Effect of Using Audio

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A. Background Of The Problem

Humans require language to communicate with each other in everyday
life. Communication is an activity of exchanging information or socializing
that is used to send a message in the form of ideas, opinions, feelings, and
emotions that someone wants to convey. Owens (2015:11) stated that
"communication is the process participants use to exchange information and
ideas, needs and desires ". Language also has a functions as a unifying tool
for the nation, because with language, humans can communicate well and are
easy to understand when there is a process of interaction with another.
Language itself has various variations around the world and every country in
the world has its language. Language differences in the world do not hinder
the process of interaction between fellow human beings in the world. In
addition, Hall (1968:158) stated that “Language is the institution by which
humans communicate and interact with each other through commonly used
spoken-auditory arbitrary symbols".

English is a necessary international language used in the current era of

globalization. The importance of English in globalization has made countries
include English subjects in their education. Therefore, English has become a
required subject in Indonesian educational institutions, where it is examined
and put into the national exam as a requirements for graduation. English
education is necessary since it is also a lingua franca that people use to
communicate between language and geographical location. There are many
benefits of learning the English language, including making it simpler to
operate in a wide range of industries, including business, education,
information technology, and scientific research.

In building successful English skills, you must master four skills. There
are reading skills, writing skills, listening skills, and speaking skills. Acording
to Depdiknas (2006:307) "There are Four skills of language that must be
taught by an English teacher of SMA/MA namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing ". The first of the four skills is listening. The goal of
listening as a receptive talent is to recognize and comprehend what others are
saying. It is fundamental to learning any language. Students can acquire
vocabulary and grammar via active listening as well as how to recognize an
accent or pronunciation.

As listening becomes one of the skills tested in senior high school

national exams, most teachers have students practice listening to get them
used to English sounds. As defined by Oxford (1993:206), listening is a
complex problem-solving skill that is more than just perception of the sounds.
Additionally, listening helps students develop their reading, speaking, and
writing abilities in a foreign language. Therefore, listening is one of four
language skills to understand the spoken text and develop linguistic
knowledge for real-world communication. This ability will help you use
language in everyday situations. However, it might be challenging to educate
students on how to listen. It requires more care and additional time for
According to Hornby (1995:687), “listening comes from a verb to
listen which means make an effort to hear somebody or something”. In
contrast listening, Hearing is a mechanical or automatic process where the
person doesn't need to be fully present, meaning your thoughts and focus
doesn't need to be there. The author concludes the definition above that
listening involves paying active, focused attention to what the speaker is
thinking whereas hearing is unfocused or unintentionally verb. For structural
purposes, it is convenient to think of the listening process as having four
types: (1) Hearing First, we hear a series of sounds, the actual words, and
sentences. (2) Understanding Second, we understand the meanings of these
words and sentences in the context in which we have heard them. (3)
Evaluating Third, we evaluate the meaning and accept or reject the total
communication. (4) Responding. Finally, we respond to what we have heard
with further thought, bodily movement, facial expression, or audible reaction.
(Petty and Jensen, 1980:181).(Fatma Yuniarti1, 2017)
Students learn to listen in the classroom (the level of proficiency
varies from student to student), and listening is mainly used to teach speech
patterns. Every chance to converse verbally allows for sharpening listening
abilities and developing obedient listening habits. Yet when implementing a
listening program for language acquisition, a teacher requires an organized
plan and systematic evaluation for the structural activities of listening skills to
fall with the other three language teaching skills. The effect of this is that
these language skills have a close link with one another. Listening involves
more than just hearing or paying attention.

