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Tiny Tina’s Wonderland

By Sentry342
"There is a world beyond the Borderlands. A world forged by wonder and ruled by fate.
There's one alone who can wield fate. One alone whose story is in their own hands: The
Fatemaker. That's you. Heavy, right?"

This story takes place in the world of Borderlands sometime after the events of
Borderlands 2. The villains have been defeated and our heroes are able to rest at least
temporarily. So why not join them in this game.

Take these 1000 Character Points, they will allow you to gain a few skills to help this
world. You will be spending the next ten years in this world.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Age and Gender

The Bunker Master - Free
The Fatemaker - Free
Inhabitant of Wonderland - Free
The Dragon Lord - Free


Skills and Perks

General Perks
The Bunker Master
The Fatemaker
Inhabitant of Wonderland
The Dragon Lord

Classes and Twists of Fate

General Items
The Bunker Master
The Fatemaker
Inhabitant of Wonderland
Dragon Lord





You can either choose one of the locations below or roll d8 and receive +100 CP to let
the whims of fate decide your path.

1.) Brighthoof
A beacon of civility, bastion of hope, Brighthoof is the vibrant and bustling seat of the
queendom! Within its sturdy-yet-welcoming gates, travelers, traders, and troubadours of
every stripe can find opportunity and adventure in equal measure--plus it's got a tavern,
so it's pretty much required that you go there every now and then. You will be starting
out somewhere in the capitol. I would recommend that you move to meet up with your
respective faction as the city will come under attack shortly.

2.) Weepwild Dankness

Few have ever successfully traversed the deepest, darkest depths of the Weepwild
Dankness. Many have fallen in the face of its fumes, and even more have tripped over
the bajillion mushrooms and tree roots everywhere. You will be arriving at the entrance
of the forest known as the Weepwild Dankess. This is the dankest place in all of
Wonderland. Perhaps you could meet the mighty Punchfairy and the Bardbarian Mr.
Torgue while you are traversing the forest.

3.) Crackmast Cove

Ahoy and avast, me hearties! Crackmast Cove be a haven for all manner of necrotized,
naval ne'er-do-wells, so ye'd best pack your blackest powder and most cutly lass, lest
ye wish to share their fate! Also, it's the only place in the Wonderlands where you can
talk all piratical and no one's allowed to judge you for it. By choosing this option you will
be starting out near the entrance of the Crackmast Cove. Perhaps you can meet Three
Bones before the Fatemaker arrives.

4.) Mount Craw

Think this is just another scenic snow-kissed mountain? Sit your 'butte' down, take a
'peak' inside, and the truth will blow your 'mined.' Rock stuff! Yes, the many caves and
cliffs of Mount Craw are home to a bustling gobtropolis where rowdy, nasty little Goblins
and towering, tyrannical Trolls toil in the name of their subterranean deity. Not all are
satisfied with their labors, however. A booger of revolution is slowly taking form in the
nostrils of the workforce. It's time to pick a side! And that booger. You will be starting out
somewhere near the entrance of Mount Craw.
5.) The Drowned Abyss
Beneath the ocean waves, below the wreckage of broken ships and even broken-er
dreams, lies the nightmarish expanse of the Drowned Abyss. These sunken fissures are
teeming with baddies like Coiled queens roaming the depths and the
uncool-kind-of-sirens luring unsuspecting marks, kevins, and kyles to their watery
graves. It’s sink or swim in these stalactite-dotted passageways! Don’t get caught
sleeping in the seabed. You will arrive at the gates of the Drowned Abyss though the
location will probably still be underwater depending on how early in the quest you arrive

6.) Karnok’s Wall

Goblins, well known for their skill at breaking things, have long been renowned for their
ability to tear down even the mightiest of fortresses. Not content to limit themselves
creatively, Karnok's Wall represents the goblins' best effort to try, for the first time,
tearing UP. And, sure, it won't win any architecture awards, but it looks rad as hell,
which is all they really wanted anyway. You will be arriving at the mighty gates of
Karnok’s Wall, a beacon of necromancy and skeleton shaped elevators.

7.) The Fearamid

Despair and desolation permeates the Fearamid so thickly, one can almost taste the
sad in the air. Raised skeletons, shambling undead, and the emotionally dead skulk
every corridor. This horrific citadel is the Dragon Lords fortress and the gathering place
of his army. You will start outside of the Fearamid and I would recommend that you
quickly leave if you are not aligned with him. Alternatively I suppose you could try to end
the story by taking him down immediately through that wouldn’t be as much fun.

8.) Free Choice

Lucky you, feel free to pick any of the locations above or choose a location not listed.
You could even choose to arrive in one of the other universes if you want.

You will be starting out a few days before the main plot of the story begins.

Age and Gender

Age is freely chosen or whatever makes sense for your origin. Your gender remains the
same as the previous jump or you may pay 50 CP to change instead.
You may choose one origin below. Any of the origins may be taken as a drop-in if you

The Bunker Master - Free

You are serving as the Bunker Master with Tina or one of the players acting as an
advisor to the player. You are one of the beings who shall craft this campaign and direct
the player throughout their quest. You may not directly be the hero of this tale, but you
will be along for the ride in the hopes of having a good time. Just try to actually enjoy
the game and things should work out in the end.

The Fatemaker - Free

So you are the prospective hero of our story. Your job is to stop the Dragon Lord and
save Wonderland from his conquest. You're blessed with great power and you will need
to face many powerful foes which will rise to combat you. On the bright side you will be
universally loved by everyone. Just remember that you have a lot of responsibilities to
deal with as well. You will be acting as the player or another individual playing along
with the Newbie.
Inhabitant of Wonderland - Free
There are numerous races and factions that live in Wonderland. You are one of these
many beings and you have lived in Wonderland for as long as you remember. You could
be one of the many beings who live in Brighthoof or you could be one of the numerous
lesser factions who don’t wish to choose a side in this conflict such as the Coiled who
inhabit the Sunfang Oasis.

The Dragon Lord - Free

Ah I figured someone would fit in with this group. It appears that you are associated with
the villains of this story. You are somehow affiliated with the Dragon Lord or at the very
least are unaffiliated with any of the heroes in any way. I’m sure that the Dragon Lord
would love to have some actually intelligent beings who he can converse with. He’s
actually not that bad once you get to know him. Either I hope you have fun being the
bad guy, just try not to get killed by the Fatemaker as they go about their quest.
This section allows you to specify which species you belong to. There are a number of
various races to choose from in the jump.

Goblins +300 CP
The Goblins are a race of small green skinned beings. They are much weaker than
many of the other races, but they make up for this with their technology and their sheer
numbers. In addition to this they have a habit of serving Dragons or ending up as
cannon fodder for many other powerful beings. There are a number of different Goblins,
but even the best of them are still weaker than most beings. Their main advantage is
that many Goblins have a high degree of talent when it comes to working with varying
types of technology.

Beings of Wonderland - Free

There are a number of various fantasy species in Wonderland including normal
humans, bushy bearded dwarves, pointy eared elves, and other races. This option
covers all of the standard humanoid races. These options don't have any great
strengths compared to the other options, but they make up the options that you are
probably more familiar with. You could also use this option to cover any species that
weren’t shown here like Orcs.

Seawargs - 100 CP
Sharks: nature's perfect killing machine, unchanged for a hundred million years.
Humanity's one solace has been that luckily, these dum-dums never figured out how to
get onto land (not for very long, anyhow). Enter the SEAWARG, the Wonderlands'
answer to natural selection's oversight! The seawarg laughs in the face of evolution,
kicks the food chain in the groin, and steals the lunch money of ecological equilibrium.
It's got all the teeth and then some, runs on four legs, burrows to strike from
underground, and has the audacity to look adorable while doing it. Honestly, it's only a
matter of time before they're in charge around here. By paying a simple fee of 100 CP
you may become one of these fearsome monsters.
The Coiled - 100 CP
A semi-serpentine and secretive sect of
sentient snake-women, the Coiled
venerate slumbering, ancient gods from
their distant and remote cloisters in the
darkest depths of the seas and the
blinding desert sun. There, they work to
bring about the return of their dark
masters, capturing and sacrificing the
unwary in hopes that blood may stir their
dreaming deities to enslave the realms of
men... and elf... and pony—pretty much all
the non-snake realms are fair game.
Cunning, swift, and strong, they raise
zealous warriors and priestesses adept at
bow, blade, and battle magic.

