NCP 1 (BP II) Final

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Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Data: “Sa Impaired social After 2 weeks of The nurse will: - The client
trabaho wala akong interaction related implementing successfully
gana makipag usap. Sa to emotional nursing - Encourage client - It will serve as interacted
bahay, mas gusto ko changes as intervention, the to express feelings baseline for the gradually with
na lang manood ng TV evidenced by lack of client will: that lead to poor direction of care family and
kaysa kausapin ang energy at home and - gradually social interaction colleagues
asawa at mga anak verbalization of interact with
ko.” As verbalized by poor interaction family and
the patient with family and colleagues - Maintain - the client will
colleagues calmness in feel more secure
approaching the if you are calm
Objective Data: client and if the client
- Lack of energy feels you are in
at home control of the
- Family report situation
change of
style or
patterns of - it will convey
interaction - Show belief in the
unconditional client as a
positive regard worthwhile

- Be with the client - The presence of

to offer support a trusted
during group individual
activities that may provides
be frightening or emotional
difficult for her. Or security for the
ask a family client
member or trusted
person to be with
the client

- Structure - Client can lose

activities that work interest in
at the client’s pace activities that are
and activity. (e.g., too ambitious,
practice yoga, which can
aerobics class, be increase a sense
inspired with of failure.
music, Depressed
boardgames) people lack
and memory.
This will help the
client interact
more with her

- Such activities
- Involve the client will aid in
in gross motor relieving
activities that tensions, and it
requires very little might help in
concentration (e.g., improving the
brisk walking) mood. It is known
to boost
production of

- It maximizes
- When the client is potential for
at the most interactions while
depressed state, alleviating
involve the client in depressed mood
one-to-one activity

- Participating in
- Encourage the group activities
client to participate help improve
in group activities interaction with
(e.g., group others.
discussions, art Socialization
therapy, dance minimizes
therapy) feelings of
Genuine regard
for other can
increase feelings
of self-worth.

- Contact with
- Maximize the others distracts
client’s contacts the client from
with others (first self-
one other, then preoccupation
two others, etc.)

- Positive
- Give recognition reinforcement
and positive enhances self-
reinforcement for esteem and
client’s voluntary encourages
interaction with repetition of
others acceptable


- The client and

- Refer the client family can gain
and family to self- tremendous
help groups in the support and
community insight from
people sharing
their experiences

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