Metallurgicaland Materials Transactions A45 A2014

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Steel Microstructure Effect on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior

of High Strength Low Carbon Steel

Article  in  Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A · August 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2320-3


13 7,477

4 authors, including:

B. Campillo Ximing Li
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México The Lubrizol Corporation, Brecksville, OH


Homero Castaneda
Texas A&M University


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Steel Microstructure Effect on Mechanical Properties
and Corrosion Behavior of High Strength Low Carbon Steel

Different thermomechanical treatments were applied to a high strength low carbon steel with a
novel chemical composition. As a result, three different microstructures were produced with
dissimilar mechanical and corrosion properties. Subsequently, a tempering heat treatment was
applied to redistribute the phases in the steel. Microstructure A with 56 pct martensite and 32
pct bainite presented high strength but medium ductility; microstructure C with 95 pct ferrite
and 3 pct martensite/austenite resulted in low strength and high ductility, and finally micro-
structure B with 98 pct bainite and 2 pct martensite/austenite resulted in high strength and
ductility. Alternatively the corrosion behavior obtained by polarization curves was character-
ized in 0.1 M H2SO4, 3 M H2SO4, 3.5 wt pct NaCl, and NS4 solutions resulting in similar
magnitudes, while the corrosion behavior acquired by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
had slightly differences in 3 M H2SO4.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2320-3
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2014

I. INTRODUCTION ment, which is a combination of two industrial pro-

cesses: rolling (strain) and heat treatment. As a result of
HIGH strength low carbon steel is widely used in this combination, both high strength and toughness of
many applications including oil and gas production, steel are attained. The strength has been improved due
transportation, infrastructure, and electrical power dis- to dynamic recrystallization at high temperature during
tribution, among others, as a result of its high mechan- thermomechanical processing 973 K to 1523 K (700 C
ical properties, low price, and high availability.[1–5] to 1250 C), implying that grain size refinement
Mechanical properties are important, and one way of increases the yield strength, maintaining high ductil-
classifying steel is through its yield strength. However, ity.[4–6] Following the dependency between materials
both chemical composition and microstructure that and processing, correlations have been observed be-
affect the mechanical properties are not taken into tween microstructure and mechanical properties in steel
account. It is not optimal to only consider mechanical with a standard chemical composition that undergoes
properties as a criterion for materials selection, because different thermomechanical processes.[5,7]
materials engineering must be based on the correlation It is common practice to apply quenching and tem-
among materials, processing, and application. Micro- pering heat treatments on materials produced by indus-
structure, chemical composition, and chemical behavior trial thermomechanical processes. Quenching is a heat
are included in the materials engineering field, while heat treatment used to improve the steel strength by heating
treatments, rolling, thermomechanical treatments, and above the austenitizing temperature and followed by fast
others are considered in processing. cooling to ambient temperature,[8] while tempering is a
In steel processing, great advances have occurred in heat treatment applied to adjust the hardness and
recent years. One of them is thermomechanical treat- ductility of metallic structures.[9] The tempering process
comprises four stages in plain carbon steel where the
microstructure tends to come back to an equilibrium
state.[10] Application of temperatures below Ac1 over
JESUS ISRAEL BARRAZA-FIERRO, Ph.D. Student, is with the time will result in austenitic, martensitic, and bainitic
Facultad de Quı́mica-Instituto de Ciencias Fı́sicas, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico, DF, Mexico, and structures changing into ferritic and iron carbide struc-
also with the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, tures such as Fe3C. Tempering is commonly applied after
National Center for Education and Research Corrosion and Materials quenching[9] by heating steel below 973 K (700 C)
Performance, The University of Akron, 264 Wolf Ledges Pkwy 213D, (approximately Ac1) for a certain amount of time to
Akron, OH 44325. BERNARDO CAMPILLO-ILLANES, Professor,
is with the Facultad de Quı́mica-Instituto de Ciencias Fı́sicas,
achieve a specific combination of strength and tough-
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. XIMING LI, Ph.D. ness.[10] Tempering of commercial steel with typical
Student, and HOMERO CASTANEDA, Assistant Professor, are with chemical composition has been previously studied, and
the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, National relationships between microstructure and mechanical
Center for Education and Research Corrosion and Materials Perfor- behavior are currently know, then tempering of new
mance, The University of Akron. Contact e-mail: [email protected]
Manuscript submitted August 21, 2013. chemical steel compositions has to be characterized to
Article published online May 14, 2014 know these microstructure and mechanical relationships.


Table I. Chemical Steel Composition in Weight Percent

Steel C N Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu Nb Ti
A 0.027 0.0060 0.24 1.00 0.003 0.005 0.4 0.180 1.35 0.0451 0.0045 0.0107 0.024 0.154
B 0.020 0.0061 0.24 1.04 0.003 0.003 0.4 0.1700 1.33 0.0515 0.0048 0.0108 0.024 0.154
C 0.031 0.0057 0.23 1.03 0.003 0.002 0.4 0.1674 1.30 0.0520 0.0043 0.0106 0.023 0.149

