An Introduction To Gauge Theories 1st Ed by Cabibbo, Maiani and Benhar PDF

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Nicola Cabibbo
University of Rome, La Sapienza, and
INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome

Luciano Maiani
University of Rome, La Sapienza, and
INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome

Omar Benhar
INFN Sezione di Roma, and
University of Rome, La Sapienza

Translated from the original Italian by Geoffrey Hall, Imperial College, London

Boca Raton London New York

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This book was first published in Italian in 2016, by Editori Riuniti University Press, under the original
title: Introduzione alle Teorie di Gauge.

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Names: Cabibbo, N., author. | Maiani, L. (Luciano), author. | Benhar, Omar, author.
Title: Introduction to gauge theories / Nicola Cabibbo, Luciano Maiani, Omar Benhar.
Description: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2017] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016041647| ISBN 9781498734516 (hardback ; alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781498734516 (E-book).
Subjects: LCSH: Gauge fields (Physics) | Field theory (Physics).
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List of Figures xi

Preface xiii
The Authors xv







4.1.1 Derivatives 39

vi  Contents


4.3.1 Equations of motion and commutation rules 41
4.3.2 Symmetries 43
4.3.3 The Hamiltonian function 45
4.4.1 Symmetries in field theory 47
4.4.2 Ward’s identity 49



Chapter 6  FERMION FIELDS 67

6.1.1 Anticommuting variables 69
6.1.2 Sum over paths for the two oscillators 70
6.1.3 Gaussian integrals for commuting and anticom-
muting variables 74
6.2.1 Fermion propagator 79
6.2.2 The spin-statistics theorem 79
6.2.3 One-particle states of the Dirac field 81




Contents  vii








11.3.1 The propagator to all orders 149
11.4 THE VERTEX 151


12.4.1 Calculation of the tensor Πµν (k) to one loop 166
12.5.1 Preliminaries 169
12.5.2 The calculation 171


viii  Contents





Chapter 15  THE β FUNCTION IN QCD 195



16.2 THE INELASTIC REACTION u + ū → d + d¯ 207
16.3 THE CASE OF QED 210






19.1 THE Rξ GAUGE 240
Contents  ix



Appendix A  Transition Amplitude Calculation 269


Appendix B  Connected Diagrams 271


Appendix C  Lorentz invariance and one-particle states 275


Appendix D  Reduction formulae 279


Appendix E  Integrals 283


Appendix F  β(λ) and β(gt ) functions 287

F.2 β(λ) 287
F.3 β(gt) 293

Bibliography 295
Index 299
List of Figures

1.1 Fundamental fermions. 2

3.1 Poles and integration paths of the function G(x, χ). 27

4.1 Feynman diagrams for Green’s function. 50

5.1 A schematic illustration of gauge trajectories. 56

5.2 Feynman diagram for exchange of a virtual photon. 63

8.1 A graphical representation of the contribution of vertices. 101

8.2 First order diagrams and lowest order two-point function 102
8.3 Propagator corrections to second perturbative order. 103
8.4 Vertex corrections to second perturbative order. 104
8.5 First-order diagrams for the two-point Green’s function. 107
8.6 First-order diagrams for the four-point Green’s function. 108
8.7 A disconnected diagram to second order in λ. 111
8.8 The diagram of order λ for the four-point Green’s function. 113
8.9 Connected diagrams for the two-point function. 114

9.1 Connected diagrams for the four-point Green’s function. 118

9.2 A connected diagram one-particle reducible on two external lines. 118
9.3 Block representation of the connected four-point Green’s function. 119
9.4 Expansion of the connected, 1PI, four-point Green’s function. 119

10.1 The two diagrams with a single vertex. 126

10.2 Perturbative diagrams with vertices along open fermion lines. 135

11.1 The photon propagator to order α. 142

11.2 Corrections of order α to the electron propagator. 146
11.3 Corrections to the electron propagator with two insertions. 149


11.4 Insertions of order e40 . 150

11.5 Vertex corrections of order e20 . 151

12.1 Feynman diagram for electron scattering in an external field. 157

12.2 Feynman diagrams for bremsstrahlung processes. 159
12.3 Feynman diagram for electron scattering vertex correction. 161

13.1 QED theory compared to experiment for Bhabha scattering at LEP. 178

14.1 Gauge trajectories in the space of the functions Aµ (x). 188

14.2 Feynman diagrams of a Yang–Mills theory with exact symmetry. 193

15.1 Vacuum polarisation corrections in QCD. 196

15.2 Renormalisation of the propagator and vertex in QCD. 200

16.1 dd¯ contribution to the unitarity relation in uū → uū scattering. 208
16.2 Diagrams showing possible photon exchanges between fermions. 211
16.3 Two gluon intermediate states in fermion-antifermion annihilation. 213
16.4 Inclusion of intermediate ghost state to satisfy unitarity. 215

17.1 Comparison of experimental and theoretical variation of QCD αs . 219

17.2 High-energy behaviour of the effective constants, α, αW and αs . 223
17.3 Baryon number non-conservation in SU (5) grand unification. 226
17.4 Approximate coupling constant convergence at extreme energy. 228

18.1 W exchange in b + t → t + b. 233

18.2 Standard Theory behaviour of λ(q) to leading log approximation. 236
18.3 Standard Theory behaviour of λ(q) to NNLL approximation. 237

19.1 Tree-level diagrams involving vector and scalar propagators. 243

19.2 Charged boson exchange diagrams for the weak muon anomaly. 244
19.3 Neutral boson exchange diagrams for the weak muon anomaly. 247

20.1 Qualitative behaviour of the effective potential at high fields. 264

E.1 Wick rotation. 284

F.1 Feynman diagrams for the β(λ) function in the Standard Theory. 288
F.2 Scalar-vector vertex in the Landau gauge. 289
F.3 Feynman diagrams for the β(gt ) function in the Standard Theory. 294

Introduction to Gauge Theories completes the series of three volumes based

on lecture courses in relativistic quantum mechanics, electroweak interactions
and gauge theories, taught by the authors to first-year master’s degree stu-
dents in physics and astronomy, and astrophysics (Laurea Magistrale) of the
University of Rome, “La Sapienza”, over a period of several decades.
The principal objective of this volume is to introduce the basic concepts
of renormalisation in quantum field theory and the fundamentals of modern
gauge theories. Even though it is connected to the previous volumes, the
book can be read independently; it assumes only a general familiarity with
special relativity, second quantisation and the phenomenology of electroweak
The basic tool is the Feynman path integral, introduced in the early chap-
ters and systematically employed in what follows. The exposition follows a
pedagogic course, which begins with the simple case of the quantum mechan-
ical transition amplitude to lead to the generating functional of the Green’s
functions of field theory. The same pedagogic approach is used in the chapter
in which equations of motion, symmetries and the Ward identity are discussed.
The analysis of the path integral formalism is completed by a discussion of
anticommuting variables and the quantisation of fermion and electromagnetic
The perturbative expansion of the generating functional of the Green’s
functions, and the Lehman, Symanzyk and Zimmermann reduction for-
mulae—which allow the latter to be related to the scattering matrix ele-
ments—are illustrated, first in the simple case of a scalar field theory with
λφ4 interactions and subsequently with quantum electrodynamics (QED).
Renormalisation in QED is treated in the central part of the book. The
appearance of ultraviolet divergences, from which the necessity of introducing
a regularisation procedure follows, is illustrated by taking as examples correc-
tions of order α to the photon and electron propagators and to the interaction
vertex. The fundamental Ward identity of QED is also proven to the same
perturbative order.
The discussion of QED to second order is supplemented by the detailed
illustration of several important applications, which include analysis of the in-
frared divergence, detailed calculations of the Lamb shift and the vacuum po-
larisation tensor, and Schwinger’s calculation of the correction to the anoma-
lous magnetic moment of the electron, extended in a subsequent chapter to

xiv  Preface

the full Electroweak corrections in the Standard Theory. Introduction to the

renormalisation group completes the part dedicated to QED, with discussion
of the Gell–Mann and Low equation, and the Landau pole.
In the following part of the book, quantisation of non-Abelian gauge the-
ories is analysed, and the evolution of the coupling constant with the energy
and momentum scale. Asymptotic freedom in quantum chromodynamics, the
fundamental theory of strong interactions, is demonstrated to second pertur-
bative order through explicit calculation of the β function. The evolution of
the coupling constant of the fundamental interactions to high and very high
energies is discussed as an introduction to the hypothesis of grand unification.
The recent discovery of the Higgs boson has reopened discussion of the nat-
uralness, or non-naturalness, of scalar fields in field theory, also in connection
with the possible presence of new physics at energies higher than the critical
energy of the Standard Theory. The final chapters are dedicated to the study
of effects of scalar fields in the Standard Theory, analysis of limits on the mass
of the Higgs boson, the calculation of quantum corrections to the effective po-
tential of scalar fields and the problem that naturalness of elementary scalars
poses for the structure of ultraviolet divergences of the potential.
A large part of this work is due to Nicola Cabibbo with whom we have been
linked in a collaboration that lasted several decades. Nicola’s contributions,
several of which are on subjects not usually treated in introductory texts on
gauge theories, are unmistakable for their originality and clarity.
In conclusion, we would like to express particular gratitude to Guido
Altarelli, Riccardo Barbieri, John Iliopoulos, Gino Isidori, Giorgio Parisi, An-
tonio Polosa, Veronica Riquer, Massimo Testa, and to many other colleagues
for numerous conversations and comments on the subject, and also express
our affectionate thanks to Paola Cabibbo, for the patience with which she has
followed the slow process of writing. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the
fact that this book owes much to the comments we have received from our
students, over the course of the years.

Luciano Maiani and Omar Benhar

Rome, August 2016
The Authors

Luciano Maiani is emeritus professor of theoretical physics at the University

of Rome, “La Sapienza”, and author of more than two hundred scientific pub-
lications on the theoretical physics of elementary particles. Together with S.
Glashow and J. Iliopoulos, Maiani made the prediction of a new family of par-
ticles, those with “charm”, which form an essential part of the unified theory
of the weak and electromagnetic forces. He has been president of the Italian
Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), director-general of CERN in Geneva
and president of the Italian National Council for Research (CNR). He has
promoted the development of the Virgo Observatory for gravitational wave
detection, the neutrino beam from CERN to Gran Sasso and at CERN has
directed the crucial phases of the construction of the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC). He has taught and worked in numerous foreign institutes. He was
head of the theoretical physics department at the University of Rome, “La
Sapienza”, from 1976 to 1984 and held the chair of theoretical physics from
1984 to 2011. He is a member of the Italian Lincean Academy and a fellow of
the American Physical Society. For his scientific work, he has been awarded
the J. J. Sakurai Prize, the Enrico Fermi Prize, the Dirac Medal, the High
Energy and Particle Physics Prize of EPS and the Bruno Pontecorvo Prize.

Omar Benhar is an INFN research director and teaches gauge theories at

the University of Rome, “La Sapienza”. He has worked extensively in the
United States as a visiting professor at the University of Illinois and Old Do-
minion University, and was an associate scientist at the Thomas Jefferson
National Accelerator Facility. Since 2013, he has served as an adjunct profes-
sor at the Centre for Neutrino Physics of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University. He is the author of more than one hundred scientific papers
on the theory of many-particle systems, the structure of compact stars and
electroweak interactions of nuclei.

Nicola Cabibbo (1935–2010) was professor of Theoretical Physics and Ele-

mentary Particle Physics at the Rome Universities La Sapienza and Tor Ver-
gata, and held research and teaching positions in prestigious institutions such
as Harvard University, the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, CERN,
Geneva, University of California at Berkeley and Université Paris VI. In 1962,
Cabibbo discovered the phenomenon of quark mixing, described by a new nat-

xvi  The Authors

ural constant, the Cabibbo angle, measured with great accuracy in semileptonic
weak decays of hadrons. According to a recent analysis, Cabibbo’s paper on
quark mixing was the most influential article published in the journals of the
American Physical Society during 1893–2003. In the 1980s, Cabibbo provided
important momentum to the applications of numerical techniques to theoret-
ical physics, notably the gauge theories of strong interactions, promoting and
leading the development of the family of APE (Array Processor Experiment)
supercomputers. He served as a member of a number of learned societies: Ac-
cademia Nazionale dei Lincei and Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, in Italy,
National Academy of Science and American Association for Art and Sciences,
in the United States, and Accademia Pontificia delle Scienze, which he chaired
from 1993. An internationally reputed science manager, Cabibbo was presi-
dent of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and of Ente Nazionale per
le Nuove Tecnologie per Energia e Ambiente (ENEA). He was the recipient of
the J.J. Sakurai Prize (APS), the Medaglia Matteucci (Accademia Nazionale
dei XL), the Dirac Medal (ICTP Trieste), and the Benjamin Franklin Medal.

1.1 Quantum electrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Units and other conventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


In this course we will largely focus on quantum electrodynamics, the field
theory which describes the interaction of charged particles with an electric
field. Quantum electrodynamics, or QED, is an incomplete theory, given that
all the elementary particles are also subject to the weak interaction and, in
the case of quarks, also to the strong interaction.
A more complete theory, which takes account of both electromagnetic and
weak and strong interactions, is provided by the so-called Standard Theory
(or Standard Model). The Standard Theory is also incomplete, given that it
does not take account of gravitational interactions.1
Despite its limitations, QED is very interesting for several reasons:
• QED has a wide range of interesting physical applications, from the
interactions of photons and electrons to the fine structure of matter at
the atomic level.
• QED was the first field theory to have been studied in detail, mainly
using the method of Feynman diagrams, to address fundamental issues
such as the occurrence of infrared and ultraviolet divergences and renor-
• QED is a gauge theory, and is therefore the prototype of the Standard
Theory. A study of QED is a valuable introduction to the study of the
Standard Theory.
1 Although at the level of classical (non-quantum) physics, gravitational interactions are

described very successfully by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, and in many cases even
Newton’s theory can be satisfactorily adequate, there still does not yet exist a universally
accepted quantised form of gravity. The most widely held opinion is that it will be necessary
to progress from a field theory to a string theory, an argument beyond the scope of this


FERMIONS matter constituents

Leptons spin = 1/2 Quarks spin = 1/2

Mass Electric Approx. Electric

Flavor Flavor Mass charge
[Gev] charge

< 1 x 1 0−8 0 u up 0.003 2/3

e electron <0.000511 −1 d down 0.006 −1/3

neutrino <0.0002 0 c charm 1.3 2/3

muon 0.106 −1 s strange 0.1 −1/3

<0.02 0 t top 175 2/3

tau 1.7771 −1 b b o tto m 4,3 −1/3

Figure 1.1 Fundamental fermions.


• Among the predictions of the Standard Theory, some of those related to

QED are confirmed with the highest precision.
The most precise test of QED is currently given by the experimental value
of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. The Dirac equation assigns
to the electron a magnetic moment equal to one Bohr magneton2 , 2m , but this
result must be corrected because of the interaction with the radiation field by
a factor (1 + ae ), where ae is the magnetic anomaly, which can be expressed
as a power series in α, the fine structure constant:
ae = + ··· .

The experimental values for the electron and positron are known with
2 Units and other conventions are discussed at the end of this chapter.

errors of the order of 0.004 parts per million:

e− = (1159652.1884 ± 0.0043) × 10
e+ = (1159652.1879 ± 0.0043) × 10
, (1.1)
to be compared with the theoretical prediction:
e− = (1159652.1535 ± 0.0240) × 10
(0.02 parts per million).(1.2)
The error quoted for the theoretical prediction is mainly due to the uncer-
tainty of the value of α, obtained from a measurement of the quantum Hall
effect. The theoretical prediction is based on calculations of ae up to terms in
α4 .
In this course we will discuss quantum electrodynamics using the method
of Feynman path integrals, which has been shown to be definitely superior
to the more traditional method of canonical quantisation [1] to handle quan-
tum theories characterised by gauge symmetries. The concepts developed here
provide a useful foundation to discuss the Standard Theory [2].
We recall that electromagnetism is characterised by the invariance of all
the observable quantities, for example the electric and magnetic fields E and
B, with respect to transformation of the vector potentials:
Aµ → A′µ = Aµ + ∂µ f , (1.3)
where f is an arbitrary function. We can consider this transformation as due
to a transformation operator Uf , and write
Uf Aµ Uf−1 = Aµ + ∂µ f . (1.4)
If we carry out two successive transformations, Uf , Ug , we will have
Ug Uf Aµ Uf−1 Ug−1 = Aµ + ∂µ f + ∂µ g , (1.5)
and we can easily verify that the set of Uf form a commutative (Abelian)
Ug Uf = Uf Ug = Ug+f . (1.6)
In the case of electromagnetism, we are therefore confronted with a partic-
ularly simple type of gauge invariance, while in the Standard Theory we
must deal with non-commutative (non-Abelian) gauge symmetries. Even if the
Feynman path integral method is not indispensable for the quantum descrip-
tion of electromagnetism, it is preferred in the case of the Standard Theory.


Heisenberg and Schrödinger representations. In what follows, we will
principally use the Heisenberg representation, where the operators have a
dependence on time:
O(t) = eitH Oe−itH , O = O(0) . (1.7)

We will note in passing when it will be preferable to use the Schrödinger

representation. In each case, operators and states which will not be shown with
any explicit dependence on time, for example O|mi, are meant to be operators
and fixed states, equivalent to O(t = 0)|mi in the Heisenberg representation
and to O|m, t = 0i in the Schrödinger representation.

Units. We will use the system of units in which ℏ = 1 and c = 1.

Other conventions. We will follow the conventions used in [1, 3] for 4-

vectors and the Dirac matrices. In particular, the scalar product between two
4-vectors p = {p0 , p} and q = {q 0 , q} will be denoted as pq ≡ pµ qµ =
p0 q 0 − p · q.


2.1 Calculation of the transition amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 The lattice approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 The classical limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Time as a complex variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Statistical mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Green’s functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

In this chapter we will derive the expression for the sum over paths from
the usual formulation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, considering the
particularly simple case of a quantum system with only one degree of freedom.
After deriving the expression for the transition amplitudes by means of the
sum over paths, we will show how this method also allows calculations of the
Green’s functions in quantum mechanics. We will conclude the chapter by
showing how these results can be extended to the case of systems with more
discrete degrees of freedom and to field theory.
As a final demonstration of the equivalence between the different formu-
lations of quantum mechanics, in a later chapter we will use the formulation
based on the sum over paths to deduce the canonical commutation rules,
p (t0 ) , q k (t0 ) = −i~ δ m k .


To introduce the method of Feynman integrals, we consider first the sim-
plest case: a one-dimensional quantum system described by the dynamic vari-
able q and its conjugate momentum p. The Hamiltonian is therefore

H = K(p) + V (q) = + V (q) , (2.1)


where we have denoted the kinetic energy as K and the potential energy as
We would like to calculate the transition amplitude from a state |q1 i at
time t = t1 to a state |q2 i at time t = t2 = t1 + T . Using the Schrödinger
representation [1] and the system of units in which ℏ = 1 we can write
|q1 i = state at time t = t1 ,
e−iHT |q1 i = state at time t = t1 + T ,
hq2 |e−iHT |q1 i = transition amplitude to |q2 i . (2.2)
To know the transition amplitude as a function of q1 , q2 and T is equiv-
alent to having a complete description of our quantum system. We will see
some examples of this assertion, and direct the reader to the work of Feynman
and Hibbs [4] for full details. We recall that up to now in elementary parti-
cle physics we have actually been interested in the calculation of transition
amplitudes and especially in the elements of the S-matrix.
We consider first the case V (q) = 0 (for the details of the calculation see
Appendix A), which leads directly to:
−iKT p2
−i 2m T m i m(q2 −q1 )2
hq2 |e |q1 i = hq2 |e |q1 i = e 2T , V(q) = 0 . (2.3)
We note that the result can be rewritten in terms of the average speed
v = (q2 − q1 )/T r
p2 m i mv2 T
hq2 |e−i 2m T |q1 i = e 2 . (2.4)
This result has a very simple interpretation: in the classical limit the par-
ticle moves with a constant speed v. The phase of the transition amplitude is
therefore given by the action along the classical trajectory:
T p2
hq2 |e−i 2m |q1 i ∝ eiScl ,
with Z Z
t2 t2
mq̇ 2 mv 2
Scl = dt L(q, q̇) = dt = T .
t1 t1 2 2
The correspondence between the quantum transition amplitude and the
classical action was shown for the first time by Dirac [5].
6 0, we can calculate
In the general case, with an arbitrary potential V (q) =
the transition amplitude through a limiting process which leads to the defi-
nition of the Feynman path integral, or the sum over paths. Subdividing the
time interval T into N intervals ǫ = T /N we can write
hqN |e−iHT |q0 i = hqN | e−iHǫ |q0 i
= dq1 . . . dqN −1 hqN |e−iHǫ |qN −1 ihqN −1 |e−iHǫ |qN −2 i . · · · hq1 |e−iHǫ |q0 i .

We note that, since K and V do not commute,

ǫ2 2
e−i(K+V )ǫ = 1 − i(K + V )ǫ − (K + V 2 + KV + V K) , (2.6)
ǫ2 2
e−iV ǫ e−iKǫ = 1 − i(K + V )ǫ − (K + V 2 + 2V K) . (2.7)
We can therefore write

e−iHǫ = e−iV ǫ e−iKǫ + O(ǫ2 ) , (2.8)

observing that an error O(ǫ2 ) repeated N times is equivalent to a global error

O(ǫ), which will become negligible in the limit ǫ → 0. Each of the factors in
(2.5) can therefore be approximated as

hqk |e−iHǫ |qk−1 i ≈ hqk |e−iV ǫ e−iKǫ |qk−1 i = e−iV (qk )ǫ hqk |e−iKǫ |qk−1 i , (2.9)

and, using (2.3), we obtain

m(qk −qk−1 )2

−iǫH m i 2 ǫ2
−V (qk ) ǫ
hqk |e |qk−1 i = e

m i 2
k −V (qk ) ǫ
= e . (2.10)
In the last step we have defined the velocity in the kth interval as
(qk − qk−1 )
vk = , (2.11)
so that we can recognise the phase factor of the Lagrangian L = mv 2 /2−V (q).
If we now substitute into (2.5) we obtain
r N
−iHT m
hqN |e |q0 i ≈ ·
−1 X  mv 2  !
· dqk exp i − V (qk ) ǫ + O(ǫ) . (2.12)
k=1 k

In the limit ǫ → 0, the set of points {qN , qN −1 , . . . q1 , q0 } form a trajectory

q(t) from the starting point q0 to the final point qN . The phase in (2.12) simply
becomes the classical action along this trajectory, qN
X  mv 2  Z
− V (qk ) ǫ → dtL (q(t), q̇(t)) = S (q(t)) ,

while the integration of (2.12) can be interpreted as a sum over the trajec-
tories. In the limit ǫ → 0, the sum becomes an integral in the space of the

trajectories q(t). The integration measure is defined by the equation.1 For a

detailed discussion of the integration measure in path integrals, we direct the
interested reader to Ref. [6].
r N Z NY
−1 Z
dqk → d[q(t)] .

Taking the limit ǫ → 0, we finally obtain

hqN |e−iT H |q0 i = d[q(t)]eiS(q(t)) , (2.13)

where the integral is extended over all trajectories q(t) such that q(t0 ) = q0 ,
and q(t0 + T ) = qN .


The Feynman integral is a functional integral, which is an integral carried
out over all the functions q(t) defined in the interval [t0 , t0 +T ]. It is interesting
to consider (2.12) as an approximate expression which, at least in principle,
could be subject to an explicit calculation. This type of approximation, which
we call the lattice approximation, is widely used in field theory, since it lends
itself to numerical calculations in situations where it is not possible to obtain
exact results, and where perturbative methods—that we will illustrate in the
case of quantum electrodynamics—fail. The lattice approximation is shown to
be of particular utility in the study of the fundamental theory of the strong
interaction, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which is not suitable for per-
turbative calculations except in some special cases. For example, in (2.12) the
time t is represented by a network of points, tk = t0 + kǫ, and the function
q(t) through the value that it takes at times tk , qk = q(tk ).
The approximation to the transition amplitude provided by (2.12) has er-
rors O(ǫ), which was sufficient in the preceding discussion to demonstrate
convergence to the result of (2.13). If interest is focused on the method of
numerical calculation, however, the speed with which the approximate results
converge to the exact value becomes of great practical importance. For exam-
ple, as the reader can easily show, the simple modification of equation (2.8)

e−iHǫ = e−i(V /2)ǫ e−iKǫ e−i(V /2)ǫ + O(ǫ3 ) , (2.14)

allows the construction of a method of calculation which converges much more

quickly to the exact result.
1 In the general theory of integration, the measure is the weight one gives to a particular

volume around a point x. Integrating a function in Cartesian coordinates, the measure is

simply the product dq1 · · · dqn . Integrating over a space of functions requires defining the
weight to give to a particular set of functions which are infinitesimally close to each other,
as does the limit of equation (2.12).


The formulation of quantum mechanics by means of the sum over paths of
equation (2.13) is particularly well adapted to the discussion of the classical
limit of a quantum theory. To be clear, we held that, in every case, the “true”
theory is the quantum theory and that classical theory is a special limiting
case. Since the classical limit is obtained when ℏ → 0, it is convenient to
rewrite (2.13) making the dependence on ℏ explicit,
hqN |e−iT H/ℏ |q0 i = d[q(t)]eiS(q(t))/ℏ . (2.15)

The situation becomes approximately classical if the value of the action

is very large compared to ℏ. Let us suppose that there exists a trajectory
qc (t), such that qc (t0 ) = q0 , and qc (t0 + T ) = qN , which minimises the action.
The condition δS = 0 implies that trajectories close to qc (t) contribute to the
integral (2.15) with the same phase (or very similar phases), and therefore
they interfere constructively. Conversely, near every trajectory which is not a
minimum of the action there are others with different phases which interfere
destructively. Therefore the integral will be dominated by the contributions
from trajectories close to qc (t), trajectories for which the action differs from
S(qc (t)) by less than ℏ.
In the limit ℏ → 0 the motion of the quantum system will be described by
the “classical” trajectory qc (t).
It is certainly interesting to note that this argument allows the explanation
of an otherwise rather mysterious fact. The action principle δS = 0 is normally
demonstrated starting from Newton’s equation of motion, but this derivation
does not explain the reason for its existence. Instead, the origin of the action
principle is clear if we recall that classical mechanics is nothing more than the
particular limit of quantum mechanics when ~ → 0.


Up to now we have discussed the sum over paths without worrying exces-
sively about the convergence of the integrals, for example those which appear
in equation (2.13). In reality, by examining (2.13) it is immediately clear that
there is a problem: the integrand exp[iS (q(t))] is of unit modulus, and there-
fore the definition of the integral requires some care. In fact, we have already
encountered the same problem in the calculation of the transition amplitude
in the absence of forces, equation (2.3) (see Appendix A). In that case, we
saw that it is necessary to define the transition amplitude relative to a time
T as a limit, for η → 0+ , of the amplitude relative to a time interval T − iη.
We will apply the same method to define the integral over paths from (2.13),

which we rewrite again in a more explicit form,

hq2 |e |q1 i = d[q(t)] exp(iS)

Z  Z t2  
mq̇ 2
= d[q(t)] exp i dt − V (q) . (2.16)
t1 2

To give a negative imaginary part to the time, we write t = (1 − iχ)τ ,

with τ real and χ constant, small and positive, so that (1 − iχ)−1 can be
approximated by (1 + iχ). Therefore we have

dt = (1 − iχ)τ
t = (1 − iχ)τ, such that . (2.17)

q̇ = dq
dt = (1 + iχ) dq

and the integrand of (2.16) becomes exp(iSχ ), where Sχ is the action calcu-
lated with the modified time:
Z "   #!
m dq
exp(iSχ ) = exp i dτ − V (q)
2 dτ
Z "  2 #!
m dq
· exp −χ dτ + V (q) . (2.18)
2 dτ

At this point, the integrand exp(iSχ ) has a modulus equal to exp(−χI)

where I is the integral
Z "   # Z
m dq
I = dτ + V (q) = dτ H(q, q̇) ,
2 dτ

and H(q, q̇) is the energy of the particle. For clarity we note that, since q(t)
is an arbitrary trajectory, in general H(q, q̇) is not independent of time. Re-
garding the convergence of the functional integral in equation (2.16), we can
distinguish several cases according to the behaviour of the potential energy
V (q):
V(q) = 0. This is the case of a free particle, where the functional integral can
be explicitly calculated with the limiting procedure outlined in Section
2.1 and the basic methods discussed in Appendix A. The functional
integral converges.
V(q) positive definite. In this case I > I0 , where I0 is the value of I cal-
culated along the trajectory for which V (q) = 0. Therefore the integral
has at least the same convergence as in the preceding case.

V(q) limited from below. In this case, if V (q) > V0 , I > I0 + V0 T . The
addition of a constant V0 T does not change the convergence compared
to the two preceding cases.
V(q) not limited from below. It is necessary to evaluate case by case. If,
for example, V (q) = −q n , the convergence of the functional integral
depends on the value of the exponent n. It can be shown that the func-
tional integral converges if 0 ≥ n ≥ −1, and does not converge if n > 0
or n < −1. Therefore the Coulomb potential is a limiting case.
We note that the cases excluded are those in which the alternative for-
mulations of quantum mechanics—for example those based on wave mechan-
ics—also fail.


In the preceding considerations, we substituted the integration along the
real time axis with an integration in the complex plane of t, along the line
identified by
t = (1 − iχ)τ ≃ e−iχ τ = (cos χ − i sin χ)τ . (2.19)
The result also converges for non-infinitesimal values of χ and we can take
this to the extreme case in which χ = π/2, or t = −iτ . We then find the
following expression for the transition amplitude between imaginary (!) times
t1 = 0, t2 = −iβ
Z Z β "  2 #!
−βH m dq
hq2 |e |q1 i = d[q(τ )] exp − dτ + V (q)
0 2 dτ
! (2.20)
Z Z β
= d[q(τ )] exp − dτ H(q, q̇) ,

where the integral is along paths which go from q1 for τ = 0 to q2 for τ =

β. This expression curiously resembles the partition function of statistical
mechanics. To understand this relation we restrict the functional integral to
periodic paths, i.e. such that q1 = q(0) = q2 = q(−iβ).
We assume that the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian of our quantum
particle are given by |mi with corresponding eigenvalues Em . With the help
of (2.20) the partition function of a particle in thermal equilibrium at an

inverse temperature2 β can be expressed as a path integral,

Z(β) = e−βEm
= hm|e−βH |mi (a trace. . . )
= Tr e−βH = dqhq|e−βH |qi
Z Z !
= d[q(τ )] exp − dτ H(q, q̇) (. . . a path integral) , (2.21)

where the integral is over all the cyclic paths, which start from an arbitrary
value of q at t = 0 and return to the same point for t = −iβ. Thus defined,
the path integral absorbs the integration which derives from the trace (the
penultimate step of equation (2.21)).
We note also that in the limit β → ∞, the partition function is dominated
by the ground state:

Z(β) −−−−→ exp(−βE0 )(1 + terms exponentially small in β) . (2.22)



We define as Green’s functions the expectation values of the product of
operators in the ground state; for example, in the case of a particle in one-
dimensional motion, the products of the variable q(t) taken at different times,
t1 , t2 , . . . tN in order of decreasing time,

h0| q(t1 ) q(t2 ) . . . q(tN ) |0i (t1 ≥ t2 ≥ . . . ≥ tN ) .

We have adopted the Heisenberg representation, or

q(t1 ) = eiHt qe−iHt .

As we will see, an expression of this type can be simply written as a sum

over paths.
To extend the definition to the case of arbitrary times t1 , t2 , . . . tN , we
introduce the concept of the time-ordered product, T (q(t1 ) q(t2 ) . . . q(tN )),
which is simply the product of the same operators ordered according to de-
creasing time. For example, in the case of two operators:
q(t1 ) q(t2 ) if t1 ≥ t2
T (q(t1 ) q(t2 )) = . (2.23)
q(t2 ) q(t1 ) if t2 ≥ t1

2 We recall that β = 1/k T , where T is the absolute temperature and k is Boltzmann’s

constant. So as not to cause confusion with time, in the text we use β instead of temperature.

We can then define the Green’s function at N times as

GN (t1 , t2 , . . . tN ) = h0|T (q(t1 ) q(t2 ) . . . q(tN )) |0i . (2.24)

The motivation leading to the above definition needs to be clarified. Why

should special importance be given to expectation values in the ground state
|0i? Why introduce time ordering?
The answer to these questions are to be found in field theory, for which we
are preparing. In simple terms, the ground state of field theory is the “vacuum”
state, which is devoid of particles. The vacuum has several properties which
make it uniquely worthy of interest: from the vacuum, all other states can
be created by means of creation operators; the vacuum is the only state of a
field theory which is invariant under translations in space and time, and under
Lorentz transformations, rotations, and more besides. For the time ordering,
we will see that there is a direct relationship between the Green’s functions
defined as in equation (2.24) and the elements of the S-matrix. On the other
hand, we already know (cf. Dyson’s formula, in [1]) that the T-ordered product
assumes a central role in perturbation theory.
We now show that equation (2.24) can be transformed into the following
sum over paths
d[q(t)] exp(iS) q(t1 ) q(t2 ) . . . q(tN )
GN (t1 , . . . , tN ) = R . (2.25)
d[q(t)] exp(iS)

In the numerator, and in the denominator, the integral extends over all
paths between t = −∞ and t = +∞, such that q(+∞) = q(−∞). Moreover, it
is understood that times are obtained as limits of complex times, in accordance
with what was discussed in Section 2.4. More precisely
d[q(t′ )] exp(iS)q(t′1 ) q(t′2 ) . . . q(t′N )
GN (t1 , . . . , tN ) = lim+ lim R ,
χ→0 T →∞ d[q(t′ )] exp(iS)
and the integrals extend over all periodic paths between t = −T ′ = −T (1−iχ)
and t = T ′ = T (1 − iχ), such that q(T ′ ) = q(−T ′ ), and t′1,2,... = (1 − iχ) t1,2,... .
To prove the equivalence of (2.26) and (2.24) we consider for simplicity the
case of two operators, and make explicit the time dependence of the operators
in (2.24). We consider the case in which t1 ≥ t2

G2 (t1 , t2 ) = h0|q(t1 ) q(t2 )|0i = h0|eiHt1 q e−iH(t1 −t2 ) q e−iHt2 |0i (t1 ≥ t2 )
h0|e−iH(T −t1 ) q e−iH(t1 −t2 ) q e−iH(t2 +T ) |0i
= . (2.27)
h0|e−2iHT |0i

In the second step, T is an arbitrary time, but such that T > t1 > t2 > −T .
The denominator, h0|e−2iHT |0i = exp(−2iE0 T ), balances the introduction of
the two factors e−iHT in the numerator, so that the result does not depend

on T . At this point we introduce the complex time, and write

" ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
h0|e−i(T −t1 )H q e−i(t1 −t2 )H q e−i(t2 +T )H |0i
G2 (t1 , t2 ) = lim+ lim ,
χ→0 T →∞ h0|e−2iT ′ H |0i

where T ′ = (1 − iχ)T, t′1,2 = (1 − iχ) t1,2 . The limit T → ∞ is apparently

useless, given our observation that the term in square brackets is independent
of T . However this allows us to go from the expectation value in |0i to the
trace of the operators in both the numerator and denominator
"P #
−i(T ′ −t′1 )H ′ ′ ′ ′
m hm|e q e−i(t1 −t2 )H q e−i(t2 +T )H |mi
G2 (t1 , t2 ) = lim+ lim P −2iT ′ H |mi
χ→0 T →∞ m hm|e

For every χ > 0 and for “large” T , the contribution of the excited states
|mi 6= |0i is in fact reduced, both in the numerator and denominator, by a
factor exp [−2χ(Em − E0 )T ] with respect to the ground state, and disappears
in the limit T → ∞, which is carried out before taking χ → 0+ . We note that
the order of the limits is important!
Given that the trace is independent of the basis chosen to describe the
states, we can use the basis of the position eigenstates, |qi, to obtain
"R ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
dq̃hq̃|e−i(T −t1 )H q e−i(t1 −t2 )H q e−i(t2 +T )H |q̃i
G2 (t1 , t2 ) = lim+ lim R .
χ→0 T →∞ dq̃hq̃|e−2iT ′ H |q̃i

To complete the proof it is sufficient to show that the expression in square

brackets is identical to what we would obtain from (2.26) in the case of two
R ′
−t′1 ) ′ ′ ′ ′
dq̃hq̃|e−iH(T q e−iH(t1 −t2 ) q e−iH(t2 +T ) |q̃i
dq̃hq̃|e−2iHT ′ |q̃i
d[q(t′ )] exp(iS)q(t′1 ) q(t′2 )
= R . (2.28)
d[q(t′ )] exp(iS)

Actually, the numerator and the denominator in the two expressions are

separately equal. The denominator,
R hq̃|e−2iT H |q̃i, is a transition amplitude,
which we can express as d[q(t′ )] exp(iS), where the integration is over all
the paths which originate from q̃ at t = −T ′ and return to the same point for
t = T ′ . To carry out the integration over q̃ it is enough to extend the path
integral to all those paths which, starting from any point for t = −T ′ , return
to the starting point for t = T ′ . The two denominators are therefore equal.
For the numerator we assume that T > t1 > t2 > −T , and we intro-
duce alongside the two q operators, two sums over the complete set of states,
dq|qihq| = 11
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
dq̃hq̃|e−iH(T −t1 ) q e−iH(t1 −t2 ) q e−iH(t2 +T ) |q̃i
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
= dq̃dq1 dq2 hq̃|e−iH(T −t1 ) |q1 ihq1 |q e−iH(t1 −t2 ) |q2 ihq2 |q e−iH(t2 +T ) |q̃i
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
= dq̃dq1 dq2 q1 q2 hq̃|e−iH(T −t1 ) |q1 ihq1 | e−iH(t1 −t2 ) |q2 ihq2 | e−iH(t2 +T ) |q̃i .

The last expression contains the product of three transition amplitudes,

which we can write as a single sum over paths which pass respectively through
q1 at time t′1 and q2 at t′2 :

[q(−T ′ ) = q̃] → [q(t′2 ) = q2 ] → [q(t′1 ) = q1 ] → [q(T ′ ) = q̃] .

The integration over q̃, q1 , q2 implies extending the functional integral over
all periodic paths for which [q(T ′ ) = q(−T ′ )], substituting the factor q1 q2
with q(t′1 )q(t′2 ), and so obtaining the numerator of the right-hand side of the
equality (2.28).
We leave as an exercise the proof that the result is correct also for the
other possible time ordering, t2 > t1 . The proof is easily extended, following
the same steps, to the case in which more than two operators are present.

