STS Prelim Reviewer

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1. Helix
- Latin word SCIENTIA meaning 2. BlessU-2 and Pepper
KNOWLEDGE 3. Emotion-sensing facial
- Refers to systematic and methodical recognition
activity of building and organizing 4. Ransomware
- Knowledge about how the universe 5. Textalyzer
behaves through observation, 6. Social credit system
experiment, or both 7. Google clips
8. Sentencing clips
TECHNOLOGY: 9. Friendbot
- Greek root word TECHNE meaning 10. Citizen app
- The application of science
knowledge, laws, and principle - Defined as precursor to the unfolding
- Solving real-world problems or existence of something. Historical
antecedents in science and technology
THE MEDAWAR LECTURE 1998 (LEWIS are factors that paved the way for the
WOLPERT) presence of advanced and
- He made an interesting comparison sophisticated scientific and
between science and technology. technological innovations today.
- Wolpert made it clear that science is ANCIENT PERIOD
not the same as technology.
- Scientist are responsible for the 1. ANCIENT WHEEL/POTTER’S
application of knowledge in WHEEL (3500BC) – invented by the
technology summerians. A heave flat disk made
of hardened clay which spun
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND horizontally on an axis.
- A relatively young field that WHEEL – it could that the potter is
shifted to 90 degree angle. It would
combines previously independent and
older disciplines, such as history, not be 1000 to 1500 years later that
philosophy of science, and sociology the wheel was first used on carts.
of science 3. PAPYRUS (3000BC) – the ancient
Egyptians began writing in papyrus
RISE OF STS AS AN ACADEMIC FIELD: and is made from the pith of the plant
called cyperus papyrus.
- It also seeks to bridge the gap 4. SHADOOF/SHADUF – an early tool
between two traditionally exclusive invented and used by ancient
cultures-humanities (interpretive) and Egyptians to irrigate land. It is hand-
natural science (rational) operated device used for lifting water.
5. ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM important astronomical discoveries,
(100-150BC) – invented by the and identifies mountains and crates
Greeks as an ancient world’s analog on the moon.
computer orrery. Discovered in 1902 3. JACQUARD LOOM – built by a
and retrieve from the water of French weaver. Joseph Marie
Antikythera, Greece. Jacquard and used to simplifies
6. AEOLIPILE/HERO’S ENGINE – textile manufacturing.
steam powered turbine which spun 4. ENGINE POWERED AIRPLANE –
when the water container at its center Oroville and Wilbur Wright was
was heated. The demonstration of credited for designing and
aeolipile was 1st century. successfully operating the 1st engine
powered aircraft.
MIDDLE AGES 5. TELEVISION – a Scottish engineer,
1. HEAVY PLOUGH – the field with John Logie Baird invented the
the heavy, fatty, and the moist clay modern television. He successfully
soils became those that gave the televised objects in 1924.
greatest yields. Recognizable human faces in 1925
2. GUN POWDER (850AD) – Chinese and moving objects in 1926 and he
alchemist accidentally invented black also projected colored images in
powder or gun powder. It is also 1928.
3. PAPER MONEY – bank noted began 1. E-JEEPNEY – invented by the
to be used in Europe. 1st track of response criticisms to traditional
using paper money was 17th century. jeepney that belched smoke.
4. MECHANICAL CLOCK – it was not 2. MEDICAL INCUBATOR – invented
until middle aged that clockwork to use as incubator and jaundice
technology was develops. It paved a relieving device by a pediatrician and
way for accurately keeping track of national scientist, Fe Del Mundo.
time. 3. ERYTHROMICIN – invented by an
5. SPINNING WHEEL – it was used for Ilonggo scientist Abelardo Aguilar.
transforming fiber into thread or yarn An antibiotic out of the strain of
and eventually woven into cloth on a streptomyces erytheus.
loom. This was invented by Indians 4. BANANA KETCHUP/BANANA
between 6th and 11th century. SAUCE – was invented from the
shortage of tomatoes during the
MODERN AGES World War II. This invention was
1. COMPOUND MICROSCOPE (1590) made by Maria Orosa, a Filipino food
– invented by a Dutch spectacle technologist.
maker. Zacharias Janssen, together 5. MOLE REMOVER – in 2000,
with his Father Hans. Rolando Dela Cruz invented a mole
2. TELESCOPE – invented by Galileo and wart remover from the extract of
Galilei. This device magnify up to 20 annacardium occidentale or cashew
times larger than the Dutch nut which is very common in the
perspective glasses. Galileo used Philippines.
telescope skyward and made
INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONS THAT DEFINED been criticized for its shortcomings;
SOCIETY the Copernican Model also had
multiple inadequacies that were later
INTRODUCTION: filled in by astronomers who
participated in the revolution.