High strength low carbon steel is widely used due to pct Ni and 0.107 wt pct Cu additions may act on
its high mechanical properties. Nevertheless, it has low austenite transformation kinetics. Ni also promotes an
corrosion resistance.[11,12] Steel degradation has negative increase in energy for crack developments. Microalloy-
consequences upon the economy, the environment, and ing of steel with Nb, Ti, and Al promotes a slowdown in
human safety. Hence, corrosion control needs to be recrystallization and a decrement in grain size as well as
addressed with some methods such as material selection dispersion strengthening. Contents of 0.4 wt pct Cr and
based on the performance characteristics in a specific around 1 wt pct Mn are added to lower the bainitic
environment. Many studies have correlated steel micro- transformation temperature. Mo improves transforma-
structure to its mechanical properties,[13–18] whereas tion hardening through an increased volume fraction of
studies correlating steel microstructure to corrosion acicular ferrite, grain refinement, and precipitation
behavior have not been extensively explored.[19,20] The hardening. Mo also suppresses or retards the formation
design for steel structures should consider the micro- of polygonal ferrite and pearlite. The chemical compo-
structure-mechanical relationship with microstructure- sition of the steel used in this work is not typical of the
corrosion behavior for a specific electrolytic media, commercial microalloyed steels due to the additions of
based on the final application. It has been observed that Ni, Cr, and Mo.
microstructure can affect the corrosion process in
numerous ways, such as the development of carbonate
layers,[21] their porosity and adherence,[22] cathodic B. Thermomechanical Treatments
adsorption sites,[23] anodic adsorption intermediates,[24] The steel slabs were treated thermomechanically as
and stress corrosion cracking.[25] In a prior study, the follows:
microstructure of quenched and tempered (Q & T)
duplex steel was related to better corrosion resistance (1) The plates were reheated and homogenized at
than the annealed structure of the same steel in CO2- 1523 K (1250 C) and then rolled to obtain a
saturated solution at 313 K (40 C), pH = 6, and 5 pct thickness reduction from 4.4 to 2.2 cm (50 pct
NaCl.[22] In addition, corrosion behavior can be related strain) at the same temperature. After that con-
to the distribution of carbon-bearing phases in brine trolled cooling was applied from 1523 K to
solutions under high CO2 pressure.[26] 1193 K (1250 C to 920 C), followed by a second
In this work, relations among chemical steel compo- rolling to decrease the thickness from 2.2 to 1.1 cm
sition, steel processing, microstructure, and corrosion (50 pct strain) at 1193 K (920 C), and then a final
behavior were addressed. Chemical composition and cooling from 1193 K to 298 K (920 C to 25 C)
processes were proposed that would lead to a specific in air with a rate of 0.5 C s1. Finally, a quench-
microstructure, resistance, and corrosion behavior. ing was performed by reheating the plate at
Novel steels were produced and then were thermome- 1223 K (950 C), and then cooling in water at
chanically treated. As a consequence, specific micro- 45 C s1. This thermomechanical treatment can
structures, high strength, and ductility were obtained. be considered like typical controlling rolling with-
The microstructures were modified with thermomechan- out accelerated cooling, followed by annealing–
ical and post-heat treatments to know the effect on both quenching treatment. This was applied to the steel
mechanical properties and corrosion behavior. The A.
corrosion behavior was characterized by time and (2) The plates were reheated and homogenized at
frequency domain electrochemical techniques. 1523 K (1250 C), followed by a thickness reduc-
tion from 5.13 to 2.2 cm (70 pct strain) at 1523 K
(1250 C). After that a controlled cooling from
1523 K to 1153 K (1250 C to 880 C) was per-
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE formed, and the steel was rolled again from 2.2 to
1.1 cm (50 pct strain). Finally, the steel was cooled
A. Materials
from 1153 K to 298 K (880 C to 25 C) with
Three slabs were obtained from different steel casts, water sprays and a cooling rate of 20 C s1. This
and their chemical composition is shown in Table I. thermomechanical treatment is considered equiva-
Each cast is identified by a letter. The steel chemical lent as controlling rolling with accelerated cooling.
composition consists in a carbon content from 0.02 to All these steps were applied to the steel B.
0.03 wt pct C with the purpose to achieve high strength, (3) At 1523 K (1250 C), the steel was reheated,
good weldability, and a reduction of segregation in these homogenized, and rolled to decrease the thickness
steels. In an intent to improve the solid solution from 7.32 to 3.66 cm (50 pct strain). Afterward,
strengthening due to the low carbon content, Mn is controlled cooling was applied from 1523 K to
around 1 wt pct. Introduction of approximately 1.3 wt 1273 K (1250 C to 1000 C), and then the steel


