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Osmena Blvd., Cebu City

[email protected]


Prepared by: Dr. Ma. Fe Y. Gocotano

“ What we do in life is determined by how we communicate. In this modern
world, the quality of life is the quality of how we communicate.”

Theme: Communication, Process, and Ethics 2 WEEKS

Process implies continuity. In the context of communication, one never

stops from communicating as it is an ongoing activity. It is dynamic as it continually
changes. The circumstances that occur before starting a conversation and even
the incidents that follow it may still affect future conversations. This indicates that
communication is a process that is constantly moving and continuously changing.
People communicate with one another every day, the question is whether
the ideas one has expressed are truly understood by another. Communication
breakdowns happen in every part of the globe, and these have led to a plethora of
problems. Effective communication can breach peace, spark emotional outbursts,
and affect changes in all avenues of life. However, to communicate properly, one
must strive to express oneself and leave understanding to fate; one must also
learn to organize thoughts, control one’s emotions, use one’s words to articulate
concepts and arguments, and express oneself in the best way possible.
To lead nations or corporations, communication skills are essential. To work
smoothly as a team, communication is indispensable. And to create a vision that
people will believe in, one needs to learn how to communicate purposefully in
today’s society.


In this module, challenge yourself to attain the following learning outcome:
Communication is inevitable. Our need for self-expression leads us to
communicate not only our thoughts but also our feelings. Communication may be
done verbally or non-verbally.




1. People - People who are involved in the communication process assume two
roles-both as sources and receivers of the message. The source initiates a
message, and the receiver is the intended target of the message. These roles
are not performed independently and successively but rather continually and
2. Message - This is the verbal and non-verbal form of the idea, thought, or feeling
that one intends to communicate to another person or group of people. Verbal
message pertains to the language one utters. It comes in forms of words,
phrases, and sentences which can be either oral or written. Non-verbal message
refers to gestures, body movements, sign languages and facial expressions that
carry with them their own meaning.
3. Channel - It refers to the means with which the message is delivered. As the
message moves from the source to the receiver, it passes through a medium
(plural is media) or a channel which can be airwaves and cable (channels for
receiving television messages), sound waves ( for radio messages), and sound
and light waves (for face-to-face communication allowing the receiver to see and
hear the sender).
4. Feedback - It is the receiver’s verbal and non-verbal response to the source’s
message. Ideally, when one delivers a message, a response is expected. The
response however does not necessarily have to be verbal for it to be considered
a feedback.
5. Code - In human communication, this code pertains to language. A code is a
systematic arrangement of symbols used to create meanings in the mind of
another person/s.
6. Encoding and Decoding - Encoding is defined as the process of translating an
idea or a thought into a code. When students hear these verbal descriptions,
they start using these words and develop their own mental image. This process
is called decoding-the process of assigning meaning to an idea or a thought.

Components of Communication:

Principles of Effective Communication

1. Clarity - Clarity makes speeches understandable. Fuzzy language is absolutely
forbidden, as are jargons, cliche expressions, euphemisms and doublespeak
2. Concreteness - Concreteness reduces misunderstandings. Messages must be
supported by facts such as research data, statistics and figures. To achieve
concreteness, abstract words must be avoided.
3. Courtesy - Courtesy builds goodwill. It involves being polite in terms of
approach and manner of addressing an individual.
4. Correctness - Glaring mistake in grammar obscures the meaning of a sentence.
Also, the misuse of language can damage your credibility.
5. Consideration - Messages must be geared towards the audience. The sender
of a message must consider the recipient’s profession, level of education, race,
ethnicity, hobbies, interests, passions, advocacies and age when drafting or
delivering a message.
6. Creativity - Creativity in communication means having the ability to craft
interesting messages in terms of sentence structure and word choice.
7. Conciseness - Simplicity and directness help you to be concise. Avoid using
lengthy expressions and words that may confuse the recipient.
8. Cultural Sensitivity - Today, with the increasing emphasis on empowering
diverse cultures, lifestyles, and races and the pursuit for gender equality, cultural
sensitivity becomes an important standard for effective communication.
9. Captivating - You must strive to make messages interesting to command more
attention and better response.

Ethical Considerations in Communication

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on issues of right and wrong in
human affairs.
Ethical Communicators:
1. Respect & value diversity.
2. Consider the result of communication.
3. Value truth and honesty.
4. Use information correctly & are aware of their thoughts.
5. Do not falsify information, be just and fair.

A task is given to asses your extent of understanding about communication in the

21st century. Let us have an activity during our online class. Get prepared for these
given topics such as:
 New modern technologies
 Changes of lifestyle
 Incoming May, 2022 Elections
 Vaccine policy
 Global pandemic
 School set-up in the new normal
 School-home connection
 Multimedia
 Global catastrophies
 Environment sustainability
 Havoc of pandemic
 Family problems in this uncertain time
 National poverty
 Individual work habits
Pandemic attitudes and values

“The Lord has always reminded us to be good stewards and to freely share so the
may be encouraged and give you the glory”
Ma’am May

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