Tiny Tina's Wonderland Jumpchain
Tiny Tina's Wonderland Jumpchain
Tiny Tina's Wonderland Jumpchain
By Sentry342
"There is a world beyond the Borderlands. A world forged by wonder and ruled by fate.
There's one alone who can wield fate. One alone whose story is in their own hands: The
Fatemaker. That's you. Heavy, right?"
This story takes place in the world of Borderlands sometime after the events of
Borderlands 2. The villains have been defeated and our heroes are able to rest at least
temporarily. So why not join them in this game.
Take these 1000 Character Points, they will allow you to gain a few skills to help this
world. You will be spending the next ten years in this world.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The Bunker Master - Free
The Fatemaker - Free
Inhabitant of Wonderland - Free
The Dragon Lord - Free
General Items
The Bunker Master
The Fatemaker
Inhabitant of Wonderland
Dragon Lord
You can either choose one of the locations below or roll d8 and receive +100 CP to let
the whims of fate decide your path.
1.) Brighthoof
A beacon of civility, bastion of hope, Brighthoof is the vibrant and bustling seat of the
queendom! Within its sturdy-yet-welcoming gates, travelers, traders, and troubadours of
every stripe can find opportunity and adventure in equal measure--plus it's got a tavern,
so it's pretty much required that you go there every now and then. You will be starting
out somewhere in the capitol. I would recommend that you move to meet up with your
respective faction as the city will come under attack shortly.
You will be starting out a few days before the main plot of the story begins.
Goblins +300 CP
The Goblins are a race of small green skinned beings. They are much weaker than
many of the other races, but they make up for this with their technology and their sheer
numbers. In addition to this they have a habit of serving Dragons or ending up as
cannon fodder for many other powerful beings. There are a number of different Goblins,
but even the best of them are still weaker than most beings. Their main advantage is
that many Goblins have a high degree of talent when it comes to working with varying
types of technology.
Seawargs - 100 CP
Sharks: nature's perfect killing machine, unchanged for a hundred million years.
Humanity's one solace has been that luckily, these dum-dums never figured out how to
get onto land (not for very long, anyhow). Enter the SEAWARG, the Wonderlands'
answer to natural selection's oversight! The seawarg laughs in the face of evolution,
kicks the food chain in the groin, and steals the lunch money of ecological equilibrium.
It's got all the teeth and then some, runs on four legs, burrows to strike from
underground, and has the audacity to look adorable while doing it. Honestly, it's only a
matter of time before they're in charge around here. By paying a simple fee of 100 CP
you may become one of these fearsome monsters.
The Coiled - 100 CP
A semi-serpentine and secretive sect of
sentient snake-women, the Coiled
venerate slumbering, ancient gods from
their distant and remote cloisters in the
darkest depths of the seas and the
blinding desert sun. There, they work to
bring about the return of their dark
masters, capturing and sacrificing the
unwary in hopes that blood may stir their
dreaming deities to enslave the realms of
men... and elf... and pony—pretty much all
the non-snake realms are fair game.
Cunning, swift, and strong, they raise
zealous warriors and priestesses adept at
bow, blade, and battle magic.
Undead - Free/200/400 CP
The Undead make up the bulk of the Dragon Lords army. There are numerous different
beings who wield special powers and skills. The undead are resistant to most elements,
but they are weaker to ice due to the brittleness of their bones. This option allows you to
become one of the undead. The exact type you can become will depend on what you
are willing to pay.
● For Free you can become a normal variant of the undead. These variants include
the common zombies, skeletons, and other members of the Dragon Lord’s army.
● For 200 CP you can become one of the stronger variants of the undead forces
such as the weaker bosses like Ribula or the more common elite Badass
Skeleton Archmages.
● Lastly, for 400 CP you can become one of the ultimate Undead variants. Some
examples of this are the Knight Mare created with Butt Stallions remains, the
enchanting Banshee, or the mighty Dracolich which served as the Dragon Lords
Hybrid - Varies
This option allows you to choose from any of the species above. You may become a
freak of nature or just a bizarre existence that appeared one day. Granted more than
likely you were created by one of the various beings that live here. The other option is
that you could use this to gain a set of unique parents. The total price is number of
species * 100 CP + Species cost. So becoming a Dracolich x Diamond Pony hybrid
would cost 1,000 CP (400 + 400 + (100*2) = 1,000). You will gain unique advantages
that are related to the species you choose.