was rolled to diminish the thickness from 3.66 to was perform to obtain flat samples which were parallel
1.1 cm (70 pct strain) at 1173 K (900 C). The last to the longitudinal rolling direction with thickness
step was using water sprays to cool the steel from £0.7 mm. Subsequently, these samples were ground
1173 K to 298 K (900 C to 25 C) and cooling with 120, 240, 320, 400, and 600 SiC paper grades to
rate of 10 C s1. This process can be called obtain a thickness of 30 lm. Afterward, a disk with
recrystalization controlling rolling with accelerated 3 mm of diameter and thickness around 30 lm was
cooling. This methodology was performed for steel electro polished in a solution of 5 pct perchloric acid-95
C. pct methanol[29]; the electropolishing electrolyte was
cooled using liquid nitrogen at 248 K (25 C), and the
Subsequent to the thermomechanical treatments,
applied voltage was of 35V. The thin foils were observed
rectangular samples (length = 2 cm, width = 1 cm,
in a transmission electron microscope (JEOL JEM-
and thickness = 1 cm) were obtained from the plates,
2010) at 200 kV operating voltage.
and then they were tempered at 473 K, 673 K, and
873 K (200 C, 400 C, and 600 C) for different times.
G. Hardness and Tension Tests
C. Optic Microscopy Hardness measurements were done in a Buehler
digital machine, model Macromet 3. The tests were
The microstructure of the three steel samples was
done with a sphero-conical diamond indenter for the
observed following the thermomechanical treatments in
Rockwell C tests and a steel ball indenter for Rockwell
an optic metallographic microscope OLYMPUS model
B tests, while the loads applied were 150 and 100 Kgf,
PMG3. The etching of the samples was done with Nital
respectably.[30] The hardness was measured in the
3 (3 mL HNO3 and 97 mL ethanol[27]).
parallel rolling direction.
The uniaxial tension tests were done in a MTS
D. Phases Percentage in the Steels After torsion–tension machine with a capacity of 22 Kpi. The
Thermomechanical Treatment tension samples were manufactured from the plates as
the standard practice ASTM describes.[31]
Tint etching was performed to estimate the phase
percentages. First, the samples were immersed in Nital
1 (1 mL HNO3 and 99 mL ethanol[27]). This was H. Corrosion Testing
performed, because Nital solution preferentially etches
The rectangular samples were welded to Ni wire with
ferrite grain boundaries and ferrite-based phases, such
a spot welder (DCC Corporation Hot Spot II TC
as bainite. Second, the samples were immersed in
Welder). Consequently, to isolate the wires, glass
etching solution #2. The etching solution #2 was
tubing was placed around. These pieces were mounted
prepared with 2 reagents as follows: 1 g sodium
in Buehler Epokwick epoxy resin so that the face
metabisulfite was dissolved in 100 mL of water, and
parallel to the longitudinal rolling direction was
4 g picric acid was added to 100 mL of ethyl alcohol.
exposed to the electrolytes. The steel was ground
These two solutions were mixed in equal volume ratio
stepwise with 120, 240, 400, and 600 SiC paper grades,
before the sample etching.[28] The samples were
followed by a final polishing with 0.3 lm grade
observed, until the reaction of Na2S2O5 and steel was
alumina on a cloth. The grinding and polishing
not noticed; in other words, when a small turbulence
processes were carefully performed before each exper-
stopped on the steel sample. Subsequently, the samples
iment, because if oxygen in the air reaches the metal
were immersed in ethanol to clean the excess of the
surface a short time after the polishing, then hetero-
solution and to stop the etching reaction. It should be
geneous surfaces can be obtained on the low carbon
carefully done, avoiding the steel surface drying,
steel sample surface. This was controlled by the
because any contact with air badly influences the
following method: the metallic surface was cleaned
etching result.
several times with DI water after polishing, and then
DI water was place on the steel surface to decrease the
E. Scanning Electron Microscopy Images contact with oxygen, while the sample was handled to
the cell. A new sample was mounted in resin for each
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were experiment to avoid crevice corrosion in the metallic
taken to reveal the microstructure that the etching sample/epoxy resin interface. The sample exposed to
process that was used to obtain SEM images was the electrolyte was 1.5 cm2.
performed with Nital 3 (3 mL HNO3 and 97 mL The corrosion testing was done in a typical three-
ethanol[27]) for 8 or 10 minutes, depending on the electrode electrochemical cell setup. The working elec-
sample. trode (WE) was the steel sample, the counter electrode
(CE) was a Pt-coated Nb mesh, and the reference one
(RE) was a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The
F. Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
distance between WE and CE was 3 mm, the electrolyte
The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was volume was 140 mL, and the WE was placed in a
utilized to acquire the nanoprecipitates morphology. horizontal position as well as the CE. The electrolytes
Samples were cut from the rectangular tempering used in the polarization tests were NS4 (CaClÆ2H2O
specimens with a Buehler IsoMet low speed saw. This 0.181 g/L, MgSO4Æ7H2O 0.131 g/L, KCl 0.122 g/L, and


Table II. Chemical Stoichiometry of Complex Carbide-Nitrides Calculated Thermodynamically Based on the Chemical
Composition of the Steels Used in This Work

Temperature [K (C)] Steel A Steel B Steel C

1173 (900) Ti0.65Nb0.35C0.25N0.75 Ti0.67Nb0.33C0.21N0.79 Ti0.65Nb0.35C0.27N0.73
1273 (1000) Ti0.71Nb0.29C0.20N0.80 Ti0.73Nb0.27C0.17N0.84 Ti0.70Nb0.30C0.21N0.79
1373 (1100) Ti0.83Nb0.16C0.10N0.90 Ti0.85Nb0.15C0.09N0.91 Ti0.83Nb0.17C0.12N0.88
1473 (1200) Ti0.92Nb0.08C0.05N0.95 Ti0.93Nb0.07C0.04N0.96 Ti0.91Nb0.08C0.06N0.94
1573 (1300) Ti0.96Nb0.35C0.03N0.97 Ti0.96Nb0.04C0.02N0.98 Ti0.96Nb0.04C0.03N0.97
1673 (1400) Ti0.98Nb0.35C0.01N0.99 Ti0.98Nb0.02C0.01N0.99 Ti0.98Nb0.02C0.01N0.99

