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Corrigendum No. 1

Thermal bridges in
construction —
Calculation of heat
flows and surface
temperatures —
Part 1: General methods

The European Standard EN ISO 10211-1:1995 has the status of a

British Standard

ICS 91.120

BS EN ISO 10211-1:1996

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical
Committee B/540, Energy performance of materials components and buildings,
to Subcommittee B/540/1, European Standards for thermal insulation, upon
which the following bodies were represented:

Association of Building Component Manufacturers

Association for the Conservation of Energy
Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Products Association
Brick Development Association
British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturers’ Association
British Vermiculite Association
Building Employers’ Confederation
Cavity Foam Bureau
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Concrete Block Association
Cork Industry Federation
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Property and Buildings Directorate)
Department of Trade and Industry (National Physical Laboratory)
Eurisol (UK Mineral Wool Association)
European Phenolic Foam Association
European Phenolic Foam Association (UKSTC)
Meteorological Office
National House-building council
Polyethylene Foam Insulation Association
Thermal Insulations Contractors’ Association
Thermal Insulation Manufacturers’ and Suppliers’ Association (TIMSA)
Wood Wool Slab Manufacturers’ Association

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Board
for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes
into effect on
15 March 1996 Amendments issued since publication

© BSI 2 September 2003 Amd. No. Date Comments

14454 2 September 2003 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references Corrigendum No. 1
relate to the work on this
Committee reference B/540/1
Draft for comment 92/18310 DC

ISBN 0 580 25103 9

BS EN ISO 10211-1:1996

Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN ISO 10211-1 5

© BSI 2 September 2003 i

BS EN ISO 10211-1:1996

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee B/540/1 and is
the English language version of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 Thermal bridges in
building construction — Heat flows and surface temperatures — Part 1: General
calculation methods, including Corrigendum April 2002, published by the
European Committee for Standardization (CEN). It is identical with
ISO 10211-1:1995 published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue under the section
entitled “International Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Search” facility
of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN ISO title page, pages 2 to 49 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
Sidelining in this document indicates the most recent changes by amendment.

ii © BSI 2 September 2003


ICS 91.120 Incorporating corrigendum April 2002

Descriptors: Buildings, thermal insulation, heat losses, heat transfer, temperature, rules of calculation

English version

Thermal bridges in building construction — Calculation of

heat flows and surface temperatures — Part 1: General
(ISO 10211-1:1995)

Ponts thermiques dans les bâtiments— Wärmebrücken im Hochbau — Berechnung der

Calcul des flux thermiques et des températures Wärmerströme und Oberflächentemperaturen —
superficielles — Teil 1: Allgemeine Verfahren
Partie 1: Méthodes générales (ISO 10211-1:1995)
(ISO 10211-1:1995)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1995-03-13. CEN members

are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1995 All rights of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in all
countries to CEN and its members.
Ref. No. EN ISO 10211-1:1995 E
EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Foreword Contents
The text of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 has been prepared Page
by Technical Committee CEN/TC 89, Thermal Foreword 2
performance of buildings and building components,
Introduction 5
in collaboration with ISO/TC 163, Thermal
insulation. 1 Scope 5
This European Standard shall be given the status of 2 Normative references 5
a national standard, either by publication of an 3 Definitions and symbols 6
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by 4 Principles 11
February 1996, and conflicting national standards 5 Modelling of the construction 11
shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2001.
5.1 Rules for modelling 11
According to CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
the following countries are bound to implement this 5.2 Conditions for simplifying the
geometrical model 16
European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, 6 Calculation values 22
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, 6.1 Given calculation values 22
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the 6.2 Methods of determining the
United Kingdom. calculation values 22
7 Calculation method 23
7.1 Calculation rules 23
7.2 Determination of the thermal
coupling coefficients and the
heat flow rate 24
7.3 Determination of the temperature at
the internal surface 25
8 Input and output data 26
8.1 Input data 26
8.2 Output data 26
Annex A (normative) Validation of
calculation methods 28
Annex B (normative) Equivalent thermal
conductivity of air cavities 31
Annex C (normative) Determination of the
linear and point thermal transmittances 34
Annex D (informative) Examples of the
use of quasi-homogeneous layers 39
Annex E (informative) Internal
surface resistances 41
Annex F (informative) Determination of
L- and g-values for more than two
boundary temperatures 47
Annex G (informative) Assessment of
surface condensation 48
Figure 1 — 3-D model with five 3-D
flanking elements and one 3-D
central element. F1 to F5 have
constant cross-sections perpendicular
to at least one axis. C is the remaining part 7
Figure 2 — The cross-sections of the
flanking elements in a 3-D model can be
treated as 2-D models. F2 to F5 refer
to Figure 1 7
Figure 3 — Example of a 3-D model
showing construction planes 8

2 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Page Page
Figure 4 — Example of a minor point Figure D.1 — Simplification of a masonry
thermal bridge giving rise wall with wall ties 39
to 3-dimensional heat flow, which Figure D.2 — Simplification of an
is incorporated into a quasi-homogeneous layer 9 insulated timber-frame construction
Figure 5 — Symmetry planes which with rendering and internal facing 40
can be used as cut-off planes 12 Figure E.1 — Example of a graphical
Figure 6 — Two thermal bridges A determination of Rsi, Both horizontal
and B in the same model. The thermal lines refer to plane surfaces. Both curved
bridge nearest to the cut-off planes lines refer to thermal bridges.
does not fulfil the condition of being at least 1 m Intersection points with the relevant
from a cut-off plane (left). This difficulty p-lines indicate the Rsi values. The four
is avoided by extending the model in cases refer to Table E.5. 45
two directions (right) 13 Table 1 — Location of cut-off planes
Figure 7a — Soil dimensions — calculation in the subsoil 13
of surface temperatures 14 Table 2 — Specific conditions for
Figure 7b — Soil dimensions — calculation incorporating linear or point thermal
of heat flow 14 bridges in a quasi-homogeneous layer 20
Figure 8a — Example of construction Table 3 — Surface resistances (m2·K/W) 22
planes supplemented with auxiliary planes 15 Table 4 — Boundary temperatures 22
Figure 8b — Example of construction Table B.1 — Thermal resistance
planes and auxiliary planes in the 2-D (m2·K/W) of air layers and tube-shaped
geometrical model of a window frame 16 cavities in constructions with
Figure 9 — Change in the location U < 1,0 W/(m2·K) 32
of the internal or external surface 17 Table B.2 — The equivalent thermal
Figure 10 — Four possibilities for conductivity (W/(m.K) of horizontal
relocating the interface between three tube-shaped cavities in constructions
material blocks, depending on the with U > 1,0 W/(m2·K) 33
ratio of their thermal conductivities 18 Table B.3 — The equivalent thermal
Figure 11 — Specific conditions for conductivity (W/(m.K) of vertical
incorporating linear and point thermal tube-shaped cavities in constructions
bridges in a quasi-homogeneous layer with U > 1,0 W/(m2·K) 34
for the groups given in Table 2 21 Table D.1 — Calculation example for
Figure 12 — Building envelope partitioned Figure D.1 39
into 3-D, 2-D and 1-D geometrical models 25 Table D.2 — Calculation example for
Figure A.1 — Test reference case 1: Figure D.2 41
comparison with the analytical solution 28 Table E.1 — Radiative coefficients 43
Figure A.2 — Test reference case 2: Table E.2 — Dimensionless values for a 43
comparison with a 2-D calculation 29
Table E.3 — Values b for the normalized
Figure A.3 — Test reference case 3: vertical temperature gradients 43
comparison with a 3-D calculation 30
Table E.4 — Room parameter for two
Figure B.1 — Section of the air cavity definitions of the internal reference
with the heat flow direction 32 temperature 44
Figure B.2 — Section of the tube-shaped Table E.5 — Calculation results of Rsi 46
air cavity with the heat flow direction. Right:
see Table B.2, left: see Table B.3. 33 Table F.1 — Scheme for calculating
L-values in the case of n boundary
Figure C.1 — 3-D building components temperatures 47
separating two environments 36
Table F.2 — Presentation scheme of
Figure C.2 — 3-D building components L-values for n boundary temperatures 47
separating three environments 37
Table F.3 — Scheme for calculating
Figure C.3 — 3-D building components g-values in the case of n boundary
separating five environments 38 temperatures 47
Table F.4 — Presentation scheme of
g-values for n boundary temperatures 48

© BSI 2 September 2003 3

4 blank
EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Thermal bridges, which in general occur at any junction between building components or where the
building structure changes composition, have two consequences:
a) a change in heat flow rate; and
b) a change in internal surface temperature
compared with those of the unbridged structure.
Although similar calculation procedures are used, the procedures are not identical for the calculation of
heat flows and of surface temperatures.
Usually a thermal bridge gives rise to 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional heat flows, which can be precisely
determined using detailed numerical calculation methods as described in this standard. These are termed
“Class A” methods, and Part 1 of this standard lays down criteria which have to be satisfied in order that
a method can be described as being “Class A”.
In many applications numerical calculations which are based on a 2-dimensional representation of the heat
flows provide results with an adequate accuracy. These are termed “Class B” methods. Part 2 of this
standard lays down criteria for the calculation of linear thermal bridges which have to be satisfied in order
that the calculation method can be described as being “Class B”.
Other less precise but much simpler methods, which are not based on numerical calculation may provide
adequate assessment of the additional heat loss caused by thermal bridges. Simplified methods are given
in EN ISO 14683, Thermal bridges in building construction — Linear thermal transmittance — Simplified
methods and default values (ISO 14683).