Some students might, however, still believe that it is hard to learn how
to listen. Based on the problems faced by class VII students, SMA 2
SUNGAI RUMBAI also experiences difficulties in developing listening
skills. Students feel it is difficult to understand spoken vocabulary. That
happens because they cannot understand the meaning of the words spoken
during the listening process. Their inability to understand vocabulary impacts
how they interpret spoken material.
At SMA N 2 SUNGAI RUMBAI, researchers studied the problems
students experienced when learning English. The researcher found two
massive problems. First, students lack encouragement and have little interest
in listening material. Especially in English that hinders their ability to learn
because they are not motivated to learn English. Second, English teachers
need to find appropriate strategies and ways to encourage students to acquire
language, especially listening skills, to solve this problem. According to
Richards and Rodgers (1987:4) That teachers must provide varieties of drills
and tasks to keep learner's motivation.
In that case, a solution to the students problem is necessary. Since
hearing deals with sound, and the audiolingual method aids problem-solving,
the students require a great teaching tool while examining the identified issue.
Freeman (2000:39) states that the audiolingual method focuses on the
repetition of some words to memorize. According to Richards (2001:54-55)
Audio Lingual Method is first introduced in the United States of America
(USA) in the 1940s. Moreover, the method applied by emphasizing audio-
lingual skills over reading and writing that was characterized by extensive use
of pattern practice. Theoretically, Audio-Lingual Method also known as
Aural-Oral Method was a method of foreign or second language teaching
which (a) emphasize the teaching of speaking and listening before reading
and writing, (b) uses dialogues and drills, and (c) discourages the use of the
mother tongue in the classroom (Richards, 1985:21).
Through conversations that emphasize students habit-building, the
Audio-Lingual method teaches language to students. Its goal is to help pupils
improve their communication skills through discussion. Students are taught
habits that will help them build rapid and automatic reactions through
dialogue and pattern drills that they must repeat.
In support of the authors the research, the research conducted by the
current research is line with the three previous studies ; The study, titled "The
Influence of the Audio-Lingual Method and Emotional Quotient Towards Listening
Ability of the Eighth Grade Students of State Junior High School 4 Lubuklinggau
2017," aimed to investigate the effect of the audio-lingual method and emotional
quotient on the listening ability of eighth-grade students. The study was conducted
at State Junior High School 4 in Lubuklinggau, Indonesia, and involved 56 students
as the sample.
The second related study was conducted by (Rutlina Elfeliani
Sihombing et al., 2022) with the title “ Using Audio-Lingual-Method to
Overcome Student’s Listening Problem In Senior High School Kartika
Pematangsianta”. She said the result of the researchers there are 4 of the
easiest and the most effective techniques for teachers to implement in the
classroom that makes it easier for students to listen and also can solve
problem. Practice Questions and Answers Students must answer or ask
questions Using the Audio-lingual Method. The similarity of previous
research with this research is that the use of English learning activities
through the use of the Audio Lingual Method can improve students' listening
The third related study was conducted by (Meti sri astute et al.,2016)
with the title “Improving listening comprehension skills of the second year
students through audio-lingual method”. She said the result of The researcher
draws the following conclusion: The second-year students at Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Negeri Taipa can significantly improve their listening
comprehension abilities using the audio-lingual method. This approach
generates a dynamic classroom atmosphere that helps children learn to listen
actively. The similarity of previous research with this research is that the use
of the audio-lingual method as a medium to improve students' listening skills.
while the difference
Based on the background above, the research decided to conducted
research on listening by title “ Effect of using audio-lingual methods on
students listening ability at SMA 2 Sungai Rumbai”.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, there are some problems
were found in listening activity. There are several factors can affect the
students in reading. They are as follows :
1. The students lose interest in English lessons and become disinterested
in the classroom.
2. The teacher often employed traditional methods to present the
information during class.
3. Due to a lack of vocabulary, pupils have trouble understanding
listening content.
C. Limitation of the study
Based on the identification above, this study is limited to a problem of
the students’ difficulties in listening. The use of the audio-lingual Method in
teaching listening to see the effect of the audio-lingual Method on the
students' listening skills is the focus of this study. It is hoped that this method
will help them to improve their listening skills, especially in class XI students
of SMAN 2 Sungai Rumbai in the academic year 2022/2023.
D. Formulation of the problem
Based on the limitation has been explained above, the formulation of
the problem can be formulated into a question “ Is there a significant effect on
students listening skill in use Audio-lingual Method at experimental class
eleventh grade students of SMA 2 Sungai Rumbai?”
E. Purpose of the Research
The purpose of this is to find out the effect of Audio-lingual method
to improve listening ability at eleventh grade of SMA 2 Sungai Rumbai
academic year 2022/2023 in experimental class.
F. Significance of the Research
There are some significance of this research that is expected to be
useful for the teacher and the students theoretically and practically.
Theoretically :
a. For the Research
This study adds new information, experience, and input to provide
a quantitative picture of the effect of the Audio-lingual Method to
improve the listening abilities of SMAN 2 Sungai Rumbai
students in the 11th grade. Future research can use similar topics
by looking for gaps from previous research that can develop
b. For the Reader
For readers as a reference in conducting research continue and
improve students' listening skills using the audio-lingual method.
In addition, it can also provide motivation and an overview
general to the reader in determining the research topic.
Practically :
a. For teachers
1. Using the audio-lingual technique as a learning medium to
create more creative learning with the listening skill learning
2. It can be used as information for teachers to consider when
choosing learning resources that suit students' interests and stay
pace with the times.
3. Possess new information and inspiring ideas to use the Audio-
lingual Method in learning in high schools.

