Barnicot Et Al. 2018 Psych Medicine Accepted Manuscript

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Dialectical behaviour therapy versus mentalization-based therapy for borderline

personality disorder

Kirsten Barnicot,* PhD. Department of Medicine, Imperial College London. Address: Centre

for Psychiatry, Imperial College London, Commonwealth Building, Du Cane Road, London,

W12 0NN, United Kingdom.

Mike Crawford, MD, FRCPsych. Department of Medicine, Imperial College London.

Address: Centre for Psychiatry, Imperial College London, Commonwealth Building, Du

Cane Road, London, W12 0NN, United Kingdom.

Corresponding author

Correspondence. Dr Kirsten Barnicot, Centre for Psychiatry, Imperial College London,

Commonwealth Building, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN, United Kingdom. Email

[email protected]

Financial Support

The present study was funded by a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship awarded to KB from

the United Kingdom National Institute for Health Research: PDF-2013-06-054.

Word count: 4199

Background. Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and mentalization based therapy (MBT)

are both widely used evidence-based treatments for borderline personality disorder (BPD),

yet a head-to-head comparison of outcomes has never been conducted. The present study

therefore aimed to compare the clinical outcomes of DBT versus MBT in patients with BPD.

Methods. A non-randomised comparison of clinical outcomes in N = 90 patients with BPD

receiving either DBT or MBT over a 12-month period.

Results. After adjusting for potentially confounding differences between participants,

participants receiving DBT reported a significantly steeper decline over time in incidents of

self-harm (adjusted IRR = 0.93, 95% C.I. 0.87 to 0.99, p = 0.02) and in emotional

dysregulation (adjusted β = -1.94, 95% C.I. -3.37 to -0.51, p <0.01) than participants

receiving MBT. Differences in treatment dropout and use of crisis services were no longer

significant after adjusting for confounding, and there were no significant differences in BPD

symptoms or interpersonal problems.

Conclusions. Within this sample of people using specialist personality disorder treatment

services, reductions in self-harm and improvements in emotional regulation at 12 months

were greater amongst those receiving DBT than amongst those receiving MBT. Experimental

studies assessing outcomes beyond 12 months are needed to examine whether these findings

represent differences in the clinical effectiveness of these therapies.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a severe mental health problem that is associated

with emotional dysregulation, extreme subjective distress, high levels of psychosocial and

work impairment, and frequent use of A&E and inpatient services linked to self -harm and

suicide attempts (Ansell et al. 2007). Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and mentalization

based therapy (MBT) were developed specifically for the treatment of BPD and an emerging

evidence base for the effectiveness of each of those treatment modalities has been identified

by meta-analyses and Cochrane reviews (Stoffers et al. 2012; Cristea et al. 2016). Both

treatment models are increasingly widely available in the USA, Australasia, UK and Europe

(University College London, 2014; Behavioral Tech, 2017; Dale et al. 2017). However,

regional health localities commonly offer one or another, rather than both (Dale et al. 2017),

and local treatment commissioners have little information to guide them as to which, if either,

will be most effective for their patients. A head-to-head comparison of these two approaches

has never been conducted, and indeed, few evaluations of either approach have compared

outcomes with another specialised psychological treatment for BPD. DBT and MBT have

each arisen from different traditions within psychotherapy and accordingly take differing

approaches to the treatment of BPD, which in turn could render each differentially beneficial

for different aspects of the BPD phenotype. DBT arose out of cognitive behavioural

approaches but has been specifically tailored for BPD by incorporation of validation

strategies, mindfulness and a focus on directly improving patients’ emotion regulation skills

through group-based behavioural skills training (Linehan, 1993a; Linehan, 1993b). By

contrast, MBT arose out of the psychodynamic tradition, but has been specifically adapted for

BPD by incorporation of an emphasis on fostering mentalization - the ability to reflect

coherently on the mental states of oneself and of other people - in interpersonal contexts

(Bateman & Fonagy, 2006). A quasi-experimental comparison of the clinical outcomes of

each approach may begin to yield insights on differential outcomes in a context that is

representative of everyday clinical practice. The current study therefore aimed to address the

following question: In patients with borderline personality disorder, do clinical outcomes at

12 months differ between patients receiving dialectical behaviour therapy and those receiving

receive mentalization based therapy?



A quasi-experimental non-randomised comparison of clinical outcomes in 90 patients

receiving dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) or mentalization based therapy (MBT) in

specialist personality disorder services, with treatment type determined by local service

availability based on patients’ geographical location.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Participants were included if they:

1) Met criteria for DSM-IV borderline personality disorder

2) Were about to begin either outpatient DBT or MBT.