Undead - Free/200/400 CP
The Undead make up the bulk of the Dragon Lords army. There are numerous different
beings who wield special powers and skills. The undead are resistant to most elements,
but they are weaker to ice due to the brittleness of their bones. This option allows you to
become one of the undead. The exact type you can become will depend on what you
are willing to pay.
● For Free you can become a normal variant of the undead. These variants include
the common zombies, skeletons, and other members of the Dragon Lord’s army.
● For 200 CP you can become one of the stronger variants of the undead forces
such as the weaker bosses like Ribula or the more common elite Badass
Skeleton Archmages.
● Lastly, for 400 CP you can become one of the ultimate Undead variants. Some
examples of this are the Knight Mare created with Butt Stallions remains, the
enchanting Banshee, or the mighty Dracolich which served as the Dragon Lords

Diamond Pony - 400 CP

The Diamond Pony is a mysterious race who
wield immense power. They are known as
Pandoracorn due to the two horns on the top portion of their head. This species is made
out of flexible diamonds that retain their strength while allowing for complete flexibility.
You may not be as powerful as Butt Stallion initially, but you will possess magical and
physical talent far beyond the other species. Given time and sufficient training your
powers could grow to surpass every being in this world.

Flying Lizard - 100/400 CP

Many beings of scale and wings live in these realms. These creatures range from young
Wyvern Newts all the way to towering Dragons. This option allows you to become one
of these mighty creatures. For 100 CP you can become a Wyvern. The Wyverns are
smaller, but still powerful reptiles. These beings are the size of small houses, possess
powerful elemental abilities, and magic resistant scales. You will be as powerful as the
unique Wyverns like the Eros Wyvern, the Elder Wyvern, or the Azure Wyvern.
Alternatively if this isn’t enough for you then you may become a true Dragon for 400 CP
instead. These mighty beings are far more powerful than their small brethren. First, you
gain a second set of limbs allowing you to walk on your feet rather than using your
wings. Second, you are much larger and could be mistaken as a mountain if you stay
still. Lastly, your element abilities are far stronger and your talent for magic far
surpasses anyone in this world aside from beings like the Dragon Lord. Just remember
that while you may be one of the most powerful beings here with this alone, you can still
be slain.

Hybrid - Varies
This option allows you to choose from any of the species above. You may become a
freak of nature or just a bizarre existence that appeared one day. Granted more than
likely you were created by one of the various beings that live here. The other option is
that you could use this to gain a set of unique parents. The total price is number of
species * 100 CP + Species cost. So becoming a Dracolich x Diamond Pony hybrid
would cost 1,000 CP (400 + 400 + (100*2) = 1,000). You will gain unique advantages
that are related to the species you choose.
Skills and Perks
All perks are discounted to their origins and the 100cp perks are free to their origin.

General Perks

Wonderlandian Magic - Free

Everyone in the world possesses the ability to use magic in some way. These feats can
range from minor acts like starting a fire all the way to world shattering feats from true
masters. If you are going to come here then you should have the opportunity to use
magic as well. This perk grants you the ability to use this world's magic, knowledge over
a number of basic spells, and talent on par with an average combat mage in this world.
If you choose to study this field further you will be capable of eventually reaching the
rank of Archmage though this talent alone won’t get you much farther.

Blessings of the Gods - 50/200 CP

This world is home to many gods wielding various domains. You over the course of your
stay here are probably going to kill quite a few of them, but there are also a fair number
which offer their aid. Normally you would have to go through a complicated set of
challenges to gather their shrine pieces which allows you to rebuild their temples, but
that's a lot of work. This option allows you to skip all of that and purchase their blessings
directly. Though if you go through the trouble of completing the challenges in the jump
you will receive their place once more. This will stack with any options you purchase
below. You can purchase 50 CP for any of the blessings below or you can bundle all of
them together for 200 CP.
● Mool Ah: Mool Ah is the god of commerce and money. Their blessing shall
ensure that you earn more for your purchases and that any action which grants
you money will grant you an increased amount of gold. For simplicity's sake any
reward you are given or any deal you make will reward you with an additional
10% in value. For example, if a bounty had a reward of 100 gold then you would
be given 110 gold. This also affects any treasure you find, raid, or steal.
● Zoomios: Zoomios is the patron god of power walking and speed. Those with his
favor will find themselves moving with the grace of the wind and speed like
lightning. For simplicity's sake any movement you make will be 15% faster than
before. This boost will be applied to any movement you make including walking,
running, flying, or using any type of vehicle.
● Grindanna: Grindanna, the patron god of experience, gives you a helping hand
as you improve your already...fine self. Mmm..anyway those with her blessing are
granted her vast knowledge and experience. You will find that the rate in which
you learn is boosted by 10%. Should you have any systems such as The Gamer
any exp.
● Throatus Punchus: Throatus Punchus, the patron god of critical hits. bestows
upon you a greater chance of punching someone….in the throat, very on-brand.
While the description may say it only affects throat punches, his blessing
increases the chance of you inflicting any critical hit and the amount of damage
that you deal. The chance of your strike tearing through a weak point and the
amount of damage dealt will increase by 15%.
● Aaron G (RNG): Aaron G. patron god of loot, ensures that chests and enemies
alike will drop…better stuff. The quality of the loot you find and the various
rewards you acquire from defeating foes will be boosted by 25%. The amount
and more importantly the quality of any loot you acquire will receive this 25%
● Crazed Earl: The Crazed Earl, patron god of moon orbs, will ensure that you
always get an extra helping of special treasures throughout your quest. Most
worlds don’t have Moon Orbs, but they almost always have some unique
materials. This boon increases the amount of resources that you acquired by
15%. So if you went to the Mass Effect jump and purchased 1,000 tons of
Element Zero then you would receive 1,150 tons. Another example is that If a
mine was supposed to hold twenty million tons of Vibranium in Marvel then you
would find twenty three million tons instead.
● Friend of the Gods (Must purchase all other blessings): So you managed to
get all of the gods blessings. Well that is fairly impressive and the gods have
definitely noticed your efforts. To thank you for your assistance the gods have
decreed that you shall be considered a friend of the divine wherever you travel.
Any divine being that you encounter will have a positive impression of you and
treat you much more favorably. This effect will occur on any being with divinity
you encounter including gods, angels, devils, divine servants, demi-gods, or
anything else that qualifies. Lastly, this blessing also contains the wisdom of the
gods which is now yours. As a result the power of your mind and your wisdom is
boosted manifold. You could actually compete against a true god of wisdom and
come out relatively evenly in quite a few competitions.

What Are The Chances It Would Be Right Here? - 200 CP

For some reason it seems like all of the bad guys happen to leave the keys to their
puzzles right next to them. For example, you might be unable to get into an area due to
it being blocked off by a gate, but there will happen to be a set of explosives on a
nearby crate. While it may not necessarily make sense your foes will be affected by this
level of logic. Practically anytime that you encounter a locked gate or a similar obstacle
the key to getting past it will be located nearby. Admittedly this won’t be the case for
every individual, but it will be true in many cases. Even the most competent of your foes
will make these mistakes eventually.

Why Are There Guns? - 200 CP

I understand that guns are great, but why are they actually in a fantasy world? Well
according to Tina this is her fantasy world so she can do what she wants. If she can do
it then why can’t you do so as well. This perk allows you to freely alter the technological
level of the setting and import different types of technology. For example, maybe you
want to go to a medieval world like this one, but give everyone shotguns. Alternatively
you could say screw it and give them space ships and plasma weapons. It’s your story
so go wild, just remember that this could have a major impact on the setting. Also
everyone will get this technology so the bad guys will have just as many rocket
launchers as the heroes do.

I’ll Possess A New Body - 400 CP

Zomboss is an incredibly irritating individual. Her soul is capable of staying around to
bother you even after you slay her multiple times. It seems that your soul is equally
resilient and you will hopefully prove to be just as irritating to your own foes. If your
physical body is slain your spirit can possess an uninhabited body or if your willpower is
strong enough you could seize the body of another. The only way to truly kill you is for
someone to destroy your soul otherwise you will simply come back by either
regenerating your body or possessing the body of another.

You’re a Badass - 300 CP

There are beings known as Badasses who tower over their peers. These beings are
significantly stronger, larger, and more durable than other similar beings. Like the
Badasses you will be enhanced significantly beyond other members of your race and
class. You will not only be considered an apex example of your race, but you will be far
beyond any others. Second, you will gain the ability to evolve rapidly. This evolution will
be dependent on some event such as gathering a sufficient amount of energy or killing
a certain amount of enemies. You will be able to undergo this evolutionary process an
unlimited amount of times though the requirements will become more severe as you
evolve more and more. Lastly, all Badasses gain the innate ability to manipulate an
element such as poison, ice, lightning, or fire. They become immune to this element and
they can launch unique attacks capable of bypassing any form of resistance.
The Bunker Master

What’s Fall Damage - 100 CP

Terminal velocity, gravitational comprehension, all of this is meaningless in Tiny Tina’s
Wonderland. No one has the time to do things like math. So as a result you will never
suffer from a fall no matter how high. You could literally jump off a mountain and hit the
ground without incurring any injury. To clarify this only protects you from fall damage. If
you say fell and then a rock fell on top of you then the rock would still hurt you. This will
also protect you from the passive effects of falling from extreme heights such as
pressure changes and heat build up if you actually are traveling at terminal velocity.