- Intellectual revolutions should not be - The Heliocentric Model was soon
confused with the Greeks’ Pre- accepted by other scientists of the
Socratic speculations about the time, most profoundly by Galileo
behavior of the universe. In science Galilei.
and technology, intellectual - The Heliocentric Model eventually
revolutions refers to the series of caught on among other astronomers
events that led to the emergence of who further refined the model and
modern science and the progress of contributed to the recognition of
scientific thinking across critical heliocentrism. This was capped off by
period of history. Isaac Newton’s work a century later.
- Three of the most important ones that
altered the way humans view science CHARLES DARWIN
and its impact on society: The
Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian - Darwinian Revolution by an English
revolutions. naturalist, geologist, and biologist,
- In the words of French astronomer, Charles Darwin, is credited for
mathematician, and freemason, Jean stirring another important intellectual
Sylvain Bailley (1976 in Cohen), revolution in the mid 19th century.
these scientific revolutions involved a - Darwin gathered evidence pointing to
two stage process of sweeping away what is now known as natural
the old and establishing the new. selection, an evolutionary process by
which organism, including humans,
NICOLAUS COPERNICUS inherit, develop, and adapt traits that
favored survival and reproduction.
- The Copernican Revolution refers to - The Darwinian Revolution can be
the 16th century paradigm shift named likened to the Copernican Revolution
after the Polish mathematician and in its demonstration of the power of
astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus. the laws of the nature in explaining
The belief that the Earth was the biological phenomena of survival and
center of the solar system based on reproduction.
the geocentric model of Ptolemy. - The place of the Darwinian
- He introduced the Heliocentric Model Revolutions in modern science is
in a 40 page outline entitled cannot be underestimated. Through
Commentariolus. the Darwinian Revolution, the
- He formalized his model in the development of organisms and the
publication of his treatise, De origin of unique forms of life and
Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium humanity could be rationalized by a
(The Revolution of Celestial Spheres lawful system or an orderly process
in 1543. of change underpinned by laws of
- Copernicus faced persecution from nature.
the church because of this.
- Ptolemaic Model is more sensible
which is early as the 13th century had
- Freudian Revolution Austrian
neurologist, Sigmund Freud, is HERBAL MEDICINE IN THE
credited for stirring a 2oth century PHILIPPINES:
intellectual revolution named after
him, The Freudian Revolution. Freud Scientific Name:
developed psychoanalysis a scientific Moringa Oleifera Leaves Fever and
Common Name: wounds
method of understanding inner and Malunggay
unconscious conflicts embedded Scientific Name: Arthritis,
within one’s personality, springing Peperomia kidney
from free associations, dreams, and Pellucida Leaves problem,
Common Name: and Stem fever, and
fantasies of the individual. Sinaw-sinaw/ wounds
- Psychoanalytic concepts of Pansit-pansitan
psychosexual development, libido, Scientific Name:
and ego were met with both support Jatropha Curcas Leaves Muscle pain
Common Name: and flatulence
and resistance from many scholars. Tangan-tangan/
- Freud suggested that humans are Tuba-tuba
inherently pleasure-seeking Scientific Name:
individuals. Vitex negundo L. Leaves Cough and
Common Name: fever
- The notion that all humans are Lagundi
destined to exhibit Oedipus and Scientific Name:
Electra complexes (i.e., sexual desire Coeus blumei benth
towards the parent of the opposite sex Common Name: Leaves Swell
and exclusion of the parent of the Scientific Name:
same sex). Costus igneus Leaves High sugar
- Freud’s psychoanalysis is widely Common Name:
credited for dominating Insulin plant
psychotherapeutic practice in the
early 20th century. BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT
- Psychodynamic therapies that treat a LABORATORIES
myriad of psychological disorders
still remain largely informed by - The bureau was established for the
Freud’s work on psychoanalysis purpose of studying tropical diseases
and pursuing other related research
SUMMARY OF CONCEPTS project. Eventually in 1905, the
bureau was changed to Bureau of
Nicolaus Copernicus – Focuses more on
Science, which became the main
astrology and heliocentric model.
research center of the Philippines.
