Billing Guidelines
Billing Guidelines
Billing Guidelines
NPPs - Non Physician Providers or MLP - Mid Level Providers or PE - Physician Extenders
Medicare Part A -
Medicare Part B -
Its an optional benefit and patient has to pay premium every year which
requires deductable and Co insurance
Medicare Part C -
Medicare Part D -
Health Insurance program for Low Income people especially for children and
pregnant women
Physician work (52%), Practice expense (44%) and professional liability insurance (4%)
Medical Necessity
NCDs -National Coverage Determinations explains when Medicare will pay for the service
or item.
MAC - Medicare Administrative contractors is reponsible for interpreting national policies into
regional policies called LCDs - Local Coverage Determinations
ABN - The Advanced Beneficiary Notice explains patient liable to pay if Medicare denied the services
and before proceeding to the procedure patient should be provided with the cost estimation for that
particular procedure
Healthcare Providers
HITECH allows patient to request audit trail on where their health information have been shared
FRAUD - (knowingly or willfully doing)purposefully bill for services that never given or bill for service
that has higher reimbursement than the service provided
ABUSE - payment for services billed by the provider in error that should not be paid by medicare