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HR e-Office

HR e-Office Management System

Employee / Supervisor Manual

Developed and Distributed by


No. 9-A, Jalan USJ 10/1C,

Subang Jaya 47610,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: 03-5632-9094 (Hunting Lines)
Fax: 03-5631-9736
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.hr2000.com.my

Business Hours: Monday - Friday

9:00am to 12:45 pm – 1:45pm to 5:45pm

Updated 27 September 2017

Table of Contents

Login Page ...........................................................................................................................................................1

Employee / Supervisor Main Page .....................................................................................................................2
1. Home ...........................................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Bulletin Board .......................................................................................................................................2
1.2 My Leave ...............................................................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Leave Entitlement...........................................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Upcoming Leave Status ..................................................................................................................3
1.3 Who’s on Leave .....................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Approving Officer ..................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Public Holiday .......................................................................................................................................4
1.6 E-Storage ...............................................................................................................................................5
2. Employee Menu ..........................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Profile ....................................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Change Password..................................................................................................................................6
2.3 E-Leave Module.....................................................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Leave Application ...........................................................................................................................7
2.3.2 Time Off Application .......................................................................................................................7
2.3.3 Leave History ..................................................................................................................................8
2.3.4 Report .............................................................................................................................................9
2.4 E-Claim Module ...................................................................................................................................10
2.4.1 Draf: Claim Application .................................................................................................................10
2.4.2 Draf: Claim Editing ........................................................................................................................10
2.4.3 Monthly Claim Submission ...........................................................................................................11
2.4.4 Claim History ................................................................................................................................12
2.4.5 Report ...........................................................................................................................................13
2.5 E-WebSpace Module ...........................................................................................................................13
3. Supervisor Menu .......................................................................................................................................14
3.1 E-Leave Module...................................................................................................................................14
3.1.1 Approve/Reject.............................................................................................................................14
3.1.2 Subordinate Leave Entry ..............................................................................................................15
3.1.3 Subordinate Leave Adjustment Entry...........................................................................................16
3.1.4 Report ...........................................................................................................................................17
3.2 E-Claim Module ...................................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Approve/Reject.............................................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Subordinate Claim Listing .............................................................................................................19
3.2.3 Report ...........................................................................................................................................20
4. Miscellaneous ...........................................................................................................................................20
4.1 Manual ................................................................................................................................................20
Login Page
E-office website can be accessed using any Internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome,
Firefox, or etc.
Website : http://www.iloginhr.com

Server Status
ONLINE : The connection to database is fine.
DISCONNECTED: The connection to database has disconnected.

Login Mode
Employee / Supervisor : Login in as applicant/approver.
Administrator : Login in as admin, sub-admin.

Company Code : Unique code which created by the HR2000 for each company. Eg: DEMOGROUP
Hint: Company Code is not case sensitive.

Default Employee ID & password

Login ID : Employee Number/ID
Password : Key-in the password that employee had updated in system.
Hint: Password is case sensitive.

Remember me
If user [tick]  this option; COMPANY CODE & LOGIN ID will be save.

Lost Password
Retrieve Lost Password for Employee / Supervisor Login Mode. Not Applicable for Administrator Login

User must key in Company Code, Login ID and Email to retrieve password.
Then, click [Retrieve]. (Email will send to user registered email address)

Employee / Supervisor Main Page

1. Home
1.1 Bulletin Board
Memo, messages or bulletin which posted / updated by Admin user/HR Department officer/E-Office

1.2 My Leave
1.2.1 Leave Entitlement
This grid displays employee leave entitlement and leave type that had been attached. All leave entitlement
calculation is up to date automatically.

For Leave Entitlement Computation, click on (Click Here for Calculator)

This module allow employee to self-check on the leave entitlement calculation.

1.2.2 Upcoming Leave Status

This grid displayed employee upcoming leave application status such as Approved, Pending, Rejected or
For Pending application, employee still can cancel application by click on [Withdraw].
For Approved application, employee can request to cancel by click on [Request Cancel].

For Upcoming Leave Status in Calendar View Format, click on (Click Here for Calendar View)

Calendar View Sample Screen

1.3 Who’s on Leave

This module displays a name list which filtered by Everyone/ Me Only/ My Subordinates/ My Company/ My
Cost Centre/My Department, controlled from Admin setup.
Click [Show] to display the name list of staff who are on leave according to the date selection.