1 Scope
Part 1 of this standard sets out the specifications on a 3-D and 2-D geometrical model of a thermal bridge
for the numerical calculation of:
— heat flows in order to assess the overall heat loss from a building;
— minimum surface temperatures in order to assess the risk of surface condensation.
These specifications include the geometrical boundaries and subdivisions of the model, the thermal
boundary conditions and the thermal values and relationships to be used.
The standard is based upon the following assumptions:
— steady-state conditions apply;
— all physical properties are independent of temperature;
— there are no heat sources within the building element.
It may also be used for the derivation of linear and point thermal transmittances and of surface
temperature factors.

2 Normative references
This standard incorporates by dated and undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply
to this standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest
edition of the publication referred to applies.
ISO 7345, Thermal insulation — Physical quantities and definitions.
EN 673, Glass in building — Determination of the thermal transmittance (U-value) — Calculation method.
EN ISO 6946-1, Building components and building elements — Part 1: Thermal resistance and thermal
transmittance — Calculation method (ISO 6946)
EN ISO 10456, Thermal insulation — Building materials and products — Determination of declared and
design values (ISO 10456).
EN ISO 13789, Thermal performance of buildings — Transmission heat loss coefficient — Calculation
method (ISO 13789).

© BSI 2 September 2003 5

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

3 Definitions and symbols

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the definitions of ISO 7345 and the following definitions apply:
thermal bridge
part of the building envelope where the otherwise uniform thermal resistance is significantly changed by:
a) full or partial penetration of the building envelope by materials with a different thermal conductivity
b) a change in thickness of the fabric
c) a difference between internal and external areas, such as occur at wall/floor/ceiling junctions
3-D geometrical model
geometrical model, deduced from building plans, such that for each of the orthogonal axes, the cross-section
perpendicular to that axis changes within the boundary of the model (see Figure 1)
3-D flanking element
part of the 3-D geometrical model which, when considered in isolation, can be represented by a 2-D
geometrical model (see Figure 1 and Figure 2)
3-D central element
part of the 3-D geometrical model which is not a 3-D flanking element (see Figure 1)
2-D geometrical model
geometrical model deduced from building plans, such that for one of the orthogonal axes, the cross-section
perpendicular to that axis does not change within the boundaries of the model (see Figure 2)
NOTE A 2-D geometrical model is used for two-dimensional calculations.

construction planes
planes in the 3-D or 2-D model which separate:
— different materials;
— the geometrical model from the remainder of the construction;
— the flanking elements from the central element. (see Figure 3).
cut-off planes
those construction planes that are boundaries to the 3-D model or 2-D model by separating the model from
the remainder of the construction (see Figure 3)

6 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Figure 1 — 3-D model with five 3-D flanking elements and one 3-D central element. F1 to F5
have constant cross-sections perpendicular to at least one axis. C is the remaining part

Figure 2 — The cross-sections of the flanking elements in a 3-D model can be treated
as 2-D models. F2 to F5 refer to Figure 1

© BSI 2 September 2003 7

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Figure 3 — Example of a 3-D model showing construction planes

Cx are construction planes perpendicular to the x-axis
Cy are construction planes perpendicular to the y-axis
Cz are construction planes perpendicular to the z-axis
Cut-off planes are indicated with enlarged arrows. Planes that
separate flanking elements from the central element are encircled.

auxiliary planes
planes which, in addition to the construction planes, divide the geometrical model into a number of cells
quasi-homogeneous layer
layer which consists of two or more materials with different thermal conductivities, but which can be
considered as a homogeneous layer with an effective thermal conductivity (see Figure 4)

8 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Figure 4 — Example of a minor point thermal bridge giving rise to 3-dimensional heat
flow, which is incorporated into a quasi-homogeneous layer

temperature difference ratio, áRsi
difference between the internal air temperature and the temperature of the internal surface, divided by the
difference between the internal air temperature and the external air temperature, calculated with a
surface resistance Rsi at the internal surface
temperature factor at the internal surface, fRsi
difference between the temperature of the internal surface and the external air temperature, divided by
the difference between the internal air temperature and the external air temperature, calculated with a
surface resistance Rsi at the internal surface
NOTE fRsi = 1 – áRsi.

temperature weighting factor, g
factor which states the relative influence of the air temperatures of the thermal environments upon the
surface temperature at the point under consideration
external reference temperature
external air temperature, assuming that the sky is completely overcast
internal reference temperature
a) dry resultant temperature in the room under consideration.
b) mean value of the internal air temperature in the room under consideration.
NOTE 1 a) is used when calculating heat flows in order to assess the overall heat loss and b) is used when calculating surface
temperatures in order to assess the risk of surface condensation.
NOTE 2 For calculation purposes the reference temperature is considered to be uniform throughout the internal environment.

dry resultant temperature
the arithmetic mean value of the internal air temperature and the mean radiant temperature of all
surfaces surrounding the internal environment
thermal coupling coefficient, Li,j
heat flow per unit temperature difference between two environments i,j which are thermally connected by
the construction under consideration

© BSI 2 September 2003 9

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

linear thermal transmittance, Ò
correction term for the linear influence of a thermal bridge when calculating the thermal coupling
coefficient L from 1-D calculations
point thermal transmittance, ·
correction term for the point influence of a thermal bridge when calculating the thermal coupling coefficient
L from 1-D calculations
Symbols and units
Symbol Physical quantity Unit
A area m2
H height m
L thermal coupling coefficient W/K
R thermal resistance m2·K/W
Rse external surface resistance m2·K/W
Rsl internal surface resistance m2·K/W
T thermodynamic temperature K
U thermal transmittance W/(m2·K)
V volume m3
b width m
d thickness m
fRsi temperature factor at the internal surface —
g temperature weighting factor —
h heat transfer coefficient W/(m2·K)
l length m
q density of heat flow rate W/m2
Ú Celsius temperature °C
%F temperature difference K
2 thermal conductivity W/(m·K)
áRsi temperature difference ratio —
9 heat flow rate W
· point thermal transmittance W/K
Ò linear thermal transmittance W/(m·K)
List of subscripts

cav cavity
dp dewpoint
e exterior
i interior
l Linear
min minimum
s surface

10 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

4 Principles
The temperature distribution in and the heat flow through a construction can be calculated if the boundary
conditions and constructional details are known. For this purpose, the geometrical model is divided into a
number of adjacent material cells, each with a homogeneous thermal conductivity. The criteria which shall
be met when constructing the model are given in Clause 5.
In Clause 6 instructions are given for the determination of the values of thermal conductivity and boundary
The temperature distribution is determined either by means of an iterative calculation or by a direct
solution technique, after which the temperature distribution within the material cells is determined by
The calculation rules and the method of determining the temperature distribution are described in
Clause 7.
NOTE Some of the following clauses contain differences between the calculation of surface temperatures and the calculation of heat
flows; the differences are given in Table 1, Table 3 and Table 4.

5 Modelling of the construction

5.1 Rules for modelling
It is not usually feasible to model a complete building using a single geometrical model. In most cases the
building may be partitioned into several parts (including the subsoil where appropriate) by using cut-off
planes. This partitioning shall be performed in such a way that any differences in calculation result
between the partitioned building and the building when treated as a whole is avoided.
This partitioning into several geometrical models is achieved by choosing suitable cut-off planes.
5.1.1 Cut-off planes of the geometrical model
The geometrical model includes the central element(s), the flanking elements and where appropriate the
subsoil. The geometrical model is delimited by cut-off planes.
Cut-off planes shall be positioned as follows:
— at a symmetry plane if this is less than 1 m from the central element (see Figure 5);
— at least 1 m from the central element if there is no nearer symmetry plane;
— in the subsoil according to Table 1.
NOTE If there is more than one thermal bridge present in the geometrical model, the calculated surface temperature at the central
element of the second thermal bridge is only correct if the second thermal bridge is at a distance of at least 1 m from the nearest
cut-off plane (see Figure 6), unless the cut-off plane is a symmetry plane.