b. for the students

1. Stimulating students to be more active and motivated in
2. Add learning resources not only from books and teachers.
b. For students:
1. Stimulating students to be more active and motivated in
2. Add learning resources not only from books and teachers.

c. For an Educational institution:

1. Improving the quality of education by using the Audio lingual
method as a learning medium to improve listening skills for senior
high school students.
2. Contributing positive to the development of education in
institutions and schools to create a pleasant learning environment
in high schools.



Graham D. Bodie1† & Nathan Crick2†. (n.d.). Listening, Hearing, Sensing: Three Modes
of Being and the Phenomenology of Charles Sanders Peirce.


Literature Review

1. Definition of listening
Listening is the process of receiving, interpreting, and responding to
auditory stimuli, including spoken words, sounds, and other types of
audio signals. It is a complex skill that involves paying attention,
understanding, and processing information conveyed through speech or
other sounds. According to Elsavana (2013:136) state that listening is
much sensed more complicated due to its interrelated skill with receiving,
understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding. Effective
listening requires not only hearing the words being spoken but also
understanding the meaning behind them, as well as the nonverbal.
(Syahri, Tahrun, & Pratiwi, 2017)s that accompany them, such as tone of
voice, facial expressions, and body language. Active listening involves
giving one's full attention to the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and
providing feedback to demonstrate understanding. Good listening skills
are essential for effective communication and building strong
relationships in both personal and professional settings.
(Indawan Syahri1, 2017)
Listening is the conscious processing of auditory stimuli that have
been heard. Language is received through the ears while someone is
listening. The act of listening entails recognizing speech sounds and
turning them into words and sentences. During listening, humans use their
ears to pick up specific sounds like letters, stresses, rhythms, and pauses,
and then they use their brains to translate these sounds into messages that
have meaning for them.
Listening and hearing are different, the two terms hearing and
listening are sometimes used interchangeably, but they have some key
distinctions. (Stephen Lucas 1998:5) say that listening doesn’t mean we
don’t hear and they come to explain the process of hearing to be a
physiological one arguing that "It involves the vibration of sound waves
on our eardrums and the firing of electro-chemical impulses from the
inner ear to the central auditory system of the brain, but listening involves
paying close attention to and making sense of what we hear.

Teach listening strategies.

However, in considering listening, it is useful to note the items Rost

(2002:155) identifies as strategies that are used by successful listeners
1. Predicting: Effective listeners think about what they will hear. This
fits into the ideas about pre listening mentioned earlier.
2. Inferring: It is useful for learners to “listen between the lines.”
3. Monitoring: Good listeners notice what they do and don ’t understand
4. Clarifying: Efficient learners ask questions (What does….mean? You
mean__ ?) and give feedback [I don’t understand yet) to the speaker.
Responding: Learners react to what they hear.(Nunan, 2003)
5. Evaluating: They check on how well they have understood.