1.4 Approving Officer

This grid will show approver who going to approve current employee leave application.

1.5 Public Holiday

List of public holiday that granted by company.

1.6 E-Storage
Allow employee to download file(s) which uploaded by admin.

Click on [Download] button to download.

2. Employee Menu

2.1 Profile
This module is to view employee personal profile. Only certain info can be change according to the
administrator setting.

Hint: Employee unable to change Biodata and Job Setup info. Please do inform the administrator for any changes/update.

Fields that allowed to update/change by Employee (Only if permitted by Administrator)

1. Passport No
2. Passport Expiry Date
3. Address
4. Postal
5. Home Phone
6. Mobile Phone
7. Email

2.2 Change Password

Allow user to change new password.
Hint: Password minimum 6 alphanumeric with mixture of alphabets and digits

1. Login As using employee login ID.
2. Enter the new password and confirm again password.
3. Click [Save]

2.3 E-Leave Module
2.3.1 Leave Application
This module allows employee to apply leave.

1. Choose Leave Type from the drop-down list.
2. Check on leave balance.
3. Choose date From, and To.
4. Type in the reason.
5. Click [Next], list of selected date(s) will be displayed.
6. Under column’s Day, choose 0 or 1.0; Period – Full. For 0.5 day; Period - AM, PM.
Hint: Eg.( Day = 1.0; Period = Ful) or (Day = 0.5; Period = AM, or PM) or Day = 0; Period = Blank)
7. Click [Browse] to attach file. (Eg: Medical Certificate)
8. Click [Submit]

2.3.2 Time Off Application

This module allows employee to apply Time Off, which standard to 2 hour (0.25 unit) for each application.

1. Choose Leave Type from the drop-down list.
2. Choose Date
3. Type in the reason.
4. Click [Next], selected date will be displayed.
5. Choose Period to AM, or PM.
6. Click [Submit]

2.3.3 Leave History

This module allows employee to view personal leave application or leave adjustment history within current

1. Choose Year and Leave Type.
2. Click on Trx No. to view leave application detail.

3. Sample Leave Detail above displayed the leave info detail & editing is not allowed.
4. Supervisor Action History column, employee able to check/view action taken by supervisor on the
leave application.

2.3.4 Report
This module allows user to preview leave reports, and export into Excel, Word or PDF.


1. Select Report, Eg: Leave Detail Report

2. Select one Leave Type, or all leave type.
3. [Tick]  certain status. Eg: Pending, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled.
4. In column of Format, choose either Report Type, or Grid Type.
5. Select Date Range.
6. Click [Preview] to view report.

2.4 E-Claim Module
2.4.1 Draft : Claim Application
This module allows employee to add in claim from - Draft: Claim Application


1. Choose Claim Type from the drop down list.

2. Key in Date of Claim and Client’s Name/ Location/ Remark.
3. Key in amount for applicable claim item.
4. Click [Browse] to attach receipt.
5. Click [Save]

2.4.2 Draft : Claim Editing

This module allows employee to Edit or Delete the draft.

STEPS: (Claim Editing)

1. Click on Trx No. to Edit the draft.

2. Update/Change necessary information in Claim Detail.
3. Click [Save]

STEPS: (Claim Deletion)

1. Click on Trx No. to Edit the draft.

2. Check the Claim Detail
3. Click [Delete]

2.4.3 Monthly Claim Submission

This module will submit drafts to approver for necessary action according to submission month. Employee is
allowed to submit ONCE only & no further submission within same month.


1. Choose the Year and the Month from drop down list at the Submit claim for Period.
2. Click [Submit]

2.4.4 Claim History

This module displayed status and details for each claim record.


1. Choose the Year and Claim Type.

2. Click on Trx No.
3. Record only can be viewed.
4. Supervisor Action History column, employee able to check/view action taken by supervisor on the
claim application.

2.4.5 Report
This module allows user to preview claim reports, and export into Excel, Word or PDF.

1. Select Report, Eg: Claim Detail Report
2. Select one Claim Type.
3. [Tick]  certain status. Eg: Pending, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled.
4. In column of Format, choose either Report Type, or Grid Type.
5. Select Date Range.
6. Click [Preview] to view report.

