SMB/7534/SBP: TC 114 United Kingdom 2021-12

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TC 114 United Kingdom 2021-12

Please ensure this form is annexed to the Report to the Standardization Management Board if it has been
prepared during a meeting, or sent to the Central Office promptly after its contents have been agreed by the


Are there any new or emerging trends in technology that will impact the scope and work activities of the TC?
Please describe briefly.

Do you need to update your scope to reflect new and emerging technologies? If yes, will these changes
impact another TC’s scope or work activities?

If yes, describe how these will impact another TC(s) and list the TC(s) it would impact

TC114: Marine Energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters,
TC114 was established by the IEC in 2007 and the inaugural plenary was held in Ottawa, Canada in May
2008. Since then, TC114 plenaries have been held in Seoul, Republic of Korea (2009), Edinburgh, Scotland
(2010), Boston, USA (2011), Oslo, Norway (2012), Tokyo, Japan (2013), Vancouver, Canada (2014), Dublin,
Ireland (2015), Guangzhou, China (2016), Madrid, Spain (2017), Seattle, USA (2018), and Delft,
Netherlands (2019). Due to safety considerations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 TC114
plenary originally scheduled to take place in Singapore was cancelled and in 2021 the TC114 plenary was
held “virtually” during a four-day series of Zoom meetings.
The scope of TC114 was established at the 2008 plenary and modified in 2015. An updated TC114 scope is
provided below:
To prepare international standards for marine energy conversion systems. The primary focus will be on
conversion of wave, tidal and other water current energy into electrical energy, although other conversion
methods, systems and products are included.
Tidal barrage and dam installations, as covered by TC4, are excluded.
The standards produced by TC 114 will address:
• terminology
• management plans for technology and project development
• performance measurements of marine energy converters
• resource assessments
• design and safety including reliability and survivability
• deployment, commissioning, operation, maintenance, retrieval and decommissioning
• electrical interfaces, including array integration and/or grid integration
• laboratory testing, manufacturing and factory acceptance
• additional measurement methodologies and processes as required

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Describe the management structure of the TC (use of an organizational chart is acceptable) (should be
integrated by CO automatically) and, if relevant (for example an unusual structure is used), provide the
rationale as to why this structure is used.

Note: Check if the information on the IEC website is complete.

When was the last time the TC reviewed its management structure? Describe any changes made. When
does the TC intend to review its current management structure? In the future, will the TC change the current
structure, for example due to new and emerging technologies, product withdrawal, change in regulations etc.
Please describe.

Make sure the overview includes:

• any joint working groups with other committees,
• any special groups like advisory groups, editing groups, etc.

TC114 is comprised of Project Teams (“PT”), Maintenance Teams (“MT”) and ad-Hoc Groups (“ahG”). In
2020, the TC114 Chair established two Advisory Groups (“AG”) to better coordinate the work of the PTs,
MTs and ahGs (“AG1”) and to align content of TC114 publications (“AG2”) with IEC publication standards.

As of October 15, 2021, the following countries were either participating (P) countries or observing (O)

Participating (“P”) Countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Iran, Ireland,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Observing (“O”) Countries: Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian
Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Ukraine


As of October 15, 2021, the following TC114 publications have been issued:

IEC/TS 62600-1:2020 Edition 2.0 (2020-06-16)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 1: Vocabulary

IEC/TS 62600-2:2019 Edition 2.0 (2019-10-18)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 2: Design requirements for marine
energy converters

IEC/TS 62600-3:2020 Edition 1.0 (2020-05-14)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 3: Measurement of mechanical loads

IEC/TS 62600-4:2020 Edition 1.0 (2020-09-22)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 4: Specification for establishing
qualification of new technology.

IEC/TS 62600-10:2015 Edition 1.0 (2015-03-27)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 10: Assessment of mooring system
for marine energy converters (MECs)

IEC/TS 62600-20:2019 Edition 1.0 (2019-06-18)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 20: Design and analysis of an Ocean
Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant - General guidance

IEC TS 62600-30:2018 Edition 1.0 (2018-08-29)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 30: Electrical power quality

IEC/TS 62600-40:2019 Edition 1.0 (2019-06-18)

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 40: Acoustic characterization of
marine energy converters

IEC/TS 62600-100:2012 Edition 1.0 (2012-08-30)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy

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converters - Power performance assessment.
IEC/TS 62600-100:2012/COR1:2017 Edition 1.0 (2017-04-11)
Corrigendum 1 - Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 100: Electricity
producing wave energy converters - Power performance assessment.

