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03 134192 002 8535671027 24032021 074901pm
03 134192 002 8535671027 24032021 074901pm
Bahria University
Lahore Campus
Department of Computer Sciences
Assignment # 1
Group members
Abdul Basit
Ammar Shahid
CASE 2.1
Name: Syed Faizan Zaidi Enrollment: 03-134192-002 Class: BSCS - 4A
When someone appears to the Script Pad, I assume there are many opportunities. The
drawbacks that have are that it is also beneficial when you need to know how much or
whether you were given by your doctor. It's interesting that if it is doing well for anyone,
they will tell their families, doctors, and maybe clients about it. It reduces time by getting the
doctor to enter all of the information into the Script Pad rather than writing it on paper. We
all know how long it takes for the doctor and report to the meetings to tell the medicine, so
the doctor will speak to you right now and give it to the dispensary as early as possible rather
than you trying to take it there. You should depend on it for your own benefit.
2. What environmental trends are working in Script Pad’s favor? If Script Pad has uncovered a
promising business opportunity, what environmental trends have made Script Pad possible?
Since Script Pad has discovered a lucrative market prospect, several of the global
developments which have enabled Script Pad feasible are:
Service charges are smaller.
Mobile phones and other handheld gadgets are widely used.
Network-based remote management
Pharmacies are closely connected to doctors' smart phones, allowing additional comfort,
durability, and responsive connectivity. As well as support by the government.
3. Put yourself in the shoes of a family physician that’s part of a small practice (containing five
doctors). If you were that doctor and were being pitched on Script Pad’s method for writing
prescriptions, how would you react? What would you see as the pluses and minuses of
adopting the service? Ultimately, based on the information in the case and Script Pad’s Web
site, what would your decision be?
No doubt, it is a good method in my opinion giving prescription on script pad instead of
giving handwritten prescription as mentioned in case study 40 percent of handwritten
prescriptions contain some type of medication error sometimes errors are caught but
sometimes the errors are not caught, and real damage occurs. According to survey 7000
deaths occur each year in the United States as a result of prescription writing mistakes. But in
our country doctors mostly prefer handwritten prescription which is harmful for lives due to
misunderstanding of pharmacists giving wrong dosages. It is responsibility of government to
encourage and commit doctors giving prescription on scripts pad and also to develop its
android version, so every doctor, pharmacist and patient easily use the application on all
The pluses to using Scripts Pad is that it is an easier and faster method and there are low
chances of mistake. But the minuses to that is what if the phone breaks or stop working how
the patient would know what they were taking or how much the doctor gave them. The
pluses to the doctor writing your prescription is that you will have it on paper, you can make
prints if you want but the minuses is that you can misplace it and doctors could have forgot to
place it on folder.
4. On what side do you think Script Pad faces the biggest adoption challenge—the physician
side or the pharmacy side? Explain your answer.
In my opinion the biggest challenge for the Script Pad is to adopt the pharmacy side. Script
Pad’s technology can be adopted by each physician individually and can only affect a
physician. Conversely, when technology is acquired by a pharmacist, more staff members
may need to be trained to teach them how to use that technology and it may require changes
in the general pharmacy process. As a result, it is likely to create high resistance on the
pharmacy side. Many employees can resist new technologies and then challenge how to
Name: Syed Faizan Zaidi Enrollment: 03-134192-002 Class: BSCS - 4A
transfer them to adopt new and advanced technologies. It's going to be hard work so
according to me the biggest challenge is getting on the pharmacy side. Depending on the
Script Pad its biggest challenge is user acceptance and it needs to accept both pharmacists
and doctors in order to be successful. There is no significant change in the medical industry.
Although you use electronic devices, currently only 10% of electronic commands are
handled. By promoting electronic health records, the U.S. conference approves funding as an
economic stimulus package. Still the success of Script Pad is hopeful and can save lives
I would also inform future or potential customers regarding this program. We can also
conduct a customer survey to find out if my app is popular with my clients or if they have an
interest in the Script application. I have also done research on pharmacists and doctors to ask
what they think about this program. If they think it is a good idea and their opinion and
suggestions are also welcome in any application development.