Charles Darwin – Focuses on his theory of - In 1993, the National Research
evolution. Council of the Philippines was
established. Developments in science
Sigmund Fraud – Focuses on psychoanalysis. and technology during the American
regime were focused on agriculture,
medicine, and pharmacy, food
processing and forestry. In 1946, the
Bureau of Science was replaced by PAOLO CAMPOS – The "Father of Nuclear
the Institute of Science. Medicine".
- DEPED – Formerly Department of
Education and Culture BENITO LUMEN – This scientist was listed
- DOST – Formerly site of Philippine as a noteworthy science educator by Marquis
Science Community and formerly Who's who and also specialized in cancer and
named National Science and diet, anti-cancer compound in soybean and
Technology Authority other seeds.
- PHILCORN – Philippine Coconut JEAN SYLVAIN BAILEY – French
Research Institute astronomer, mathematician and freemason
- Philippine Textile Research Institute who said that "scientific revolutions involved
- Philippine Atomic Energy a two stage process of sweeping away the old
Commission and establishing the new".
- Philippine Nuclear Institute
- National Grains Authority DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND
- National Food Authority CULTURE – Former name of DepEd.
- Philippine Council for Agriculture
- Philippine Council for Agriculture, TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY – Former
Aquatic & Natural Resources name of DOST
Research and Development
In 1946, the Bureau of Science was replaced
- PAGASA – Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical & Astronomical
Services Admin The notion that all humans are destined to
- Philippine National Oil Company exhibit ELECTRA and OEDIPUS complexes
- Plant Breeding Institute did not seem to be supported by empirical
- IRRI – International Rice Research data.
- Bureau of Plant Industry BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT
LABORATORIES – During the American
DIOSDADO BANATAO – “THE BILL Period, this bureau was established for the
GATES OF THE PHILIPPINES” and for purpose of studying tropical diseases and
representing the first generation of the pursuing other related research projects.
internet, technology and digital innovation in
the Philippines. PTOLEMAIC MODEL – It is said that this
model is more sensible than the Heliocentric
DIOSCORO UMALI – This scientist Model.
specializes in the breeding of rice, corn and
abaca, and also specialized in animal STS AND HUMAN CONDITION
Technology as a Way of Revealing at a
BALDOMERO OLIVERA – He is named as Glance: Who is Martin Heidegger?
Harvard's "Scientist of the Year" in 2007.
- BORN: September 26, 1889,
BENIGNO "NOYNOY" AQUINO III – He is Messkirch, Schwarzwald, Germany
the former President of the Philippines who - DIED: May 26, 1976, Messkirch,
named the new National Scientists. Germany
- He is a German philosopher. He Enframing as Modern Technology's way of
taught at the University of Marburg Revealing
(1923-1927) and Freiburg (1927-
1944) - Enframing – It is considered as a
- He was a part of Continental tradition process as the way of revealing of
of philosophy modern technology and also the way
- Received an unequivocal support of ordering (or framing) nature to
from Jacques Derrida, Michael better manipulate it.
Foucault and Jean-Francois Lyotard Two ways of looking at the world:
- In 1993, he joined the Nazi Party
(NSDAP) and remained a member CALCULATIVE THINKING AND
until the end of World War II MEDITATIVE THINKING
- He also focused on ontology. Or the
studying of being dasein in German Destining - the role of humans take as
- Seinsvergessenheit instruments of technology through enframing.
- Bodenständigkeit
- Wesensverfassung
It is boastful for humans to think that nature
needs to be saved, whereas Mother Nature
The question concerning Technology would remain even if human cease to exist
(Paolo Coelho).
I: Technology is a means to an end.
A: Technology is a human activity.
"Because the essence of technology is nothing
TECHNOLOGY AS A WAY OF technological, essential reflection upon
REVEALING technology and decisive confrontation with it
must happen in a realm that is, on the one
- True can only be pursued through the hand, akin to the essence of technology and
on the other, fundamentally different from it.
- Mode of "bringing forth" - Poeisis Such a realm is art. But certainly only if
(the act of bringing something out of reflection on art, for its part, does not shut its
concealment). eyes to the constellation of truth after which
- Concept of aletheia - unclosedness, we are questioning."
unconcealedness, disclosure, or truth.
- Techne- resembles the term episteme Questioning as the Piety of Thought
(human ability to make or perform)
“The closer we come to danger, the more
Technology as a Poeisis: Does Modern brightly do the ways into the saving power
Technology Bring Forth or Challenge Forth begin to shine and the more questioning we
become. For questioning is the piety of
- Modern technology's way of
thought.” (Heidegger).
revealing as a way of "Challenging
Forth". It is also prompts people into
dominating and enframing the earth's
natural resources.

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