NaHCO3 0.483 g/L), 3.5 wt pct NaCl, 0.1 M H2SO4, due to calculations that imply dissolution models on
and 3 M H2SO4. In addition, 3 M H2SO4 was the both sides of the Eq. [1]:
solution employed during EIS testing. The samples used
in the EIS testing were tempered at 473 K, 673 K, and xz þ yð1  zÞ½Ti þ ð1  xÞz þ ð1  yÞð1  zÞ½Nb
873 K (200 C, 400 C, and 600 C) during 300 minutes þ z½Nb þ ð1  zÞ½N ! Tizxþyð1zÞ ½1
after all thermomechanical treatments. All experiments
 Nbð1xÞzþð1yÞð1zÞ Cz Nð1zÞ ;
were performed with constant nitrogen bubbling and in
duplicate. These electrolytes were used for different where the bracketed elements denote that they are
reasons which are mention below. dissolved in austenite, while the right compound in the
The NS4 was used, because it is a common electro- Reaction [1] is a complex nitride-carbide of titanium and
lyte that mimics the chemistry for soil conditions of niobium (TiNbCN). The difficulty to obtain the solubil-
buried metallic structures. The 3.5 wt pct NaCl solu- ity constant of this complex precipitates lies in the lack of
tion is common in evaluation of materials exposed to interaction parameters in solid austenite and ferrite of
sea water. The sulfuric acid was used for its simplicity the elements, as well as dissolution models of ceramic
and high aggressiveness, which produces high levels of materials (carbides and nitrides of metals). However,
corrosion of the different steel phases that make assuming that the main elements in the formation of the
possible to record the effect of microstructure on steel precipitates are not affected in their activity for the other
corrosion. components in the steel, and using the solubility con-
The sequence of experiments is described as follows: stants of the simple compounds metal carbide and metal
First, the open circuit potential (Eocp) was measured nitride, the complex precipitate solubility constant could
for 1 hour. Second, the EIS was performed in a be approximated. In this work, the chemical composi-
frequency range from 10,000 to 0.01 Hz with 10 mV tions of the experimental steels were used to obtain the
of applied amplitude, and third, a polarization curve stoichiometry and approximate solubility constant for
was performed in some cases with a scan rate of complex carbonitride of niobium and titanium. The
0.1615 mV s1 from 250 to 250 mV vs corrosion details of the model are described elsewhere.[35] As a
potential (Eocp). result, stoichiometry of the complex carbide-nitride of
titanium and niobium is shown in Table II, while the
solubility constants are presented in Figure 1(a).
The complex carbonitride of titanium and niobium
III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS stoichiometry results are show in Table II. The stoichi-
ometry is strongly dependant on temperature, and it is
A. Solid Precipitates different from the single TiC, NbC, and NbN. The Ti
The precipitate features that are useful for refining the and N contents rise in the complex precipitate as the
grain size and thus improving the yield strength are temperature increases from 1223 K and 1673 K (950 C
thermodynamic stability at high temperature, small size, and 1400 C). This is an indication of the titanium high
fast kinetic formation, and low alloy quantity (£0.01 wt affinity for nitrogen as well as the influence of the TiN
pct of the alloy).[32] Precipitates that have exhibited on NbC and NbN. The TiN confers higher stability on
these features are mainly carbides and nitrides of NbC and NbN compared with the NbC or NbN
niobium, titanium, vanadium, and aluminum.[33,34] The stability in the absence of TiN.[34]
thermodynamic stability of single carbides or nitrides The solubility constants resulted from the calculations
has previously been obtained.[32] are shown in Figure 1(a). The complex carbonitride
The important precipitates are not only single car- solubility constants are difficult to determine by models
bides or nitrides but also complex precipitates. A in isothermal conditions. Thus, the numerical results are
complex precipitate denotes a combination of single presented, and they could be used in kinetic calculations.[36]
carbides and/or nitrides to form another compound, Previous works claimed that another important com-
which is the result of the mutual solubility of single pound that influences the grain refinement during the
carbides and nitrides at high temperature.[35] The dynamic recrystallization is aluminum nitride (AlN).[37]
prediction of their chemical composition is difficult However, the nitrogen content of the steel used in this


Fig. 1—(a) Solubility constants for complex carbide-nitride of titanium–niobium TiXNb(1X)CYN(1Y) base on the chemical composition of steels
A, B, and C. (b) Equilibrium among TiXNb(1X)CYN(1Y), AlN and austenite at 1173 K (900 C).

Fig. 2—Optic microscopy of the steel under three different thermomechanical heat treatments.

work is not sufficient for AlN precipitation to occur, bainite microconstituents. The steel B is shown in
because nitrogen in austenitic solid solution is depleted Figure 2(b), the microstructure covers the area by acic-
by the formation of complex NbTiCN. A model previ- ular microstructure form which can be related to the same
ously described[32] was used to obtain the stability among structures founded in A. The grain size is apparently
AlN, TiNbCN, and austenite. For the chemical compo- higher in steel A than in steel B, and it can be observed that
sition of the steel A, the concentrations of [Al] in AIN both steel grain geometries are not equiaxed; in fact some
and [Ti] in TiNbCN were used for the calculation, the grains are irregular. The steel C is presented in
other elements were maintained constant in the complex Figure 2(c), the microstructure is well-defined equiaxed
carbonitride, and the results are displayed in Figure 1(b). grains with dark points among them. This can be related
The thermodynamic calculations for complex to ferrite phase and second microconstituents.
NbTiCN and AlN show that increasing temperature The Nital etching used in this optic microscopy
from 1173 K to 1273 K (900 C to 1000 C): TiNbCN- observation displays the ferrite-bearing phases, while
austenite stability zone expands, austenite-AlN-TiNbCN leaving austenite and cementite intact. Ferrite-based
area shrinks, and AlN-austenite region does not ap- phases, such as bainite ferrite and perlitic ferrite, are
peared when a low pct Ti is presented in the steel. After dissolved and exhibits a typical morphology that gener-
locating the chemical composition of [Al] = 0.0451 and ally allows their recognition, but a problem appears when
[Ti] = 0.154 of steel A in the diagram, it can be seen that a microstructure presents simultaneously martensite and
the AlN is not stable at temperatures greater than austenite as second phases.[28] As a consequence, a
1273 K (1000 C). As a consequence, the formation of microstructure which is made of ferrite, bainite, martens-
AlN is not possible in the steels used in this work. ite, and retained austenite in a very fine structure cannot
be easy to characterize only with Nital. Then, a selective
color etching was used to quantify the phases presented.
B. Optic Microscopy Results
The steel microstructure that is obtained by optic
microscopy following the described thermomechanical C. Color Etching Results
treatments is shown in Figure 2. The steel A is shown in The steels obtained after undergoing thermomechan-
Figure 2(a), the microstructure is mostly an acicular ical treatment are composed of different percentages of
structure that can be associated with martensite and microconstituents. The tinting etching procedure which


Fig. 3—Color etching of the three steels after different thermomechanical treatments. M represents martensite, B bainite, and M/A martensite/
austenite microconstituents.

Fig. 4—Steel microstructures are shown under the three different thermomechanical treatments. M represents martensite, B bainite, and M/A
martensite/austenite microconstituents.

