Chapter 4 - Social, Political and Cultural Issues

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This chapter is dedicated to enduring issues in Philippine society. These topics include the mandated
discussion on the Philippine constitution, policies on agrarian reform, and taxation. These topics will help us
to understand the societal scenarios today.

I. Learning Objectives: What will you learn from this chapter? At

the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

• Analyze social, political and cultural issues in the Philippines using the lens of history.

• Recognize that the problems of today are consequences of decisions and events that happened in
the past.

• Understand several enduring issues in Philippine society through history.

II. Introduction

This module aims to discuss and clarify the issue pertaining to our social, political and cultural aspect.
This is dedicated to enduring issues in Philippine society, which history could lend a hand in understanding
and hopefully, proposing solutions. It is opted that these discussions will help us propose solutions to
present-day problems based on our understanding of root causes and how we anticipate future scenarios.

III. Analysis: Let Us See What You Already Know

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions below.

1. What is a LAW?

We can better understand the law when we understand our communities. Laws teach us how to
behave properly and inform us of the rules we all must follow that bind all people living in a
community. Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other
people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general

2. How does a constitution change?

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-
thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional
convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.

V. Application: How you already know?

Directions: Answer the following questions below.

1. What are the positive and negative effects of Agrarian Policies to the current landownership
Despite decades of research on agrarian reform, there is apparently still no consensus about the role
agrarian reforms play in achieving the overall development goal of growth with equity and
participation. In order to be able to formulate an appropriate policy for the benefit of the rural
population in developing countries, politicians, local leaders, administrators and social scientists
need objective and reliable studies and accurate information about the potential and actual impacts,
as well as the advantages and disadvantages, of programmes as drastic and controversial as agrarian
reforms. In this article, the author stresses the need for impact assessment in order to provide
decision-makers with arguments in support of agrarian reform. It seems, however, rather doubtful
that these arguments will be convincing. If there is no real drive for reform, experts can produce
expensive demonstration projects, but they will not be able to achieve any general and genuine
improvement in the position of cultivators.

2. Create a timeline on the emergence of the different laws/policies pertaining AGRARIAN

REFRM POLICIES. Use the space below for your answer.

Its goals are to provide landowners equality in terms of income and opportunities, empower land owner
beneficiaries to have equitable land ownership, enhance agricultural production and productivity, provide
employment to more agricultural workers, and put an end to conflicts regarding land ownership.

Form of Ratifying/ Length of Distinctive

Government Promulgating Effectivity Features

Biak-na Bato referring to the second Provided for the The Biak-na- The Biak-na-Bato
Constitution revolutionary republican establishment of a Bato republic Constitution
government led by Supreme council that lasted just over provided for the
Emilio Aguinaldo during would serve as the a month. It creation of a
the Philippine highest governing was Supreme Council to
Revolution, That body of the Republic. disestablished serve as the
government referred to It also outlined certain by a peace supreme body of
itself as Republic of the basic human rights treaty signed the Republic`s
Philippines by Aguinaldo government.

Malolos The constitution placed Provided for Drafted and It established a

Republic limitations on safeguards against adopted by the democratic,
Constitution unsupervised freedom of abuses, and First republication
action by the chief enumerated the Philippine government with
executive which would national and Republic, three branches - the
have hampered rapid individual rights not which lasted Executive,
decision making. only of the Filipinos from 1899 to Legislative and the
and of the aliens. 1901. Judicial branches

1935 Differed from the United The 1935 Constitution the 1935 A political system
Constitution States document in only was ratified by the Constitution virtually identical to
two important respects: Filipino people came back into the American one,
Government was unitary through a national effect. The became operative.
rather than federal, local plebiscite Constitution
governments being remained
subject to general unaltered until
supervision by the 1947 when the
president, and the Philippine
president could declare Congress
an emergency and called for its
temporarily exercise amendment
near-dictatorial power. through
h Act No. 733.

1973 Composed of a preamble The 1973 by virtue of The 1973

Constitution and 17 articles, provides Constitution: draft Proclamation Constitution
for the shift from presented to President No. 1219, s. provided a free and
presidential to Marcos by the 1971 1973 Which independent
parliamentary system of Constitutional moved Judiciary. The
government. The Convention on Constitution Constitution
Constitution vests the December 1, 1972; Day from guaranteed a right
legislative power in the deemed ratified by February 8 to to the citizens;
National Assembly. Citizens' Assemblies January 17 of
held from January 10 every year.
to 15, 1973,
proclaimed in force by
Proclamation by
President Marcos,
January 17, 1973.

1987 Established a The Congress shall The 1987 The 1987

Constitution representative democracy promulgate its rules Constitution Constitution
with power divided for the canvassing of finally came established a
among three separate and the certificates. The into full force representative
independent branches of Supreme Court, sitting and effect on democracy with
government: the en banc, shall be the February 11, power divided
Executive, a bicameral sole judge of all 1987 with the among three
Legislature, and the contests relating to the President, separate and
Judiciary. election, returns, and other civilian independent
qualifications of the officials, and branches of
President or Vice- members of government: the
President the Armed Executive, a
Forces bicameral
swearing Legislature, and the
allegiance to Judiciary.
the new

Proposed Part of the basic structure The draft

Federal of the Indian constitution constitution
Constitution which cannot be altered recognizes the
or destroyed through distinct social and
constitutional political identity of
amendments under the the Bangsamoro
constituent powers of the and the Federated
Parliament without Region of the
undergoing judicial Cordilleras
review by the Supreme

3. Give your insights about the TRAIN Law and its effects (either positive or negative) on the
society as well as on the constitution.

Positive effect of TRAIN law allows more individuals to be exempted from tax. More individuals
benefited from this tax system, including those who are employed at the same time having mixed
incomes. Train law also provides uniform tax rates for the estate tax and donor's tax, which made it easier
to compute the tax dues.

4. Compare and contrast Philippine Constitutions and the Proposed Federal Constitution using the table

VI. Assessment: Test your Brain!

Directions: POST-IT NOTES. Answer the question on the following notes below.

 What is the role of government in the implementation of tax?

Governments impose charges on their citizens and businesses as a means of raising revenue, which is
then used to meet their budgetary demands. This includes financing government and public projects
as well as making the business environment in the country conducive for economic growth.

 What is/are the significance of the revolts done by the Filipinos?

The Philippine Revolution is one of the most important events in the country's history, awakening a
proud sense of nationalism for generations of Filipinos to come. In a period of heavy struggle and
conflict, Filipinos of different backgrounds united with a common goal: to resist colonialism.

 What are the problems of the current government in the Philippines?

Inflation, food and energy crises, and the potential for conflict are three critical risks facing the
Philippines under the new leadership of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

 List down some current cultural issues in the Philippines.

 Extreme lack of discipline. It is evident in the daily road rage presented in the news, smell of
pee near almost all walls, the way people use the escalator, disposal of trash, lack of ethics in
public transport, and a lot else.
 Static mindset. Whatever the ancestors practiced and believed is what the successors do and
believe, without a hint of analysis on any of those. Parents are mostly afraid to change their
ways because that’s what they have been accustomed to, making it harder for children to adapt
to the fast-pace world.
 Parents making an investment/retirement fund of their children. Almost all parents send their
children to school so that one day, they expect the children will fork over their salary to their
 Selfish culture. Everyone wants to be first in everything without consideration for the welfare
of others. People don’t really understand the meaning of marriage. Almost all people planning
to marry are applying the “trial-and-error” approach, never thinking about the consequences
for the children and the family as a whole.

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