IEC/TS 62600-101:2015 Edition 1.0 (2015-06-05)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 101: Wave energy resource
assessment and characterization

IEC/TS 62600-102:2016 Edition 1.0 (2016-08-09)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 102: Wave energy converter power
performance assessment at a second location using measured assessment data.

IEC/TS 62600-103:2018 Edition 1.0 (2018-07-19)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 103: Guidelines for the early-stage
development of wave energy converters - best practices and recommended procedures for the testing of
pre-prototype devices

IEC/TS 62600-200:2013 Edition 1.0 (2013-05-07)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 200: Electricity producing tidal energy
converters - Power performance assessment.

IEC/TS 62600-201:2015 Edition 1.0 (2015-04-09)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 201: Tidal energy resource
assessment and characterization

IEC/TS 62600-300:2019 Edition 1.0 (2019-09-12)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 300: Electricity producing river energy
converters - Power performance assessment.

IEC/TS 62600-301:2015 Edition 1.0 (2019-09-12)

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 301: River energy resource
As of October 15, 2021, TC114 has established official liaisons with the following organizations:
IEC: TC4 (Hydraulic Turbines); TC8 (Systems aspects of electrical energy supply); TC8/SC8A (Grid
Integration of Renewable Energy Generation); TC8/SC8B (Decentralized Electrical Energy Systems); TC 56
(Dependability); TC82 (Solar photovoltaic energy systems); TC88 (Wind energy generation systems); IEC
System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Renewable Energy Applications
ISO/IEC: JTC1/SC 41 (Internet of Things and Digital Twin)
ISO: TC43/SC 3 (Underwater Acoustics); TC 108/SC 5 (Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines)
International Energy Agency (IEA) – Ocean Energy Systems (OES): Annex 1-5
International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)


Provide the rationale for the market relevance of the future standards being produced in the TC.

If readily available, provide an indication of global or regional sales of products or services related to the
TC/SC work and state the source of the data.

Specify if standards will be significantly effective for assessing regulatory compliance.

For countries involved in the marine energy sector, investments have continued over the past several years
but at varying rates according to changes in economic conditions, regulation and government policies. While
some countries have imposed government funding cuts because of reductions or eliminations of subsidies
and tax credits, others have implemented consistent budget increases and policy changes aimed at reducing
costs associated with prototype testing and regulatory compliance. As a result, Marine Energy (“ME”)
technologies have continued to progress towards commercialization however they face competition from
continuing reductions in costs and growing acceptance of wind and solar technologies.

Tidal, current and river energy converter technologies have continued to mature and converge towards a
smaller set of technological configurations and several pilot-scale and full-scale commercial deployments

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have taken place. Wave energy research and development is continuing to address a range of engineering
and technology challenges with efforts focused on refining system and component designs and testing
initiatives that yield cost reductions and increased operational reliability. There have been few commercial
wave energy converter (“WEC”) deployments and convergence towards a dominant WEC type has not
occurred. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (“OTEC”) technologies have progressed, but significant
engineering and cost-related challenges remain.

The growing contribution of marine energy to the global energy mix continues to be a significant opportunity.
Many nations are seeking alternatives to fossil fuel and nuclear power and climate change concerns have
stimulated closer investigation of marine energy. However, while there may be exceptions to the rule, the
overall cost of energy, often referred to as the Levelized Cost of Energy (“LCOE”), is a key driver of
investment decisions and therefore reductions in capital costs and life-cycle operational costs will continue
to be the primary focus of industry research and development efforts. An increase in the number of
deployments has helped build operational experience and further inform design requirements. The marine
energy industry is conducting tests of an increasing number of reduced-scale prototypes in tanks and
sheltered sea areas as well as full-scale devices in open sea and in-stream river sites. With such additional
experience and sharing of lessons learned, marine energy is steadily evolving and is approaching cost
competitiveness in several commercial applications


Provide a list of likely customers of the standards (suppliers, specifiers, testing bodies, regulators, installers,
other TC/SC’s etc.). Do not specify company names, only categories of customers.