Table III. Grain Size Distribution After 10 min of Tempering

Grain Size/Steel Temp [K (C)] A (A) 200 (A) 400 (A) 600 B (B) 200 (B) 400 (B) 600 C (C) 200 (C) 400 (C) 600
Small (£120 lm) 134 144 144 40 61 31 46 58 370 414 413 289
Medium (120 to 200 lm) 24 33 32 21 20 14 21 16 19 13 14 34
Large (‡200 lm2) 42 21 21 40 28 49 48 51 4 1 0 9

was described in the Section II–D revealed the ferrite in electron microscope images of each steel are shown in
green–blue, the bainite in brown, and austenite and Figure 4, and they show each phase with more detail
martensite in white.[28] Representative pictures of color than the optic microscopy.
etching are shown in Figure 3. The steel A is shown in
Figure 3(a) and has a microconstituent variety: islands
D. Grain Size Distribution
of marteniste/austenite (M/A) which are small white
grains, martensite (M) denoted in the white acicular The grain area distribution was obtained from SEM
form color inside the grains and bainite (B) in brown images using GIMP and ImageJ freeware software. The
color. The steel B is presented in Figure 3(b) and SEM image was processed in the GIMP software to
includes two main constituents: B in brown color and obtain the grain boundary. A black and white image was
M/A plates among B laths. The steel C is exposed in produced where the grain boundaries are perfectly
Figure 3(c) and contains two phases ferrite (F) and M/A delimitated in black color, while the body of the grains
islands. Afterward, the images were divided in 100 was white. Subsequently, the image was open in the
squares using the GIMP software, if a specific color ImageJ software, and the area of each grain was
appeared in one square, the phase was quantified as 1 obtained. The results are shown in Tables III and IV
pct; if partial zones of one phase appeared in one square, where frequency of ‘‘small,’’ ‘‘medium,’’ and ‘‘large’’
a fraction was given for each phase base on the hue in grains of samples thermomechanically treated and the
the color etching. Subsequently, the quantification of the ones post-tempered during 10 and 300 minutes.
100 squares determined the percentage of the each The procedure described previously was done to obtain
phase. The microconstituent percentages results follow- the area grain distribution, because the grain morphology
ing the thermomechanical heat treatments are: 56 pct M, was neither equiaxial nor homogenous. The ASTM
32 pct B, and 12 pct other phases for steel A; 98 pct B, E-112[38] could be applied to obtain average grain
and 2 pct M/A for steel B; 95 pct F, 3 pct M/A, and 2 size (GS), but the objective in this section is to
pct other phases for steel C. Additionally, the scanning obtain the change in the area distribution due to each


Table IV. Grain Size Distribution after 300 min of Tempering

Grain Size/Steel (A) (A) (A) (B) (B) (B) (C) (C) (C)
Temp [K (C)] 473 (200) 673 (400) 873 (600) 473 (200) 673 (400) 873 (600) 473 (200) 673 (400) 873 (600)
Small (£120 lm) 65 62 49 51 38 41 347 289 251
Medium (120 to 200 lm) 15 14 27 26 20 18 19 33 16
Large (‡200 lm2) 44 42 46 49 53 51 5 14 7

thermomechanical and post-tempering process. The 873 K (600 C) at 10 minutes lower than the other two
grain areas distribution comprises all the phases in the tempering temperatures. While the tempering time
steel, and the grains changes are not treated for a specific increases to 300 minutes, the GS distribution changes
phase. to higher frequencies for Me and L areas, specifically,
The grain sizes were categorized like small (S) in an for L area. Steel B exhibits behavior similar to the one
area interval from £120 lm2, medium (Me) from 120 to found in steel A, but the frequency modification is in L
200 lm2, and large (L) ‡200 lm2. The steel A had a area as the tempering time increased. Steel C had only a
frequency of 134 in S areas £120 lm2. This has indicated small variation in its distribution as the tempering time
that the GS is in higher frequency for small sizes. For increased. These results can be summarized as follows:
steel B, the frequency was around 15 in increments of Steel A had a change from small to medium and large
30 lm2 within the area interval from 0 to 300 lm2, and grain sizes in its grain size distribution due to the
the size in the categories (S,Me,L) does not have a big tempering treatment; while steel B had a slight modifi-
frequency difference. It indicates the grain size is cation from small to medium grain sizes. The case of
allocated in S, Me, and L in a similar manner. In the steel C did not have a modification in its grain size
case of steel C, the frequency was 370 for S GS as it is distribution because of the tempering treatment.
shown in Table III. This result denotes that the distri-
bution is extremely high in S sizes in steel C. The
E. SEM Characterization
comparison among the three steels could be summariz-
ing as follows: The steel A had a distribution higher in S The microstructures in steel that underwent three
sizes than steel B did; while the steel C had the highest thermomechanical processes are shown in the scanning
frequency in S sizes. The existence of a GS distribution electron microscopy images of Figure 4. The micro-
(inhomogeneous size) is an indication that dynamic structure for steel A is formed by F and M as it is shown
recrystallization cycles occurred.[39] in Figure 4(a). The microstructure for steel B is consti-
The strain applied in steel A was of 50 pct in a first tuted by B and M/A islands (Figure 4(b)), while the
rolling at 1523 K (1250 C) and 50 pct in a second microstructure for steel C is comprised by F and M/A
rolling at 1193 K (920 C), while the strain applied in areas.
steel B was 70 pct in a first rolling at 1523 K (1250 C) The microstructures in SEM exhibited no consider-
and 50 pct in a second at 1153 K (880 C). Although able difference during the tempering heat treatment.
steel A had a greater grain distribution in S sizes than However, the mechanical properties varied, which could
steel B, the austenite distribution in S sizes before the occur, because the tempering treatment modifications
accelerated cooling was higher in steel B, because the were at molecular level during the first and second stages
higher deformation at high temperature.[39] However, of the tempering, and they could not be revealed by
the quenching which was done in A steel after the scanning electron microscopy. The first stage of tem-
thermomechanical treatment causes the formation of S pering is an aging where carbon has redistributed in the
size martensite grains.[39] As a result, the steel A had a martensite laths interfaces and the dislocations; it has
frequency at approximately 134 for small GS higher been shown by TEM.[40] The second stage is the
than steel B which had a frequency of 61 in the same transformation of austenite to bainite. The bainite is
category. Steel C underwent an initial thickness reduc- formed by ferrite and cementite at high temperature
tion from 7.12 to 3.66 cm (50 pct strain), and a second [473 K to 623 K (200 C to 350 C)], while it is
one from 3.66 to 1.1 cm (70 pct strain). If high constituted by ferrite and transition e- and g-carbide at
deformations are created at approximately the Ac3 low temperature [673 K to 873 K (400 C to 600 C)].[41]
critical temperature, a very fine and homogeneous grain The crystalline structure exhibits a rearrangement, but
size (static recrystallization) will result only if an there is insufficient time that is to attain phase decom-
austenitic–ferritic transformation occurs at medium position in carbides and ferrite. If the transformation-
cooling rates.[39] For that, steel C had a frequency of temperature–time (TTT) diagram could be displayed,
370 for a small grain area which is the highest grain then bainite should be stable at times longer than
refinement in these three steels. 300 minutes because of the influence of the chemical
The area grain distributions which resulted from tem- composition.[39]
pering are shown in Tables III and IV. The analysis was
performed per steel, and the details are described below.
F. TEM Image Results
Steel A has a frequency of 144 for S GS at
temperatures of 473 K and 673 K (200 C and 400 C) Figure 5 exhibits the precipitates found in the
at 10 minutes. Steel A has a frequency of 40 for S GS at steels after they underwent different thermomechanical