A Wonderful World - 200 CP

Creating a truly entertaining world filled with lovable characters and complex
backstories is actually a lot harder than you might think. Some however, possess truly
creative minds allowing them to craft awe inspiring tales that can become legends. You
are one of the beings with this type of mind. Your brain is a fountain of creativity and
wonder. As you start your tale you will craft stories that shall be repeated for years to
come. In addition, you also have a knack for telling these tales in such a way to paint
certain beings however you wish. For example, if you were telling the tale of a traitorous
soldier you could weave it so that they were a freedom fighter desperately trying to save
their homeland rather than destroy it.

The Ditcher - 400 CP

There are quite a few beings and tales that clearly parody beings from other worlds. The
Murphs, the Ditcher, the fabled Extra-Calibur, and too many others to list are within this
world. You may optionally carry this aspect with you into future worlds. This will create
many fun adventures and opportunities based around these tales. In addition to the
obvious adventures you will be able to gain access to powers from other worlds and
their relics by participating in them. This will typically grant you an altered version of the
power, but that is still useful. Lastly, so that you get some immediate powers out of this
you will be blessed with the same qualities as Gerritt of Trivia. You will gain his skills as
a legendary warrior, monster slayer, and kisser of witches. For those who don’t get the
joke this basically gives you a copy of all of Geralt of Rivia’s traits/power from the

Bringing Them To Life - 600 CP

Interestingly enough it appears that many of the characters in Tiny Tina’s Wonderland
are capable of developing sentience and living out their own lives. For example, the
Dragon Lord is spiteful against Tina since he used to be her favorite character until he
got replaced. The effects of this perk are twofold.

First you will be capable of literally bringing stories to life. There are two ways that you
can do this. First, you can choose to directly enter the story effectively being brought to
a new world. Here you will be able to interact with the story in its own world. The other
option is to bring them into your world. By spending a certain amount of energy you can
summon aspects of the story into our world. Upon summoning them you may decide
whether they will remain here permanently or only temporarily. You may also summon
copies of the same being or choose to keep summoning the same individual as well.
The more powerful your target the more energy you will need. For example, summoning
a weak monster might be effortless, but summoning the world's most powerful god
could be extremely draining. In addition, if you have enough energy you may also
summon the entire world though this would require an astronomical amount of energy.

The second effect is that any creature, warrior, or realm you call forth will be loyal to
you. No matter what alignment they possess or how old they are they will always treat
you as their creator. Although I will ask that you do treat them with some kindness. They
will never betray you choosing to serve you faithfully, but that doesn’t mean that they
cannot be hurt if you simply forget about them.
The Fatemaker

My Real Voice - 100 CP

One of the most bizarre events that occurs
is Claptrap attempting to negotiate with the
Coiled. His initial attempts fail horribly until
he uses what he calls his true voice.
Somehow his true voice is actually a nice
soothing voice to listen to. In fact it has
quite the profound effect on the Coiled,
charming all of them. So I never thought I
would say this, but you share a trait with
Claptrap and it’s a good thing. You are
incredibly charming to others particularly
those you are attracted to. Your honeyed
words could easily tempt a maiden into your
bed or perhaps you could be dragged into
hers. Though I would actually advise you to
be careful since you actually could be
kidnapped by Claptrap if your admirers are

Save Your Soul - 200 CP

Whenever you are stuck down you will enter a brief state of undeath. During this state
you can be revived through two methods. The first is by slaying a foe allowing you to
rise once more as they fall into death's embrace. The second option is for one of your
allies to quickly assist you. If they quickly run over to you and help you stand back up
this display of camaraderie will somehow touch Death’s heart allowing you to fight
again. You will still be heavily injured however, so you can die if you aren’t careful. In
addition, if you enter this state too many times in a short period the amount of time you
have will decrease. Do so too many times and you will truly die virtually instantly.

Lootsplosion - 400 CP
Whenever you slay a powerful enemy they will explode sending loot everywhere. This
will include the equipment they possess as well as a number of other items. This effect
will scale with the power and importance of the foes you slay. So it’s unlikely you’ll get a
legendary weapon from killing a grunt, but you never know it could happen. On the
other hand, killing someone who is both powerful and important is guaranteed to earn
you an entire set of legendary gear. Lastly, you may mentally toggle this to only give
equipment that you can use or receive equipment that can be given to your allies as

Fatemaker - 600 CP
The Fatemaker is the hero of our story and is equipped with all of the necessary
badassery needed to ensure they are up to snuff. You will be favored by fate itself as
the world strives to turn you into a hero. Treasures, mentors, and opportunities galore
will fall into your lap. Should you strive for it then you will be virtually guaranteed to
become a legendary hero. In addition, you will find that you simply grow stronger at a
much faster rate than others. You could struggle to face off against some minor bosses
in the beginning of your journey and find yourself even more powerful than the final
boss once your quest had finished over the course of a few months.

The best part of being the Fatemaker besides all the chaotic fantasy adventures and
general badassery is harnessing the power of two mythical classes and becoming a
truly hybridized hero. You are now capable of freely hybridizing your powers. This allows
you to mix and match your abilities allowing them to form powerful combos. You can
combine powers regardless of their alignment and create new powers.
● You may choose two classes for Free in the Classes and Traits Section.
Inhabitant of Wonderland

I Stabbeth Thee - 100 CP:

This is a world of fantasy where combat is done with a blade in hand and the gun, but
that’s not important right now. Many of the battles you participate in will involve clashes
of steel. As a result, like almost every being in Wonderland, you have learned to wield
these weapons with proper skill. You are a master of handheld weapons such as axes,
swords, and hammers. Perhaps you aren’t a legendary swordsman yet, but you could
pick up any weapon and wield it with skill on par with an experienced user. These
weapons may not have the range that their technologically advanced counterparts
possess, but you’ll never run out of ammo when using these weapons.

Bardbarian - 200 CP
The Bardbarians are renowned beings who harness the strength of the barbarism and
the musical skill of the bards. You have received the training of the Bardbarians and
gained mastery over their techniques. This has turned you into an Incredibly talented
musician, given you the ability to summon spectral instruments, and you have gained an
incredibly swole physique like Mr. Torgue. Your tunes can perform a variety of effects
from blessing your allies, cursing your foes, and performing many other powerful

You Can Be Better - 400 CP

When the Dragon Lord is defeated he expects the Fatemaker to slay him like all of the
others dooming him to his repeated cycle once more. Instead the Fatemaker chooses to
shatter the fate placed before him and spares the Dragon Lord. Amazed at this second
chance the Dragon Lord surrenders and forms a peace agreement with Queen Butt
Stallion. By taking this you may provide a similar change of fate whenever you defeat

By extending the fate of friendship to your bested foe, you may offer this chance. Even
the most coldhearted and villainous of individuals will be willing to take it even if only to
avoid their deaths. The interesting part is that over time they will slowly shift to match
your alignment and beliefs. They will not completely let go of their own methods, but you
could make the evil Dragon Lord a fitting hero for your own forces. The rate that these
changes occur will be based on how willing they would be normally. For example, a true
monster will probably take years to slowly improve, but a fallen hero on the edge would
do so nearly instantly.
Greatest in the Land - 600 CP
Her Royal Majesty Queen Butt Stallion, long may she rein, is a magical diamond
binicorn (that means two horns, read a book). She's the most smartest, prettiest,
perfectest ruler that ever lived, overseeing the Wonderlands from her capital city of
Brighthoof. There is no other being in all of Wonderland who wields anywhere near the
majesty of Butt Stallion except for you. You are a paragon of justice and righteousness
who is equally as beloved by the world. You are a master of light based magics and the
bane of all which is considered evil. Your attacks are crippling to the undead, the
demonic, and those with an evil alignment. In addition to this your presence bolsters
your allies amplifying their might. With you at the head of an army your soldiers would
know no fear and be capable of fighting against an army a tier stronger than
themselves. Lastly, as you are Queen Butt Stallions equal you can be counted amongst
the most skilled rulers in history. Your knowledge of ruling, economics, and strategy will
ensure that you function as a perfect ruler. The kingdoms you lead are practically
destined to prosper and will flourish as long as you are a part of them, though this effect
will be greatly amplified if you are the actual leader.
The Dragon Lord

Boom Headshot - 100 CP

The most important attack an assassin makes is their first strike. Afterwards they will be
exposed and their target will attack them if they fail to kill them with their initial blow.
This is why most assassins will strike at their targets head or their other weak points.
You have been taught this principle and know how to strike at your foes' weak points.
Whenever you hit a weak point you are capable of dealing a massive amount of
damage. In addition, your strikes are capable of seemingly ignoring armor and other
defenses that are meant to protect against your blows. Lastly, your foes will be
guaranteed to have some sort of weak point and common critical areas will take more
damage. For example, shooting anything in the head will deal significantly more
damage than just shooting their body.