3.1 The generating functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 The harmonic oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Free scalar fields: propagator and generating functional . . 28
3.4 Free scalar field: One-particle states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5 Creation and destruction operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

The procedure we described for the case of a single degree of freedom can
be extended immediately to the case of a finite number of degrees of freedom.
All the results obtained are directly applicable to a system with n degrees of
freedom, provided it is understood that the symbol q should be interpreted as
a vector with n components, q = {q1 . . . qn }. For example, a Green’s function
can be defined as

Gk1 ,k2 ...,kN (t1 , t2 , . . . tN ) = h0|T [qk1 (t1 ) qk2 (t2 ) . . . qkN (tN )] |0i . (3.1)

By “path” is meant the trajectory of the vector qk (t) between the initial
time t1 and the final time t2 , or the set of functions qk (t) in the interval
t 1 ≥ t ≥ t2 .
These ideas are easily extended, at least from a formal viewpoint, to a
field theory. For example, considering the case of a real scalar field φ(x, t), we
can define the Lagrangian L as the integral of a Lagrangian density and the
action as the time integral of the Lagrangian:
L = L(φ, ∂µ φ) , L = d3 x L(φ, ∂µ φ) ,
S = dt L = d4 x L(φ, ∂µ φ) . (3.2)

We can think of this system as the limit of a field defined on a lattice of

points xk with separation a, the lattice spacing, which covers a cube of side
L. A double limit is taken, of a → 0, L → ∞. For each value of a, L has a


finite number n = (L/a)3 of points, and the field is described by n dynamic

variables φk (t) = φ(xk , t). In the discretised version, we will write the action
as Z Z
S = dt a L[φ(xk , t), ∂µ φ(xk , t)] = dt a3 Lk ,
k k
where Lk is the Lagrangian density at point xk , calculated by approximating
the field derivatives by differences. For example
∂φ(xk , t) φ(xk + a, yk , zk , t) − φ(xk , yk , zk , t)
≈ .
∂x a
The description of a field by means of a lattice of points, and a transition
towards the continuum limit, can be used to formally define a field theory but
also to carry out numerical calculations of interesting quantities, for example
the Green’s functions. In this second case it is usually useful also to represent
time as a discrete variable, as we mentioned in Section 2.2.
In conclusion, a field theory can be considered as a limiting case of a system
with many degrees of freedom, and the corresponding quantum theory can be
defined by means of the sum over paths. By “path”, with fixed values of a
and L, is meant the set of functions φk (t) in the relevant time interval. In
the limit a → 0, L → ∞ this becomes the value of the function φ(x, t) for
all values of x and t in the given interval. The convergence of the procedure
remains to be proven, something that cannot be done in general, except in
the simplest case, that of free fields, and a few other examples. For interacting
fields it is necessary to turn to perturbation theory, which will be discussed
later. We will then see that an essential step is constituted by the procedure
of renormalisation, which is necessary to eliminate—or better, interpret—the
divergences which emerge in the limit of small distances, as a → 0.
Supposing the problems of taking the limit to have been resolved, what we
have said in the previous section is directly applicable to a field theory. For
example, we can define the N -point Green’s function as
G(x1 , x2 , . . . xN ) = h0|T [φ(x1 ) φ(x2 ) . . . φ(xN )] |0i , (3.3)
where |0i denotes the vacuum state, and xk the 4-vector (xk , tk ). As in the
finite-dimensional case, G can be expressed as a functional integral:
d[φ(x)] exp(iS) φ(x1 ) φ(x2 ) . . . φ(xN )
G(x1 , . . . xN ) = R , (3.4)
d[φ(x)] exp(iS)
where d[φ(x)] represents the measure in the space of the functions φ(x). In
this case also, as in Section 2.6, this expression should be understood as a

G(x1 , . . . xN ) =
d[φ(x, t′ )] exp(iS) φ(x1 , t′1 ) φ(x2 , t′2 ) . . . φ(xN , t′N )
lim lim R , (3.5)
χ→0+ T →∞ d[φ(x, t′ )] exp(iS)

and the integral in square brackets extends over all functions φ(x, t′ ) with
t′ = (1 − iχ)t included between ±(1 − iχ)T , and periodic in both time and
space, such that

φ [x, (1 − iχ)T ] = φ [x, −(1 − iχ)T ] ,

φ(x, y, z, t) = φ(x + L, y, z, t) = φ(x, y + L, z, t) = φ(x, y, z + L, t) .

The periodicity both in the spatial and time direction allows integration
by parts to be freely carried out. For example
d4 x (∂µ φ ∂ µ φ) = − d4 x (φ ∂µ ∂ µ φ) . (3.7)

These expressions can be generalised to the case of many scalar fields,

φk (x), (k = 1 . . . n)

Gk1 ...,kN (x1 , . . . xN ) = h0|T [φk1 (x1 ) . . . φkN (xN )] |0i

R Qn
k=1 d[φRk (x)] exp(iS) φk1 (x1 ) . . . φkN (xN ) (3.8)
= Qn .
k=1 d[φk (x)] exp(iS)

The case of a complex field can be treated as two real fields,1

1 1
φ(x) = √ (φ1 + iφ2 ); φ† (x) = √ (φ1 − iφ2 ) . (3.9)
2 2

The factor 1/ 2 is chosen so that d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] = d[φ1 (x)]d[φ2 (x)] as
verified by the Jacobian. Using this relation, the calculation of Green’s func-
tion leads to (3.8) and the general result is obtained as
h0|T φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xN ) φ† (y1 ) . . . φ† (yM ) |0i
d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] exp(iS) φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xN ) φ† (y1 ) . . . φ† (yM ) (3.10)
= R .
d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] exp(iS)

In the simple case of a two-point function

h0|T φ(x) φ† (y) |0i
d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] exp(iS) φ(x) φ† (y) (3.11)
= R .
d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] exp(iS)

The proof of equations (3.10) and (3.11) is elementary, it being sufficient

to note that the Green’s functions defined via the expectation values are linear
1 We will use the † symbol to denote both Hermitian conjugation, in the case of operators,

and complex conjugation of numerical functions which represent the trajectories of the same

in the fields at each point, and that this is obviously true from their definition
in terms of a sum over paths, for which

h0|T [· · · (φ1 (x) ± iφ2 (x)) · · · ] |0i =

= h0|T [· · · φ1 (x) · · · ] |0i ± ih0|T [· · · φ2 (x) · · · ] |0i
d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] exp(iS) · · · (φ1 (x) ± iφ2 (x)) · · ·
= R .
d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)] exp(iS)


In this section we introduce the formalism based on the use of the gener-
ating functional, which allows expression of the set of Green’s functions in a
compact form. We consider the case of a system with n degrees of freedom
qk (t), (k = 1 . . . n). We define the generating functional Z as [q ≡ (q1 , . . . , qn )]

Z[J] ≡ Z [J1 (t), . . . Jn (t)] =

Z Z !
= d[q(t)] exp iS (q(t)) − i dt qk (t)Jk (t) , (3.12)

where the Jk (t) are n functions of time, and the functional integral is defined
as the limit

Z[J] ≡ Z [J1 (t), . . . Jn (t)] =

Z Z !
= lim lim d[q(t′ )] exp iS (q(t′ )) − i dt′ qk (t′ )Jk (t′ ) ,
χ→0+ T →∞

and the integrals in brackets extend over all periodic paths between t = −T ′ =
−T (1 − iχ) and t = T ′ = T (1 − iχ), such that q(T ′ ) = q(−T ′ ), and t′ =
(1 − iχ)t.
From the definition, it follows immediately that Z[0] is precisely the de-
nominator which appears in the expression for the Green’s functions in the
path integral formalism. We will now prove that the Green’s functions are
obtained as functional derivatives of Z[J].
The concept of “functional derivative” is very simple. We consider a func-
tion f (x), and a functional X [f (x)]. We then consider a variation of the
function f (x) at the point x = y, i.e. f (x) → f (x) + ǫδ (4) (x − y). The func-
tional derivative δX[f (x)]/δf (y) is defined, in analogy with the derivative of
an ordinary function of one variable, to be

δX[f (x)] 1n o
= lim X[f (x) + ǫδ (4) (x − y)] − X[f (x)] . (3.14)
δf (y) ǫ→0 ǫ

Using (3.14) we now see how to obtain the numerator which appears in
the expression for the Green’s function in the case of the scalar free field, in
which the generating functional is written
Z R 4
Z[J] = d[φ] eS−i d xφ(x)J(x) . (3.15)

We consider the functional derivative

d[φ] e{iS−i d xφ(x)[J(x)+ǫδ (x−x2 ))}
R 4 (4)
i = i lim
δJ(x2 ) ǫ→0
− d[φ] e{iS−i d xφ(x)J(x)}
R 4

d[φ] e{iS−i d4 xφ(x)J(x)} −iǫ d(4) φ(x)δ (4) (x−x2 )
= i lim e
d[φ] e{iS−i d4 xφ(x)J(x)}
− . (3.16)

Using the δ-function to carry out the integration, and expanding the ex-
ponential in a power series in ǫ we obtain
= d[φ] φ(x2 ) e{iS−i d xφ(x)J(x)} ,
R 4
i (3.17)
δJ(x2 )

and differentiating a second time

iδ iδ
Z[J] = d[φ] φ(x1 ) φ(x2 ) e{iS−i d xφ(x)J(x)} .
R 4
δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2 )

We have therefore proven that the two-point Green’s function can be writ-
ten in the form
1 iδ iδ
G(x1 , x2 ) = Z[J] . (3.19)
Z[0] δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2 ) J=0

The result obtained can be extended easily to the case of many-point

Green’s functions and to more complex field theories. In the case of N fields
φ1 (x) . . . φN (x), the generating functional will depend on N functions of x,
Jk (x), (k = 1 . . . N ) according to
Z Z !
Z[J] = d[φ(x)] exp iS (φ(x)) − i d x φk (x)Jk (x) . (3.20)

The definition of this integral requires the prescription of limits and period-
icity specified in the previous section, equations (3.5) and (3.6). The N -point

Green’s functions are then

Gk1 ,...kN (x1 , · · · xN ) = h0|T [φ1 (x1 ) · · · φN (xN )] |0i
d[φ(x)]φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xN ) exp (iS (φ(x)))
= R =
d[φ(x)] exp (iS (φ(x))) (3.21)
1 δ N Z[J]
= (i)N .
Z[0] δJ1 (x1 ) · · · δJN (xN ) J=0

We note that equation (3.21) is obtained by the simple substitution rule

φk (x) → i , (3.22)
δJk (x)

which we can use, for example, in the following way: if F [φ] is an arbitrary
functional of fields, we obtain
d[q(t)] F [φ] exp (iS) = F i Z[J] , (3.23)
δJ J=0

a result which we will use to derive the perturbative expansion of a field theory
in the presence of interactions.

For a complex field we can define a generating functional by means of

two real functions J1 , J2 or, better, in terms of a complex function J and its
complex conjugate J † ,
Z(J, J † ) = d[φ(x)]d[φ† (x)]×

 4 † †

× exp iS φ(x), φ (x) − i d x φ (x)J(x) + J (x)φ(x) . (3.24)

The Green’s functions are then obtained by the substitution rule [see equa-
tion (3.22)]
δ δ
φ(x) → i † , φ† (x) → −i , (3.25)
δJ (x) δJ(x)
which can be extended in an obvious way to the case of further real or complex

Invariance under translations and conservation of four-momentum.

The form of the Green’s function given in the second line of (3.21) allows
us to discuss invariance under translation in a very simple way. If we consider

a translation by aµ , we can write:

Gk1 ,...kN (x1 + a, · · · xN + a)

d[φ(x)]φ(x1 + a) . . . φ(xN + a) exp (iS (φ(x)))
= R
d[φ(x)] exp (iS (φ(x)))
d[φ(x)]φ(x1 + a) . . . φ(xN + a) exp (iS (φ(x + a)))
= R
d[φ(x)] exp (iS (φ(x)))
d[φ(x)]φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xN ) exp (iS (φ(x)))
= R
d[φ(x)] exp (iS (φ(x)))
= Gk1 ,...kN (x1 , · · · xN ) , (3.26)

where we have used the translational invariance of the action, and the last step
follows from invariance of the measure of the functional integration following
the substitution φ(x) → φ(x + a).
To conclude, we note that, while the Green’s functions depend only on the
differences between xk , their Fourier transforms must contain a δ-function
which expresses the conservation of four-momentum

... d4 x1 . . . d4 xN ei(p1 x1 +···+pN xN ) Gk1 ,...kN (x1 , · · · xN )
e 1 , . . . , pN ) , (3.27)
= (2π)4 δ (4) (p1 + p2 + . . . pN ) G(p

where G̃ is a regular function of four-momentum. We leave it to the reader to

prove (3.27) starting from (3.26) (see, for example, [1], Chapter 12).


In this section we will apply the concepts that we have illustrated to a
particularly simple case, that of a harmonic oscillator of mass m = 1. The
Hamiltonian and the Lagrangian of this system are, respectively
1 2 1
H= (p + ω 2 q 2 ) , L = (q̇ 2 − ω 2 q 2 ) . (3.28)
2 2
We wish to use the method of the generating functional, Z, to calculate the
Green’s functions. We will describe the calculations in detail, because the same
procedure is applied in interesting contexts, for example to field theory. Before
proceeding with the functional Z, we will calculate the two-point Green’s
function starting from the usual formulation of quantum mechanics, to be
able to confirm the equivalence of the two approaches.
We recall that, in terms of the creation and destruction operators (see, for

example, [7]), we can write the relations

q = √ (a + a† ) ,

a |0i = |1i , a† |1i = 2|2i , a|1i = |0i ,

ω 3ω
H|0i = |0i , H|1i = |1i , (3.29)
2 2
from which it follows that
1 1  √ 
q|0i = √ |1i , q|1i = √ |0i + 2|2i . (3.30)
2ω 2ω
We first consider the time ordering t1 > t2 . In this case

G(t1 , t2 ) = h0|q(t1 ) q(t2 ) |0i (t1 > t2 )

iHt1 −iH(t1 −t2 )
= h0|e qe q e−iHt2 |0i
1 −iω(t1 −t2 )
= e ,

and combining the result with that obtained for t2 > t1 , we find
1  −iω(t1 −t2 ) 
G(t1 , t2 ) = e θ(t1 − t2 ) + e−iω(t2 −t1 ) θ(t2 − t1 ) . (3.31)

For the method of the sum over paths, we note first of all that with an
integration by parts
1 2 2 2
 1 2 2
S= dt q̇ − ω q = − dt q q̈ + ω q = − dt (qOq) ,(3.32)
2 2 2
where O is the differential operator:

O = ∂t2 + ω 2 . (3.33)

The generating functional will therefore be

Z  Z 
Z[J] = d[q(t)] exp − dt (q Oq + 2qJ) . (3.34)

The strategy to carry out the integral is the standard one for integrating
functions of the type exp(−a x2 + bx), used, for example, in Appendix A. It
consists in rewriting the exponent as a perfect square, to obtain a Gaussian

integral. We proceed formally, rewriting equation (3.34) as2

Z[J] = d[q(t)]
× exp (q + O−1 J ) O (q + O−1 J ) − (O−1 J ) O (O−1 J )
2 Z 
i −1 −1
= exp dt (O J ) O (O J )
Z  Z 
−i −1 −1
× d[q(t)] exp dt (q + O J ) O (q + O J ) . (3.35)

The functional integral in the last expression is in reality a constant inde-

pendent of J, as can be seen with a change of variables3 q → q ′ = q + O−1 J,
and in conclusion
Z[J] = K exp dt (O−1 J ) O (O−1 J ) . (3.36)
A multiplicative constant has no effect on the value of the Green’s func-
tions, for which reason we can simply write
i −1
Z[J] = exp dt J O J . (3.37)
The inverse of the differential operator O will be an integral operator
defined through the equation
(O−1 J)(t) = − dt′ G(t − t′ ) J(t′ ) , (3.38)

where the function G is the so-called “propagator”. The sign has been chosen
in view of subsequent developments in field theory and of existing conventions.
Obviously the following relation must be proven

O(O−1 J)(t) = J(t) ,

which implies that the function G(t) must be a solution of the differential

O G(t) = −δ(t) . (3.39)

2 To confirm this result, note that, with two integrations by parts,
dt (O −1 J) Oφ = dt O (O −1 J) φ =

dt Jφ .

3 We recall that the functional integral extends over all periodic orbits, q(+∞) = q(−∞),

therefore we would also like q ′ to be periodic. It is therefore necessary to impose some

restrictions on J(t), for example that the allowable functions J(t) tend fast enough to zero
for t → ±∞. An analogous restriction should be applied in the case of field theory.

However, we must remember that in equation (3.13) Z[J] is defined as a

limit starting from values of time with a small4 imaginary part t′ = (1 − iχ)t.
For small but not zero χ, the differential operator O becomes

O = ∂t2′ + ω 2 = (1 + 2iχ)∂t2 + ω 2 , (3.40)

and the propagator G(t) will be the limit for χ → 0 of a function G(t, χ) which
satisfies the equation5 [see equation (2.17)]
(1 + 2iχ)∂t2 + ω 2 G(t, χ) = −δ(t) . (3.41)

The general solution to this equation is the sum of a particular solution

and the general solution of the homogeneous equation, which we can write,
again neglecting terms O(χ2 ),
∂t2 G = − [(1 − iχ)ω] G , G = a e−iω(1−iχ)t + b eiω(1−iχ)t .

To find a solution of (3.41) we use the Fourier transforms

1 1
G(t, χ) = dE G(E, χ)e−iEt , δ(t) = dEe−iEt . (3.42)
2π 2π
In this way we find

−1 (1 − 2iχ)
G(E, χ) = = 2 , (3.43)
ω 2 − E 2 (1 + 2iχ) E − ω 2 (1 − 2iχ)

and neglecting the multiplicative factor (1 − 2iχ),

1 1
G(E, χ) = or = , (3.44)
E2 − ω 2 + iǫ E2 − (ω − iη)2

where ǫ = 2χω 2 and η = χω.

We can now calculate G(t, χ), given by
1 e−iEt
G(t, χ) = dE . (3.45)
2π E2 − (ω − iη)2

For t > 0 the integration path can be completed in the lower half-plane (see
Figure 3.2) and includes the pole on the right, while for t < 0 the integration
path is closed in the upper half-plane and includes the pole on the left. We
note that adding an imaginary part to the time results in selection of the pole,
which contributes to the integration. Applying the theorem of residues in each
4 Inthe following manipulations we will neglect terms ∝ χ2 .
5 We are neglecting multiplicative factors which tend to unity when χ → 0. For example
we should have written δ(t′ ) = δ(t)/(1 − iχ), but the additional factor is irrelevant in the

Figure 3.1 Position of the poles in the function G(x, χ) and integration paths for
positive times.

of the two cases, t > 0 and t < 0, we therefore obtain a particular solution of
i  −iω(1−iχ)t 
G(t, χ) = − e θ(t) + eiω(1−iχ)t θ(−t) . (3.46)

The general solution is

−i  −iω(1−iχ)t 
G(t, χ) = e θ(t) + eiω(1−iχ)t θ(−t)

+ a e−iω(1−iχ)t + b eiω(1−iχ)t . (3.47)

To determine the constants a and b we recall that, to carry out the calcula-
tion which leads to (3.37), we used a change of variable in the path integration
q(t) → q ′ (t) = q(t) − δq(t) , δq(t) = dt′ G(t − t′ ) J(t′ ) = q(t) .

Given that the integral extends over all the periodic paths between t =
±∞, the transformed paths must also be periodic, whatever the function
J(t). Therefore δq(t) must be periodic. The particular solution satisfies this
condition, since it tends to zero both for x → ∞ and for x → −∞ (we recall
that this limit is taken before that of χ → 0) thanks to the presence of the
functions θ(±t). Therefore we must consider the effect of the additive terms.
If we take J(t) = δ(t − t1 ), with t1 an arbitrary time, for the additive terms
with a and b we obtain:

δq(t) = a e−iω(1−iχ)(t−t1 ) + b eiω(1−iχ)(t−t1 ) .

Since the first term diverges for t → −∞ and the second for t → +∞, the
only acceptable solution for (3.41) is that with a = b = 0, i.e. solution (3.46),
which, taking the limit, χ → 0 becomes
G(t) = − e−iωt θ(t) + eiωt θ(−t) . (3.48)


The generating functional, equations (3.37) and (3.38), can be written in

the form
Z[J] = exp dt dt′ J(t) G(t − t′ ) J(t′ ) , (3.49)

which implies
1 δ 2 Z[J]
G(t, t′ ) = h0|T [q(t) q(t′ )] |0i = − . (3.50)
Z(0) δJ(t)δJ(t′ ) J=0

We have apparently done much more work than in the usual formula-
tion—although in this case we have taken as known the properties of the cre-
ation and destruction operators, so the comparison is not entirely fair—but
we have obtained more, since the generating functional of equation (3.49) con-
tains all possible Green’s functions of the harmonic oscillator. For example,
we could calculate in two lines—we leave it as an exercise—the value of the
four-point Green’s function h0|T [q(t1 ) q(t2 ) q(t3 ) q(t4 )] |0i.

It is interesting at this point to pretend to know nothing about the struc-

ture of the excited states of the harmonic oscillator and to see what we can
learn directly from the knowledge of the Green’s functions, i.e. from (3.31),
which we rewrite for ease of use, in the case t1 > t2
1 −iω(t1 −t2 )
h0|q(t1 ) q(t2 ) |0i = e (t1 > t2 ) . (3.51)

Inserting a complete set of states
h0|q(t1 ) q(t2 ) |0i = h0|q(t1 )|XihX|q(t2 ) |0i (t1 > t2 ) , (3.52)

and comparing with the previous result we conclude that a state |1i must
exist such that
h0|q(t1 )|1i = √ e−iω t1 , (3.53)

and therefore E1 = E0 + ω. From the four-point Green’s function we can learn
something about the second excited state, and so on. The functional Z[J]
therefore contains information on the entire spectrum of states.


The work developed in the previous section allows us to pass on directly
to field theory, without introducing conceptual novelties. We will consider
here the simplest case, that of a real scalar field φ(x), where x denotes the
4-vector {x, t}. We recall also, that in the system of measurement units which

we choose, the speed of light is c = 1. The Lagrangian density is, for a field
in the absence of interactions,
L= ∂µ φ(x) ∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ2 . (3.54)
Analogous with what was done for the harmonic oscillator, we would like
to calculate the vacuum expectation value of the time-ordered product of two
field operators h0| T [φ(x) φ(y)] |0i. Following the steps carried out in the case
of the harmonic oscillator, we calculate the generating functional [equation
(3.20)]. With an integration by parts6 we can write the action as
S = d4 x ∂µ φ(x) ∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ2
Z Z (3.55)
1  1
= − d4 x φ(x) ∂µ ∂ µ φ(x) + m2 φ2 = − d4 x (φKφ) ,
2 2
where K is the differential Klein–Gordon operator,

K = ∂µ ∂ µ + m2 =  + m2 . (3.56)

We can then calculate the generating functional (3.20), noting the analogy
with the method used in the previous section
Z  Z 
Z[J] = d[φ(x)] exp iS (φ(x)) − d4 xφ(x)J(x)
Z  Z 
= d[φ(x)] exp − d4 x [φK φ + 2 φ(x)J(x)]
Z  Z 
= d[φ(x)] exp − d4 x (φ + K −1 J)K(φ + K −1 J) − (J K −1 J)
= exp d4 x(J K −1 J) (3.57)
Z  Z 
× d[φ(x)] exp − d4 x (φ + K −1 J)K(φ + K −1 J) .

The residual functional integral can be carried out with a change of vari-
ables, φ → φ′ = φ+ K −1 J and contributes to the result with a constant which
can be omitted. We can therefore write simply
Z[J] = exp d4 x(J K −1 J) .

The inverse of the differential operator K will be an integral operator,

6 In doing the integrations by parts we assume a periodicity for φ(x) in both time and

space, as described in detail in Section 3.


which (to reproduce the usual sign convention for the function ∆F ) we can
define through the relation
K J(x) = − dy ∆F (x − y)J(y) , (3.58)

where ∆F must satisfy the equation

( + m2 )∆F (x) = −δ 4 (x) . (3.59)

Again this time, as in the case of the harmonic oscillator, we must consider
complex time values, for which we rewrite the operator K as [see equation

K = (1 + 2iχ)∂t2 − ∇2 + m2 . (3.60)

Taking the Fourier transforms we therefore find

1 4 −ipx 4 1
∆F (x) = d p ∆F (p)e , δ (x) = d4 p e−ipx , (3.61)
(2π)4 (2π)4

where p is the 4-vector {E, p}, and (see the discussion in the previous section)
∆F (p) = . (3.62)
E 2 − p2 − m2 + iǫ
As we saw, the term iǫ in the denominator specifies the integration path.
Naturally, the same result for the two-point Green’s function, including
the iǫ prescription, is obtained starting from the canonical quantisation of the
scalar field, discussed in [1].
In conclusion, we have proven that the generating functional for a scalar
field has the form
−i 4 4
Z[J] = exp d x d y J(x) ∆F (x − y) J(y) , (3.63)
from which we can derive the different Green’s functions. In particular, the
two-point function

h0| T [φ(x) φ(y)] |0i = i∆F (x − y) . (3.64)

The function ∆F (x) is called the propagator of the field φ.

The result we have obtained is extended easily to the case of a complex

field (or of two real fields) of mass m, defined by equation (3.9), in the absence
of interactions. The corresponding Lagrangian density can be written
X 1 
L= ∂µ φk (x) ∂ µ φk (x) − m2 φ2k = ∂µ φ† (x) ∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ† φ . (3.65)

Again in this case the generating functional Z[J], defined by equation

(3.24), is calculated explicitly using the procedure described. In this way we
find the result
Z[J, J † ] = exp −i d4 x d4 y J † (x) ∆F (x − y) J(y) . (3.66)

The two-point function, which is obtained using the substitution rule

(3.25), has the form
h0| T φ(x) φ† (y) |0i = i∆F (x − y) , (3.67)
h0|T [φ(x) φ(y)] |0i = h0|T φ† (x) φ† (y) |0i = 0 . (3.68)
We leave the derivation of this last result as an exercise.


We can use equations (3.67) and (3.68) to study the spectrum of states in
a scalar theory, as we did previously in the case of the harmonic oscillator.
We will find that a complex scalar field describes two particles of the same
mass, which we can call the particle P and antiparticle A. Each one of the
p can exist in a state characterised by a momentum p and an energy ωp =
(p2 + m2 ).
We rewrite (3.67) using equations (3.61) and (3.62):
Z  Z 
 i 3 ip(x−y) 1 e−iE(tx −ty )
h0| T φ(x) φ (y) |0i = d pe dE 2 .
(2π)3 (2π) E − ωp2 + iǫ
The integral in square brackets is that from equation (3.45), which we
already know [see equation (3.48)]. We can therefore write

h0| T φ(x) φ† (y) |0i = i∆F (x − y)
Z ip(x−y)  
1 3 e −iωp (tx −ty ) −iωp (ty −tx )
= d p e θ(t x − t y ) + e θ(t y − t x ) .
(2π)3 2ωp
If we consider the Fourier transform of the variable y, defining
φ(q, ty ) = d3 ye−iqy φ(y, ty ) , φ† (q, ty ) = d3 yeiqy φ† (y, ty ) , (3.70)

we obtain
h0|T φ(x, tx ) φ† (q, ty ) |0i =
eiqx  −iωq (tx −ty ) 
= e θ(tx − ty ) + e−iωq (ty −tx ) θ(ty − tx ) .

We analyse separately the two cases tx > ty and ty > tx ,

eiqx −iωq (tx −ty )

h0| φ(x, tx ) φ† (q, ty ) |0i = e (tx > ty ) , (3.71)
eiqx −iωq (ty −tx )
h0| φ† (q, ty ) φ(x, tx ) |0i = e (ty > tx ) . (3.72)

Defining two families of states |P, qi and |A, qi,

2ωq †
|P, qi = φ (q, 0)|0i , (3.73)
|A, qi = φ(−q, 0)|0i , (3.74)

from (3.71) we obtain

h0| φ(x, tx ) |P, qi = p ei(qx−ωq tx ) , (3.75)
(2π)3/2 2ωq

and from the complex conjugate of (3.72),

h0| φ† (x, tx ) |A, qi = p ei(qx−ωq tx ) . (3.76)
(2π)3/2 2ωq
p This already tells us that the states |P, qi and |A, qi have energy ωq =
m2 + q2 and momentum q, and are therefore interpretable as states8 of a
free particle of mass m.
With a second Fourier transform of x we can also obtain the scalar products
of two P states, or two A states:

hP, p|P, qi = hA, p|A, qi = δ 3 (p − q) . (3.77)

If we now repeat this exercise starting from the Green’s function with two
fields φ, (3.68), we can prove that the states |P i and |Ai are orthogonal to
each other, i.e. that

hP, p|A, qi = 0 . (3.78)

We are therefore discussing the states of two different particles, both of

mass m.
That the two types of particle are in a particle–antiparticle relationship
7 We can write φ(x, t) = ei(Ht−px) φ(0, 0)e−i(Ht−px) where H is the Hamiltonian and p

the momentum operator.

8 The normalisation of the kets which appear in equations (3.73) and (3.74) corresponds

to the limit of infinite volume, and will be discussed in detail in the next section.

cannot be seen from such a simple theory, which describes non-interacting

particles. However, by introducing the interaction with an electromagnetic
field, we can easily prove that the two particles have opposite electric charge.
Which should be called the particle and which the antiparticle remains an
arbitrary choice. Obviously, in the case of a real scalar field, the situation is
simpler, and we have just one type of particle.


It is useful to connect the discussion of the previous section to the formu-
lation of the theory of the free scalar field in terms of creation and destruction
operators, discussed in [1]. We start in a finite volume, to then introduce
a normalisation of the states and of the creation and destruction operators
appropriate in the limit of infinite volume.
We will consider fields in a cubic volume V with periodic boundary condi-
tions, and define a set of solutions of the Klein–Gordon (K–G) equation with
positive frequencies
fq (x) = p e−iqx , (✷ + m2 )fq = 0 ,
2π p
q= (n1 , n2 , n3 ) , ω(q) = + q2 + m2 , (3.79)
where n1,2,3 are integers and L is the side of the cube, so V = L3 . The
functions (3.79) are normalised in V according to
d3 x fq∗ (x)i ∂t fq′ (x) = δq,q′ , (3.80)

where we have introduced the abbreviated notation

∂t f g = f (∂t g) − (∂t f )g . (3.81)

We can construct the creation and destruction operators starting from φ

and fq in the form

3 ∗
aq = d x fq (x) i ∂ t φ(x)) (destruction) ,

a†q = (aq )† (creation) ,

with h i
aq , a†q′ = iδq,q′ . (3.82)

After the spatial integration, the operators aq could depend on time but

it is quickly shown that they are in fact constant, as follows from

∂t aq = i d3 x fq (x)∗ (∂t2 φ(x)) − (∂t2 fq (x)∗ )φ(x)
=i d3 x [fq (x)∗ (✷φ(x)) − (✷fq (x)∗ )φ(x)]
=i d3 x fq (x)∗ (✷ + m2 )φ(x) = 0 , (3.83)

since both fq and φ satisfy the K–G equation.

To take the continuum limit, we introduce the projection operator onto
the momentum states included in a three-dimensional interval, ∆3 n:
P = |pihp| , (3.84)
∆3 n

with P 2 = P because of the orthonormality of the states |pi. If we now take

the limit, we obtain
V d3 p
P = |pi hp| , (3.85)
∆3 p (2π)3

which suggests to define the normalised kets

| pe i = |pi , (3.86)

for which
P = | pe i d3 p h pe | . (3.87)
∆3 p

We note that the condition P 2 = P requires, as the normalisation condition

of the new kets,

h pe ′ |e
p i = δ (3) (p′ − p) . (3.88)

The destruction and creation operators which correspond to the new states
are evidently,
ap = ap , ea†p = (e
ap )† , (3.89)

and the new commutation rules are obtained from (3.88)

δ (3) (p′ − p) = h0|e a†p |0i = h0| e
ap′ e a†p |0i ,
ap′ , e (3.90)

which implies
e a†p = δ (3) (p′ − p) .
ap′ , e (3.91)

The expansion of the field is written now in the form

X 1  
φ(x) = p ap e−ipx + a†p eipx =
p 2ω(p)V
d3 p 1  
= 3/2
p eap e−ipx + e
a†p eipx . (3.92)
(2π) 2ω(p)

The new states are normalised so as to have, instead of one particle in

the reference volume, a constant density of particles. This property is shown
by calculating the energy of the field, which is equal to (we use the normal
product of the operators, defined in [1])
H = d3 x : (∂t φ)2 : + : (∇φ)2 : +m2 : φ2 :
= d p ω(p) e a†p e
ap ,

Ep = h pe |H| pe i = δ (3) (0)ω(p) = ω(p) . (3.93)

In this way it is evident that the particle density in the state | pe i is equal to
ρ = 1/(2π)3 .
To finish, we note that the relation which links the fields to the destruction
operators is written

3 e ∗
aq = d x fq (x) i ∂ t φ(x)) ,
e (3.94)

feq (x) = p e−ipx . (3.95)
(2π)3/2 2ω(p)
In what follows we will adopt the continuum normalisation, omitting for
brevity the tilde on both the operators and the functions fq .

4.1 Sum over paths and operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.1 Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2 The fundamental identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.3 Quantum mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.1 Equations of motion and commutation rules . . . . . . 41
4.3.2 Symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3.3 The Hamiltonian function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4 Field theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4.1 Symmetries in field theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.4.2 Ward’s identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.5 The symmetries of the vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

In this chapter, we want to construct, starting from the Feynman method,

some general properties of quantum mechanics (QM) and of field theory. In
• Equations of motion in operator form
• Canonical commutation rules in QM: [qi , pk ] = iℏδik
• Symmetries and conserved quantities – Noether’s theorem
• The Ward identity



We begin with a very general consideration, which shows the way to obtain
relations between operators in the language of the sum over paths. A relation
between operators can always be stated in the form E = 0. For example, the
canonical commutation rules can be written in terms of E = [q i , pk ] − iℏδ ik ,
and E = 0 will hold if hB|E|Ai = 0 for any pair of states |Ai, |Bi.
Apparently the Feynman method does not allow us direct access to the
matrix elements of operators between arbitrary states, but only to “Green’s
functions”, i.e. to expectation values of the T-ordered product of operators in
the ground state, which in field theory coincides with the vacuum, |0i. How-
ever, we can use the Green’s functions to prove relations between operators.

To fix the ideas, we consider the case of a QM system with a finite number
of degrees of freedom,1 which we will identify with N variables collectively
denoted q
q = {q1 . . . qN } .
[Πdq i (t)]eiS(q)/ℏ E(t) q i1 (t1 ) q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn )
= h0|T E(t) q i1 (t1 ) q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i = 0 , (4.1)

for any value of n, and for arbitrary values of t1 , t2 . . . tn different from t, it

follows that E(t) = 0. Actually, if we choose t1 > t2 . . . > tk > t > tk+1 . . . >
tn , equation (4.1) is equivalent to

h0|q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q ik (tk )E(t)q ik+1 (tk+1 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i = 0 ,

which we can rewrite as

|Ai = q ik+1 (tk+1 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i ,
hB|E(t)|Ai = 0 , with
hB| = h0|q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q ik (tk ) .

Since the q i (t) are a complete set of operators, and the number of q i appearing
in |Ai and |Bi, as well as their arguments, are arbitrary, |Ai and |Bi are
arbitrary vectors.2 Therefore it follows from (4.1) that E(t) = 0.
1 In this case also we will denote the ground state of the system with |0i. The case of
a QM system with finite number of degrees of freedom is used here to illustrate methods
which can be applied later to field theory. Normally we use units in which ℏ = 1, but it is
useful to make this explicit, at least in the case of QM, to obtain the canonical commutation
rules in the standard form.
2 In simple terms we can think of the formulation in terms of wave functions. If Ψ (q) is
the ground state wave function, any other wave function can be obtained multiplying Ψ0 (q)
by a function f (q) and, if f (q) is regular, it can be approximated by a series of powers in q.

4.1.1 Derivatives
For what follows, in particular to derive the “fundamental identity” which
we will use widely in this chapter, we will need to establish the relation between
a Green’s function in which a general operator O(t) appears, for example
[Πdq i (t)]eiS(q)/ℏ O(t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) (4.2)
= h0|T O(t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i ,

and one in which its derivative dO(t)/dt appears. We will assume that the
path integral is regular enough to be able to exchange the integral with the
derivative, from which we obtain
[Πdq i (t)]eiS(q)/ℏ O(t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
= [Πdq i (t)]eiS(q)/ℏ O(t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
= h0|T O(t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i . (4.3)


The various results that we wish to derive, which range from the commu-
tation rules between quantum operators, to relationships between symmetries
and conservation laws, to the Ward identity, can be derived from an identity
which we will obtain in this section. We remain with the case of the QM of a
system with a finite number of degrees of freedom, and we will now consider
an infinitesimal variation of q(t),

q → q ′ = q + δq , i.e. q i → q i + δq i (i = 1 . . . N ) .

Examples are:
• A translation in q: δq i (t) = η i (t).

• A linear transformation: q i = aik (t)q k (t). For an infinitesimal transfor-
mation, the matrix aik can be written as δik + ǫik , with ǫik infinitesimal,
hence δq i (t) = ǫik (t)q k (t).
In the case of a field theory, the variables are the fields themselves, φi (x, t),
and also in this case we can consider:
• Translations, δφi (x, t) = η i (x, t).
• Linear transformations, δφi (x, t) = ǫik (x, t)φk (x, t).

Both in the case of QM and of a field theory, we will limit ourselves to the
consideration of transformations which leave invariant the measure of the path
integral, [dq] = [dq ′ ]. This is automatically true in the case of translations, but
in the case of linear transformations implies that the transformation matrices
are limited to those with unit determinant. Actually, the determinant of aik
is the Jacobian of the transformation

∂q i ′
1′ N′
dq (t) . . . dq N (t) = k dq 1 (t) . . . dq N (t) = det (aik )dq 1 (t) . . . dq N (t) .

In the infinitesimal form, since det (1 + ǫ) = 1 + Tr(ǫ) + O(ǫ2 ), this implies

a restriction to infinitesimal transformations with Tr(ǫ) = 0.
Exercise 1. Prove that det(1 + ǫ) = 1 + Tr(ǫ) + O(ǫ2 ).
Given a n-point Green’s function we have
[dq i ]eiS(q+δq) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
= [d(q i + δq i )]eiS(q+δq) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
= [dq i ]eiS(q) q i1 (t1 ) − δq i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) − δq in (tn ) ,

where we have used [dq i (t)] = [dq i (t)], and the last line is obtained with the
change of variables q i → q i − δq i .
The above identity is clearly satisfied if δq = 0. Expanding the first and
last lines to first order in δq, we obtain
i [dq i ]eiS(q) δS(q) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
= − [dq i ]eiS(q) δq i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
− ...
− [dq i ]eiS(q) q i1 (t1 ) . . . δq in (tn ) .