The Process Of Listening

Listening is the process of paying close attention to someone

or something in order to understand, learn, or appreciate it better. It
involves actively engaging with the speaker or the thing being listened
to, and making an effort to comprehend the message being conveyed
Any learning cannot start if the information is not understood at the
proper level Since the early 1980s, two perspectives on hearing have
dominated language teaching. They are top down interpretation
perspective and bottom up processing view. By definition, listening to
monologues whether live or through the media is not reciprocal. In
reality, there are several listening processes that go through five steps.
They are hearing, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and
responding (Bebita tyagi 2013:2).
1. Hearing
Hearing is the physical reaction that occurs when sound waves stimulate
the sensory receptors in the ear. Hearing is the experience of sound
waves. You must hear to listen, but you do not need to listen to hear (the
perception necessary for listening depends on attention). one crucial need
for efficient hearing is attention, which is the selective perception of
stimuli that the brain allows coming into focus.
2. Understanding
This step enables us to comprehend symbols we have seen and heard.
To do this, we must review the meaning of the stimuli we have
experienced. Symbolic stimuli include words as well as sounds and
visual cues like applause and blue uniforms. The meaning we attribute
to these stimuli depends on our prior associations and the context in
which they appear.
3. Remembering
Remembering is a crucial part of the listening process since it shows
that a person not only heard and understood a message but also stored
it in their memory. Our memory is selective when we listen, and what
we recall could be drastically different from what we initially saw or
4. Evaluating
At this level of listening, only attentive listeners take part. The effective
listener makes sure not to start this activity too soon because doing so
requires us to stop hearing and paying attention to the incoming message,
which ends the listening process. At this point, the active listener weighs
the evidence, separates fact from opinion, and determines whether or not
bias or prejudice is present in a message.
5. Responding
As the speaker has no other means of knowing if a message was
accepted, this step necessitates that the receiver completes the process
by verbal and nonverbal reply.(Babita Tyagi, 2013)

From all these four processes, it is clear that hearing involves a series of
procedures, and that the process of transmitting the real meaning—which is
encoded through sounds—is also described. Each of them demonstrates how
they should be used. Also, the responding stage plays a crucial part in
determining whether or not the listeners understand what the speaker is trying
to say.

The Importance of Listening

B. Audio-Lingual Method
A. Defenition of audio-lingual method

The audio-lingual method is a technique that stresses word repetition to aid

students in using the target language in a way that is simple to grasp. Word repetition
serves the same function as breaking up a sentence into many words to break up
sentences into manageable pieces. According to Mei (2018) Audio Lingual Method
is an oral based approach to drills students in the use of grammatical, sentence
patterns. A foreign language teaching strategy known as the audio-lingual technique
emphasizes the importance of teaching speaking and listening skills before reading
and writing.

The audio-lingual method presents information through dialogue and

primarily trains students through language exercises. Mother tongue is not
encouraged in class while using this method. Accurate pronunciation and grammar
are developed or practiced using this strategy. With this approach, the instructor
actively manages and guides the whole curriculum. The instructor will keep an eye
on and correct students' work while giving them an excellent role model to follow.

The basis of the audio-lingual method is perfect for language acquisition,

especially for listening ability since it moulds students into natural speakers. Using
this approach, the students participate in the phase of acquisition and learning where
they identify phonological and structural elements. In this example, reinforcement
takes over a learner's habit after they have learned and are given certain actions.
Between stimulus, reaction, and behaviour lies reinforcement.

Principles Audio-Lingual Method(教學組:張哲銘、饒崇祐、林芝筠、么佩伶

& 鄧桂薰老師, n.d.)

The basic principles of the Audio-lingual Method can be listed as


1. The native language and the target language have separate linguistic
systems. They should be kept apart so that the students’ native
language interferes as little as possible with the students’ attempts to
acquire the target language.
2. One of the language teacher’s major roles is that of a model of the
target language. Teachers should provide students with a good model.
By listening to how it is supposed to sound, students should be able to
mimic the model.
3. Language learning is a means of developing habits. When something
is repeated frequently, it becomes a habit and learning increase
4. Ensuring that students don't make mistakes is crucial. Bad habits
develop as a result of errors. The teacher should correct any mistakes
that do happen right away.
5. The purpose of language learning is to learn how to use the language
to communicate.
6. Particular parts of speech occupy particular “slots” in sentences. In
order to create new sentences, students must learn which part of
speech occupy which slot.
7. Positive reinforcement helps the students to develop correct habits.
8. Each language has a finite number of patterns. Pattern practice helps
students to form habits which enable the students to use the patterns.
9. Students should Over learn. learn to answer automatically without
stopping to think.
10. The learning of a foreign language should be the same as the
acquisition of the native language. The rules necessary to use the
target language will be figured out or induced from examples.
11. The major challenge of foreign language teaching is getting students
to overcome the habits of their native language. A comparison
between the native and target language will tell the teacher in what
areas her students will probably experience difficulty.
12. Speech is more basic to language than the written form. The ‘natural
order’ – the order children follow when learning their native language
– of skill acquisition is: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
13. Language cannot be separated from culture. One of the teacher’s
responsibilities is to present information about that culture.


