least, they like to "play games" about that...

You may think:

"What? But isn't North Korea a fierce enemy of the West? Isn't North Korea a fierce
enemy of the Western powers that are controlled by the Illuminati elite?"

No, they aren't.


It's all a theatre.

In fact, North Korea is just one more puppet state of the Masonic-Occultist-Illuminati
elites, one that they use for playing their games of "New Egypt".

And I can prove it with facts.

That's the reason why FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID
there, through an EGYPTIAN contractor.


What pyramid are you talking about?

I'm talking about Ryugyong Hotel, in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.

Read the Wikipedia article about Ryugyong Hotel: [link to]

Ryugyong Hotel is a 330 meter high, pyramid shaped hotel that is being built in
Pyongyang, and that is expected to be ready by mid-2013.

Here is a view of the building, still under construction, in 2011:

Ryugyong Hotel 2011 - Pyongyang, North Kor…


Ryugyong Hotel is being built by an Egyptian company called Orascom Group.

Well, well... Here we have already significant evidence of the Masonic nature of
this building...

Besides being pyramid shaped, it is 330 meters high. Everyone knows about the
obsession of Freemasons with the number 33.

So, it's a pyramid (a Masonic obsession) and it's 330 meters high (Masonic
obsession with the number 33)

But it has yet another element of Masonic "fetish": it is being built by Egyptians.
The company that is building it is from Egypt. The "builders of the pyramid" are

What to say now about the suspicious obsession of people aparently connected to
Freemasonry in Western countries about this pyramid in North Korea?

There is a very strange website whose domain is

[link to]
The website is totally dedicated to the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea, and it always
refers to the building as "the pyramid", and has strange graphics that show the
building as having internal chambers similar to the internal chambers of the original
Egyptian pyramids...

Making a quick Whois lookup for that domains, we can easily find that the website is
owned by someone in Graz, the second largest city of Austria, in the hearth of

Why would someone in Austria be that obsessed about an ugly hotel in North Korea,
if this person wasn't a freemason, who knows that the hotel is an important
international project of Freemasonry?

But there is more...

Look at this video that was uploaded to YouTube in 2008, by someone called Wendy
Dunham (same surname as Obama's white mother):

Ryugyong Hotel - The Waiting Room(s)

The very "mysterious" video has a length of exactly 3:33

Here is 33 again. Here is the Masonic "signature" again.

So, it's probably someone connected to Freemasonry.

But if you still has doubts if this is really a project of the Masonic-Occultist-Illuminati
elites of the world, check this information now...

In December of last year, the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt visited North Korea:

[link to]

Just one month later, in January of 2013, another Silicon Valley tycoon, Bill Gates,
announced that he was leading a group of U.S. investors investing ONE BILLION
DOLLARS in the Egyptian company Orascom Group, the company that is bulding
the pyramid in North Korea:

[link to]

Believe it now?

North Korea is the "New Egypt" in the games of the elites.

That's why Freemasons are building a pyramid there, and are very obsessed about
it. The pyramid will be ready in mid-2013.

That's proof that North Korea is OWNED by the Freemasons, and all threaths of
"nuclear war" come directly from Freemasonry. Maybe they are thinking about
ordering their puppet Kim Jong-un to start a nuclear war, in order to achieve their
"depopulation" plans.


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Anonymous Coward (OP) Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34773944 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 05:46 PM
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Anonymous Coward (OP) Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34773944 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 05:46 PM
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Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 28696925 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
United States EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 05:52 PM
Report Abusive Post Interesting...
Report Copyright Violation
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 29658363 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Portugal EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 05:54 PM
Report Abusive Post one more satanic building, no doubt, thanks OP!
Report Copyright Violation
simultaneous_final Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34757436
United States
02/19/2013 06:03 PM
Report Abusive Post
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The hotel has been under

construction for years. Due to
¡Prevenga Un Ataque Cardíaco
funding problems, its construction
(Haga Esto 3 Veces Al Día)!
has been halted many times.
Ad by Auna
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DPRK (in general) and this hotel
have NOTHING to do with

You can't prove that it does. Although, I'm sure that you're too far gone to even
consider that your half-cocked theory is BS.