On the left-hand side of the equality, the variation of S appears, which we

can express in terms of a variation of the Lagrangian,
δS(q) = dt δL (q(t), q̇(t)) ,

to rewrite the identity (4.4) in the form (for convenience we make the depen-

dence on Planck’s constant explicit)

dt [dq i ]eiS(q)/ℏ δL (q(t), q̇(t)) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )

= − [dq i ]eiS(q)/ℏ δq i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn )
− ...
− [dq i ]eiS(q)/ℏ q i1 (t1 ) . . . δq in (tn ) .

The transformation of this identity into relationships between Green’s

functions requires care, taking account of the rules established in Section 4.1.1
for the treatment of the time derivatives. Identities of this type, called “Ward
identities”, connect a Green’s function with n + 1 operators (the n q operators
and δL of the left-hand side) to Green’s functions with n operators. As we will
see, the original Ward identity of quantum electrodynamics, which connects
the vertex function, a three-point Green’s function, to a two-point Green’s
function, the self-energy of the electron, is obtainable directly from (4.5).


In this section we study the consequences of the Ward identity (4.5) in
QM. We will give three examples: the equations of motion in operator form,
the canonical commutation rules, and the connection between symmetries and
observed quantities in the case of translations in time. The steps may seem
complicated on a first reading, but in reality are elementary.

4.3.1 Equations of motion and commutation rules

For the first two examples we will consider an infinitesimal translation of
the variables q i (t), δq i (t) = η i (t). We will then have

∂L ∂L
δL (q(t), q̇(t)) = η i (t) i
+ η̇ i (t) i = η i (t)F i (t) + η̇ i (t)pi (t) , (4.6)
∂q ∂ q̇

where we have defined pi (t), the conjugate momentum at q i (t), and F i (t), the
i-th component of the force. The identity (4.5) becomes:
dt η̇ i (t)h0|T pi (t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i

+ dt η i (t)h0|T F i (t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i

= −η(t1 )h0|T q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i . . .
− η(tn )h0|T q i1 (t1 ) . . . δq in−1 (tn−1 ) |0i .

If we now assume that

lim η i (t) = 0 , (4.7)

we can integrate the left-hand side by parts and, reorganising the terms, we
i d  
dt η i (t) h0|T pi (t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i
ℏ dt
= dt η i (t)h0|T F i (t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i

+ η(t1 )h0|T q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i . . .
+ η(tn )h0|T q i1 (t1 ) . . . δq in−1 (tn−1 ) |0i .
Finally, we set η i (t) = δ im δ(t − t0 ) and carry out the integrals
i d  
h0|T pm (t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i
ℏ dt0
= h0|T F m (t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i (4.8)
+ δ i1 m δ(t1 − t0 )h0|T q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i . . .
+ δ in m δ(tn − t0 )h0|T q i1 (t1 ) . . . δq in−1 (tn−1 ) |0i .
The derivative of the left-hand side requires a certain care, because the
time-ordered product has singularities when two of the times are equal, in
particular if t0 = t1 , or t0 = t2 , and so on. To simplify the discussion, we
assume that t1 , t2 . . . tn are all different, with t1 > t2 . . . > tn . Thus we have

T [pm (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) , for t1 > t2 . . . > tn
= pm (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn )θ(t0 − t1 ) (4.9)
i1 m i2 in
+ q (t1 )p (t0 )q (t2 ) . . . q (tn )θ(t1 − t0 )θ(t0 − t2 )
+ q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 )pm (t0 ) . . . q in (tn )θ(t2 − t0 )θ(t0 − t3 ) + . . . .
We can now take the derivative of the left-hand side of (4.8), which involves
the derivative of pm (t0 ) as well as the derivatives of the θ function. We note
that on the right-hand side of (4.9) both θ(t0 −t1 ) and θ(t1 −t0 ) appear, whose
derivatives are ±δ(t0 − t1 ), and since t1 > t2 , δ(t0 − t1 )θ(t0 − t2 ) = δ(t0 − t1 ),
and so on. We therefore obtain
i d  
h0|T pm (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i , for t1 > t2 . . . > tn
ℏ dt0
= h0|T ṗm (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i

+ δ(t0 − t1 )h0| pm (t0 ) , q i1 (t1 ) q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i

+ δ(t0 − t2 )h0|q i1 (t1 ) pm (t0 ) , q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i + . . . .


If we now substitute this expression into (4.8), we find in this identity some
non-singular terms (without δ-functions), terms proportional to δ(t0 − t1 ),
δ(t0 − t2 ), and so on up to terms ∝ δ(t0 − tn ). Because equation (4.8) must
hold, on the left and right-hand side both the non-singular terms and the
coefficients of each δ-function should be equal to one another. From the non-
singular terms we find

h0|T ṗm (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i

= h0|T F m (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i , (4.10)

which, on the basis of the discussion in Section 4.1, given that n and the
times t1 . . . tn are arbitrary, expresses the validity of the equations of motion
in operator form,
ṗm (t) = F m (t) . (4.11)
The above result justifies the definition of F m = ∂q m , given by equation (4.6),

as “force components”. Equating the coefficients of the generic δ-function

δ(t0 − tk ) we obtain the relation3

h0|q i1 (t1 ) . . . q ik−1 (tk−1 ) pm (t0 ) , q ik (t0 ) q ik+1 (tk+1 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i

= δ m ik h0|q i1 (t1 ) . . . q ik−1 (tk−1 ) q ik+1 (tk+1 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i , (4.12)

which, according to the argument discussed in Section 4.1, is equivalent to the

canonical commutation rules
p (t0 ) , q ik (t0 ) = −iℏ δ m ik . (4.13)

4.3.2 Symmetries
We now consider transformations of the dynamic variables, q i → q i +
δg q which leave the Lagrangian—and therefore the action—invariant, i.e. the
symmetries of our physical system
∂L ∂L d
δg L = i
δg q i + i δg q i = 0 . (4.14)
∂q ∂ q̇ dt
However, it is useful, also in the case of symmetry, to consider some more
general variations, obtained by multiplying δg q by an arbitrary function of
time4 : δq i = f (t)δg q i . We will also assume that f (t) tends to zero at infinity,

lim f (t) = 0 .

3 Since these terms are multiplied by δ(t0 − tk ), we can put tk = t0 .

4 In field theory, as we will see, an arbitrary function of x and t is used.

This more general variation is not itself a symmetry, and we will have
∂L ∂L d
δL = i f δg q i + i f δg q i + f˙δg q i
∂q ∂ q̇ dt
= f˙ i δg q i (4.15)
∂ q̇
= f˙(t)Jg (t) ,

Jg = δg q i . (4.16)
∂ q̇ i
Substituting into the “fundamental identity” (4.5), and with an integration
by parts, we find
i d  
dt f (t) h0|T Jg (t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i
ℏ dt
= f (t1 )h0|T δg q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i (4.17)
+ ...
+ f (tn )h0|T q i1 (t1 ) . . . δg q in (tn ) |0i .

At this point we can follow the steps of the previous section: we set f (t) =
δ(t − t0 ) and carry out the integral on the left-hand side

i d  
h0|T Jg (t0 ) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i
ℏ dt0
= δ(t1 − t0 )h0|T δg q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i (4.18)
+ ...
+ δ(tn − t0 )h0|T q i1 (t1 ) . . . δg q in (tn ) |0i .

As we did previously, we assume that t1 , t2 . . . tn are all distinct, with

t1 > t2 . . . > tn , we make the time ordering explicit as done in equation (4.9),
and rewrite the left-hand side of (4.18) as

i d  
h0|T Jg (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i , for t1 > t2 . . . > tn
ℏ dt0
i h i
= h0|T J˙g (t0 ) q i1 (t1 )q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i

+ δ(t1 − t0 )h0| Jg (t0 ) , q i1 (t1 ) q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i

+ δ(t2 − t0 )h0|q i1 (t1 ) Jg (t0 ) , q i2 (t2 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i + . . . .

The first term, which is not singular (it does not contain δ-functions),
does not have a counterpart on the right-hand side of (4.18) and hence, by

the arguments of Section 4.1, J˙g (t) = 0 must hold, i.e. the quantity Jg (t) is
conserved. This is essentially Noether’s theorem.
Now equating the coefficients of the general δ-function, δ(tk − t0 ), on the
left- and right-hand sides, we obtain the relation

h0|q i1 (t1 ) . . . q ik−1 (tk−1 ) Jg (t0 ) , q ik (t0 ) q ik+1 (tk+1 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i

= h0|q i1 (t1 ) . . . q ik−1 (tk−1 ) δg q ik (t0 ) q ik+1 (tk+1 ) . . . q in (tn )|0i , (4.19)

which, again following the discussion in Section 4.1, turns out to be equivalent
to the commutation rules
Jg (t) , q ik (t) = −iℏ δg q ik (t0 ) . (4.20)

These commutation rules confirm that Jg (t) is the generator of the trans-
formation q → q + δg q. Because an infinitesimal Jg (t) will correspond to an
infinitesimal transformation δg , equation (4.20) is equivalent to
i i
1 + Jg (t0 ) q (t) 1 − Jg (t0 ) = q i (t) + δg q i (t) .
ℏ ℏ

We can continue from here with the construction of finite transformations,

and the entire group to which the infinitesimal transformations δg belong.
But remaining on the subject of infinitesimal transformations, we note that
a particular case is provided by translational , i.e. the situation in which the
transformation is δg q i (t) = ǫδ im , with ǫ an infinitesimal constant independent
of time. If this is a symmetry—of the system along the direction m—we can
apply the methods developed in this section, by defining a time-dependent
transformation δq i = f (t)δg q i (t) = f (t)ǫδ im . But this is exactly the transfor-
mation which we considered in the previous section, with the only difference
that, δg being a symmetry, the “force” F is zero. The conserved quantity as-
sociated with this symmetry is the m-th component of the momentum, pm ,
and its commutation rules are given by equation (4.13).

4.3.3 The Hamiltonian function

A system is invariant under translations in time, q i → q i + ǫq̇ i , if the
Lagrangian depends on time only implicitly through the time dependence of
q and q̇. In this case, setting δg q = ǫq̇, we find
∂L i ∂L i d
δg L = ǫ q̇ + q̈ =ǫ L. (4.22)
∂q i ∂ q̇ i dt

Since the variation of the Lagrangian is a total derivative, the action is

invariant. Again in this case it is useful to use a variation which depends on

time, by multiplying δg by a function f (t) which is zero at infinity. We obtain

δq i = f (t)δg q i = f (t)ǫq̇ i
∂L d ∂L (4.23)
δL = f (t)δg L + f˙ i δg q i = ǫ f (t) L + f˙(t) i q̇ i .
∂ q̇ dt ∂ q̇
If we now define the Hamiltonian function
∂L i
H= q̇ − L = pi q̇ i − L , (4.24)
∂ q̇ i

by substituting into (4.5) and with simple manipulations—integration by

parts, change of sign, omission of the common factor ǫ—we obtain
i d
dtf (t) [dq i ]eiS(q)/ℏ H(t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) ,
ℏ dt
= [dq i ]eiS(q)/ℏ f (t1 )q̇ i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) (4.25)

+ ...
+ [dq i ]eiS(q)/ℏ q i1 (t1 ) . . . f (tn )q̇ in (tn ) ,

which, using (4.3), becomes

i d 
dt f (t) h0|T H(t) q i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i
ℏ dt

= f (t1 )h0|T q̇ i1 (t1 ) . . . q in (tn ) |0i (4.26)
+ ...

+ f (tn )h0|T q i1 (t1 ) . . . q̇ in (tn ) |0i .

From the above relation, following the same steps as in the previous section,
we obtain two results
1. The Hamiltonian is independent of time.
2. The commutation rules [H, q i ] = −iℏq̇ i apply.


In this section we give an example of application of the ideas we have
developed to a field theory for systems with a finite number of degrees of
freedom. The relation between sums over paths and Green’s functions is given
Z h i
[dφi (x)]eiS(φ) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn ) = h0|T φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn ) |0i , (4.27)

where the fields φi can be scalar or vector, or fermion, fields. The action is
written in terms of the Lagrangian density L(φi (x), φiµ (x)) as
S(φ) = d4 xL(φi (x), φiµ (x)) (4.28)

where we adopt the notation φµ (x) = ∂µ φ(x).

The identity in (4.5) becomes (with ℏ = 1)

i d4 x [dφi ]eiS(φ) δL φi (x), φiµ (x) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn )
= − [dφi ]eiS(φ) δφi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn )

− ...
− [dφi ]eiS(φ) φi1 (x1 ) . . . δφin (xn ) . (4.29)

Also in the case of field theories it is necessary to treat with care the case
in which the derivative of an operator must be calculated, which we discussed
in Section 4.1.1 in the case of QM. Equation (4.3) becomes

[Πdφi (x)]eiS(φ) O(x) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn )

= [Πdφi (x)]eiS(φ) O(t) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn )
= h0|T O(x) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn ) |0i . (4.30)

4.4.1 Symmetries in field theory

We recall initially that here we will be interested in groups of continuous
transformations, which include infinitesimal transformations
φi (x) → φi (x) + δg φi (x) , (4.31)
and that discrete symmetries like parity or charge conjugation will be ex-
cluded. A continuous transformation that leaves the action invariant is a sym-
metry of the system. We can subdivide continuous symmetries into two main
classes, according to whether or not the invariance of the action is realised
through the invariance of the Lagrangian density. To the second class belong
the coordinate transformations—translations, rotations, Lorentz transforma-
tions—which require a separate treatment, as we saw in the case of QM for
time translations. We will now examine symmetries of the first type, i.e. trans-
formations δg φ(x) which leave the Lagrangian density invariant, such that
∂L ∂L
δg L = δg φi + ∂µ δg φi = 0 . (4.32)
∂φi ∂φiµ

As we did in the case of QM, it is useful to consider a transformation δφi

obtained from δg φi by multiplying by a function f (x) which vanishes in the
limit |x| → ∞ or |t| → ∞,

δφi (x) = f (x)δg φ . (4.33)

As a consequence, taking account of (4.32), we find

δL = ∂µ f (x) Jgµ (x) , (4.34)

Jgµ = δg φi . (4.35)

Substituting into (4.29), and with an integration by parts and a change of

sign, we find the relation
i d4 x f (x) [dφi ]eiS(φ) ∂µ Jgµ (x) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn )
= f (x ) [dφi ]eiS(φ) δg φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn )

+ ...
+ f (xn ) [dφi ]eiS(φ) φi1 (x1 ) . . . δg φin (xn ) , (4.36)

which, owing to equation (4.30), translates into

i d4 x f (x) µ h0|T Jgµ (x) φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn ) |0i

= f (x1 ) h0|T δg φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn ) |0i
+ ...

+ f (xn ) h0|T φi1 (x1 ) . . . δg φin (xn ) |0i . (4.37)

Setting f (x) = δ 4 (x − x0 )5 we obtain the Ward identity in the form

∂ µ i1 in

i µ h0|T Jg (x0 ) φ (x1 ) . . . φ (xn ) |0i

= δ(x1 − x0 ) h0|T δg φi1 (x1 ) . . . φin (xn ) |0i
+ ...

+ δ(x1 − x0 ) h0|T φi1 (x1 ) . . . δg φin (xn ) |0i , (4.38)
5 We are following the procedure of Section 4.3.2 step by step, but adapting it to the

space-time structure of field theory.


implying conservation of the current Jgµ and the commutation rules

∂µ Jgµ (x) = 0 , (4.39)

i[Jg0 (x0 , t) , i
φ (x1 , t)] = δ (3) i
(x0 − x1 )δg φ (x1 ) . (4.40)

The details of the derivation of the above equations, which we leave for an
exercise, follow the steps described in Section 4.3.2.

4.4.2 Ward’s identity

In this section we want to obtain from (4.38) the relation between the
vertex function and the electron self-energy in QED, generally referred to as
the Ward identity (cf. also [3]).
The QED Lagrangian,6
L = ψ̄ [iγ µ (∂µ − ie0 Aµ ) − m0 ] ψ − ∂µ Aν ∂ µ Aν ,
is invariant under global phase transformations ψ(x) → eiα ψ(x), and in par-
ticular under infinitesimal transformations

δg ψ(x) = −iǫψ , δg ψ̄(x) = iǫψ̄ . (4.41)

To apply the methods of the previous section, we use a transformation,

ǫ → f (x), dependent on position. The Lagrangian is no longer invariant, and
we obtain
δL = ∂µ f (x)ψ̄γ µ ψ = ∂µ f (x)j µ (x) .
We can therefore directly apply the considerations of the previous section
and we obtain (4.38) where we should identify Jgµ with the Dirac current
j µ = ψ̄γ µ ψ, while each one of the fields φi which appear in (4.38) can be
identified with one of the three fields ψ, ψ̄, Aµ . To obtain the usual Ward
identity, we consider the case with two fields and (4.38) becomes:

i h0|T j µ (x)ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 ) |0i =
i[δ(x − x1 ) − δ(x − x2 )]h0|T ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 ) |0i . (4.42)

To rewrite equation (4.42) in a more familiar form, we must make a Fourier

transform with respect to the variables x, x1 , x2 , and use the full definition
of the propagator
h0|T ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 ) |0i = iSF (x1 − x2 ) . (4.43)
6 We have chosen the Feynman gauge. We recall that all conclusions regarding gauge-

invariant quantities remain invariant, regardless of the choice of gauge.


x x x x

ξ η
ξ η ξ η
+ + + =

x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2

Figure 4.1 Feynman diagrams for the Green’s function (4.45).

In this way, from the two terms on the right-hand side, we obtain
i d4 xd4 x1 d4 x2 e−ipx e−ikx1 eiqx2 [δ(x − x1 ) − δ(x − x2 )]iSF (x1 − x2 )
= −(2π)4 δ(p + k − q)[SF (q) − SF (k)] .

Figure 4.1 shows some diagrams which contribute to the three-point

Green’s function  
h0|T j µ (x)ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 ) |0i . (4.45)
The first diagram corresponds to the theory without interactions: a vertex
j µ from which two lines emerge which represent the free propagator of the
field ψ. Introducing an interaction, the lines are subject to corrections, as for
example in the third diagram. For each line, the set of corrections reconstruct
the complete propagator. In the same time the corrections to the vertex (sec-
ond and third diagram) are summed to form a one-particle irreducible, or 1PI,
vertex7 denoted Γµ .
The result can be expressed (diagram on the right) as8
h0|T j µ (x)ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 ) |0i
= − d4 ξd4 ηSF (x1 − ξ)Γµ (ξ − x, x − η)SF (η − x2 ) . (4.46)

Carrying out the Fourier transform we obtain

d4 x d4 x1 d4 x2 e−ipx e−ikx1 eiqx2 h0|T j µ (x)ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 ) |0i

= −SF (k)Γµ (k, q)SF (q) (2π)4 δ(p + k − q) , (4.47)

7 As we will see Chapter 9, a diagram is one-particle irreducible if it cannot be split into
two parts involving non-trivial interactions by cutting a single line.
8 In this equation we define the sign and normalisation of Γ. Invariance under translation

implies that Γ depends only on the difference between the coordinates of its three points
x, ξ, η.

From (4.47), it follows immediately that


d4 x d4 x1 d4 x2 e−ipx e−ikx1 eiqx2 i µ h0|T [. . .] |0i
= (q − k)µ SF (k)Γµ (k, q)SF (q) (2π)4 δ(p + k − q) . (4.48)

Hence, equating (4.48) to (4.44) we obtain

(q − k)µ SF (k)Γµ (k, q)SF (q) = SF (k) − SF (q) , (4.49)

(q − k)µ Γµ (k, q) = SF−1 (q) − SF−1 (k) . (4.50)
We now consider the case q → k, in which we can set q = k + δ, and
∂SF (k)
SF−1 (q) = SF−1 (k) + δµ . (4.51)

From (4.50) and (4.51), using (q − k)µ = δµ , and given the arbitrariness of
the vector δµ , we finally obtain the relation

Γµ (k, k) = . (4.52)

If we write Γµ in the form

Γµ (k, q) = γ µ + Λµ (k, q); (4.53)

and for the inverse of the propagator

SF−1 (k) = k/ − m + Σ(k) , (4.54)

where Σ(k) is the fermion self-energy, we finally obtain

γ µ + Λµ (k, k) = (kµ γ µ − m + Σ(k)) , (4.55)
Λµ (k, k) = , (4.56)
which is the Ward identity in its usual form. We note that this result is valid
to all orders of perturbation theory. However, the manipulations which we
have carried out are naturally valid only in a properly regularised theory.
In Chapter 11 we will verify the identity (4.56) to second order of pertur-
bation theory.


A celebrated theorem proved by Coleman shows the importance of the
field theory ground state, the vacuum state, for the determination of the sym-
metries of a given theory.
As a preamble to Coleman’s theorem, we prove an important property of
local operators. By this we mean operators, O(x), which depend on the space-
time coordinate x and satisfy the microcausality condition, i.e. commute with
the field operators calculated at points with spacelike separations from x9

[O(x), φ(y)] = 0 , if (x − y)2 < 0 . (4.57)

We will use a property of the Green’s functions of field operators which is

implicit in what was discussed in the previous section. We consider the general
Green’s function in a field theory, equation (4.27), for simplicity, restricting
ourselves to a real scalar field with a single component
G(x1 , · · · , xn ) = [dφ(x)]eiS(φ) φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn )

= h0|T [φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn )] |0i . (4.58)

From the path integral, assuming appropriate conditions of regularity on

the functions which appear in the integrand, it is clear that the Green’s func-
tion is an analytic function10 in the variables x1 , · · · , xn . If we consider a
finite domain D of space-time and we know G for x1 , · · · , xn in D, we can
then obtain it in other space-time regions by analytic continuation.
Therefore if we know all the Green’s functions with restricted arguments
in a finite region of space-time, D, we can reconstruct the entire set of Green’s
functions in all of space-time. This is equivalent to a result demonstrable
starting from the axioms of a local field theory, according to which the states
obtained by applying to the vacuum all the possible polynomials of the fields
at the points of D

|x1 , · · · , xn >= φ(x1 ) · · · φ(xn )|0 > , x1 , · · · , xn ∈ D , (4.59)

form a dense set in the Hilbert space of states.

Theorem (P. Federbush, K. Johnson, 1960): A local operator O(x)

which annihilates the vacuum state, namely such that:

O(x)|0i = 0 (4.60)

is the null operator.

9 Here we consider boson operators. In the case of fermion operators, anticommutators

should be considered.
10 The Green’s function can have singularities when two or more coordinates coincide.

Proof: We consider the Green’s function with the insertion of O(x):

[dφ(x)]eiS(φ) O(x)φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn ) =

h0|T [O(x)φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn )] |0i , x1 , · · · , xn ∈ D , (4.61)

and take x with a spacelike separation with respect to the points of D

(x − y)2 < 0 , for y ∈ D . (4.62)

Evidently, given (4.57), we can deduce

h0|T [O(x)φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn )] |0i = h0|T [φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn )] O(x)|0i = 0 . (4.63)

Let us now consider two sets of products of operators on D, say

P (φ(x1 ), φ(x2 ), · · · ) and Q(φ(y1 ), φ(y2 ), · · · ). Evidently,

h0|P O(x)Q|0i = h0|P QO(x)|0i = 0 . (4.64)

However, the first term on the left-hand side is the matrix element of O(x)
between two arbitrary states of a set dense in Hilbert space and it vanishes,
due to the right-hand side. Therefore O(x) = 0.
We note that the locality of O is an essential condition for the validity of the
theorem. An example of the opposite is given by the annihilation operators ak ,
which are not local operators and, although they annihilate the vacuum state

ak |0 >= 0 , (4.65)

are not null operators, as shown by

h0|ak = hk| 6= 0 . (4.66)

We now consider a situation in which a current Jµ (x) and the associated

charge exist
Q = d3 x J0 (x) . (4.67)

If we suppose that

Q|0 >= 0 , (4.68)

the transformations generated by Q are symmetries of the vacuum

eiαQ |0 >= |0 > . (4.69)

We can prove the following theorem.


Theorem (S. Coleman, 1965): If the charge (4.67) annihilates the vac-
uum, according to equation (4.68), the corresponding current is conserved,
and the transformations generated by the charge are exact symmetries for all
states: the symmetries of the vacuum are the symmetries of the world.

Proof. We consider a general state with zero spatial momentum, |n, p = 0 >.
From (4.68) we obtain
0 =< n, p = 0|Q|0 >=< n, p = 0| d3 x J0 (x)|0 >,
0 = iEn < n, p = 0|Q|0 >=< n, p = 0| |0 >
Z dt Z
=< n, p = 0| d x ∂ J0 (x)|0 >=< n, p = 0| d3 x ∂ µ Jµ (x)|0 >
3 0

= V < n, p = 0| ∂ µ Jµ (0)|0 > , (4.70)

where V is the volume in which we restrict our system and we have assumed
fields and currents which vanish at infinity.
The operator ∂ µ Jµ (x) is Lorentz invariant, and so is the vacuum state. If
U (Λ) is a general Lorentz transformation, we can also obtain

0 =< n, p = 0|U (Λ)† U (Λ)(∂ µ Jµ (0))U (Λ)† U (Λ)|0 >

=< n, p = 0|U (Λ)† ∂ µ Jµ (0)|0 > .

As n and Λ vary, the state U (Λ)|n, p = 0 > can reach any state of the
system, therefore the state ∂ µ Jµ (0)|0 > is orthogonal to all the possible states,

∂ µ Jµ (x)|0 >= 0, from which ∂ µ Jµ (x) = 0 . (4.71)

It follows that the current is conserved as operator, so that Q generates a

symmetry for all states, proving Coleman’s statement.

5.1 The choice of gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.2 Generating functional and propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.3 Single photon states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.4 Virtual photons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

In this chapter we will deal with quantisation of the free electromagnetic

field. Once again we will adopt the conventions of [1] and [3].
The field tensor F µν can be expressed in terms of potentials Aµ by means

F µν = ∂ ν Aµ − ∂ µ Aν , (5.1)

and Maxwell’s equations for the free field

∂ν F µν = Aµ − ∂ µ (∂ν Aν ) = 0 , (5.2)

can be derived from the Lagrangian density

L = − Fµν F µν . (5.3)
A transformation of the potentials

Aµ (x) → A′µ (x) = Aµ (x) + ∂ µ Λ(x), (5.4)

where Λ is an arbitrary function, leaves invariant both the field tensor F µν

and the Lagrangian density L, and hence the action integral. More generally,
a gauge transformation should not have an effect on any physical process, and
in particular on the results of any measurement. A corollary of this statement
is that the electromagnetic potentials Aµ are not themselves observables.
Gauge invariance is central to the theory of the electromagnetic field and
its interactions. The requirement that even in the presence of interactions


the theory should be invariant with respect to gauge transformations deter-

mines the possible type of interactions with other fields. The theory of the
electromagnetic field is the prototype of modern theories of the fundamental
interactions, all based on a particular gauge invariance.


To describe the quantum theory of the electromagnetic field by means of
the sum over paths we must overcome a problem linked to gauge invariance.
Where is the problem? Readers will remember that to define a quantum
theory we must be able to guarantee the convergence of the functional integrals
which define the sum over paths. To obtain this result, we considered an
analytic continuation in the complex plane of the time variable, through the
prescription t → t(1 − iχ). In the case of the electromagnetic field, the gauge
invariance introduces a new type of divergence which is immune to this remedy.
We consider the functional integral
I = d[Aµ ]eiS[A ] O[Aµ ] , (5.5)

where O[Aµ ] is a gauge-invariant functional of Aµ , which can therefore rep-

resent some physical quantity. As usual, the functional integral extends over
periodic Aµ between t = ±∞.
According to the general principles of path integrals, the quantity I in
(5.5) should represent the matrix element of O on the vacuum, at least to
within a multiplicative constant independent of O. However it is quickly seen
that the integral I defined by O[Aµ ] is, in reality, infinite. Since S[Aµ ] is gauge
invariant, for every path Aµ (t, x) there exists an infinity of others, obtained
by a gauge transformation, for which the integrand has the same value. Since
the space of possible gauge transformations, the space of the functions Λ(x),
is infinite, the integral is necessarily divergent.

Figure 5.1 In the space of functions Aµ (x), trajectories composed of paths connected
by gauge transformations can be identified (horizontal lines). Along the orthogonal
trajectories (vertical lines) we find physically distinct paths.

To overcome this divergence it is necessary to find a way of factorising


each integral of the type (5.5). The set of paths Aµ (x) connected by gauge
transformations is called a gauge trajectory. What we would like to do is to
establish a coordinate system in the space of paths such that a subset of such
coordinates (the horizontal lines in Figure 5.1) correspond to the gauge tra-
jectories and the remaining coordinates (the vertical line) serve to distinguish
non-equivalent, hence physically distinct, paths under gauge transformations.
If this were possible, we could re-express the integral (5.5) as
d[Λ] d[Aµ0 ]eiS[A ] O[Aµ ],

but since the integrand is by hypothesis gauge invariant, this can be rewritten
as Z Z
d[Λ] d[Aµ0 ]eiS[A0 ] O[Aµ0 ]

and the integral over the gauge transformations, while still divergent, becomes
a multiplicative common factor in all the integrals of the type (5.5) and can
be omitted in the calculation of the Green’s functions which are [see equation
(2.25)] ratios of integrals of this type.
Obviously things are not quite so simple since, dealing with a change of
variables, we must also include the Jacobian of the transformations of Aµ to
{Aµ0 , Λ}. The calculation of the Jacobian determinant in the general case of a
gauge theory will be illustrated in Chapter 14. The result is that the Jacobian
determinant, for an Abelian gauge theory, contributes a field-independent fac-
tor, hence a contribution irrelevant for theories based on Abelian gauge trans-
formations, as in the case of QED. We can therefore continue in a naive way,
simply ignoring the problem and imposing a gauge condition, which restricts
the integration to the vertical line of Figure 5.1.
To impose the gauge condition we employ the method of Lagrange multi-
pliers, adding to the Maxwell Lagrangian a term which vanishes for configu-
rations which satisfy the same condition (known as gauge fixing). Since we are
interested in keeping the relativistic invariance visible, we consider the Lorenz
gauge,1 characterised by the condition
∂ν Aν = 0 . (5.6)
We therefore write the Lagrangian as
1 1 2
S0 = d4 x − (∂ ν Aµ − ∂ µ Aν )(∂ν Aµ − ∂µ Aν ) − (∂µ Aµ ) . (5.7)
4 2α
Integrating by parts inside the integral, we rewrite the action in the form
S0 = d4 x Aµ Oµν Aν , (5.8)
1 Introduced by the Danish theoretical physicist Ludwig Valentin Lorenz (1829 –1891),

not to be confused with the more famous Hendrik Antoon Lorentz of the Lorentz transfor-

1−α µ ν
Oµν = g µν ✷ + ∂ ∂ . (5.9)
For α = 1, we obtain the Fermi action
SF = d4 x ∂µ Aν ∂ µ Aν , (5.10)
with the equation of motion of the form

Aµ = 0 . (5.11)


The Green’s functions of the electromagnetic field,

h0|T [Aµ1 (x1 ) · · · Aµn (xn )] |0i ,

can be deduced from a generating functional that is dependent on an auxiliary

function Jµ (x),
Z  Z 
µ −i 4 µν µ
Z[Jµ ] = d[A ] exp d x (Aµ O Aν + 2Jµ A ) , (5.12)

by means of the correspondence rule

Aµ (x) → i . (5.13)
δJµ (x)

To calculate Z[J] we must make the exponent into a perfect square by

defining Z
 −1 µν
O Jν (x) = − d4 y ∆µν
F (x − y; 0) Jν (y) ,

so that
−i  µν
Z[Jµ ] = exp d4 x (Jµ O−1 Jν )
Z  Z    
× d[Aµ ] exp d4 x Aµ − O−1 µσ J σ Oµν Aν − O−1 νρ J ρ .

In this case the residual functional integral is also a constant factor which
can be omitted. We obtain
Z[Jµ ] = exp d4 x d4 y Jµ (x)∆µν
F (x − y; 0) J ν (y) , (5.14)

and the two-point function, in the Feynman gauge, becomes

h0|T (Aµ (x) Aν (y)) |0i = i∆µν

F (x − y; 0) . (5.15)

We now explicitly calculate the photon propagator in the general gauge

in which the Lagrangian takes the form corresponding to equation (5.9). We
must compute the inverse of
g µν ✷ + ( − 1)∂ µ ∂ ν ,
or, by a Fourier transform, the inverse of
K µν = g µν p2 + ( − 1)pµ pν . (5.16)
If we write the required operator as

Dµν = A(p2 )g µν + B(p2 )pµ pν ,

and impose the condition

Dµν Kνρ = δρµ , (5.17)

we obtain the result

1 pµ pν
A= , B = (α − 1) ,
p2 (p2 )2
1 pµ pν
Dµν = g µν
+ (α − 1) . (5.18)
p2 p2
In conclusion, we give the photon propagator in the general gauge
(α) d4 p −ip(x−y) i µν pµ pν
i[∆F ]µν (x − y) = e (−g + (1 − α) ) . (5.19)
(2π)4 p2 + iǫ p2
For α = 1, the propagator in the Feynman gauge is obtained. Instead,
α = 0 corresponds to the so-called Landau gauge, in which the propagator
satisfies the Lorenz condition.


The Lorenz condition does not fix the gauge completely. In the absence
of charges (free electromagnetic field) we may further impose the condition:
φ(x) = 0, which corresponds to the so-called Coulomb gauge2 .
In this case, the Lorenz condition becomes ∇ · A = 0. For a photon of
2 For a discussion of the Coulomb gauge, we direct the reader to Mandl and Shaw [3], in

particular the first chapter.


momentum k, it follows from this that the polarisation vector ǫ must be

orthogonal to k. The photon therefore has only two polarisation states, which
correspond to two vectors ǫr such that ǫr · k = 0 and ǫr · ǫs = δrs (r = 1, 2).
These conclusions, which have clear physical significance, should be inde-
pendent of any choice of gauge, and of the quantisation method, and should
therefore be valid if we proceed with a quantisation in the Feynman gauge, as
we did in the previous section. From this point springs a rather subtle prob-
lem. The Fermi action (5.10) deals with the four components of the field Aµ
in a symmetric way, and although the Fermi Lagrangian should be equivalent
to the gauge-invariant one of (5.3) since ∂µ Aµ = 0, this condition does not
follow directly from the Fermi Lagrangian, or from the equations of motion
(5.11). Actually in the Feynman gauge, four polarisation states are apparently
present, and a surprise! Let us see what it is.
The two-point function in the case tx > ty can be calculated directly from
the expression for ∆µνF [see equation (3.69)],
−g µν eip(x−y) −iωp (tx −ty )
h0|Aµ (x) Aν (y) |0i = d3 p e .
(2π)3 2ωp

If we now define the spatial Fourier transforms (taking into account that
Aµ (x) is real):
√ Z
µ 2ωk
A (k, tx ) = d3 xe−ikx Aµ (x, tx ) ,
p Z
Aν † (q, ty ) = d3 yeiqy Aν (y, ty ) = Aν (−q, ty ) ,
we obtain from a Fourier transform in y
−g µν
h0|Aµ (x) Aν † (q, ty ) |0i = p eiqx e−iωq (tx −ty ) , (5.20)
(2π)3/2 2ωq

from which, setting µ = ν, we learn that the state

|µ; qi = Aµ † (q, 0)|0i ,

has momentum q and energy ωq = q2 .
This state therefore describes a zero mass particle. A second transforma-
tion in x, in the limit tx = ty = 0, leads to

hµ; k|ν; qi = h0|Aµ (k, 0) Aν † (q, 0) |0i = −g µν δ (3) (k − q) . (5.21)

Here, therefore, is the surprise: not only for every value of q are there four
states, and not the two which we expected, but while the states with µ = 1, 2, 3
have positive modulus squared, since g 11 = g 22 = g 33 = −1, implying

hµ; k|ν; qi = h0|Aµ (k, 0) Aν † (q, 0) |0i = δµν δ (3) (k − q) (µ, ν = 1.2.3) ,

the state |µ = 0; qi has negative modulus squared

h0; k|0; qi = h0|A0 (k, 0) A0 † (q, 0) |0i , = −δ (3) (k − q) .

A situation which seems in open conflict with the principles of quantum me-
chanics: we have a state with negative norm, leading to negative probabilities.3
The solution to this problem stems from the gauge invariance of electro-
magnetism, which is not completely lost because of the choice of the Feynman
gauge. In fact, the Fermi action is invariant under a restricted class of gauge
transformations, characterised by functions f (x) such that f (x) = 0. Actu-
ally (see equation (5.10)):
d x ∂ (A + ∂ f ) ∂ν (Aµ + ∂µ f ) = d4 x (∂ ν Aµ ) (∂ν Aµ )
4 ν µ µ

+ d4 x (∂ ν ∂ µ f )∂ν Aµ + d4 x (∂ ν Aµ )(∂ν ∂µ f ) + d4 x (∂ ν ∂ µ f )(∂ν ∂µ f ) ,

and with an integration by parts it can be seen that all the terms in the second
line vanish if f (x) = 0.
In the next section we will see how the presence of this invariance resolves
the problem of the additional states which appear in the Feynman gauge.4
For every value of q we can choose four polarisation vectors:

ǫ1 , ǫ2 : Two transverse polarisations: ǫµ1,2 = {0, ǫ1,2 }, with

(ǫ1,2 · q) = 0.
ǫ3 : Longitudinal polarisation: a spatial vector parallel to q: ǫµ3 =
{0, q̂} .
ǫ0 : Timelike polarisation: a timelike vector, ǫµ0 = η µ = {1, 0} .

Corresponding to the four vectors, we speak of transverse, longitudinal or

timelike photons. If, for example, q is in direction 3, we can choose the four
vectors as

ǫ1 = {0, 1, 0, 0} , ǫ2 = {0, 0, 1, 0} , ǫL = {0, 0, 0, 1} , ǫT = {1, 0, 0, 0} .

For the transverse states, for each value of q, we can choose two purely
spatial (ǫ01,2 = 0) polarisation vectors ǫνr (q) (r = 1, 2) such that

q · ǫr = 0 , ǫr · ǫs = δrs .

If we then define the photon states as

|γ; q, ri = ǫνr (q)A†ν (q, 0)|0i ,

3A state of this kind is also dubbed a ghost state, or simply a ghost.
4A deeper discussion and citations from the original literature, in particular to the work
of Gupta and Bleuler, can be found in Chapter 5 of Mandl and Shaw [3].

from (5.21) we obtain

hγ; k, s|γ; q, ri = δrs δ (3) (k − q) , (5.22)

and, from (5.20),

ǫµr (q)
h0|Aµ (x) |γ; q, ri = p eiqx e−iωq (tx −ty ) . (5.23)
(2π)3/2 2ωq

This last result is useful to establish the rules for calculating the S-matrix.
In the present work we consider the ǫνr as vectors with real components which
describe linearly polarised photons. We recall that to describe circularly po-
larised states, in particular photons of definite helicity, it is necessary to use
vectors ǫνr with complex components.


