Heat Exchanger Sums PDF

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Assignment - PLETMING Phe overuut heat transfer coeFFicien+ based on tne Auikek surfdce of a asucm IP 2. 2GCM. LD. heat exchanger tube CK = 102 ims. TE the heat Hrensfer coneFFici¢n A Ge the [nsid® cmd side of +ube Yre hi=$SVo COIme* and oz BWosWs rk espe cHively emnd He fouting factory are Reiz Rfo= 0-9002 M*kIw — eps 2286 — Luc = 1-143 ajo 2m zg Para cna aac meena Okano 2 nor 3400 WImn2k. hi = $S00 co 1r9rk Rfo= REi= 0':0007 me OK Kz 102 CImMK. FD find = ovekall heat premsfex_coefridend “averatt heat Tremsfer ca efficienk pased om afer Surface. Uo = \ 1 ~wO\ 4 0 pei + YO. In (ro Reo +1 nih v7 4 K vi ho a \ = 2 1 Layxys 7\ 4 12 DIAL, 7 (0.9087) 1218 aa rT) sxe CO PVA BROT = 7 Layee \_t me Tug KIO 4c |m— pet b GF Coefflaens YO = Ne UF wv pk Rest? oyerou heat tro J fisiors @) |_Sicam_enity a counter floes heat exchanger [S24 _catureted at jo bor emd Jeaves at 350% [The _mas< flee af sieam 1s #00 KgImin. The QAS_enteys the neat exchanger ad GSoC md PAASS FTAA 5 1350 KYIMIN. IF Me Paes are | So mo cUcrmerer 4 om Rong. DICkMine +ne LWumpey of +eh peguires, neglect the resistence OFFENed bY Mmethuc tuber. & -||_use falawiing data | Tsat. |go'c Catto fedy) | Ces: 29) KTIKg-K Ceg= | KIIK9-K Heat transfer caeffidi ent sreaymeide= Goo Ol K Heat transfer caefficiomt 995 VAC: AO oly = Heat dain by @he not Fluid M= _ mecpe C Teq-Tel) x | = 12-33 xaxdgx (350-170) = GIN He oSt 6 luda, Heat 9 ein the calet Alnig @= Mn ceh CThi-Thd) G\UNSl= 22.6 Xlooo Kx C6SU- Thr) Th2= 650 - 614113) 3-6 x10 00 The 377'¢ Foy COUN CY Flow, @m= CThy- Tea) - C Thr - Tea) AN Crpi- tory | Thi -ta? @m= ($60-360) ~ Caaq =!80) un (@60 - 350) 353 -1¢07 Am= V45°%¢C G =] Ove pect Frans Fer Co efficient. tl Voz \ = \ = 196.43 Sime bit Vio \ + bac Heat transfer rate @= V~sanm Kz CQ + —GI4N3} = NYO yt Yom 19-6.43x2U5 Az Notide ~~) N= A/sig s = 142.04 HAx0.03x3 LN = $02 spe [ ", lo. OF Hees ~wequired N = SoU vision! =| eee | A_ Counter Flow heat exchamger iS employed to \ £00! of) oF sPecFic heas CPs &US KT kgic Sith Mass vere of o-SS K9ISeC From lise Fo Ho’. ky WATE Qre Ie'c amd 4S mes PE ively . | The overan Went frems Fee Co eFFic {At is ISD im? ¢ DING NTU methead CohOnoure 19) The mas¢ Flow rete af Dar Py, —__|S)_The offe diveness of heot excnemg ep li) The surface aa are required. <3 Moi] so-Ss Kqis CRoff= QuUS KT LkKg'¢ Tors Weve Thez Wee Tein igte Tce= 35 GrIWNSO Oimies SILNTU Method. GQ) Mass Flow ware sf water. Mw Ceo €Tce~rei) = moi Cow C Thi-the) 2. Mw = Mois Coi)_ C Thi-Tne) Cpa Ctce- tai) =_9-SS <2.US% 103 Ciis-4o) — 1006 ANG4 x 103 C56 46) QSV.22 Fo. 402 kqis di EffeGiveness of heat 2 5c hey o €. Actual bh Ow. CPOs 940? x Yes. 1623 Pye! Cedil= a.eg XQAUYM = WYX.6 Hence Moi} CPoi1 << mu Cpu E= Moy Cpoil C thi-Ihe) Cra CP > §m4= CThI- Per) = bri =the . Ns-lo OS TAL Ta MUSES Ufc? Arg wea cri rtol. Cu 1349-5 50-9 \6g> =tT= im for counter Flow He Es -1- eT C9 NY To ce CONT Tre TATOO oss te S To OG ert 0 F)NTO OATS AT 0-95 -9 oe sai 0.2 NTO € = FGF SOIT S2NTUS=0Ud NTo=tQ-33 rAe® we