The exclusion criteria were intellectual disability or difficulty communicating in English of

sufficient severity to prevent completion of study questionnaires, and/or insufficient capacity

to provide informed consent for study participation.


Participants were recruited between March 2014 and September 2016 from six personality

disorder services across five NHS Trusts in London and Southampton, in the United

Kingdom. The treatment capacity of the participating services ranged from 6 to 20 patients at

a time. The number of staff delivering treatment at each service ranged from 4 to 7, usually

including some full and some part-time staff, and professional backgrounds included

psychiatry, clinical psychology, social work, mental health nursing and psychotherapy. Three

services provided DBT (12 month course) and three provided MBT (18 month course). All

participants took part in the study only over a 12 month period in order to render clinical

outcomes comparable between the two treatment modalities. The DBT services all provided

weekly individual therapy and group skills training, telephone skills coaching and team

consultation. The MBT services all provided weekly or fortnightly individual therapy and

weekly group therapy. They also provided a short-term group programme which involves

weekly groups delivered over a ten-week period, offering psychoeducation and support aimed

at helping clients get a better understanding of their problems and suggestions for better ways

of dealing with them. These groups serve a dual function of providing a brief intervention to

all those who attend and giving clients and staff an opportunity to consider whether longer

term group treatment may be of benefit. However, they are not part of the MBT intervention

as manualised by Bateman and Fonagy (2006).


At the beginning of their treatment, patients were given verbal information about the study by

their DBT or MBT clinicians and asked for verbal consent to be contacted by the research

team. A researcher then met with the participant to provide written information about the

study and obtain written informed consent. After assessment of participants using the

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II to confirm that they met criteria for

borderline personality disorder (First et al. 1997), baseline measures were administered.

Follow-up assessments were then conducted with participants at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after

the baseline assessment. Both patients completing treatment and patients dropping out of

treatment were followed up. Participants received a £30 compensation for attending the

baseline assessment, and a £15 compensation for each follow-up.

Baseline Measures

Personality disorder diagnosis. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM- IV, Axis II

(SCID-II) (First et al. 1997), was used at baseline to assess participants’ DSM-IV Axis II

personality disorder diagnoses. This semi-structured diagnostic interview demonstrates good

inter-rater reliability (Maffei et al. 1997).

Axis I disorders. The Traumatic Antecedents Questionnaire self-report measure (Herman et

al. 1989) was used at baseline to determine whether participants had experienced a Criterion

A traumatic event, as defined by DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In

participants for whom a history of Criterion A trauma was indicated, the PTSD module of the

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR, Axis I (SCID-I) was administered (First et al.

2002). This semi-structured diagnostic interview demonstrates a good level of inter-rater

reliability for assessment of PTSD (Skre et al. 1991, Zanarini et al. 2000). The Mini

International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was administered at baseline to assess major

depressive disorder, substance dependence, alcohol dependence and psychotic symptoms

(Sheehan et al. 1998). This semi-structured diagnostic interview demonstrates good inter-

rater and test–retest reliability and convergent validity (Sheehan et al. 1997).

Outcome measures

Treatment dropout or completion. Treatment completion was defined as completing at least

12 months of either treatment modality. Individuals completing less than 12 months of

treatment were classed as treatment dropouts. Services offering DBT followed a protocol

whereby all participants missing four or more consecutive group sessions or four or more

consecutive individual sessions were asked to discontinue treatment, whilst services offering

MBT held team discussions of cases of poor attendance and came to a consensus on whether

to ask the patient to discontinue treatment.

Crisis service use. Participants were asked to recall any Accident and Emergency (A&E) and

psychiatric hospital admissions in the 12 months prior to the baseline interview or in the 3

months between each follow-up.

Deliberate self-harm. The Suicide Attempt Self Injury Interview (SASII) was used to

enumerate incidents of self-harm in the 3 and in the 12 months before beginning treatment,

and in the 3 months between each follow-up (Linehan et al. 2006a). This semi-structured

interview demonstrates good inter-rater reliability and adequate concurrent validity (Linehan

et al. 2006a). Self-harm was operationalised as “Any overt, acute, nonfatal self-injurious act

where both act and bodily harm or death are clearly intended (i.e., both the behavioral act and

the injurious outcomes are not accidental) that results in actual tissue damage, illness, or, if

no intervention from others, risk of death or serious injury” (Linehan 1996).

BPD symptom severity. The Borderline Evaluation of Severity over Time (BEST) (Pfohl et

al. 2009), a 15-item self-report measure, was administered at baseline and at each 3-month

follow-up. Each item is answered using a Likert scale from “Not at all” or “Almost never” (1)

through to “Extremely” or “Almost always” (5). Possible scores range from 12 to 72, with

higher scores indicating more severe BPD symptoms. It demonstrates moderate test-retest

reliability, high internal consistency and high discriminant validity (Pfohl et al. 2009).