The interaction between the electromagnetic field and matter occurs
through the electromagnetic current. The corresponding Lagrangian density
reads [1]

LI = eAµ (x)J µ (x) , (5.24)

and the gauge invariance prescribes that the current is conserved, i.e. that

∂µ J µ (x) = 0 . (5.25)

In QED, for the electron

J µ = ψ̄γ µ ψ , (5.26)

and conservation of the current is guaranteed by Noether’s theorem.

The simplest apparatus with which we can experiment on the electromag-
netic field is composed of a transmitter and a receiver. In the transmitter, an
electron undergoes a transition between a state A and a state B, while in the
receiver another electron passes from A′ to B ′ .
The overall transition amplitude, A → B, A′ → B ′ , to second order of
perturbation theory, is given by
Sf i = hB, B ′ | d4 xd4 y T [LI (x)LI (y)] |A, A′ i
= d4 xd4 y hB, B ′ |T [Aµ (x)J µ (x)Aν (y)J ν (y)] |A, A′ i . (5.27)

Factorising the quantum states of the transmitter and receiver (|A, A′ i =


|Ai|A′ i, etc.) and taking into account that, to this order, the currents commute
among themselves and with the vector potential, we can write
Sf i = d4 xd4 y (5.28)
× (hB|J µ (x)|AihB ′ |J ν (y)|A′ i + x ↔ y) h0|T [Aµ (x)Aν (y)] |0i
= (ie)2 d4 xd4 y hB|J µ (x)|Aih0| T [Aµ (x)Aν (y)] |0i hB ′ |J ν (y)|A′ i ,

where we have used the symmetry between the integration variables x and y
to cancel the factor 21 . We can represent the amplitude (5.28) by the Feynman
diagram in Figure 5.2 where the wavy line represents the photon propagator.
In this case, this is described as the exchange of a virtual photon between the
two currents.
Taking the Fourier transforms and using (5.19) we obtain
d4 p ˜µ i pµ pν ˜ν
Sf i = (ie)2 J (−p) −g µν + (1 − α) JB ′ A′ (p). (5.29)
(2π)4 BA p2 + iǫ p2

Figure 5.2 Feynman diagram representing the amplitude of the transmitter–receiver

interaction due to exchange of a virtual photon. The continuous lines represent the
world lines in space-time of the radiator and the absorber. The wavy line between
the vertices represents the propagation of the electromagnetic field.

A first consequence of (5.29) is that Sf i is independent of the gauge; the

terms dependent on α in the propagator make no contribution thanks to
conservation of the current (5.25), which implies that pµ J µ (p) = 0.
We can therefore write
d4 p ˜ µ i(−gµν ) ˜
Sf i = (ie)2 (JBA ) (−p) 2 (JB ′ A′ )ν (p) . (5.30)
(2π)4 p + iǫ
This equation draws our attention again to a problem: the residue of the
pole at p2 = 0 is proportional to −gµν , which seems to indicate that all four
types of photon can contribute; see (5.21). However, the pathology is only
apparent and it is again cured by the conservation of current.5 In connection
5 We µ
d4 x JA
note that the amplitude can also be written as ′ B ′ (x)(AAB )µ (x), where

with the 4-momentum p, we introduce the four polarisation vectors ǫµ (p),

equation (5.3), which form an orthonormal basis in the space of p (naturally
with reference to the metric g µν ). It is easy to confirm that the completeness
condition for this basis is written:
−g µν = xi ǫµi ǫνi ,


x0 = −1 , x1,2,3 = +1 , (5.31)

 
−g µν =  ǫµi ǫνi  + (ǫµ3 ǫν3 − η µ η ν ) . (5.32)

If we express ǫ3 as a function of p and η µ , we obtain:

ǫµ3 = pµ − p0 η µ , (5.33)
p2 µ ν
(ǫµ3 ǫν3 − η µ η ν ) = η η + ... , (5.34)

where the dots denote terms proportional to pµ and/or to pν , which give

zero contributions when inserted into (5.29), again by virtue of the current
In conclusion, with this substitution, equation (5.29) becomes
Z i
d4 p ˜µ i=1,2 (ǫi )µ (ǫi )ν
Sf i = J (−p) J˜B
′ A′ (p)
(2π)4 BA p2 + iǫ
d4 p ˜0 −i 2 ˜0
+ J (−p) J ′ ′ (p) . (5.35)
(2π)4 BA |p| B A

The first term on the right-hand side of (5.35) shows that only the trans-
verse photons contribute to the pole at p2 = 0, which are therefore the only
states present at large distance from the interaction. There are no photons of
other types in the asymptotic “in” and “out” states which we will introduce
later. The contribution of “longitudinal” and “timelike” photons combine, by
virtue of the current conservation, in the second term which, as seen from the
factor 1/|p|, is simply the instantaneous Coulomb interaction between the two
(AAB )µ (x) is the classical field generated by the current JAB (x). At this point, the discus-
sion follows almost word for word that stated in [1] concerning the Green’s function of the
classical electromagnetic field.

In actual fact, turning to the space of coordinates, we have

Z 4
d p ˜0 −i 2 ˜0
JBA (−p) J ′ ′ (p) =
2π)4 |p| B A
d4 p −ip(x−y) −i 2
= d4 xd4 y JBA 0
′ A′ (y) e
(2π)4 |p|
= −i d4 xd4 y JBA 0
(x) δ(x0 − y 0 ) J 0 ′ ′ (y) , (5.36)
4π|x − y| B A

which is nothing more than multiplication by −i of the Hamiltonian matrix

element for the electrostatic interaction between the two currents.
If we had carried out the calculation in the Coulomb gauge, we would
have written the Hamiltonian of the interaction as the sum of the interactions
of the currents with the transverse photons (of order e) plus the Coulomb
interaction between the charge density, of order e2 :
3 e2 1
HI = e d x A(x, t)j(x, t) + d3 xd3 y j0 (x, t) j0 (x, t) . (5.37)
2 4π|x − y|

The amplitude (5.35) is obtained by taking, in the S-matrix, the Coulomb

interaction to first order and the interaction with the transverse photons to
second order. The decisive advantage of the relativistic formulation is to cal-
culate everything together, with the single diagram of Figure 5.2.

6.1 Harmonic and Fermi oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.1.1 Anticommuting variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.1.2 Sum over paths for the two oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.1.3 Gaussian integrals for commuting and
anticommuting variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.2 Quantisation of the Dirac field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.1 Fermion propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.2.2 The spin-statistics theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.2.3 One-particle states of the Dirac field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81


In this chapter we move from the treatment of the electromagnetic field
to that of the Dirac fields which describe spin 21 particles. The problem posed
is how to treat fields which must obey anticommutation rules and the Pauli
exclusion principle. In the elementary treatments of field theory we saw that
a free field which describes non-interacting bosons is equivalent to a set of
harmonic oscillators, one for each state in which a particle can be found.
Focusing on a single oscillator we can define the creation and destruction
operators, a† , a which obey the commutation rules

[a, a† ] = 1 . (6.1)

If we denote with |ni the state in which the oscillator contains n particles,
we have
√ √
a|ni = n|n − 1i , a† |ni = n + 1|n + 1i (bosons). (6.2)

A spinor field can also be expanded in “oscillators”, but of a different

type, the Fermi oscillators. Each one of them can contain a maximum of
one particle, and the action of the corresponding creation and destruction
operators on states of 0 or 1 particle is

a† |0i = |1i , a† |1i = 0 , a|1i = |0i , a|0i = 0 (fermions). (6.3)


This gives rise to anticommutation rules

{a, a† } = 1 . (6.4)

In both cases the Hamiltonian becomes1

H = ℏω a† a , (6.5)

with ω the particle energy. We can formally derive this Hamiltonian from a

L = iℏa† ȧ − ℏωa† a , (6.6)

π= = iℏa† , H = π ȧ − L = ℏω a† a . (6.7)
∂ ȧ
We note that ∂L/∂ ȧ† = 0, since L does not depend on ȧ† . Actually the
relation between a and a† is symmetric, since with an integration by parts we
can express the action in two equivalent ways in which the roles of a and a†
are exchanged,
S = ℏ dt (ia† ȧ − ωa† a) = ℏ dt (−iȧ† a − ωa† a) .

If we apply the canonical commutation rules we obtain the “boson” result

1 1
[a, a† ] = [a, π] = iℏ = 1 . (6.8)
iℏ iℏ
We already know how to derive all the properties of the boson harmonic
oscillator by means of the sum over paths of the variable q(t). As we will soon
see, we can directly use paths in the variables a(t) and a† (t). How should
the sum over paths be modified to obtain the fermion result? The √ right idea

√ † by considering, instead of a and a , the variables ã = ℏa and ㆠ=
ℏa , which do not depend on Planck’s constant, and are therefore classical
r   r  
mω ip mω ip
ã = x + , ㆠ= x − . (6.9)
2 mω 2 mω
In terms of them, the Lagrangian becomes

L = iㆠã˙ − ωㆠã , (6.10)

and the commutation rules are

[ã, ㆠ] = ℏ . (6.11)

1 As will become clear shortly, it is useful to include the dependence on Planck’s constant

explicitly in this phase.


In the sum over paths, ã(t) and ㆠ(t) are treated as functions with numer-
ical values, i.e. as quantities which commute. Therefore, it is as if a classical
limit, ℏ → 0, were taken in which ã(t) and ㆠ(t) become commuting quantities:

[ã, ㆠ] = 0 . (6.12)

The fermion case starts from the anticommutation rules, which in the limit
ℏ → 0 become simply

{ã, ㆠ} = 0 . (6.13)

Therefore, the paths in the fermion case should be described by a function

whose value is not a normal number, but a quantity which anticommutes, a
Grassman variable.

In what follows we return to using units in which ℏ = 1.

6.1.1 Anticommuting variables

The rules for calculating with anticommuting quantities are very simple,
and the page which follows contains an entire manual for differential and
integral calculations with Grassman variables. Suppose we have n variables of
this type, a1 · · · an , such that

{ah , ak } = 0 , (6.14)

that in particular imply that (ai )2 = 0. Then, the following rules hold:

Numerical coefficients, linear combinations: An anticommuting vari-

able can be multiplied by an ordinary number c with which it commutes:
c a = a c. Linear combinations can be constructed as c1 a1 + c2 a2 + · · · .
Functions: Since a2k = 0, the most general function is an n-th order polyno-
F = C0 + C1 (k)ak + C2 (h, k) ah ak · · · + Cn a1 a2 · · · an , (6.15)
k h>k

where C are numerical coefficients.

Differentials and derivatives: The differential da of an anticommuting
quantity a is itself anticommuting: since a1 a2 = −a2 a1 , it must be true
that a1 da2 = −da2 a1 . The derivative with respect to an anticommuting
variable d/dak is defined according to the following rules:
• (d/dak ) 1 = 0 , (d/dak ) ah = δhk .

• The operation d/dak anticommutes with other Grassman variables.

This can be understood by considering a product of anticommuting
quantities c d · · · a · · · ; d/da “extracts” a from the product and to
do this must move a to the first position. Hence d/da (b · a) =
d/da (−a · b) = −b or d/da b · a = −b · d/da a, and so on.
• The derivatives anticommute with each other, for example
d/da d/db (ba) = d/da (b) = 1, while d/db d/da (ba) = d/db (−b) =

Integrals: The integral over anticommuting variables is defined with the fol-
lowing rules:
da = 0 , da a = 1 . (6.16)

It follows from this that for anticommuting variables the integral and
the derivative are the same operation.
da F = F . (6.17)
ThisRdefinition is motivated in the following way: the integrals da
and da a should be defined as constants which do not depend on any
anticommuting quantity, hence R as ordinary numbers. At the same time,
since da is anticommuting, da must be anticommuting, therefore the
only possibility is that it must be zero, the only ordinary Rnumber which
R 0 x = −x 0. The second integral, da a, can be
is also anticommuting:
any number; to set da a = 1 is equivalent to defining
R the normalisation
of the a values. If, for example, we were to have
R da a = X, we could
define a new variable, a = a′ X 1/2 , such that da′ a′ = 1.

We note that if Pi denotes products of an even number of anticommuting

quantities and Ak products of an odd number, we have

Pi Pk = Pk Pi , Pi Ak = Ak Pi , Ai Ak = −Ak Ai . (6.18)

For example, if a, b, c, d are anticommuting, (ab)(cd) = (cd)(ab), (ab)c =

c(ab), while (abc)d = −d(abc). Therefore the product of an even number of
anticommuting quantities behaves like a commuting quantity.

6.1.2 Sum over paths for the two oscillators

In this section we develop the rules for calculating the sum over paths
of anticommuting quantities by applying them to a concrete case: the Fermi
oscillator defined in Section 6.1. As we will see, the sum over paths leads to
results which are in full agreement with those obtained in the traditional way.

In Section 3.2 we calculated the generating functional of the harmonic

oscillator in the q(t) language. We would now like to do it in the language of
a(t) and a† (t), being careful to carry out operations which are equally valid
for commuting variables (boson case) and anticommuting (fermion case) and
noting along the way the differences between the two cases. We therefore define
Z(J, J † ) as

Z(J, J † ) =
Z  Z 
† † † †

d[a(t)] d[a (t)] exp i dt a (t) D a(t) − J (t) a(t) − a (t) J(t) ,

where (see equation(6.10)) the differential operator2 D is given by

D=i −ω . (6.20)
Since the action must in every case be a commuting quantity, in the fermion
case both J and J † must be anticommuting. As in Section 3.2 we introduce a
function S(t) such that

D S(t) = δ(t) → Ṡ(t) = −iωS(t) − i δ(t) . (6.21)

We can rewrite the term in (a† J) of (6.19) as

Z Z Z 
dt a† (t) J(t) = dt a† (t) D dt′ S(t − t′ ) J(t′ ) ,

while the term in (J † a) can be written as

Z Z Z 
dt J † (t) a(t) = dt dt′ J † (t′ ) S(t′ − t) D a(t) ,

as can be seen with an integration by parts

Z Z  
′ † ′ ′ d
dt dt J (t ) S(t − t) i − ω a(t) =
Z  Z
dt −i − ω dt′ J † (t′ ) S(t′ − t) a(t) , (6.22)

and noting that

d d
−i − ω S(t′ − t) = i ′ − ω S(t′ − t) = δ(t′ − t) .
dt d(t − t)
2 This is none other than the Dirac operator (iγ µ ∂ − m), but in a space of only one

We can then rewrite the generating functional as

Z(J, J † ) = exp −i dt′ dt J † (t′ ) S(t′ − t) J(t)
× d[a(t)] d[a† (t)]
 Z  Z   Z 
† ′ † ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
exp i dt a (t) − dt J (t )S(t − t) D a(t) − dt S(t − t ) J(t ) .

The functional integral can be carried out with a change of variables

a(t) → a′ (t) = a(t) − dt′ S(t − t′ ) J(t′ ) ,

and similarly for a† , and is reduced to a multiplicative constant which corre-

sponds to the value of Z[0] and can be omitted. This change of variables is,
however, allowed only if (see Section 3.2)
lim S (t(1 − iχ)) = lim S (t(1 − iχ)) = 0 . (6.23)
t→∞ t→ −∞

The general solution of (6.21) is S(t) = A e−iωt − iθ(t) e−iωt , but (6.23)
imposes A = 0, hence
S(t) = −iθ(t) e−iωt , (6.24)
and the generating functional becomes
Z(J, J † ) = exp −i dt′ dt J † (t′ ) S(t′ − t) J(t) . (6.25)

Since we have been careful not to change the order of the quantities which
in the fermion case anticommute with each other, the procedure followed up
to now is equally valid for both the boson and fermion case. Some differences
appear in the calculation of the Green’s functions, where it is necessary to
take into account the anticommuting character of the operators. For example,
if a is an anticommuting quantity, equation (2.23) is redefined as
a(t1 ) a(t2 ) if t1 ≥ t2
T [a(t1 ) a(t2 )] = fermions , (6.26)
−a(t2 ) a(t1 ) if t2 ≥ t1

and hence also

T [a(t1 ) a(t2 )] = −T [a(t2 ) a(t1 )] , (6.27)
and this property extends to the time-ordered product of more operators, and
therefore also to the Green’s functions.
The rules for the use of the generating functional are slightly different in
the two cases. While the correspondence rule
a(t) → i , bosons or fermions , (6.28)
δJ † (t)

is the same in both cases, we have


i δJ(t) bosons ,
a (t) → δ
−i δJ(t) fermions ,
as seen from (6.19) noting that in the fermion case δJ(t) anticommutes with

a (t).
We will calculate some Green’s functions; for the two-point function we
obtain, in both the fermion and boson case (we leave the derivation to the

 δ δ

h0|T a(t)a (τ ) |0i = †
Z[J, J ]
δJ (t) δJ(τ ) J=J † =0
= iS(t − τ ) = θ(t − τ )e−iω(t−τ ) . (6.30)

We first consider the case with t > τ , for which we obtain, assigning an
energy E0 = 0 to the state |0i,

h0|a(t)a† (τ )|0i ≡ h0|a e−iH(t−τ ) a† |0i = e−iω(t−τ ) .

This result tells us that3 a state |1i exists with energy E1 = ω, and that
|h1|a† |0i|2 = 1. Hence we can define the phase of |1i so that a† |0i = |1i.
Conversely, if τ > t we obtain

h0|a† (τ ) a(t)|0i = 0 ,

and introducing a complete set of states |Ai with energy EA ,

|hA|a|0i|2 eiEA (τ −t) = 0 ,

from which we obtain (considering the case with τ = t) a|0i = 0.

For the four-point function, there is a difference between the boson and
fermion case. In the steps which follow, where the symbol ± appears it means
that the + sign applies to the boson case, − to the fermion case, and where
it does not appear, the result is the same in both cases.

h0|T a(t1 ) a(t2 ) a† (τ1 ) a† (τ2 ) |0i
 Z 2
δ δ δ δ 1 ′ † ′ ′
= −i dt dt J (t ) S(t − t) J(t)
δJ † (t1 ) δJ † (t2 ) δJ(τ1 ) δJ(τ2 ) 2
Z  Z 
δ δ ′ † ′ ′ †
= − † dt J (t )S(t − τ1 ) dt”J (t”)S(t” − τ2
δJ (t1 ) δJ † (t2 )
= − [S(t2 − τ1 ) S(t1 − τ2 ) ± S(t1 − τ1 ) S(t2 − τ2 )]
= eiω(t1 +t2 −τ1 −τ2 ) [θ(t2 − τ1 ) θ(t1 − τ2 ) ± θ(t1 − τ1 ) θ(t2 − τ2 )] .
3 See the discussion at the end of Section 3.2.

The − sign which appears in the fermion case reflects the Pauli exclusion
principle. For example, in the case with t1 > t2 > τ1 > τ2 we obtain
† † 2 e−iω(t1 +t2 −τ1 −τ2 ) bosons,
h0|(a(t1 ) a(t2 ) a (τ1 ) a (τ2 )|0i = (6.31)
0 fermions.

In this expression, if we take the limit t1 → t2 and τ1 → τ2 , in the boson

case we obtain

h0|[a(t2 )]2 [a† (τ2 )]2 |0i = 2e−i2ω(t2 −τ2 ) , (6.32)

from which√we learn that a state |2i with energy E2 = 2ω exists, and √ that
[a† ]2 |0i = 2|2i. Since a† |0i = √|1i, it must be true that a† |1i = 2|2i.
Similarly we deduce that a2 |2i = 2|0i. Instead, in the fermion case we learn
that, as follows from the Pauli principle, [a† ]2 |0i = 0, i.e. that a second excited
state of the Fermi oscillator does not exist.

6.1.3 Gaussian integrals for commuting and anticommuting variables

For later use, we provide here the calculations of the Gaussian integrals
over anticommuting variables, to compare with the result for the analogous
integrals over commuting variables.
The simplest integral is

A(λ) = da† da e−λa a , (6.33)

which is carried out using the rules (6.16)

A(λ) = da da (1 − λa a) = λ da† a† da a = λ .
† †

The result (6.34) can immediately be generalised to the case of N pairs of


A(λ1 , . . . , λN ) = ( da†i dai ) e k λk ak ak =
λi , (6.35)
i i

and hence to the case of a bilinear form


A(Λ) = ( da†i dai ) e(a Λa) ,

(a Λa) = a†i Λij aj . (6.36)

In this case, we diagonalise the matrix Λ with a unitary transformation

ãi = Uik ak ; U † U = 11 , (6.37)

so that
(a† Λa) = λk ã†k ãk , (6.38)

where the λk are the eigenvalues of Λ. It should be noted that the Jacobian
of the transformation between the variables a† , a and ㆠ, ã is equal to unity:
∂(ㆠ, ã)
J = det
∂(a† , a)
∂(ㆠ) ∂(ã)
= det det (6.39)
∂(a† ) ∂(a)
= | det U |2 = 1 ,

from which it follows that


A(Λ) = ( dã†i dãi ) e k λk ãk ãk = det Λ .

This result can be compared with that for the Gaussian integral over com-
muting complex variables

C(Λ) = ( dx†i dxi ) e−(x Λx) . (6.41)

In the basis in which Λ is diagonal, we put

ui + ivi ui − ivi
xi = √ ; x†i = √ , (6.42)
2 i 2
from which we obtain
Z Y λi (u2 2
i +vi ) 2π
C(Λ) = dui dvi e− 2 = = (2π)n [det Λ]−1 . (6.43)

The step from anticommuting to commuting variables involves the change

det Λ → [det Λ]−1 , at least to within an inessential multiplicative constant.
We finally note that in the case of commuting variables we find
Z Y  Yr
λ u2
− i2 i 2π (2π)n/2
C(Λ) = dui e = = √ . (6.44)
λi det Λ

With the help of the preceding formulae, we can consider the case of Gaus-
sian functional integrals of the form

A(D) = d[ψ † (x)]d[ψ(x)] e−(ψ Dψ) ,

with Z

(ψ Dψ) = dxdy ψ † (x)D(x, y)ψ(y) . (6.45)

Once the set of eigenfunctions of the operator D is defined

dyD(x, y)ψi (y) = λi ψi (x) , (6.46)

we can expand the anticommuting functions in the basis of the eigenfunctions:

ψ(x) = ai ψi (x) , (6.47)

where ai are anticommuting variables. In the new basis, we write the functional
integral as

A(D) = da†i dai e−(a Da) , Dij = dxdy ψi† (x)D(x, y)ψj (y) , (6.48)

from which, as before, it follows that

A(D) = det D , (6.49)

with the determinant of D given by (6.40). The case of commuting variables

is treated in an analogous way.


In this section we explicitly calculate the generating functional for a free
Dirac field and the two-point function. We give as a footnote the standard
description of this system, based on the canonical quantisation rules, and the
properties of the γ-matrices and of the plane wave solutions to the Dirac
equation. We adopt the notation and conventions of [1].
We recall that two types of 4-spinors exist: the “normal” type, represented
by the Dirac field ψ(x) and the “adjoint” type represented by the field ψ̄(x) =
ψ † γ 0 . In general we will omit the spinor indices, meaning in particular that
two contiguous indices, one “normal” and one “adjoint”, should be summed.
In the Dirac matrices, the first index is considered “normal” and the second
The Dirac equation for a particle of mass m will be written as

(iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ(x) = 0 , (6.50)

and can be derived from a Lagrangian density

L = ψ̄(x)(iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ(x) . (6.51)

Equation (6.51) will be our starting point. Analogous with what we did for

the oscillator, we define the generating functional by introducing two auxiliary

functions Jρ (x), J¯ρ (x).
¯ =
Z(J, J) d[ψ] d[ψ̄]

4 ¯
× exp i d x ψ̄(x) D ψ(x) − J(x) ψ(x) − ψ̄(x) J(x) , (6.52)

where D is the Dirac operator

D = iγ µ ∂µ − m ,

and we will consider ψ, ψ̄, J, J¯ as anticommuting quantities. To carry out the

integral we follow the steps of the previous section. We introduce a function
SF (x), the propagator, such that

D SF (x) = δ 4 (x) , (6.53)

so that we can write

¯ = exp −i d4 x′ d4 x J(x
Z(J, J) ¯ ′ ) SF (x′ − x) J(x)
Z  Z  Z 
× d[ψ] d[ψ̄] exp i d4 x ψ̄(x) − d4 x′ J(x ¯ ′ ) SF (x′ − x)
× D ψ(x) − d4 x′ SF (x − x′ ) J(x′ ) .

To prove this transformation we begin with the relation

4 4 µ ∂
d x ψ̄(x) J(x) = d x ψ̄(x) (iγ − m) d4 x′ SF (x − x′ ) J(x′ ) ,

which can be confirmed directly from (6.53). Furthermore

¯ ′ ) SF (x′ − x) (iγ µ ∂ − m) ψ(x)
d4 x′ d4 x J(x
Z ←−
= d4 x′ d4 x J(x¯ ′ ) SF (x′ − x) (−iγ µ ∂ − m) ψ(x)
= d4 x′ d4 x J(x¯ ′ )δ 4 (x′ − x)ψ(x) = d4 x J(x)ψ(x)
¯ ,

where in the first step we carried out an integration by parts, and in the second
we used equation (6.57), which we will demonstrate shortly. The arrow denotes
that the derivative is taken on the function to the left.

The functional integral is carried out with a change of variables

ψ(x) → ψ ′ (x) = ψ(x) − d4 x′ SF (x − x′ ) J(x′ ) ,
¯ ′ ) SF (x′ − x) ,
ψ̄(x) → ψ̄ ′ (x) = ψ̄(x) − d4 x′ J(x

and results in a multiplicative constant (the value of Z[0]) which can be omit-
ted. Thus we simply obtain
¯ 4 ′ 4 ¯ ′ ′
Z(J, J) = exp −i d x d x J(x ) SF (x − x) J(x) . (6.54)

As seen earlier, this procedure is allowed only if

lim SF ((t(1 − iχ), x) = 0 . (6.55)


A solution of (6.53) with the desired properties is obtained by setting

µ 1 /+m
SF (x) = (iγ ∂µ + m)∆F (x) = 4
d4 p e−ipx 2 . (6.56)
(2π) E − p2 − m2 + iǫ
Indeed, substituting into (6.53) we find4

(iγ µ ∂µ − m)(iγ µ ∂µ + m)∆F (x) = −( + m2 )∆F (x) = δ 4 (x) .

From the expression (6.56) follows a relation that we used earlier,

SF (y − x)(iγ + m) = −δ 4 (x − y) . (6.57)
Substituting into the left-hand side of (6.56) we obtain (∂/∂x = −∂/∂y)

∂ ∂ ∂
SF (y − x)(iγ µ µ
+ m) = (iγ µ µ + m)(iγ µ µ + m)∆F (y − x)
∂x ∂y ∂x
∂ ∂
= (iγ µ µ + m)(−iγ µ µ + m)∆F (y − x)
∂y ∂y
= −δ 4 (x − y) . (6.58)

The correspondence rules to go from the generating functional to the

Green’s functions are deduced from (6.52)
δ δ
ψα (x) → i ¯ , ψ̄β (x) → −i , (6.59)
δ Jα (x) δJα (x)
4 See Section 3.3. We recall that (γ µ ∂ )2 = ∂ µ ∂ = . It is easily confirmed that this is
µ µ
the only acceptable solution, since the homogeneous equation which corresponds to (6.53)
is nothing other than the Dirac equation, whose solutions are superpositions of plane waves
which fail the condition (6.55), for t → −∞ for positive frequencies if they are of the form
e−iωt , and for t → ∞ for negative frequencies, if they are of the form eiωt .

and the two-point Green’s function becomes

h0| T ψα (x) ψ̄β (y) |0i = i(SF )αβ (x − y) . (6.60)

As we saw in the oscillator case, the minus sign in the second correspon-
dence rule is balanced by a second minus sign which arises from the anticom-
muting character of the functional derivatives. We have therefore obtained
exactly the same result as if we had treated the Dirac field as a commuting
We note also that the Green’s functions with two ψ or ψ̄ are equal to zero:
h0|T [ψα (x) ψβ (y)] |0i = h0|T ψ̄α (x) ψ̄β (y) |0i = 0 . (6.61)

6.2.1 Fermion propagator

For later applications, we record the relevant formulae for the fermion
d4 p −ipx
i(SF )αβ (x − y) = e (iS̃F )αβ (p)
d4 p −ipx i (p / + m)αβ
= 4
e . (6.62)
(2π) p − m2 + iǫ

We can simplify the expression for the Fourier transform of SF by using

the relation

(p / − m) = p2 − m2 ,
/ + m) (p (6.63)

to write
d4 p −ipx i
i(SF )αβ (x − y) = e . (6.64)
(2π)4 / − m + iǫ
p αβ

6.2.2 The spin-statistics theorem

The spin-statistics theorem, according to which particles of integer spin
are described by commuting fields while those of half-integer spin require an-
ticommuting fields, is one of the few exact results in field theory. In this section
we verify that the quantum theory of a free Dirac field necessarily requires
that ψ and ψ̄ should be anticommuting quantities, and that, conversely, in the
theory of the free scalar field, φ is necessarily a commuting quantity. Clearly
this confirmation is not a general proof of the theorem, which applies also to
the case of interacting fields with arbitrary spin.
In the case of the Dirac theory, we write the right-hand side of (6.60) in a

more explicit form using equation (3.69).

h0| T ψα (x) ψ̄β (y) |0i
Z ip (x−y)  
(i∂/ + m)αβ 3 e −iωp (tx −ty ) iωp (tx −ty )
= d p e θ(t) + e θ(−t)
(2π)3 2ωp
 R −ip (x−y)
 1 d3 p
e (p
(tx > ty )
= (2π) R ip (x−y)
 1 3 d3 p e (−p/+m)αβ
(tx < ty )
(2π) 2ωp

where we have changed the sign of the integration variable p in the term with
negative frequencies eiωp (tx −ty ) .
In the following steps we will use the properties of the projection operators
(see Appendix A of [3])

X2 X2
/ + m)αβ (−p
/ + m)αβ
= urα (p)ūrβ (p) , =− vrα (p)v̄rβ (p), (6.65)
2m r=1
2m r=1

and the orthogonality properties

u†r (q) us (q) = vr† (q) vs (q) = δrs , u†r (q) vs (−q) = 0 . (6.66)
Hence, for tx > ty we obtain
Z 2
1 3 −ip (x−y) mX
h0| ψα (x) ψ̄β (y) |0i = d pe urα (p)ūrβ (p) , (6.67)
(2π)3 ωp r=1

and, for tx < ty ,

Z 2
1 mX
−h0| ψ̄β (y) ψα (x) |0i = − d3 p eip (x−y) vrα (p)v̄rβ (p) , (6.68)
(2π)3 ωp r=1

where the minus sign on the right-hand side derives from the projection op-
erator for negative energies, while that on the left-hand side derives from the
anticommuting property of the fields.
Multiplying left and right-hand sides by γ 0 , we transform ψ̄ → ψ † , ū → u†
and v̄ → v † , and the two equations become
Z 2
1 mX
h0| ψα (x) ψβ† (y) |0i = d3 p e−ip (x−y) urα (p)u†rβ (p) , (6.69)
(2π)3 ωp r=1
Z 2
1 mX
h0| ψβ† (y) ψα (x) |0i = d3 p e−ip (y−x) †
vrα (p)vrβ (p) . (6.70)
(2π)3 ωp r=1

It is easy to see that the anticommutativity is indispensable. Let us con-

sider equation (6.70), taking the limit y → x, and with α = β. Re-expressing

the left-hand side by introducing a complete set of states |XihX| we find

X Z 2
2 1 mX
h0| ψα† (x) ψα (x) |0i = |hX|ψα (x)|0i| = d3
p |vrα (p)|2 .
(2π)3 ωp r=1

Both the left- and right-hand sides, are positive-definite quantities. If we

had considered ψ and ψ̄ as commuting quantities, the right-hand side of this
equation would have a negative sign (the minus sign on the left-hand side of
equation (6.68) would be missing) and we would have obtained a nonsensical
result. The Dirac fields must be anticommuting.

The opposite conclusion is reached in the case of a scalar field. We consider

the case of a complex scalar field (see Section 3.4). It is easy to show for both
the commuting and anticommuting cases that the two-point function should
be given by equation (3.69); in the manipulations which led to this result
starting from (3.24) we consistently maintained the ordering of the various
quantities. If in (3.69) we consider the case tx < ty , we obtain, for commuting
quantities, Z −ip(x−y)
1 3 e
h0| φ† (y) φ(x) |0i = d p ,
(2π)3 2ωp
and in the limit y → x,
2 1 1
h0| φ† (x) φ(x) |0i = |hX|ψ(x)|0i| = 3
d3 p ,
(2π) 2ωp

an equality between positive-definite quantities. In the anticommuting case the

change of sign on the left-hand side would have led to a nonsensical result.

6.2.3 One-particle states of the Dirac field

We would now like to show that the Dirac field describes two types of
particle—particle and antiparticle—each with two polarisation states. To do
this we define the following operators obtained from ψ and ψ̄ with spatial
Fourier transformations projected onto the spinors u and v:
 1/2 X Z
cr (q; t) = d3 x e−iq·x u†rα (q)ψα (x, t) , (6.71)
(2π)3 ωq α
 1/2 X Z

cr (q; t) = d3 y eiq·y ψβ† (y, t)urβ (q) , (6.72)
(2π)3 ωq α
 1/2 X Z
dr (q; t) = d3 y e−iq·y ψβ† (y, t)vrβ (q) , (6.73)
(2π)3 ωq α
 1/2 X Z
† m
dr (q; t) = d3 x eiq·x vrα

(q)ψα (x, t) . (6.74)
(2π)3 ωq α

Naturally, as we will now show, these are the usual creation and destruction
operators for particles and antiparticles.
From (6.69), (6.70), and the orthogonality properties (6.66), we obtain
h0| cr (q; tx ) ψβ† (y) |0i
= e−iωq t eiq y u†rβ (q) , (6.75)
(2π)3 ωq
† † m †
h0| ψβ (y) dr (q; tx ) |0i = eiωq t e−iq y vrβ (q) , (6.76)
(2π)3 ωq

as is easily confirmed by substituting into c and d† the expressions (6.71),

(6.74), while

h0| ψβ† (y) cr (q; tx ) |0i = h0| d†r (q; tx ) ψβ† (y) |0i = 0 . (6.77)

With analogous steps, from (6.75) and (6.76) we also obtain

h0| cr (q; tx ) c†s (p; ty ) |0i = δ 3 (q − p) δrs e−iωq (tx −ty ) ,

h0| ds (p; ty ) d†r (q; tx ) |0i = δ 3 (q − p) δrs e−iωq (ty −tx ) .

Furthermore, from (6.77) it follows that

h0| c†s (p; ty ) cr (q; tx ) |0i = h0| d†r (q; tx ) ds (p; ty ) |0i = 0 ,

from which, with s = r, p = q, ty = tx = 0, and by introducing a complete

set of states,
|hX|cr (q) |0i|2 = |hX|dr (q) |0i|2 = 0 ,

where cr (q) = cr (q; t = 0), dr (q) = dr (q; t = 0). Hence

cr (q)|0i = dr (q)|0i = 0 . (6.79)

If we now define

|P ; p, ri = c†r (p)|0i , |A; p, ri = d†r (p)|0i , (6.80)

by substituting into (6.75) (of which we take the complex conjugate) and into
(6.76), in both cases with tx = 0, we obtain
h0| ψβ (y) |P ; p, ri = e−ip y urβ (p) , (6.81)
(2π)3 ωq
† m †
h0| ψβ (y) |A; p, ri = e−ip y vrβ (p) . (6.82)
(2π)3 ωq

These equations tell us that |P ; p, ri and |A; p, ri are states of momentum


p and energy ωp = (p2 + m2 )1/2 , and hence are single particle states. The
two polarisation states associated with the variables r = 1, 2 can be chosen
as states of definite helicity. Equation (6.78), with tx = ty = 0, fixes the
normalisation of the states:

hP ; p, r | P ; q, si = hA; p, r | A; q, si = δrs δ(p − q) . (6.83)

The states |P i and |Ai are necessarily different; indeed the two-point func-
tion h0|T (ψ ψ)|0i vanishes [equation (6.61)], and from this we can obtain, with
similar work to that carried out up to now, that

h0| cs (p; ty ) d†r (q; tx ) |0i = hP ; p, s|A; q, ri = 0 . (6.84)

The particle states |P i and antiparticle states |Ai are therefore orthogonal
and necessarily different.
In conclusion, we have seen that functional formalism allows the construc-
tion of the spectrum of one-particle states from the theory, as well as the
identification of the already familiar role of the creation and destruction op-

7.1 “In” states and “out” states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.2 Scattering amplitudes and the S-matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.3 Conserved quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.4 The LSZ reduction formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

We can describe a process of collision between two particles in the following

At the initial instant, which we denote by −T /2, the particles are prepared
in a state corresponding to two wave packets localised in regions of space that
are remote from each other. For all practical purposes, we can neglect any
interaction between the two particles at time −T /2.
Subsequently the system evolves without external influence for a time T ,
during which the particles interact with each other and give rise to the prod-
ucts of the collision. These are detected at time +T /2 by suitable experimental
apparatus. At the moment of detection, the system consists of two particles
(or possibly more, if the collisions are at relativistic energies) very far from
each other and also therefore not interacting.
The interval T , during which the experiment takes place, is in general
much longer than the typical times over which the interaction occurs. T is
determined by the linear dimensions of the apparatus of particle production
and detection which are macroscopic, of order, perhaps, of metres. Therefore
T ≃ 10−9 − 10−8 seconds. Instead, the interaction occurs when the particles
are some fermis in distance from each other (1 fermi = 10−15 m) and hence
over times of the order of 10−23 seconds, much less than T . For all practical
purposes, the process occurs between the times t = ±∞.
In contrast to what happens in classical mechanics, even if we start from
a perfectly defined state we cannot in general predict the result of a spe-
cific experiment. All that quantum mechanics can provide are the scattering
amplitudes, complex numbers whose moduli squared give the probability of
the different results of the experiment. The scattering amplitudes, for their


part, are described by the matrix elements of an operator, the S-matrix, or

scattering matrix, which is therefore the central element in scattering theory.
The study of collisions between particles represents almost the only method
of inquiry at our disposal to investigate the structure of the fundamental inter-
actions. The experimental study of scattering and the theoretical calculation
of the S-matrix are therefore the point of contact between theory and exper-


As we explained, at time −T /2 the initial state of the scattering pro-
cess is constituted by particles separated from each other and effectively non-
interacting. We can describe these states with a superposition of plane waves,
characterised by the momentum of each particle

|p1 , α; p2 , β > , (at time t = −T /2), (7.1)

where α and β represent other quantum numbers which are necessary, in ad-
dition to the momentum, to fully characterise the state of motion of the indi-
vidual particles (for example, the components of the spins along the direction
of motion).
In the Schrödinger representation, the state (7.1) evolves in time in a
complicated way, describing a trajectory in the space of the states, a trajectory
which is determined by the exact Hamiltonian, H, of the problem. The same
trajectory, in the Heisenberg representation, is specified by a fixed vector, also
determined by the momenta p1 and p2 , which characterise the conditions of
the system at time −T /2 → −∞. We will call this state “in” and denote it

|p1 , α; p2 , β; in > . (7.2)

The overall set of all states of this type, i.e. the Heisenberg states with
an arbitrary number of particles,1 which can be expressed as plane waves for
t = −T /2 → −∞, is the “in” basis (see, for example, [8, 9]). The set of “in”
states obviously constitutes an orthonormal basis. We can ask if this basis is
also complete.
In the final analysis, this question is equivalent to asking if we can reach all
the momentum states of the system starting from particle states far away from
them. The scattering processes are the only way in which we can study mi-
croscopic systems, hence the response cannot be other than in the affirmative,
but with an important qualification which we will explain in a moment.
The hypothesis that the “in” states should be a complete set is known as
1 The state which does not contain any particles, the so-called “vacuum state”, is denoted

with |0i and is the state of minimum energy, E = 0. As discussed diffusely in this book, the
vacuum state plays a fundamental role in field theory.

the asymptotic hypothesis and is characterised with the relation

|i; in >< i; in| = 11 , (“in” completeness) . (7.3)

Completeness of the “in” states. We first consider the case of a non-

relativistic particle in a defined potential, with a discrete spectrum for E < 0
and continuous spectrum for E > 0 (for example, an electron in the potential
of a proton, considered as a fixed source).
We can construct normalised wave packets by superposing eigenstates with
E > 0. It is easy to show that, for these states, the motion takes place mainly
at infinity, since the average value of the probability in time to find the particle
in any finite region of space is zero (see the discussion in [10]). Actually

|ψ(x, t)|2 = dE dE ′ c(E)∗ c(E ′ )ΨE (x)∗ ΨE ′ (x)e+i(E−E )t , (7.4)

and furthermore, for T → ∞

Z T /2
1 ′ 2π
dt e+i(E−E )t
→ δ(E ′ − E) , (7.5)
T −T /2 T

from which it follows that

1 T /2 2 2π 2
dt dx |ψ(x, t)| = dE |c(E)| dx |ΨE (x)|2 → 0 . (7.6)
T −T /2 V T V

An arbitrary state of type (7.4), for times sufficiently long, will be repre-
sented by a superposition of free states, and hence reachable from the “in”
Conversely, if the wave packet is constructed as a superposition of the
eigenstates of the discrete spectrum
|ψ(x, t)|2 = ′
cn (E)∗ cn′ (E ′ )Ψn (x)∗ Ψn′ (x)e+i(En −En′ )t , (7.7)

equation (7.5) will be replaced by

Z T /2
dte+i(En −En′ )t = δn,n′ , (7.8)
T −T /2

and the average probability (7.6) is different from zero

Z T /2 Z X Z
dt dx|ψ(x, t)|2 = |cn (E)|2 |Ψn (x)|2 =
6 0. (7.9)
T −T /2 V n V

Consequently, the motion develops permanently in the region where the

particle is bound by the potential.

