PRÁCTICA 2 - Compressed PDF

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What' •

i-~~~'.) ,~•itiii«r'W±trtWti~~ · ~~..... ~· . .., ~~~. .,,.,.,.,,~v..,...,_... ✓•

What are these things?

',, ,,· ./,'.:J w• .... ,,,.,,. J, •N•o,/ ~.,,,.,,,~ , ' .....,.,, , ,,. ,¡.J,/.,, "•' l • .t..,~.,.... - •. ,., ~Á /<;:,4/,vh,/J...-,•.r~,(l<i;"""""'..... ,. , , -~-✓-<,,~,,-..., , .. ~i,'-v' ""

A What's in the picture? Write the things.

L a bag
2. OSt\ u\'t\'Qre\\
3. ,- ~ -~_(tk_p__
4. °'- tu\.-. 9~-(\~e_ __
s. - '()o"---=--'t.-'-L.k-=---- _ _ _
6. ~ b _·,.__,.e,,"'-T-~...;._c.o..__.,:._;:::
e _ _ _

. 7. Ci\ ~~"'o u~\n _ __

8. . ~ w ~j:>Cl~ ke~

:B What's in the picture? Write sentences.

1. This is a b~1 .{~. . .-
- - - -- - - - - -
2. . ·' ~.► ~ , ~ o.n____u.m_bc~ell=c,_ _
. 3-~ Tu\~ ,s C,L_ ~~Q~+o~e____
4 . .,~~~ ·\~~lill__ pbne
s. Th~ ~-\l Cl Y.>() o k
6. ~~is \~ ~ t)~e.t ccüe
7. _1}1,~ · \,\ C\ hCl, r ~ ~'4~ h
8. Tt),~ '-S et ~c.q.1 ~~~e..1 .- - - -
~-n$ ,dci,~~~~~v~-~~~~~~~~~N-• d~~ ~~-~. ~~ ---~'
Complete the chart with the words in the box.

-~ 00 kS Q~.L ·~-
___ -- o..~ C: ~ !_____ ¡
-1 l. tú__,__ - -· ~ h~~r~~--4
- - - - - --- ___ ________ ..,j
r r ·

1 2, A: What's . '~ '.1

- ---- -·--

-\ () '
e A: What are ~~~ ? 6, A: Wh at's -,:___--·
4. A: What are ~ M)t ?
&:~ ~'.!L.~ ~Ul B: J'~ ' ----~ 0~\u ~~t' B:

{ ~
·,,/' . ,
~ .

8 • 'Unlt2
f ..--·-

t r .
tt'fN,1_ l 'r 1 n~
n\ 'y t.':,
N ), i 1 :•,
lf 1,, / y 1h • \' 11 1
1 /l\ '1 ✓ ~J,) rh1 , l l , ,'

--· ·- " / ' 1 1)~ y 1

. l

, ,~ ·us rn .. Is thi s th e n1 c1th cl..i\ 1,!

/\nd l'1n 1our tc' ,1 i: ! 1t'I

A: Wh · rt::.'s rn I ldptop?
' ~ inyol1 r lHil'kd sc'.
\IVh re ñre ynur l ·cys?
B: "(\ ~-\ in rny pu, c.
A: Hi. Are you in rny matll <.t-iss?
__ \t~ --i - '1 o."" And l'rn in you1
n !i h class, too!
7. A: Ar th .se your ql,1'>~0s?
8: j_~L V\ _'i_ Uf __ Thonk you.
A: E cus . rn •. 1\ r 1 you Bin-,Nuo P.11 k/
e~ ~~ ~\ '\ _n ~ My n<1mc IS Jin l1 c ) l<irn.
Bin-woo isn't in thi _ cla ss.

l•'-' -~-,,11~,c,.-.1 ,~

{ • ',4, ·

-~" .,, ' t,

~'-. .,
Complete the conversations.