Customers for TC114 technical specifications and standards are as follows: industry (product and project
developers), manufacturers, utilities, investors, insurers, national and local government bodies, test
laboratories, certification bodies and regulators. The development of the IECRE Conformity Assessment
System for renewable energies (wind, solar PV and marine) entitled “IEC System for Certification to
Standards Relating to Equipment for use in Renewable Energy Applications” is proceeding and giving rise to
growing demand for published technical specifications and, eventually, standards. Feedback from standards
users, National Committees and the IECRE Marine Energy Sector Working Group (“ME-SWG”) will generate
additional demand for standards, operational documents, and clarification sheets.

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☐ GOAL 1: No Poverty ☐ GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
☐ GOAL 2: Zero Hunger ☒ GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
☒ GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being ☒ GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
☐ GOAL 4: Quality Education ☒ GOAL 13: Climate Action
☐ GOAL 5: Gender Equality ☒ GOAL 14: Life Below Water
☒ GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation ☐ GOAL 15: Life on Land
☒ GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy ☐ GOAL 16: Peace, Justice Strong Institutions
☒ GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth ☒ GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goals
☒ GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Goal 3: INDIRECT – adoption of clean energy technologies, including marine energy converters, can
contribute to good health and well-being.
Goal 6: INDIRECT – while the work of TC 114 focuses on electricity generation, marine energy converters
are used in direct desalination and are well suited to produce clean water.
Goal 7: DIRECT – the work of TC 114 directly supports clean energy generation globally.
Goal 8: INDIRECT – clean energy offers significant opportunity for economic improvement; there is
significant potential for workforce development in marine energy.
Goal 9: DIRECT – the work of TC 114, including IEC/TS 62600-4 on Technology Qualification, directly
supports innovation.
Goal 11: INDIRECT – the work of TC 114 compliments the work of IEC SyC Smart Cities; Marine energy can
contribute to sustainable cities and communities, particularly in remote communities.
Goal 12: INDIRECT – the members of TC 114 follow developments in circular economy considerations; The
marine energy industry is considering recyclable materials; TC 114 has a representative on the IEC ACEA.
Goal 13: DIRECT – Clean energy generated by marine sources directly supports climate action.
Goal 14: DIRECT – The work of TC 114, including IEC/TS 62600-40 on Acoustics, directly supports
consideration for life below water.
Goal 17: DIRECT – TC 114 has liaisons with the IEA-OES, ITTC, IECRE and ISO among others; TC 114
members are involved with the IEC ACEA, UNECE GERE among others.

• Singapore’s marine industries are turning towards marine renewables towards regional supply chain.
• The government has called for adoption of renewables in recent grant calls to reduce carbon footprint
through marine renewables.
• Singapore along with southeast Asian countries are adoption blue economy framework where new
industries like aquaculture and seawater desalination are promoted as part of its food self-sufficiency
program of Singapore food agency (SFA) which needs clean energy and thereby looks into the marine
renewables adoption with keen interest.
• The Spanish government has been making considerable efforts in the right direction to reach the
Ecological Transition 2030 and the Climate Neutrality 2050, aligned with the European Directives and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). So that government has decided to consider marine energies, the
so-called "Blue Energy” by the European Commission, as one of the levers for energy transformation at
national, European and global level, as well as an industrial, economic and social opportunity for our
country. All of this, in a coherent and compatible way with the protection of environmental values and
connected to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (7. Affordable and Clean Energy; 9. Industry,
Innovation and Infrastructure; 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities; 13. Climate Action).
• The Spanish Marine Industry, through APPA Marina, is taking part directly in the public consultation
opened by the Government to collect the proposals of the entities potentially involved in the value chain of
marine renewable energies.
• The United States Department of Energy Waves to Water Prize “seeks innovators to design water
desalination systems powered by marine renewable energy”.

