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Genetic Disorder Project

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Name _____________________ PRESENTATION DATE:__________________

Genetic Disorders Research Project: Poster/Tri-board and Presentation Instructions

You have been challenged to incorporate your knowledge about cells, cell division, genetics and DNA to
research and present on a specific genetic disorder. With the information that you have learned, you are being
asked to research a specific genetic disorder and give an oral presentation along with creating an engaging
presentation. This is a partner project. You may choose your partner to work with. Choose your partner wisely!
You will be graded on how well you work together as a team! You will have 4 days in class to work on your
poster and presentation.

YOU PROJECT should have 3 distinct parts:

1) A poster or tri-board that helps present your information. This should not be read from but used to
enhance your presentation!
2) A presentation that lasts for 5 minutes in which you address the points below. A longer or shorter
presentation will result in a lower grade!
3) The teacher and the students will ask questions. You should be able to answer all reasonable


Your team will be assigned a date to present. There will be no makeup dates to present. If you are not here on
your scheduled presentation date, your team will present without you and you will receive the score they get.


The poster and presentation should follow the outline below. The questions listed are designed to provoke
thought and to help you determine what is significant and what is not. They are not to be answered individually
as a question and answer session.

1. Introduction
o What is the name of the disorder? Are there any other names by which it is commonly known?
2. Mode of inheritance
o All genetic disorders are inherited. There are several different ways in which they can be
inherited. Determine whether your disorder is an autosomal dominant trait, an autosomal
recessive trait, an X-linked recessive trait, a chromosomal error or a multifactorial trait
(polygenic disorder). Chromosomal errors may take several types: a particular missing
chromosome (e.g. a missing X chromosome), an extra chromosome (e.g. an extra chromosome
21), or a damaged chromosome (e.g. part of a chromosome deleted). A multifactorial disorder is
one which is caused by several genes or by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
o Include a pedigree chart or Punnett square showing how the disease is inherited. Use your
knowledge of dominance and recessive allele interactions to create your pedigree or Punnett
3. Clinical description of the disorder
o What are the features of the disorder? How does it affect the victim? What is it like to have the
disorder? How would you describe the disorder to someone else? What is the disorder like
externally, internally, biochemically, psychologically, etc. What problems are associated with the
disorder? Is the disorder physically limiting? Is it life-threatening? Is it invariably fatal? Is it
found more commonly in certain groups of people, such as a particular ethnic or religious group
or particular sex?
4. Treatment
o Can anything be done for the disorder? Can the basic defect be treated? Can the symptoms or
results of the disorder be treated? Is there a cure for the disorder? Is there any gene therapy for
the disorder?
5. Detection
o Can the disorder be detected before its symptoms appear? If so, how? Can it be detected
prenatally? If so, how? Is there any way to detect a carrier of the disorder? If so, how?


The following factors will be used to determine the grade:

1. Delivery - Did you speak loudly and clearly? Were you too fast or too slow? Did you appear confident
and poised? Did you have proper eye contact with the class? Were you enthusiastic? Did you avoid
silliness? (7pts)

2. Accuracy - How accurate was your presentation? Did you give any misinformation? Did you appear to
know the information well? Did you answer questions accurately? Did you make the effort to insure that
all terms were pronounced correctly? (7pts)

3. Following directions - Did you stick to the time limits? Did you include all the required information?
Were you on task at all times during the preparation of your presentation and poster? Did you work well
together as a team?(7pts)

4. Use of visual aid - Did you use the poster/tri-board during your presentation? Did you only refer to
your poster instead of “read” your poster to the class? Was your poster attractive and well thought out?


1. You will choose a genetic disease out of a bag. You will draw two diseases out of a bag and then you
can choose one of the two to do your project on. Put the one you don’t want back into the bag for the
next team.
2. You must turn in a bibliography/reference page for the sources used in your presentation. There must
be a minimum of 4 sources. Must be cited in APA format.
3. Everyone in the group must play an equal roll in the presentation.
4. How you behave in class while working on the presentation and also during the presentations will
impact your grade.
5. The project will be counted as a test grade.
Some Internet resources that may be helpful to you in creating your presentation:

Genetic Disorder Library, University of Utah

To learn more about different genetic disorders, browse through the Genetic Disorder Library.

