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POS 112 6:30-7:30pm/ MWF

1) Define Human Resource Management

According to Wendell L French “ the human resource management refers to the
philosophy, policies, procedures, & practice related to the management of people
within an organization.” Moreover, it is the process of employing people,
developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining & compensating their service in
tune with the job & organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the
goals of the organization, individual & the society.
2) What is HR Planning?
HR Planning is a process for determination & assuring that the organization will
have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times,
performing jobs, which would meet the needs of the organization & which would
provide satisfaction for the individuals involved.
3) What are the components of HRM and define each one

a. Human Resources Planning is assessing the organization’s human

resources needs in the light of organizational goals and making plans to ensure that
a competent, stable workforce is employed. The planning process includes
analyzing skill levels among employees and in the external labor market of current
and expected job openings, plans for expanding or reducing staff throughout the
organization, and the external legal environment.

b. Job and Work Design-It specifies the task to be performed by individuals and
groups within the organization and establishes the rules, schedules, and working
conditions under which people perform those tasks. Through careful design or
circumstance, events converge to create jobs to which people are assigned and the
conditions surrounding those jobs.

c. Staffing- is the process that results in the continuous assignment of workers to

all positions in the organization. This broad process includes the following
activities. Attracting qualified people to the organization, selecting from among
candidates; bringing new people from aboard, assigning and maintaining them to
their jobs; reassigning employees through transfer, promotion, or demotion;
ultimately managing employees’ operation through resignation and discharge or

d. Training and development-Training and development is a complex mixture of

activities intended to improve the performance of individuals and groups within the
organization. Some organizations that carry out complex and specialized
operations and are confronted with rapid technological changes are heavily
committed to training and development. Another view of the process is to foster
the career development of their employees at all levels. But almost all employees
in any organization need some initial training or orientation when they start new

e. Performance Appraisal and Review-This component is the ongoing evaluation

of individual and group contributions to the organization and the communication of
those evaluations to the persons involved. Such evaluations are made for a variety
of purposes. To provide feedback about performance, determine the need for
training, make decisions about a pay increase, select people for promotion, and
make judgments about the need for discipline.

f. Compensation and Reward-This component is the flow of events that

determines what wages, salaries, and incentives are paid and what supplemental
benefits and non-financial rewards are provided. The presence or absence of
rewards and recognition is important to employee morale and performance.

g. Protection and Representation-Most organizations have formal or informal

ways to protect employees from arbitrary and impulsive treatment, physical
damage, and health hazards. In addition, individuals or groups may interact with
others, again either informally or in an organized formal fashion. An important
element of this process is accommodation.

h. Organization improvements-This component is the flow of events that

determines how organizations attempt to improve their effectiveness, employee
satisfaction, or enhance the organizational environment. This component aims
to increase the level of cooperation, teamwork, and performance throughout the
organization. This way, human resource management gives a competitive
advantage in the job market.
4) Cite the activities in the Selection Process and explain each one

a. Screening of Applicants-Prospective employees have to fill up some sort of

applications forms. These forms have variety of information about the applicants
like their personal bio-data, achievements, experience etc. such information is used
to screen the applicants who are found to be qualified for the consideration of
employment. The information may also be used to keep permanent records of those
persons who are selected. Based on screening of applications, only those
candidates are called for further process for selection that are found to be meeting
the job standards of the organization.
b. Selection Methods/Tests-Organizations hold different kinds of selection tests to
know more about the candidate or to reject the candidates who cannot be called for
interview etc. selection test normally supplement the information provided in the
application forms, such forms may contain factual information about candidates
selection texts may give information about their aptitude, interest, personality etc,
which cannot be known by the application forms.
c. Interview- Selection tests are normally allowed by personal interview of the
candidates. The basis idea here is to find out over all suitability of candidates for
the jobs. It also provides opportunity to give relevant information about the
organization to the candidates. In many cases, interview of preliminary nature can
be conducted before the selection tests.
d. Reference & Background Verification- many organization ask the candidates
to provide the names of referees from whom more information about the
candidates can be solicited. Such information may be related to character, working
etc. the usual referees may be previous employers, person’s associated with the
educational institutions from where the candidates have received education or
other persons of prominence who may be aware of the candidates’ behaviors
e. Medical Examinations- certain jobs require unusual strength to tolerance of
hard working conditions. A physical examination reveals whether or not a
candidate possesses these qualities. It brings out deficiencies not as a basis of
rejection but as a positive aid to selective placement & as indicating restrictions on
his transfer to other positions.
f. Approval by Appropriate Authority or Hiring Decisions- on the basis of the
above steps suitable candidates are recommended for selection by the selection
committee or personnel department. Though such a committee or personnel
department may have authority to select the candidate finally, often it has staff
authority to recommend the candidates for selection to the appropriate authority.
g. Placement- After all the formalities are completed the candidates are placed on
their jobs initially on probation basis. The probation period may range from 3
months to 2 years. During this period, they are observed keenly, & when they
complete this period successfully, they become the permanent employees of the
5) Define Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal- it is the systematic evaluation of individuals with respect
to their performance on the job & their potential for development.

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