© BSI 2 September 2003 11

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Figure 5 — Symmetry planes which can be used as cut-off planes

12 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Figure 6 — Two thermal bridges A and B in the same model. The thermal bridge nearest
to the cut-off planes does not fulfil the condition of being at least 1 m from a cut-off
plane (left). This difficulty is avoided by extending the model in two directions (right)

Table 1 — Location of cut-off planes in the subsoil

(foundations, ground floors, basements)
Distance to central element in metres
Direction Purpose of the calculation
Surface temperatures, heat flow, see Figure 7b
see Figure 7a
Horizontal inside the building at least 1 m 0,5 b
Horizontal outside the building same distance as inside the 2,5 b
Vertical below ground level 3m 2,5 b
Vertical below floor level (see Note) 1m —
b is the width (the smaller dimension) of the ground floor in metres.
NOTE This value applies only if the level of the floor under consideration is more than 2 m below the ground level.

© BSI 2 September 2003 13

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Figure 7a — Soil dimensions — Calculation of surface temperatures

Figure 7b — Soil dimensions — Calculation of heat flow

5.1.2 Adjustments to dimensions

Adjustments to the dimensions of the geometrical model with respect to the actual geometry are allowed if
they have no significant influence on the result of the calculation; this can be assumed if the conditions
in 5.2.1 are satisfied.

14 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

5.1.3 Auxiliary planes

The number of auxiliary planes in the model shall be such that adding more auxiliary planes does not
change the temperature difference ratios áRsi by more than 0,005 (see also A.2).
NOTE A guideline for fulfilling this requirement in many cases is (see Figure 8a):
The distances between adjacent parallel planes should not exceed the following values:
— within the central element 25 mm
— within the flanking elements, measured from the construction plane which separates the central
element from the flanking element: 25, 25, 50, 50, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1 000, 2 000 and 4 000 mm.
For constructions with indentations of small dimensions (e.g. window profiles) a finer subdivision will be
needed (see Figure 8b).

Figure 8a — Example of construction planes supplemented with auxiliary planes

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EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 8b — Example of construction planes and auxiliary planes in the

2-D geometrical model of a window frame

5.1.4 Quasi-homogeneous layers and materials

In a geometrical model materials with different thermal conductivities may be replaced by a material with
a single thermal conductivity if the conditions in 5.2.2 are satisfied.
NOTE Examples are joints in masonry, wall-ties in thermally insulated cavities, screws in wooden laths, roof tiles and the
associated air cavity and tile battens.

5.2 Conditions for simplifying the geometrical model

Calculation results obtained from a geometrical model with no simplifications shall have precedence over
those obtained from a geometrical model with simplifications.
The following adjustments can be made.
NOTE This is important when the results of a calculation are close to any required value.

5.2.1 Conditions for adjusting dimensions to simplify the geometrical model

Adjustment to the dimensions may be made only to materials with thermal conductivity less
than 3 W/(m·K).
a) Change in the location of the surface of a block of material adjacent to the internal or external surface
of the geometrical model (see Figure 9): the local adjustment dcorr to the location of surfaces which are
not flat, relative to the mean location of the surface, shall not exceed:
dcorr = Rcorr Æ

16 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

dcorr is the local adjustment perpendicular to the mean location of the internal or external
Rcorr is equal to 0,03 m2·K/W;
Æ is the thermal conductivity of the material in question.
NOTE Examples are inclined surfaces, rounded edges and profiled surfaces, such as roof tiles.

Figure 9 — Change in the location of the internal or external surface

b) Change in the interface of two regions of different material:

— the relocation of the interface shall take place in a direction perpendicular to the internal surface;
— the relocation of the interface shall be such that the material with the lower thermal conductivity
is replaced by the material with the higher thermal conductivity (see Figure 10).
NOTE Examples are recesses for sealing strips, kit joints, adjusting blocks, wall sockets, inclined surfaces and other connecting

© BSI 2 September 2003 17

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

combination simplifications
Material block Thermal Simplification
conductivity a b c d
1 21 21 > 22 21 > 23 2 1 < 23 21 < 22
2 22
3 23 23 > 22 2 3 > 22 23 < 22

Figure 10 — Four possibilities for relocating the interface between three material blocks,
depending on the ratio of their thermal conductivities

c) Neglecting thin layers:

— layers with a thickness of not more than 1 mm may be ignored;
NOTE Examples are non-metal membranes which resist the passage of moisture or water vapour.
d) Neglecting appendages attached to the outside surface:
— components of the building which have been attached to the outside surface (i.e. attached at discrete
NOTE Examples are rainwater gutters and discharge pipes.

5.2.2 Conditions for using quasi-homogeneous material layers to simplify the geometrical model
The following conditions for incorporating minor linear and point thermal bridges into a
quasi-homogeneous layer apply in all cases:
— the layers of material in question are located in a part of the construction which, after simplification,
becomes a flanking element;
— the thermal conductivity of the quasi-homogeneous layer after simplification is not more
than 1,5 times the lowest thermal conductivity of the materials present in the layer before simplification.

18 © BSI 2 September 2003

EN ISO 10211-1:1995

a) Calculation of the thermal coupling coefficient L

The thermal conductivity of the quasi-homogeneous layer shall be calculated according to equation (1):

Æ′ = --------------------------------------------------
A d (1)
---- – R si – R se – C -----j
L Æj

ƽ is the effective thermal conductivity of the quasi-homogeneous layer;
d is the thickness of the thermally inhomogeneous layer;
A is the area of the building component;
L is the thermal coupling coefficient of the building component determined by a 2-D or 3-D
dj are the thicknesses of the homogeneous layers which are part of the construction;
Æj are the thermal conductivities of these homogeneous layers.
NOTE The use of equation (1) is appropriate if a number of identical minor thermal bridges are present (wall-ties, joints in
masonry, hollow blocks etc.). The calculation of L can be restricted to a basic area which is representative of the inhomogeneous
layer. For instance a cavity wall with 4 wall-ties per square metre can be represented by a basic area of 0,25 m2 with one wall-tie.
b) Calculation of the internal surface temperature and the linear thermal transmittance > or
the point thermal transmittance · (see Annex C)
The thermal conductivity of the quasi-homogeneous layer may be taken as:

( Æo A o + . . . . . + Æn An )
Æ′ = -----------------------------------------------------------
- (2)
( Ao + . . . . . + An )

ƽ is the effective thermal conductivity of the quasi-homogeneous layer;
Æo .. Æn are the thermal conductivities of the constituent materials;
Ao .. An are the areas of the constituent materials measured in the plane of the layer;

provided that:
— the thermal bridges in the layer under consideration are at or nearly at right angles to the internal
or external surface of the constructions and penetrate the layer over its entire thickness;
— the thermal resistance (surface to surface) of the construction after simplification is at
least 1,5 (m2·K)/W;
— the conditions of at least one of the groups stated in Table 2 are met (see Figure 11).

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EN ISO 10211-1:1995

Table 2 — Specific conditions for incorporating linear or point thermal bridges in

a quasi-homogeneous layer
Group 2tb Atb Ro Rt,i 2i di
(see Figure 11) W/(m·k) m2 m2·k/W m2·k/W W/(m·k) m
1 k1,5 k0,05.ltb k0,5 — — —
2 >3 k30 × 10 –6 k0,5 — — —
3 >3 k30 × 10–6 >0,5 U0,5 — —
4 >3 k30 × 10 –6 >0,5 <0,5 U0,5 U0,1
2tb is the thermal conductivity of the thermal bridge to be incorporated in the quasi-homogeneous
Atb is the area of the cross-section of the thermal bridge;
ltb is the length of a linear thermal bridge;
Ro is the thermal resistance of the layer without the presence of the point thermal bridge;
Rt,i is the total thermal resistance of the layers between the quasi-homogeneous layer considered and
the internal surface;
Æi is the thermal conductivity of the material layer between the quasi-homogeneous layer
considered and the internal surface with the highest value of Æi times di;
di is the thickness of the same layer.
NOTE Group 1 includes linear thermal bridges. Examples are joints in masonry, wooden battens in air cavities or in insulated
cavities of minor thickness.
Group 2 includes such items as wall-ties insofar as they are fitted in masonry or concrete or are located in an air cavity, as well as
nails and screws in layers of material or strips with the indicated maximum thermal resistance.
Groups 3 and 4 include such items as cavity ties insofar as they penetrate an insulation layer which has a higher thermal resistance
than that indicated for group 2. The inner leaf must then have thermal properties which sufficiently limit the influence of the thermal
bridge on the internal surface temperature. This may be the case if the inner leaf has a sufficient thermal resistance (group 3) or the
thermal conductivity of the inner leaf is such that the heat flow through the cavity ties is adequately distributed over the internal
surface; most masonry or concrete inner leaves are examples of group 4.
Calculation examples are given in Annex D.

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Figure 11 — Specific conditions for incorporating linear and point thermal bridges in
a quasi-homogeneous layer for the groups given in Table 2

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6 Calculation values
6.1 Given calculation values
Use the values given in this subclause unless non-standard values are justified for a particular situation.
NOTE Non-standard values may be justified by local conditions (e.g. established temperature distributions in the ground) or by
specific material properties (e.g. the effect of a low emissivity coating on the surface resistance).

