Provisionary Contract Teachers

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(Temporary Provisional)
This contract executed this 10th day of June, 2019 at Quezon City, Philippines, by
and between.
an educational institution duly existing and authorized by the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines, with address, school President, hereafter referred to as SCHOOL.
Mrs./ Miss/ Mr. __________________________________ of legal age,
married/single, Filipino citizen, residing at ___________________________________________
Herein after called Teacher.
WHEREAS, ___________________________________ has applied for
a________ job in the SCHOOL and is willing to accept
_____________________________(_____________), on a basis subject to the following terms
and conditions:
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the following terms and conditions
the parties hereto agreed, as follows:
1. This Contract shall have a life existence of One Year in a school year starting the first teaching
day of said school year, as may be declared by law, or regulations of the Department of
Education and shall terminate pending upon the teaching manners of teachers.
2. That the Salary of the Teacher shall be in accordance with the amount agreed during the period
of service, payable every 15th and 30th day of the month in Philippine Currency, subject to such
deduction for the teachers beneficial like SSS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig for their future pension.
3. During the said period, Teacher shall be subject to such regulations of the school regarding
department, educational qualification, skills and such others rules and regulation of School and
Department of Education. Which are or may hereafter be enacted.
4. That Teacher in the event that he/ she does not qualify, conform, satisfy the standard of the
school as are promulgated in the School rules and regulation, may be summarily dismissed from
his/ her contract, after notice given in writing is received by the Teacher.
5. That Teacher hereby agrees to upgrade his/ her service to conform to school standards or as
may be required by the school administration, failure to do so shall mean dismissal as above
mentioned in paragraph 4 hereof.
6. Teacher shall at all times adopt the decorum, ethical behavior and attitude of mentor and shall
not inn anyway may show abrasive, norms of conduct which may be interpreted to be of low
moral character.
7. Teacher shall not engage in other activities inside the school except pure teaching and
mentoring of students, except after working hours or as maybe required by school with regards
to school activities; violation hereof shall be punishable by dismissal.
8. Rules and Regulations of the school already promulgated, and such other as may be
promulgated shall form part of this agreement especially those dealing with school-Teacher
relation, Teacher-student Relation and Parent-Teacher Relation; etc.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto, hereby set their hands on the date
and place above mentioned.

By: ________________________________ _________________________________

School Principal Teacher

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