First, consider that there is not a SINGLE Lodge in DPRK.

Secondly, consider that DPRK is a strictly ATHEIST nation. Masonry would not and
could not have a place there.

Thirdly, if "powerful Illuminati masters" or whatever had an interest in building the

hotel, then why did it stand there incomplete and rusting for YEARS?



But I know you can't be reasoned with. And I know you'll just call me a "shill"
because you're already convinced that you're right despite all reason. There's a term

Last Edited by simultaneous_final on 02/19/2013 06:05 PM

A subject observes itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself
observing itself observing itself ad infinitum.
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:04 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation one more satanic building, no doubt, thanks OP!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363

and remember:

That's proof that North Korea is OWNED by the Freemasons, and all threats of
"nuclear war" come directly from Freemasonry. Maybe they are thinking about
ordering their puppet Kim Jong-un to start a nuclear war, in order to achieve their
"depopulation" plans.

simultaneous_final Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why

FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34757436
United States
02/19/2013 06:06 PM
Report Abusive Post
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A subject observes itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself
observing itself observing itself ad infinitum.
simultaneous_final Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34757436
United States
02/19/2013 06:06 PM
Report Abusive Post one more satanic building, no doubt, thanks OP!
Report Copyright Violation  Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363


and remember:

That's proof that North Korea is OWNED by the Freemasons, and all
threats of "nuclear war" come directly from Freemasonry. Maybe they
are thinking about ordering their puppet Kim Jong-un to start a nuclear war,
in order to achieve their "depopulation" plans.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640


A subject observes itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself
observing itself observing itself ad infinitum.
G. House Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34776906
United States
02/19/2013 06:09 PM First of all as far as I know ancient Egyptians were not really slaves.

Families were just given a quota of an amount of work or goods or services that had
to be done by a family for the TPTB. It was more like a system of taxation.

Other than that they were pretty much on their own and could carry on business as
they wished.

Furthermore that building has been under construction for many years and was not
designed or started by Egyptians.
Report Abusive Post Last Edited by G. House on 02/19/2013 06:11 PM
Report Copyright Violation
"Everybody lies."
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:11 PM
Report Abusive Post
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The hotel has been under

construction for years. Due ¡Prevenga Un Ataque Cardíaco
to funding problems, its (Haga Esto 3 Veces Al Día)!
construction has been halted Ad by Auna
many times. Find Out More >

DPRK (in general) and this

hotel have NOTHING to do
with Masonry.

You can't prove that it does. Although, I'm sure that you're too far gone to
even consider that your half-cocked theory is BS.

First, consider that there is not a SINGLE Lodge in DPRK.

Secondly, consider that DPRK is a strictly ATHEIST nation. Masonry would not
and could not have a place there.
Thirdly, if "powerful Illuminati masters" or whatever had an interest in
building the hotel, then why did it stand there incomplete and rusting for



But I know you can't be reasoned with. And I know you'll just call me a "shill"
because you're already convinced that your right despite all reason. There's a
term for THAT--CRAZY.
 Quoting: simultaneous_final

Let's see all evidences of YOUR FAIL, and WHY I'M RIGHT:

- CEO of Google visits North Korea in December 2012, and the subject of the visit
is not disclosed

- In January of 2013, BILL GATES invests ONE BILLION in the Egyptian company
that is building the pyramid

- Pyramid is 330 meters high (33 is the Masonic number)

- Mysterious website registered in Austria, calls the building as "the pyramid", and
shows graphics with internal chambers similar to those of the Egyprian pyramids

- Mysterious YouTube video from 2008 is 3:33 long.

- Fetish of the Egyptian builders

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:12 PM
Report Abusive Post simultaneous_final, I hope you are a VERY WEL TRAINED SHILL, otherwise
Report Copyright Violation you're gonna be DESTROYED by me...

You're not dealing with "anyone"...

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:16 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation First of all as far as I know ancient Egyptians were not really slaves.

