Unit II 2nd Part

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Experiment no.

Estimation of Soil Loss (Usle)
The universal soil loss equation (USLE) given by Wischmeier & Meyer; & the same was published in the
year 1973 by Wischmeier & Meyer.

This equation was designated as Universal Soil Loss Equation, and in brief it is known as USLE. Since,
simple & powerful, tool for predicting the average annual soil loss in specific situations. The related
factors of equation can be predicted by easily accessible meteorological & soil data.

The term ‘Universal’ refers consideration of all possible factors affecting the soil erosion/soil loss; and
also its general applicability. The USLE is given as under:


A = Computed soil loss, expressed in t/ha/y for a given storm event.

R = Rainfall erosivity factor, which is the measurement of the kinetic energy of a specific rain event or
an average year’s rainfall.

K = Soil erodibility factor. It is the soil loss rate per erosion index unit for a given soil as measured on a
unit plot. (22.1 m long with 9 % slope in continuous clean –tilled fallow)

L = Slope length factor. It is the ratio of soil loss from the field plot under existing slope length to that
from the 22.1 m slope length (Unit plot) under identical conditions.

S = Slope gradient factor. It is the ratio of soil loss from the field slope gradient to that from the 9%
slope (unit plot) under identical conditions.

C = Cover or crop rotation (management) factor. It is the ratio of soil loss from the area under specified
cover and management to that from an identical area is tilled continuous fallow (unit plot).

P = Erosion control practices or soil conservation practices factor. It is the ratio of soil loss under a
support practice like contouring, strip cropping or terracing to that under straight – row farming up and
down the slope.

Rainfall Erosivity Factor (R):

It refers to the rainfall erosivity index, which expresses the ability of rainfall to erode the soil particles
from an unprotected field. It is a numeral value. From long term field studies, it has been observed that
the extent of soil loss from a barren field is directly proportional to the product of two rainfall
characteristics: 1) kinetic energy of the storm; and 2) its 30- minute maximum intensity.

Soil Erodibility Factor (K):

This factor is associated to the different soil properties, by virtue of which a particular soil becomes
prone to get erode, either by water or wind. Physical characteristics of the soil to a great extent
influence the rate at which different soils are eroded. In general, the soil properties such as the soil
permeability, infiltration rate, soil texture, size & stability of soil structure, organic content and soil
depth, affect the soil loss in huge extent.

Slope Length and Steepness Factor (LS):

The LS factor represents the erosive potential of a particular soil with particular slope length and slope
steepness. This factor basically affects the transportation of the separate particles due to surface flow of
rainwater, either that is the overland flow or surface runoff and consequently affects the value of soil
erosion due to any given rainfall. The capability of runoff/overland flow to detach and transport the soil
materials gets increased rapidly with increase in flow velocity. On steep ground surface the runoff gets
increase because of increase in runoff rate. The factors- L and –S are described as under.

Slope Length Factor (L):

The slope length is the horizontal space from the point of origin of overland flow to the point where
either the slope gradient gets reduce adequate to start deposition or overland flow gets concentrate in a
defined channel.

Slope Steepness Factor (S): Steepness of land slope influences the soil erosion in different ways. In
general, as the steepness of slope increases the soil erosion also increases, because the velocity of
runoff gets increase with increase in field slope, which allows more soil to separate and transport them
along with surface flow.

Crop Management Practices Factor (C):

The crop management practices factor (C) is defined as the ratio of soil loss from a land under specific
crop to the soil loss from a continuous fallow land, provided that the soil type, slope & rainfall conditions
are identical. The crop & cropping practices affect the soil erosion in several ways by the different
features such as the type of crop, quality of cover, root growth and water use by rising plants etc.

Soil Conservation Practices Factor (P):

It is defined as the ratio of soil loss under a certain conservation practice to the soil loss from up and
down the slope. The conservation practice consists of mainly the contouring, terracing and strip
cropping in which contouring appears to be most efficient practice on medium slopes ranging from 2 to
7 per cent.

Example 1:

Calculate the annual soil loss from a given field subject to soil erosion problem, for the following

• Rainfall erosivity index = 1000 m. tonnes/ha

• Soil erodibility index = 0.20

• Crop management factor = 0.50

• Conservation practices factor = 1.0

• Slope length factor = 0.10 Also explain, how the soil loss is affected by soil conservation practices.
Example 2:

A field is cultivated on the contour for growing maize crop. The other details regarding USLE factors are
as follows:

K = 0.40

R = 175 t/acre

LS = 0.70

P = 0.55

C = 0.50

Compute the value of soil loss likely to take place from the field. Also, make a comment on soil loss
when same field is kept under continuous pasture with 95 percent cover. Assume the value of factor- C
for new crop is 0.003

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