The Siren Song - 200 CP

The Coiled are naturally skilled singers who wield incredible talent when it comes to the
musical arts. There is a group of them known as the Slithering Sisters who have
particularly enthralling voices. Their voices are similar to that of Sirens allowing them to
mind control anyone who listens to them. It seems that you share both the talent and
enthralling power of the sisters. By singing you can enchant your listeners bringing them
under your sway. This control is nearly unbreakable and only those with legendary
willpower have a chance to resist.

The Wastard - 400 CP

The Wastard is a title given to a “son of a witch”. Wastards have incredibly large magical
reserves for their species. By taking this perk you may choose to be an actual Wastard
or simply share this property with them. You will now possess an abnormal amount of
energy reserves for any type of power you possess. For example, if you possess the
ability to use magic or have a magical core yours would be significantly larger than any
of your peers.

Lord of the Dead - 600 CP

The Dragon Lord is considered to be the greatest and most powerful Necromancer to
ever live. He was capable of raising an entire army with, but a wave of his hand. For
reference any necromancantic being in the world summoned would immediately fall
under his control regardless of who summoned it. In addition to this he is said to have
mastered every spell in the world. Few if any are even worthy of being mentioned in the
same breath as him let alone being considered his equal. Well this was true until you
came along. You are a magic user and necromancer who can truly be called his equal.
Perhaps the Dragon Lord would be open to a team up if he knew about you.
Classes and Twists of Fate
You will receive a 400 CP stipend to spend on the various classes and techniques listed
below. You receive three discounts that can be used on any options that are offered in
the following section.

Twist of Fate

Village Idiot - 100 CP

Oh, you sweet large child. Blessed with looks, muscles, and exactly two brain cells that
never call each other, you are made in the image of the gods. Specifically Bellothion,
God of Himbos. You were always destined either for greatness or to be legally
categorized as construction equipment. This twist of fate greatly increases your natural
strength and your skill when it comes to dealing critical damage.

Raised by Elves - 100 CP

You really don't like bringing it up, but you grew up in an Elven commune. A steady diet
of uncooked leaves and tree sap has left you light on your feet but scrawny. Also, if you
have to hear one more harp solo in your life, you're gonna lose your gourd. This twist of
fate boosts your natural dexterity and your skill when it comes to identifying weak points
in your opponents.

Failed Monk - 100 CP

A powerful calling led you to leave your life behind and travel to a mountain monastery,
where you could learn ancient teachings and contemplate the meaning of all things in
peace. Then you emptied a chamber pot out the window and hit the head monk
mid-yawn. Fearing that vows of nonviolence can extend so far, you fled in the night,
seeking another calling. This twist of fate increases your intelligence, wisdom, and your
ability to use spells rapidly.

Recovery inventor Hoarder - 100 CP

You once scrambled across your fantastical world, stuffing your pockets with every last
candlestick and wheel of cheese you could sweep off the shelves. You've sworn off
junk, but now your eye turns toward implements of destruction and their gleaming loot
beams. This twist of fate increases your intelligence, your ability to use spells rapidly,
and your attunement to the elements.

Rogue Alchemist - 100 CP

The Royal Alchemist Society strictly regulates transmutation magic. Screw those guys!
You made a name for yourself hawking off-brand affordable jewelry, but are recently
unemployed and on the run after the local baron discovered his new golden amulet was
made of chocolate. This twist of fate greatly boosts your wisdom, your resistance to the
elements, and your ability to deal damage with the elements.

Clownblood - 100 CP
Ah! Oh! Hohoh! There's a curse in your blood, stranger. Somewhere snarled in the fetid
roots of your family tree is a pair of comically oversized shoes. Do you hear it? The
honking? The chortles? Yes... The forbidden knowledge of the clown flows through your
veins. This twist of fate noticeably boosts your strength and your ability to rapidly dish
out spells.

Apprentice Barnacle Scraper - 100 CP

From the day you laid eyes on your first galleon. encrusted in sea warts from the pox'd
kiss of the Umpteen Seas, it was your dream to someday wedge a chisel underneath
those bad boys. It wasn't long before that dream became reality. You have a
dockworker's brawn and a union paycheck, but now it's time for a new, less stupid
dream. This twist of fate amplifies your strength and boosts your attunement to the

Street Urchin Success Story - 100 CP

It's the oldest story in the book. You and your filthy crew of pickpockets and thieves had
found yourselves one last job: the Big One. Something stank about it worse than you,
but you were just malnourished and desperate enough to try it. We all know what
happened next: it went pretty well. You all made a comfortable amount of money and
moved out to the suburbs. Sometimes you write letters to your old compatriots to catch
up on old times. This twist of fate amplifies your strength and your intelligence. In
addition, your skill when it comes to dishing out spells quickly is noticeably boosted.

Nerfed By The Bunker Master - 300 CP

Like that one goddess from that one mythology we're trying to stop naming things after,
you burst forth fully formed from a god's head. You're good at pretty much everything! In
fact. too good. The Bunker Master didn't mean to give you this character. So, uhhhh...
here. you'll take a Dexterity hit. Yeah, that's probably balanced. This twist of fate greatly
enhances all of your attributes and powers. It’s a bit unfair compared to the others, but
that's the whole reason that it's more expensive than the others.

Brr-Zerker - 400 CP:

Brr-Zerkers are tenacious Frost-infused bruisers who complement their firepower with
an onslaught of brutal, up close and personal melee attacks. When confronted with a
problem, a Brr-Zerker's first instinct is to turn it into a popsicle and punch their way to a
solution. Brr-Zerkers are hardy warriors who hail from the frozen mountains, with a long
line of ancestors who trained their bodies to withstand and even harness the bitter cold
of icy winters. In battle, Brr-Zerkers prefer to do their fighting up close and personal,
taking point on the front lines as a whirling maelstrom of exceptionally chilly death.
● Rage of the Ancients: Using an Action Skill causes the Brr-Zerker to become
Enraged, adding bonus Frost Damage to their attacks. Enrage Duration will not
deplete while an Action Skill is active and ends if the Brr-Zerker enters Save Your
Soul. Activating an Action Skill when already Enraged restores a portion of the
Enrage timer.
● Dreadwind: The Brr-Zerker spins, slashing anything nearby with their melee
weapon and essentially becoming a pain tornado. Grants increased Movement
Speed and Slow Immunity for a duration.
● Feral Surge: The Brr-Zerker leaps toward their target, dealing Frost damage to
all nearby enemies. Any non-Boss enemies damaged will be instantly killed if
their Total HP is below a certain percentage. If Feral Surge kills an enemy, its
cooldown is reset.

Clawbringer - 400 CP:

Clawbringers are faithful warriors who bring down thunder and flames upon their
enemies with a spectral hammer alongside their fire-breathing Wyvern Companion.
The Clawbringers are an order of warriors who seek to bring Heroism to the
Wonderlands through fire and thunder. While it has long been rumored that
Clawbringers are born with dragon blood in their veins, legal scholars can neither
confirm nor deny such blatant hearsay.
● Wyvern Companion: The Clawbringer is accompanied by a Wyvern Companion
that flies through the environment and attacks enemies with its claws and Fire
Breath. Any increases to the Fatemaker's Damage also apply to their
● Cleansing Flames: The Clawbringer summons their Hammer and slams it into
the ground, dealing Melee Damage and creating a massive Fire Nova, dealing
Fire Ability Damage to nearby enemies.
● Storm Dragon's Judgment: The Clawbringer summons their Hammer and hurls
it, dealing Lightning Ability Damage to all enemies it touches. It sticks wherever it
lands and deals Lightning Melee Damage every second to all nearby enemies.
The Clawbringer can recall the Hammer, damaging enemies along its path,
ending the Action Skill early, and refunding a portion of the cooldown.