Families were just given a quota of an amount of work or goods or services

that had to be done by a family for the TPTB. It was more like a system of

Other than that they were pretty much on their own and could carry on
business as they wished.

Furthermore that building has been under construction for many years and
was not designed or started by Egyptians.
 Quoting: G. House

Firts of all, I'm a graduated Historian.

Second of all, I didn't say people in Ancient Egyptian were slaves in the same sense
as in Greece or Rome. As I said they were kind of "serfs" or "slaves" directly to the
Pharaoh, and thus, directly to the State. That was the characteristic of the
Egyptian mode of production, different of the mode of production of Greece or
Rome, where there were individual slaves to individual slave owners.

The socio-economic system of North Korea is VERY SIMILAR to that of Ancient

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 29658363 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Portugal EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:16 PM
Report Abusive Post ahahaha, dont bother OP this shills that deny the truth are only some satan
Report Copyright Violation servants, stupid fucks they will burn forever in the lake of fire.

All the powers in the world are controled by satan, he will bring chaos to ensure that
humans acept the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER and is son, the antichrist prince
Guess what you satanic fools, you`re all dead meat, you loose the first batle in
heaven and you´ll loose again , prepare for doomsday mfs cause there will be NO
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:18 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation ahahaha, dont bother OP this shills that deny the truth are only some satan
servants, stupid fucks they will burn forever in the lake of fire.

All the powers in the world are controled by satan, he will bring chaos to
ensure that humans acept the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER and is son, the
antichrist prince william.
Guess what you satanic fools, you`re all dead meat, you loose the first batle
in heaven and you´ll loose again , prepare for doomsday mfs cause there will
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363

They better call a WHOLE ARMY of the BEST TRAINED SHILLS they have, because I
AM JEDI, and I know what I'm talking about...

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34770263 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Germany EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:19 PM
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¡Prevenga Un Ataque Cardíaco (Haga Esto ¡La mejor dieta para perezosos! ¡100%
3 Veces Al Día)! seguro! ¡Sin médicos!
Auna Top Diet
¿Dolor Articular? ¡Hay Un Remedio Casero
Muy Simple!

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Fácil Para Las Arrugas! ¡Sin Cirugía!

¡los Médicos Ocultan La Verdad! ¡combate

Las Várices Desde Casa!

Ads by Revcontent
simultaneous_final Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34757436
United States
02/19/2013 06:19 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation

The hotel has been under construction for years. Due to funding
problems, its construction has been halted many times.

DPRK (in general) and this hotel have NOTHING to do with Masonry.

You can't prove that it does. Although, I'm sure that you're too far
gone to even consider that your half-cocked theory is BS.

First, consider that there is not a SINGLE Lodge in DPRK.

Secondly, consider that DPRK is a strictly ATHEIST nation. Masonry

would not and could not have a place there.

Thirdly, if "powerful Illuminati masters" or whatever had an interest in

building the hotel, then why did it stand there incomplete and rusting
for YEARS?



But I know you can't be reasoned with. And I know you'll just call me
a "shill" because you're already convinced that your right despite all
reason. There's a term for THAT--CRAZY.
 Quoting: simultaneous_final

Let's see all evidences of YOUR FAIL, and WHY I'M RIGHT:

- CEO of Google visits North Korea in December 2012, and the subject of
the visit is not disclosed

- In January of 2013, BILL GATES invests ONE BILLION in the Egyptian

company that is building the pyramid

- Pyramid is 330 meters high (33 is the Masonic number)

- Mysterious website registered in Austria, calls the building as "the pyramid",

and shows graphics with internal chambers similar to those of the Egyprian

- Mysterious YouTube video from 2008 is 3:33 long.

- Fetish of the Egyptian builders

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640
It doesn't take a shill to point out out fucktarded your theory is, OP.

But as I said earlier, I know you would rather call me a "shill" than actually defend
your half-cocked theory.

By the way, do you realize you are outright LYING in this thread when you call your
shit theory "proof"? You don't even understand the meaning of the word.