Emotional dysregulation. The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) (Gratz &

Roemer, 2004), a 36-item self-report measure, was administered at baseline and at each 3

month follow-up. Each item is answered using a Likert scale from “Almost never” (1) to

“Almost always” (5), and possible scores range from 36 to 180, with higher scores indicating

a greater degree of emotional dysregulation. The measure demonstrates high internal

consistency, good test–retest reliability, and adequate construct and predictive validity (Gratz

& Roemer, 2004).

Dissociation. The Dissociative Experiences Scale (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986), a 28-item

self-report measure, was administered at baseline and at each 3-month follow-up. Each item

is answered using a Likert scale indicating the percentage of the time that the participant

experiences it, from 0% increasing in 10% increments to 100%. The mean score is used and

thus possible scores range from 0 to 100. It demonstrates good test-retest reliability, split half

reliability, internal consistency and convergent and predictive validity (Bernstein & Putnam,

1986; van Ijzendoorn & Schuengel, 1996).

Difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The Alterations in Relationships subscale of the

Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress - Self-Report (SIDES-SR) was

administered at baseline and at the 12-month follow-up (Pelcowitz et al. 1997; van der Kolk,

2002). The SIDES-SR is a 5-item self-report measure of different aspects of complex

reactions to trauma, known as “disorders of extreme stress not otherwise specified”. Each

item has 4 possible responses scored from 0 to 3, with response options personalised to each

question. The 5 items of the Alterations in Relationships subscale comprise difficulties in

trusting others, avoidance in relationships, difficulties with conflict in relationships,

repeatedly being hurt by others and repeatedly hurting others. The internal consistency

(Cronbach’s alpha) of these 5 items was 0.68 at baseline and 0.70 at month 12.


All analyses were conducted using STATA/ SE version 14.2 (StataCorp, 2015). Analyses

were conducted on an intention-to-treat basis whereby data from individuals who dropped out

of treatment was retained in the models. Where the dependent variable was self-harm,

participants with no history of self-harm in the 12 months prior to treatment were omitted

from the analysis. Linear regression was used for continuous dependent variables, logistic

regression for binary dependent variables, and negative binomial regression for overdispersed

count dependent variables (i.e. number of incidents of self-harm). Where continuous

dependent variables did not conform to a normal distribution, robust standard errors were


It was first established whether there was any difference at the start of the study between

participants receiving DBT or to MBT, or between participants who went on to complete or

to drop out of treatment, on key sociodemographic and mental health variables. Variable

found to differentiate DBT and MBT patients, or treatment completers and dropouts, were

considered as potential confounders in subsequent analyses. The effect of treatment type on

treatment completion, and on clinical outcomes at month 12, was examined, and multilevel

modelling was used to establish whether there was any difference between participants

receiving DBT versus MBT in the trajectory of change between baseline and 12 months on

any of the outcome variables. The multilevel models included a random effect to adjust for

clustering between repeated measures of variables over time within each participant. If

significant treatment effects were found in initial “basic” models, an “adjusted” model was

run, examining the simultaneous effect of the month 0 measurement of the outcome variable,

time, treatment modality, treatment completion, the interaction of time and treatment

modality, the interaction of time and treatment completion, and any other month 0 mental

health measures that had been shown to differ between participants receiving DBT versus

MBT, or between participants completing versus dropping out of treatment.


Description of the sample

Recruitment into the research and follow-up rates are summarised in Figure 1. Of 98 eligible

individuals approached to take part in the study, 90 consented (consent rate 92%). The

sociodemographic and mental health characteristics of the sample at the start of the study are

summarised in Table 1, which illustrates the high levels of self-harming behaviour, emotional

dysregulation, dissociation and Axis 1 comorbidities, with post-traumatic stress disorder

being particularly common.

[Insert Table 1 about here].

Differences between participants receiving DBT and those receiving MBT

Fifty-eight participants received DBT and thirty-two received MBT. Participants receiving

DBT were more likely to have engaged in self-harm and/or to have attended A&E in the 12

months before treatment (Self-harm OR = 7.84, 95% C.I. 1.5 to 40.4, p = 0.01; A&E OR =

3.82, 95% C.I. 1.50 to 9.71, p <0.01), more frequently had comorbid post-traumatic stress

disorder (OR = 3.73, 95% C.I. 1.4 to 10.1, p = 0.01), and began treatment with significantly

higher levels of emotional dysregulation (β = 13.9, 95% C.I. 1.3 to 26.6, p = 0.03). There was

a trend for participants initiating MBT to be older than those initiating DBT (β = -5.02, 95%

C.I. -10.65 to 0.61, p <0.10). These baseline differences between participants were adjusted

for in subsequent analyses of differential outcomes in DBT and MBT patients.