Graveborn - 400 CP
Graveborn are Death-touched acolytes who sacrifice health to unleash devastating Dark
Magic attacks and become the phantasmal Reaper of Bones, accompanied by their
manic Demi-Lich companion. Devotees of Death, Graveborn draw strength from the
pain and passing of others, growing in power as they send the souls of their enemies
screaming into the void. Where most fear Death, the Graveborn revel in it, and have
even made it an ally. Aided by a powerful and ancient demi-lich bound to their service,
the Graveborn knows that all power comes at a price paid in blood, whether it be that of
their foes or their own…
● Demi-Lich Companion: The Graveborn is accompanied by a floating Demi-Lich
Companion that targets enemies at range and deals Dark Magic damage.
Whenever the Graveborn casts a Spell, the Demi-Lich will cast Hellish Blast,
creating a homing projectile of the Spell's elemental type, dealing damage to
nearby enemies on impact. Any increases to the Graveborn's Damage also apply
to their Companions.
● Dire Sacrifice: The Graveborn sacrifices some of their Current Health to deal
Dark Magic Damage and apply Dark Magic Status Effects to all enemies nearby.
Dire Sacrifice deals bonus damage proportional to the sacrificed amount of
● Reaper of Bones: The Graveborn is fully Healed, gains Leech Efficiency, and
deals Bonus Dark Magic Damage for a duration, but loses an ever-increasing
amount of Health per second. When the Graveborn would die, they become
Invulnerable for a duration, restore some of their Health, and Reaper of Bones

Spellshot - 400 CP
Spellshots are gun-toting wizards who can unleash a constant barrage of spells and
bullets and transform their enemies into harmless livestock with the snap of a finger.
Whether they're slinging spells or shooting shells, Spellshots know that in the
Wonderlands, an adventurer survives by force of arms and arcana. While others may
view their guns as mere weapons, the Spellshot has trained rigorously until it becomes
an extension of their own magical will, weaving gun and grimoire together to enhance
their spells and imbue their weapons. Also, they can turn enemies into fuzzy little
animals, which is just hilarious.
● Spellweaving: Casting a Spell or reloading a weapon grants the Spellshot a
stack of Spellweaving, increasing Spell Damage. Spellweaving stacks
automatically decay after a few seconds. Casting a Repeating Spell has a
chance to award additional Spellweaving stacks with each Repeating Cast.
● Ambi-Hextrous: The Spellshot may equip a spell into their Action Skill slot.
Whenever the Spellshot presses the Action Skill Button, they cast that spell.
● Polymorph: The Spellshot turns an enemy into a Sheep for a few seconds. If
the enemy is immune, the Spellshot instantly casts a free Spell on that enemy
and gains two free stacks of Spellweaving. While Polymorph is active, any
Fatemaker that damages the sheep has a chance to cast a free spell. This effect
is guaranteed the first time the Fatemaker deals Gun Damage. If the Spellshot
casts a free spell this way, they gain a stack of Spellweaving.

Spore Warden - 400 CP

Spore Wardens are masters of nature who summon tornadoes and launch volleys of
arcane arrows into enemy lines alongside their toxin-spewing Mushroom Companion.
The Spore Wardens are swift guardians of the Wonderlands' magical wilderness.
Deeply in tune with the natural world, Spore Wardens prowl through forests and bogs
alongside their faithful, flatulent Mushroom Companion. Spore Wardens are able to
annihilate their foes from afar, showing off their mastery of both conventional firearms
and a mystical summoned bow that unleashes a barrage of arcane arrows.
● Mushroom Companion: The Spore Warden is accompanied by a Mushroom
Companion that targets nearby enemies and deals Poison Damage. Pinging an
enemy will cause Mushroom Companion to lunge towards them. Any increases
to the Spore Warden's Damage also apply to their Companions.
● Barrage: The Spore Warden summons an Ethereal Bow, firing 7 arrows that deal
Ability Damage on impact. Arrows ricochet twice between nearby enemies.
● Barrage has multiple charges. Increases to Gun Damage apply to damage dealt
by Barrage.
● Blizzard: The Spore Warden creates 3 Frost Cyclones for a duration that seek
out nearby enemies, dealing Frost Ability Damage over time.

Stabbomancer - 400 CP
Stabbomancers are sneaky, Critical-hit-focused assassins who summon magic whirling
blades to the battlefield and disappear into the shadows at will. Stabbomancy isn't really
its own school of magic—it's a way of thinking. Specifically, "How do I stab that guy?"
Up close with a dagger in the dark? A well-aimed bullet from afar? Or even an ethereal
psychic ghost sword? The thing is, Stabbomancers are all about creating, and
capitalizing on, opportunities. Jacks of all trades, masters of none, the skillful
Stabbomancer exploits foes' weaknesses to stealthily strike vital targets to bring
enemies down before they know what hit them.
● Dirty Fighting: The Stabbomancer's Critical Hit Chance is increased.
● Ghost Blade: The Stabbomancer throws out a Ghost Blade which spins in place
at target location, dealing Melee Damage periodically to nearby enemies based
on the Fatemaker's equipped Melee Weapon. Pressing the Action Skill Button
while Ghost Blade is active causes it to teleport to the targeted location and
reduces its remaining duration by a small percentage.
● From the Shadows: Stabbomancer enters Stealth, turning Invisible. While in
Stealth, all damage dealt is automatically a Critical Hit dealing increased

Blightcaller - 400 CP
The Blightcaller stirs elemental storms and souls lost to the putrid waters of swamp and
bog only the Blightcaller may grant them frenzied reprieve, rousing their spirits with
mystical totems to swarm their foes with elemental fury. The Blightcaller can also call
forth a miasmatic storm to choke and char their enemies with poison clouds and bolts of
elemental energy. At the crossroads of life and death, rot and bloom, the Blightcaller
● Whisper of Rot: Applying a Status Effect increases Elemental Damage for a
duration. This effect can stack.
● Plaguestorm: The Fatemaker summons a Plaguestorm at target location,
dealing Poison Status Effect Damage over time in an area. Whenever the
Fatemaker deals Non-Ability Damage a percentage of it is stored. The
Plaguestorm periodically creates Elemental Bolts targeting a random number of
enemies underneath it, dealing Ability Damage of a random Elemental Damage
Type equal to the damage stored split among all targets, and clearing all stored
damage. Elemental Bolts cannot apply Status Effects.
● Bog Totem: Summon a Bog Totem Companion at target location, which
periodically creates Elemental Spirits that seek out nearby enemies dealing
Ability Damage and exploding on impact. Elemental Damage type is based on
the Fatemaker's currently equipped Gun when activated. Whenever the
Fatemaker kills an enemy while Bog Totem is active, its Duration is partially
restored. Bog Totem has multiple charges, and Pinging an enemy will cause your
Bog Totem to target them.
All items are discounted to their origins and the 100 CP items are free for their origin. In
addition, you gain 400 CP to spend freely in the Items section. Further purchases will be
discounted for items that can be purchased multiple times. Lastly, any items that update
post jump will also receive a retroactive update.

General Items

Tiny Tina’s Wonderland - Free/100

This is a copy of the Tiny Tina’s Wonderland game along with all of the DLC and
merchandise for it. It contains the events that occurred throughout the game and allow
you to view events that would normally be unknown. You may take this copy with you; it
will contain a large amount of relevant information should you be unfamiliar with the
setting or need a refresher. For an additional 100 CP it will come with a wiki. This
version will have detailed
information on character
profiles, abilities, and
anything about the setting
you could want to know. This
will also expand the item
granting you copies of the
rest of the Borderlands
franchise along with all of
their merchandise.

Legendary Gear - 100 CP

As it still is, the Borderlands universe guns and legendary equipment come in spades.
Most of this equipment is dropped by powerful bosses or acquired through lucky
encounters. This option allows you to purchase any legendary or unique item from
within the world of Wonderland as well as the greater Borderlands universe. An example
of these weapons is the Snake Stick. This is a legendary fire elemental scythe that
possesses many unique features. The Snake Stick is capable of spawning a Hydra
nearby every time you hit a foe with it and it increases the chance of a critical strike with
every blow until it occurs. You may purchase this item as many times as you can afford.
The Magic Supercharger - 300 CP
The magic supercharger is a giant-sweet ass magic laser that as you might expect
supercharges any type of magic channeled with it. For example, the Fatemaker was
able to use it to dispel the shielding used to protect the Fearamid due to their Dispel
spell being too weak to do anything to it. This cannon is an extremely powerful
defensive and offensive measure capable of dealing with many issues with ease. This
item will grant you one of these emplacements as well as the blueprints needed to
create more of them. Lastly, this version has a safety measure built in place to prevent it
from being used against you.
The Bunker Master

Bunkers and Badasses - 100 CP

If you are going to play the game then you need
the right gear. This is a fully customized board
perfect for playing any type of tabletop game
you wish. It will come with all of the pieces,
models, paints, and everything else you could
possibly need to play a game. The best part is
that this board can create an imaginary or
virtual world simulating everything you do in the
game with perfect clarity allowing you to truly
feel like an epic adventurer.