This whole thread is a fucking

A subject observes itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself
observing itself observing itself ad infinitum.
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 29658363 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Portugal EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:20 PM
Report Abusive Post op, posta isso neste forum broda, eu te supoto lá, é um fórum brasileiro e estamos
Report Copyright Violation precisando de posts assim com qualidade:
[link to]
simultaneous_final Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34757436
United States
02/19/2013 06:20 PM
Report Abusive Post ahahaha, dont bother OP this shills that deny the truth are only some
Report Copyright Violation satan servants, stupid fucks they will burn forever in the lake of fire.

All the powers in the world are controled by satan, he will bring chaos
to ensure that humans acept the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER and is
son, the antichrist prince william.
Guess what you satanic fools, you`re all dead meat, you loose the
first batle in heaven and you´ll loose again , prepare for doomsday
mfs cause there will be NO MERCY!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363
They better call a WHOLE ARMY of the BEST TRAINED SHILLS they have,
because I AM JEDI, and I know what I'm talking about...

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

Grow up, shit for brains.

A subject observes itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself
observing itself observing itself ad infinitum.
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 26238410 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Canada EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:21 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation one more satanic building, no doubt, thanks OP!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363


and remember:

That's proof that North Korea is OWNED by the Freemasons, and all
threats of "nuclear war" come directly from Freemasonry. Maybe they
are thinking about ordering their puppet Kim Jong-un to start a nuclear war,
in order to achieve their "depopulation" plans.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

Russia and China owns NK.

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:21 PM
Report Abusive Post The pyramids of Egypt where
Report Copyright Violation built by slaves of the Pharaoh.

They were workers who were not

individual slaves owned by
individual slave-owners.

They were people who were

collectivelly reduced to the
condition of direct "slaves" or
"serfs" of the Pharaoh, and thus,
of the State, since the Pharaoh is
the State. ¡Prevenga Un Ataque Cardíaco
(Haga Esto 3 Veces Al Día)!
Very similar to North Korean Ad by Auna
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system: "slaves" or "serfs" of the
State, of the "Pharaoh" Kim Jong-
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:22 PM
Report Abusive Post As everyone here can see, simultaneous_final is a FAILED SHILL, who can not
Report Copyright Violation even DREAM about getting even close to "debunking" this thread.



Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:23 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation
one more satanic building, no doubt, thanks OP!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363


and remember:

That's proof that North Korea is OWNED by the Freemasons, and all
threats of "nuclear war" come directly from Freemasonry.
Maybe they are thinking about ordering their puppet Kim Jong-un to
start a nuclear war, in order to achieve their "depopulation"

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

Russia and China owns NK.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26238410



Freemasonry owns North Korea.

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 29658363 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Portugal EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:23 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation
The hotel has been under construction for years. Due to
funding problems, its construction has been halted many times.

DPRK (in general) and this hotel have NOTHING to do with


You can't prove that it does. Although, I'm sure that you're too
far gone to even consider that your half-cocked theory is BS.

First, consider that there is not a SINGLE Lodge in DPRK.

Secondly, consider that DPRK is a strictly ATHEIST nation.

Masonry would not and could not have a place there.

Thirdly, if "powerful Illuminati masters" or whatever had an

interest in building the hotel, then why did it stand there
incomplete and rusting for YEARS?



But I know you can't be reasoned with. And I know you'll just
call me a "shill" because you're already convinced that your
right despite all reason. There's a term for THAT--CRAZY.
 Quoting: simultaneous_final

Let's see all evidences of YOUR FAIL, and WHY I'M RIGHT:
- CEO of Google visits North Korea in December 2012, and the
subject of the visit is not disclosed

- In January of 2013, BILL GATES invests ONE BILLION in the

Egyptian company that is building the pyramid

- Pyramid is 330 meters high (33 is the Masonic number)

- Mysterious website registered in Austria, calls the building as "the

pyramid", and shows graphics with internal chambers similar to those
of the Egyprian pyramids

- Mysterious YouTube video from 2008 is 3:33 long.