Differences between participants completing treatment and those dropping out

Forty-eight participants completed at least 12 months of treatment, and forty-two participants

dropped out of treatment before completing 12 months. Participants who went on to complete

at least 12 months of treatment were less likely to have met criteria for substance dependence

(OR = 0.36, 95% C.I. 0.14 to 0.98, p = 0.04), and reported higher levels of dissociation at the

start of treatment (β = 11.5, 95% C.I. 2.0 to 20.9, p = 0.02). There were non-statistically

significant trends towards treatment completers being more likely to be female (OR = 2.60,

95% C.I. 0.99 to 6.77, p = 0.05) and less likely than dropouts to have had a psychiatric

hospital admission in the 12 months before treatment (OR = 0.46, 95% C.I. 0.19 to 1.14, p =

0.09). These differences between participants were adjusted for in subsequent analyses of

differential outcomes in DBT and MBT patients.

Treatment dropout from DBT and MBT

Patients receiving DBT were significantly less likely to complete at least 12 months of

treatment than those receiving MBT (completion rate 42% versus 72%; OR = 0.28, 95% C.I.

0.11 to 0.72, p < 0.01). However, this difference was no longer significant after adjusting for

baseline differences between DBT and MBT participants, using multiple regression models in

which participants’ age, gender, baseline emotional dysregulation, dissociation, substance

dependence and PTSD comorbidity, and history of self-harm, A&E admission or psychiatric

hospitalisation in the 12 months before treatment were held constant (adjusted OR = 0.23,

95% C.I. 0.05 to 1.04, p = 0.06). Subsequent analyses of differential outcomes in DBT and

MBT patients adjusted for whether or not a participant had completed treatment.

Differences between DBT and MBT on clinical outcome measures at month 12

Clinical outcomes in DBT and MBT patients twelve months after starting treatment are

shown in Table 2. At the 12-month follow-up there were no differences between participants

receiving DBT and those receiving MBT in number of incidents of self-harm, BPD severity,

emotional dysregulation, relationships with others, or dissociation. Participants receiving

DBT were more likely to be admitted to A&E (OR = 3.65, 95% C.I. 1.25 to 10.67, p = 0.02)

and were more likely to have a psychiatric hospital admission (OR = 13.74, 95% C.I. 2.59 to

72.76, p < 0.01) in the 12-month study period than patients receiving MBT. However, after

adjusting for the potentially confounding effect of differences in treatment dropout and

baseline differences in age, gender, self-harm, A&E and hospital admission history,

emotional dysregulation, dissociation, PTSD and substance dependence, the difference

between DBT and MBT was no longer significant.

[Insert Table 2 about here].

Association between treatment type and trajectory of change in clinical outcomes over


The unadjusted associations between treatment type and the trajectory of change in clinical

outcomes over time are shown in Online Supplementary Table 1. In unadjusted models,

participants receiving DBT reported a significantly steeper decline over time in incidents of

self-harm (IRR = 0.94, 95% C.I. 0.89 to 0.99, p < 0.01; Figure 2) and in emotional

dysregulation (β = -1.42, 95% C.I. -2.71 to -0.13, p = 0.03; Figure 2) than participants

receiving MBT. These differences remained significant in the final models which were

adjusted for treatment dropout and for other potentially confounding differences between

participants (Table 3). There was no difference between participants receiving DBT or MBT

in the trajectory of change in BPD severity, interpersonal relationships, or dissociation.

[Insert Table 3 about here]

[Insert Figure 2 about here].


Summary of Findings

Patients receiving either treatment demonstrated comparable improvements in BPD severity,

dissociation, and interpersonal relationships. This is compatible with meta-analyses showing

that different psychotherapy models tend to achieve equivalent results,27 and indeed a trial

comparing the effects of DBT to another specialised model for BPD, transference-focussed

psychotherapy, also found outcomes were largely equivalent.28 However, despite the

improvements achieved, even after completing 12 months of treatment, on average patients

were still exhibiting high levels of emotional dysregulation, dissociation, and interpersonal


Significantly fewer participants initiating DBT- just 42% - completed 12 months of

treatment. However, this difference in treatment completion rates was no longer significant

after taking account of differences between participants initiating DBT and those initiating

MBT, such as the higher baseline levels of emotional dysregulation and greater likelihood of

recent self-harm in the DBT participants. Thus, the more severe mental health difficulties of

individuals entering participating DBT programmes compared to those entering MBT

programmes are likely to have contributed to the higher treatment dropout rate amongst the