In this case, the basis set of “in” states is evidently not complete, but
rather (the index i represents the set of quantum numbers which characterise
the various states):
|i; in >< i; in| = 11 − |En >< En | , (7.10)
i n

where the projector of the bound states appears in the right-hand side.
In a theory invariant under translations, in which we also permit the proton
to move, the total energy spectrum is always continuous and all the localised
states end, sooner or later, at infinity. However, states with an electron and a
proton far from each other do not provide a complete basis; the two particles
can move towards infinity while remaining bound together.
If, however, we also include in the “in” basis also those states which, at
time −T /2 → −∞, comprise the bound states (for example the hydrogen atom
in the ground state), we can assume that the “in” states form a complete set2 :
|i; in >< i; in| = 11 , (“in” completeness) . (7.11)

In concrete terms, this means that, to completely determine the physics of

the electron–proton system, we must also study scattering experiments which
include the hydrogen atom among the initial states, for example:
e+H →e+e+p . (7.12)
Naturally, in cases for which we can solve the equations of motion starting
from the Hamiltonian, we can also decide the composition of the “in” states
and ascertain whether relation (7.11) is valid or not. In some formulations
of field theory, condition (7.11) is considered to be one of the fundamental
Alongside the “in” basis, we can now introduce the complete basis set of
“out” states. These describe momentum states, in the Heisenberg representa-
tion, which reduce, at time t = +T /2 → +∞, to states with a certain number
of free particles, each with a defined momentum.
Analogous with (7.2), we denote these states with
|p1 , α; p2 , β; out > , (7.13)
in the case of two particles.
The discussion on the completeness of the “out” basis set proceeds in the
same manner as for the “in” states, and hence, with the same qualifications
as before, we conclude that we must have
|n; out >< n; out| = 11 , (“out” completeness) . (7.14)

2 In general, a unique time −T /2 does not exist for which all the possible states are

reduced to states of non-interacting particles. The convergence of the states to the asymp-
totic conditions is not uniform, and the set of “in” states becomes complete only in the
limit −T /2 → −∞. This point will be important in the discussion of the reduction formu-
lae discussed later.

In the absence of interactions, the quantum numbers which characterise

the “in” or “out” states, for example the momenta of the individual particles,
are all conserved. In this case, the “in” and “out” states coincide.
However, even in the presence of interactions, the distinction between “in”
and “out” states does not apply in the following cases:
(i) The state with no particles (the vacuum state) is stable, since it is the
minimum energy state. Therefore

|0; in >= |0; out >= |0 > . (7.15)

(ii) For states which contain only one particle, the momentum and the spin
component in the direction of the particle are conserved quantities, for

|p, α; in >= |p, α; out >= |p, α > . (7.16)


We can characterise the state |p′1 , α′ ; p′2 , β ′ ; out > as that in which our de-
tectors would definitely find two particles with momenta p′1 and p′2 and the
other quantum numbers with values α′ and β ′ respectively, at time +T /2.
Similarly, the state |p1 , α; p2 , β; in > is that in which two particles with quan-
tum numbers p1 , α and p2 , β are definitely present at time −T /2. Their scalar
product therefore gives the probability amplitude of the reaction

(p1 , α) + (p2 , β) → (p′1 , α′ ) + (p′2 , β ′ ) .

More generally, the scattering amplitude is given by

Sf i =< f ; out|i; in > , (7.17)

where f and i are the values of the quantum numbers which characterise,
respectively, the final and initial states. For normalised states, the modulus

| < f ; out|i; in > |2 = P (i → f ) , (7.18)

gives the probability of the reaction. For the relation which links the proba-
bility (7.18) to the cross section, see [1].
The S-matrix can be written, in terms of “in” and “out” states, as
S= |n; inihn, out| , (7.19)

from which we find

Sf i = hf ; out|i; ini =< f ; in|S|i; in >=< f ; out|S|i; out > . (7.20)


From (7.19) it is immediately confirmed that the S operator transforms

the “out” basis into the “in” basis

S|m; out >= |m; in > , (7.21)

and hence, from the completeness of the two base sets, it follows that S is

S † S = SS † = 1 . (7.22)

If we write the diagonal matrix element of (7.22) as

1 =< i; out|S † S|i; out >

= | < f ; out|S|i; out > |2 (7.23)
= P (i → f ) ,

we see that the unitarity of S is equivalent to requiring that the sum of the
probabilities (7.18) over all the f states should be unity. The set of these states
must coincide with all possible final states in a scattering experiment, as is
precisely the case if the basis of these states forms a complete set.
The relations (7.20) show the connection between the definition of the S-
matrix in the Heisenberg representation and the more elementary definition,
in terms of the interaction representation, discussed in [1].
In (7.20) both the bra and the ket refer to the same time, which is either in
the past or in the future, and thus does not refer to a specific representation.
We can interpret |f ; outi and |i; outi simply as the vectors of the Hilbert space,
respectively |f i and |ii, which identify the incoming and outgoing states of the
scattering process. In this case, the vector S|ii represents the state in which |ii
evolves in the interaction representation, and the projection hf |S|ii represents
the probability amplitude to find this state in |f i. In perturbation theory, S
is given in the usual representation by means of the Dyson formula [1].


Consider a conserved quantity, Q. Since Q commutes with H, we can
choose both the “in” and “out” states so that they are simultaneously eigen-
states of Q and H. Because Q is a constant of the motion, the “in” states
which correspond to a given value q of Q must transform, for t → +∞, into a
state with the same eigenvalue, i.e.

< f, q ′ ; out|i, q; in >= 0 , if q ′ 6= q . (7.24)

Another way of saying the same thing consists of using the fact that S
commutes with all the constants of the motion, for which

0 =< f, q ′ ; in|[Q, S]|i, q; in >= (q ′ − q) < f, q ′ ; in|S|i, q; in > . (7.25)


6 q ′ . For the same reason

Therefore the matrix element is zero if q =

U (R)SU (R)† = S , (7.26)

if U (R) is the unitary operator associated with an exact symmetry (which

does not involve time reversal).
For systems invariant under translation, the S-matrix must be diagonal in
the basis of states with defined momentum and energy; therefore its matrix
elements have the form (f = 6 i):
Sf i = (2π)4 δ (4) ( Pf in − Pin )Mf i . (7.27)


In this section we will derive the relations which link the q-point Green’s
functions to the S-matrix element for the reaction between p initial particles
which give rise to q-p final particles (with p ≤ q − 2). These relations were
obtained by Lehman, Szymanzik and Zimmermann [11] and are known as
the LSZ reduction formulae. For simplicity, we refer to the case of particles
described by a neutral scalar field with λφ4 interactions; the generalisation
to more complex cases is straightforward. Subsequently, we will extend the
Feynman rules derived for the Green’s functions to those for the S-matrix
Before proving the reduction formulae, however, we must introduce the
so-called asymptotic hypothesis for fields in the Heisenberg representation and
the corresponding asymptotic fields, φin (x) and φout (x).

The asymptotic fields, φin (x) and φout (x). To fix the quantum state in
the Heisenberg representation corresponds, in classical mechanics, to deter-
mining the trajectory in the phase space of the system, by giving the initial
conditions at a certain time t0 . It is therefore clear why the state vector, in
this representation, does not change with time. To be more definite, let us
assume the states are chosen in the “in” basis, i.e. t0 = −T /2.
By contrast, what changes with time are the dynamic variables of the
system, i.e. the fields, which are functions of position in space and time.

φ = φ(x, t) = φ(x) . (7.28)

In the free theory, the field applied to the vacuum creates a single par-
ticle state for any value of time. This is no longer true in the theory with
interactions, in which the field also has non-zero matrix elements between the
vacuum and states with three or more particles, as we will see in Section 8.4.
However, we expect that the physical situation will tend to that of the free
theory when the time tends to ±T /2 ≃ ±∞. However, because the state is

fixed, the previous requirement, which is denoted by the term asymptotic con-
dition, must mean that the field, in these limits, should “in some sense” tend
to the free field.
Let us consider the limit t → +∞. The asymptotic condition is formulated
by requiring that the expectation values of the field, i.e. the matrix elements,
converge to the corresponding matrix elements of a free field, which we denote
as φout , if necessary multiplied by a proportionality constant.3 The constant
is defined so that φout is normalised like a canonical field. In formulae
lim hα|φ(x, t)|βi = Z+ hα|φout (x, t)|βi , (7.29)

(−✷ − m2 )φout (x) = 0 . (7.30)

The limit t → −∞ is treated similarly and leads to the definition of the

“in” field:
lim hα|φ(x, t)|βi = Z− hα|φin (x, t)|βi , (7.31)

(−✷ − m2 )φin (x) = 0 . (7.32)

The fields φout applied to the vacuum create many-particle non-interacting

states at time t = +∞, hence they generate the “out” states. Similarly, the
application of φin to the vacuum generates the “in” basis. Restricting ourselves
to the “out” case, we can expand the field in creation and destruction operators
in the continuum [see equation (3.92)]:
Z h i
d3 k 1 −ikx † ikx
φout (x) = p a k e + a k e . (7.33)
(2π)3/2 2ω(k)

Equation (7.33) is easily inverted to obtain [compare to equations (3.94)

and (3.95)]
Z ↔ 1
aout (p) = d3 x fp (x)∗ i ∂ φout (x) , fp (x) = p e−ipx . (7.34)

The annihilation operators defined by (7.34) are independent of time, be-

cause of the Klein–Gordon equation.
Since the “out” field is normalised like a canonical field, aout and a†out obey
the canonical commutation rules and are just the creation and annihilation
operators of the “out” states. Hence4

|p1 , p2 , . . . ; outi = aout (p1 )† aout (p2 )† . . . |0i , (7.35)

and similar formulae hold for the “in” states.

3 No more than a weak convergence can be required, as indicated in (7.29) and (7.32),

otherwise the free theory would hold at all times.

4 We recall that |0; outi = |0; ini = |0i.

The one-particle states of the “in” and “out” bases coincide; for this reason
we used the same mass in equations (7.30) and (7.32). It is easy to show
that, for the same reason, the normalisation constants Z± are also equal to
each other and to the constant introduced in the treatment of the two-point
function in Appendix A of [2].
To obtain this result, we consider the matrix element of the “out” field
between the vacuum and the state of one particle
lim h0|φ(x)|pi = Z+ h0|φout (x)|pi
p Z+
= Z+ h0|φout (x)|p; outi = e−ipx , (7.36)

where we have used the expansion (7.33).

On the other hand, the matrix element of the field can be parameterised
at all times as follows (cf. [2])
h0|φ(x)|pi = h0|φ(x)|p; outi = e−ipx , (7.37)

and hence also in the limit t → +∞. Comparing with (7.36) we obtain Z+ = Z.
Repeating the argument in the limit t → −∞ we similarly obtain Z− = Z =
Z+ .

The asymptotic hypothesis and self-energy corrections. The asymptotic

hypothesis at the foundation of S-matrix theory requires an important quali-
fication. It is reasonable to expect, as time tends to ±∞, that the interactions
between different particles should tend to zero. However, we cannot isolate a
particle from the effect of its own field. This is the problem of the particle
self-energy, already known from classical physics.
In the case of a classical electrically charged particle, the energy of the
Coulomb field generated by the particle is easily calculated and depends in-
versely on its radius; it diverges for an exactly pointlike particle. Because of
Einstein’s equation stating the equivalence between mass and energy, the field
generated by the particle makes an additional contribution to its inertial mass,
which is hence not the same as it would be in the absence of its own field, i.e.
in the limit in which the electric charge goes to zero.
The problem arises again in quantum mechanics and is solved through
the procedure of renormalisation, of which we will see an example in the
calculation of the two-point function in the next chapter.

The LSZ reduction formulae. To be specific, we consider the relevant four-

point Green’s function

G(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) , (7.38)

that we would like to connect to the S-matrix of the reaction

p1 + p2 → p3 + p4 . (7.39)

If we recall the Feynman rules by which G is constructed, we see that in

every case a line originates from point x1 , which connects it to the rest of the
diagram. In terms of amplitudes, this means that the dependence on x1 arises
G = d4 x ∆F (x1 − x) × . . . , (7.40)

where x is the coordinate of one of the vertices in the diagram. The Fourier
transform of G with respect to x1 , with momentum p1 , must therefore contain
a factor corresponding to the Fourier transform of ∆F , i.e.

˜ F (p1 ) = i
i∆ . (7.41)
p21 − m2

The Fourier transform of G with respect to x1 therefore has a pole when

p1 is on the “mass-shell”, i.e. when p21 → m2 . We can isolate the residue at
the pole by multiplying the Fourier transform of G by p21 − m2 and taking the
limit p21 = m2 .
In reality, as we saw in the study of the propagator, there are two ppoles cor-
responding to the possible signs of the frequency: p01 = ±ω(p1 ) = ± p21 + m2 .
We select the sign of p01 by writing an exponential factor in the Fourier trans-
form as e−ip1 x1 for an incoming particle, as in equation (7.39), or e+ip1 x1 for
an outgoing particle, with p01 = +ω(p) in both cases. As a formula
R(p1 , . . .) = 2lim (p21 − m2 ) d4 x1 e−ip1 x1 G(x1 , . . .) . (7.42)
p1 →m2

To connect the residue R to the S-matrix element, we write the Green’s

function explicitly as the vacuum expectation value of the T -product of the

G(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = h0|T [φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 )] |0i , (7.43)

and thus R becomes

R(p1 , . . .) = 2lim (p21 − m2 ) d4 x1 e−ip1 x1 h0|T [φ(x1 ) . . . ] |0i . (7.44)
p1 →m2

The multiplication by p21 , in (7.44), is equivalent to the action of −✷ on

the exponential. Integrating by parts, we obtain (the taking of the limit, from
now on, is understood)
R(p1 , . . .) = d4 x1 e−ip1 x1 (−✷ − m2 )h0|T [φ(x1 ) . . . ] |0i . (7.45)

In the limit, the exponential itself satisfies the Klein–Gordon equation, for
which reason we can also write

R(p1 , . . .) = − d4 x1 e−ip1 x1 ✷h0|T [φ(x1 ) . . . ] |0i (7.46)
↔ → ←
where ✷ denotes ✷ − ✷. Furthermore, the difference of the two ✷ operators
can be written as a total derivative

F (x)✷G(x) = ∂µ F (x)∂ µ G(x) . (7.47)

Discarding the spatial derivatives, which in any case integrate to zero, we

therefore obtain
Z +T /2 Z
∂ ↔
R(p1 , . . .) = − dt d3 x1 e−ip1 x1 ∂ t h0|T [φ(x1 ) . . . ] |0i
−T /2 ∂t
Z ↔
= − d3 x1 e−ip1 x1 ∂ t h0|φ(x1 , +T /2)T [φ(x2 ) . . . ] |0i
Z ↔
+ d3 x1 e−ip1 x1 ∂ t h0|T [φ(x2 ) . . . ] φ(x1 , −T /2)|0i . (7.48)

We have taken out of the T -product the fields φ(x1 , ±T /2) since the times
in x2 , x3 , etc. are certainly larger than −T /2 and less than +T /2. The fields
evaluated at ±T /2 can be identified respectively with the “out” and “in”
fields. Comparing with (7.34) we see that
p h √
R(p1 , . . . ) = i 2ω(2π)3 h0| Za†out (p1 )T [φ(x2 ) . . . ] |0i
√ i
− h0|T [φ(x2 ) . . . ] Za†in (p1 )|0i
√ p
= −i Z 2ω(2π)3 h0|T [φ(x2 ) . . . ] |p1 ; ini , (7.49)
where we have used the relations
h0|aout (p1 )† = 0 , ain (p1 )† |0i = |p1 ; ini . (7.50)
In conclusion, taking the residue of the pole of the Green’s function of four
fields for p21 = m2 , we have obtained the matrix element of the T -product of
three fields between the vacuum and the state of a particle of momentum p1 .
Clearly, we can proceed with the process of reduction of the fields by taking
the residues at the poles for p22 = m2 , etc. (with the appropriate signs of
the exponentials for initial and final particles) until the entire T -product has
been eliminated. The final result is

Y p2i − m2 Z Y 
lim i √ i d4 xi e∓ipi xi G(x1 , x2 , . . .)
pi →m2 i Z
Y  p 
= i ∓ 2ω(pi )(2π)3 hp3 , p4 ; out|p1 , p2 ; ini (7.51)
Y  p 
= i ∓ 2ω(pi )(2π)3 Sf i ,

where the minus (plus) sign in the exponential√corresponds to incoming (out-

going) particles in reaction (7.39). The factor Z is obtained from the calcu-
lation of the two-point Green’s function, as discussed in Section 8.4. Equation
(7.51) can evidently be extended to a reaction with an arbitrary number of
incoming and outgoing particles.
The reduction formulae (7.51) give us the desired relations between Green’s
functions and the S-matrix elements. A few observations follow.

Lorentz invariance of the cross section. The Green’s function is Lorentz

invariant and is, furthermore, invariant under translation. The latter state-
ment means that G depends only on the differences x1 –x2 , etc. For the Fourier
transform, this implies (see [1]) that
G̃(p1 , p2 , . . .) = (2π)4 δ (4) ( pin − pf in )G(p1 , p2 , . . .) , (7.52)
where G is a regular, Lorentz-invariant function of the momenta. Clearly, the
same applies to the residue of G at its poles. Hence, neglecting non-essential
signs, we can write
Sf i = hp3 , p4 , . . . ; out|p1 , p2 ; ini
" #
1 X X
=Π p (2π)4 δ (4) ( pin − pf in )M(p1 , p2 , . . .) , (7.53)
2ω(2π) 3

where M is the Feynman amplitude, a Lorentz-invariant function of its argu-

ments. The cross section of the process p1 + p2 → p3 + . . . is calculated from
(7.53) starting from the general formula (again, see [1])
X |Sf i |2
(ρvrel N ) dσ = . (7.54)
f in

Our states are not normalised to a single particle in a volume V , hence the
factor N on the left-hand side, which denotes the number of target particles
in V . With the continuum normalisation, N = V /(2π)3 [see equation (3.93)],
while ρ = 1/(2π)3 is the density of the incident particles, and vrel = |v1 − v2 |
is the relative speed of the initial particles.
We leave the proof of the following formulae to the reader.
• Cross section:
1 X X
dσ = (2π)4 δ (4) ( pin − pf in )
4ω(p1 )ω(p2 )vrel
d3 pi
× Πi=3,... |M|2 . (7.55)
(2π)3 2ω(pi )

• Invariant phase space:

d3 p
= d4 p θ(p0 )δ(p2 − m2 ) . (7.56)
2ω(pi )

• invariant flux factor:

ω(p1 )ω(p2 )vrel = (p1 p2 )2 − p21 p22 . (7.57)

Equations (7.56) and (7.57), substituted into (7.55), show that dσ is

Lorentz invariant.

8.1 The perturbative generating functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
8.2 Feynman rules for Green’s functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
8.3 Connected parts and vacuum diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.4 Perturbative two-point Green’s function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

In the previous chapter we applied the method of the sum over paths to
very simple field theories, in particular to real or complex scalar, free fields.
By free fields we mean fields describing particles which do not interact
with each other. This translates into the requirement that the Lagrangian
should not contain terms more than quadratic in the fields, and correspond-
ingly equations of motion linear in the fields: the Klein–Gordon equation, for
the scalar field, and the equations of Dirac and Maxwell, for fields of spin 21
and (massless) spin 1, respectively.
In all these cases, the general solution to the equations of motion is given by
a superposition of plane waves, which correspond to different possible definite-
momentum states of the particles. In all interesting cases, the situation is
more complicated; the Lagrangian contains terms of third or fourth (or even
higher) order, the equations of motion are not linear, and theories are obtained
for which we are unable to obtain exact solutions, in general. Approximate
methods are needed, and perturbation theory is in first place.
In this course we shall focus on quantum electrodynamics and gauge theo-
ries. But for simplicity of illustration, we begin by considering the simple case
of a real scalar field with a λφ4 interaction and thus a Lagrangian
1 1 1
L = ∂µ φ(x) ∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ2 − λφ4 , (8.1)
2 2 4!
which corresponds to a non-linear equation of motion,
( + m2 )φ(x) = − λφ3 ,
whose general solution is not known even at the classical level.



We can express, at least formally, physically interesting quantities as se-
ries of powers of the coupling constant λ, the so-called perturbative series. In
particular, we can express the Green’s functions as a series of powers of λ. If
λ is small, the first few terms of this series can give a good approximation of
the quantity of physical interest.
To proceed in this way, the Lagrangian is divided into two terms,
L(φ, ∂µ φ) = L0 (φ, ∂µ φ) + L1 (φ) , (8.2)
where L0 is the free Lagrangian studied in Section 3.3, and L1 an interaction
term. For simplicity, we consider here the case of a single scalar field.1
The generating functional is [see equation (3.20)]
Z  Z 
4 1
Z[J] = d[φ(x)] exp i d x L (φ)
4 0

× exp i d x L (φ, ∂µ φ) − φ(x)J(x) , (8.3)

which we can rewrite (see equation 3.23) as

4 1 δ
Z[J] = exp i d x L i Z 0 [J] , (8.4)
where Z 0 [J] is the functional associated with the action obtained from the
unperturbed Lagrangian L0 . In the case of the λφ4 theory, equation (8.1),
Z 0 [J] is given by (3.63), which we repeat for convenience
0 −i 4 4
Z [J] = exp d x d y J(x) ∆F (x − y) J(y) , (8.5)
while a formal expansion of the generating functional in powers of λ is given
Z  4 !
−iλ 4 δ
Z[J] = exp d x i Z 0 [J] (8.6)
4! δJ(x)
X∞ Z  4 !n
(−iλ)n 4 δ
= n n!
d x i Z 0 [J] (8.7)
(4!) δJ(x)
Z  4
0 λ 4 δ
= Z [J] − i d x i Z 0 [J]
4! δJ(x)
ZZ  4  4
λ2 4 4 δ δ
− d x d y i i Z 0 [J] + . . . . (8.8)
2(4!)2 δJ(x) δJ(y)
1 We have assumed that L1 depends on the fields and not on their derivatives, a limitation

which simplifies the following formal expansions but can be overcome without particular

We recall that [see equation (8.5)]

i Z 0 [J] = d4 y ∆F (x − y) J(y) Z 0 [J] (8.9)

The first derivative that is taken “pulls down” a factor ∆F J from the
exponential, while subsequent ones can pull down further factors, or “capture”
the J from a factor ∆F J pulled down by a previous derivative. For example,
for the second derivative we find
δ δ 0
i i Z [J] (8.10)
δJ(x′ ) δJ(x)
Z  Z 
= d4 y ′ ∆F (x′ − y ′ ) J(y ′ ) d4 y ∆F (x − y) J(y) Z 0 [J]

+ i∆F (x − x′ ) Z 0 [J] .

To better control the complexity of these calculations, which grows rapidly

with an increasing number of derivatives, a graphical representation is helpful.
A point, called a “vertex”, from which four lines emerge, corresponds to each
factor (iδ/δJ(x)) . Each line can end in another vertex from which a J has
been “captured” (or in the same vertex, if it captures a J produced by a
previous derivative), or in a bubble, which represents a J not captured by
other derivatives. In the first case the line (which we will call “an internal
line”) corresponds to a propagator i∆F , in the second (“external line”) to
a factor ∆F J. For example, the two terms of the second derivative can be
represented by the two diagrams of Figure 8.1. Naturally, in this case only
a single line emerges from each of the two points x and x′ . To unify the
description of the two types of line it is helpful to rewrite the terms which
correspond to a line ending in a bubble as ∆F J = (i∆F )(−iJ) so that each,
internal or external, line corresponds to a factor i∆F .

Figure 8.1 Diagram representing the two terms of equation (8.10). The hatched
bubbles each correspond to a factor −iJ.

Diagrams with a single vertex correspond to terms of Z[J] [equation (8.6)]

of order λ, and it is easily shown that the only possibilities are the diagrams
(a), (b) and (c) of Figure 8.2. Diagram (a), where all the Js have been cap-
tured, and the diagram is devoid of external lines, is called a vacuum-vacuum
Diagram (b) represents a modification to a single particle propagator,

Figure 8.2 (a), (b), (c): diagrams to first perturbative order; diagram (d) represents
the propagator to order λ0 and is reported for comparison with the order λ correction
embodied in (b).

which to order λ0 , is what we calculated previously (see Section 3.3), and

which we can represent as a diagram without vertices, as in (d). We will re-
turn to this point later. Meanwhile, however, we take a look at diagrams of the
same type which are encountered to second perturbative order, displayed in
Figure 8.3. The suspicion arises that diagram (a) of this figure, together with
(d) and (b) of the previous figure, is the beginning of an interesting series. A
suspicion which, as we will see, is fully justified.
Finally, diagram (c) of Figure 8.2 represents the scattering of two parti-
cles. As we will see, this is directly connected to the S-matrix element which
describes this process, in fact it represents the first order approximation to
this process. Higher-order corrections also exist in this case, which to second
order are those of Figure 8.4.
The correspondence between the diagrams of the λφ4 theory and terms in
the perturbative expansion of Z[J] is obtained with a few simple rules
bubble : − i d4 x J(x) ,
vertex : d4 v , (8.11)
line from x to y : i∆F (x − y) ,

to which must be added a rule to calculate the combinatorial factor to apply

to the contribution of each diagram. In the case of λφ4 theory, the latter rule
is somewhat more complicated than in the case of quantum electrodynamics.
In our context, in which λφ4 serves as a simple model for QED, it is better to
postpone this discussion. It is always possible, once the form of a particular

Figure 8.3 Propagator corrections to second perturbative order.

contribution to Z[J] has been identified, to return to (8.6) – with the rules we
have given – to obtain the correct combinatorial factor.
A point v or x in space-time is associated with each vertex or bubble,
at which an integration is carried out, and the argument of each ∆F is the
distance to each end-point, either vertex or bubble. Therefore diagram (c) of
Figure 8.2 corresponds to a term in Z[J] which we can call D1 (and is the
first diagram we will calculate!):

D1 [J] = (−i)4 d4 x1 J(x1 ) d4 x2 J(x2 ) d4 x3 J(x3 ) d4 x4 J(x4 )
× d4 v (i)4 ∆F (x1 − v)∆F (x2 − v)∆F (x3 − v)∆F (x4 − v) , (8.12)

which represents, to first order in λ, the terms in Z[J] that are proportional
to J 4 . The corrections of order λ2 are given by the diagrams of Figure 8.4; (a)

Figure 8.4 Vertex corrections to second perturbative order.

corresponds to
D2 [J] = (−i)4 (62 ) d4 x1 J(x1 ) d4 x2 J(x2 ) d4 x3 J(x3 ) d4 x4 J(x4 )
 2 Z Z
× d4 v1 d4 v2 (i)6 ∆F (x1 − v1 )∆F (x2 − v1 )∆F (x3 − v2 )
× ∆F (x4 − v2 )∆F (v1 − v2 )∆F (v1 − v2 ) , (8.13)

where (62 ) is a combinatorial factor. We could have obtained this result di-
rectly, including the factor (62 ), by isolating the J 4 terms in equation (8.6).
We leave this task to the reader as an exercise. We will discuss diagram (b) of
Figure 8.4 separately; it represents a correction to the external lines.


We consider the Green’s function of a real scalar field at 2k points (we note
that in the λφ4 theory with interactions, a non-zero result is obtained only
for an even number of points.2 Employing the previous formulae, we have
G(x1 , . . . , x2k ) = D[φ(x)] φ(x1 )φ(x2 ) . . . φ(x2k ) exp[i d4 xL(φ, ∂µ φ)]
δ δ δ
= (i )(i ) . . . (i )Z[J] , (8.14)
δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2 ) δJ(x2k ) J=0

2 The Lagrangian, equation (8.1), is symmetric under the transformation φ → −φ. A

unitary operator P on the space of states must therefore exist, such that PφP = −φ. Since
the vacuum (n=0) is even, it follows that < 0|T [φ(x1 ) · · · φ(xn )]|0 >= 0 unless n is even.

and furthermore, according to the perturbative expansion,

Z[J] = D[φ(x)] exp[i d x L (φ)] exp[i d x L − i d4 xJ(x)φ(x)]
4 1 4 0

= exp[i d4 x L1 (i )] Z 0 [J]
X i Z n
= ( )n d4 x L1 (i ) Z 0 [J] , (8.15)
n! δJ(x)


Z Z 
0 −i 4 4
Z [J] = exp d x d y J(x)∆F (x − y)J(y)
= exp (J∆F J) . (8.16)
The perturbative expansion of G hence takes the form
G(x1 , . . . , x2k ) = G(n) (x1 , x2 , . . . , x2k ) ,


G(n) (x1 , . . . , x2k )

  Z n 
δ δ 1 4 1 δ 0
= (i ) . . . (i ) i d x L (i ) Z [J] . (8.17)
δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2k ) n! δJ(x) J=0

Since we must finally set J = 0, in the expansion of Z 0 in powers of

(J∆F J), only terms of order equal to the number of functional derivatives
which appear in equation (8.17) contribute. Restricting ourselves to the case
of the λφ4 interaction, we can write, in conclusion

δ δ 1
G(n) (x1 , . . . , x2k ) = (i ) . . . (i )
δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2k ) n!
 Z n  M
λ δ 1 −i
× i d4 x (i )4 (J∆F J) , (8.18)
4! δJ(x) M! 2
with M = k + 2n.
The functional derivatives can naturally be taken in many different ways.
Each one can be represented by a Feynman diagram, a diagram in space-
time in which M lines, the propagators i∆F , connect the points x1 , . . . , x2k
to each other and/or with the n points where the interactions are localised,
the vertices. Each of these diagrams is associated with an amplitude, which
is the product of propagators, coupling constants λ, and numerical factors,
determined by the structure of (8.18). Explicitly, we can see from (8.18) that:

• each time that two derivatives act on the same propagator, we obtain
a factor 2 and hence the result is a factor i∆F calculated at the points
associated with the functional derivatives in question;
• the roles of the propagators can be permuted without changing the re-
sult; this simplifies the factor (1/M !);
• similarly, the roles of the vertices can be permuted obtaining n! identical
contributions, which simplifies the factor (1/n!).

The considerations just explained are summarised in simple and elegant

prescriptions to obtain the 2k-point Green’s function to the n-th order of
perturbation theory, which are called of Feynman rules.

Feynman diagrams. We begin with the identification of the independent

amplitudes which contribute to the Green’s function, by constructing the cor-
responding Feynman diagrams.

• We fix the external points (x1 , .., x2k ) and the points (x, y, z, . . . ) where
the interactions are localised (vertices).
• We draw the diagrams in which M lines connect external points and
vertices to each other in all topologically independent ways.

Feynman rules. An amplitude is associated with each diagram, according

to the following rules:
• There is a factor i∆F (u − v) for every line which begins at point u and
finishes at v;
• There is a factor iλ for every vertex.
• There is a numerical factor, to be calculated case by case, which origi-
nates from the incomplete cancellation of the 1/4! factors at the vertices
with the multiplicity of ways in which the derivatives corresponding to
the diagram can be taken.
• We integrate the amplitude over the coordinates of all the vertices.
• The Green’s function is the sum of the amplitudes corresponding to each
We give, as an example, the calculation of the two-point and four-point
functions to first order in λ.

Calculation of G(1) (x1 , x2 ). With one vertex and two external points we
can construct two independent diagrams, shown in Figure 8.5. We now calcu-
late the relevant numerical factors for the two diagrams by explicitly taking
the functional derivatives (for brevity, we write 1 or 2 in place of x1 or x2 )
(1) δ δ iλ δ 1 −i
G (1, 2) = (i )(i ) d4 x (i )4 [ (J∆F J)]3 . (8.19)
δJ(1) δJ(2) 4! δJ(x) 3! 2
We take the derivatives with respect to J(1) and J(2). The two derivatives
can act (a) on the same propagator, or (b) on different propagators. We obtain
Ge 2a = i∆F (1 − 2) iλ d4 x (i δ )4 1 ( −i J∆F J)2 , (8.20)
4! δJ(x) 2! 2
Ge 2b = iλ d4 x (i δ )4 d4 ud4 v [i∆F (1 − u)(−iJ(u))]
4! δJ(x)
× [i∆F (2 − v)(−iJ(v))] ( J∆F J) . (8.21)

Figure 8.5 First-order diagrams for the two-point Green’s function.

e 2a , we take the first derivative and find

In the case of G
e iλ δ
G2a = i∆F (1 − 2) d4 x (i )3
4! δJ(x)
× d4 u ∆F (x − u)J(u)[ (J∆F J)] . (8.22)
One of the other three derivatives must act on J(u), which can happen in
three different ways; the other two cancel the current in (J∆F J). Hence
e 2a = Ca [i∆F (1 − 2)] (iλ) d4 x [i∆F (x − x)]2 ,
3 1
Ca = = . (8.23)
4! 8
e2b , two derivatives must operate on the currents J(u) and
In the case of G

J(v), which can happen in 4 × 3 different ways, while the other two act on
(J∆F J). We therefore find, in total,
Ge2b = Cb iλ d4 x [i∆F (1 − x)] [i∆F (2 − x)][i∆F (x − x)] ,

12 1
Cb = = . (8.24)
4! 2

Calculation of G(1) (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ). We show the Feynman diagrams for

the four-point function to first order in Figure 8.6.

Figure 8.6 First-order diagrams for the four-point Green’s function.

The explicit calculation is carried out starting from the expression

δ δ δ δ iλ
G(1) (1, 2, 3, 4) = (i )(i )(i )(i )
δJ(1) δJ(2) δJ(3) δJ(4) 4!
δ 1 −i
× d4 x (i )4 [ (J∆F J)]4 . (8.25)
δJ(x) 4! 2

Diagram (a) corresponds to making the derivatives with respect to the

currents at the external points act 2 × 2 times on the two propagators. Thus

we obtain

e 4a = iλ i∆F (1 − 2) i∆F (3 − 4)
δ 1 −i
× d4 x (i )4 [ (J∆F J)]2 + (2 ↔ 3) + (2 ↔ 4) . (8.26)
δJ(x) 2! 2

Repeating the argument which led to (19.31), we therefore find

e4a = 3 iλ i∆F (1 − 2) i∆F (3 − 4)

× d4 x [i∆F (x − x)]2 + (2 ↔ 3) + (2 ↔ 4) . (8.27)

For diagram (b), only two of the derivatives with respect to the currents
at the external points act on the same propagator. The result is
e iλ δ
G4b = i∆F (1 − 2) d4 x (i )4
4! δJ(x)
× d4 u d4 v ∆F (3 − u)∆F (4 − v)J(u)J(v) [ (J∆F J)]
+ (2 ↔ 3) + (2 ↔ 4) . (8.28)

Proceeding as for (8.24), we therefore obtain

e4b = 12 iλ i∆F (1 − 2) i∆F (3 − x) i∆F (4 − x)

G (8.29)
× d4 x i∆F (x − x) + (2 ↔ 3) + (2 ↔ 4) . (8.30)

Finally, we calculate diagram (c). In this case the derivatives with respect
to the currents at the external points must all act on different propagators.
The resulting expression is
Ge4c = iλ d4 x (i δ )4 d4 u d4 v d4 w d4 z (8.31)
4! δJ(x)
× ∆F (1 − u)∆F (2 − v)∆F (3 − w)∆F (4 − z) J(u)J(v)J(w)J(z) .

In this case the cancellation of the 1/4! factor is complete, and we find:
G4c = iλ d4 x i∆F (1 − x)i∆F (2 − x)i∆F (3 − x)i∆F (4 − x) . (8.32)

To close this section, we make a few comments of a general nature.


