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1. A power plant has a 10 MW turbo - generator with 73% engine efficiency.

The throttle steam

conditions are 4 MPa and 300C the back pressure is 10 kPa
a. The turbine indicated steam rate in kg/kW-hr. Ans. 5.21 kg/kW-hr
b. The mass flow rate of steam to the turbine throttle valve. Ans. 14.47 kg/s
c. The turbine indicated heat rate if the turbine auxiliaries require 2280 kg/hr of steam and
their exhaust heats the feedwater to 80C. Ans. 14278.5 kJ/kW-hr
d. The net station heat rate if the boiler efficiency is 80% and the electrically driven
auxiliaries requires 200 kW.
Ans. 18212.37 kJ/kW-hr
e. The net station thermal efficiency. Ans. 19.77%
2. A thermal power plant generates 5 MW has also 300 KW power needed for auxiliaries. If the
heat generated by fuel is 13000 kJ/s, determine the net thermal efficiency. Ans. 36.15%
3. A coal-fired power plant has a turbine-generator rated at 1000 MW gross. The plant required
about 9% of this power for its internal operations. It uses 9800 short ton of coal per day. The
coal has a heating value of 6388.9 kcal/kg and the steam generator efficiency is 88%. What
is the net station efficiency of the plant in percent? Ans.33.07%

4. A certain power plant produces 1,200 MW of power. The overall plant efficiency is 35%. Coal
with a heating value of 25.5 MJ/kg is used for heating the boiler feedwater. How much coal in
kg is burned each day? Ans.11616806.72 kg/day
5. A small turbine generator power plant of 5000 kW capacity has a full load steam rate of
6 kg/kW-hr. No load steam consumption may be taken as 10% of the full load steam
Write the equation of the Willan’s line of this turbine. Ans. ms = 3000 + 5.4L, kg/hr
At 60% of rated load, calculate the hourly steam consumption of this unit.
Ans. 19200 kg / hr
6. A steam turbine of 6 MW capacity has a Willan’s line equation of m s = 5.5L + 3,000 kg/hr.
Determine the steam consumption at 70% load. Ans. 26100 kg/hr

7. A 180 MW turbo generator requires 660000 kg of steam per hour at rated load and 20000 kg
per hour at zero load. Calculate the steam rate in kg/kW-hr at 80% of its rated load.
Ans. 3.68 kg/kW-hr
8. A 10000 KW steam turbine-generator power plant has full load steam rate of 6.7 kg/kW-hr.
No load steam consumption is around 11% of full load steam consumption. Calculate the
hourly steam consumption at half load. Ans. 37185 kg/hr

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