DBT participants. Whilst treatment completion rates were substantially higher in US trials of

DBT conducted by the treatment developer (e.g. 81%, Linehan et al. 1991; 83%, Linehan et

al. 2006), completion rates in US trials in routine community services tend to be lower,

ranging from 76% to 48% (Landes et al. 2016), and other UK DBT evaluations have also

found low completion rates (e.g. 36%, Zinkler et al. 2007; 42%, Feigenbaum et al. 2012;

48%, Priebe et al. 2012). The considerably higher treatment completion rate of 72% amongst

MBT participants is consistent with the high completion in MBT trials conducted by the

treatment developer (88%, Bateman & Fonagy, 1999; 73%, Bateman & Fonagy, 2009).

Despite their higher treatment dropout rate, DBT participants reported a significantly steeper

decline over time in incidents of self-harm and in emotional dysregulation. This remained

significant after adjusting for treatment dropout, baseline levels of self-harm and emotional

dysregulation – suggesting that this difference was not just an artefact of the greater level of

baseline mental health difficulties amongst DBT patients. A further difference was that just

over half of DBT patients attended A&E and a quarter experienced psychiatric hospitalisation

during the study year – a substantially higher rate of crisis service use than the equivalent

figures of 22% and 4% in MBT patients. Similarly, 43% of DBT patients attended A&E in

the treatment developer’s largest trial, and 20% experienced psychiatric hospitalisation

(Linehan et al., 2006). However, DBT participants were more likely to have had high

baseline levels of emotional dysregulation, a recent history of A&E, and to drop out of

treatment - and after adjusting for these factors, differences in crisis service use between DBT

and MBT were no longer significant. Thus, the findings do not suggest that DBT per se is

less effective than MBT at reducing use of crisis services – but do highlight the more chaotic

presentation of patients initiating DBT programmes than those initiating MBT programmes in

our sample, and the problematic link between dropping out of treatment and poor clinical


Implications for Research and Service Provision

Whereas DBT focusses on reducing self-harm as the primary treatment goal, and explicitly

teaches emotion regulation skills (Linehan, 1993a; Linehan, 1993b), MBT aims to achieve

these goals more indirectly, through the promotion of mentalizing (Bateman & Fonagy,

2006). This may explain the more rapid change in these outcomes in DBT patients. Relatedly,

patients’ use of the skills taught in DBT has been shown to mediate reductions in self-

harming behaviour (Neacsiu et al. 2010, Barnicot et al. 2016). Could DBT’s explicit focus on

targeting self-harm reduction and improving emotion regulation skills render it a more

rapidly acting treatment for these difficulties? A large randomised controlled trial of DBT

versus MBT is required to address this question. Such a trial should also evaluate potential

common and specific treatment mechanisms between the two modalities.

Given the association between treatment dropout and poor outcomes amongst people with

personality disorders (McMurran et al. 2010; Priebe et al. 2012), preventing dropout could

potentially improve outcomes. Yet no research to date has evaluated methods for improving

completion rates when evidence-based psychological treatments for personality disorder are

implemented in routine clinical practice. Previous research has identified that poor

therapeutic alliance is one factor consistently predicting treatment dropout in patients with a

personality disorder (Barnicot et al. 2011), suggesting that patients’ inherent difficulties with

trust and conflict resolution in attachment relationships may contribute. Another contributing

factor could be that in the participating MBT services, only patients who attend the 10-week

group programme, indicate their interest in further group-based treatment, and are judged by

staff to have the potential to benefit from this approach are able to begin the full MBT

programme. Thus, MBT patients were already selected as individuals with both the practical

and emotional capability to sustain the commitment of attending treatment, whereas the DBT

participants were a less selected group of individuals who may have varied more widely in

their capabilities to commit. A recent audit at one of the participating MBT services found

that over a 20-month period, 44 people initiated the 10-week group programme, of which 15

(34%) went on to initiate the full 18-month MBT programme. Whilst this figure does not

represent dropout from the 10-week programme per se as some individuals will have

completed the 10-week programme but chosen not to continue to the MBT programme, it

does nonetheless suggest that incorporation of numbers discontinuing during the 10-week

programme would make dropout rates from MBT more similar to those from DBT. However,

individuals attending the 10-week programme did not take part in the present research project

for both conceptual and practical reasons – namely, that the 10-week programme is a separate

intervention in its own right and is not a part of the manualised MBT programme (Bateman &

Fonagy 2006), and also that the lengthy follow-up time required to follow participants up

from the point of initiating the 10-week programme was not feasible within the scope of the

present project and would make comparison with a 12-month DBT programme more

challenging. Future research could investigate whether a similar brief pre-DBT group

programme would improve treatment completion rates amongst patients referred to DBT.