Skills and Perks
All perks are discounted to their origins and the 100cp perks are free to their origin.
General Perks
First you will be capable of literally bringing stories to life. There are two ways that you
can do this. First, you can choose to directly enter the story effectively being brought to
a new world. Here you will be able to interact with the story in its own world. The other
option is to bring them into your world. By spending a certain amount of energy you can
summon aspects of the story into our world. Upon summoning them you may decide
whether they will remain here permanently or only temporarily. You may also summon
copies of the same being or choose to keep summoning the same individual as well.
The more powerful your target the more energy you will need. For example, summoning
a weak monster might be effortless, but summoning the world's most powerful god
could be extremely draining. In addition, if you have enough energy you may also
summon the entire world though this would require an astronomical amount of energy.
The second effect is that any creature, warrior, or realm you call forth will be loyal to
you. No matter what alignment they possess or how old they are they will always treat
you as their creator. Although I will ask that you do treat them with some kindness. They
will never betray you choosing to serve you faithfully, but that doesn’t mean that they
cannot be hurt if you simply forget about them.
The Fatemaker
Lootsplosion - 400 CP
Whenever you slay a powerful enemy they will explode sending loot everywhere. This
will include the equipment they possess as well as a number of other items. This effect
will scale with the power and importance of the foes you slay. So it’s unlikely you’ll get a
legendary weapon from killing a grunt, but you never know it could happen. On the
other hand, killing someone who is both powerful and important is guaranteed to earn
you an entire set of legendary gear. Lastly, you may mentally toggle this to only give
equipment that you can use or receive equipment that can be given to your allies as
Fatemaker - 600 CP
The Fatemaker is the hero of our story and is equipped with all of the necessary
badassery needed to ensure they are up to snuff. You will be favored by fate itself as
the world strives to turn you into a hero. Treasures, mentors, and opportunities galore
will fall into your lap. Should you strive for it then you will be virtually guaranteed to
become a legendary hero. In addition, you will find that you simply grow stronger at a
much faster rate than others. You could struggle to face off against some minor bosses
in the beginning of your journey and find yourself even more powerful than the final
boss once your quest had finished over the course of a few months.
The best part of being the Fatemaker besides all the chaotic fantasy adventures and
general badassery is harnessing the power of two mythical classes and becoming a
truly hybridized hero. You are now capable of freely hybridizing your powers. This allows
you to mix and match your abilities allowing them to form powerful combos. You can
combine powers regardless of their alignment and create new powers.
● You may choose two classes for Free in the Classes and Traits Section.
Inhabitant of Wonderland
Bardbarian - 200 CP
The Bardbarians are renowned beings who harness the strength of the barbarism and
the musical skill of the bards. You have received the training of the Bardbarians and
gained mastery over their techniques. This has turned you into an Incredibly talented
musician, given you the ability to summon spectral instruments, and you have gained an
incredibly swole physique like Mr. Torgue. Your tunes can perform a variety of effects
from blessing your allies, cursing your foes, and performing many other powerful
By extending the fate of friendship to your bested foe, you may offer this chance. Even
the most coldhearted and villainous of individuals will be willing to take it even if only to
avoid their deaths. The interesting part is that over time they will slowly shift to match
your alignment and beliefs. They will not completely let go of their own methods, but you
could make the evil Dragon Lord a fitting hero for your own forces. The rate that these
changes occur will be based on how willing they would be normally. For example, a true
monster will probably take years to slowly improve, but a fallen hero on the edge would
do so nearly instantly.
Greatest in the Land - 600 CP
Her Royal Majesty Queen Butt Stallion, long may she rein, is a magical diamond
binicorn (that means two horns, read a book). She's the most smartest, prettiest,
perfectest ruler that ever lived, overseeing the Wonderlands from her capital city of
Brighthoof. There is no other being in all of Wonderland who wields anywhere near the
majesty of Butt Stallion except for you. You are a paragon of justice and righteousness
who is equally as beloved by the world. You are a master of light based magics and the
bane of all which is considered evil. Your attacks are crippling to the undead, the
demonic, and those with an evil alignment. In addition to this your presence bolsters
your allies amplifying their might. With you at the head of an army your soldiers would
know no fear and be capable of fighting against an army a tier stronger than
themselves. Lastly, as you are Queen Butt Stallions equal you can be counted amongst
the most skilled rulers in history. Your knowledge of ruling, economics, and strategy will
ensure that you function as a perfect ruler. The kingdoms you lead are practically
destined to prosper and will flourish as long as you are a part of them, though this effect
will be greatly amplified if you are the actual leader.