The Portal Network - 200 CP

I don’t understand what this fast travel system is around here. We use the Portal
Network, the network is a large system of portals that allows for instantaneous travel
throughout the world. Starting out you will only have access to your initial starting
location, but as you explore new portals will be created at areas of interest. In addition,
you will always be able to teleport to your main hub instantly regardless of location.
Lastly, unlike the normal fast travel system this one can be used in combat if you need
to make a desper.. I mean a tactical retreat. That’s right after all heroes never run away
they simply regroup to gather their strength. You may choose who has access to this
network. It will be impossible for anyone to take it over or sneak through without your

Sunfang Oasis - 400 CP

Deep within the deserts of the
Wonderlands lies a location
known as Sunfang Oasis. This
is a massive city in which the
Coiled live. This city is their
greatest fortress and holds the
sealed power of an evil
goddess known as Salissa.
Purchasing this option will
allow you to either take
ownership of Sunfang Oasis or
to instead create your own city.
This city will be filled with over a thousand beings primarily that of a single race. This
race will also command numerous elite warriors and fall under the protection of a
powerful deity (Lorewise Salissa was a threat to the entire world). You may choose the
exact demographics of the city. By default it will be made up of Coiled which are an all
female species. Lastly, you will be considered the ruler of this city and have an
unbreakable sense of loyalty from all its inhabitants including the deities and warriors.

The Council of Clerics - 600 CP

The Council of Clerics is a group made up of the greatest healers in all of Wonderland.
One of the greatest services is the ability to resurrect. In exchange for approximately
seven percent of the wealth you are carrying they will resurrect you. This however, is a
flat percent meaning that a king would have to pay quite a bit more than a peasant.
Purchasing this option allows you to enlist their services and for them to be brought
under your stewardship. This will allow them to travel with you to new worlds and for you
to register new individuals. In your case however, they will only be allowed to do so once
per jump or once every ten years whichever time is shorter.
The Fatemaker

The Enchanter - 100 CP

The Enchanter is a special treasure made to assist in the creation of powerful weapons.
By placing a piece of equipment inside the Enchanter you may give it some sort of
special quality. For example, it could boost the damage of all nearby allies by 20% or it
might heal 1% of your health per second. The type of enchantment will depend on what
equipment you enchant and how powerful the relic is. The Enchanter is normally
powered by Moon Orbs, but you may substitute them with any other source of power
you possess. The only restriction is that the more enchantments you apply on a single
item the more expensive it becomes.

Corneal Coronet - 200 CP

The Corneal Coronet is a legendary relic meant to be wielded by the King of all Cyclops.
Any member of the Cyclops race who sees this will recognize your authority and obey
any request you make. Optionally however, you may choose to gain this authority over
another species instead given that the Cyclops are a rather low populated species. If
you choose something like the Coiled then the effect will apply to any type of
Naga/snake people rather than just their specific sub species.

The Chaos Chamber - 400 CP

The Chaos Chamber is a special arena that is unlocked after the Fatemaker defeats the
Dragon Lord. The Chamber is a rogue-like PvE arena featuring combat against waves
of enemies and previously defeated bosses. Runs are automatically failed after three
deaths. Completing a run successfully gives access to a final loot room where crystals,
a currency dropped exclusively by enemies in the Chaos Chamber, can be spent to
randomly generate additional loot. Post-jump this chamber will be updated retroactively
and continue to update as you explore new jumps.

The Sword of Souls - 600 CP

The Sword of Souls is the most powerful weapon in the universe capable of slaying any
being. It is capable of doing this since it devours the essence of the slain foes. The
sword’s edge is sharp enough to cut through anything including unbreakable items. In
addition, you will gain the ability to summon the sword to you. This will prevent anyone
from simply stealing the blade or using it against you. Lastly, according to Tina it has the
power to sever the bonds of fate itself, allow the user to fight gods, or to become gods
themselves. The only limits to the sword’s capabilities is the amount of power that you
can give it.
Inhabitant of Wonderland

The Cipher - 100 CP

The Cipher is a relic used by the Coiled which allows other races to instantly learn their
language. By purchasing this option you may claim the cipher for your very own use. It
will automatically translate any new languages you encounter granting you an
understanding of their verbal and written use. It was never explained how it works, but
let's just go with the simple option and say it does this through the power of magic.

The Jumper’s Maiden - 200 CP

The Marley Maiden was the pirate ship commanded by the mighty Three Bones. He
was one of the greatest pirates in this world. He was tricked into accepting a curse by
the Dragon Lord so that he and his love could stay together forever. The Marley Maiden
was an impressive ship that possessed the ability to fly due to its ghostly properties,
travel through dimensional portals, and unleash a massive amount of firepower with its
array of cannons. This option allows you to either purchase a copy of the maiden or to
create your own equally impressive ship.

Magic F*%king Missile - 400 CP

Rather than crossing the ocean on that piece of $hit boat you wanna know what the
correct method is? Well the correct answer is EXPLOSIONS and that we’re about to
blow up the motherf#&king ocean. This is the thought process that Mr. Torgue used
when he blessed the Fatemakers crappy boat. If you are intelligent and agree with Mr.
Torgue then you can use this missile to solve your problems. This set of magic missiles
can be launched to destroy one obstacle per jump or once every ten years. The power
of explosions will bypass all logic and somehow resolve the issue. It could kill a single
opponent or it could remove a major obstacle that is inhibiting your journey. When
deciding if it will work just ask yourself will sufficient explosives deal with this problem
(Hint: The answer is YES).

Brighthoof - 600 CP
Brighthoof is the crown jewel of Queen Butt Stallion's bodacious queendom: a beacon
of light to all who yearn to bunker or be badass. The city is diligently protected by the
honored Diamond Guard, and serves as the capital city of the Wonderlands. By
purchasing this option you may either claim the city for yourself or create your own
equally impressive city. You may choose the exact demographics of the city. By default
it will be made up of humans, dwarves, elves, and a few other various races in relatively
equal numbers. Lastly, you will be considered the ruler of this city and have an
unbreakable sense of loyalty from all its inhabitants including the deities and warriors.
Dragon Lord

The Curse of True Character - 100 CP

The Curse of True Character turns the target into a being reflecting their true self. For
example, cowards will become smaller and weak. On the other hand those with mighty
hearts and a stalwart sense of self will become far more dangerous. In fact they typically
turn into powerful giant monsters. This gives you a skull filled with the curse. By
throwing it at someone and shattering it they will be inflicted with the curse.

Love Potion - 200 CP

While they are sometimes considered unethical (and possibly illegal) that does not stop
people from making love potions. This is a powerful potion that will cause the consumer
to fall into love. You may choose whether the potion will cause them to fall into love with
you or with a target such as the first person they make eye contact with. Somehow this
potion is capable of bypassing any defenses that should prevent this from working and
since it isn’t mind control it cannot be broken. This potion comes in a large cauldron
which will refill whenever it is emptied. It only takes a small sip to affect your target, but
it also happens to taste great if you want to give it to someone.

The Great White Whale - 400 CP

The Coiled Queen Viscetta used this mighty beast as a mount and a mobile city. This
creature was slain however, when Mr. Torgue destroyed the ocean. Before this however,
it was amongst the mightiest creatures in the world and that which allowed her to rule
uncontested. This option allows you to create a similarly mighty mount to command. By
default you will receive a whale, but you may choose to receive another species
instead. I personally would recommend choosing a giant Wyvern which is basically a big
Dragon and everyone knows that Dragons are the best. Although you could also choose
a mountain sized Seawarg which is nearly as cool.

The Fearamid - 600 CP

The Fearamid is the dark capital of the Dragon Lords territories. The Fearamid is
protected by a number of powerful barriers. Aside from these barriers this city
commands a massive army of Undead, Coiled, and other races. By purchasing this
option you may claim the Fearamid for yourself or instead create an equally powerful
fortress. You may optionally change the aesthetic if you don’t like royal purple, maybe
you could go with poison green. This fortress will come with a massive army perfect for
defending this kingdom or laying siege to other cities. You may choose the
demographics and make up of the army if you wish to customize it.
If it is not otherwise specified then each companion receives 600cp to customize
themselves, and may choose one origin. All companions are allowed to take drawbacks
as well. Lastly companions may also purchase other companions.

Import/Create companion 50-400 CP

Depending on how much you pay you can import a number of companions into this
jump. For 50 CP you can do this with 2, For 100 CP you can create or import 4, for 200
CP you can create/import 8 companions, and lastly for 400 CP you can import all of
your companions. Each companion receives 600cp each and gets to pick an origin.

Canon Companion - 0/100cp

If you befriend any of the various beings in this multiverse you may recruit them as
companions. After all, if you're going to put that much effort in you shouldn’t have to pay
for it. If you pay 100cp you may guarantee that you start out with a positive relationship
with a character of your choice. This could be a good friendship or some other
relationship of your choice.