However, if only patients who successfully complete a brief pre-therapy programme are

allowed to begin treatment, would this further limit patients’ access to evidence-based

treatments for personality disorder, which are already difficult to access in many localities

and non-existent in others (Dale et al. 2017)? What alternative treatment will be offered to

patients who lack the capacity to complete a pre-therapy programme?

Strengths and Limitations

Strengths of the present research included the high consent and follow-up rates and

recruitment of participants from services implementing evidence-based treatment in a real-

world setting, increasing the ecological validity of the findings. Furthermore, the use of

multi-level modelling to evaluate changes over time allowed use of a relatively large amount

of repeated measures data (up to n = 395 datapoints from 90 individuals), increasing the

study’s power to detect differences in outcome trajectory, and allowed the inclusion of

individuals with data missing at some timepoints, which should reduce bias in the model

estimates (Sterne et al. 2009).

The major limitation was that allocation to treatment was not randomised. While efforts were

made to control for confounding, it is possible that other unmeasured differences between

study groups exist and these may have been responsible for differences in clinical outcomes.

It is unclear how generalisable data from this study are to services beyond those participating,

and it is possible that apparent differences in outcomes between MBT and DBT are due to the

organisation and delivery of treatments at these services. Borderline personality disorder is a

long-term condition and it is possible that clinical outcomes of patients receiving MBT and

DBT in this study diverged further or converged after completion of the 12-month follow-up.

A further limitation was that it was not possible to evaluate inter-rater reliability for the

SCID, MINI or SAS-II interviews. Finally, we did not assess treatment fidelity in this study

and it is possible that differences in clinical outcomes seen between these DBT and MBT

services reflects differences in the quality of the treatment delivered, rather than to

differences in the relative efficacy of these two treatment approaches.


Patients with borderline personality disorder receiving DBT or MBT in routine community

services can achieve improvements in BPD traits, self-harm, emotional dysregulation,

dissociation and interpersonal relationships. There may be differences in the extent and speed

of reductions in self harm and emotional dysregulation among those offered DBT and MBT,

but experimental studies examining treatment fidelity, mechanisms and longer-term

outcomes are needed to fully examine potential differences in the clinical and cost

effectiveness of these treatments.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the vital contribution of clinicians and patients from

participating clinical services, and in particular thank Laura Couldrey, Jeantique Hommel and

Lauren Bryan for their assistance with data processing.

Conflict of Interest

All authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Ethical Standards The authors assert that all procedures contributing to this work comply

with the ethical standards of the relevant national and institutional committees on human

experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. Ethical

approval for the study was granted by the United Kingdom National Health Service National

Research Ethics Service Committee South East Coast – Surrey on 06/02/2014, reference

number 14/LO/0158, and by the Research and Development departments of the participating

NHS Trusts. All participants gave written informed consent for participation.

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Figure 1. Participant recruitment and follow-up

N = 107 patients starting

treatment during study
recruitment phase N = 5 not informed by clinician about research

N = 7 did not agree to researcher contact

N = 1 said no after speaking to researcher

N = 1 agreed to speak to researcher but moved

out of area

N = 3 ineligible to participate
N = 90 patients were eligible
for inclusion and agreed to
participate in the research


N = 76 patients completed full or partial month 3 follow-up measures

N = 74 patients completed full or partial month 6 follow-up measures

N = 77 patients completed full or partial month 9 follow-up measures

N = 78 patients completed full or partial month 12 follow-up measures

Table 1. Participant sociodemographics and mental health characteristics at the start of treatment

Mean (s.d.) or n(%)