Feynman diagrams and the sum over paths. The analysis of the Green’s
functions in terms of Feynman diagrams corresponds fully to the idea of the
sum over paths which we introduced at the start of the book. We can, for
example, interpret the four-point Green’s function as the quantum amplitude
of a space-time process in which two particles are created at x1 and x2 and
absorbed at x3 and x4 . Each independent diagram, with fixed positions of the
vertices, corresponds to a possible “path” and the corresponding amplitude is
given by the product of the amplitudes of the different components of the path:
propagation amplitudes, i∆F (x − y), and interactions, iλ. The perturbative
expansion corresponds to having one, two, . . ., n interactions along the paths
of the different particles.
The coordinates of the external points do not determine how many in-
teractions occur in the process nor do they fix the space-time points where
the interactions actually take place. According to the general principles of
quantum mechanics, we must integrate over the space-time coordinates of
the interactions (vertices) for each diagram and sum the amplitudes of the
independent diagrams.

Contractions in the same vertex. When two functional derivatives in an

interaction Lagrangian capture the two Js from a (J∆F J) term, a line appears
in the corresponding diagram which ends on the same vertex, as in Figure 8.2,
(b). The closed loop corresponds to the insertion of an interaction term with
two fewer powers of the fields, in this case of the form constant · φ2 . Because
the Lagrangian already contains terms in all powers of the field up to four,
the insertion corresponds to redefining the constants already included in the
Lagrangian itself. The result is a new, simple, rule:
• Contractions in the same vertex can be ignored.
In Dyson’s formulation of the S-matrix, this rule is automatically satisfied
if the interaction Lagrangian is taken as a normal product of the fields; see [1].


The diagrams that we showed in Figures 8.2–8.4 are all topologically con-
nected. In each of them it is possible to move from any vertex or bubble to
another along the lines of the diagram. Disconnected diagrams also exist. For
example, among the second-order terms in λ in equation (8.6) there is one in
which each of the eight derivatives “pulls down” a factor ∆F J, which simply
results in the square of the term from equation (8.12). This term is represented
by Figure 8.7, a diagram comprised of two topologically distinct parts centred
on two vertices v1 and v2 . A disconnected diagram corresponds to a term (a

functional of J) which factorises into the product of two or more functionals

of J, and in the case of Figure 8.7 leads to3 (D1 [J])2 /2.

Figure 8.7 A disconnected diagram to second order in λ.

From the physical point of view, each of the two parts of the diagram in
Figure 8.7 represents a process of scattering between two particles. The com-
bination of the two parts represents two scattering processes independent of
each other; we can imagine that the first takes place at CERN, the second at
Frascati. The probability amplitude for the combination of further indepen-
dent processes is simply the product of the amplitudes of each of them, and
the probability that all occur is the product of the individual probabilities.
There is no more to learn from the study of independent processes, hence it is
better to concentrate on individual processes, which correspond to connected
We have seen that by means of perturbation theory the functional Z[J]
can be expressed as a sum of diagrams, some of which are connected, and
others disconnected. It is possible to define a functional W [J] which generates
only the connected diagrams
W [J] = Di [J] . (8.33)
(connected diagrams)

The relation between W [J] and Z[J] is given simply by

Z[J] = exp(W [J]) . (8.34)

The proof of this result is given in Appendix B.

We note again that for J = 0 we obtain

Z[0] = exp(W [0]) , (8.35)

where W [0] corresponds to the sum of connected vacuum-vacuum diagrams,

3 See Appendix B, equation (B.14).

those which do not have “bubbles”, the only ones which do not vanish for
J = 0. We can therefore write

Z[J] = Z[0] exp(W ′ [J]) , (8.36)

where W ′ [J] is the sum of connected diagrams which are not of the vacuum-
vacuum type, hence diagrams with external legs. The effect of the vacuum-
vacuum diagrams on the generating functional Z[J] consists therefore of a
multiplicative constant Z[0] that does not contribute to the calculation of the
Green’s functions, and we can simply omit it.
We can apply this concept directly to the Green’s functions, by defining
the connected Green’s functions by means of the derivative of the functional
W [J], or in an equivalent way by the functional W ′ [J] since the two differ by
a constant W [0], which does not contribute to the derivatives:
iδ iδ

h0|T (φ(x1 ) · · · φ(xN )) |0i = ··· W [J] . (8.37)
conn. δJ(x1 ) δJN (xN ) J=0

The connected diagrams with exactly N external lines contribute to the N -

point connected Green’s function; hence N factors of J. If we look at the rules
for the diagrams summarized by equations (8.11), we see that the functional
derivatives iδ/δJ(xk ) from (8.37) suppress the factors −iJ(x) of the external
lines, and fix the termination of each line at xk . Hence, one goes from the
diagrams for the functional generator to those forR the Green’s function simply
by suppressing the bubbles and the relevant −i d4 x J(x) factor, and fixing
the end of each line at the coordinate of one of the fields present in the
Green’s function. We consider for example the four-point function; the lowest-
order diagram that contributes is Figure 8.2(c), from which we obtain [see
equation (8.12)]

h0|T (φ(x1 ) · · · φ(x4 )) |0i (8.38)
= −iλ d4 v (i)4 ∆F (x1 − v)∆F (x2 − v)∆F (x3 − v)∆F (x4 − v) + O(λ2 ) .

We note that the fourth derivative on the left-hand side has also eliminated
the factor 1/4! from (8.12). At graphical level we can represent the diagrams
for the Green’s function by substituting the “bubbles” with an indication of
the coordinates of the points at which the external lines terminate, as shown
for example in Figure 8.8.


We already derived in [2], the exact representation of the two-point func-
tion in field theory, known as the Källén–Lehmann (KL) representation.
For the theory of a scalar field corresponding to a particle of mass m, the

Figure 8.8 The diagram of order λ for the four-point Green’s function.

KL representation takes the form

Z +∞
G(x, y) = iZ∆F (x − y, m2 ) + dM 2 σ(M 2 ) i∆F (x − y, M 2 ) , (8.39)

where i∆F (x−y, m2 ) is the propagator of a free scalar particle of spin zero and
mass m. The function σ(M 2 ), the so-called spectral function, is positive defi-
nite. In this section we discuss the two-point function of the scalar λφ4 theory
at second order in λ. We repeat here the Lagrangian given in equation (8.1):
1 1 1
L= ∂µ φ∂ µ φ − m20 φ2 − λφ4 , (8.40)
2 2 4!
denoting, however, the coefficient of the quadratic term in φ by m0 , to distin-
guish it from the physical mass m which appears in the formula (8.39).
We can define m0 as the mass which the particle would have in the limit
λ → 0, a clearly unobservable quantity, while m is the inertial mass of an
isolated particle, in principle measurable and determined by the position of the
pole in the Fourier transform of the two-point function (8.39). The calculation
which follows shows how, starting from Feynman diagrams in terms of the bare
mass, the two-point function can be reconstructed in terms of the physical
mass, or renormalised. This is the simplest case of renormalisation in field
theory. The relevant connected Feynman diagrams are shown in Figure 8.9.
We consider the Fourier transform
e 1 , p2 ) = d4 x1 d4 x2 e−i(p1 x1 ) e+i(p2 x2 ) G(x1 , x2 ) ,
G(p (8.41)

limiting ourselves initially to first-order terms in λ, Figure 8.9, (a) and (b).
Following equations (19.31) and (8.24), we can immediately write:
e 1 , p2 ) = (2π)4 δ (4) (p1 − p2 )G
G(p e(a+b) (p1 ) , (8.42)
e(a+b) (p) = i i i
G + 2 (iλC1 ) 2 + O(λ2 ) , (8.43)
p2 − m20 p − m20 p − m20

Figure 8.9 Connected diagrams for the two-point function, to second perturbative

where we have set

C1 = i ∆F (0) . (8.44)
In (8.43) the bare mass, m0 , appears. We note that the propagator has a
double pole at m0 . We now introduce the renormalised mass, m, by writing
m20 = m2 + δm2 . (8.45)
The quantity δm2 must depend on λ, in particular δm2 = O(λ), because
m → m20 if we let λ → 0. We can expand the first term of (8.43) by using

the relation
1 1 1 1
= − 2 ǫ + 3 ǫ2 + . . . , (8.46)
A+ǫ A A A
and stopping at the first order in δm2 . In this way we obtain
i i i
2 = 2 + 2 δm2 + O(λ2 ) . (8.47)
p2 − m0 p −m 2 (p − m2 )2
If we limit ourselves to the first order in λ, neglecting terms of order λ2 ,
we can identify m20 with m2 in the second term of (8.43). In total we therefore
e (a+b) (p) = i i
G + 2 [δm2 − λC1 ] + O(λ2 ) . (8.48)
p 2 − m2 (p − m2 )2

According to the KL representation, the Green’s function must have a

simple pole for p2 = m2 , where m is the physical mass. This fixes δm2 =
λC1 + O(λ2 ). To this order, we then obtain equation (8.39) with
Z=1, σ(M 2 ) = 0 . (8.49)

Extension to order λ2 . We can determine the form of the propagator to

second order easily enough, as follows.
The diagrams in Figure 8.9 (c), (d), (e) correspond respectively to adding
to (8.43) the terms

ec = i i i
G (iλC1 ) 2 (iλC1 ) 2 ,
p2 − m20 p − m20 p − m20
ed = i i
G 2 (iλ2 C2 ) 2 ,
p − m0 p − m20
ee = i i
G [iλ2 F (p2 )] 2 . (8.50)
p2 − m20 p − m20
In these terms, which are already of second order, we can identify m0 with
m. We denote, as before, the constant corresponding to the single bubble of
Figures 8.9(b) and (c) as iλC1 , and the contribution, again a constant, of the
double bubble in Figure 8.9(d) as iλ2 C2 . The explicit calculation of G e e is
rather more difficult and we are not yet ready to do it. However, it is enough
to know that the amplitude corresponding to the loop in Figure 8.9(e) can be
written as iλ2 F (p2 ), with F a non-trivial function of p2 , regular at p2 = m2 .
We can represent the function F (p2 ) in the following way
F (p2 ) = F (m2 ) + (p2 − m2 )F ′ (m2 ) + (p2 − m2 )R(p2 ) , (8.51)
where R(p2 ) is a regular function that vanishes4 for p2 = m2 .
For (8.43), we must now expand the first term to second order in δm2 and
the second term to first order. We obtain

e a+b (p2 ) = i i
G + 2 [δm2 − λC1 ]
p 2 − m2 (p − m2 )2
+ 2 [(δm2 )2 − 2δm2 (λC1 )] . (8.52)
(p − m2 )3
ee , by using the representation (8.51), we find
For G

ee = i
G [−λ2 F (m2 )]
(p2 − m2 )2
i i
+ 2 [−λ2 F ′ (m2 )] + 2 [−λ2 R(p2 )] . (8.53)
(p − m2 ) p − m2
4 (p2 − m2 )R(p2 ) is the remainder of the Taylor expansion of F (p2 ) in p2 − m2 to first

order, and is an infinitesimal of higher order with respect to p2 − m2 .


Putting everything together, we arrive at the result

i[1 − λ2 F ′ (m2 )] i
G(p2 ) = 2 2
+ 2 [δm2 − λC1 − λ2 C2 − λ2 F (m2 )]
p −m (p − m2 )2
+ [(δm2 )2 − 2δm2 (λC1 ) + λ2 C12 ] (8.54)
(p2 − m2 )3
−λ2 R(p2 )
+ i 2 + O(λ3 ) .
p − m2
To cancel the residue at the double pole we must now require that

δm2 = λC1 − λ2 C2 − λ2 F (m2 ) + O(λ3 ) , (8.55)

and with this position the residue of the triple pole is also cancelled. The final
result is therefore
i[1 − λ2 F ′ (m2 )] −λ2 R(p2 )
G(p2 ) = + i + O(λ3 ) . (8.56)
p 2 − m2 p 2 − m2
We have now obtained a representation of the two-point function com-
prised of a pole term (the first) and a term regular in p2 −m2 , since R(m2 ) = 0.
The result has the form given in (8.39) if we identify
Z +∞
2 ′ 2 −λ2 R(p2 ) σ(M 2 )
1 − λ F (m ) = Z , = R(p2 ) = dM 2 . (8.57)
p 2 − m2 (3m)2 p2 − M 2

A deeper study shows that the function on the left-hand side of (8.57)
is an analytic function of the complex variable p2 with a branch-cut on the
positive real p2 axis which starts from p2 = (3m)2 and extends to +∞. The
right-hand side of (8.57) is therefore the familiar Cauchy representation of
an analytic function, as the integral of the discontinuity over the cut. The
discontinuity is actually the spectral function σ(M 2 ) which, as expected, is of
O(λ2 ). Explicitly

σ(M 2 ) = lim [R(M 2 + iǫ) − R(M 2 − iǫ)] . (8.58)
2π ǫ→0

9.1 One-particle irreducible diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
9.2 Feynman rules for the S-matrix elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Using the reduction formulae, we can translate the rules for the calculation
of Feynman diagrams for the Green’s functions, discussed in Section 8.2, into
rules for the calculation of S-matrix elements. The starting point is the Fourier
transform which appears in the reduction formula, equation (7.51). To simplify
the notation we consider all particles as if they belonged to the initial state. For
a particle in the final state, it is sufficient to change the sign of the momentum
and the energy. We must therefore calculate the following expression
Yn  2 Z Yn Yn
(pk − m2 )
√ d4 xk e−ipk xk h0|T (φ(x1 ) . . . φ(xn )) |0i . (9.1)
i Z k=1 k=1

To obtain (7.51) it suffices just to put p = q for the particles in the initial
state, and p = −q for those in the final state.


For the Green’s functions, we must consider only the connected Feynman
diagrams with n ≥ 3 external lines. We can further divide these diagrams into
two categories, according to whether they are one-particle irreducible, 1PI, or
A diagram is one-particle reducible on the external lines if, by cutting
only a single line, we can separate a diagram of the two-point function with a
non-trivial interaction. In Figure 9.1 we show the connected diagrams for the
four-point function, to second order in λ2 . Diagrams (a) and (c) are 1PI, while
diagram (b) and its permutations are one-particle reducible on the external
lines. Naturally, diagrams of higher order can also be one-particle reducible
relative to more external lines, like those shown in Figure 9.2.


Figure 9.1 Connected diagrams for the four-point Green’s function, to second per-
turbative order.

Figure 9.2 Example of a connected diagram one-particle reducible on two external


Keeping in mind that the amplitude of a diagram is the product of its

different components, we can represent the combination of all the connected
diagrams with a block diagram in which every external line is replaced by the
exact two-point function while the remaining Green’s function is 1PI on all
the external lines; see Figure 9.3 in the case of the four-point function.
The expansion of the 1PI function on the external lines is shown in Fig-
ure 9.4, again for the four-point function.
Taking the result from Section 8.4, equation (8.39), we can write

G(x, y)|conn = iZ∆F (x − y, m) + iR(x − y) , (9.2)

where m is the renormalised mass and R(x − y) is a function whose Fourier

transform is regular when p2 → m2 . In the block diagram of Figure 9.3, the
coordinates of the fields appear as terminations of the external lines. Therefore

Figure 9.3 Block representation of the connected four-point Green’s function. The
external lines represent the exact two-point functions, and the central block repre-
sents the four-point Green’s function which is 1PI on the external lines.

Figure 9.4 Expansion of the connected four-point Green’s function, which is 1PI on
the external lines.

each of the external lines is represented by [see also equations (3.61) and (3.62)]
iZ 4 e−ipv eipk xk
i∆F (v − xk ) = d p + iR(v − xk ) , (9.3)
(2π)4 p2 − m2 + iǫ

where v is the coordinate of the vertex to which the line is attached, and xk
is the coordinate of one of the points of the Green’s function.√Applying the
Fourier transform and multiplying by a factor −i (p2k − m2 )/ Z selects the
residue at the pole, and leads to
(p2k − m2 ) 4 −ipk xk
 √ −ip v
lim √ d xk e iZ∆F (v − xk ) = Ze k . (9.4)
p2k →m2 i Z

To take the limit required by the reduction formula requires multiplication

by Z and to assign the momentum of the relevant physical particle to the

external line, with pk = qk for particlesp in the initial state, and pk = −qk for
particles in the final state. A factor 1/( 2ω(q)(2π)3 ) also remains associated
with the external line in the S-matrix element.
Diagrams which are 1PI on the external lines contain internal lines which
are associated with the bare propagator, i∆F (x−y, m0 ). An internal line which
connects two vertices with coordinates v1 , v2 corresponds to a factor
i 4 e−ipv2 eipv1
i∆F (v2 − v1 ) = d p . (9.5)
(2π)4 p2 − m2 + iǫ
As we have seen for the external lines, a factor e−ipv2 (e+ipv1 ) corresponds
to a momentum p which enters the vertex v2 (exits from the vertex v1 ). At each
vertex, there is a factor e±ipv for each, internal or external, line associated with
the vertex itself. Integration over the vertex coordinate leads to a δ-function
that represents conservation of energy and momentum carried by the lines
which join at each vertex.
Z P X 
d4 x eix (±pi ) = (2π)4 δ 4 (±pi ) . (9.6)

For a diagram with n vertices, the n δ-functions allow elimination of the

integration over (n−1) internal momenta, since we have to extract a δ-function
which corresponds to conservation of 4-momentum of the overall reaction and
therefore does not depend on the internal momenta.


We summarise the rules for diagrams which represent the S-matrix ele-
• The connected Feynman diagrams which are 1PI on the external lines
should be considered;
• amplitudes are associated with the different elements of each diagram
(vertices, internal lines, external lines) as follows:
−iλ X X
Vertex : (2π)4 δ 4 ( pin − pout ) ,
i d4 p
Internal line : , (9.7)
(2π)4 p2 − m20 + iǫ

External line : p .
2ωp (2π)3

It remains to define the combinatorial coefficients to assign to each dia-

gram, of which we have seen specific examples in the preceding section, but
we will not discuss this problem in general for the case of λφ4 theory.

As an example, we consider the amplitude for the scattering of two parti-

cles. We must start with the diagrams of Figure 9.4. We will consider p1 , p2 as
initial (incoming) particles, and p3 , p4 as final (outgoing) particles. The value
of the first diagram is simply
Y 1
D1 = (2π)4 δ 4 (p1 + p2 − p3 − p4 ) Z 2 (−iλ) p . (9.9)

For the second diagram we find the result

Y 1 Z 4
2 2 d q1 d4 q2 i i
D2 = C(−iλ) Z p
2ωqi (2π) (2π) q1 − m0 + iǫ q2 − m20 + iǫ
4 4 2 2 2

× (2π)4 δ 4 (p1 + p2 − q1 − q2 )(2π)4 δ 4 (q1 + q2 − p3 − p4 ) , (9.10)

where q1 and q2 are the momenta associated with the internal lines and C
represents a combinatorial factor in which we have also incorporated the
1/4! factors. The two δ-functions can be combined into one which guarantees
conservation of momentum and energy between the incoming and outgoing
particles, and a second which eliminates one of the integrations, by fixing
q2 = p1 + p2 − q1 . This leads to

D2 = (2π)4 δ (4) (p1 + p2 − p3 − p4 ) Z 2 C(−iλ)2 (9.11)

Y 1 Z 4
d q1 i i
× p .
2ωqi (2π)4 q12 − m20 + iǫ (p1 + p2 − q1 )2 − m20 + iǫ

We note that
R the residual integral is divergent; for large values of q1 it
behaves like d4 q/q 4 , a logarithmic divergence. Shortly, we will talk about
divergences in perturbation theory, and how to cure them, in the case of
electrodynamics. At the same time, we will also discuss calculation of the
renormalisation constant Z and how to eliminate the bare mass, m0 , and
coupling constant, e0 , in a systematic way in favour of physically measurable
constants, the renormalised quantities.

10.1 Feynman diagrams for the generating functional . . . . . . . . . 125
10.2 Two-point functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
10.3 Reduction formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
10.4 Feynman diagrams for the S-matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
10.5 Combinatorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

In this chapter we will apply the methods developed in previous chapters

to the construction of a perturbation theory applicable to quantum electrody-
namics, the theory of interactions between electrons, described by the Dirac
field, and the electromagnetic field. This system is described by the Lagrangian
L = ψ̄ [iγ µ (∂µ − ie0 Aµ ) − m0 ] ψ − F µν Fµν . (10.1)
As we know [1, 2], a relevant characteristic of (10.1) is its invariance under
gauge transformations, which are simultaneous transformations of the electro-
magnetic field and the field of the electron,

Aµ (x) → Aµ (x) + ∂µ f (x) , (10.2)

ie0 f (x)
ψ(x) → e ψ(x) . (10.3)

The gauge invariance establishes a tight link between the field of the
electron and the field of the photon. An invariance under transformations
of the electron field by a phase factor which depends arbitrarily on loca-
tion—equation (10.3)—would not be possible without the electromagnetic
field. Gauge invariance is therefore not a secondary characteristic of the elec-
tromagnetic field, but its reason for existence. A consequence of gauge invari-
ance is the existence of a symmetry under a transformation of the field of the
electron with a constant phase factor,

ψ(x) → eiα ψ(x) .


This is a “global” symmetry (in contrast to “local” symmetry—the full

gauge symmetry) from which follows, through Noether’s theorem, the conser-
vation of current,

∂µ (ψ̄γ µ ψ) = 0 , (10.4)

which is therefore itself a consequence of the gauge invariance.

In this chapter we adopt the Feynman gauge, in which the Lagrangian is
L = ψ̄[iγ µ (∂µ − ie0 Aµ ) − m0 ]ψ − ∂ν Aµ ∂ ν Aµ . (10.5)
To construct a perturbation theory, we can divide the Lagrangian (10.5)
into two parts according to

L = L0 + L1 , (10.6)

where L0 describes free fields, and is therefore completely solvable, while L1

is the interaction term
L0 = ψ̄(iγ µ ∂µ − m0 )ψ − ∂ν Aµ ∂ ν Aµ ,
L1 = e0 (ψ̄γ µ ψ)Aµ .

As we will see later, m0 is not the physical mass of the electron, but the
value that the mass would take in the absence of interactions, i.e. for e0 = 0.
We indicate with δm the difference

m = m0 + δm .

The term δm can be considered as the energy of the electric (and magnetic)
field produced by the charge (and magnetic moment) of the electron. Since we
will use perturbation theory to calculate the transition amplitudes associated
with collision processes—the S-matrix elements—it is convenient to use a
different definition of L0 and L1 , such that L0 describes electrons of mass m,
the mass of the particles described by the complete Lagrangian L. Therefore
we set
L0 = ψ̄(iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ − ∂ν Aµ ∂ ν Aµ , (10.7)
L1 = e0 (ψ̄γ ψ)Aµ + δm(ψ̄ψ) . (10.8)

The term δm(ψ̄ψ) in L1 is called the mass counterterm. While the mass
of the electron is modified by interactions, the mass of the photon, as we will
see later, is protected by the gauge invariance and remains zero. Similarly, the
parameter e0 is not, as we will see, the measured electric charge of the elec-
tron, e. This is obtained from e0 by applying the corrections which arise from

the presence of interactions. We note that neither e0 nor m0 are observable

quantities, but parameters of the Lagrangian. The renormalisation process,
which will be discussed in Chapter 11, consists essentially of expressing all
the results of the theory in terms of the measurable quantities e and m.
The construction of the perturbative series for the S-matrix proceeds fol-
lowing the same steps illustrated in the case of the scalar field:
1. Construct the perturbative series for the generating functional of the
Green’s functions in terms of Feynman diagrams.
2. Determine the reduction formulae, which relate the S-matrix elements
to the Green’s functions.
3. Construct the perturbative series for the S-matrix.


The generating functional for electrodynamics depends on three auxiliary
functions: J(x) and J(x) for the electron field, and Jµ for the photon. In the
limit e → 0, i.e. in the absence of interactions,1 the generating functional Z
is simply the product of the generating functionals for the electrons and the
¯ Jµ ] = Z 0 [J, J]
Z 0 [J, J, ¯ Z 0 [Jµ ] ,
0 ¯ 4 4 ¯
Z [J, J] = exp −i d x d y J (x) SF (x − y) J(y) ,
0 i 4 4 µ
Z [Jµ ] = exp d x d y J (x)∆F (x − y) Jµ (y) ,
where ∆F (x − y) is the Feynman propagator associated with a real scalar field
with mass m = 0, ∆F (x − y; 0).
In the presence of the interaction Lagrangian (10.8), we can express the
generating functional as (see Section 8.1)
¯ Jµ ] = eV Z 0 [J, J, Vn 0
¯ Jµ ] = ¯ Jµ ] .
Z[J, J, Z [J, J, (10.10)
The vertex operator, V , is simply i d4 x L1 , which translated with the
correspondence rules (6.59) and (5.13) becomes
δ µ δ δ
iL1 (x) = ie −i γ i ¯ i µ (10.11)
δJ(x) δ J(x) δJ (x)
δ δ
+ iδm −i i ¯ .
δJ(x) δ J(x)
1 Recall that in this case δm = 0.

Figure 10.1 The two diagrams with a single vertex.

This expression may seem more complicated than what was obtained in
the scalar case but is actually simpler, at least in one respect. Each of the
two terms in L1 has only one derivative of each type, and this considerably
simplifies the combinatorial analysis.
The term V n in the expansion of Z can be calculated directly, and results in
a series of contributions representable by Feynman diagrams. As in the scalar
case, each derivative can act on Z 0 , and in this case brings down a “line with
¯ F , or it is taken on a “line” produced
a bubble”, i.e. a term ∆F Jµ , SF J or JS
by a preceding derivative, in which case the “line with a bubble” becomes an
internal line. If the bubble is not captured by a subsequent derivative, what
remains is an external line.
All this can be expressed in terms of diagrams. For example, to first order
in V we have the two diagrams of Figure 10.1. Here we state some of the rules
for their interpretation:
• Photons are represented by wavy lines and an empty bubble represents
a Jµ .
• A dashed bubble represents a J and a hatched bubble represents a J.
• The fermion lines have a direction indicated on the diagram, and move2
¯ An external line of type J¯ is called “outgoing” from
from one J to a J.
the diagram, one of type J “incoming”.
• There are two types of vertex, one associated with the electron–photon
interaction, the other with the mass counterterm, represented with an
We examine more carefully the correspondence between the various ele-
ments of the diagram and the elements of the result.
2 This definition of direction is obviously arbitrary—we could have chosen the direction

of J¯ to J—but this is in common use.


External fermion lines. A derivative produces an external line,

δ ¯
−i Z 0 = + d4 y J(y)S(y − x) Z 0 ,
  Z (10.12)
i ¯ Z 0 = + d4 x S(y − x)J(x) Z 0 .
δ J(y)

Internal fermion lines. The result of applying a second derivative depends

on the order (as we expect since the derivatives anticommute),
δ δ
i ¯ −i Z 0 = iS(y − x) Z 0 , (10.13)
δ J(y) δJ(x)
but, changing the order,
δ δ
−i i ¯ Z 0 = −iS(y − x) Z0 . (10.14)
δJ(x) δ J(y)

External photon lines.

i µ Z = − d4 y ∆F (x − y) Jµ (y) Z 0 .
δJ (x)

Internal photon lines. Keeping in mind that

Jµ (x) = g µν δ 4 (x − y) ,
δJ ν (x)
we find
δ δ
i i Z 0 = −ig µν ∆F (x − y) Z 0 . (10.16)
δJ ν (x) δJ µ (y)

We can directly formulate the rules for the interpretation of diagrams in

momentum space.
We recall the expression for ∆F , (9.5), and SF , (6.56), from which it follows
that for an internal photon and fermion line we have respectively
−igµν 1
−igµν ∆F (x − y) = 4
d4 p 2 e−ipx eipy , (10.17)
(2π) p + iǫ
i /p + m
iSF (x − y) = d4 p e−ipx eipy . (10.18)
(2π)4 p2 − m2 + iǫ
For an external line that finishes in a J [see the second of (10.12)] we have
− d4 x S(v − x)J(x)
i 4 −ipv /+m
= d p e d4 x eipx i J(x) , (10.19)
(2π)4 E 2 − p~2 − m2 + iǫ

where v is the coordinate of one of the vertices in the diagram. Similarly for
a line of type J¯
− d4 x J(x)S(x − v)
i 4 ipv ¯ /+m
= d pe d4 x e−ipx i J(x) . (10.20)
(2π)4 p2 − m2 + iǫ
Finally, for an external photon line
d4 x ∆F (v − x) Jµ (x)
−i 4 1 −ipv
= d p e d4 x eipx i Jµ (x) . (10.21)
(2π)4 p2 + iǫ
The various factors e±ipv merge in the vertices inPwhich the lines termi-
nate, and are integrated, producing a factor (2π)4 δ 4 ( pi ) which guarantees
conservation of 4-momentum at every individual vertex.


We can easily establish a spectral representation for the two-point func-
tions of the fermion fields and of the vector potential, similar to that found
for the scalar field.
We explicitly consider the fermion field and the two-point function
i[GF (x)]αβ (x) = h0|T ψα (x)ψ̄β (0) |0i , (10.22)
and analyse the case x0 > 0. As we did previously, we insert a complete system
of states into the product of the fields, separating the contribution of the one-
particle state, which in this case is an electron created from the vacuum by
i[GF (x)]αβ (10.23)
= d3 pe−ipx h0|ψα (0)|p, sihp, s|ψ̄β (y)|0i + h0|ψα (x)ψ̄β (0)|0i(2+) .

The single particle contribution is easily calculated (see [?, ?] Appendix

A for the case of the scalar field).
d3 p m −ipx
h0|ψα (x)ψ̄β (0)|0i1 = e Z 2 (us (p))α (ūs (p))β
(2π)3 E(p) s
Z2 d3 p −ipx
= 3
e (p
/ + m)αβ (10.24)
(2π) 2E(p)
Z2 d3 p ip·x −iE(p)t
= (i∂/ + m)αβ e e .
(2π)3 2E(p)

Calculating the T -product restricted to the single particle for x0 < 0 in a

similar way, we find
d3 p m
−h0|ψ̄β (0)ψα (x)|0i1 = − 3
e+ipx Z2 (p2 ) (vs (p))α (v̄s (p))β
(2π) E(p) s
Z2 d3 p +ipx
=− e / − m)αβ
(2π)3 2E(p)
Z2 d3 p ip·x +iE(p)t
= (i∂/ + m)αβ 3
e e . (10.26)
(2π) 2E(p)

Putting everything together, we therefore arrive at

h0|T ψα (x)ψ̄β (0) |0i1
 Z i
Z2 d3 p ip·x h 0 −iE(p)t 0 +iE(p)t
= (i∂/ + m)αβ e θ(x )e + θ(−x )e
(2π)3 2E(p)
= Z2 iSF (x, m)αβ , (10.27)

where SF is the propagator of the free fermion with mass equal to the physical
mass of the electron, m.
For the terms with intermediate states with two or more particles, we
proceed as in Appendix A of [2] and find
h0|T ψ(x)ψ̄(0) |0i(2+) = dM 2 i∂/ρ1 (M 2 ) + M ρ2 (M 2 ) αβ i[∆F (x, M )] .
We note that in this case it is necessary to introduce two spectral functions,
defined by the relation
(2π)4 δ (4) (Pn − p)h0|ψα (0)|nihn|ψ̄β (0)|0i
= (2π) /pρ1 (M 2 ) + M ρ2 (M 2 ) αβ . (10.29)

The spectral functions, being Lorentz invariant, are functions of p2 , which

is fixed at the value p2 = M 2 .
Putting everything together, we find the spectral representation of the
electron propagator in the form
i[GF (x)]αβ (x) = h0|T ψα (x)ψ̄β (0) |0i = Z2 i[SF (x)]αβ (10.30)
+ dM 2 i∂/ρ1 (M 2 ) + M ρ2 (M 2 ) αβ i[∆F (x, M )] ,

from which it follows that the Fourier transform of the two-point function has
a pole at p
/ = m with residue iZ2 .

We leave the derivation of the spectral representation of the photon field

to the reader. The result is

i[GF (x)]µν (x) = h0|T [Aµ (x)Aν (0)] |0i (10.31)

= −g µν Z3 i∆F (x, M = 0) + dM 2 σ3 (M 2 )i∆F (x, M 2 )

+ ... ,

where the dots denote terms proportional to partial derivatives of functions

of x, with respect to xµ and/or xν . These terms can be omitted from the
propagator because of conservation of the currents, by which the propagator
is multiplied in the calculation of the physical amplitudes.


The arguments which led to the reduction formula (7.51) can be applied
directly to electrodynamics, with the only complication originating from the
spin of the electron and the photon.
As before we can define the “in” and “out” states, which are now states
with a specified number of electrons, positrons and photons, with assigned
values of momenta, spin and polarisation. These states are created from the
vacuum, or destroyed, by the “in” and “out” fields, which are obtained in the
limit of t → ±∞ and involve the renormalisation constants of the electron,
Z2 , and of the photon, Z3 3 . For example
lim ψ(x) = Z2 ψout (x) ,
lim Aµ (x) = Z3 Aµout (x) . (10.32)

The “in” and “out” fields are expanded in plane waves, with coefficients
which are the creation and annihilation operators, which in their turn can be
obtained by projecting the fields onto the system of plane waves and of spinors
or appropriate polarisation vectors.
For example, for electrons and positrons, we write (omitting the “in” and
“out” suffixes for brevity):
Z r
ψα (x) = d3 p 3
ar (p)[ur (p)]α e−ipx + [cr (p)]† [vr (p)]α e+ipx ,
Z r
ψ̄α (x) = d3 p 3
br (p)[v̄r (p)]α e−ipx + [ar (p)]† [ūr (p)]α e+ipx ,
3 This is standard notation, according to which Z1 is the vertex renormalisation constant.

and we find
r Z
ar (p) = d3 x e+ipx [ūr (p)]α [γ 0 ]αβ ψβ (x) (e− annih.),
r Z
E(p)(2π)3 †
[cr (p)] = d3 x e−ipx [v̄r (p)]α [γ 0 ]αβ ψβ (x) (e+ crea.),
r Z
[ar (p)]† = d3 x e−ipx [ψ̄(p)]α [γ 0 ]αβ [ur (p)]β (e− crea.),
r Z
cr (p) = d3 x e+ipx [ψ̄(p)]α [γ 0 ]αβ [vr (p)]β (e+ annih.).

We leave the reader to prove, following the procedure described in Sec-

tion 7.4 and using (10.34) and the Dirac equation, the basic reduction formula
of the electron in the initial state:

Sif = hk ′ r′ , p′ s′ ; out|kr, ps; ini (10.35)

′ ′
= hk r , p s ′ ′
; out|a†in (p, s)|kr; ini
(2π)3 E(p)Z2
× d4 x1 hk ′ r′ , p′ s′ ; out|ψ(x1 )|k, r; ini(i∂/1 + m)us (p) e−ipx1 .

Equation (10.35) and the analogous expression for the electron in the fi-
nal state allow the S-matrix element to be obtained from the corresponding
Green’s function.
Similar relations hold for the one-photon states, for example

Sif = hk ′ r′ , p′ s′ ; out|kr, ps; ini (10.36)

= hk ′ r′ , p′ s′ ; out|a†in (k, r)|ps; ini
i ←−−
= p d4 x1 hk ′ r′ , p′ s′ ; out|Aµ (x1 )|p, s; ini(✷1 )ǫ(r)
µ (k)e
(2π) E(p)Z3

Comparing these relations with those that hold for a scalar field, we see
that the differences in the case of electrodynamics are minimal. Beyond what
is due to the presence of spinor or polarisation vectors, we must only take into
account the different multiplicative factors in the case of fermions, equation
(10.35), and that of bosons, (10.36).
In conclusion, we can write the reduction formula for a process with any
number of particles in the initial and final states in a (very) schematic form

as [to be compared with (7.51)]

s ! !
Y 1 Yr m
hf |S|ii = hf ; out|i; ini =
Z3 2ωq (2π)3 Z2 E(q)(2π)3
bos ferm
[ū(/qk − m)]α . . . [v̄(/qs − m)]δ . . . . . . ǫ(s) 2
µ (qℓ )qℓ . . .
e− out, e+ in bos
 4  Y iq x Y −iq x 
d x e k k e k k h0|T ψα . . . ψ̄β . . . ψ̄γ . . . ψδ . . . Aµ |0i
all final initial
[(/ql + m)u]β . . . [(/qt + m)v]γ . . . , (10.37)
e− in, e+ out

where the various factors or manipulations apply to the type of particles de-
noted. The Green’s function must contain a field projected onto the appropri-
ate spinor or polarisation vector corresponding to each initial or final particle:

ur (q) initial fermion,

vr (q) final anti-fermion,
v̄r (q) initial anti-fermion,
ūr (q) final fermion,
ǫµr (q) initial or final photon.


As we did in the case of the scalar field, we can pass directly from diagrams
which describe the generating functional to those which describe S-matrix
We must restrict ourselves to Green’s functions which correspond to con-
nected diagrams, with external lines associated with the initial and final par-
By inserting the Green’s functions into the reduction formulae and taking
residues at the poles corresponding to the external momenta, we completely√
eliminate the propagators of the external √ lines and we obtain a factor Z2 for
each electron or positron and a factor Z3 for every photon.
In this way we arrive at the general expression for the S-matrix element,

hf |S|ii (10.38)
! s !
Y √ Y Z X X
= 2m (2π)4 i δ 4 ( qi − qi ) Mf i .
2ωq (2π)3
ferm. all in fin

As we will see, the Z factors associated with the external lines disappear
when the renormalisation is carried out. We have shown the kinematic factors

and also the factor X X

(2π)4 i δ 4 ( qi − qi ) ,
in fin

which guarantees conservation of energy and momentum. The factor “i” fol-
lows the convention according to which the S-matrix is expressed as 11 + iT ,
where T is the transition matrix, or T- matrix.
In terms of diagrams we must limit ourselves to connected diagrams which
are, furthermore, one-particle irreducible on the external lines. We will there-
fore have
(2π)4 i δ 4 ( qi − qi )Mf i = Di . (10.39)
in fin i

Feynman rules. To better define the rules for the calculation of diagrams we
must say something about their structure. First we observe that [see equation
(10.11)] at every vertex, two fermion lines meet, one of type “J” ¯ produced
by the derivative δ/δJ, which we can consider outgoing from the vertex, the
other of type “J”, produced by δ/δ J, ¯ which we can consider incoming. As a
consequence of (10.13), an outgoing line from a first vertex becomes incoming
at a second. Therefore if, starting from one vertex, we follow a fermion line
along its direction from vertex to vertex, two situations can arise: either we
arrive at an outgoing line of the diagram (or following it in reverse direction,
an incoming line of the diagram), or we return to the starting point. In the
first case we have an open line, in the second we have a closed line, or loop.
Since we are dealing with fermions, we must pay attention to the signs. In the
two terms of the vertex (10.11), the derivative δ/δ J¯ (incoming line) is to the
right of δ/δJ (outgoing line). For an open line we can order the V operators
which contribute so they are adjacent and that the contractions always arise
between the factor δ/δ J¯ at one of the two vertices and the δ/δJ in the one to
the right, a situation which we will call normal. For example, for an open line
with three vertices in x, y, z,
δ δ δ δ
−i γµ i ¯ −i γν i ¯
δJ(x) δ J(x) δJ(y) δ J(y)
δ δ
−i γσ i ¯ ,
δJ(z) δ J(z)

so that we always have the case of equation (10.13). In the case of a closed
fermion line we necessarily find an odd number of cases in which two deriva-
tives are contracted in the reverse order, i.e. δ/δ J¯ to the right of δ/δJ. In
these cases equation (10.14) applies, which has the opposite sign with respect
to (10.13). For example, for a closed line with two vertices
δ δ δ δ
−i γ µ −i ¯ i γ ν −i ¯ ,
δJ(x) δ J(x) δJ(y) δ J(y)

the internal contraction is in the normal order, the external contraction in

the opposite order. Therefore we can always use equation (10.13) adding a
further (−1) factor for each closed line. We have omitted notation for the
spinor indices, since the adjacent indices are summed. In the closed line we
also have a sum between the first and last index, a trace; the example which
we have given corresponds, including the (−1) factor, to

(−1)T r [γ µ iSF (x − y)γ ν iSF (y − x)] .