The Dragon Lord
Twist of Fate
Clownblood - 100 CP
Ah! Oh! Hohoh! There's a curse in your blood, stranger. Somewhere snarled in the fetid
roots of your family tree is a pair of comically oversized shoes. Do you hear it? The
honking? The chortles? Yes... The forbidden knowledge of the clown flows through your
veins. This twist of fate noticeably boosts your strength and your ability to rapidly dish
out spells.
Graveborn - 400 CP
Graveborn are Death-touched acolytes who sacrifice health to unleash devastating Dark
Magic attacks and become the phantasmal Reaper of Bones, accompanied by their
manic Demi-Lich companion. Devotees of Death, Graveborn draw strength from the
pain and passing of others, growing in power as they send the souls of their enemies
screaming into the void. Where most fear Death, the Graveborn revel in it, and have
even made it an ally. Aided by a powerful and ancient demi-lich bound to their service,
the Graveborn knows that all power comes at a price paid in blood, whether it be that of
their foes or their own…
● Demi-Lich Companion: The Graveborn is accompanied by a floating Demi-Lich
Companion that targets enemies at range and deals Dark Magic damage.
Whenever the Graveborn casts a Spell, the Demi-Lich will cast Hellish Blast,
creating a homing projectile of the Spell's elemental type, dealing damage to
nearby enemies on impact. Any increases to the Graveborn's Damage also apply
to their Companions.
● Dire Sacrifice: The Graveborn sacrifices some of their Current Health to deal
Dark Magic Damage and apply Dark Magic Status Effects to all enemies nearby.
Dire Sacrifice deals bonus damage proportional to the sacrificed amount of
● Reaper of Bones: The Graveborn is fully Healed, gains Leech Efficiency, and
deals Bonus Dark Magic Damage for a duration, but loses an ever-increasing
amount of Health per second. When the Graveborn would die, they become
Invulnerable for a duration, restore some of their Health, and Reaper of Bones
Spellshot - 400 CP
Spellshots are gun-toting wizards who can unleash a constant barrage of spells and
bullets and transform their enemies into harmless livestock with the snap of a finger.
Whether they're slinging spells or shooting shells, Spellshots know that in the
Wonderlands, an adventurer survives by force of arms and arcana. While others may
view their guns as mere weapons, the Spellshot has trained rigorously until it becomes
an extension of their own magical will, weaving gun and grimoire together to enhance
their spells and imbue their weapons. Also, they can turn enemies into fuzzy little
animals, which is just hilarious.
● Spellweaving: Casting a Spell or reloading a weapon grants the Spellshot a
stack of Spellweaving, increasing Spell Damage. Spellweaving stacks
automatically decay after a few seconds. Casting a Repeating Spell has a
chance to award additional Spellweaving stacks with each Repeating Cast.
● Ambi-Hextrous: The Spellshot may equip a spell into their Action Skill slot.
Whenever the Spellshot presses the Action Skill Button, they cast that spell.
● Polymorph: The Spellshot turns an enemy into a Sheep for a few seconds. If
the enemy is immune, the Spellshot instantly casts a free Spell on that enemy
and gains two free stacks of Spellweaving. While Polymorph is active, any
Fatemaker that damages the sheep has a chance to cast a free spell. This effect
is guaranteed the first time the Fatemaker deals Gun Damage. If the Spellshot
casts a free spell this way, they gain a stack of Spellweaving.
Stabbomancer - 400 CP
Stabbomancers are sneaky, Critical-hit-focused assassins who summon magic whirling
blades to the battlefield and disappear into the shadows at will. Stabbomancy isn't really
its own school of magic—it's a way of thinking. Specifically, "How do I stab that guy?"
Up close with a dagger in the dark? A well-aimed bullet from afar? Or even an ethereal
psychic ghost sword? The thing is, Stabbomancers are all about creating, and
capitalizing on, opportunities. Jacks of all trades, masters of none, the skillful
Stabbomancer exploits foes' weaknesses to stealthily strike vital targets to bring
enemies down before they know what hit them.
● Dirty Fighting: The Stabbomancer's Critical Hit Chance is increased.
