Gender, Religion and Caste PDF

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Short answer type questions
1.Define : a. Gender Division b. Feminist movements c. Patriarchal
Society d. Communalism e. Occupational mobility f. Urbanisation g.
Family laws h. Communal Politics .
( Refer the Chapter and note it down).
2.What do you mean by Sex ratio?
Sex ratio is the proportion of the number of females per 1000
males in any particular area. According to 2011 Population Survey of
India , the Sex ratio is 943 ie: only 943 females are there in India per
1000 males .
3. What is meant by caste system ? What is the most important base of
caste system? Mention any two ways in which caste has influenced
politics in India ?
Caste system is a system that leads to the division of the society in which
rules and regulations of eating , living , occupation , keeping social relations
are stated .
The most important base of caste system is discrimination and
exclusion of lower castes from social position or status. Caste has
influenced politics in the following two ways :
a. Caste leaders contest elections and try to win over the loyalty of their
caste members to win over the elections .
b. Different castes come closer to each other and make a group so that
they can demand for more facilities from the government.
4. What do you mean by political mobilization on religious lines ?
Political mobilization on religious lines is a form of communalism where
religious symbols , leaders, emotions and interests are used for attracting
followers to the political arena. It means that in our multi- religious
country , political leaders often appeal to people in the name of a
particular religion for acquiring their votes .
In this way , they demand to fulfill their political aspirations by
suppressing the demands of other religions .Thus , religion in politics creates
communal divide in the country .
5. How can religion be used in politics in a positive manner ?
Religion can be used in politics in a positive manner as :
a. Religion in politics is not dangerous as it seems to us . Ethical values of
all the religions can play an important role in politics .
b. As a member of any religious community , people should express their
political needs and demands. Our political leaders should regulate the
practice of religion so that there is no discrimination and oppression.
c. If all the religions are treated equally , these political acts are not wrong
in any way and religion can be used in politics in a positive manner .
6. How is communalism a hindrance in the functioning of our democracy ?
Communalism is an ideology which tries to impose religious views of
one religion over people of other religious groups. Its hindrance in the
factioning of our democracy are as follows :
a. It states that the followers of different religions cannot belong to the
same community .
b. It states that the flowers of one religion belong to one community and
their fundamental interests are also same.
c. It also states that the followers of different religions have nothing in
common in them . Their interests are mutually conflicting .
7. Define the term ‘’Secularism ‘’. Explain any four features of Secularism in
India .
Secularism means when a country has no religion of its own and
regards all the religions of the country equally. Our Constitution has given
our country the status of a secular state due to the presence of diverse
religious groups in our country .
Features of Secularism in India
a. India has no official religion of its own. Unlike India, many countries like
Pakistan, Sri lanka , England etc; have their official religion .
b. All citizens of the country are given the right to profess, propagate and
practise any religion of their choice.
c. The Constitution states that the government shall not discriminate
against any citizen on the basis of his or her religion.
d. The Constitution allows the state to intervene in matters of religion to
ensure equality within religious communities.
For eg; untouchability is banned in India .
8. How is casteism dangerous for a democratic set up ?
Casteism is dangerous for a democratic set up because….
a. Casteism is actually against the basic principles of democracy ie; liberty,
equality and fraternity.
b. Casteism gives encouragement to vote bank politics because of which
economic issues are pushed back by the leaders of different castes.
c. Casteism encourages division in polity and is against national unity.
d. Casteism favours interests of one particular caste because of which
interests of other castes are overlooked.
children pls message me..)
9. ‘’ In India women still lag behind men despite some improvement since
independence.’’ Support the statement with examples .
10. The focus on caste in politics can sometimes give an
impression that elections are all about caste and nothing else. Do you
agree? Explain.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
This is far from truth because……
(REFER IMAGE…No parliamentary………political preferences)
11. Assess the influences of politics on caste system .(IMAGE)
Each caste group…. Decision – making.)
12. “Caste has not still disappeared from contemporary
India.’’Do you agree with the statement ? Justify your answer with
suitable arguments .
Yes, I agree with the statement.(REFER IMAGE)
Most people…..economic status.
13. Examine the standard of women’s representation in
India”s legislative bodies.
(Refer image…Central legislature…..not been passed)
14. ‘’Caste system is declining but has not come to an end.”
It is true that the rigidity of caste system is declining but it has not
come to an end. It is so because :
a. The caste system is deeply rooted in our society and cannot end easily.
People still prefer to adopt the occupation of their family or caste.
b. Even in modern age, people hesitate to marry out of their castes :
instead they like to marry within their own castes. They do not like to
keep relations with the people of lower castes. All these are the main
features of caste system.
c. In other words, caste system has not come to an end but has
strengthened its position. Even politicians use caste system as a main
weapon to win over elections. So, caste system has not lost its

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