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The IEA-OES Task 14 Ocean Energy Jobs Creation: Methodological Study and First Global Assessment
“aims at delivering a validated methodology for job assessment in the ocean energy sector and building up
from the existing know-how developed on other renewable energies and other maritime sectors. “


If any, indicate the current or expected trends in the technology or in the market covered by the products of
your TC/SC.

Testing of individual devices at both full and reduced scales remains the primary focus of industry activity.
Improvements in modelling tools, instrumentation, and data analysis techniques (among others) has yielded
improved research, development, and deployment outcomes. Significant advances have been made in
controls, materials, environmental effects measurement and analysis and stakeholder outreach/education.
New methods for evaluating risk and measuring costs have helped the marine energy industry gain
credibility with the investment community and continued efforts to assess global marine energy resources
has spurred renewed awareness and interest in its potential.

A significant number of demonstration projects involving single ME devices has occurred and deployment
and testing of arrays is the next major step. Issues specific to the deployment and testing of arrays may
stimulate the need for new standards.

Test facilities are being established in more locations around the world which will increase the need to
coordinate the ways in which testing is conducted and reported. In response, the IECRE Marine Energy
Sector Working Group has several initiatives underway to incentivize test laboratories and certification
bodies to adopt and use IEC standards. Several nations are developing centers of excellence and research
consortia to complement their test facilities Additional applications and market opportunities for marine
renewable energy are being explored as wind and solar PV technologies continue to be more competitive on
a cost per kWh basis. Applications where marine renewable energy may find profitable commercial
opportunities include, a) supplying power for islands and remote communities, b) producing hydrogen for
energy storage or as an alternative transportation fuel, c) recharging autonomous underwater vehicles and
ocean sensing and communications systems; d) providing power to offshore aquaculture farms, and e)
supplying power to desalination systems that convert seawater into fresh water. New standards may be
needed to ensure that marine energy technologies can be integrated into smart grids and thereby address
many of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals and contribute meaningfully to the
development of the circular economy.

The rapidly growing floating offshore wind and PV sectors will create multiple opportunities for productive
collaborations with the marine energy sector and the ME-SWG’s efforts to establish stakeholder groups will
provide incentives for various end-user groups, e.g., manufacturers, insurers and financiers, to actively
participate in the advancement of the marine energy industry.

The lack of infrastructure necessary to connect ME systems to electrical grids may be a limiting factor to ME
growth but may, at the same time, represent a commercial opportunity to serve remote and off-grid
communities and enterprises. A growing trend towards locating energy generation assets much closer to
sources of energy demand may spur growth of the ME industry because a great percentage of the world’s
population – over 50% by some estimates - lives within 50 km of a coastline.

Questions around the effects of marine energy devices on the environment are beginning to be definitively
answered and research results are becoming more widely available. The skills, techniques and equipment
needed for accurate environmental monitoring are steadily improving and the evidence to date is that there
are negligible environment effects associated with the deployment and operation of single devices or a small
number of separate single devices deployed in certain areas. Additional studies are on-going at sites where
arrays are deployed and TC114 may consider developing standardized measurement methodologies for
relevant physical and operational parameters of marine energy devices to support these studies.

Adoption of best practices and available tools aimed at maximizing sustainability must remain at
the heart of marine energy projects and standardisation of approaches to environmental
monitoring is needed to ensure consistency on an international basis. However, it is accepted that
any detailed international guide to environmental impact assessment is problematic due to the
varying legal and regulatory regimes that different countries may have. Significant dialogue among
member countries must continue to harmonise approaches to sustainable development to the
greatest degree possible.

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Does your TC/SC have a need for a systems approach?

If so:
• Will the Systems work be in a single TC or in multiple TCs?
• Will a Standardization Evaluation Group (SEG), Systems Committee (SyC), or Systems Resource Group
be required?
• Is your TC/SC work of relevance to ISO?
• Is or are there fora or consortia working in parallel to IEC? Is there a chance to integrate this work in
your TC/SC?

This should not only be restricted to the customer/supplier relationships with other TC/SCs indicating types
of co-operation (e.g. liaisons, joint working groups) but be of a more generic nature.

