Capstone Project Report (SWD)

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Report 4 – Software Design Document

– Hanoi, August 2019 –


1. Hà Anh Tú
2. Phạm Nguyễn Hùng Anh
3. Phạm Hồng Quang (SE161539)

Table of Contents
I. Record of Changes....................................................................................................................................3
0. Product Overview................................................................................................................................4
0.1 Feature list.................................................................................................................................4
0.2 Non functional requirements.....................................................................................................4
0.3 Dependencies.............................................................................................................................4
1. System Design......................................................................................................................................5
1.1 System Architecture......................................................................................................................5
1.2 Design decision..............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Package Diagram...........................................................................................................................5
1.4 Component Diagram......................................................................................................................5
2. Database Design..................................................................................................................................6
3. Detailed Design....................................................................................................................................6
3.1 <Feature/Function Name1>...........................................................................................................6
3.2 <Feature/Function Name2>...........................................................................................................7
4. Deployment Diagram...........................................................................................................................8
I. Record of Changes
Date A* In charge Change Description
M, D
6/3/2023 A Pham Hong Quang Write product overview and context diagram

7/3/2023 A Pham Hong Quang Write feature list and non-functional requirements

*A - Added M - Modified D - Deleted

0. Product Overview
Website Listening Music integrates the identity and proposal function to make it easier for us to find
songs that we only remember their melody. At the same time, allow music makers to post their new
songs. The context diagram below illustrates the external entities and system interfaces for release 1.0.

0.1Feature list
0.1.1. Authentication
- If music maker want to upload new songs, they must log in or sign in.
- If listener want to download songs, they must login or sign in.
- User account will be automatically logged out if do not active in 10 minutes.
- Username must be email address.
- Password must be at least 8 characters, at least 1 uppercase character, 1 number.
0.1.2. User
 Listener
- Can find songs by mono sounds or by names.
- Can listen to music online
- Can download songs if have a premium account.
 Music maker
- Can upload songs, edit, delete their own songs.
 Manager
- Can see all reports of the system.
- Can edit, delete users.
0.1.3. Product
- Display song’s detail.
- Display related songs in detail page.

0.2Non functional requirements

1. System Design
1.1 System Architecture
[The content of this section includes the overall diagram which includes the sub-systems, the external
systems, and the relationship/connection among them. You need also provide the explanation for each
of the diagram components (modules, sub-systems, external systems, etc.)].

1.2 Design decision

1.3 Package Diagram

[Provide the package diagram for each sub-system. The content of this section includes overall package
diagram(s) and the explanation for each package (or namespace). Please see the sample and description
table format below]

Package Descriptions
No Package Description
01 <Package name> <Description of the package>


1.4 Component Diagram

2. Database Design
[Provide the files description, database table relationship & table descriptions like example below]

Table Descriptions
No Table Description
01 <Table name> <Description of the table>
- Primary keys: <<list of primary key fields>>
- Foreign keys: <<list of foreign key fields>>
02 <Table name2> …

3. Detailed Design
3.1 <Feature/Function Name1>
[Provide the detailed design for the feature <Feature Name1>. It includes Class Diagram, Class
Specifications, and Sequence Diagram(s); For the features/functions with the same structure of class &
sequence diagrams, you need to provide the diagrams once for one feature/function and refer to
those diagrams from other features/functions]

3.1.1 Class Diagram

[This part presents the class diagram for the relevant feature]
3.1.2 <Sequence Diagram Name1>
[Provide the sequence diagram(s) for the feature, see the sample below]

3.1.3 <Sequence Diagram Name2>

3.1.4 …

3.2 <Feature/Function Name2>

4. Deployment Diagram

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