- Fetish of the Egyptian builders

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

It doesn't take a shill to point out out fucktarded your theory is, OP.

But as I said earlier, I know you would rather call me a "shill" than actually
defend your half-cocked theory.

By the way, do you realize you are outright LYING in this thread when you
call your shit theory "proof"? You don't even understand the meaning of the

This whole thread is a fucking

 Quoting: simultaneous_final

GTFO stupid fuck, if you cant see whats in front of you, you must be a shill:
330 meters, a piramyd,NUCLEAR POWER and a nation of slaves ??????????
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 25801142 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
United States EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:25 PM
Report Abusive Post I'd play along with ya on this one OP but can you tell me the lat/long on the map as
Report Copyright Violation we know if the masons are involved the coordinates do play a part...
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:26 PM
Report Abusive Post - CEO of Google visits North
Report Copyright Violation Korea in December 2012, and the
subject of the visit is not

- In January of 2013, BILL

the Egyptian company that is
building the pyramid in North

¡Prevenga Un Ataque Cardíaco

(Haga Esto 3 Veces Al Día)!
Ad by Auna
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Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34777640 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Brazil EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:28 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation I'd play along with ya on this one OP but can you tell me the lat/long on the
map as we know if the masons are involved the coordinates do play a part...
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25801142

coordinates are 39° 2′ 11″ N, 125° 43′ 50″ E

But that's not important.

Important is that it's 330 meters high, and is a pyramid.

Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 29658363 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
Portugal EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:30 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation
one more satanic building, no doubt, thanks OP!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29658363


and remember:

That's proof that North Korea is OWNED by the Freemasons, and all
threats of "nuclear war" come directly from Freemasonry.
Maybe they are thinking about ordering their puppet Kim Jong-un to
start a nuclear war, in order to achieve their "depopulation"
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

Russia and China owns NK.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26238410

yeah thats right, but the illuminati satanists own russia and china so STFU!
simultaneous_final Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34757436
United States
02/19/2013 06:30 PM simultaneous_final, I hope you are a VERY WEL TRAINED SHILL,
Report Abusive Post otherwise you're gonna be DESTROYED by me...
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You're not dealing with "anyone"...
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

Right. I'm not dealing with anyone. I agree. You're just one more Anonymous
Coward with a poorly thought out theory about things you don't fully understand.

I have been to DPRK. And I am a Mason. I know things that you don't such as:



There are NO MASONS IN DPRK other than tourists like myself.



If you can grasp the above points, then you will surely be better off.

With that, I'm leaving. It's not my place to defend Masonry and I know where this
conversation is going.

The conspiracy community gets a lot of things right but if you're not a Mason, then
you don't know ANYTHING about it.

A subject observes itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself observing itself
observing itself observing itself ad infinitum.
G. House Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
EGYPTIAN contractor
User ID: 34776906
United States
02/19/2013 06:31 PM The pyramids of Egypt where built by slaves of the Pharaoh.

They were workers who were not individual slaves owned by individual slave-

They were people who were collectivelly reduced to the condition of direct
"slaves" or "serfs" of the Pharaoh, and thus, of the State, since the Pharaoh
is the State.
Report Abusive Post Very similar to North Korean system: "slaves" or "serfs" of the State, of the
Report Copyright Violation "Pharaoh" Kim Jong-un
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 34777640

I disagree, not similar at all.

Slaves and serfs did not own property or operate businesses.

And again.

The Egyptians finishing the hotel is more of a bailout than anything BY DESIGN.

YOU are streching so far you've snapped in half.

To go a little further.

The building has some triangular shapes in it's design but does not really meet the
definition of a pyramid.

Last Edited by G. House on 02/19/2013 06:34 PM

"Everybody lies."
Anonymous Coward Re: NORTH KOREA is the NEW EGYPT. That's why
User ID: 34685323 FREEMASONRY is building a 330 meters high PYRAMID there, through an
United States EGYPTIAN contractor
02/19/2013 06:31 PM
Report Abusive Post Youtube video is 333, proof beyond shadow of a doubt
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