The Technical Specifications which are under development and those which are being maintained may be
found on the home webpage for TC 114: The table below provides the TC 114 activities
in the context of Technical Areas and includes additional international activities that are, or may be, relevant

Technical Area Foreground TC114 Activity Background Knowledge & External Liaison
Terminology AG2: Publication alignment support -IEC/TC 1: Terminology [IEC 60050 (all parts)]
AG2: Moving 62600-1:2020 Edition
2.0 to the IEV
62600-1:2020 Edition 2.0

Electrical Interface ahG-10: Power quality -IEC/TC 8/SC 8A: Grid integration of renewable
62600-30:2018 Edition 1.0 energy generation
-IEC/TC 8/SC 8B: Decentralized electrical
energy systems
-IEC/TC 8/SC 8C: Network Management in
Interconnected Electric Power Systems
-IEC/TC 18: Electrical installations of ships and
of mobile and fixed offshore units
-IEC/TC 18/SC 18A: Electric cables for ships
and mobile and fixed offshore units
-IEC/TC 20: Electric cables [IEC 63026]
-IEC/TC 22: Power electronic systems and
-IEC/TC 82: Solar photovoltaic energy systems
[IEC 61727]
-IEC/TC 88: Wind energy generation systems
[IEC 61400-21-1, IEC 61400-21-3, IEC 61400-
24, IEC 61400-27-1]

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Marine Structures, MT-2: Design -IEC/TC 37/SC 37A: Low-voltage surge
Moorings and 62600-2:2019 Edition 2.0 protection [IEC 61643-11]
Foundations -IEC/TC 56: Dependability [IEC 60812]
MT-10: Moorings -IEC/TC 81: Lightning protection [IEC 62305-3]
62600-10:2015 Edition 1.0 -IEC/TC 88: Wind energy generation systems
[IEC 61400-1, IEC61400-3-1, IEC61400-3-2,
IEC 61400-6]
ahG-15: Measurement of -ISO/TC 8: Ships and marine technology [ISO
mechanical loads 29400]
62600-3:2020 Edition 1.0 -ISO/TC 61/SC 2: Mechanical behavior [ISO
ahG-14: OTEC -ISO/TC 61/SC 13: Composites and
62600-20:2019 Edition 1.0 reinforcement fibers [ISO 13003, ISO 14125,
ISO 14126, ISO 14129, ISO 14130, ISO
-ISO/TC 67/SC 6: Processing equipment and
systems [ISO 17776]
-ISO/TC 67/SC 7: Offshore structures
[ISO19900, ISO 19901 (all parts), ISO 19902,
ISO 19903, ISO19904]
-ISO/TC 98/SC 2: Reliability of structures [ISO
-ISO/TC 156: Corrosion of metals and alloys
[ISO 12473]
Renewable Energy MT-100: WEC power performance -IEC/TC 8/SC 8A:Grid integration of renewable
Production assessment energy generation
62600-100:2012 Edition 1.0 -IEC/TC 8/SC 8B: Decentralized electrical
62600-102:2016 Edition 1.0 energy systems
-IEC/TC 38: Instrument transformers [IEC
61869-2, 61869-3]
MT-200: Tidal power performance
-IEC/TC 77/SC 77A: EMC - Low frequency
assessment phenomena [IEC 61000-3 (all parts)
62600-200:2013 Edition 1.0 -IEC/TC 82: Solar photovoltaic energy systems
[IEC 61724-1, IEC 61724-2, IEC 61724-3, IEC
ahG-12: River power performance 61853-1, IEC 62253, IEC 62670-1, IEC 62670-
assessment 2, IEC 62670-3]
62600-300:2019 Edition 1.0 -IEC/TC 85: Measuring equipment for electrical
and electromagnetic quantities [IEC 60688]
ahG-14: OTEC -IEC TC 88: Wind energy generation systems
62600-20:2019 Edition 1.0 [IEC 61400-12-1, IEC 61400-12-2, IEC 61400-
Environmental MT-101: Wave resource -IEC/TC 4: Hydraulic turbines
assessment -IEC/TC 88: Wind energy generation systems
62600-101:2015 Edition 1.0 [IEC 61400-11, IEC 61400-14]
-ISO/TC 8: Ships and marine technology
MT-201: Tidal resource assessment -ISO/TC 43/SC 3: Underwater acoustics
-ISO/TC 67: Materials, equipment and offshore
62600-201:2015 Edition 1.0
structures for petroleum, petrochemical and
natural gas industries
ahG-13: River resource assessment -ICES
62600-301:2015 Edition 1.0 -IHO