Fig. 5—(a) Steel A after thermomechanical, (b) steel A tempered at 673 K (400 C) for 300 min, (c) steel A after thermomechanical in SEM and
EDS result from a precipitate. (d) Steel B after thermomechanical, (e) steel B tempered at 673 K (400 C) for 300 min, (f) steel B after thermo-
mechanical in SEM and EDS result from a precipitate, (g) steel C after thermomechanical. (h) Steel C tempered at 673 K (400 C) for 300 min.

treatments and tempering. The images show that the G. Hardness and Toughness Results
precipitate morphologies have cubic crystalline struc- The hardness number, Rockwell C (RC), was
ture. The chemical composition was obtained in cubic obtained, but steel C has a low RC hardness number
precipitates by SEM, and it showed the presence in the that is not acceptable using the standards.[30] Steel C
cubic morphology precipitates of Ti, Nb; see Fig- hardness was taken in RC and Rockwell B (RB) scales,
ures 5(c) and (f). The main precipitates were complex and the numbers are in good agreement if the experi-
carbonitride compounds of niobium and titanium; this mental result and the equivalence between RC and RB
is in agreement with the thermodynamic calculations scales are compared. Steel C is mainly F and has the
that were described in Section III–A. It is important to lowest hardness among these materials. On other hand,
mention that the stoichiometry was only obtained from the microstructure of steel A has M (Figure 5) and has
thermodynamic calculations, and it was associated with the highest hardness. Although material B is containing
the experimental results in TEM images. However, a B and M/A, the microstructure of steel B produces a
specific experimental technique was not used to identify hardness number similar to steel A. The three materials
the precipitate stoichiometry. slightly decreased in hardness as the tempering time


Fig. 6—The hardness results are compared to the tempering temperature and time. The light gray left arrow indicates the RC scale for steels A
and B, while the darker one points to the RB scale for steel C. (a) 473 K (200 C), (b) 673 K (400 C), and (c) 873 K (600 C).

increased at 473 K (200 C). The precipitates and the retained austenitic. During the third stage, ferrite and
phases were not affected, which demonstrates that the cementite are obtained from low carbon martensite and
materials would maintain their strength at this temper- transition carbides. During the fourth step, cementite
ature (Figure 6(a)). On the contrary, the hardness of the coarsening, as well as the polygonization and creation of
steels increased before 10 minutes, and then it dimin- equiaxed grains, occurs.[39]
ished from 10 to 300 minutes at 673 K and 873 K The first stage can be obtained at 473 K (200 C), and
(400 C and 600 C). even if there is a change in carbon distribution, it would
A peculiar observation regarding to steel A is that it not change the hardness at 473 K (200 C), because the
exhibited a larger hardness decrement than steel B for steel that is used in this work is low carbon and thus
tempering times from 3 to 300 minutes at 673 K and would not be affected by the redistribution of this small
873 K (400 C and 600 C). Steel A exhibited a small quantity of carbon. The second stage of tempering is
decrement in HRC number at 10 minutes from 34 to 32 obtained due to the austenite decomposition to cement-
at 673 K (400 C) and from 30 to 26 at 873 K (600 C). ite (or carbides transition) and martensite.[42] This was
As the tempering time increased at 300 minutes, the steel observed in a hardness increment at short time
A hardness was 21 at 673 K (400 C) and 28 at 873 K (£10 minutes) at 673 K and 873 K (400 C and
(600 C); while the steel B hardness decreased from 33 to 600 C), as shown in Figures 6(b) and (c). The third
32 at 673 K (400 C) and from 38 to 32 at 873 K stage consists of the decomposition of martensite in
(600 C) at 10 min; the hardness value stabilized to 31 at bainite, ferrite, and cementite at temperatures, which
673 K (400 C) and 28 at 873 K (600 C) at 300 min- was not observed in the SEM images. However, there
utes. Steel C had a very small reduction of around 2 RB was a hardness reduction at 673 K and 873 K (400 C
units in tempering temperatures and times. The behavior and 600 C) that resulted from the grain size transfor-
and the values described can be attributed to the stages mation-redistribution.
of plain carbon steel tempering. The first stage is Steel A had a decreasing frequency in the S GS, but
described as the formation of transition carbides and steel B did not have a frequency reduction in S GS.
low carbon martensite from the quenching martensite. Thus, the frequencies are almost the same for both
During the second stage, bainite and ferrite form from steels at tempering times at 300 minutes. The phase