● Ghost Blade: The Stabbomancer throws out a Ghost Blade which spins in place
at target location, dealing Melee Damage periodically to nearby enemies based
on the Fatemaker's equipped Melee Weapon. Pressing the Action Skill Button
while Ghost Blade is active causes it to teleport to the targeted location and
reduces its remaining duration by a small percentage.
● From the Shadows: Stabbomancer enters Stealth, turning Invisible. While in
Stealth, all damage dealt is automatically a Critical Hit dealing increased
Blightcaller - 400 CP
The Blightcaller stirs elemental storms and souls lost to the putrid waters of swamp and
bog only the Blightcaller may grant them frenzied reprieve, rousing their spirits with
mystical totems to swarm their foes with elemental fury. The Blightcaller can also call
forth a miasmatic storm to choke and char their enemies with poison clouds and bolts of
elemental energy. At the crossroads of life and death, rot and bloom, the Blightcaller
● Whisper of Rot: Applying a Status Effect increases Elemental Damage for a
duration. This effect can stack.
● Plaguestorm: The Fatemaker summons a Plaguestorm at target location,
dealing Poison Status Effect Damage over time in an area. Whenever the
Fatemaker deals Non-Ability Damage a percentage of it is stored. The
Plaguestorm periodically creates Elemental Bolts targeting a random number of
enemies underneath it, dealing Ability Damage of a random Elemental Damage
Type equal to the damage stored split among all targets, and clearing all stored
damage. Elemental Bolts cannot apply Status Effects.
● Bog Totem: Summon a Bog Totem Companion at target location, which
periodically creates Elemental Spirits that seek out nearby enemies dealing
Ability Damage and exploding on impact. Elemental Damage type is based on
the Fatemaker's currently equipped Gun when activated. Whenever the
Fatemaker kills an enemy while Bog Totem is active, its Duration is partially
restored. Bog Totem has multiple charges, and Pinging an enemy will cause your
Bog Totem to target them.
All items are discounted to their origins and the 100 CP items are free for their origin. In
addition, you gain 400 CP to spend freely in the Items section. Further purchases will be
discounted for items that can be purchased multiple times. Lastly, any items that update
post jump will also receive a retroactive update.
General Items
Brighthoof - 600 CP
Brighthoof is the crown jewel of Queen Butt Stallion's bodacious queendom: a beacon
of light to all who yearn to bunker or be badass. The city is diligently protected by the
honored Diamond Guard, and serves as the capital city of the Wonderlands. By
purchasing this option you may either claim the city for yourself or create your own
equally impressive city. You may choose the exact demographics of the city. By default
it will be made up of humans, dwarves, elves, and a few other various races in relatively
equal numbers. Lastly, you will be considered the ruler of this city and have an
unbreakable sense of loyalty from all its inhabitants including the deities and warriors.
Dragon Lord
Wyvern - 100/300 CP
Given that this world is called Bunkers and Badasses you will probably be expecting
Dragons to show up at some point. They are mentioned, but honestly they don’t show
up much. Despite this Dragons and Wyverns alike are some of the coolest creatures in
Wonderland. This option allows you to recruit one to serve as your companion. The 100
CP option will allow you to choose a Wyvern. They are smaller Dragons that lack the
two front legs of their much larger brethren. You may choose any of the various Wyvern
variants from Wonderland including the unique versions. The second level allows you to
purchase a true Dragon as a companion. The Dragons are significantly larger allowing a
group to ride on their back and their abilities are significantly more powerful. For
example, their breath is capable of instantly melting steel barriers rather than just
burning someone. Lastly, if you wish you may use this option to create a being simialr to
the offered options. For example, instead of a Wyvern you could recruit a Hydra or you
could create a Dracolich instead of a true Dragon. Alternatively there were some special
creatures such as the Sea Dragon Leviathans which could be chosen as well. Power
wise the Wyverns will be equal to some of the tougher Badass foes and the Dragons
will be as strong as Bernadette which was one of the two final bosses.
Badasses and Bosses - 100/200/300 CP
There are a number of special individuals who stood out in this world. Generally these
individuals are referred to as Badasses to represent their superiority to their normal
counterparts. This option will allow you to recruit them and their leaders.
