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Matlab, Introduction

Resources: intro 1. Matlab Primer: short and clear introduction. 2. Matlab on Athena (MIT computer services web page). 3., Matlab: detailed online documentation. medium level 4. Matlab Guide D.J.Higan,N.J.Higan, SIAM, 2000. Intro to Matlab 6.0. more advanced 5. Numerical Methods with Matlab, G. Recktenwald, Prentice Hall. 6. Mastering Matlab 6, D.Hanselman, B.Littlefield, Prentice Hall 2001, comprehensive tutorial & reference. also 7. Lecture notes: 10.001 web page.
October-November 2002

Main Features of Matlab

Matlab = matrix laboratory, matrix oriented programming language + desktop environment. Any variable is an array by default, thus almost no declarations. All variables are by default double. Translator - interpreter: line after line, no exe files. High level language: (i) quick and easy coding (ii) tools assembled into toolboxes (Spectral Analysis, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Symbolic Math etc.) (iii) relatively slow. All Matlab functions are precompiled. One may add extra functions by creating M-files and modify the existing ones.
October-November 2002

Comparison with C.
Syntax is similar Language structure is similar to C:
MATLAB supports variables, arrays, structures, subroutines, files MATLAB does NOT support pointers and does not require variable declarations MATLAB has extra built-in tools to work with matrices/arrays
October-November 2002

Matlab, Getting Started

1. Accessing Matlab on Athena: add matlab matlab & 2. Log out: quit or exit

MATLAB desktop (version 6): 1) Command window 2) Launch Pad / Workspace window 3) Command history / Current Directory window

October-November 2002

Useful Hints & Commands

input: variable_name output: variable_value semicolon at the end will suppress the output command history: upper & lower arrows, also command name guess: (i) type abc (ii) hit upper arrow key get the last command starting from abc format compact - no blank lines in the output format loose - back to default help commandname - info on commmandname
October-November 2002

Workspace Maintenance
all the assigned variables reside in the workspace clear all - clears all the memory (workspace) clear xyz - removes xyz from the memory who - lists all the variables from the workspace whos - also gives the details
are: c2 Bytes 8 16 64 Class double array double array(complex) double array(complex)

>> who Your variables ans c1 >> whos Name Size ans 1x1 c1 1x1 c2 2x2
October-November 2002

Workspace Maintenance
save saves all workspace variables on disk in file matlab.mat save filename x y z - x, y, z are saved in file filename.mat load filename - loads contents of the filename.mat to the workspace load filename x y z - loads only x, y, z from filename.mat to the workspace Each array requires a continuous chunk of memory; use pack for memory defragmentation.
October-November 2002

Built in Constants & Functions

pi number i & j stand for imaginary one (i = -11/2), however may be redefined Trigonometric: sin, cos, tan, sec, cot Inverse trig.: asin, acos, atan, asec, acot Exponential: log, log2, log10, exp Complex: abs abs. value, angle phase angle, conj conjugate transpose, imag imaginary and real- real part
October-November 2002

Linear Algebra
Vector: an ordered set of real or complex numbers arranged in a row or column.

x1 x 2 m-element x= M column vector (n x 1) xm

y = [ y1

y2 L yn ]
n-element row-vector (1 x n)

October-November 2002

Vector Operations
Addition/subtraction (element-wise, array operation: c = a + b ci = ai + bi, i = 1,,n d = a - b ci = ai - bi, i = 1,,n Multiplication/division by a scalar: b = a bi = ai b = a/ bi = ai/ Vector transpose, turns row into column and vise versa: x = [1, 2, 3] xT =
x1 x 2 x3
(xT)T = x

October-November 2002

Vector Operations
Vector inner (dot, scalar) product (vector/matrix operation): n a = x .y


xi yi
i =1

a = yT . xT

x is a row vector

y is a column vector The dimensions of x and y must agree.