redistribution was retarded at times more than 300 min- important issue is that the maxima elongation reached
utes at 673 K and 873 K (400 C and 600 C) for steel by the bainite structure is comparable to the ferritic one.
B. In contrast, the phase redistribution started for steel Steel A has a high content of martensite with laths that
A. The consumption time change for the small grain size are evident in the microstructure. As a result, high
can be attributed to the presence of martensite in steel A strength but low strain were obtained. The uniaxial
but not in steel B, although the effect was not recorded tension results are in agreement to the results recorded
in the SEM images. A redistribution of phases and by the hardness, grain distribution area, and micro-
carbon was initiated, and it could be attributed to the scopy.
decomposition of the martensite in bainite, ferrite, and
transition carbides as previously described.
H. Electrochemical Results—Polarization Curves
The steel C has a limited change of hardness, because
the ferrite is the majority phase in this steel; the The polarization results are shown in Figure 8. The
recristalization time and temperature were not reached surface preparation was important to consider for these
at 873 K (600 C) and 300 minutes, the highest temper- results as it was previously described in the experimental
ing conditions of this work, for steel C. The small section.
change in hardness of steel C is attributed to the The polarization measurements revealed that steel
decomposition of the MA at 673 K and 873 K (400 C microstructure has a nominal effect on corrosion behav-
and 600 C). ior in 0.1 M H2SO4, 3 M H2SO4, and NS4 solution.
A uniaxial tension test was performed for the three However, microstructure has an influence on the prod-
materials after the thermomechanical heat treatments. uct formation during anodic polarization around the
The test results are shown Figure 7; materials B and C corrosion potential (Ecorr) in 3.5 wt pct NaCl solution.
have similar maximum strain, but their strengths are The effect of low carbon steel microstructure on
different: the yield strength of steel B is double than the corrosion behavior is not evident by macro scale direct
one of steel C. Obviously, a steel containing bainite in its current techniques. There was a corrosion potential
microstructure will have better strength than one which difference among the three steels, but it was very small,
has ferrite as the main microconstituent. Here, the approximately 10 mV. The Tafel cathodic slopes were
obtained by nonlinear fitting using the corrosion–
diffusion mixed control equation.[43] The slope values
were considered to be correct if the error was less than
1Æ108. Tafel cathodic slopes, bc, are in the same order of
magnitude for all steels in the same electrolyte. The
cathodic slopes decrease from 130 to 70 mV/dec as the
H+ concentration increases in H2SO4. The cathodic
slope increment may be attributed to the H2SO4 solution
conductivity. Also the conductivity of strong electrolytes
like H2SO4 decrease as its concentration rises. On other
hand, the slopes remain at 90 to 100 mV/dec for NaCl
and NS4 electrolytes. This may be attributed to the
higher pH than that of H2SO4.
The hydrogen reduction from H2SO4 is the cathodic
reaction at pH £ 6, while the hydrogen reduction from
H2O is the cathodic reaction at pH > 6.[44] The pH was
approximately 7 for 3.5 wt pct NaCl and 7.19 for NS4
solution, which indicates that a similar magnitude could
Fig. 7—Strain–stress curve. be obtained for the cathodic slope associated with the

Fig. 8—Polarization results in (a) 0.1 M H2SO4 and 3.5 wt pct NaCl, (b) 3 M H2SO4 and NS4 electrolytes.


Fig. 9—Nyquist diagrams of steels in (a) 0.1 M H2SO4, (b) 3 M H2SO4, (c) NaCl and (d) NS4 electrolytes.

were approximately equal in each electrolyte, and they

changed depending on the pH. The reactions occurred
freely in acid media, while there was product formation
in basic media due to the decrement of H+ as the pH
increased. After the dissolution of the intermediate
adsorption compound FeOH+ ads and subsequent iron
hydroxide formation,[45] the icorr decreases two to three
orders of magnitude in NaCl(icorr  59107 A cm2)
and NS4(icorr  29106 A cm2), respectively, in com-
parison with the H2SO4 electrolyte (icorr  19
104 A cm2).

I. Electrochemical Results—Electrochemical Impedance

Fig. 10—Equivalent circuits used to fit the impedance results.
Figure 9 shows impedance results obtained after
1 hour of exposure in 0.1 M H2SO4, 3 M H2SO4,
reduction of hydrogen from H2O in different electro- 3.5 wt pct NaCl, and NS4 electrolytes. EIS results
lytes. The cathodic slopes are not the only parameter to elucidated that the activation–adsorption process occurs
consider in the analysis of the cathodic reaction, but also in H2SO4, following a positive loop in the Nyquist
low overvoltage precipitates which are preferential sites representation, see Figures 9(a) and (b). The adsorption
for the reduction process in the metal should be mechanism includes the H+ and HSO4+ ions at the
considered. For the three steels, the low overvoltage surface due to the absence of oxygen in the solution. The
precipitates had not homogenous distribution, and their adsorption of H+ has previously been reported in acid
sizes varied from 20 nm to 2 lm. Therefore, it can be media.[46]
considered that the cathodic interfacial area is minimal The three steels with different microstructures exhibit
in relation with the low overvoltage impurities, and the similar behavior. The EIS results of the experiments in
cathodic reaction rate should be approximately equal in 3.5 wt pct NaCl are shown in Figure 9(c), and the
the same electrolyte. Likewise, the corrosion currents presence of an incomplete semicircle denotes that other