6.1.1 Thermal conductivities of materials

The design values of thermal conductivities of building materials and products should either be calculated
according to EN ISO 10456 or taken from tabulated values.
The thermal conductivity of soil can be taken as 2,0 W/(m·K).
NOTE Other values for the thermal conductivity of the soil may be used if information on the local soil condition is available.
See EN ISO 13370, Thermal performance of buildings — Heat transfer via the ground — Calculation methods (ISO 13370).

6.1.2 Surface resistances

The values according to Table 3 shall be applied.
For heat flow calculations the value of Rsi is related to the internal mean dry resultant temperature.
For the calculation of surface temperatures the value of Rsi is related to the mean internal air temperature,
but shall take account of the non-uniform air temperature due to thermal stratification and the
non-uniform radiant temperature that exists in edges and corners.
NOTE When calculating the surface temperature, the following values for the internal surface resistance are recommended:
Glazing: 0,13 m2·K/W;
Upper half of the room: 0,25 m2·K/W;
Lower half of the room: 0,35 m2·K/W.
The value of Rsi = 0,50 m2·K/W is recommended if significant thermal shielding by objects such as furniture may occur. See Annex E.
Table 3 — Surface resistances (m2·K/W)
Purpose of calculation
Surface temperatures Heat flow rate
External surface resistance Rse 0,04 0,04
Internal surface resistance Rsi a 0,13
a See Annex E

6.1.3 Boundary temperatures

Table 4 gives the boundary temperatures which shall be used.
Table 4 — Boundary temperatures
Purpose of calculation
Surface temperature Heat flow rate
Internal air temperature dry resultant temperature
Internal in unheated rooms see 6.2.3 see 6.2.3
External air temperature, assuming that air temperature, assuming that
the sky is completely overcast the sky is completely overcast
Soil (horizontal cut-off plane) at the distance below ground at the distance below ground
level given in Table 1: yearly level given in Table 1: adiabatic
average external air temperature boundary condition

6.2 Methods of determining the calculation values

6.2.1 Thermal conductivity of quasi-homogeneous layers
The thermal conductivity of quasi-homogeneous layers shall be calculated according to equations (1)
and (2).

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6.2.2 Equivalent thermal conductivity of air cavities

An air cavity shall be considered as a homogeneous conductive material with a thermal conductivity 2cav.
If the thermal resistance of an air layer or cavity is known, the thermal conductivity is obtained from:

Æ cav = ---------
- (3)
R cav

Æcav is the thermal conductivity of the air layer or cavity;
dcav is the thickness of the air layer;
Rcav is the thermal resistance in the main direction of heat flow.

Thermal resistances and thermal conductivities of air layers and cavities bounded by opaque materials are
given in Annex B.
For the thermal resistance of air layers in multiple glazing see prEN 673.
NOTE Air cavities with dimensions of more than 0,5 m along each one of the orthogonal axis shall be treated as rooms (see 6.2.3).

6.2.3 Determining the temperature in an adjacent unheated room

If sufficient information is available, the temperature in an adjacent unheated room may be calculated
according to prEN 33789.
If the temperature in an adjacent unheated room is unknown and cannot be calculated according
prEN 33789, because the necessary information is not available, the heat flows and internal surface
temperatures can not be calculated. However all required coupling coefficients and temperature weighting
factors can be calculated and presented according to Annex F.
NOTE When assessing the thermal behaviour of thermal bridges, the available information is usually restricted to a specific part
of the construction (e.g. junctions) and little or no information is available on dimensions or on the total coupling coefficients of the
adjacent room.

7 Calculation method
The geometrical model is divided into a number of cells, each with a characteristic point (called a node). By
applying the laws of energy conservation (div q = 0) and Fourier (q = –Æ.grad Ú) and taking into account the
boundary conditions, a system of equations is obtained which is a function of the temperatures at the nodes.
The solution of this system, either by a direct solution technique or by an iterative method, provides the
node temperatures from which the temperature field can be determined. From the temperature
distribution, the heat flows can be calculated by applying Fourier’s law.
Calculation programs shall be verified according to the requirements of Annex A.
7.1 Calculation rules
7.1.1 Heat flows between material cells and adjacent environment
The density of heat flow rate, perpendicular to the interface between a material cell and the adjacent
environment shall satisfy:

( Ú – Ús )
q = ------------------- (4)

q is the density of heat flow rate;
Ú is the internal or external reference temperature;
Ús is the temperature at the internal or external surface;
Rs is the internal or external surface resistance.

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7.1.2 Heat flows at cut-off planes

The cut-off planes shall be adiabatic (i.e. zero heat flow) with the exception given in 6.1.3.
NOTE In the case of calculating surface temperatures, the horizontal cut-off plane in the soil is not adiabatic, but has a fixed

7.1.3 Solution of the equations

The equations shall be solved according to the requirements given in A.2.
7.1.4 Calculation of the temperature distribution
The temperature distribution within each material cell shall be calculated by interpolation between the
node temperatures.
NOTE Linear interpolation suffices.

7.2 Determination of the thermal coupling coefficients and the heat flow rate
7.2.1 More than two boundary temperatures
The heat flow rate 8i,j from environment i to a thermally connected environment j is given by:
8 = Li,j (Úi – Új) (5)

The total heat flow rate from a room or building can be calculated using the principles as stated in Clause 4.
For more than two environments with different temperatures (e.g. different internal temperatures or
different external temperatures), the total heat flow rate 8 of the room or the building can be calculated

8 = C { Li,j(Úi – Új) } (6)

where Li,j are the total coupling coefficients between each pair of environments.
NOTE F.1 gives a method to calculate the thermal coupling coefficients.

7.2.2 Two boundary temperatures, unpartitioned model

If there are only two environments with two different temperatures (e.g. one internal and one external
temperature), and if the total room or building is calculated 3-dimensionally from a single model, then the
total thermal coupling coefficient L1,2 can be obtained from the total heat flow rate 8 of the room or

8 = L1,2 (Ú1 – Ú2) (7)

7.2.3 Two boundary temperatures, partitioned model

If the room or building has been partitioned (see Figure 12), the total Li,j–value is calculated from (8):


3D is the thermal coupling coefficient obtained from a 3-D calculation for part n of the room
L n(i, j) or building;
2D is the linear thermal coupling coefficient obtained from a 2-D calculation for part m of the
L m(i, j) room or building;
lm 2D
is the length over which the value L m(i , j) applies;
Uk(i,j) is the thermal transmittance obtained from a 1-D calculation for part k of the room or
Ak is the area over which the value Uk applies;
N is the total number of 3-D parts;

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M is the total number of 2-D parts;

K is the total number of 1-D parts.

NOTE In formula (8) C Ak is less than the total surface area of the envelope.

Figure 12 — Building envelope partitioned into 3-D, 2-D and 1-D geometrical models

7.3 Determination of the temperature at the internal surface

7.3.1 More than two boundary temperatures
If there are more than two boundary temperatures, the temperature weighting factor g shall be used. The
temperature weighting factors provide the means to calculate the temperature at any location at the inner
surface with coordinates (x,y,z) as a linear function of any set of boundary temperatures.
NOTE 1 At least three boundary temperatures are involved if the geometrical model includes internal environments with different
temperatures and also if the subsoil is part of the geometrical model (see 6.1.3).
Using the temperature weighting factors, the surface temperature at location (x,y,z) is given by:
Úx,y,z = g1(x,y,z) Ú1 + g2(x,y,z) Ú2 .... + gn(x,y,z) Ún (9)


g1(x,y,z) + g2(x,y,z) + .... + gn(x,y,z) = 1 (10)

NOTE 2 F.3 gives a method for calculating the weighting factors.
Calculate the internal surface temperature Úsi at the location of interest by inserting the calculated values
of gi and the actual boundary temperatures Úi in equation (9).
NOTE 3 Normally the location of interest is the point with the lowest internal surface temperature. This location may vary if the
boundary temperatures are changed.

7.3.2 Two boundary temperatures

If there are only two environments involved and the subsoil is not a part of the geometrical model, the
surface temperatures can be expressed in a dimensionless form according to formula (11) or (12):

Ú i – Ú si ( X, Y, Z )
á Rsi ( X, Y, Z ) = ------------------------------------------ (11)
( Ú i – Úe )


Ú si ( X, Y, Z ) – Ú e
f Rsi ( X, Y, Z ) = ------------------------------------------ (12)
( Úi – Ú e )

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áRsi(x,y,z) is the temperature difference ratio at the internal surface at point (x,y,z);
fRsi(x,y,z) is the temperature factor at the internal surface at point (x,y,z);
Úsi(x,y,z) is the temperature at the internal surface at point (x,y,z);
Úi is the internal air temperature;
Úe is the external air temperature.

The temperature difference ratio or temperature factor shall be calculated with an error of less than 0,005.