Know Mat NitUs VA 1p) Sra A 8.35: INSOxX A BUDS Az vm Saturated steam ot 1ad'c fs condehsing m the OUP Awrhe SuTFyce OF ASingIe pass Heot Exchanger. The OVerxau heat +rems Fer Sle FICE (5 1Pa0 Wi rok, Deteemihes tHe Urfiice akxeq oF co heat exchemger cacpsh’t OF }000 kalrn OF WerteX FIOM AS Fo GO'c ASSO Coformiare The rake OF condensation o © V5 ADO KIT Ik. wceg Mn arsume heat OF Sresn >|Given ciream: This Thi = 120% eg = A200 KTIkG. Geeling wate = TCi=Qo'e yA = |o0dK 3) hp U=z'¥o0 OClmrk Tca=qoc Cpe A123 Kh Condensatim of Sheam mn Gl] Rate of Energy bakance egh apy be VR&ittena. mh héq= me cece Crea-tels Pon % 2200 2-000 K YWY> cloe-20) Wns 13322 Kkglh = 2-22 KgIlmin i} urfa ce arta a | trirO, Arm = A= Ara: (Mhs~ Tod- Cthr-fen) ANC pT) y 20 ( Thy- ter ary Te Hr ~ Tor = (2.0720) ~¢po-qeay An (20-20 Jao -qe/ = ATm= S614) siore \ =| Il me | ; 1 Here, Q@= MH heqe 13>2% x 2200 x03 Gox 690 @= FIW2-2 Now, @= CABTm i422 = 1g00 AA SKI Az Baad Woo xsh144 Taz 0.999 > | aie ¢2°C ar Tee —__||_ Betermine tne A_dowble PiPC Counter flocs beat exchorngen | 19000 Kain. oF om oi having gq Seecifre heat | oF aoqg TIkgK 1s coolea prom YOC +O sOChY $0090 kolh OF ecuet enrogng ak atc. heat exchomgey are a For On CVERAY heat tromsfer LoeFPicgepr al 309 On 2K lterke Ce OF coxster Sy WV2O Theg-k, ——}|_o1) Mn: looga kg Iny Phe aoay TJkge Harey mcs ¥000 kginy Tres 2 Cpe Lo sieg Ie Us 300 wine k, Rare oF heat Fron $ Fet_ Os iy CPh CThi-the) We2ce x 2046 2 Roce 1906 “E2LS00 ext ny S$ oy a CoE age {$—___ ase Hee exchemger caret, A Ati Thi -TTe = §O- 43.3Jas~ = 36205 C Bra: The- ta = 50 - 2S Base tmrp Atmos Df - AT2 Dn CS ATL? = 36.203- 25 * An £362.05) RS ATeO= Bo ARC @= UA BTM 144 €R3B.33 = B00 KA x30. AOE A= 19. 233rm> 7 @ | coqrey 0-4 Wa WIKGK Ts heated ak the rate — Lu kgis From ¢ fo qo'e bY am di! Copel g LIEGE - entering ak _llo'¢ smd Leaving CUE escing Coumrer E1oco Neat we xcpang er. FF Yo +350 aim2k : | caieujare the Surface Area weattrect ci Sing— : the ame _entexing Flaid 42m and the Gne exits : | same oj | Flow rate CAAMake . dermmpexcture of oi! ond wute onda ne vs sete OF heat tres fer. ner tHe wd ree flocs rate iS halved => ams lio0'c The- 60°C Toizho'c Tre= Ie @i_ for oater as cold elaid | Crce - m1) Qs me ce ~ 14 x Yaoo CFo“4e) = Iachoo © = bah Cen c Thi- me) = MmAxXtO9 cnoe-6D) < m= 3-764 *«gIS coil) ae GA Atm = UA Ariz ATE Bi ¢ PIL are? 2550 LAX Clio- 79) -_ (6o-Ue) an jon re o-4 14 64 CH) = 350 X29 tA Anco) ad () When water How if hearer Mee bk 0-4 KIS 2 Meh 364 £q)S Since enjt Jempexctu one Keqantred, tye MTU metnod cif nar be used. me Cece 9: FX 4ROO =~ AQUOS Mh Cone bey x R008 F 9S2P C Hence Coupacity ~euH on c= 2q4ue BS2Q Cz 0-34 Ntu UA = 3sp@ 17-464 drnco)s Seo, Nrut 2-o% @- 1-e © ae eS To te TOO NY ae = CIT OES -OG S10 893 ee BAN OY Seg uatnaiaee 413 O-UN2 €= Meepe Crce-tes ) _= me Cec Crve -Ge) icp ys Thi- To) mc Che Clio“ Ue) OvI3 = Tce-Ho _ - 959. _ reese #4.4! © _ Mga = MC CPe Cice- tcp)- MACeH CThi-The) nano (PAD -Hay= 35ay Cllerthe | Thee Ge ure] es CEU ; u

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