Genetics Education Center

Seeks to help educate people about genetics.

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Institutes of Health

Teens Health
The Basics on Genes and Genetics Disorders.
Understanding Gene Testing – These sites will help you with understanding genetic terms and disorders.

Gene Testing, National Cancer Institute


Understanding Genetic Testing, Center for Genetics Education


*This is not a comprehensive list. You will probably need to access other sites to find out information!*

List your Genetic Disorder to Research: ________________________________________________

List your references below to help you track the various websites, books, etc you use for your project. Make
sure that you do not list “google” or “yahoo” as a resource. The information presented in your project must be
written in your own words. If not, you will receive a grade of a zero for plagiarizing your project.
GRADING RUBRIC Name:_______________________________
You must turn this rubric in when you present. Each member of you team must turn a Rubric in! Failure to do
so will result in a reduction in your grade!
1 3 5 7
Audience has difficulty
following presentation
Audience cannot Student presents Student presents information
because student jumps
understand presentation information in logical in logical, interesting
because there is no sequence which audience sequence which audience
Student occasionally
sequence of information. can follow. can follow.
uses eye contact, but
Student reads all of report Student maintains eye Student maintains eye
still reads most of
Delivery with no eye contact. contact most of the time. contact with audience
Student mumbles, Student's voice is clear. Student uses a clear voice
Student's voice is low.
incorrectly pronounces Student pronounces most and correct, precise
Student incorrectly
terms, and speaks too words correctly. Most pronunciation of terms so
pronounces terms.
quietly for students in the audience members can that all audience members
Audience members
back of class to hear. hear presentation can hear presentation.
have difficulty hearing
Student demonstrates full
Student is
Student does not have Student is at ease with knowledge (more than
uncomfortable with
grasp of information; expected answers to all required) by answering all
Accuracy information and is able
student cannot answer questions, but fails to class questions with
to answer only
questions about subject. elaborate. explanations and
rudimentary questions.
Presentation is more
Presentation is 5 minutes
than 6 minutes in length
Presentation is just shy All information is included
or less than 4 minutes in
Presentations were or slightly longer than 5 in presentation including
extremely short or minutes additional information
Most members of the
extremely long. More Presentation included all All members of group were
group were on task for
than one member of the components on task during entire
the majority of the
Follow team was off task during Most members of team preparation time
preparation time.
Directions the preparation time. were on task during the Team work was outstanding;
Teamwork was
Teamwork was not entire preparation time it was evident that all
observed during
evident during preparation Members of the team members of the team
preparation time. Did
time. Was disruptive worked well together contributed value to the
not participate in
during classmate Participated in classmate project. Participated in other
classmate presentations;
presentations. presentations by asking a classmate presentations by
did not ask any
question. asking thought provoking
questions and did not
pay attention.
Visual aid has four or Visual aid has three Visual aid has no
more spelling errors misspellings and/or Visual aid has no more misspellings or grammatical
and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors. than two misspellings errors.
Student uses superfluous Student occasionally and/or grammatical Student's graphics explain
Visual aid graphics or no graphics on uses graphics that rarely errors. and reinforce text and
project support text and Student's graphics relate presentation.
Visual aid appears to be presentation. to text and presentation. Visual aid is exceptionally
sloppy and unorganized in Visual aid is adequate. Visual aid is well done appealing to look at and well
its design and layout thought out.
Reference page is
Reference Properly cited reference
submitted, but it contains n/a n/a
Page page is submitted
errors in citation
Total Points: /31

Sickle-Cell Anemia

Breast cancer


Edward's Syndrome/Patau's Syndrome

Turner's Syndrome

Polycystic kidney disease

Klinefelter's Syndrome

G6PD (Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase) Deficiency

Cooley's anemia

Gaucher's disease



Familial Hypercholesterolemia

diabetes mellitus

diabetes insipidus

Marfan Syndrome

fragile X syndrome


Parkinson's disease

Cystic Fibrosis


Tay Sachs Disease


Down Syndrome


Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


Huntington's Disease

Burkitt lymphoma

Cri-du-chat Syndrome
Pituitary dwarfism syndrome


Immune deficiency diseases (Boy in the bubble)

left Lip/Palate


Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Sensorineural deafness

Spina Bifida/Anencephaly

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