The Notetaker - 100 CP (Free Bunker Master)

The Notetaker is a mysterious individual who comments on Tina’s adventure and leaves
various notes scattered throughout the world describing events. If you are familiar with
the series you may recognize the Notetaker’s voice as Roland Tina’s unofficial adopted
dad/caretaker. This companion option will possess two forms. The first is that a normal
companion would probably be playing with you. The second is a more spectral-like
appearance which they can take on if they are separated from you or if they die. This
individual cares a great deal about you treating you like a member of the family. Most
importantly they seemingly always know what to say if you are stuck in a crisis. They
will never abandon you and they will try to assist you in any way they can. You may
design their personality, appearance, and species if you wish.

A Fellow Adventurer - 100 CP (Free Fatemaker)

Whenever you go on a quest you should never do so alone. As you prepared for your
quest you encountered this individual. They are another Fatemaker who has arrived to
assist in your quest. They possess the entire Fatemaker perkline and have two of the
Classes from the Classes and Twists of Fate section. They will start out weak, but they
have the potential to become a legendary hero. You may freely customize the
appearance, personality, and species of this individual as well.
A Helping Hand - 100 CP (Free Inhabitant of Wonderland)
While a lot of focus may be placed on the heroes like the Fatemakers there are many
who assist them from the shadows. This is a being who can assist you in some way.
They could be a valiant member of the guard, a skilled blacksmith who can forge you
equipment, or even something like a Bard capable of inspiring you through their songs.
Regardless of which option you choose they stand at the pinnacle of their field and
wield a high ranking position. If you need their assistance they won’t hesitate to assist
you in any way they can. You may freely customize the appearance, personality, and
species of this individual as well. Lastly, you may buy this option multiple times to either
build up a full party or make a team of skilled workers.

Stalwart Second - 100 CP (Free Dragon Lord)

Being a ‘proper’ bad guy is a lot of work so it really helps out if you can recruit a real
minion / second in command. Luckily you seem to have recruited or perhaps created
one such individual. This is a powerful being on par with some of the main bosses such
as the Banshee, the dark god Dry’l, or the horrific Knight Mare. They are incredibly
competent when it comes to handling any task you assign them and they are strong
enough to put down any foes they go up against. You may freely customize the
appearance, personality, and species of this individual as well.

Wyvern - 100/300 CP
Given that this world is called Bunkers and Badasses you will probably be expecting
Dragons to show up at some point. They are mentioned, but honestly they don’t show
up much. Despite this Dragons and Wyverns alike are some of the coolest creatures in
Wonderland. This option allows you to recruit one to serve as your companion. The 100
CP option will allow you to choose a Wyvern. They are smaller Dragons that lack the
two front legs of their much larger brethren. You may choose any of the various Wyvern
variants from Wonderland including the unique versions. The second level allows you to
purchase a true Dragon as a companion. The Dragons are significantly larger allowing a
group to ride on their back and their abilities are significantly more powerful. For
example, their breath is capable of instantly melting steel barriers rather than just
burning someone. Lastly, if you wish you may use this option to create a being simialr to
the offered options. For example, instead of a Wyvern you could recruit a Hydra or you
could create a Dracolich instead of a true Dragon. Alternatively there were some special
creatures such as the Sea Dragon Leviathans which could be chosen as well. Power
wise the Wyverns will be equal to some of the tougher Badass foes and the Dragons
will be as strong as Bernadette which was one of the two final bosses.
Badasses and Bosses - 100/200/300 CP
There are a number of special individuals who stood out in this world. Generally these
individuals are referred to as Badasses to represent their superiority to their normal
counterparts. This option will allow you to recruit them and their leaders.
● For 100 CP you can recruit a Badass version of any normal foe. This is by far the
most common variant of this group. These individuals typically act as the leaders
of large enemy groups and often are the guards of the most powerful beings like
the true bosses. Some examples of this option are the Badass Skeleton
Archmage, the Badass Pirate Captain, the Badass Coiled Praetoria, and the
● For 200 CP you can recruit a mini-boss. Generally mini-bosses serve as the final
opponents in various side quests. They are noticeably more powerful than even
the Badasses. In addition, they typically have some unique powers unavailable to
anyone else in this world. Some examples of the mini-bosses are the Slithering
Sisters, Mobley Dick, Biter of Crews, Scourge of Salt and Sand, and the Obsidian
● Lastly, for 300 CP you can recruit one of the true bosses. These are the elite
beings who can become overlords of this world. They are only beneath the
Fatemakers and the Dragon Lord in raw power. These beings are made up of
legendary monsters, powerful gods, and horrific eldritch entities that cause havoc
with their mere presence.
There is no drawback limit, but make sure you can handle whatever you take.

Supplement Mode - 0 CP
Well it turns out this entire time you only filled out part of the paperwork. You may take
this jump and use it as a supplement to a second jump. This will allow you to either
merge the two jumps or for you to take all of your purchases into a new world. Just
remember you can't run from the drawbacks, no matter how hard you try to.

Self-Insert - 0 CP
So you want to be one of the named characters huh, well if you take the appropriate
background, and then you will get to take their place. This won’t give you any of their
skills unless you buy them however. Otherwise you are free to go in as any character
you would like.

You Only Want to Play One Game? - 0 CP

The entire portion of the story only covers a single session of Bunkers and Badasses
which should only be a few days even if you deliberately stretch it out. Given this
incredibly short time frame you may choose to leave once your game with Tina has
concluded rather than stay for a full ten years like normal.

Back to the Borderlands - 0 CP

Tiny Tina’s Wonderland is a spin-off adventure which takes place on the hostile world of
Pandora (the crazy one with psychos, not the blue alien one). So if you have already
been to this world and have a history here you may import that history into this jump.
For example, if you already have been to the Borderlands jump then perhaps you
already met Tina or some of the other Vault Hunters. She would likely comment on that
and depending on your relationship with her your opinion will probably matter a lot

Are You A Player or NPC - 0 CP

The entire jump is spent around playing a game of Bunkers and Badasses which takes
place on a table sized board. Given that this is less exciting than actually experiencing
the world you have two options with this toggle. The first will allow you to actually enter
the world experiencing it from your own perspective without any interference from Tina.
The second option is that you can change the nature of the world so that whenever you
are playing the game your mind will travel to another world possessing your chosen
character like the Fatemaker. This will allow you to interact with wonderland and explore
Pandora if you are interested in that. Lastly, even if you do not take this toggle you will
still get to keep all of the items and perks that you purchased they will simply be placed
in your warehouse.

Extended Stay +100 CP

For each purchase of this your time here is extended 10 years. Just be careful this
world has a number of dangers even to those who stand at its peak. Staying here may
give you some more opportunities, but it also carries many perils. Lastly, depending on
how long you plan to stay you may need to find some method of extending your

Fury of the Murphs +100 CP

The Murphs are a race of small goblin-like beings who live in the Weepwild Dankness
forest. There are two variants of these Murphs. The first is a kinder orange variant that
is quite hospitable. The second version however, is an evil version called Blue Murphs
driven insane with the desire to infect others with their virus. Normally you would only
find the Murphs in a small village if you went to assist them, but now you will find that
the Blue Murphs will constantly follow you on your adventures. They will appear
randomly and attack you in large swarms. Honestly they aren’t that deadly and can be
killed with a single hit, but I’m sure that a horde of screaming insane midgets attacking
you during a boss fight could cause some complications.

Jumpus Tutorialias +100 CP

The rare species of tree known as Jumpus Tutorialias is a unique plant that only grows
in the starting area. Now you might be an extremely seasoned adventurer who has dealt
with all sorts of tasks before, but that doesn’t exempt you from tutorials. Every single
time you encounter some form of new ability or power you will have to complete some
form of a tutorial to continue. Some of these will be simple like jumping over a tree
(learning how to jump), but some of these may be much more difficult like how you feed
a Wyvern without getting eaten. At the very least you might actually learn some new
skills so there is a bright side to this.

You Call That Seduction +100 CP

Despite his name Valentine is truly horrible at seduction. His closest attempt to success
was when he managed to charm an obsessive Goblin stalker, and the rest of his
attempts made the target try to kill him. Like Valentine you believe yourself to be smooth
and charming. Unfortunately you really aren’t, any attempts at seduction will fail horribly.
At best you will be laughed at and told to go away. At worst they will be incredibly
insulted and try to kill you immediately. The severity of their reaction will depend on their
status. Obviously a peasant in a tavern won’t try to kill you (well they might if they’re
drunk), but a random neutral entity would be far more likely to try and kill you.
I Do This For Glory +200 CP
The heroes of the realm such as the Fatemaker tend to handle many quests, in addition
to their duties. Normally these tasks have some sort of payment involved such as the
honor of slaying a Dragon or a massive supply of gold. You, however, are a hero, you
are not motivated by money. Your desires are to protect the innocent and save the day.
This means that you will not accept any money as thanks for performing a quest. If you
intend to gather any riches you must do so by claiming it as loot, selling your treasures,
or finding it in ruins.