processes are occurring in addition to faradic processes. ness, porosity, and physical nature of the metal surface.
When the tests in NaCl were finished, a white gelatinous For that, Qdl refers to pseudocapacitance of the double
precipitate formed on the surface of the samples. The layer, and ndl refers to the CPE exponent; while Qpl is
steel samples that were immersed in NS4 at pH of 7.19 the pseudocapacitance of the products layer, and npl is
are shown in Figure 9(d), exhibited a brown layer at the the CPE exponent.
metal surface with pour adhesion. Table V displays the Rct magnitudes for the experi-
A fitting process was performed by using equivalent ments performed in H2SO4. The charge transfer resis-
circuit analogies. The equivalent circuit that was used in tance magnitude is 37 for steel A, 46 for steel B, and 74 X
the experiments with H2SO4 was the typical Randles one cm2 for steel C in 0.1 M H2SO4, while Rct is 14 for steel A,
as illustrated in Figure 10(a). The equivalent circuit 15 for steel B, and 18 X cm2 for steel C in 3 M H2SO4.
associated with the experimental results for NaCl and The Rct shows a specific trend in sulfuric acid where steel
NS4 is represented in Figure 10(b); and it includes a A has a slight high corrosion rate than B which in turn
metallic surface covered by a porous layer. In Figure 10, has a little higher corrosion rate than steel C.
Rs is the solution resistance, and Rct is the charge The fitting values is 3.5 wt pct NaCl. The Rct increases
transfer resistance. The impedance expression associated in relation to the results obtained in H2SO4 because of
to constant phase element (CPE) is ZCPE = 1/(jwQ)n, the formation a product layer that is not protective, but
where Q is the apparent capacitance, and n is the phase it is a barrier that does not allow a corrosion rate as the
constant exponent, which is associated with the rough- one obtained in H2SO4 media. The charge transfer

Table V. Charge Transfer Resistance from Equivalent Circuit in Figs. 11(a) and (b) in Different Electrolytes

Steel: A B C A B C A B C A B C
Electrolyte: 0.1 M H2SO4 3 M H2SO4 3 wt pct NaCl NS4
Rct (X cm2) 37.83 46.67 74.66 14.27 15.55 18.06 12930 13000 16139 27266 29288 33520

Fig. 11—Nyquist diagrams of steels A to C tempered for 300 min at (a) 473 K (200 C), (b) 673 K (400 C), and (c) 873 K (600 C) in 3 M


Table VI. Charge Transfer Resistance Obtained with Equivalent Circuit in Figs. 11(a) for Samples at a Tempering Time of
300 min in 3 M H2SO4

Steel: A B C A B C A B C
Tempering Temperature [K (C)]: 473 (200) 673 (400) 873 (600)
Rct (X cm2) 18.97 20.04 15.02 14.75 18.01 11.94 18.92 17.31 15.22

increment is due to the pH change and the products hardness result, while steel B and C did not have a
obtained on the surface. In the NS4 solution, the significant change.
obtained values are higher by three orders of magnitude
for the Rct when compared to the resultant values in
H2SO4. The Rct is approximately 30000 X cm2 for all the IV. CONCLUSIONS
alloys. The Rct value in NaCl (15,000 X cm2) is half of
the Rct in NS4 (30,000 X cm2). The precipitates that improved both strength and
The impedance results were similar to the polarization ductility in the steel are complex carbonitrides of Nb
curve ones. This is the impedance that was higher in and Ti. Aluminum nitride was not obtained in the
H2SO4 than in NaCl or NS4 electrolytes. The corrosion results due to the low N content in the steel used in this
rate increased as the sulfuric acid concentration work.
increased. The behavior between NaCl and NS4 is in The best combination of yield strength and ductility
accordance to that which was recorded by the DC was achieved with a 98 pct bainite and 2 pct martensite/
technique, which demonstrated that the formed layer austenite microstructure (steel B). The highest strength
had better resistance in NS4 than the one formed in with the lowest ductility was attained with a microstruc-
NaCl. ture of 56 pct martensite and 32 pct bainite (steel A).
Impedance test results from the thermomechanical The highest ductility with the lowest strength was
heat treatment reveal that the corrosion resistance Rct obtained with a microstructure of 95 pct ferrite and 3
follows this order: Rct A < Rct B < Rct C in 0.1 M and 3 martensite/austenite(steel C).
M H2SO4. The majority M structure of steel A has the The hardness was found to be in accordance with the
lowest corrosion resistance, followed by the structure of microstructure constituents: steel A was the hardest,
steel B that has 98 pct B and 2 pct M/A. The steel C has while steel B had high hardness comparable to that of
the best corrosion resistance with a microstructure of 95 steel A; the softest steel was C.
pct F and 3 pct M/A. In steel B, the bainite microconstituent was stable at
A new microstructure modification was performed to tempering times of 300 min, this bainite 98 pct ensured
provoke an effect on the corrosion behavior, consisting that this steel maintained its strength over tempering
of a tempering heat treatment for the three steels. The time and temperature.
corrosion behavior was monitored by EIS in 3 M The nanometer-sized carbide precipitate in low car-
H2SO4. The EIS results are shown in Figure 11, while bon steel did not have a significant influence on
the Rct fitting ones are shown in Table VI. The corrosion behavior. For samples that were tempered
tempering effect was previously obtained in carbon steel for 300 minutes, the microstructure difference slightly
immersed in H2SO4 using the mass loss technique,[47] increased the corrosion rate in this order: steel C, steel
and the results showed the corrosion rate decreased as A, and steel B. Therefore, the steel microstructure had a
the tempering temperature increased in quenched and minimal effect on corrosion behavior at short times of
tempered steel with a medium carbon content (0.36 to immersion.
0.44 wt pct). The Rct did not exhibit similar behavior in
this work; the resistance remained at approximately the
same value in the case of the same steel. There was a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
difference of 2 to 10 X cm2 among the three steel
samples, depending upon the tempering temperature Financial support from Consejo Nacional de Cien-
and the alloy microstructure. cia y Tecnologı́a (CONACYT, México) Ph.D. scholar-
The behavior found for 300 minutes of tempering is ship to J.I.B.-F is gratefully acknowledged. In
shown in Figure 11. The Rct order is C<A<B at 473 K addition, the authors want to thank Ivan Puente Lee
(200 C); C < A < B at 673 K (400 C); and C < B < A from Facultad de Quı́mica, UNAM, for his help in the
at 873 K (600 C). It could be seen that there is a small SEM and TEM work.
impedance change between the thermomechanically
treated samples and the ones that were tempered at
300 min. The corrosion resistance was modified, because REFERENCES
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