8 Input and output data

8.1 Input data
The report of the calculation shall contain the following information:
a) Description of structure:
— building plans including dimensions and materials;
— for a completed building, any known alterations to the construction and/or physical measurements
and details from inspection;
— other relevant remarks.
b) Description of the geometrical model:
— 3-D model with dimensions;
— input data which show the location of the construction planes and any auxiliary planes together
with the thermal conductivities of the various materials;
— the applied boundary temperatures;
— a calculation of the boundary temperature in an adjacent area when appropriate;
— the surface resistances and the areas to which they apply;
— any dimensional adjustments according to 5.2.1;
— any quasi-homogeneous layers and the thermal conductivities calculated according to 5.2.2;
— any non-standard values used with justification of the deviation from standard values.
NOTE See 6.1.

8.2 Output data

The following calculation results shall be reported as values which are independent of the boundary
— thermal coupling coefficient L between adjacent rooms involved in heat transfer through the building
NOTE 1 An example is given in Table F.2.
— temperature factor fRsi or temperature difference ratio MRsi for the points of lowest surface
temperatures in each room involved (including the location of these points); if more than two boundary
temperatures are used, the temperature weighting factors shall be reported.
NOTE 2 An example how to report temperature weighting factors is given in Table F.4.
All output values shall be given to at least three significant figures.
8.2.1 Calculation of the heat transmission using the thermal coupling coefficient
The heat transmission from environment i to environment j is given by equation (5) if there are more than
two boundary temperatures and equation (6) if there are two boundary temperatures (see 7.2).
8.2.2 Calculation of the surface temperatures using weighting factors
The lowest internal surface temperature exposed to room j is given by equation (9) (see 7.3):

Ú s, j = g1,j Ú1 + g2,j Ú2+ ...... + gn,j Ún (13)


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8.2.3 Additional output data

For a specific set of boundary temperatures the following additional values shall be presented:
— heat flow rates in watts per square metre (for 2-D cases) or watts (for 3-D cases) for each pair of rooms
of interest;
— minimum surface temperatures in degrees Celsius and the location of the points with minimum
surface temperature in each room of interest.
8.2.4 Estimate of error
Numerical procedures give approximate solutions which converge to analytical solutions, if one exists. In
order to evaluate the reliability of the results the residual error should be estimated.
— In order to estimate errors due to insufficient numbers of cells additional calculation(s) shall be made
according to A.2. The difference in results for both calculations shall be stated.
— In order to estimate errors arising in the numerical solution of the equation system, the sum of heat
flows (positive and negative) over all boundaries of the building component divided by the total heat flow
shall be given.
NOTE A.2 specifies that this quotient is to be less than 0,001.

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Annex A (normative)
Validation of calculation methods
This annex specifies the validation procedure for high precision calculation methods for thermal bridges.
A.1 Test reference cases
In order to be classified as a three-dimensional steady-state high precision method, it shall give results
corresponding with those of the test reference case 1, 2 and 3, represented respectively in Figure A.1,
Figure A.2 and Figure A.3.
In order to be classified as a two-dimensional steady-state high precision method, it shall give results
corresponding with those of the test reference case 1 and 2, represented respectively in Figure A.1 and
Figure A.2.
Case 1 (Figure A.1):
The heat transfer through half a square column, with known surface temperatures (see Figure A.1), can
be calculated analytically. The analytical solution at 28 points of an equidistant grid is given in the same
figure. The difference between the temperatures calculated by the method being validated and the
temperatures listed, shall not exceed 0,1 K.
Analytical solution at grid nodes
9,7 13,4 14,7 15,1
5,3 8,6 10,3 10,8
3,2 5,6 7,0 7,5
2,0 3,6 4,7 5,0
1,3 2,3 3,0 3,2
0,7 1,4 1,8 1,9
0,3 0,6 0,8 0,9

Figure A.1 — Test reference case 1: comparison with the analytical solution

Case 2 (Figure A.2):

An example of two-dimensional heat transfer is given in Figure A.2. The temperatures at some particular
points and the heat flow through the total object (with a length of 1 m perpendicular to the section) are
represented in the same figure. The difference between the temperatures calculated by the method being
validated and the temperatures listed, shall not exceed 0,1 K. The difference between the heat flow
calculated by the method being validated and the heat flow listed, shall not exceed 0,1 W/m.

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Description of the model

Geometry Thermal conductivities Boundary conditions
(mm) W/(m·k)
AB = 500 1: 1,15 AB: 0 °C with Rse = 0,06 m2·K/W
AC = 6 2: 0,12 HI: 20 °C with Rsi = 0,11 m2·K/W
CD = 15 3: 0,029
CF = 5 4: 230
EM = 40
GJ = 1,5
IM = 1,5
FG-KJ = 1,5

Numerical solution temperatures, in °C: Total heat flow rate: 9,5 W/m

A: 7,1 B: 0,8
C: 7,9 D: 6,3 E: 0,8
F: 16,4 G: 16,3
H: 16,8 I: 18,3

Figure A.2 — Test reference case 2: comparison with a 2-D calculation

Case 3 (Figure A.3):

An example of a three-dimensional heat transfer is given in Figure A.3. The temperatures at some
particular points and the heat flows to or from the three environments considered are represented in the
same figure. The difference between the temperatures calculated by the method being validated and the
temperatures listed shall not exceed 0,1 K. The difference between the heat flows calculated by the
method being validated and the heat flows listed, shall not exceed 2 % of the listed values.

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Description of the model

Geometry Thermal conductivities Horizontal section
mm W/(m·K)

AB = 1 300 1: 0,7
BD = HI = 100 2: 0,04
DE = IJ = 50 3: 1,0
EF = JK = 150 4: 2,5
FL = KL = 1 000 5: 1,0
CG = 1 150 boundary conditions:
GH = 600 µ: 20 °C 0,20 m2·K/W
MP = ST = 1 000 ¶: 15 °C 0,20 m2·K/W
QR = 50 ¾: 0 °C 0,05 m2·K/W
RS = 150 ¸: adiabatic
NQ = 950
OP = 600

Numerical solution Vertical section

Temperature, in °C: Heat flows, in W:

U: 12,9 X: 12,6 µ loss = 46,3

V: 11,3 Y: 11,1 ¶ loss = 14,0
W: 16,4 Z: 15,3 ¾ gain = 60,3

Y and V are three-dimensional corners

Figure A.3 — Test reference case 3: comparison with a 3-D calculation

A.2 General considerations and requirements for calculation methods

High precision calculation methods are known as numerical methods (finite element method, finite
difference method, heat balance method, .....). These numerical methods require a subdivision of the object
considered. The method is a set of rules to form a system of equations, the number of which is proportional
to the number of subdivisions. The system is solved using either a direct solution method or an iterative
method. From the solution of the system, normally the temperatures at specific points, the temperatures
at any point of the object considered can be derived (by interpolation); also the heat flows through specific
surfaces can be derived.

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The numerical method being validated has to meet the following requirements:
a) The method shall provide temperatures and heat flows.
b) The extent of subdivision of the object (i.e. the number of cells, nodes) is not “method defined” but “user
defined”, although in practice the degree of subdivision is “machine limited”. Therefore, in the test
reference cases, the method being validated shall be able to calculate temperatures and heat flows at
locations other than those listed.
c) For an increasing number of subdivisions, the solution of the method being validated shall converge to
the analytical solution if such a solution exists (e.g. test reference case 1).
NOTE For an increasing number of subdivisions the solution converges. The number of subdivisions required to obtain good
accuracy depends on the problem considered.
d) The number of subdivisions shall be determined as follows: the sum of the absolute values of all the
heat flows entering the object is calculated twice: for n subdivisions and for 2n subdivisions. The
difference between these two results shall not exceed 2 %. If not, further subdivisions shall be made until
this criterion is met.
e) If the system solution technique is iterative, the iteration shall continue until the sum of all heat flows
(positive and negative) entering the object, divided by half the sum of the absolute values of all these heat
flows, is less than 0,001.

Annex B (normative)
Equivalent thermal conductivity of air cavities
B.1 General
This annex applies to air cavities bounded by opaque materials with:
— emissivity of each surface U0,80;
— a mean temperature of approximately 10 °C;
— a temperature difference between the internal surfaces up to 5 K for air cavities in constructions with
a relatively low thermal transmittance;
— a temperature difference between the internal surfaces of 8 K to 12 K for air spaces in constructions
with a relatively high thermal transmittance (e.g. window profiles).
NOTE In the case of internal surfaces with a lower emissivity the thermal resistance is higher than the values given in Table B.1
and the thermal conductivity is lower than the values given in Table B.2 and Table B.3. See prEN ISO 6946-1.