I Do This For Money +200 CP

On the other hand there is a lot of money to be made so why should you go around
helping people out of the kindness in your heart? You will find your heart is now only
moved by cold hard cash rather than the pleas of innocents. You will only be willing to
go out of your way to do a task if there is a sufficient reward, particularly if it's gold. This
however, could cause some issues as you will actually be tempted to assist your foes if
they offer a sack of gold. You could still choose to do things out of kindness, but you will
have to force yourself to do this.

You Made a New Friend +200 CP

Ok, so I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you. The good news is that
you made a new friend. The bad news is that your new friend is Claptrap. He doesn’t do
it intentionally, but Claptrap is easily one of the most annoying beings in existence. For
the duration of your stay Claptrap will show up and try to be involved in your journey.
More often than not he will do something that will make your job harder or he will irritate
you. For example, he might accidentally anger a possible ally turning them into your foe
or drop a gate onto a passageway you needed to go through.

Curse of the Ocean +200 CP

If you dare to head into the ocean without the blessing of a bard your ship is guaranteed
to be dragged into its depths. This is the law of the ocean and the will of the gods. By
taking this drawback you will somehow have truly enraged the sea gods. The effects of
this are twofold. First you will be unable to cross the ocean in any way for the entirety of
the jump. The second and much more dangerous effect is that if you are submerged in
a body of water that covers your body you will die instantly. This effect will only occur in
actual bodies of water such as the ocean, lakes, and deep rivers. So you won’t be
affected by powerful water based magic or similar conditions.
I’m Running Out Of Reasons to Stall +400 CP
You know how normally events would practically pause in place ensuring that you could
do everything at your leisure? Well by taking this drawback you will actually have to deal
with issues in real time. For example, why should the Dragon Lord halt his attack on
Brighthoof simply because you haven’t arrived. Actually he should probably speed the
attack up knowing that you might not get there in time. So I hope you are prepared to
move fast now. Next time you hear that one of your allies is in danger they might
actually die if you take more than a day to reach them. At the very least you still have
access to the Portal Network which should save you a fair bit of time.

Forgotten Payments +400 CP

It seems that your benefactor forgot to pay for access to the game or failed to upgrade
your deal. As a result you have been restricted and aren’t allowed to use items that
don’t belong here. In addition, you have been banned from accessing your warehouse
while you are here. You get to keep access to your powers, but any items that don’t
belong to this universe are forbidden.

Powers Begone +400 CP

So you thought that you could just use your other powers in order to blitz the setting did
you? Well now you can’t, your out of jump powers have been locked away. If you are
going to survive in this world then you’re going to do it with the powers that belong to
this setting. As a small mercy you will be allowed to use any powers that can fit this
setting such as any abilities from the Borderlands jump, the Borderlands 3 jump, any
other jump related to the Borderlands series, and any other jump that is based around
the shooter / fantasy genre.

The Handsome Sorcerer Has Returned +600 CP

You may be familiar with the Handsome Sorcerer from Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon
Keep. He acted as a temporary stand-in for the Dragon Lord while he was busy doing
evil overlord things like burning empires and such. Regardless, the Handsome Sorcerer
has now been resurrected from the dead and rebuilt his empire in secret. Seeing the
chaos emerging throughout the land he has decided to reveal himself. At best the world
will now be engulfed in a three way war between the heroes and the multiple villainous
factions. At worst the villains may team up in order to destroy you. Should you possess
the Dragon Lord origin then the Handsome Sorcerer will refuse to ally with you and he
may even make a pact with Butt Stallion to slay you first. After all, Jack refused to play
second fiddle in the real world so why wouldn’t he be the true big bad in the world of
fantasy as well.
I Really Want You to Hate Me +600 CP
The Dragon Lord makes a few jokes when first meets you about how he wants to be the
best bad guy he can be. For example, he asks if you have any mentors that you want
him to kill off so that you can really despise him. In the end the Dragonlord is actually a
pretty nice guy who wants to fulfill the role he was given since he is the big bad. By
taking this you truly will make him fit for that role. Now he will become a true dark lord.
He will become a genuine monster whose actions horrify everyone and his forces will
reflect this. Rather than simply playing a game of Bunkers and Badasses you will now
be dealing with a world on the brink of collapse due to the tyranny of a true monster. I
hope dooming the world was worth the points.

The Fallen Fatemakers +600 CP

The Dragon Lords story is actually kind of sad. He originally was the Dragon Knight and
he was the first Fatemaker that Tina had ever made when she played with Roland.
Eventually however, she grew bored and decided to make him the villain for her new
Fatemakers to fight against. By taking this the spirits of every fallen Fatemaker will
awaken. Many of them are filled with rage and sorrow having been abandoned by their
creator. They will view you as the newest Fatemaker or possibly one of two Fatemakers.
They will do their best to slay you. This could be out of rage or some desire to prevent
you from being abandoned. Regardless you need to remember every Fatemaker is a
legendary being capable of challenging the world and now there are dozens of them
who wish to slay you. I hope you are prepared for the onslaught. There however is a
slim possibility that you could try to reason with them. Perhaps you could show them
that they still have a lot to live for or perhaps they could join you on your quest instead.
If you are capable of convincing any of them to join you then you may take these
Fatemakers as companions with all of their powers intact and boosted to the best.
You may take any number of scenarios unless there are any specific requirements. In
addition you are unable to proceed to the next jump until you accomplish this goal.
● All scenarios can take place after the main jump so there is no need to worry
about conflicting goals or lack of time. To clarify, you will essentially be taking the
jump again, only you will have a specific goal instead of just needing to survive.
There is no punishment for failure aside from losing access to the reward of the
Scenario. You will not chain-fail if you give up unless explicitly stated otherwise.
● Each scenario you take will give you 500 CP as well to spend on the document
upon successful completion.

The Newbie
Congratulations, you are
now the protagonist of our
story. That’s right you will be
replacing the Newbie. The
jump will last until the story
ends canonically or you die.
You will face all of the
challenges that Newbie did.
You will start out with all of
Newbie’s abilities though
you will only get to keep
them if you complete the
scenario. You will receive all
of the same opportunities to
succeed as they did however should you follow their path. Lastly you will receive their
memories so that you know what’s going on and have their experience.

For completing this scenario you will receive a variety of rewards.
● First, for having completed the mission you will get to take your new friends with
you as companions for Free. This includes Tiny Tina, Valentine, and the robot
Frette. You will also be able to recruit all of your new allies from the fantastical
world of Wonderland.
● Second, all restrictions on any ability you gained whether through an action in the
jump or by purchasing it will have its limits removed as well as receive
● Third, you will get to take ALL of your friends, family, and forces with you. This
will include any territory, empires, and whatever areas you control. You may
choose whether they all share a single companion slot or if they are divided up
based on their affiliations.
I’m Saving the World
As the story progresses you realize that in a way the Dragon Lord is actually the hero of
the story trying to save his world from Tina. Perhaps at some point you felt sympathy for
him and wanted to help him. Well now you get the chance to do so as that is the goal of
this scenario. You must assist the Dragon Lord in his conquest of the land. Once you
conquer the world you will be able to use all the soul energy that you have gathered to
break free from Tina’s control. The final obstacle you will have to face is that once you
do this The Maker a manifestation of Tina’s control will appear before you. You must
slay this being which is imbued with god-like power as the most dangerous being in this
world. Once you have defeated this being you will truly be free and will have completed
the scenario.

For completing this scenario you will receive a variety of rewards.
● First, out of thanks for your assistance you will get to take the Dragon Lord as a
companion for Free. He will come with his mighty Dracolich Bernadette and vast
army of minions. In addition, all of the bosses who have been slain will be revived
and can be made into companions alongside any other notable warriors in your
● Second, having worked so hard to free it you may take the world of Wonderland
with you. It will become a warehouse attachment post-jump and you may import
it into new worlds.

Go Home: Maybe your time in this world made you realize life wasn’t that bad. Go
home with the abilities you’ve gathered and enjoy your life.

Stay Here: Maybe you’ve gotten attached and are determined to make this your home.
If you really want to stay here, take +1000 CP for additional purchases and get ready for
the long-haul here.

Keep Going: Perhaps this is just one more stop on the road for you. Maybe you did
nothing or maybe you changed everything. Regardless, you're determined to continue
your journey. Maybe the next world will be a bit nicer than here.
All perks that have active and passive effects may be freely toggled on and off.

Some of the class descriptions are from the wiki so any credit goes to Gearbox for
making them.

Wonderland - Legendary Weapons

● Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: List of all legendary weapons

● Jump in Progress
● V1 completed
● Added Flying Lizards race
● Changed the Handsome Sorcerer Drawback from 400 to 600 CP

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