2.5 E-WebSpace Module

This module allows employee to view or download E-payslip, E-CP8A/E-CP8C and E-PCB2 in pdf format.

3. Supervisor Menu
3.1 E-Leave Module
3.1.1 Approve/Reject
This module is for Approver to Approve/Reject the leave.

Approver will receive an email as the sample below once the subordinate applied leave. Action can be taken
by clicking on the provided link.

This module is for Approver to Allow Cancellation/Reject Cancellation thru Cancellation Requests.


1. Click on Trx No. to view the details of the application.

2. For Action, choose in between Allow Cancellation or Reject Cancellation.
3. Key in necessary remark in Supervisor Remark.
4. Click [Confirm]

3.1.2 Subordinate Leave Entry

This module allows Approver to add in the leave record.


1. Click on Employee No from the Employee Listing.

2. Click [Add] to create new record.
3. Choose Leave Type from the drop-down list.
4. Check the leave balance.
5. Choose date From and To.
6. Type in the reason.
7. Click [Next], list of selected date(s) will be displayed.
8. Under column’s Day, choose 0 or 1.0; Period – Full. For 0.5 day; Period - AM, PM
Hint: Where, Day = 1.0; Period = Full. Where, Day = 0.5; Period = AM, or PM. Where, Day = 0; Period = Blank.
9. Click [Submit]

3.1.3 Subordinate Leave Adjustment Entry

This module allows Approver to do leave adjustment for the subordinates.

1. Employee Listing, click on Employee No.
2. Select Leave Type from the drop down list. Eg: Annual Leave
3. Key in Number of day. Enter positive value to increase the leave or negative value to decrease.
4. Key in the reason
5. Click [Add]

3.1.4 Report
This module allows approver to preview leave reports, and export into Excel, Word or PDF.

1. Select Report, E.g. Leave Detail Report
2. Select one Leave Type, or all leave type.
3. [tick]  certain status, or all status. E.g. Pending, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled.
4. In column of Format, choose either Report Type, or Grid Type.
Hint of Report format:
Report Type : This report type can export to Excel, Word or PDF without Grouping sorting.
Grip Type : This report type can export to Excel, Word or PDF with Grouping sorting; such as Company, Cost
Centre, Department, Section, Division, and Category.

5. Select year /month to show entitlement report as at the Selected Year and month.
6. Select Date Range

7. Select employees that Active Within the selected date range.
8. Select the query range for example, Department: Acct - Admin to use as filter for particular group of
employees only.
9. Then, click [Next].
10. [tick]  those employee that user would like to generate in report. Then, click [Preview] to view

3.2 E-Claim Module

3.2.1 Approve/Reject
This module is for Approver to Approve/Reject the claim.


1. Employee Listing listed all subordinate name list and claim column will showed the total claim
2. Click on Employee No
3. Click on each Trx No. to view the claim detail
4. Choose Approve or Reject
5. Click [Save]

Approver will receive an email as the sample below once the subordinate submit claims thru Monthly Claim
Submission. The provided link will direct approver to e-office login page and login is required before any
action can be taken.

3.2.2 Subordinate Claim Listing

This module listed subordinate’s claim according to Year and Claim Type selection.


1. Click on Employee No
2. Select Claim Type from the drop down list.
3. Point to More Info… to view the claim detail.

3.2.3 Report
This module allows approver to preview Claim reports, and export into Excel, Word or PDF.


1. Select Report, Eg: Claim Detail Listing

2. Select one Claim Type.
3. [Tick]  certain status. Eg: Pending, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled.
4. In column of Format, choose either Report Type, or Grid Type.
Hint of Report format:
Report Type : This report type can export to Excel, Word or PDF without Grouping sorting.
Grip Type : This report type can export to Excel, Word or PDF with Grouping sorting; such as Company, Cost
Centre, Department, Section, Division, and Category.
5. Select Date Range.
6. Select employees that Active Within the date range.
7. Select the query range for example, Department: Acct – Admin to use as filter for particular group of
employee only
8. Then, Click [Next]
9. [Tick]  those employee that user would like to generate in report. Then, Click [Preview] to view

4. Miscellaneous
4.1 Manual

This module allows employee to download Employee/Supervisor Manual (PDF), Click on [Download] .


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