B.2 Thermal resistance of air layers and cavities in constructions with a relatively low thermal
The thermal resistances of unventilated air layers and tube-shaped cavities with a mean thermal
transmittance less than 1,0 W/(m2·K) are given in Table B.1.
The dimensions of d and b relative to the heat flow direction are shown in Figure B.1.
The equivalent thermal conductivity shall be calculated according to equation (3).
The design thermal resistance of a slightly ventilated air layer is one half of the corresponding value
in Table B.1. For well ventilated air layers see prEN ISO 6946-1.
NOTE The definitions of unventilated, slightly ventilated and well ventilated air-layers are given in prEN ISO 6946-1.

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Figure B.1 — Section of the air cavity with the heat flow direction

Table B.1 — Thermal resistance of air layers and tube-shaped cavities in constructions with
U < 1,0 W/(m2·K)
Thermal resistance
d m2·K/W
(mm) d/b
10 5 3 2 1 0,5 0,3 k 0,1
2 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06
5 0,14 0,14 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,11
7 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,14 0,13
10 0,21 0,21 0,20 0,20 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15
15 0,26 0,25 0,24 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,17
25 0,29 0,28 0,27 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,18
25 to 500 0,29 0,28 0,27 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,18
NOTE The values are based on a horizontal heat flow direction. For a width d > 500 mm, cavities should be treated as rooms.

B.3 Thermal conductivity of tube-shaped cavities in constructions with a relatively high

thermal transmittance
The thermal conductivity of unventilated tube-shaped cavities with a mean thermal transmittance of more
than 1,0 W/(m2·K) are given in Table B.2 and Table B.3.
The dimensions of d and b relative to the heat flow direction are shown in Figure B.2.

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Figure B.2 — Section of the tube-shaped air cavity with the heat flow direction.
Right: see Table B.2, left: see Table B.3

Table B.2 — Equivalent thermal conductivity of horizontal tube-shaped cavities in

constructions with U > 1,0 W/(m2·K)
width Equivalent thermal conductivity
b Æcav
mm Thickness, d
5 10 20 30 40 50 60 80
5 0,042 0,055 0,079 0,103 0,128 0,152 0,176 0,225
10 0,042 0,066 0,100 0,126 0,151 0,174 0,197 0,243
20 0,046 0,075 0,133 0,181 0,217 0,248 0,277 0,331
30 0,047 0,078 0,138 0,192 0,242 0,290 0,336 0,427
40 0,047 0,079 0,142 0,197 0,249 0,298 0,346 0,437
50 0,047 0,079 0,144 0,202 0,255 0,305 0,354 0,447
60 0,047 0,078 0,146 0,205 0,260 0,312 0,361 0,455
80 0,048 0,076 0,147 0,210 0,267 0,321 0,372 0,470

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Table B.3 — Equivalent thermal conductivity of vertical tube-shaped cavities in constructions

with U > 1,0 W/(m2·K)
width Equivalent thermal conductivity
b Æcav
mm Thickness, d
5 10 20 30 40 50 60 80
5 0,042 0,055 0,085 0,124 0,163 0,202 0,242 0,320
10 0,044 0,059 0,090 0,130 0,169 0,208 0,247 0,326
20 0,046 0,063 0,098 0,139 0,180 0,219 0,259 0,337
30 0,047 0,066 0,104 0,147 0,189 0,229 0,269 0,348
40 0,047 0,067 0,107 0,153 0,196 0,238 0,278 0,358
50 0,047 0,068 0,110 0,157 0,202 0,245 0,286 0,368
60 0,047 0,068 0,112 0,161 0,207 0,251 0,293 0,376
80 0,048 0,069 0,114 0,166 0,214 0,260 0,305 0,391
NOTE The values of equivalent thermal conductivities given in Table B.2 and Table B.3 have been calculated numerically for
cavities with a rectangular section, an emissivity of the internal surfaces of 0,95 and thermal breaks in the otherwise highly
conductive connecting faces. Different values may apply to other geometries. With lower emissivities lower values will be obtained.

Annex C (normative)
Determination of the linear and point thermal transmittances
An alternative expression for the total coupling coefficient Li,j which uses the linear and point thermal
transmittances, Ò and ·, is given by equation (C.1):

N M k
L ij = ∑ X n ( i ⋅j ) + ∑ Ò m ( i ⋅j ) ⋅ l m + ∑ U k ( i ⋅j ) ⋅ A k (C.1)
n=1 m=1 k=1

·n(i,j) is the point thermal transmittance of part n of the room or building;
Òm(i,j) is the linear thermal transmittance of part m of the room or building;
lm is the length over which the value Òm(i,j) applies;
Uk(i,j) is the thermal transmittance of part k of the room or building;
Ak is the area over which the value Uk(i,j) applies;
N is the number of point thermal transmittances;
M is the number of linear thermal transmittances;
K is the number of thermal transmittances.
NOTE In formula (C.1) CAp is equal to the total surface area of the envelope.
Ò values are determined from:

Ò = L – ∑ Uj ⋅ lj (C.2)

L2D is the linear thermal coupling coefficient obtained from a 2-D calculation of the component
separating the two environments being considered;
Uj is the thermal transmittance of the 1-D component j separating the two environments being
lj is the length over which the value Uj applies.

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· values are determined from:


L3D is the thermal coupling coefficient obtained from a 3-D calculation of the 3-D component
separating the two environments being considered;
Lj2D is the linear thermal coupling coefficient obtained from a 2-D calculation of the 2-D component j
separating the two environments being considered;
lj is the length over which the value Lj2D applies;
Ui is the thermal transmittance of the 1-D component i separating the two environments being
Ai is the area over which the value Ui applies;
J is the number of 2-D components;
I the number of 1-D components.
NOTE When determining Ò and · values, it is necessary to state which dimensions (e.g. internal or external) are being used because
for several types of thermal bridges the Ò and · values depend on this choice.
This annex shows three typical arrangements of building components:
— Case 1 with two separate environments
— Case 2 with three separate environments
— Case 3 with five separate environments
For each case the specific equations to be used in determining Ò and · values are given.
Case 1
A 3-D building component separating two environments R1 and R0.
The following specific equations are used to determine Ò and · values

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Ò z = L 2D – U x,z ⋅ l x – U y,z ⋅ l y
1, 0

Ò x = L 2D – U x,y ⋅ l y – U x,z ⋅ l z
1, 0

Ò y = L 2D – U x,y ⋅ l x – U y,z ⋅ l z
1, 0

( x,y ) ( y,z ) ( x,z )

x = L 3D – L 2D ⋅ l z – L 2D ⋅ l x – L 2D ⋅ l y + U x,y ⋅ A x,y + U y,z ⋅ A y,z + U x,z ⋅ A y,z
1, 0 1, 0 1, 0 1, 0

Figure C.1 — 3-D building components separating two environments

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Case 2
A 3-D building component separating three environments.
Consider the two environments R1 and R0.
The following specific equations are used to determine Ò and · values

Ò z = L 2D – U x,z ⋅ l x – U y,z ⋅ ly
1, 0

Ò y = L 2D – U y,z ⋅ l z
1, 0

Ò x = L 2D – U x,z ⋅ lz
1, 0

( x,y ) ( y,z ) ( x,z )

x = L 3D – L 2D ⋅ l z – L 2D ⋅ l x – L 2D ⋅ l y + U y,z ⋅ A y,z + U x,z ⋅ A x,z
1, 0 1, 0 1, 0 1, 0

Figure C.2 — 3-D building components separating three environments

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Case 3
A 3-D building component separating five environments.
Consider the two environments R1 and R0.
The following specific equations are used to determine Ò and · values

Ò z = L 2D – U y,z ⋅ l y
1, 0

Ò y = L 2D – U y,z ⋅ l z
1, 0

( x,y ) ( y,z )
x = L 3D – L 2D ⋅ l z – L 2D ⋅ l y + U y,z ⋅ A y,z
1, 0 1, 0 1, 0

Figure C.3 — 3-D building components separating five environments

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Annex D (informative)
Examples of the use of quasi-homogeneous layers
D.1 Masonry wall with insulated cavity and wall-ties
Figure D.1 shows a partially insulated cavity wall with 4 wall-ties per square metre. The diameter of the
wall-ties is 6 mm.
Six layers (1 to 6) can be identified. For each layer the condition for using a quasi-homogeneous layer is
given in Table D.1.
Table D.1 also gives the effective thermal conductivity for each quasi-homogeneous layer, calculated with
equation (2).