Whole DBT MBT Treatment Treatment
Sample completer dropout
(N = 90) (N = 58) (N = 32) (N = 48) (N = 42)
Female 65 (72%) 42 (72%) 23 (72%) 38 (81%) 26 (62%)
Male 25 (28%) 16 (28%) 9 (28%) 9 (19%) 16 (38%)*
Age (years) 31.0 (13.0) 29.3(13.5) 34.3(11.5)* 31.9 (12.0) 29.8(14.0)*
Full-time or part-time 22 (25%) 13 (23%) 9 (28%) 11 (24%) 11 (26%)
On sick leave 3 (3%) 3 (5%) 0 (0%) 3 (6%) 0 (0%)
Unemployed 65 (72%) 42 (72%) 23 (72%) 33 (70%) 31 (74%)
White ethnicity 58 (64%) 37 (64%) 21 (66%) 27 (58%) 30 (71%)
Black and minority 32 (36%) 21 (36%) 11 (34%) 20 (43%) 12 (29%)
BPD Severity (BEST) 43.3 (10.3) 44.8(9.9) 40.7(10.6) 44.7(10.4) 41.4(9.8)
Emotional 128.7(27.3) 134.2(24.9) 120.3(29.3)** 130.9(28.3) 124.8 (25.9)
dysregulation (DERS)
Interpersonal 5.24 (2.0) 5.20 (2.0) 5.32(1.9) 5.29 (1.8) 5.17 (2.2)
dysfunction (SIDES)
Dissociation (DES) 35.3 (23.0) 36.1(22.9) 33.8(23.5) 40.3 (24.9) 28.8(18.7)**
Attended A&E in 45 (54%) 34 (67%) 11 (34%)*** 24 (52%) 20 (56%)
previous 12 months
Admitted to a 33 (39%) 24 (46%) 9(28%) 14 (30%) 18(49%)*
psychiatric hospital in
previous 12 months
Engaged in deliberate 81(90%) 56 (97%) 25 (78%)** 43 (91%) 37 (88%)
self-harm in previous
12 months
Number of self-harm 41 42 40 40 48.5
incidents in previous (11 to 99) (13 to 123) (6 to 90) (5 to 112) (14.5 to
3 months (Median 97.5)
(IQR)) a
Comorbid major 31 (36%) 23 (43%) 8(25%) 17 (37%) 14 (36%)
depressive disorder
Comorbid substance 23 (26%) 15 (27%) 8 (25%) 8 (17%) 15 (37%) **
Comorbid alcohol 18 (20%) 14 (25%) 4 (13%) 7 (15%) 11 (27%)
Comorbid psychotic 36 (42%) 25 (46%) 11 (35%) 20 (44%) 16 (41%)
Comorbid post- 68 (76%) 49 (85%) 19 (59%)** 36 (76%) 31 (74%)
traumatic stress
Post-traumatic stress 35.5(8.1) 35.6(8.1) 35.3(8.4) 35.6 (8.9) 35.2 (7.2)
disorder severity b
A&E General hospital accident and emergency department. IQR interquartile range.
Including only participants who had a history of self-harm in the 12 months prior to treatment (N =
81) and provided data on the number of incidents of self-harm in the prior 3 months.
Including only participants who met diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder at the start
of treatment (N = 68) * p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, *** p<0.01

BPD Emotional Alterations Dissociatio Average Number of Number of
severity dysregulation in n (DES) at number of patients patients
(BEST) at (DERS) at relationship month 12 incidents of attending with at
month 12 month 12 s with (N = 77) self-harm A&E least 1
(N = 78) (N = 75) others in months between inpatient
(SIDES) at 10 to 12 months psychiatric
month 12 Median 1 & 12 admission
(N = 68) (IQR) (N = 72) between
(N = 68) a months
1 & 12
(N = 72)
DBT 35.0(11.5) 103.1(33.5) 5.5(3.6) 30.6(23.4) 2 (0-45) 24(51%) 12 (26%)
MBT 35.8(11.6) 108.7(29.4) 5.3(2.9) 26.6(18.9) 12.5 (0 – 6 (22%)*b 1 (4%) **b
Table 2. Clinical outcomes at month 12 90)
Includes only participants who had a history of self-harm in the 12 months prior to treatment
(N = 81) and provided sufficient data at month 12 to be included in the analysis.
p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01
These differences between DBT and MBT recipients were no longer significant after
adjusting for treatment dropout and baseline differences in age, gender, self-harm, A&E and
hospital admission history, emotional dysregulation, dissociation, PTSD and substance
dependence: p > 0.05

Number of incidents of self-harm: trajectory months 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 (N = 63, n = 274) a

Table 3. Adjusted associations between treatment type and trajectory of change in self-harm and emotional

