2-To Perform Conversion Between Color Spacesssp

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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Group of Institutions’ Technical Campus

Dr. D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi Bk., Via. Lohegaon, Pune – 412 105.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering


To perform conversion between color spaces.

Date of Performance
Date of Checking

Digital Image and Video Processing Lab BE E&TC (2015 course) Sem-I
Dr. D. Y. Patil Group of Institutions’ Technical Campus
Dr. D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi Bk., Via. Lohegaon, Pune – 412 105.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Title: Conversion of color spaces (Models)


 To study color models.

 To observe individual color planes.
 To convert one color model to another.

Aim: Write a SCILAB program for:

i. Separate R, G and B plane form RGB image.
ii. Conversion of RGB to HSV color model.
iii. Conversion of HSV to RGB color model.

Software: MATLAB


 Color spaces:

The representation of colors in an image is achieved using a combination of one or

more color channels that are combined to form the color used in the image. The
representation we use to store the colors, specifying the number and nature of the color
channels, is generally known as the color space. Considered as a mathematical entity, an
image is really only a spatially organized set of numbers with each pixel location addressed
as I(C, R). Grey-scale (intensity) or binary images are 2-D arrays that assign one numerical
value to each pixel which is representative of the intensity at that point. They use a single-
channel color space that is either limited to a 2-bit (binary) or intensity (grey-scale) color
space. By contrast, RGB or true-color images are 3-D arrays that assign three numerical
values to each pixel, each value corresponding to the red, green and blue component

 RGB color model:

RGB (or true color) images are 3-D arrays that we may consider conceptually as
three distinct 2-D planes, one corresponding to each of the three red (R), green (G) and
blue (B) color channels. RGB is the most common color space used for digital image

Digital Image and Video Processing Lab BE E&TC (2015 course) Sem-I
Dr. D. Y. Patil Group of Institutions’ Technical Campus
Dr. D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi Bk., Via. Lohegaon, Pune – 412 105.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

representation as it conveniently corresponds to the three primary colors which are

mixed for display on a monitor or similar device. We can easily separate and view the
red, green and blue components of a true-color image. It is important to note that the
colors typically present in a real image are nearly always a blend of color components
from all three channels. A common misconception is that, for example, items that are
perceived as blue will only appear in the blue channel and so forth. Whilst items
perceived as blue will certainly appear brightest in the blue channel (i.e. they will
contain more blue light than the other colors) they will also have milder components of
red and green.
If we consider all the colours that can be represented within the RGB
representation, then we appreciate that the RGB colour space is essentially a 3-D
colour space (cube) with axes R, G and B. Each axis has the same range 0-1 (this is
scaled to 0–255 for the common 1 byte per colour channel, 24-bit image
representation). The colour black occupies the origin of the cube (position (0, 0, 0)),
corresponding to the absence of all three colours; white occupies the opposite corner
(position (1, 1, 1)), indicating the maximum amount of all three colours. All other
colours in the spectrum lie within this cube.

Figure: RGB color model

Digital Image and Video Processing Lab BE E&TC (2015 course) Sem-I
Dr. D. Y. Patil Group of Institutions’ Technical Campus
Dr. D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi Bk., Via. Lohegaon, Pune – 412 105.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

 HSV color space:

Perceptual colour space is an alternative way of representing true colour images in a
manner that is more natural to the human perception and understanding of colour than the
RGB representation. Many alternative colour representations exist, but here we
concentrate on the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) colour space popular in image analysis
applications. Changes within this colour space follow a perceptually acceptable colour
gradient. From an image analysis perspective, it allows the separation of colour from
lighting to a greater degree. An RGB image can be transformed into an HSV colour space
representation. Each of these three parameters can be interpreted as follows:
 H (hue) is the dominant wavelength of the colour, e.g. red, blue, green
 S (saturation) is the ‘purity’ of colour (in the sense of the amount of white light
mixed with it)
 V (value) is the brightness of the colour (also known as luminance).

Figure: HSV color model

The HSV representation of a 2-D image is also as a 3-D array comprising three
channels (h, s, v) and each pixel location within the image, I(n, m), contains an (h, s,

Digital Image and Video Processing Lab BE E&TC (2015 course) Sem-I
Dr. D. Y. Patil Group of Institutions’ Technical Campus
Dr. D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi Bk., Via. Lohegaon, Pune – 412 105.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

v) triplet that can be transformed back into RGB for true-colour display. In the
SCILAB HSV implementation each of h, s and v are bounded within the range 0-1.
For example, a blue hue (top of cone) may have a value of h=0.9, a saturation of
s=0.5 and a value v = 1 making it a vibrant, bright sky-blue.


Digital Image and Video Processing Lab BE E&TC (2015 course) Sem-I

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