ahG-11: Acoustic characterization of

marine energy converters
62600-40:2019 Edition 1.0

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Marine Testing ahG-15: Measurement of -IEC/TC 88: Wind energy generation systems
mechanical loads [IEC 61400-13, IEC 61400-23]
62600-3:2020 Edition 1.0 -ISO/TC 8: Ships and marine technology
-ISO/TC 67: Materials, equipment and offshore
MT-103: Scale testing of wave structures for petroleum, petrochemical and
natural gas industries
energy converters
62600-103:2018 Edition 1.0

PT-202: Scale testing of tidal energy

[no TS issued as yet]

Electro-Mechanical MT-2: Design -IEC/TC 4: Hydraulic turbines

Power Conversion 62600-30:2018 Edition 1.0 -IEC/TC 18: Electrical installations of ships and
Systems of mobile and fixed offshore units
ahG-15: Measurement of -IEC/TC 18/SC 18A: Electric cables for ships
mechanical loads and mobile and fixed offshore units
-IEC/TC 88: Wind energy generation systems
62600-3:2020 Edition 1.0
[IEC 61400-4, IEC 61400-5]
-ISO/TC 60: Gears
-ISO/TC 108/SC 5: Condition monitoring &
diagnostics of machines
-ISO/TC 131: Fluid power systems


With reference to Clause 33 of Part 2 of the ISO/IEC directives, are all you publications in line with the
requirements related to conformity assessment aspects?

Will the TC/SC publications be used for IEC Conformity Assessment Systems (IECEE, IECEx, IECQ,

Will any of your standards include test specifications, reproducible test requirements, and test methods?

Are there likely to be special conformity assessment requirements generated by any standards projects? If
yes, list which projects.

The technical specifications and standards developed by TC114 are used to support the work of the ME-
SWG of the IECRE System. Given that conformity assessment protocols are the primary determinant of the
pace at which marine energy technologies and projects become commercially viable, e.g., insurable and
bankable, it is critical that TC114 and the ME-SWG build and maintain communication channels through
which information can be exchanged. Accordingly, priority is given to the development and dissemination of
standards and technical specifications that are most urgently needed for certification purposes. The ME-
SWG and TC114 are actively collaborating to ensure these priorities are identified and considered for new
TS initiation.

In developing its roadmap for the creation of new standards, TC114 will actively monitor
approaches undertaken by related sectors such as the wind industry and will adapt them for
application to the marine energy sector. As practically possible, TC114 will establish formal
liaisons to facilitate this exchange.




TC114 intends to transition

existing 1 st Edition Technical
Specifications (TS) into 2 nd
Edition Technical Specifications
and 1 st Edition International
Standards (IS) over the next 3-5
TS Ed 1 transition to TS Ed 2 years. The resourcing of these
and IS Ed 1 tasks is considerable due to the 3 – 5 years
immaturity of the industry so

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there may be a need to
sequence work in a prioritized
manner. TC114 intends to
transition 62600-1:2020 Edition
2.0 (Terminology) to the IEV
within 1 – 3 years.

TC114 will make a concerted

effort to publish all existing and
in process Project Team
documents within 1-3 years.
During this time there will be a
need to balance the needs of the
industry and the need to support
developing certification
Publish PT documents requirements. 1 – 3 years

TC114 will request input from

standards’ priorities in addition
to those listed in Section H. This
input combined with the needs
of the industry will inform the
priority list of new standards for
Incorporate ME-SWG input development. 1 – 3 years

The SBP committee will carefully

review recommendations for new
work items in the next 12
months to assess the priorities
in Section H and reflect input
from the IECRE ME-SWG and

a. Assess how many new work

items can be supported as the
existing work is completed.

b. Coordinate with National

Committees to submit NWIPs
based on a revised priority list of
standards for development.
Review New Work Item Proposal
(“NWIP”) recommendations c. Submit 1-3 NWIPs 12 – 18 months

Establish ad hoc groups to

receive information from users
of published Technical
Specifications to quickly turn
around next editions or transition
Receive information on TSs to an IS. 0 – 5 years

Note: The progress on the actions should be reported in the RSMB.