The characteristics of ALM (Audio-lingual Method) may be summed up in
following list (Prator & Celce Murcia cited in Triwahyuni (2018):
1.New material is presented in dialogue form.
2. There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrase, and over learning.
3. Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at a time.
4.Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills.
5.There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is taught by inductive
rather than by deductive explanation.
6.Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context.
7.There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids.
8. Great importance is attached to pronunciation.
9.Very little use of the mother tongue by teacher is permitted.
10. Successful responses are immediately reinforced.
11. There is a great effort to get students to
produce error-free utterances.
12. There is a tendency to manipulate language and disregard content.
The Technique of Audio Lingual Method
Drilling is a technique that consists of the repetition of oral patterns and
structures ( Kartikasari & Salam, 2015). In approaches based on a Behaviourist view
of learning, such as Audiolingualism, drills are considered a key element in the
learning process. In this approach, drills are used to foster the formation of positive
habits and focus mainly on the presentation and practice of grammatical structures.
(1) Repetition Drill, this drill is the simplest drill used in learning language patterns.
It is used at the very beginning of language class. Language learners merely repeat
what the teacher says or the tape recorder produces. Example: (1) Teacher : I study in
the morning (2) Students : I study in the morning (3) Teacher : I study in the
afternoon(4) Students : I study in the afternoon. (2) Substitutions Drill, language
learners are required to replace one word with another. They may replace a word of
the model sentence with a pronoun, number, or gander and make some the necessary
Using Audio-Lingual Method in Teaching Listening Skill

The audio-lingual approach to listening emphasizes first listening to

pronunciation and grammatical forms and then imitating those forms by way of drills
and exercises. In describing the audio-lingual approach, Richards and Rogers
(2001:58) say that “the teaching of listening comprehension, pronunciation, grammar
and vocabulary are all related to development of aural fluency.”

Dialogues and drills are the basis of classroom practice with this approach.
Students are encouraged to listen carefully either to a taped recording of, or a teacher
reading out, a dialogue or drill. They then record their own version or respond to cues
from the teacher to repeat parts of the dialogue or drill. The idea behind such a
technique is that it helps the learner to create good habits. It is based on the idea of
contrastive analysis, in which the material writer attempts to minimize interference
from the students’ L1.(John, 2005)

(Indawan Syahri1, 2017)

B. Relevant Research

The study, titled "The Influence of the Audio-Lingual Method and Emotional
Quotient Towards Listening Ability of the Eighth Grade Students of State Junior
High School 4 Lubuklinggau 2017," aimed to investigate the effect of the audio-
lingual method and emotional quotient on the listening ability of eighth-grade
students. The study was conducted at State Junior High School 4 in Lubuklinggau,
Indonesia, and involved 56 students as the sample.

The study used a quasi-experimental design with two experimental groups and a
control group. The experimental groups were taught using the audio-lingual method
with the addition of emotional quotient instruction, while the control group was
taught using the conventional method. The study used a pre-test and post-test design
to measure the listening ability of the students.

The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in the listening
abilities of the experimental and the control group. The experimental groups showed
a higher improvement in their listening ability compared to the control group. The
study also found that emotional quotient had a significant effect on the listening
abilities of the students.

conclusion, the study suggests that the audio-lingual method combined with
emotional quotient instruction can be an effective approach to improving the
listening ability of students. The study highlights the importance of considering
emotional quotient as a factor in language teaching, as it can significantly impact the
success of language learning.

The study conducted by Rutlina Elfeliani Sihombing et al. (2022) aimed to

investigate the effectiveness of the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) in overcoming
senior high school students' listening problems in Kartika Pematangsianta. The
researchers used a pre-test and post-test design to measure the students' listening
skills before and after the intervention. The experimental group received the ALM
treatment, while the control group received the conventional method. The results
showed that the experimental group had a significant improvement in their listening
skills compared to the control group.

The sample of the study was 60 students, with 30 students in the experimental group
and 30 students in the control group. The experimental group was taught using the
ALM approach, while the control group was taught using the conventional method.
The data were collected through a listening test and analyzed using a t-test. The
findings of the study showed that the use of the ALM approach significantly
improved students' listening skills. The mean score of the experimental group
increased from 62.17 in the pre-test to 78.33 in the post-test, while the mean score of
the control group increased from 64.67 in the pre-test to 69.67 in the post-test. The t-
test results also showed a significant difference in the post-test scores between the
two groups, with a p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05).