NB General rule for vector/matrix multiplication: row times column take i-th row of the left multiplier and multiply by the j-th column of the right multiplier
October-November 2002

Vector Operations
Outer (tensor) product:
y1 y M = yx = 2 [x1 y3 y4 y1 x1 y x x4 ] = 2 1 y3 x1 y4 x1 y1 x2 y 2 x2 y3 x 2 y 4 x2 y1 x3 y2 x3 y3 x3 y4 x3 y1 x4 y 2 x4 y3 x 4 y 4 x4



Mij = xiyj

October-November 2002

Vector Norms
To compare two vectors a vector norm (analogous to length, size) is introduced: ||x||>||y|| norm of x is greater than norm of y Euclidian norm, length in nD (also called L2 norm): ||x||2 = (x12 + x22 + x32 + + xn2)1/2 ||x||1 = |x1| + |x2| + |x3| + + |xn| ||x||inf. = max(|x1|, |x2|, |x3|, |xn|) ||x||p = (x1p + x2p + x3p + + xnp)1/p
October-November 2002

(L1) (Lp)

Dealing with Vectors/Matrices

Entering matrices by explicit list of elements:
A =[1 2 3] A= 1 2 3 A = [1; 2; 3] A= 1 2 3

A = [1 or A=[1 2 4 5 7 8

2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] 3 6 9]

Spaces separate the elements, semicolons and new line symbols separate the rows.

October-November 2002

Dealing with Matrices

Complex matrices: either A=[1 2; 3 4]+i*[5 6; 7 8] or A=[1+5i 2+6i; 3+7i 4+8i] No blank spaces, i or j stands for imaginary one.

Matrix and array operations, classification.

+ element-wise (array operations) * array or matrix operations ^ conjugate transpose \ left division only matrix operations / right division
October-November 2002

} }

Matrix Multiplication
Product of the two matrices A(nxm) and B(mxl) is matrix C(nxl):

Cij = Ai1 B1 j + Ai 2 B2 j + ... + Aim B2 jm

The dimensions of A and B must agree. Cij is a dot product of i-th row of A and j-th column of B. Again row (on the left) times column (on the right). If A or B is a vector, we will have either row vector times matrix = column vector or matrix times column vector = row vector
October-November 2002

Dealing with Matrices

In Matlab left and right division are inverse to multiplication by column and row vectors correspondingly: A * x=b x=A \ b (left) A-matrix m x n, b -row vector 1 x n x * A=b x = b / A (right) b - column vector m x 1

Conjugate transpose: swaps the indices and changes the sign of imaginary part of each element. C = A C(i,j) = real( A(j,i) ) - i * imag( A(j,i) )

October-November 2002

Dealing with Matrices, Examples

>> C = A + B; C(k,l) = A(k,l) + B(k,l) Matrix multiplication, >> C = A*B; C(k,l) = A(k,m) * B(m,l) summation over the repeating index is implied. >> C = A.*B Element-wise (array) C(k,l) = A(k,l)*B(k,l) operation, imposed by . Matrix A to the power alpha >> C = A^alpha; Each element of A to the power alpha >> C = A.^alpha; C(k,l) = A(k,l)^alpha
October-November 2002

Dealing with Matrices

Standard math. functions of matrices operate in array sense: exp(A), sin(A), sqrt(A) = A.^0.5 >> B = exp(A) B(i,j) = exp(A(i,j)) Colon notation is used: (i) to construct vectors of equally spaced elements: >> a = 1:6 a= 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> b = 1:2:7 b= 1 3 5 7 (ii) to access submatrices: A( 1:4, 3) - column vector, first 4 elements of the 3-d column of A. A( :, 3 ) - the 3-d column of A A( :, [2 4] ) - 2 columns of A: 2-d & 4-th. (iii) in for loops
October-November 2002

Relational & Logical Operators & Functions

R&L operations are needed for computer to make decisions and take actions once some conditions are satisfied. Example while loops Argument of R&L operations is true if it is non-zero and false if it is zero; output is 1 for true and zero for false. Relational: <, <=, >, >=, ==, ~=. Operate on matrices in elementwise fashion. >> A = 1:9, B = 9 - A A = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B = 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 >> tf = A > 4 tf = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 >> tf = (A==B) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
October-November 2002

Relational & Logical Operators & Functions

& AND; | OR; ~ NOT. >> tf = ~(A>4) tf = 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 >> tf = (A>2) & (A<6) tf = 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Functions: xor(x,y) - exclusive OR, true if either x or y is non-zero, false of both are true or false. isempty - true for empty matrix isreal, isequal, isfinite,...


