Concept Paper Group 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Schools Division of Tacloban City
District Learning Center IV
Leyte National High School
Tacloban City

“A Study to Establish the Value of Communication in Addressing a

Teenager’s Mental Health for Senior High School Students in Leyte National
High School.”

Concept Paper

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Presented to:
Mr. Micael Copino

Presented by:
Actuel, Ma. Crisa Mae D.
Bermudo, Frank Matthew L.
Homerez, Leejethro G
Jaro, Rafielle May
Verutiao, Cherry Rose M.
12 – FRANZ

December 06, 2022

Date of Submission

“A Study to Establish the Value of Communication in Addressing a

Teenager’s Mental Health for Senior High School Students in Leyte National
High School.”


Many teenagers nowadays find it difficult to express their thoughts and

feelings because they are either too fearful or too shy to do so. “The biggest

communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply –

Steemit.” Is a quote that informs us that one of the reasons that most people

struggle to communicate is the lack of understanding. Most of the time, a

teenager can't ask a question or express an interest directly to their parents out

of concern for how they might react or what the reaction might be. They are

also afraid of miscommunication. This is study focuses on determining the

importance of communication when it comes to the mental state of an individual

and how problems regarding it can affect the person entirely.


As the most of us are already aware, maintaining healthy mental states

depends heavily on communication.

The act of receiving and exchanging information or ideas with another individual

is known as communication. It is one of the key components of socializing as

well. We are able to communicate our thoughts and feelings to one another

through this. Communication is the unity of information, message, and

comprehension, according to Niklas Luhmann (1990). The concept of

"meaning" might be made a component of his conception of a social system by

viewing the transmission of information and its reception as a single, albeit

complex, unity.

There are many ways to communicate, and these are categorized to two types,

verbal communication, and non-verbal communication.

Nonverbal communication describes the procedures used to transmit

information in the form of non-linguistic representations, such as body

language, gestures, expressions, eye contact, etc. Verbal communication is the

delivery of a message orally or in writing. A system of symbols (sometimes

referred to as lexemes) and the grammars (rules) by which the symbols are

used make up human language. Examples include writing, speaking, texting,

and more.


We Researchers aim to achieve these objective of how to value

communication in addressing a teenagers mental health by answering this the

following specific objectives:

 To deliver information, such as instructions, policies,

procedures, decisions, etc., so that the recipient of the

communication will hear, read, comprehend, agree with, and

accept the message.

 To identify, examine, and measure the aspects that surround

communication, in any format and addressing any subject, is

the broadest definition of communication research.


Studying how most teenagers communicate can help us have a better

perspective on how they do, and it is also how we get to know them and

maintain connections. Studying communication can help us understand

relationships better. Learning communication improves vital life skills. In order

to improve we must learn to identify minimum communication standards as well

as be constant and consistent when talking.

The goal of this study is to ascertain how crucial communication is for a

teenager’s mental health. By using real-life events and sharing some of our own

personal experiences and knowledge in this particular area, it will teach not only

the student’s but also the adults who have similar challenges. In order for the

readers to feel that they are not struggling alone, we offer suggestions and

relatable anecdotes.


Research Design
On this study, our team chose the case study for the research design for we

are aiming to determine on how to establish the value of communication in

addressing teenager’s mental health. This study will help us to determine the

possible effects of this decision a student may take and how this may affect the

future of a student keep prioritizing the relationship they build rather than focusing on

their studies to have a better future a head.

Research Setting and Participants

Leyte National High School as our research setting for which holds of big

number of students and participants specifically those students who are facing

difficulty in addressing there mental health would be the main participants on this

study. With this research setting and participants, we will be able to determine the

consequences and negative effects of the said problems. Through the use of

systematic sampling will conduct an observation and an interview for at least 40

students who are struggling to communicate.

Research Instrument

Interview Guide

We the researchers consider the three rules of Thumb: 1) Ask only for

information that will serve as a basis for the hiring decision, 2) Know how the

information will be used to make the decision, and 3) Do not ask for information that

will not or should not be used to make hiring decisions. Develop questions based on

each major task and responsibility in the position description and on knowledge,

skills, and ability required by the position. Include problem-solving questions that

allow the participants to think creatively. Also include questions that elicit more than
a yes or no response. The following Interview Questionnaire Guide has been

developed to provide and attain the objectives of this study. We the researchers

choose the “Unstructured Interview” where in the respondent answer the question

based on what they personally think and feel about the given set of questions, there

are no suggested answers and we the researchers purely depend on the

respondents. We will also use the individual and group interview approach that will

be based on our schedules. The same set of questions should be used to interview

all respondents of this research. The questionnaire that we are going to use is a self-

administered questionnaire (Barbour 2014)

Observation Interview

On the other hand, on our observational interview, We the researchers has an

action plan that serve us our guide on who will be assigned in observing selected

students who are mentally struggling to communicate with others, with the

permission of the teacher and also the student to be observed This will help our

study to be “successful” to the extent that it satisfies the research objectives by

capturing relevant events and participants along with the constructs of interest. 

Fortunately, there are two types of observation we are going to use the participant

observation and the non-participant observation. This observation guide that we are

using occurs in either covert or overt observation models. We can observe the

subject secretly and stay at the back part inside the room where subjects don’t get

sight of or feel our presence or permits us to divulge things about the research to the

participants (Birks 2014) and we will use the direct observation method where we

can see or listen to everything that happens in the area of observation.

(Communication and mental health in general practice: physicians' self-
perceived learning needs and self-efficacy) (Luhmann, Habermas, and the

Theory of Communication)
mistakes-we-all-make-0919157/amp/ (10 Communication Problems and
Mistakes We All Make - Therapy Blog)

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