The over-arching objective of TC114 is to support the development and implementation of marine energy
technologies and facilitate progress towards the realization of commercial-scale projects and applications.
During the next 3 to 5 years, TC114 will: (1) complete the TSs currently under development, (2) initiate Project
Teams to draft new TSs, (3) support Maintenance Teams and ad-Hoc Groups for several recently developed
Technical Specifications, and (4) collaborate with conformity assessment initiatives underway at the ME-SWG.
All four of the above are geared toward the ultimate completion of first edition International Standards.
TC-114 must address issues related to climate change and diversity as they may apply to the development
and maintenance of standards and certification protocols. Specifically, IEC Council Board has established a

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Task Force on Diversity and has created a Joint ISO/IEC Strategic Advisory Group on gender responsive
standards. Additionally, ISO Guide 84 developed by its Climate Change Coordinating Committee (“CCCC”)
shall, to the greatest extent possible, inform TC-114 PTs, MTs and ahGs with respect to climate change. Key
ISO notes about the CCCC include:
1) that the purpose of the CCCC is to support ISO groups in their coordination activities with the IEC and ITU-
T on the topic of Climate Change; and
2) (to promote) information sharing among ISO/IEC committees involved in standardization related to climate
The engagement of all stakeholder groups in standards-making activity, particularly technology developers, is
encouraged. Possible approaches to achieve this include assigning formal liaisons to funded projects that
provide feedback and inform present and future technical specifications and spur their transition to
International Standards. It is likely, however, that public funding mechanisms will be needed to formalize and
incentivise such collaborations. Member country delegations have been largely successful in collaborating with
their national government agencies to ensure that funded R&D efforts are conducted in concert with TC114
standards and technical specifications and, in turn, inform the further development of requirements therein.
The Technical Specifications under development and those being maintained may be found on the home
webpage of TC114 ( and are identified in Section F above. These TSs have been highlighted as
being fundamental to the early-stage development of marine energy converters and future TSs will be
undertaken as the needs of the marine energy sector evolve. To facilitate this strategy, TC114 has established
a prioritised list of new TSs to be developed. This list may be rearranged and expanded as new information
and understanding of the sector becomes available; however, it currently provides a baseline for the
committee to use when deciding upon convening new Project Teams.
In establishing the priority of standards, both those underway and those being planned, TC114 has considered
both the stage of development of marine energy converters and the impact that particular standards will have
on the progress of the sector. The IECRE will provide input to TC114 regarding Technical Specifications
necessary to support certification of marine energy converters.
International Standards under development address the full range of engineering stages, including:
• Modelling and analysis

• Full- or sub-scale testing

• Prototype deployment and testing

• Operational devices and arrays

To determine the next round of standards development initiatives TC114 should undertake, the Strategic
Business Planning committee solicited input from the National Committees of all eighteen TC114 P-Member
countries and compiled the results into the three categories shown below. Several of the initiatives shown in
the “High Priority” category may be presented to the P-Member National Committees in the form of New Work
Item Proposals (NWIP) and, if a majority of P-Member National Committees approve a NWIP and, furthermore,
if enough subject matter experts are nominated to support a new Project Team, the NWIP will be approved,
and a new Project Team will be established.

When considering new specifications, the committee seeks to avoid creating new work item proposals which do
not address the most urgently needed specifications. Members may propose new specifications to be added to
the list above, and the committee will decide on the prioritization of the proposed new specification based on a
consensus as to the urgency of need. Of particular importance is to time the establishment of new Project
Teams so as not to over-extend the availability of members to support new work.

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NOTE: Initiatives shown in the “Medium Priority” and “Low Priority” categories will be re-considered when the next Strategic Business Planning is convened in 2023.

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