For the open lines, the corresponding expression is written from left to right
beginning with the outgoing line, which can represent a fermion in the final
state, or an antifermion in the initial state, and finishing with the incoming
line—an initial fermion or an antifermion in the final state. Therefore for an
open fermion line the rule is to go back along the fermion line, starting from
the end. In the case of a closed loop, the rule of going back along the fermion
line still holds, but the starting point can be any vertex, since the trace is
invariant for circular permutations. In view of this, the elements of a diagram
electron–photon vertex ie (2π)4 δ 4 ( qi ) γ µ ,
mass counterterm vertex iδm (2π)4 δ 4 ( qi ) ,
1 i(p
/ + m)
internal fermion line 4
d4p 2 ,
(2π) p − m2 + iǫ
1 −igµν
internal photon line d4p 2 ,
(2π)4 p + iǫ
external photon line ǫµ , (10.40)
initial fermion ur (q)
incoming fermion line ,
final antifermion vr (q)
final fermion ūr (q)
outgoing fermion line ,
initial antifermion v̄r (q)
closed fermion line add a factor(−1) .

It is important to note that the relative signs between different diagrams

which contribute to the same process are physically relevant. This is the case
of the (−1) factor associated with closed fermion lines, since different diagrams
for the same process can have a different number of closed lines.
By way of an exercise, in Figure 10.2 we show the second-order Feynman
diagrams of the perturbative expansion related to the four-point function
G(x1 , x2 ; y1 , y2 ) =< 0|T ψ(x1 )ψ̄(x2 )Aµ (y1 )Aν (y2 ) |0 > . (10.41)

All the diagrams must have an open fermion line and can be ordered
according to the number of vertices V = 1, 2, 3 which fall on that line.

V =0

V =1

V =2

(a) (b)

Figure 10.2 Second-order perturbative diagrams with number of vertices V = 0, 1, 2

along the open fermion lines. The diagrams which contribute to a scattering process
are the connected diagrams (a) and (b).

We note that second-order corrections to the propagation of the photon

(first diagram with V = 0) and the electron (first diagram with V = 2) appear
as connected sub-diagrams. In the third diagram with V = 0, the first pertur-
bative correction to the vacuum–vacuum transition amplitude appears as a
connected sub-diagram. The second figure with V = 0 and the figure with V =
1 both contain an amplitude related to the transition of a photon in the vac-
uum. This amplitude vanishes due to a particular symmetry of QED, charge
conjugation4 [1].
The diagrams which contribute to a scattering process, for example Comp-
ton scattering,
γ(k, r) + e(p, s) → γ(k ′ , r′ ) + e(p′ , s′ ) , (10.42)
where (k, r), (p, s), (k ′ , r′ ) and (p′ , s′ ) denote 4-momentum, spin and polari-
sation of the particles in, respectively, the initial and final states, are only the
connected diagrams, denoted by (a) and (b).
For Compton scattering, the invariant amplitude of equation (10.39), ob-
tained by using the Feynman rules derived in this chapter, takes the form
4 The vanishing of all amplitudes with an odd number of external photons (one in our

case) is called Furry’s theorem.


(a) (b)
Mf i = Mf i + Mf i , (10.43)


(a) i
Mf i = e2 ūs′ (p′ )γµ ǫµr′ (k ′ ) γν ǫνr (k)us (p) ,
(b) i
Mf i = e2 ūs′ (p′ )γν ǫνr′ (k) γµ ǫµr (k ′ )us (p) . (10.44)
p − k′ − m
Note that, for simplicity, in the above equations we have assumed real polar-
isation vectors and we have left the spin indices implied. The details of the
calculations necessary to obtain (10.44) are given in Appendix D.

In short, there are no combinatorial problems. For the diagrams of interest,
i.e. all connected diagrams other than those of the vacuum–vacuum type, the
factor 1/n! which appears in the expansion of Z in powers of the differential
operator V [equation (10.10)] is balanced exactly. The reason is that in a
connected diagram every vertex has a unique role compared other vertices.
Let us suppose that we have proved this result, and that we have assigned
to the n vertices “roles” {r1 , r2 , · · · rn }. The diagram with n vertices will be
produced by the term V n /n!, and there exist n! ways of assigning the roles to
the n copies of V . This exactly cancels the factor 1/n!.
It remains to show that in every diagram the roles of the vertices are all
different. To do this it is sufficient to show that an algorithm exists to assign
to each vertex a number of ascending order, for example:
Step 1. We suppose that there are a > 0 open fermion lines and l ≥ 0 closed
fermion lines. First we order the open lines, each of which has an identity
defined by the incoming and outgoing momenta. If A1 , A2 , · · · Aa are the
open lines, we can open the list of vertices by first putting those of A1 ,
beginning (so as not to lose the training) from the end of the line, then
that of A2 , and so on. In this way we have a list which contains all the
vertices of the open lines, each with its numerical position.
Step 2. If l > 0, the list must still be completed with the vertices with l
closed lines. At least some of these will be connected by a photon to
one of the vertices already in the list, otherwise the diagram would
be disconnected, and from these we choose as next in the list the one
connected to the vertex with the lowest numerical position. Starting from
the vertex just added to the list, we add to the list the other vertices
which are encountered on the same closed line, going back along the line
(again, to stay in training).

If l − 1 > 0, the list must still be completed with the vertices with
l − 1 closed lines. At least some of these will be connected by a photon
to one of the vertices already in the list, otherwise the diagram would
be disconnected, and from these we choose as next in the list the one
connected to the vertex with the lowest numerical position. Starting
from the vertex just added to the list, we add the other vertices which
are encountered on the same closed line, going back along the line (once
more, to maintain the training).
Step 3 Continue until no vertices remain outside the list.
If there are no open lines (as for example in the process γ + γ → γ + γ), we
order the incoming particles (necessarily photons), and open the list with the
vertex at which the first of these arrives. We add the vertices which are found
on the same closed line first (must we say in what order?). If l > 0 closed lines
with non-catalogued vertices remain, return to Step 2.

At this point every vertex has its role, for example “vertex 7 is the third
starting from the end of the second open line”, and the proof is complete.

11.1 The photon propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
11.2 Renormalisation of the charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
11.3 The electron propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
11.3.1 The propagator to all orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
11.4 The vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
11.5 Ward’s identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Renormalisation provides a solution to the problem of divergences occur-

ring in the calculation of Feynman diagrams that contain closed loops, but is
a more general concept that will be encountered even in the absence of diver-
gences. The necessity for renormalisation actually arises from the existence of
interactions, which means that the masses which appear in the Lagrangian are
not those of the particles which the various fields describe, and that the fields
themselves are not “well normalised”, as it clearly appears from the presence
of Z factors in the contribution of the single particle states to the relevant
In field theory the presence of divergences represents the norm, but two
radically different situations can arise. The most interesting is that of renor-
malisable theories, which include quantum electrodynamics and more gen-
erally the Standard Theory of the fundamental interactions. To the second
category belong non-renormalisable theories.
In a renormalisable theory, divergences are encountered only when trying
to establish relationships between quantities which appear in the Lagrangian,
in the case of QED the mass m0 and the charge e0 , and the corresponding
physical quantities, m and e. In theories of this type, the divergences can
be swept under the carpet, by expressing the results in terms of physically
observable quantities. If we consider the example of the electron mass, the
mass correction δm, introduced in the previous chapter, becomes divergent
in perturbation theory. As we saw, however, it is possible to reorganise the


perturbation theory so that the δm term is cancelled exactly by an appropriate

counterterm, so that it does not appear, for example, in the calculation of the
S-matrix elements.
An example of a non-renormalisable theory is the Fermi theory of weak
interactions. In a non-renormalisable theory, divergences are present in the
calculation of any physical quantity, for example in the calculation of any
S-matrix element.
In any case, the divergences appear in integrals over virtual particle mo-
menta extending to infinity. Concerning the meaning of the divergences, two
hypotheses can be advanced: the first is that these divergences are a character-
istic of the perturbative method, which would not be present in a hypothetical
non-perturbative approach. The second is that the theory is only a first ap-
proximation of physical reality, and not valid for extremely high momenta
which, because of the uncertainty principle, correspond to extremely short
distances. Conversely, for convergent integrals, the results depend on the be-
haviour of the integrands (and therefore the behaviour of the theory to which
the integrals refer) for finite momentum values. Therefore in a renormalisable
theory, once the divergences have been eliminated by a redefinition of the
parameters of the theory, the results of the perturbative calculation should
depend on the behaviour of the theory for finite momenta (distances not in-
finitesimally small) and can give a good approximation even if the theory loses
its validity in the infinite momentum limit.
This reasoning, necessarily qualitative at this stage, can be made quanti-
tative once a deeper understanding of the theory has been obtained. To give
an example using research underway today, there is actually a slight discrep-
ancy between the experimentally measured value of the anomalous magnetic
moment1 of the muon and the theoretical prediction obtained using the Stan-
dard Model. The presence of this discrepancy could be a hint of the existence
of new physical phenomena in the TeV energy scale, explorable by the LHC
To hide the divergences by the redefinition of some parameters of the the-
ory (mass, electric charge, etc.) constitutes what is called renormalisation and
it is a procedure which requires some caution. The manipulation of quantities
which are mathematically divergent is suspect and should clearly be avoided.
The method of avoiding suspect manipulations consists of what is called reg-
ularisation of the theory. The idea is very simple: if T is the theory which is
of interest (QED in our case), then construct a family of theories T (η) which
depend on a parameter η, such that:
1. In the limit η → 0, T (η) → T .
2. T (η) has all the “important” properties of T . In the case of QED (or of
1 The anomalous magnetic moment of a spin 1 particle represents the deviation from the
magnetic moment value (equal to one Bohr magneton) predicted by the Dirac equation.
Later we will give a more precise definition of this quantity and calculate it to first order
using perturbation theory.

the Standard Model) the principal concern is maintenance of the gauge

6 0, T (η) does not have divergences.
3. For η =
In this case T (η) is called a regularised version of T . In T (η) the manip-
ulations necessary for the renormalisation concern finite quantities, and are
allowed. Only after having carried out the renormalisation is the limit η → 0
taken. Since the renormalisation has hidden all the potential divergences, the
limit is finite.
The method actually used is that of “dimensional regularisation”. In simple
terms this means that we can consider QED as defined by the set of Feynman
diagrams which describe to each order in α the various processes, and by the
rules which allow the calculation of each diagram. In the calculation of dia-
grams with closed loops, integrals which are logarithmically divergent appear,
i.e. integrals of the type
d4 k I(k) , I(k) ∼ 4 for |k| → ∞ . (11.1)
These integrals would not be divergent in a space of less than four dimen-
sions, for example in three dimensions, where we would have d3 k instead of
d4 k. Dimensional regularisation consists of considering a theory described by
the same diagrams as QED, with the only difference that all the integrals of
the type (11.1) are not carried out in four dimensions but in 4 − η dimensions.
This can be considered in some sense as an analytic continuation of the num-
ber of spatial dimensions. For η > 0 the theory is free of divergences. After
having carried out the renormalisation, the limit η → 0 can be taken. For
a still elementary but more detailed illustration of the method, we refer the
reader to the book by Mandl and Shaw [3].
The interest of dimensional regularisation is that it does not disturb the
validity of some fundamental relations such as the Ward identity. Even if in
the case of QED alternative regularisation methods exist, dimensional reg-
ularisation is the only method which has allowed perturbative treatment of
theories based on non-Abelian gauge invariance, as for example in the uni-
fied description of the electromagnetic and weak interactions of the Standard
The divergences which appear in the integrals for momenta p → ∞ are
called ultraviolet divergences. In QED, a second type of divergence, known
as infrared, appears when the photon momentum, either real (emitted pho-
ton) or virtual (propagator), tends to zero. Infrared divergences have a very
precise physical meaning: emission of electromagnetic waves, with an energy
spectrum dW/dν which tends to a constant for ν → 0, is already associated
at the classical level, with each process, e.g. scattering, in which a charged
particle changes direction in an abrupt manner. But since this radiation is
composed of photons of energy hν, the spectral density of the number of
photons varies like dN/dν = (1/hν)dW/dν, and tends to infinity for ν → 0.

The infrared divergence is not present in actual measured quantities since any
experimental apparatus has a finite energy resolution; for example, a mea-
surement of a scattering process is not able to distinguish the ideal scattering
process from one which is accompanied by the (inevitable) emission of one or
more low-energy photons. The probability (or cross section) of the scattering
process, summed with those for the same process accompanied by one or more
low-energy photons, is finite. The presence of infrared divergences introduces
noteworthy technical complications in the comparison between theory and
experiment, but no problem at the conceptual level.
In this chapter we briefly discuss the three ultraviolet divergences present
in QED. They appear in the calculation of the propagators of the photon and
the electron, and at the electron–electron–photon vertex. We will also discuss
the Ward identity which links these corrections to the electron propagator and
to the vertex. In each case the treatment in this chapter concerns corrections
of order α. There exist valid proofs of renormalisability of the theory and
Ward identity to all perturbative orders, but these arguments go beyond the
introductory level of this course. We will conclude with an explicit calculation
of the corrections of order α to the magnetic moment of the electron.


Figure 11.1 The photon propagator to order α.

The order α corrections to the photon propagator are illustrated by Fig-

ure 11.1. These corrections are added to the zeroth order propagator; hence
the propagator correct to order α can be written as
−igµν −igµν −igµα 2 αβ −igβν
iDµν (k) = → 2 + ie Π (k) 2 . (11.2)
k 2 + iǫ k + iǫ k 2 + iǫ 0 k + iǫ

where Παβ (k) represents the closed electron loop, and is defined by
(−1)(ie0 )2 i(p
/ + m) i(p
/ + k/ + m)
ie20 Παβ (k) = d4
p Tr γ α
γ β
(2π)4 (p)2 − m2 + iǫ (p + k)2 − m2 + iǫ

We note the presence of the factor (−1) and of the trace, typical of closed

fermion loops. We have written the terms inside the trace going backward
along the fermion line. Simplifying the expression (factors i, −1, e20 ), we obtain
αβ i 4 Tr γ α (p
/ + m)γ β (p
/ + k/ + m)
Π (k) = d p . (11.3)
(2π)4 ((p)2 − m2 + iǫ) ((p + k)2 − m2 + iǫ)
The integral is divergent, and we must resort to regularisation. We ap-
ply a dimensional regularisation, which consists of changing from the four-
dimensional space to one of D dimensions,
αβ i D Tr γ α (p
/ + m)γ β (p
/ + k/ + m)
Π (k) = d p , (11.4)
(2π)D ((p)2 − m2 + iǫ) ((p + k)2 − m2 + iǫ)
where an analytic continuation to non-integer D values is implied, carried out
for example with the methods outlined in Appendix E. The integral is then
finite, except for integer values of D, in particular D = 4, where the integral
diverges like 1/(D−4). For any non-integer value of D the usual manipulations
are allowed, for example the change of variables which we will use to prove an
important property of Παβ (k),

kβ Παβ (k) = 0 . (11.5)

This identity is another consequence of gauge invariance, or more simply

of conservation of the current j β = ψ̄γ β ψ. In fact, the vertex γ β in (11.3),
or in Figure 11.1, represents the action of a current j β and multiplying by
kβ amounts to taking the four-divergence of the current, which vanishes. The
proof of (11.5) originates from the identity

Tr [γ α (p
/ + m)k/(p
/ + k/ + m)]
= Tr [γ (p
/ + m) ((p/ + k/ − m) − (p/ − m)) (p
/ + k/ + m)]
α 2 2

/ + m)] (p + k) − m − Tr [γ (p
= Tr [γ (p / + k/ + m)] (p)2 − m2
= 4pα (p + k)2 − m2 − 4(p + k)α (p)2 − m2 ,

from which
Z Z 
4i pα (p + k)α
kβ Παβ (k) = dD p − dD p =0,
(2π)4 ((p) − m2 + iǫ)
2 ((p + k)2 − m2 iǫ)

as shown by a change of variables, (p + k) → p, in the second integral.2 This

result is confirmed by an explicit calculation of Παβ (k), for which we refer the
reader to Chapter 10 of Mandl and Shaw [3].
Παβ (k) is a symmetric tensor with two indices, a function of the vector k,
hence its most general form is necessarily

Παβ (k) = g αβ A(k 2 ) + k α k β B(k 2 ) , (11.6)

2 We note that this manipulation is only allowed in the regularised theory, in which the

integral is convergent.

where A(k 2 ) and B(k 2 ) are functions of the scalar k 2 , but the condition (11.5)
fixes a relation between the two functions,

A(k 2 ) = −k 2 B(k 2 ) .

Therefore3 A(0) = 0, and expanding in powers of k 2 ,

A(k 2 ) = k 2 A′ (0) + k 2 Πc (k 2 ) , (11.7)

where Πc (k 2 ) contains the higher orders in the expansion in powers of k 2 , and


Πc (0) = 0 . (11.8)
The divergence
R 4of Π2 (k) is quadratic; for high values of p the integral
(11.3) varies as d p/p . In the expansion in powers of k, however, the rate
of divergence decreases by one unit for each power of k, or by two units for
each power of k 2 . For example, to obtain the value of A′ we must take the
second derivative of Π with respect to k, and thus obtain an integrand which
varies as p−4 , which leads to a logarithmic divergence. The remaining terms
in the expansion of Π(k 2 ) are convergent. These considerations apply to any
Feynman diagram; even if a diagram diverges, in an expansion in powers of
the external momenta, the divergences are found only in the coefficients of the
first terms of the expansion.
A further simplification of the expression for Παβ (k) is obtained from the
consideration that, since in any diagram the propagator (11.2) is connected
to the currents which run along the fermion lines,

j µ Dµν (k) j ν ,

and that these currents are conserved, the term of Παβ (k) proportional to
k α k β gives zero contribution and can be omitted. In conclusion we can write
Παβ (k) = g αβ k 2 A′ (0) + k 2 Πc (k 2 ) , (11.9)

and therefore the photon propagator, correct to order α is

−igµν  2 ′
 −igµν e20 Πc (k 2 )
iDµν (k) = 1 + e 0 A (0) + . (11.10)
k 2 + iǫ k 2 + iǫ
In this expression the first term corresponds
 to the photon propagator,
but multiplied by a factor 1 + e20 A′ (0) , while the second, thanks to (11.8),
has no singularity for k 2 = 0. If we compare this situation with the spectral
representation discussed in [2], also cf. Section 8.4, we see that the first term
corresponds to propagation of the free photon, while the second corresponds to
3 As shown in [3], it follows from A(0) = 0 that the photon also remains massless following

radiative corrections, another consequence of gauge invariance.


intermediate states with more particles, in this case an electron–positron pair.

The factor 1 + e20 A′ (0) can therefore be interpreted as a renormalisation

Z3 = 1 + e20 A′ (0) (11.11)

As already noted, a consequence of gauge invariance, via equation (11.7),

is that A(0) = 0, which means in turn that there is no photon mass renor-
malisation. Indeed, the corrected propagator, equation (11.10), has a pole at
q 2 = 0, like the uncorrected one.


Neglecting for a moment the effect of renormalisation owing to the vertex
corrections or to the electron propagator, which as we will see cancel because
of the Ward identity, we briefly discuss renormalisation of the charge due to
the corrections to the photon propagator.
The physical significance of the renormalisation constant can be under-
stood by recalling that the photon propagator, with its singularity at k 2 = 0
not only describes the exchange of photons between two electrons, but also
their Coulomb interaction. The correction to the propagator which we have
found is equivalent to modifying the Coulomb interaction between two elec-
e20 e2 Z3
→ 0 .
r r
The electric charge of the electron is operationally defined by means of
the Coulomb
√ interaction, hence the effective electron charge is not e0 but
e = e0 Z3 .
It is helpful to re-express the perturbative series in powers of the physical
charge e, and to do this we note that the photon propagator always appears
in the combination e20 Dµν (k) which we can rewrite as

e20 Dµν (k) = e2 DRµν (k) , (11.12)

where DRµν (k) is the “renormalised” propagator,

1 −igµν −igµν e2 Πc (k 2 )
DRµν (k) = Dµν (k) = 2 + + O(e4 ) . (11.13)
Z3 k + iǫ k 2 + iǫ
It remains to confirm that this rule also applies to external photon lines,
corresponding to photons present in the initial or final state of the process.
We recall that in the expression for the S-matrix in terms of diagrams,
(10.38), we must consider only one-particle
√ irreducible diagrams on the exter-
nal lines and associate a factor Z3 with each external√photon. This factor
originates from the partial simplification of the factor 1/ Z3 in the reduction
formula, with the numerator of the two-point function of the photon, the pole

term, that as we have just seen is equal to Z3 , equations (11.10) and (11.11).
Naturally the line corresponding to the external photon ends on a vertex of
the diagram from which two fermion lines (of which at least one is internal)
leave. The external photon line–vertex amplitude can be written as
(· · · e0 γ µ · · · ) ǫµ Z3 = (· · · e γ µ · · · ) ǫµ , (11.14)

and also in this case the factor Z3 transforms the parameter e0 into the
physical charge e.
We note that what we have done is equivalent to adding the following rules
for calculating diagrams:
• In the calculation of diagrams, use the physical charge e instead of the
parameter e0 which appears in the Lagrangian.
• After having calculated the value of Παβ (k) (in a regularised theory),
subtract the contribution of A′ (0) or, in other words, set the value of
A′ (0) to zero.

• Eliminate the Z3 factors from (10.38).


In this section we study the corrections of order α to the electron propaga-
tor, described by the two diagrams of Figure 11.2. We note that δm represents
the mass adjustment due to interactions, which in perturbation theory can be
expressed as a series of powers in α = e2 /4π,

δm = δ2 e20 + δ4 e40 + . . . . (11.15)

Figure 11.2 Corrections of order α to the electron propagator.

To calculate the order α corrections, we must include the O(e20 ) term of

δm in the propagator, neglecting higher-order terms.
As a consequence of these corrections, the electron propagator is modified
i i i
iSF (p) → + [ie2 Σ(p) + ie20 δ2 ] , (11.16)
/ − m + iǫ p
p / − m + iǫ 0 / − m + iǫ

with Σ(p) given by the expression

(ie0 )2 4 −igαβ i
ie20 Σ(p) = d k γ α
γ β
(2π)4 k 2 + iǫ / − k/ − m + iǫ

which with some simplifications becomes

i d4 k α 1
Σ(p) = γ γ α . (11.17)
(2π)4 k 2 + iǫ / − k/ − m + iǫ

We have used a compact notation for the electron propagator; in a slightly

more explicit form, the factor in square brackets in the integrand can be
rewritten, by using well-known properties of the γ matrices, as

γ α (p
/ − k/ + m)γα −2(p/ − k/) + 4m
[· · · ] = = .
(p − k)2 − m2 + iǫ (p − k)2 − m2 + iǫ

Therefore we can write Σ(p) = s(p) + vµ (p)γ µ where s(p) is a scalar, hence
necessarily a function of p2 , and vµ (p) is a vector, necessarily of the form
vµ (p) = pµ s′ (p), where s′ (p) is also a scalar function of p2 . However, since
p2 = p/2 we can combine the two terms in a single function of p /, which it is
useful to expand in powers of (p / − m),

/ − m) + Σc (p)(p
Σ(p) = A + B(p / − m) , (11.18)

and since the expression for Σ(p) is linearly divergent, the first two coefficients
A and B of this expansion are divergent, while the subsequent terms, collected
in Σc (p), are convergent. Since Σc (p)(p/ − m) includes all the powers ≥ 2 of
/ − m), it must be true that

Σc (p) =0. (11.19)

Substitution into (11.16) leads to

1 1 e20 B e2 Σc (p)
SF (p) → − e20 (A + δ2 ) − − 0 .
/ − m + iǫ
p / − m + iǫ
p / − m + iǫ p
p / − m + iǫ

The correction ∝ (A + δ2 ) represents a change of mass, as is seen for

example by considering it as the first term of an expansion4

p e20 (A + δ2 ) + iǫ
1 1
= − e20 (A + δ2 ) + . . . , (11.20)
/ − m + iǫ
p / − m + iǫ
4 We will return to the justification of this step in the following section.

but since m is the “true” mass of the electron, we must choose δ2 so that it
exactly cancels the term A, i.e.

A + δ2 = 0 . (11.21)

In conclusion, the propagator to order e2 becomes

1 − e20 B e20 Σc (p)
SF (p) → − . (11.22)
/ − m + iǫ /p − m + iǫ
We note that the first term is singular for p
/ = m, and therefore corresponds
to the propagation of a single particle of mass m, while thanks to (11.19) the
second term is regular in p / = m, and must correspond to the propagation of
states with more than one particle—in our case an electron plus a photon,
as seen from the diagram of Figure 11.2. If we compare this expression with
the general formula for the two-point Green’s function, (10.31), we see that
the factor (1 − e20 B) can be interpreted as a renormalisation constant of the
electron, Z2 or, better, as its approximation to order α

Z2 = 1 − e20 B + O(e40 ) . (11.23)

The corrections of Figure 11.2 apply also to the case of an external line.
The discussion of the corrections follows the line of the similar discussion of
the corrections to an external photon line in the previous section.
1. In the expression of the S-matrix in terms of diagrams, (10.38), we must
consider only diagrams which are one-particle irreducible on the external

2. A factor Z2 is associated with each external √electron line, which origi-
nates from the partial simplification of the 1/ Z2 factor in the reduction
formula, with the numerator of the two-point function of the electron,
the pole term, which is equal to Z2 , equation (10.31).
3. The line corresponding to the external electron ends on a vertex of the
diagram from which a fermion line and a photon line (of which at least
one is internal) leave.
We can interpret the corrections to the fermion lines, both internal and
external, as a further renormalisation of the charge.
√ For an external line which
joins a vertex, the correction is by a factor Z2 . For an internal line the
factor Z2√is subdivided between the two vertices which the line joins, hence
a factor Z2 (neglecting terms ∝ e4 ) for each vertex. In conclusion, since at
each vertex two, external or internal, fermion lines merge, as a consequence
of the corrections to the fermion lines, the vertex e0 γ µ will be multiplied by
1 − e20 B = Z2 . This is equivalent to a further renormalisation of the electric

e0 → e0 Z2 = e0 (1 − e20 B) . (11.24)

Thanks to the Ward identity, as we will see, this correction will be exactly
balanced by a similar correction to the vertex function, so that the electric
charge is only renormalised by the correction to the photon propagator studied
in the previous section.

11.3.1 The propagator to all orders

In this section we briefly discuss the general structure of the electron prop-
agator as obtained by perturbation theory. These results are important for a
discussion of renormalisation to all orders, but in the present context they will
be used only to justify the identification of the term A in the expansion of Σ
[equation (11.18)] as the mass correction.
It is possible to reorder the perturbative series for the propagator by sum-
ming the contributions of diagrams which, like those of Figure 11.3, represent
an iteration of corrections already encountered at lower orders. We say that
the diagrams of Figure 11.3 have two insertions, while those of Figure 11.2
have a single insertion, and it is obvious that at higher orders we will find
diagrams with three or more insertions.

Figure 11.3 Corrections to the electron propagator with two insertions.

Going to fourth order we find three diagrams with a single insertion, shown
in Figure 11.4, and analogous with what was done for the second-order inser-
tion in (11.16) we denote their contribution with e40 Σ4 (p). It is possible to sum
the contributions of diagrams with multiple insertions; if we define ∆(p) as
the sum of all the single insertions

∆(p) = e40 Σ(p) + e40 Σ4 (p) + . . . + δm , (11.25)

as a consequence of diagrams with single or multiple insertions, the propagator


Figure 11.4 Insertions of order e40 .

will become5
i i i
iSF (p) → + i∆(p)
/ − m + iǫ p
p / − m + iǫ / − m + iǫ
i i i
+ i∆(p) i∆(p) + ... (11.26)
/ − m + iǫ
p / − m + iǫ
p / − m + iǫ
= .
/ − m + ∆(p) + iǫ

If, analogous with (11.18), we expand ∆(p) in powers6 of (p

/ − m),

/ − m) + ∆c (p)(p
∆(p) = Ã + B̃(p / − m) , (11.27)

then (11.26) leads to

SF (p) =  , (11.28)
/ − m) 1 + B̃ + ∆c (p) + Ã + iǫ

which is singular in p
/ = m only if à = 0. The condition that m should be the
electron mass is hence translated into the condition à = 0, which to order e20
reduces to (11.21).
5 A generalisation of the geometric series, valid for any two operators X and Y , is obtained

by writing
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
S= + Y + Y Y + ... = + YS ,
from which, multiplying from the left by X,
XS = 1 + Y S ; and hence, S= .
X −Y

6 It can be proven that terms collected in ∆ (p) are free of divergences. This is easily
confirmed to order e20 .

Figure 11.5 Vertex corrections of order e20 .


The correction to the vertex of order e20 is given by the diagram of Fig-
ure 11.5. With this correction the vertex takes the form

ie0 γ µ → ie0 γ µ + e20 Λµ (p′ , p) , (11.29)
(ie0 )3 −igαβ α i i
ie30 Λµ (p′ , p) = d4 k γ ′ γµ γβ ,
(2π)4 k 2 + iǫ p/ − k/ − m + iǫ p / − k/ − m + iǫ
and with some simplifications,
−i d4 k α 1 1
Λµ (p′ , p) = 4 2
γ ′ γµ γα .
(2π) k + iǫ p / − k/ − m + iǫ p / − k/ − m + iǫ
For large values of k the integral behaves as d4 k/k 4 , and is therefore
logarithmically divergent. Here is the source of a further complication because
the integral is not only divergent for k → ∞, but also for k → 0 and therefore
has an infrared divergence.
The infrared divergence will be discussed separately. For now let us say
that it requires a regularisation process which consists of attributing a small
mass λ to the photon which will be set to zero only at the end of the relevant
calculations of physical quantities. Therefore we write

Λµ (p′ , p) =
−i d4 k 1 1
γα ′ γµ γα . (11.30)
(2π)4 k 2 − λ2 + iǫ p/ − k/ − m + iǫ p / − k/ − m + iǫ
It is easily shown that the divergent term is proportional to γ µ . If we then
µ −i d4 k α /′ − k/ + m
p / − k/ + m
Λ = γ γµ γα ,
(2π)4 k 2 − λ2 + iǫ (p′ − k)2 − m2 + iǫ (p − k)2 − m2 + iǫ

the divergent term is the one which contains k/ . . . k/ in the numerator, therefore
defining k/ = kδ γ δ = kθ γ θ and omitting p, p′ and m from the denominator,
being negligible in the limit k → ∞
−i d4 k kδ kθ
Λµ = γ α γ δ γ µ γ θ γα .
divergent (2π)4 k − λ + iǫ (k + iǫ)2
2 2 2

The divergent part of this integral is a constant tensor (no vectors appear
in the integral); it must therefore have the form Kgδθ , where K is a constant
(divergent, but as usual we must imagine carrying out the calculation in a
regularised way). Therefore

Λµ = Kgδθ γ α γ δ γ µ γ θ γα = Kγ α γ δ γ µ γδ γα = 4Kγ µ ,

where we have twice used the well-known identity γ δ γ µ γδ = −2γ µ .

Since the divergent part of Λµ is proportional to γ µ we can write

Λµ (p′ , p) = Lγ µ + Λµc (p′ , p) , (11.31)

where Λµc (p′ , p) is free of divergences. However, Λµc (p′ , p) can itself contain
terms ∝ γ µ . Therefore, a second condition arises that fixes the separation
between divergent and non-divergent parts. A possible choice of this condition
starts from the consideration that e0 ū(p)γ µ u(p) represents the electric current
of an electron with momentum p. As a consequence of the vertex corrections,
this becomes7

e0 ū(p)γ µ u(p) → e0 ū(p) γ µ + e20 Λµ (p, p) u(p) . (11.32)

It is easily shown8 that ū(p)Λµ (p, p)u(p) is proportional to ū(p)γ µ u(p).

We can therefore define the separation into divergent and non-divergent parts
by Λµ (p′ , p), equation (11.31), through the condition

ū(p)Λµ (p, p)u(p) = Lū(p)γ µ u(p) , or ū(p)Λµc (p, p)u(p) = 0 . (11.33)

Since equation (11.32) represents the current of an electron as modified by

7 For the moment we neglect the corrections to the external lines and the correction to

the photon propagator, both of which produce a renormalisation of the electric charge.
8 We assume p = 0, from which the general case follows with a Lorentz transformation.

If we set  
u(0) = ,
the only scalar quantity, candidate for the role of ū(0)Λ0 u(0), is φ⋆ φ = u⋆ u = ūγ 0 u, and
therefore ū(0)[Λ0 (p, p)]p=0 u(0) ∝ ū(0)γ 0 u(0). The only vector quantity is φ⋆ σφ, but this is
an axial vector while Λ must be a polar vector. Therefore ū(0)[Λ(p, p)]p=0 u(0) = 0. Finally
0 σ
γ= it follows that ū(0)γu(0) = 0.
−σ 0
In conclusion ū(0)[Λµ (p, p)]p=0 u(0) ∝ ū(0)γ µ u(0), as we wished to prove.

the vertex correction, it follows that this correction implies a further renor-
malisation of the charge
e0 → e0 = (1 + e20 L)e0 . (11.34)
As we will see in the next section, the Ward identity establishes a relation
between the correction to the electron propagator and the vertex correction,
so that the two renormalisations of the charge, (11.24) and (11.34), exactly


The Ward identity,
= Λµ (p, p) , (11.35)

was derived in Chapter 4, equation (4.56), from the formulation of QED in

terms of the sum over paths. Here we apply it to derive an identity for the
renormalisation constants Z1 and Z2 .
From (11.18) we obtain:

dΣ(p) dΣc (p)

= Bγ µ + / − m) + Σc (p)γ µ .
dpµ dpµ

If we take the matrix element of this between spinors u(p) keeping in mind
that Σc (p) is itself proportional to p/ −m and that (p / −m)u(p) = ū(p)(p
/ −m) =
0, we obtain
ū(p) u(p) = B ū(p)γ µ u(p) ,
while from (11.33) we obtain

ū(p)Λµ (p, p)u(p) = Lū(p)γ µ u(p) .

The last two equations, with the identity (11.35), give

B=L i.e. Z1 = Z2 . (11.36)

The Ward identity can be proved to order e20 by directly calculating the
derivative of Σ(p) resulting from equation (11.17). Logically this operation
does not make sense since the integral in equation (11.17) is divergent, as
is, for that matter, that in (11.30) with which we must compare. Therefore
we must suppose the theory to have been regularised, for example with a
dimensional regularisation, by writing
Z 4−η  
i d k α 1
Σ(p) = γ γα .
(2π)4−η k 2 + iǫ / − k/ − m + iǫ

Since this integral is now regular, we can take the derivative of the inte-
grand. We use the identity9 :
d 1 1 1
=− γµ ,
/ − k/ − m + iǫ
dpµ p / − k/ − m + iǫ p
p / − k/ − m + iǫ

from which it follows that

Z 4−η  
dΣ(p) −i d k α 1 µ 1
= γ γ γ α ,
dpµ (2π)4 k 2 + iǫ / − k/ − m + iǫ p
p / − k/ − m + iǫ

which agrees with the regularised expression for Λµ (p, p), equation (11.30),
thus completing the proof.
Comparing with (11.34) and (11.24), we see that (11.36) implies the exact
compensation of the charge renormalisations arising from the corrections to
the vertex and to the electron propagator. This is an extremely important
result. The corrections to the propagator and to the vertex evidently depend
on the mass of the particle, and still more on the interactions to which the
particle is subject. It would be reasonable to expect that the corrections to
the propagators of the electron, µ and τ , not to mention corrections to the
propagators of quarks or W bosons, should all be different from one another.
In this situation, without the Ward identity, it would be extremely difficult to
understand the universality of the constant e which describes both the charge
of the electron and the proton, which are experimentally equal to extremely
high precision. Conversely, we note that the charge renormalisation due to
corrections to the photon propagator is the same for all the charged particles
with which the photon couples.

9 This is derived by multiplying the following identity by 1/(p

/ − m + iǫ) from the left
d 1
0= (p
/ − m + iǫ)
dpµ p
/−k / − m + iǫ
µ 1 d 1
=γ + (p
/ − m + iǫ) .
/−k / − m + iǫ dpµ p
/ − m + iǫ

12.1 Scattering in an external field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
12.2 Bremsstrahlung and infrared divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
12.3 The Lamb shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
12.4 Vacuum polarisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
12.4.1 Calculation of the tensor Πµν (k) to one loop . . . . . . 166
12.5 The anomalous magnetic moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
12.5.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
12.5.2 The calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

In this chapter we will discuss in detail some applications of the con-

cepts developed so far. We shall consider first the scattering in an external
field, and the associated issues arising from the emission of low-energy pho-
tons—bremsstrahlung—and the occurrence of the infrared divergence. We will
then analyse the calculation of order α corrections to the energy levels of
atomic electrons obtained from solving the Dirac equation [1], to the pho-
ton propagator and to the magnetic moment of the electron. The agreement
between the results of these calculations and the experimental data has con-
firmed unequivocally the validity of QED and, more generally, the concepts
which are at the foundations of quantum field theory.