The Similarities between this study and my study is that the researcher's the purpose
of the research, both groups of students were part of the same study, which aimed to
investigate the effectiveness of the ALM in improving students' listening skills. After
that the researchers used the same pre-test and post-test design to measure the
students' listening skills before and after the intervention.The distinction between this
study and my study is that the researcher's

Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that the use of the ALM approach is
effective in improving students' listening skills. Therefore, it is recommended for
English language teachers to use the ALM approach in teaching listening skills to
overcome students' listening problems.

The third, The study conducted by Meti Sri Astuti in 2016 aimed to investigate the
effectiveness of the audio-lingual method in improving the listening comprehension
skills of second-year students. The research employed a quasi-experimental design
with a pre-test and post-test control group.
The sample consisted of 60 second-year students who were randomly assigned to the
experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received
instruction through the audio-lingual method, which involved listening to audio
recordings and practicing repeating the sounds and phrases. The control group
received instruction through the conventional method, which involved listening to
lectures and taking notes.

The study found that the audio-lingual method was effective in improving the
listening comprehension skills of the second-year students. The experimental group
outperformed the control group on the post-test, indicating that the audio-lingual
method was more effective in improving listening comprehension skills than the
conventional method.

The study also found that the audio-lingual method was more effective for low-
achieving students than for high-achieving students. This suggests that the audio-
lingual method may be a suitable approach for students who struggle with listening

Overall, the study provides evidence to support the effectiveness of the audio-lingual
method in improving listening comprehension skills among second-year students.
Teachers may consider using this approach to improve their students' listening skills,
particularly those who struggle with comprehension.

C. Thinking Framework

1. What is the audio-lingual method? The audio lingual-method is an approach

to language learning that emphasizes the repetition of dialogues and drills in
order to develop a learner's ability to use language automatically, without
conscious thought.
2. How does the audio-lingual method help improve listening skills? The audio
lingual method focuses on listening and repeating language patterns, which
can help learners develop their ability to recognize and process sounds in the
target language. By practicing listening and repeating in a controlled
environment, learners can improve their ability to understand spoken
language and respond appropriately.
3. What are the potential drawbacks of the audio lingual method for listening
skill development? One potential drawback of the audio lingual method is
that it can be overly focused on memorization and repetition, rather than on
developing learners' ability to understand and use language in a more natural
way. Additionally, some learners may find the drills and repetitive nature of
the method to be tedious or demotivating.
4. How can the audio lingual method be used effectively for listening skill
development? To use the audio lingual method effectively for listening skill
development, it is important to balance repetition and drill work with other
activities that encourage learners to engage with and use the language in a
more natural way. For example, incorporating authentic listening materials
such as songs or podcasts, or using role plays and simulations can help
learners develop their listening skills in a more engaging and meaningful
5. What are some best practices for incorporating the audio lingual method into
listening skill development? Some best practices for incorporating the audio
lingual method into listening skill development include:

 Using a variety of drills and exercises to keep learners engaged and motivated
 Incorporating authentic listening materials to provide context and relevance to
the language being practiced
 Encouraging learners to interact with each other in the target language,
through activities such as pair or group work
 Providing feedback and correction to help learners improve their accuracy
and fluency in listening and speaking.

D. Research Hypothesis
Based on the study's theory and objective, it can be concluded that the
using the audio-lingual method as a teaching approach in English as a
second language (ESL) classrooms will lead to a significant improvement
in students' listening skills, as measured by pre- and post-test scores on a
standardized listening comprehension assessment.
Babita Tyagi. (2013). Listening : An Important Skill and Its Various Aspects. Listening :
An Important Skill and Its Various Aspects, 12, 1–8. www.the-criterion.com
[email protected]

Indawan Syahri1, T. Q. P. (2017). ELTE JOURNAL September, 2017 46 THE

(2), 1–11.

John, F. and L. M. (2005). (2005). Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice
(Flowerdew john and Lindsay Miller, Ed.). Cambridge University Press., 2005.

Nunan, David. (2003). Practical English language teaching. McGraw-Hill/Contemporary.

教學組:張哲銘、饒崇祐、林芝筠、么佩伶理論組:邱宜政、劉佳宜、吳旻姍, &
鄧桂薰老師修改 : (n.d.). The Audio-Lingual Method 聽說教學法.

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