October-November 2002

Flow of Control
For loops. Syntax: for x = array (commands) end Example: >> for n = 1:10 x(n) = sin(n*pi/10); end
October-November 2002

Flow of Control
Nested loops, decrement loop. >> for n = 1:5 for m = 5:-1:1 A(n,m) = n^2 + m^2; end end Alternative: vectorized solution, much faster: assigns memory for x only once. >> n = 1:10; >> x = sin(n*pi/10)
October-November 2002

Flow of Control
While loops. Syntax: while expression (commands) end (commands) will be executed as long as all the elements of expression are true. Example: search for the smallest number EPS which if added to 1 will give the result greater than 1.
October-November 2002

Flow of Control
>> num = 0; EPS = 1; >> while (1+EPS)>1 EPS = EPS/2; num = num+1; end >> num num = 53 >> EPS = 2*EPS EPS = 2.2204e-16
October-November 2002

Flow of Control
If-Else-End constructions. Syntax: if expression1 (commands1: if expr-n1 is true) elseif expression2 (commands2: if expr-n2 is true) elseif expression3 (commands3: if expr-n3 is true) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . else (commands: if 1,2,..,n are false) end
October-November 2002

Flow of Control
Breaking out of the loop: >> EPS = 1; >> for num = 1:1000 EPS = EPS/2; if (1+EPS)<=1 EPS = EPS*2 break end end EPS = 2.2204e-16
October-November 2002

Script files & Function files Script files: contain a set of Matlab commands - programs. To execute the file: enter the file name.
% script M-file example.m comment line erasers = 4; pads = 6; tapes = 2; items = erasers + pads + tapes cost = erasers*25 + pads*52 + tapes*99 average_cost = cost/items >>example items = 12 cost = 610 average_cost = 50.833
October-November 2002

Interpreter actions while processing example statement: 1. Is example a current Matlab variable? 2. Is example a built-in Matlab command? 3. Is example an M-file? 4. Opens the file and evaluates commands as if they were entered from the command line. (i) all workspace variables are accessible to the commands form the M-file. (ii) all variables created by M-file will become a part of the workspace if declared global.
October-November 2002

Function files Analogous to functions in C. Communicate with the workspace only through variables passed to it and the output variables it creates. All internal variables are invisible to the main workspace. M-files name = functions name. The first line - function-declaration line function keyword output variable function name expected input arguments

October-November 2002


Function M-files
function s=area(a,b,alpha) % AREA calculates triangles area given 2 sides & angle between them % AREA reads in two sides of the triangle and the angle between them % (in radians) and returns the area of the triangle. if a < 0 | b<0 error(a and b can not be negative.) end s = a*b*sin(alpha)/2;

searched and displayed by the lookfor command searched and displayed by the help command

Terminates execution of the M-file

October-November 2002

Function M-files
Function M-files may call script files or other (sub)functions, the script file/subfunction being evaluated in the functions workspace. Function M-files may have zero input and output arguments. Functions may share variables. The variable must be declared as global in each desired workspace.

October-November 2002

Some Helpful Commands

[n,m]=size(A) dimensions of matrix A n=length(B) - the length of vector B zeros(m,n) creates m x n matrix of zeros ones(m,n) creates m x n matrix of ones eye(n) n x n matrix, ones on the diagonal, zeroes elsewhere x = linspace(s,f,n) - x-vector of n equally spaced elements form s up (down) to f, similar to x = s:((f-s)/(n-1)):f
October-November 2002

Each graph is created in a figure window By default only one figure window can be opened, thus the second graph will replace the first one To create a graph you run: Management functions (arranging the figure window(s)) Graph generation functions Annotation functions (formatting the graphs, optional)
October-November 2002

Plotting functions: 3 categories
Management figure subplot zoom hold view rotated Generation 2-D plot polar fill plotyy 3-D plot3 surf, surf3 mesh, meshz contour, contour3 Annotation & characteristics xlabel, ylabel, zlabel text title legend box set grid