Figure D.1 — Simplification of a masonry wall with wall ties

Table D.1 — Calculation example for Figure D.1

Layer Material 2 Atb/A Condition: Table 3 2½
W/(m·k) W/(m·K)
1 brick 1,0 0,85 — 1,0
external leaf mortar 1,0 0,15
2 brick 1,0 0,85 group 2 1,007
external leaf mortar 1,0 0,15
wall-tie 60 0,0001
3 cavity 0,167 1,00 group 2 0,174
cavity wall-tie 60 0,000 1
4 insulation 0,04 1,00 group 4 0,047
insulation wall-tie 60 0,000 1
5 brick 0,7 0,85 linear: group 1 0,752
inner leaf mortar 1,0 0,15 point: group 2
wall-tie 60 0,000 1
6 brick 0,7 0,85 linear: group 1 0,745
inner leaf mortar 1,0 0,15 point: group 2

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The results of Table D.1 show that recalculation of the thermal conductivity of the layers 2, 3 and 5 is in
fact unnecessary because the effect of the recalculation on the calculated temperature factor is less
than 0,005.
The only significant effect on the temperature factor is caused by the wall-tie penetrating the insulation
Unnecessary use of quasi-homogeneous layers can be prevented by a preliminary check.
D.2 Insulated timber frame wall
Figure D.2 shows an insulated timber-frame wall with a frame size of 45 mm × 120 mm each 600 mm.
Behind the rendering there is a slightly ventilated cavity. At the internal side a facing on horizontal laths
is added. The horizontal laths introduce distributed minor point thermal bridges. Seven layers (1 to 7) can
be identified. For layers 2, 4 and 6 the condition for using a quasi-homogeneous layer is given in Table D.1.
Table D.2 also gives the effective thermal conductivity for each quasi-homogeneous layer, calculated using
equation (2).

Figure D.2 — Simplification of an insulated timber-frame construction with

rendering and internal facing

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Table D.2 — Calculation example for Figure D.2

Layer Material 2 Atb/A condition: Table 3 2l
W/(m·k) W/(m·K)
1 wood 0,23 1,0 — 0,23
2 cavity 0,23 0,90 group 1 0,221
slightly ventilated laths 0,14 0,10
3 plywood 0,17 1,00 — 0,17
4 frame 0,14 0,05 not fulfilled no
insulation insulation 0,04 0,95 simplification
5 plywood 0,17 1,00 — 0,17
facing vapour —
6 cavity 0,12 0,90 group 1 0,122
unventilated laths 0,14 0,10
7 gypsum 0,35 1,00 — 0,35
internal facing board
The results of Table D.2 show that recalculation of the thermal conductivity of air layers with limited
width, bridged by wooden laths is normally not necessary and the laths can be ignored. The distributed
point thermal bridges are eliminated in the geometrical model. Layer 4 does not fulfil the requirements for
simplification and the frame should be part of the geometrical model.
The difference between the thermal conductivities of layer 2 and 6 are due to the “slight ventilation” of
layer 2, according to EN ISO 6946-1.

Annex E (informative)
Internal surface resistances
E.1 General
The internal surface resistance depends not only on the convective and radiative coefficients but also on
the definition of the internal reference temperature and the temperature distribution in the room.
In general the temperature distribution in a room is not uniform. As a consequence the calculation value
of Rsi is not uniform in the room. The correct calculation values of Rsi can be determined with a thermal
model of the room if the following information is available:
a) the thermal resistances of the surrounding planes;
b) the temperatures of the adjacent environments;
c) the distribution of the air temperature in the room;
d) the geometry of the room.
With this information the surface temperature of each surface area can be calculated numerically and
hence the values of Rsi for each area at the internal surface of the envelope can be determined.
If no information on the geometry of the room is available the spatial distribution of the surface
temperatures in the room cannot be determined precisely and a simplified method can be used, which
assumes the room to have a uniform surface temperature determined by the mean thermal transmittance
of the room. This simplification gives an adequate approximation of the more elaborate numerical
calculation based on a specific room geometry.

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EN ISO 10211-1:1995

E.2 Simplified calculation of the surface resistance

For this simplified calculation the internal surface resistance is given by:

( 1 + p R eq )
R si = --------------------------------
- (E.1)
( hc + hr – p )

with the “room parameter” p:


and with Req:

f Rsi R si
R eq = ----------------------- (E.3)
( 1 – f Rsi )

Req is the equivalent thermal resistance of a part of the envelope in square metres kelvin per watt;
hc is the convective heat transfer coefficient, in watts per square metre kelvin;
hr is the radiative heat transfer coefficient, in watts per square metre kelvin;
Úref is the internal reference temperature in degrees celsius;
Úr is the mean internal radiant temperature in degrees celsius;
Úay is the internal air temperature at a height of y metres above the reference level in degrees celsius;
Úe is the external air temperature, in degrees celsius.

If the radiant and the air temperature in the room have the same value, equation (E.2) gives p = 0 and
equation (E.1) takes its well-known form.
The value of Req depends on the temperature distribution in the construction:
For 1-D heat flow it follows from equation (E.3) that:

Req = Rt + Rse (E.4)

Rt is the surface to surface thermal resistance in square metres kelvin per watt;
Rse is the external surface resistance in square metres kelvin per watt.

For 2-D and 3-D heat flow (i.e. in thermal bridges), Req is not constant but depends on the local value of Rsi
(see E.6).

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E.3 Variables that influence the room parameter

The main causes of a non-uniform internal temperature are:
a) Reduced radiation exchange:
In edges at junctions between two exterior walls and between an exterior wall and a roof or ground floor
the radiation exchange with the room is reduced. The same applies for 3-D junctions. Approximate
values for the calculation of Rsi are given in Table E.1.
Table E.1 — Radiative coefficients
Location hr
plane part of the envelope 5
2-D junction in the envelope 3
3-D junction in the envelope 2
The values given in Table E.1 were calculated for an emissivity of 0,9 and a mean radiant temperature
in the room of 20°C. For the effect of a lower emissivity or a different radiant temperatures on the
radiative coefficient; see prEN ISO 6946-1.
b) Difference between radiation and air temperature:
The difference between the mean internal air temperature Ga and the mean internal radiant
temperature Úr is given in a general form by:
(Úa – Úr) = 2a (Úref – Úe) (E.5)

The value of a is mainly determined by the fraction of direct radiation between the heat source and the
internal surfaces and the mean thermal transmittance of the room. Indicative values for different types
of heat sources are given in Table E.2.
Table E.2 — Dimensionless values for a
Heating system Convective fraction Mean U-value of the room
0,3 W/(m2·K) 0,5 W/(m2·K)
air heating 100 % 0,05 0,08
radiator heating 70 % 0,03 0,045
floor heating 40 % 0 0
c) Thermal stratification:
In heated rooms the indoor air temperature has a vertical temperature gradient. If a constant
temperature gradient is assumed, this effect can be given in a general form as:

Úay = Úa + b y (Úref – Úe) (E.6)

y is the vertical distance in metres to the reference level;
b is the normalized vertical temperature gradient in the room in metres to the power minus one.
In equation (E.6) the reference level is located at mid-height in the room (y = O). The value of b depends
mainly on the radiative fraction of heating system and the mean thermal transmittance of the room.
Indicative values are given in Table E.3.
Table E.3 — Values b for the normalized vertical temperature gradients
Heating system Convective fraction Mean U-value of the room
0,3 W/m2·K 0,5 W/m2·K
air heating 100 % 0,06 0,10
radiator heating 70 % 0,04 0,07
floor heating 40 % 0,025 0,04

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EN ISO 10211-1:1995

E.4 Resulting expressions for the room parameter and the surface resistance
After inserting the equations (E.5) and (E.6) in equation (E.2) and (E.1) the general expressions for the
room parameter and the surface resistance according to Table E.4 are found:
Table E.4 — Room parameter for two definitions of the internal reference
dry resultant mean air
Úref 0,5(Úr + Úa) Úa
p (equation E.2) (hr – hc) a – hc by 2hr a – hc by
Rsi (equation E.1) 1 + {hr a – hc (a + by)} Req 1 + (2hr a – hc by) Req
hr (1 – a) + hc (1 + a + by) hr (1 – 2a) + hc (1 + by)

E.5 Graphical determination of Rsi

Equation (E.1) can be presented in a graphical way (see Figure E.1) as Rsi is a linear function of Req for a
given position. Therefore the graphical representation of equation (E.1) in Figure E.1 shows a set of
straight lines with p as parameter (p-lines).
Equation (E.3) gives another relation between Req and Rsi and it can therefore be represented in the same
For cases with 1-D heat flow, Req is independent of Rsi and the graphical representation of equation (E.3)
is therefore a straight horizontal line.
For thermal bridges, where 2-D and 3-D heat flow occur, this is not the case. The graphical representation
of equation (E.3) can be obtained by performing subsequent calculations of the thermal bridge under
consideration for different Rsi values. Each calculated value of fRsi provides a point on the curve to be
drawn. Normally two recalculations with different values of Rsi suffice to obtain the graphical
representation (see Figure E.1).
The intersection point between the straight line representing equation (E.1) and the horizontal or curved
line representing equation (E.3) gives the correct values of Req and Rsi (see Figure E.1).