● For 100 CP you can recruit a Badass version of any normal foe. This is by far the
most common variant of this group. These individuals typically act as the leaders
of large enemy groups and often are the guards of the most powerful beings like
the true bosses. Some examples of this option are the Badass Skeleton
Archmage, the Badass Pirate Captain, the Badass Coiled Praetoria, and the
● For 200 CP you can recruit a mini-boss. Generally mini-bosses serve as the final
opponents in various side quests. They are noticeably more powerful than even
the Badasses. In addition, they typically have some unique powers unavailable to
anyone else in this world. Some examples of the mini-bosses are the Slithering
Sisters, Mobley Dick, Biter of Crews, Scourge of Salt and Sand, and the Obsidian
● Lastly, for 300 CP you can recruit one of the true bosses. These are the elite
beings who can become overlords of this world. They are only beneath the
Fatemakers and the Dragon Lord in raw power. These beings are made up of
legendary monsters, powerful gods, and horrific eldritch entities that cause havoc
with their mere presence.
There is no drawback limit, but make sure you can handle whatever you take.
Supplement Mode - 0 CP
Well it turns out this entire time you only filled out part of the paperwork. You may take
this jump and use it as a supplement to a second jump. This will allow you to either
merge the two jumps or for you to take all of your purchases into a new world. Just
remember you can't run from the drawbacks, no matter how hard you try to.
Self-Insert - 0 CP
So you want to be one of the named characters huh, well if you take the appropriate
background, and then you will get to take their place. This won’t give you any of their
skills unless you buy them however. Otherwise you are free to go in as any character
you would like.
The Newbie
Congratulations, you are
now the protagonist of our
story. That’s right you will be
replacing the Newbie. The
jump will last until the story
ends canonically or you die.
You will face all of the
challenges that Newbie did.
You will start out with all of
Newbie’s abilities though
you will only get to keep
them if you complete the
scenario. You will receive all
of the same opportunities to
succeed as they did however should you follow their path. Lastly you will receive their
memories so that you know what’s going on and have their experience.
For completing this scenario you will receive a variety of rewards.
● First, for having completed the mission you will get to take your new friends with
you as companions for Free. This includes Tiny Tina, Valentine, and the robot
Frette. You will also be able to recruit all of your new allies from the fantastical
world of Wonderland.
● Second, all restrictions on any ability you gained whether through an action in the
jump or by purchasing it will have its limits removed as well as receive
● Third, you will get to take ALL of your friends, family, and forces with you. This
will include any territory, empires, and whatever areas you control. You may
choose whether they all share a single companion slot or if they are divided up
based on their affiliations.
I’m Saving the World
As the story progresses you realize that in a way the Dragon Lord is actually the hero of
the story trying to save his world from Tina. Perhaps at some point you felt sympathy for
him and wanted to help him. Well now you get the chance to do so as that is the goal of
this scenario. You must assist the Dragon Lord in his conquest of the land. Once you
conquer the world you will be able to use all the soul energy that you have gathered to
break free from Tina’s control. The final obstacle you will have to face is that once you
do this The Maker a manifestation of Tina’s control will appear before you. You must
slay this being which is imbued with god-like power as the most dangerous being in this
world. Once you have defeated this being you will truly be free and will have completed
the scenario.
For completing this scenario you will receive a variety of rewards.
● First, out of thanks for your assistance you will get to take the Dragon Lord as a
companion for Free. He will come with his mighty Dracolich Bernadette and vast
army of minions. In addition, all of the bosses who have been slain will be revived
and can be made into companions alongside any other notable warriors in your
● Second, having worked so hard to free it you may take the world of Wonderland
with you. It will become a warehouse attachment post-jump and you may import
it into new worlds.
Go Home: Maybe your time in this world made you realize life wasn’t that bad. Go
home with the abilities you’ve gathered and enjoy your life.
Stay Here: Maybe you’ve gotten attached and are determined to make this your home.
If you really want to stay here, take +1000 CP for additional purchases and get ready for
the long-haul here.
Keep Going: Perhaps this is just one more stop on the road for you. Maybe you did
nothing or maybe you changed everything. Regardless, you're determined to continue
your journey. Maybe the next world will be a bit nicer than here.
All perks that have active and passive effects may be freely toggled on and off.
Some of the class descriptions are from the wiki so any credit goes to Gearbox for
making them.
● Jump in Progress
● V1 completed
● Added Flying Lizards race
● Changed the Handsome Sorcerer Drawback from 400 to 600 CP