October-November 2002

Graphics management
figure(n) opens figure window number n, also makes window n default window; the new plot() command will replace the plot in the default window hold on holds the current window active, you may add curves using plot() command hold off releases the current window subplot(i,j,k) divides figure window into i x j array of sectors for plots; k number of the sector to put the plot in
October-November 2002

Two-Dimensional Graphics: join-the-dots x-y plot >> x = [1.2 2.3 3.7 4.1 5.0 7.3]; >> y = [2.6 2.8 3.7 4.0 4.3 5.6]; >> plot(x,y) Syntax: plot(x,y,string). String (optional) stands for color, marker and plot style. Example: r*-- -red, asterisk at each data point, dashed line. Colors: r, g, b, c, m, y, k, w. Line styles: - solid, -- dashed, : dotted, -. dash-dot.
October-November 2002

Plotting many curves: plot(x,y,r-,a,b,g--,.) Some other control strings: LineWidth,2,MarkerSize,7, MarkeFaceColor,r,... plot( ) -> loglog( ) changes lin-lin plot to log-log one.
October-November 2002

Labels and title: xlabel(concentration) ylabel(viscosity) title(C() plot, PEO - H2O solution.) Axes: axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]), xlim([xmin xmax]),axis tight, grid on, axis square, Also go to edit option of the plot window.
October-November 2002

Adding text box at the position (x,y): text(x,y,here is the text); Multiple plots in a Figure: subplot(k,m,1), plot() subplot(k,m,2), plot() subplot(k,m,k*m), plot() k, m - number of lines and columns in the array of plots, 1,2,k*m - number of the plots in the array.
October-November 2002

plot([x1 x2],[y1 y2]) plots a straight line form (x1,y1) to (y1,y2) Lets plot a set of straight lines: connecting (x1j,y1j) and (x2j,y2j) for j=1,,n. The plot instruction will be: plot([x1;x2],[y1;y2]). Say, x1=[1 3 5]; x2=x1; y1=[0 0 0]; y2=[3 6 2]; 3 vertical lines will be plotted.
October-November 2002

Three-dimensional Graphics
The 3D version of plot is: plot3(x1,y1,z1,S1,x2,y2,z2,S2,) 3 coordinates, control string, 3 coordinates... Example: sin(x), cos(x), x. Plots function of a function. plot3([x1;x2],[y1;y2],[z1;z2]) Arguments vectors of n elements each. x1, x2 store xcoordinates of the points, where lines 1,,n begin and end correspondingly, y1, y2 and z1, z2 do the same for y and z coordinates.
October-November 2002

Three-dimensional Graphics
3D, scalar functions of 2 variables, mesh plots: z = f(x,y) Plot of f(x,y) - surface in 3-d. 1. Create a mesh in x-y plane: >> x = x0:x1, y = y0:y1 >>[X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y) x has m and y has n elements, X & Y - matrices nxm, X consists of n row vectors x, Y of m column vectors y. Each pair X(i,j) & Y(i,j) gives coordinates in x-y space.
October-November 2002

Three-dimensional Graphics
X & Y may be treated as matrices or arrays. If z = f(x,y) = 3(x2+y)3: >>Z=3*(X.^2+Y).^3 % Matrix Z is created >>mesh(X,Y,Z)% Draws mesh plot of f(x,y) meshc - draws the underlying contour plot meshz - meshplot with zero plane surf(X,Y,Z) - surface plot: surface between the mesh points is filled in; surf(x,y,Z) and surf(Z) also work, same is true for mesh command. >>Z=X.^4+3*X.^2-2*X+6-2*Y.*X.^2+X.^2-2*Y;
October-November 2002

Contour Plots etc.

Contour plots: >>contour(X,Y,Z,20) %Draws contour plot of f(x,y) with 20 contour lines. >>contourf(X,Y,Z,10) %Filled contour plot with 10 contour lines. >>[X,Y,Z]=cylinder(y,N) % y(x) sets the shape of the cylinder along the x-axis, N number of points around the sylinder surface. >>mesh(X,Y,Z) will plot the cylinder surface in 3D >>[X,Y,Z]=cylinder(1.2+sin(linspace(0, 2*pi,100)),20)
October-November 2002

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