44 © BSI 2 September 2003

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Figure E.1 — Example of a graphical determination of Rsi. Both horizontal lines refer
to plane surfaces. Both curved lines refer to thermal bridges. Intersection points
with the relevant p-lines indicate the Rsi values. The four cases refer to Table E.5

EXAMPLE: For a room with a ceiling height of 2,8 m the following data are assumed:

Temperatures in ºC
Úe Úr Úa (y = 0) Úay (y = 1,4) Úay (y = – 1,4)
0 18,8 21,2 22,9 19,5
From equation (E.5) it follows that a = 0,06
From equation (E.6) it follows that b = 0,06

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EN ISO 10211-1:1995

The resulting internal reference temperatures are:

— for the calculation of heat flows Údr = 20 ºC;
— for the calculation of surface temperatures Úa = 21,2 ºC.
The surface coefficients are:
— the convective coefficient hc = 2,5 W/(m2·K);
— the radiative coefficients hr according to Table E.1.
The following values for Req are assumed (see Figure E.1):
— double glazing: 0,22 m2·K/W
— plane surfaces: 2,5 m2·K/W
— thermal bridge at 2-D junctions: 1,0 m2·K/W
— thermal bridge at 3-D junctions: 0,8 m2·K/W

With these input values inserted in the equations of Table E.4 the output data according to Table E.5
Table E.5 — Calculation results of Rsi
Location Internal reference temperature
Dry resultant temperature 20 ºC Mean air temperature 21,2 ºC
Type of surface y (m) Rsi p Rsi p
double glazing 0 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,60
plane surfaces 1,4 0,11 –0,06 0,28 0,39
0 0,19 0,15 0,36 0,60
–1,4 0,27 0,36 0,45 0,81
2-D junctions 1,4 0,14 –0,18 0,22 0,15
0 0,19 0,03 0,27 0,36
–1,4 0,24 0,24 0,32 0,57
3-D junctions 1,4 0,17 –0,24 0,23 0,03
–1,4 0,26 0,18 0,34 0,45
The results from Table E.5 show different values for Rsi depending on the definition of the reference
temperature. However both calculation methods are equivalent and give virtually the same surface
temperature because the reference temperatures have also different values.
Although the values of Rsi in Table E.5 were calculated for an arbitrary example, they do nevertheless
reflect some general tendencies:
a) heat loss calculations:
The standardized value Rsi = 0,13 is in most cases on the safe side. Significantly higher values mainly
occur at 2-D and 3-D junctions, but these areas play a minor role in the total heat loss. Also for well
insulated plane surfaces the standardized value of Rsi may be too low, but the effect of this discrepancy
on the calculated U-value is in most cases less than 5 %.
b) calculation of surface temperatures:
Surface temperatures are mainly calculated to assess the risk of surface condensation. This risk is
generally absent on well insulated surfaces. Areas of interest are thermal bridges, characterized by
relatively low values of Req. On thermal bridges the surface temperature should be calculated with a
sufficient accuracy. Even if thermal stratification is negligible, a single value for Rsi would result in a
false assessment of the surface temperature in edges and corners.
The recommended values in subclause 6.1.2 are based on the calculated values of Rsi for these sensitive
areas and can be considered as safe values for most cases.

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Annex F (informative)
Determination of L- and g-values for more than two boundary temperatures
F.1 Determination of the thermal coupling coefficients
For a model with n boundary temperatures the thermal coupling coefficients for each environment can be
calculated according to formula (6) by repeating (n-1) times the calculation of the total heat flow between
the selected environments; in each successive calculation every boundary temperature is equal to zero
except one boundary temperature, which equals 1 K, as shown in Table F.1:
Table F.1 — Scheme for calculating L-values in the case of n boundary temperatures
Calculation number Temperature differences Coupling coefficient
Ú1 – Ú2 Ú1 – Ú3 Ú1 – Úi Ú1 – Ún
1 1 0 0 0 L1,2
2 0 1 0 0 L1,3
i 0 0 1 0 L1,i
n-1 0 0 0 1 L1,n

F.2 Report of the thermal coupling coefficients L

In the case of thermal bridges only the thermal coupling coefficients Li,j for each pair of rooms thermally
connected to the building component under consideration are of interest. This reduces the number of
environments involved.
The thermal coupling coefficients Li,j should be given in the form of Table F.2.
NOTE More than three environments are exceptional.
Table F.2 — Presentation scheme of L-values for n boundary temperatures
Environment number 1 2 i n
1 — L1,2 L1,i L1,n
2 L2,1 — L2,i L2,n
i Li,1 Li,2 — Li,n
n Ln,1 Ln,2 Ln,i —
NOTE The scheme has a skew symmetry with Li,j = Lj,i. If three thermally different environments are involved, the scheme
of Table F.1 is applied twice, with a total of three calculations in order to derive the values for Table F.2.
The set of Rsi values used in the calculation of the L values should be reported, together with a sketch that
shows to which inner surface area each Rsi value applies.
F.3 Determination of the temperature weighting factors
For a model with n boundary temperatures the weighting factors can be calculated by repeating (n-1) times
the calculation of the temperature at the selected point; in each successive calculation every boundary
temperature is equal to zero except one boundary temperature, which equals 1 K, as shown in Table F.3:
Table F.3 — Scheme for calculating g-values in the case of n boundary temperatures
Calculation number Values of boundary temperatures Weighting factors
Ú1 Ú2 Úi Ún
1 1 0 0 0 g1
2 0 1 0 0 g2
i 0 0 1 0 gi
n-1 0 0 0 1 gn-1
After (n-1) calculations gn follows from equation (10).

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EN ISO 10211-1:1995

F.4 Report of the temperature weighting factors

The temperature weighting factors of the points of lowest temperature for a building component with n
environments involved should be given according to Table F.4:
Table F.4 — Presentation scheme of g-values for n boundary temperatures
Environment number 1 2 i n
1 g1,1 g1,2 g1,i g1,n
2 g2,1 g2,2 g2,i g2,n
i gi,1 gi,2 gi,i gi,n
n gn,1 gn,2 gn,i gn,n
NOTE In the case of three thermally different environments normally the minimum surface temperature in two rooms are of
interest. This means that the scheme of Table F.3 is applied twice, with a total of four calculations in order to derive the values
for Table F.4.
The set of Rsi values used in the calculation of the g values should be reported together with a sketch that
shows to which internal surface area each Rsi value applies.

Annex G (informative)
Assessment of surface condensation
Calculations can be made using the geometrical model with any set of values for the n boundary
temperatures under consideration. From the calculated g values and the values of the boundary
temperatures the internal surface temperature can be calculated using equation (G.1):

Ús = g1 Ú1 + g2 Ú2 .... + gn Ún (G.1)

In the particular case of only two boundary temperatures the internal surface temperature is:

Ús = g1 Ú1 + g2 Ú2 = áRsi Úe + (1– áRsi) Úi (G.2)

The lowest internal surface temperature Ús,min can be compared with the dewpoint temperature Údp of the
internal air.
The condition to avoid surface condensation is:
Ús,min > Údp (G.3)

As the calculation of the temperature distribution in the geometrical model is based on steady-state
thermal conditions the following special cases should be considered.
G.1 Constant internal and external temperatures; constant or variable internal humidity
This is the case where the temperatures are constant, or nearly so, but more usually it is the case where
the conditions are assumed constant, either because a quick initial assessment of the risk of surface
condensation is required or where only mean values of temperature are available.
STEP 1: Calculate the value of Ús,min from equation (G.1) or (G.2)
STEP 2: Assess the validity of condition (G.3) against the maximum value of Údp found from the variation
in internal humidity.
G.2 Variable internal and external temperatures; variable internal humidity
In reality neither the internal nor the external temperature is constant, with intermittent heating or night
setback causing variations in internal air temperature, and climatic changes causing variations in the
external temperature. Every construction has some thermal mass and as a result the internal surface
temperature Ús is out of phase with the changes in Úi and Úe, and so the g values and thus áRsi are not strictly
constant for any component, and may change considerably with time.

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As is well known from non-steady-state thermal behaviour the magnitude of these effects depend on the
actual changes in the boundary temperatures, on the value of Rsi and on the thermal inertia of the
construction under consideration. Although the calculated value of áRsi is a quantified characteristic of the
thermal bridge, it does not provide a precise criterion for surface condensation under non-steady-state
A comparable criterion to assess the risk of mould growth is far more tentative. Conditions for mould
growth are governed not only by physical parameters but also by microbiological conditions, and
hygroscopic and chemical characteristics of the surface layer.
If the relative humidity of the internal air is low most of the time with peaks of only short duration (for
example in well ventilated bathrooms) the criteria for avoiding surface condensation can be more severe
than that for avoiding mould growth.
If, however, the relative humidity of the internal air is at a high level and is relatively constant (for example
in poorly heated spaces) the risk of mould growth is higher than that of surface condensation. A maximum
relative humidity of 80 %, calculated using the lowest internal surface temperature, can generally be
considered a “safe” value for long term humidity conditions of the internal air. Under the same humidity
conditions of the air, the mean relative humidity in the room away from the surface is lower than at the
surface, since the mean air temperature in the room is higher than the lowest internal surface

© BSI 2 September 2003 49

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