·:.-: .~:.-/ ' ·/:>

Jt, ·'·,

,{i:; L ~tt,~('

1. A: Where _ __,\=s__ my English díctionary? ~- - thís my newspaper?

2. A:-
B: Is ---..i.-- ln your book bag? 8: No, -l:~._S-=--- not.
A: No, it's L __. lt's my newspaper.
B: Wait a minute. .i_l ____ it on the desk? A: Sorry. \).)"" .:.r -e is my newspaper ?
A: Yes, _ ~-t_ .__ is. Thank you ! B: Is _~_+
_ _ und er your cha ír?
A: Oh, yes, ít '1 ~ . Than ks.

3 A: Where . ~ _ .. __ . rny glasses? 4. A: y pen . on

B: Are -\'v-.t_'-f ___ i your purse ? your desk?
A. No, they're _ <)~i_ . B: No, \ _ l'.'. {~1 _ r1ot m •
B· ~ :' f.-·- they on your d t•'>k? A: Hn m.
( ( )
A ihnm . Ye,, . ·\ ~""-··- are . ·1har ks. 8: __ A r -t __ th •~ 11
A : L t m . ,. '<' , < " · th'

10 Unit 2
.i, .w¡j¡(l¡mhw~»,~1''4i i ~·~411 ·..;,,.,.- ~ ·" .,,,,,_, ....,.,,,,;,t...,,,.,.,.,,,.-, _..,, ~

Answer the ·questions. Use your own informa tion~·

1. Are you a teacher?
No l'm not. l'm a student. ·· - - -
~..:...:_.c..~ - - ----'---"...:...:.

2. ts your name William Smith?

. ~ \ ~ \ N'\ _ · --"~- 4
~~-\ '\~~i..:..~~__!_:_~

3. Is your workbook on your desk?

'\e~ J i t:'~
4. ls your phone number 806-555-0219?
\JO 1 ,i.\ i ~~ .. f"\ l ,p•,., A

5. Are you in a math class?

~() • % \ M í\.'-'""'\ l.,\ M

Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions in the box.

.~l! l!jjj{;~.\i:.-,: i\:f?J J~', ., : . ri·~'.front of r,~~ ext to :·:~n ;,-f under
_:t~:i~:~I~:lt~1:>~:f2 ) .,.~:,~~ -~ ~ .;._>/,;,,-. ~';;: ;.,; . .. .:_;.',, '.,. ,_ ~--.__.,,. . ,_.. _
,.__,,......,......,......,...,,.......,_,...........,.-:-----,-.- - - - -

, ·1s -------··
2. The chair
. \
·u-e ----·
d'\.Ó ~-' 3. The glas)es cire
l . Thewalletis - ~in__
the chair.
the purse. the desk.


6, Th e k y are ., ,"-\ .<

4. The ·ceH phone is ~ Atl' s. The map is -~~.fc~~1-~
he ur br llé1.
the table, the bríefcase.
Whot':J thl ? l l
. • - nd answers about the m1ngs in par··nmc) e-:-, .
. A Look at the picture. Wnte quest1ons a

1. A: Where is the brlefcase? -··-- _ {briefcase) 4. A: u,¡'nu~ OJ<e \.'ne Vk~-~s ? (keys)
B: Ü::.~~-JJ.~x..t __tp the te l~visj9'-
. _ _ _ _ __ B: ) w: ,, e under +he bne~l'lS~
2. A: W e re, .\\\e bcc J ..... (books) s. A: \\J , )~ \ .,e r. Nnt. a. (ca m r )
B: ·e B: ,t,~ m f,ont ()+ th~ .t-~\ev1s n
(cell phone) 6. A: \N~tf.l H? ~ )e -º'-Hlf1lo.❖.st$ (sung las ses·)
\¡,!"' \''
B· __ ___
1_1 _> _ , ---4--- - - - - - - - - -
___ B: J '\t~•re bt), i d \he <1m1 d <•r

B Write two rnore questíons and answers about the picture.

,1 l

1. A: ,~¡_\·_1e_i_____•,_fl_~__' pn e\l
_ \ 1_ ,. 2. A: -··- l, · e 1s lt rno ~~!.__~_? ______ _
.\ f? (i\ Y\f \- ( \ 't
B: \t s w \he

12 ,rs Unit 2

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