Independent variable Incident rate ratio 95% C.I. p

Age 1.01 0.99 to 1.02 0.30
Female (vs. male) 1.15 0.84 to 1.58 0.39
Number of incidents of self-harm at 1.01 1.01 to 1.01 <0.01
month 0
Emotional dysregulation at month 0 0.99 0.99 to 1.00 0.15
Dissociation at month 0 (DSS) 1.01 0.99 to 1.01 0.14
A&E admission in past 12 months 1.09 0.84 to 1.42 0.51
Psychiatric admission in past 12 months 0.84 0.64 to 1.11 0.24
Comorbid substance dependence 0.75 0.55 to 1.03 0.08
Comorbid PTSD 0.80 0.56 to 1.14 0.21
Time 0.96 0.90 to 1.03 0.29
DBT (vs. MBT) 1.12 0.75 to 1.69 0.58
DBT (vs. MBT) x Time 0.93 0.87 to 0.99 0.02
Treatment completion (vs. dropout) 0.79 0.54 to 1.17 0.24
Treatment completion x Time 0.95 0.89 to 1.01 0.08
Emotional dysregulation (DERS) trajectory months 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 (N = 72, n = 311)
Independent variable β 95% C.I. p
Age -0.08 -0.44 to 0.28 0.66
Female (vs. male) 10.16 -0.46 to 20.78 0.06
Emotional dysregulation at month 0 0.35 0.08 to 0.63 0.01
Dissociation at month 0 (DSS) 0.47 0.18 to 0.77 <0.01
A&E admission in past 12 months -4.70 -14.18 to 4.77 0.33
Psychiatric admission in past 12 months 4.22 -5.38 to 13.81 0.39
Engaged in self-harm in past 12 months -9.81 -23.14 to 3.52 0.15
Comorbid substance dependence -11.03 -21.20 to -0.86 0.03
Comorbid PTSD -5.03 -17.11 to 7.05 0.41
Time -0.42 -1.83 to 0.99 0.56
DBT (vs. MBT) 6.55 -3.78 to 16.88 0.21
DBT (vs. MBT) x Time -1.94 -3.37 to -0.51 <0.01
Treatment completion (vs. dropout) -8.37 -16.38 to -0.37 0.04
Treatment completion x Time -0.96 -2.49 to 0.57 0.22
N = number of individuals with sufficient data to be included in analysis; n number of
datapoints included in analysis.
Based on subsample of individuals who had a history of self-harm in the 12 months prior to
treatment (N = 81) and provided sufficient follow-up data to be included in the analysis.

Table 4. Adjusted associations between treatment type and trajectory of change in self-harm and emotional dysregulation

Number of incidents of self-harm: trajectory months 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 (N = 63, n = 274) a

Independent variable Incident rate ratio 95% C.I. p
Age 1.01 0.99 to 1.02 0.30
Female (vs. male) 1.15 0.84 to 1.58 0.39
Number of incidents of self-harm at month 1.01 1.01 to 1.01 <0.01
Emotional dysregulation at month 0 (DERS) 0.99 0.99 to 1.00 0.15
Dissociation at month 0 (DSS) 1.01 0.99 to 1.01 0.14
A&E admission in past 12 months 1.09 0.84 to 1.42 0.51
Psychiatric admission in past 12 months 0.84 0.64 to 1.11 0.24
Comorbid substance dependence 0.75 0.55 to 1.03 0.08
Comorbid PTSD 0.80 0.56 to 1.14 0.21
Time 0.96 0.90 to 1.03 0.29
DBT (vs. MBT) 1.12 0.75 to 1.69 0.58
DBT (vs. MBT) x Time 0.93 0.87 to 0.99 0.02
Treatment completion (vs. dropout) 0.79 0.54 to 1.17 0.24
Treatment completion x Time 0.95 0.89 to 1.01 0.08
Emotional dysregulation (DERS) trajectory months 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 (N = 72, n = 311)
Independent variable β 95% C.I. p
Age -0.08 -0.44 to 0.28 0.66
Female (vs. male) 10.16 -0.46 to 20.78 0.06
Emotional dysregulation at month 0 (DERS) 0.35 0.08 to 0.63 0.01
Dissociation at month 0 (DSS) 0.47 0.18 to 0.77 <0.01
A&E admission in past 12 months -4.70 -14.18 to 4.77 0.33
Psychiatric admission in past 12 months 4.22 -5.38 to 13.81 0.39
Engaged in self-harm in past 12 months -9.81 -23.14 to 3.52 0.15
Comorbid substance dependence -11.03 -21.20 to -0.86 0.03
Comorbid PTSD -5.03 -17.11 to 7.05 0.41
Time -0.42 -1.83 to 0.99 0.56
DBT (vs. MBT) 6.55 -3.78 to 16.88 0.21
DBT (vs. MBT) x Time -1.94 -3.37 to -0.51 <0.01
Treatment completion (vs. dropout) -8.37 -16.38 to -0.37 0.04
Treatment completion x Time -0.96 -2.49 to 0.57 0.22
N = number of individuals with sufficient data to be included in analysis; n number of datapoints
included in analysis.
Based on subsample of individuals who had a history of self-harm in the 12 months prior to
treatment (N = 81) and provided sufficient follow-up data to be included in the analysis.

Figure 2. Change in incidents of self-harm and emotional dysregulation over time

45 140
35 130
25 120
20 110
10 100
0 90
0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
Months after starting treatment (intention to treat
Months after starting treatment (intention to treat


Median number of incidents of self-harm per 3 months Mean emotional dysregulation (DERS)


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