Scattering of an electron in an external field (see also [1]) provides an
opportunity to review, in a simple context, the renormalisation process and
to discuss with a concrete example the problem of infrared divergences which
we only touched on in the previous chapter.
“Scattering by an external field” is in reality just an idealisation of the
scattering of an electron in a collision with a massive target, typically a heavy
nucleus, which we can, to a good approximation, consider as an electric charge
localised at a precise position in space. A stationary nucleus with charge Ze
at x = 0 can, for example, be described by a “classical” current j µ (x) inde-


pendent of time such that

j µ (x) = {ρ(x), j = 0} , d3 x ρ(x) = Ze . (12.1)

With this idealisation we avoid providing a quantum description of this

current, but naturally we also lose the possibility of describing phenomena
involving its structure, such as the existence of excited nuclear states. In this
chapter we will use this method to describe an electric charge, but we can also
use it to describe emission of electromagnetic waves by a radio antenna, or
synchrotron radiation emitted by electrons circulating in a storage ring.
The effect of such a “classical” current can be included by introducing a
new term into the interaction Lagrangian (10.8), which describes the interac-
tion of the electromagnetic field Aµ with the classical current jµ

L1 = e0 (ψ̄γ µ ψ)Aµ − j µ Aµ + δm(ψ̄ψ) . (12.2)

With this addition, the photon Lagrangian is modified in the form

1 1
− (∂ ν Aµ ∂ν Aµ ) → − (∂ ν Aµ ∂ν Aµ ) − j µ Aµ . (12.3)
2 2
To describe the effect of the current j µ in terms of diagrams, a simple
modification to the procedure which leads from the generating functional
to Feynman diagrams for the S-matrix is sufficient. Comparing (12.3) with
(5.12) we see that the change of action produced by the external current j µ
is identical to that produced by an auxiliary function J µ if J µ = j µ . We as-
sume that the S-matrix element of interest is connected to a Green’s function
h0|T (· · · ψ · · · ψ̄ · · · Aµ · · · )|0i by the reduction formula; the calculation then
requires four steps:
¯ Jµ ] as a sum of diagrams.
(1) Calculate Z[J, J,
(2) From it, calculate the partial derivative which corresponds to the Green’s
iδ −iδ iδ ¯ Jµ ] .
(· · · ¯, · · · ··· · · · )Z[J, J,
δJ δJ δJµ
After step (2) only those diagrams which have a number of “bubbles”
survive, i.e. with factors J, J¯ or Jµ equal to or larger than the number
of derivatives of each type.
(3) If no external field: set J = J¯ = Jµ = 0.
To calculate the same Green’s function in the presence of the classical
current jµ it is enough to modify the third step:
(3′ ) Set J = J¯ = 0 and set Jµ = jµ .
(4) Apply the reduction formula to go from the Green’s function to the
S-matrix element.

Let us look at the difference between (3) and (3′ ); step (3) sets to zero
all the diagrams in which some “bubbles” (factors J, J¯ or Jµ ) survive after
taking the partial derivatives. In case (3′ ), in the presence of a classical current
jµ , the diagrams in which factors of type J or J¯ exist (after the derivatives)
are set to zero, while all the diagrams with external lines which terminate
on a bubble of type Jµ remain alive, but with Jµ substituted by the classical
current jµ .


Figure 12.1 Feynman diagram for electron scattering in an external field.

Figure 12.1 represents the lowest-order diagram for scattering of an elec-

tron in an external field generated by the current jµ , and in this case p and
p′ are the incoming and outgoing electron momenta. The same figure can also
be considered as part of a more complex diagram in which p or p′ (or both)
are momenta of internal lines of the diagram. To the line with a bubble in this
figure corresponds a factor
1 −i
d4 y ∆µν
F (x − y) jν (y) = 4
d4 q 2 e−iqx j ν (q)
(2π) q + iǫ
Z (12.4)
µ 4 iqy µ
j (q) = d y e j (y) ,

the same as equation (10.21), but with the classical current jµ in place of the
auxiliary function Jµ . The factor e−iqx combines with similar factors from
the two fermion lines to produce the factor (2π)4 δ 4 (p′ − p − q) associated with
the vertex. In conclusion, we must add to the Feynman rules (10.40):
−i jµ (q)
Line of external field d4 q 2 , (12.5)
(2π)4 q + iǫ

noting, however, that the factor (2π)4 δ 4 (p′ − p − q) associated with the vertex
eliminates the integration over q by fixing the value of q = p′ − p and that the
factors (2π)4 also simplify.
We consider the example of a 4-current associated with a spherical charge

centred on x = 0,
j0 = ρ(|x|); d3 x ρ(|x|) = Ze0 ; j=0. (12.6)

We then have
j0 (q) = d4 x eiqx j0 (x) = 2π δ(q0 ) Ze0 F (q2 ) , (12.7)

where the form factor F (q2 ), defined by the Fourier transform of the spatial
charge distribution,
Ze F (q2 ) = d3 x e−iq·x ρ(|x|) , (12.8)

is normalised so that F (0) = 1. The amplitude for scattering of an electron

by an external field is therefore, to lowest order, with q = p′ − p,
m ie0 
hp′ , s′ |S|p, si = √ 2
jµ (q) ū(p′ )γ µ u(p)
(2π)3 E E ′ q
m ′ iZe20 F (q2 ) 
= 2π δ(E − E) ū(p′ ) γ 0 u(p) .
(2π)3 E q2

Since the value of q 2 = (p′ − p)2 is fixed, we can omit the term iǫ in the
denominator. The factor δ(E ′ − E) guarantees conservation of energy by the
electrons, while momentum is not conserved, since the presence of the external
field causes a violation of translational invariance.1
It can also be interesting to express the result in terms of the classical field
õ produced by the current jµ . The equation õ = jµ leads to

õ (q) = jµ (q) ,
and we can rewrite the S-matrix element as
−ie0 m 
hp′ , s′ |S|p, si = √ õ (q) ū(p′ )γ µ u(p) . (12.10)
(2π)3 E E ′

We will use this form for discussion of the radiative corrections to the
magnetic moment of the electron.


The scattering of a charged particle is associated, in general, with the
emission of photons, as illustrated in the Feynman diagrams of Figure 12.2.

p′ k p′

p′ + k q
q p−k

p p

Figure 12.2 Feynman diagrams for bremsstrahlung processes.

The process is inelastic, because part of the energy of the incident particle is
converted into energy of the photon present in the final state.
From the experimental point of view, the processes of electromagnetic radi-
ation, called bremsstrahlung, are indistinguishable from elastic processes when
the energy of the emitted photon is below the detection threshold of the mea-
suring apparatus. In principle, it is therefore necessary to take into account
the fact that the observed cross section is the sum of two contributions, asso-
ciated with elastic scattering and with bremsstrahlung of photons below the
detection threshold2
dσ dσ dσ
= + . (12.11)
dΩp′ expt dΩp′ el dΩp′ brem

In (12.11), Ωp′ is the solid angle which identifies the direction of the scat-
tered electron, and the elastic cross section is that obtained from the amplitude
In the case of the processes described by the diagrams of Figure 12.2, using
the Feynman rules discussed in Section 12.1, we find

hp′ s′ ; kr|S|psi =
−ie20 m p/ + k/ + m p − k/ + m
√ √ ū(p′ ) /ǫ A /̃ /
/̃ + A ǫ u(p) , (12.12)
(2π)3 E E ′ 2ω 2(pk) −2(pk)

where ω and k are, respectively, the energy and momentum of the photon,
whose polarisation state is described by the vector ǫ.
1 In a realistic treatment of the collision between an electron and a nucleus of mass M ,

if the nucleus is stationary in the initial state, after the collision it will have absorbed from
the electron a momentum p′ − p, and therefore a recoil energy (p′ − p)2 /2M . Obviously
the picture of the nucleus as a fixed charge is only valid if the electron energy, and therefore
the momentum transfer, is much smaller than the rest energy of the nuclear target.
2 We note that cross sections should be summed, not amplitudes, because the two pro-

cesses under consideration correspond to different final states.


In general, the cross-section calculation starting from the amplitude (12.12)

is rather complicated. It is notably simplified, however, in the limit ω ≈ 0,
which also implies p ≈ p′ and q ≈ p′ − p, in which we are interested. In this
case the amplitude takes the form
′ ′ ′ ′ e0 pǫ pǫ
hp s ; kr|S|psi = hp , s |S|p, si √ − , (12.13)
2ω p′ k pk
from which the cross section for the process—averaged over the electron spin
in the initial state and summed over the spins of the final state particles—is
easily obtained. The result can be cast in the form3
    Z (  2 )
dσ dσ α d3 k p′ p
= − ′ − , (12.14)
dΩp′ brem dΩp′ el (2π)2 |k|<∆ ω p k pk

where the elastic contribution corresponds to the amplitude (12.10) and ∆ is

the energy threshold of the photon detecting apparatus.
Besides the simple factorised form, the cross section (12.14) exhibits a
logarithmic divergence in the infrared limit ω → 0. The obtained expression
would therefore seem to imply that the observed cross section, arising from
the sum of the elastic contribution discussed in the previous section with
the inelastic part given by (12.14), should diverge for ω → 0, an obviously
unacceptable conclusion. However, we notice that the cross section for the
bremsstrahlung process is of order α3 , while the elastic contribution is of
order α2 . To calculate the observed cross section (12.11) in a consistent way
in perturbation theory, we must therefore also take into account contributions
of order α3 to the elastic cross section.
As we saw in Chapter 11, the vertex correction of order α, in addition to
the ultraviolet divergence which contributes to renormalisation of the charge,
has a logarithmic divergence, similar to that of the cross section (12.14), in
the infrared limit. The contribution of this correction to the process of elastic
scattering is illustrated by the diagram of Figure 12.3.
Using the expression (11.30) for the vertex correction we can rewrite
ū(p′ )Λµ u(p) keeping in mind that for ω ≈ 0 the terms linear in k in the
numerators of the fermion propagators can be neglected. Hence we obtain
2 ′ µ ′ 2 ′ µ d4 k 1
e0 ū(p )Λ (p, p )u(p) = −ie0 ū(p )γ u(p) (12.15)
(2π) k − λ2 + iǫ
4 2

4(pp′ )
× .
[(p′ − k)2 − m2 + iǫ][(p − k)2 − m2 + iǫ]

The integration over k0 , the time component of k, is carried out with

3 Being defined as the difference of two isochronous timelike four-vectors, the four-vector

appearing in square brackets is spacelike and the cross section (12.14) turns out to be


p′ − k

Figure 12.3 Feynman diagram for the vertex correction to electron scattering in an
external field.

Cauchy’s theorem, noting that for ω ≈√ 0 the dominant contribution is that

associated with the pole at k0 = ωλ = k 2 + λ2 .
Thus we find

e20 ū(p′ )Λµ (p, p′ )u(p) (12.16)

−1 d3 k 4(pp′ )
= e20 ū(p′ )γ µ u(p) + ...
2(2π)3 ωλ [−2(p k) + λ2 ][−2(pk) + λ2 ]

= e20 ū(p′ )γ µ u(p)F (p, p′ ) + . . . ,

where the three-dimensional integration is restricted to the region k ≈ 0 and

the ellipses indicate terms which remain finite in the λ → 0 limit. The observ-
able contribution to (12.16) can be easily isolated using (see Chapter 11)

Λµ (p, p′ ) = Lγ µ + Λµc (p, p′ ) , ū(p)Λµc (p, p)u(p) = 0 , (12.17)


L = e20 F (p, p) + . . . = e20 F (p′ , p′ ) + . . . , (12.18)


e20 ū(p′ )Λµc (p, p′ )u(p) (12.19)

= e20 ū(p′ )γ µ u(p) F (p, p′ ) − [F (p, p) + F (p′ , p′ )] + . . . .
It follows that

e20 ū(p′ )Λµc (p, p′ )u(p) = e20 ū(p′ )γ µ u(p)

Z 3  2
1 d k 2p′ 2p
× − + . . . . (12.20)
4(2π)3 ωλ [−2(p′ k) + λ2 ] [−2(pk) + λ2 ]

Using (12.20) we can write the amplitude for the process of elastic scat-
tering to order e30 in the form

hp′ , s′ |S|p, si (12.21)

( Z  2 )
3 ′
1 α d k 2p 2p
× 1+ − + ... ,
2 (2π)3 |k|<∆ ωλ [−2(p k) + λ ] [−2(pk) + λ2 ]
′ 2

where, consistent with the simplifications introduced to obtain (12.20), the

integration is restricted to the region |k| ≈ 0.
From (12.14) and (12.21) it immediately follows that the contribution to
the elastic cross section arising from interference between the two amplitudes
appearing in (12.21) exactly cancel the bremsstrahlung cross section (12.14),
properly regularised giving the photon a mass λ. The remaining contributions
are finite and independent of λ.
Bloch and Nordsieck have proved that the infrared divergences cancel to
all orders of perturbation theory [12].


The energy eigenvalues obtained from the solution to the Dirac equation
for the hydrogen atom (see [1], Section 6.2) depend on the principal quantum
number n and the total angular momentum j. The states4 2S1/2 and 2P1/2
are therefore degenerate.
In 1947 Willis Lamb and Robert Retherford observed experimentally a
difference in energy between these states, known as the Lamb shift, whose
interpretation in terms of the effects of interactions between atomic electrons
and the radiation field can be considered to be the first application of quantum
A few weeks after the publication of these experimental results, Hans Bethe
made a perturbative calculation of the self-energy of an atomic electron using a
simple non-relativistic formalism [13]. As we saw in Chapter 11, the dominant
effect of the self-interaction of the electron is renormalisation of the bare mass,
m0 , which is modified from its value in the absence of interactions to the
observed value m = m0 + δm. The term Σc (p), which in general gives rise to
observable corrections, does not contribute to Coulomb scattering processes
(see [1], Chapter 14) in which the electrons in the initial and final states are
described by solutions to the free Dirac equation.5
According to Bethe, the mass renormalisation of the electron in the atom
is different from the one in the vacuum by an amount, which depends upon the
atomic state itself. We can write the renormalisation of the atomic electron
4 Here we use standard spectroscopic notation, in which the states 2S
1/2 and 2P1/2
correspond, respectively, to n = 1, j = 1/2 and orbital angular momentum, ℓ = 0 and 1.
5 If u(p) is a solution to the free Dirac equation, the relation Σ (p)u(p) = 0 holds [see
equation (11.19)].

mass in an explicit way as

mat = m0 + δmat = m0 + δm + (δmat − δm) = m + (δmat − δm) . (12.22)

The effect of renormalisation that is obtained in this way is finite and it

reproduces the Lamb shift in excellent agreement with the experimental data.

Bethe’s calculation The starting point is the Hamiltonian which describes

the system of an atomic electron interacting with an electromagnetic field
described by the vector potential A(x):

H = He + Hrad + Hint , (12.23)

He = + V (x) ,
Hrad = d3 x |E(x) + B(x)|2 , (12.24)
Hint =− p · A(x) ,
where E(x) = ∂0 A(x), B(x) = ∇×A(x), V (x) is the electrostatic potential of
the atomic nucleus and the field A(x) satisfies the Coulomb gauge condition,6
∇ · A(x) = 0.
We consider the perturbative corrections to the energy of the state |n, 0i,
En , which describes an electron in the state n in the absence of radiation.
The first-order term in Hint is zero, since the field A is linear in the photon
creation and annihilation operators, akλ and a†kλ . The second-order term as-
sumes a particularly simple form in the so-called dipole approximation, which
amounts to neglecting the x dependence of the radiation field. The expression
obtained in this approximation, which is allowed because the photons provid-
ing a significant contribution to the sum have wavelengths which are large
compared to the Bohr radius, is

∆En = − ×
X Z d3 k hn, 0|(p · ǫλ )akλ |m, kλihm, kλ|(p · ǫλ )a†kλ |n, 0i
× ,
2k(2π)3 Em − En + k

where the sums include all the states with one electron in the state m and
6 In the Hamiltonian we have omitted the term in A2 which is obtained from the minimal

substitution p → p − eA. The contribution of this term is independent of the electron

momentum, and hence irrelevant to the calculation we are discussing.

a photon with wave vector k and polarisation λ, whose energy is equal to

Em + k (k = |k|). Going to the continuum limit and using the orthogonality
between the polarisation vectors of the radiation field ǫλ (λ = 1, 2) and the
wave vector k, implying
kikj (p · k)2
pi pj ǫiλ ǫjλ = pi pj δ ij − 2 = p2 − , (12.26)
k k2

we obtain Z
e2 1 X |pmn |2
∆En = − k dk , (12.27)
m20 6π 2 m
Em − En + k
with pmn = hm|p|ni.
In the case of free electrons the expression we have obtained simplifies
drastically, since only the diagonal matrix elements of the operator p are
different from zero. Consequently, (12.27) becomes
e 2 1 p2
∆En = ∆Ep = − dk , (12.28)
m0 3π 2 2m0
from which it follows that, to order e2 , we can write
p2 δm p2
Ep = 1− = , (12.29)
2m0 m0 2m
with Z

δm = dk , (12.30)

where α = e2 /4π is the fine structure constant.

Nature of the mass divergence of the electron. The relation (12.30) shows
that the self-energy of an electron in vacuum is linearly divergent with the
value of the ultraviolet cutoff. This result is consistent with the classical con-
sideration that the self-energy of an electric charge concentrated into a sphere
of radius R diverges like R−1 and, apparently, also with the linear divergence
obtained for Σ(p) in equation (11.17). However, in QED the correction to the
self-energy, i.e. to the rest mass, diverges only logarithmically. This is due to
a special symmetry, called chiral symmetry, which is realised by QED in the
m0 → 0 limit, and reflects invariance under the transformation

ψ(x) → eiαγ5 ψ(x) . (12.31)

Higher-order corrections must also cancel for m0 → 0, so that the renor-

malised mass also vanishes in the limit of exact chiral symmetry. Consequently,
δm must be proportional to m0 and hence
α Λ
δm = C m log , (12.32)
π m

where Λ is the cutoff and C is a constant which is calculated starting from

(11.17). The conclusion of this argument is that in relativistic QED a single
subtraction, exactly like that in (12.22), is sufficient to ensure that the electron
self-energy is finite.

In Bethe’s non-relativistic treatment, the integral in (12.27) is regularised

by setting the upper integration limit to the value K = m, or the limit of
the relativistic approximation, in line with the need for a single subtraction
in relativistic QED.
Equation (12.28) can be generalised to the case of an electron in the state
n not interacting with the field A by substituting
p2 → hn|p2 |ni = |hm|p|ni|2 = |pmn |2 .
m m

We now subtract from (12.27) the self-energy of the electron in vacuo,

equation (12.30), which we denote with ∆En0 . Thus we obtain, to order e2
0 e2 1 X 2 Em − En
∆En − ∆En = 2 2 |pmn | dk . (12.33)
m 6π m Em − En + k

First we carry out the integral over k, keeping in mind that the upper limit
K is much larger than the difference Em − En . Thus we find7
Em − En K
dk = (Em − En ) ln . (12.34)
0 Em − En + k |Em − En |

We note that, thanks to the subtraction we have introduced, the rate of

divergence of the result obtained, in the limit K → ∞, is lowered from linear
to logarithmic.
It remains to calculate the sum over the intermediate states, which is
significantly simplified if the dependence on the intermediate state m is elim-
inated from the argument of the logarithm, by substituting for the difference
|Em − En | its average value h|Em − En |i. We can then use the relation

|pmn |2 (Em − En ) = hn|p|mihm|p|ni(Em − En ) (12.35)

1 1
= hn|[p, He ]|mihm|p|mi − hn|p|mihm|[p, He ]|mi ,
2 2

[p, He ] = [p, V ] = −i(∇V ) , (12.36)

7 The result is obtained immediately in the case in which Em − En ≥ 0. In the opposite
case it is necessary to calculate the principal value of the integral.

to obtain
X i 1
|pmn |2 (Em − En ) = − hn|[∇V, p]|ni = hn|∇2 V |ni
2 2
= d3 x|ψn (x)|2 ∇2 V , (12.37)

where ψn (x) is the wave function of the state n. From Poisson’s equation for
a pointlike charge distribution

∇2 V = −Ze2 δ(x) , (12.38)

where Z is the atomic number, it therefore follows that

|pmn |2 (Em − En ) = Ze2 |ψn (0)|2 . (12.39)

Putting everything together we arrive at the expression for the Lamb shift
4 K
∆ELamb = ∆En − ∆En0 = Zα2 |ψn (0)|2 ln , (12.40)
3m2 h|Em − En |i

which shows that the result should be zero for all states with orbital angular
momentum different from zero, for which ψn (0) = 0. For the 2S1/2 state,
using the values h|Em − En |i = 226.3 eV and K = m, Bethe obtained a
frequency νLamb = 1040 MHz, in excellent agreement with the measured value
of 1000 MHz.
The relativistic calculations subsequently carried out confirmed the valid-
ity of the method used by Bethe, showing that the relativistic effects, the
vacuum polarisation and the vertex correction give rise to negligible contri-
butions. The results of the theoretical calculations of the Lamb shift which
include these effects reproduce the experimental results with a precision of


In this section we derive the expression for the vacuum polarisation tensor
to order α. The relevant integrals for the calculation are discussed in Appendix

12.4.1 Calculation of the tensor Πµν (k) to one loop

We start from (11.4), which provides the expression for the vacuum polar-
isation tensor in the dimensional regularisation
µν i D Tr [γ µ (p
/ + m)γ ν (p
/ + k/ + m)]
Π (k) = d p . (12.41)
(2π)D (p2 − m2 + iǫ) ((p + k)2 − m2 + iǫ)

Using the Feynman parameterisation (see Section E.2), we can rewrite

(12.41) in the form
Z 1 " Z #
µν i D Tr [γ µ (p
/ + m)γ ν (p
/ + k/ + m)]
Π (k) = dα d p 2
0 (2π)D [(p + αk)2 − m2 + α(1 − α)k 2 + iǫ]
Z 1 " Z #
i D Tr [γ (p / − αk/ + m)γ ν (p/ + (1 − α)k/ + m)]
= dα d p 2 ,
0 (2π)D [p2 − m2 + α(1 − α)k 2 + iǫ]

where we have changed the integration variable by setting p + αk = p′ , which

we continue, for simplicity of notation, to denote with p.
The trace in the numerator is calculated with the usual rules, since, in a
generic number of dimensions D, the rules of the Dirac algebra still hold, i.e.

{γ µ , γ ν } = g µν , (12.43)


gµν g µν = D . (12.44)

We then set, in the space of the γ matrix indices,

Tr (11) = f (D) , f (4) = 4 . (12.45)

As we will see, it is not necessary to know any more about the function
f (D).
With these rules, the trace in the numerator of (12.42) gives the result

Tr [γ µ (p
/ − αk/ + m)γ ν (p
/ + (1 − α)k/ + m)] (12.46)
 α β αβ 2 α β αβ
= f (D) 2p p − g p − 2α(1 − α)k k + g α(1 − α)k + m2

+ (terms linear in p) .

Inserting the above result into equation (12.42), we note that the terms
linear in p make no contribution to the integral. The non-zero integrals can
be traced back to the formula (E.1) by using the relations:
I2 = dD p 2 = I(s, D, 1) + sI(s, D, 2) , (12.47)
(p − s + iǫ)2
pα pβ g αβ
I2αβ = dD p 2 2
= I2 . (12.48)
(p − s + iǫ) D

The latter result follows from the fact that I2αβ must be proportional to
g αβ , and from (12.44).

Putting everything together we obtain

Tr [γ µ (p
/ − αk/ + m)γ ν (p
/ + (1 − α)k/ + m)]
dD p 2 (12.49)
[p − m + α(1 − α)k 2 + iǫ]
2 2

2 − D αβ
= f (D) g [I(s, D, 1) + sI(s, D, 2)]

 2 2
 α β
+g m + α(1 − α)k I(s, D, 2) − 2α(1 − α)k k I(s, D, 2) ,

and by using the relation

2−D 2s
I(s, D, 1) = − I(s, D, 2) , (12.50)
we obtain
Z " Z  #
αβ i D Tr γ α (p
/ − αk/ + m)γ β (p
/ + (1 − α)k/ + m)
Π = dα d p 2
0 (2π)D [p2 − m2 + α(1 − α)k 2 + iǫ]
 Z 1 
f (D) Γ(2 − D/2) 
= − dα α(1 − α) g αβ k 2 − k α k β ,
2D−1 π D/2 0 s 2−D/2


with s = m2 −α(1−α)k 2 . We note that we have obtained the structure required

from (11.5), as a consequence of the fact that the dimensional regularisation
maintains the invariance under gauge transformations.
Comparing with the definitions (11.6) and (11.7) and using the formulae
(E.14) we obtain8
Z 1  
2 2 e20 k2
e0 Πc (k ) = 2 dα α(1 − α) ln 1 − α(1 − α) 2 . (12.52)
2π 0 m
In conclusion, starting from (11.2)
−igµν −igµν −igµα 2 αβ −igβν
iDµν (k) = → 2 + ie Π (k) 2 , (12.53)
k 2 + iǫ k + iǫ k 2 + iǫ 0 k + iǫ
Παβ (k) = g αβ A(k 2 ) + k α k β B(k 2 ) , (12.54)
A(k 2 ) = k 2 A′ (0) + k 2 Πc (k 2 ) , (12.55)
we arrive at
−igµν Z3  
iDµν (k) = 2
1 + e2 Πc (k) , (12.56)
k + iǫ
8 Equation (E.14) shows that the term proportional to η in the expansion of terms like

π D/2 contributes to the final result with a constant, which is absorbed into the value at
k = 0 and does not influence the value of Πc (k). A similar argument holds for the function
f (D), for which only the value for D = 4 matters, as we expected.

with Z  
2α k2
e2 Πc = dz z(1 − z) ln 1 − z(1 − z) 2 . (12.57)
π 0 m
We note that to this order of perturbation theory, we can identify the bare
charge, e0 , with the physical, or renormalised, charge, e. In (12.57) we have
highlighted, as is usual, the fine structure constant α, defined by
e2 1
α= ≃ . (12.58)
4π 137
To avoid possible confusion, the integration variable is denoted as z.


The accurate calculation of the magnetic moment of the electron is cer-
tainly one of the great successes of QED. According to the Dirac theory, the
gyromagnetic factor of the electron, which determines the magnetic moment
in units of Bohr magnetons, is exactly equal to 2 [1]. In the context of QED,
this value is modified by effects of higher orders in the fine structure constant.
We will carry out the full calculation, done for the first time by Schwinger in
1949, introducing a few simplifications which make it particularly concise. We
will assume also that the reader is aware of the discussion in Section 14.2 of

12.5.1 Preliminaries
We begin with a premise. The most general form of the vertex function
which describes the coupling between a photon and an on-shell electron can
be written in the form
ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) = ū(p′ ) A1 (q 2 )γ µ + A2 (q 2 )pµ + A3 (q 2 )p′ (12.59)
2 µν 2 µν ′

+ A4 (q )σ pν + A5 (q )σ p µ u(p) ,
with p2 = p′ = m2 and q = p′ − p. Conservation of the current, expressed by
the relation
qµ ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) = 0 ,
implies that A2 (q 2 ) = A3 (q 2 ) and A5 (q 2 ) = −A4 (q 2 ), i.e. that

ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) =

ū(p′ ) A1 (q 2 )γ µ + A2 (q 2 )(p + p′ )µ + A4 (q 2 )σ µν qν u(p) . (12.60)

Furthermore, hermiticity requires that the functions A1 (q 2 ) and A2 (q 2 )

are real and that A4 (q 2 ) is imaginary. Keeping in mind the Gordon identity
[see equation (14.33) [1]]

2m ū(p′ )γ µ u(p) = ū(p′ ) [(p + p′ )µ + iσ µν qν ] u(p) , (12.61)


we can therefore write the matrix element ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) in the form
′ µ ′ ′ 2 µ 2 1 µν
ū(p )Λ (p , p)u(p) = ū(p ) F1 (q )γ + F2 (q ) iσ qν u(p) , (12.62)

with F1 (q 2 ) and F2 (q 2 ) real. On the other hand, we know that [see equa-
tion (11.31)],
Λµ (p′ , p) = Lγ µ + Λµc (p′ , p) (12.63)
and since p′ and p correspond to 4-momenta of physical particles (p2 = p′ =
m2 ), we can use the relation (11.33), valid in the limit q → 0, p → p′ ,

ū(p)Λµc (p, p)u(p) = 0 . (12.64)

Comparing with (12.62), since the term in F2 is explicitly proportional to

q, it can be seen that F1 (0) = L. If we then calculate the expression on the
right-hand side of (12.62), omitting terms of second order in q 2 , we find
′ µ ′ ′ µ 1
ū(p )Λ (p , p)u(p) = ū(p ) Lγ + F2 (0) iσ qν u(p) + O(q 2 ) . (12.65)
Because of the Ward identity, the term L will be exactly cancelled by the
correction to the external lines. Hence, the vertex function, including all the
second-order corrections, becomes
h e i
ie0 ū(p′ )γ µ u(p) → ieū(p′ ) γ µ + F2 (0) iσ µν qν u(p) + O(q 2 ) ,
and, again using the Gordon identity (12.61), we find
′ µ ′ ′ p + p′µ e µν
ū(p )Λ (p , p)u(p) = ieū(p ) + (1 + F2 (0)) iσ qν u(p)
2m 2m
+ O(q 2 ) . (12.66)

In the above expression we have included the effect of the second-order

corrections to the photon line which renormalises the charge, e0 → e. The first
term ∝ (p+p′ )µ represents the interaction of the electric charge (it is the same
as we would have for a spin 0 particle), the second describes the interaction of
the magnetic moment. The result obtained shows that the magnetic moment
of the lepton is equal to (1 + F2 (0)) Bohr magnetons. We can therefore write
the gyromagnetic factor in the form

g = 2 [1 + F2 (0)] = 2 + O(α) .

To obtain the value of F2 (0) we must carry out the calculation taking
into account the terms linear in q in equation (12.62). The calculation is
significantly simplified if we follow the following rules:
1. Omit terms which are explicitly of order q 2 .

2. Omit terms which are ∝ γ µ . As we saw, these terms determine the

(divergent) constant L and are eliminated by the renormalisation.
We note that this procedure has two important advantages:
1. With the first rule, the integral simplifies considerably.
2. With the second term, not only have we omitted ultraviolet divergent
terms, but we have also eliminated the infrared divergence, which is also
produced by terms ∝ γ µ .
We can therefore carry out the calculation without reverting to infrared or
ultraviolet regularisation, or more strictly but in a completely equivalent man-
ner, suppose that the regularisation is carried out and that terms ∝ γ µ , which
in the regularised theory are finite, are omitted. The terms which remain, i.e.
F2 (0), remain finite in the limit in which the regularisation is eliminated.

12.5.2 The calculation

We can write the quantity to be calculated in the form
ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) (12.67)
Z ′ µ ′
−i ū(p )N (k, p, p )u(p)
= d4 k 2 ,
(2π)4 (k + iǫ)((p′ − k)2 − m2 + iǫ)((p − k)2 − m2 + iǫ)
N µ (k, p, p′ ) = γ α (/p′ − k/ + m)γ µ (/p − k/ + m)γα . (12.68)
We begin by establishing some relationships between the variables:
q 2 = (p′ −p)2 = 2m2 −2(pp′ ) , (p′ +p)2 = 2m2 +2(pp′ ) = 4m2 −q 2 . (12.69)
We can then combine the last two factors in the denominator by writing
p + p′ q q
Q= , p′ = Q + , p=Q− . (12.70)
2 2 2
We note also that Q2 = m2 + q 2 /4, which, since we will omit terms O(q 2 ),
we can rewrite as Q2 = m2 + O(q 2 ). Then we have
[(p′ − k)2 − m2 + iǫ][(p − k)2 − m2 + iǫ]
= (k 2 − 2(p′ k) + iǫ)(k 2 − 2(pk) + iǫ)
= (k 2 − 2(Qk) + iǫ)2 − (kq)2
= (k 2 − 2(Qk) + iǫ)2 + O(q 2 ) . (12.71)
Hence, neglecting terms O(q 2 ), we can recast (12.67) in the form
−i ū(p′ ) N µ (k, p, p′ ) u(p)
ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) = 4
d4 k 2 + O(q 2 ) .
(2π) (k + iǫ)(k 2 − 2(Qk) + iǫ)2

The next step consists of combining the denominators together, by using

another parameterisation due to Feynman:
Z 1
1 z
2 =2 dz 3 . (12.73)
D1 D2 0 [D2 + (D1 − D2 )z]
Hence, we obtain
Z 1 Z
−i ū(p′ ) N µ (k, p, p′ )u(p)
ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) = 2z dz d4 k + O(q 2 )
(2π)4 0 (k 2 − 2z(Qk) + iǫ)3
Z 1 Z
−i ū(p′ )N µ (k, p, p′ )u(p)
= 2z dz d4 k + O(q 2 )
(2π)4 0 [(k − zQ)2 − z 2 Q2 + iǫ]3
Z 1 Z
−i ū(p′ )N µ (k, p, p′ )u(p)
= 2z dz d4 k + O(q 2 ) ,
(2π)4 0 [(k − zQ)2 − z 2 m2 + iǫ]3

where, in the last step, we have used the fact that Q2 = m2 + O(q 2 ). We can
now carry out the change of variables9 t = k − zQ, k = t + z(p + p′)/2, so that
Z 1 Z
−i ū(p′ ) N µ (t + zQ, p, p′ )u(p)
ūΛµ (p′ , p)u = 4
2z dz d4 t + O(q 2 ) .
(2π) 0 (t2 − z 2 m2 + iǫ)3
At this point we note that in N µ (t+zQ, p, p′), defined by equation (12.68),
terms of order zero in t are present, as well as terms linear and quadratic
in t. The linear terms make no contribution to the integration. The terms
quadratic in t give a contribution proportional to γ µ and can be omitted in
the approximation scheme we are using.
We can then write, denoting explicitly with (∝ γ µ ) the omitted terms,
Z 1 Z
−i ū(p′ )N µ (z(p + p′ )/2, p, p′ )u(p)
ū(p′ )Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) = 4
2z dz d4 t
(2π) 0 (t2 − z 2 m2 + iǫ)3
+ O(q 2 ) + (∝ γ µ ) . (12.76)

Since the numerator does not depend on t, we can immediately carry out
the integral over t with the result (see Appendix E)
d4 t π2
2 2 2 3
= −i 2 2 , (12.77)
(t − z m + iǫ) 2z m
from which it follows that
Z 1
′ µ ′ −1 dz
ū(p )Λ (p , p)u(p) = ū(p′ )N µ (z(p + p′ )/2, p, p′ )u(p)
16π 2 m2 0 z
+ O(q 2 ) + (∝ γ µ ) . (12.78)
9 The operation is allowed only if the integral is convergent; for this we suppose to have

made a regularisation and taken the limit at the end of the calculation.

It now remains to calculate the quantity [see equation (12.68)]


′ µ z(p + p ) ′
X = ū(p ) N , p, p u(p)
′ α ′ z(p
/+p /′ ) µ z(p
/+p /′ )
= ū(p ) γ p / − +m γ p /− + m γα u(p) ,
2 2
which can be rewritten in the form

/+p /′ ) µ ′ z(p/+p/′ )
X = ū(p′ ) −2(p
/− / −
)γ (p ) (12.79)
2 2

+4m(1 − z)(p + p′ )µ − 2m2 γ µ u(p) ,

where the final term is (∝ γ µ ) and can be omitted. In the first term we use
the Dirac equation, from which it follows that on the left p /=p /′ − /q = m − /q ,

while on the right p
/ =p / + /q = m + /q . The result is
z   z 
X = ū(p′ ) −2 m(1 − z) − /q (1 − ) γ µ m(1 − z) + /q (1 − )
2 2

+4m(1 − z)(p + p′ )µ u(p) + (∝ γ µ )
z 1
= ū(p′ ) 4m(1 − z) 1 − [q/ , γ µ ] + 4m(1 − z)(p + p′ )µ u(p)
2 2
+ O(q 2 ) + (∝ γ µ ) ,

and using the relation [q/ , γ µ ] = 2iσ µν qν , and the Gordon identity, we obtain

z(p + p′ )
ū(p′ )N µ ( , p, p′ )u(p)
= −2m z(1 − z)ū(p′ )iσ µν qν u(p) + O(q 2 ) + (∝ γ µ ) . (12.80)

Finally, substituting into (12.78) and carrying out the integration over z,
we arrive at the result
e2 1 µν
ū(p′ )e2 Λµ (p′ , p)u(p) = ū(p′ ) σ qν u(p) + O(q 2 ) + (∝ γ µ ) , (12.81)
8π 2 2m
which, comparing with (12.65), shows that

e2 α
e2 F2 (0) = = , (12.82)
8π 2 2π
i.e. that, to order α, the magnetic moment of a lepton is equal to
1+ Bohr magnetons.


13.1 Effective electric charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
13.2 The Gell–Mann and Low equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
13.3 The QED β function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
13.4 Asymptotic variation of the effective charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

As we saw in Chapter 11, renormalisation of QED consists essentially of

carrying out, on the coupling constant of the theory, on the propagators, and
on the vertices, the transformations

e2 → Z3 Z1−1 Z2 e2 = Z3 e2 ,
Dµν → Z3−1 Dµν , (13.1)
SF → Z2−1 SF
Λµ → Z1 Λµ ,

where we have used the Ward identity, which implies that Z2 /Z1 = 1.
In addition to the transformations (13.1), involving infinite coefficients,
others can be considered, which correspond to different choices of the momen-
tum scale for which the subtraction that is at the foundation of the renor-
malisation procedure is carried out, and which leaves the amplitudes of the
physical processes invariant. In this chapter we will introduce these transfor-
mations, which are characterised by finite coefficients and form a group, the
renormalisation group of QED.



The expression for the photon propagator to order e20 discussed in the
previous sections,1
µν −ig µν 2 2 1
iD (q) = 1 + e0 Π(q ) 2 , (13.2)
q2 q

where Π(q 2 ) = A(q 2 ), with A(q 2 ) defined by equations (11.6) and (11.7), can
be generalised to take account of higher-order diagrams which are obtained
by repeating the insertion of the fermion loop into the photon line. In this
way we obtain
−ig µν 2 1 2 1 2 2 1
iDµν (q) = 1 + e 2
0 Π(q ) + e 2
0 Π(q ) e Π(q ) + . . .
q2 q2 q2 0 q2
−ig µν
= 2 (13.3)
q − e20 Π(q 2 )
−ig µν 1
= ,
q 2 [1 − e0 Π(0) − e20 Πc (q 2 )]

which can be rewritten in terms of the renormalised charge introduced in

Chapter 11. To obtain the last line of (13.3) we have used the property Πc (0) =
0. From

1 − e20 Π(0) ≈ [1 + e20 Π(0)]−1 = Z3−1 , (13.4)

it then follows that

−ig µν 1 −ig µν Z3
iDµν (q) = 2 −1 = 2
. (13.5)
q 2 2
Z3 − e0 Πc (q ) q 1 − e Πc (q 2 )

By substituting the photon propagator (13.5) into the expression for an

amplitude, for example, that associated with the process of Mott scattering
discussed in Section 12.1, we obtain
−ig µν
ie0 (ū′ γµ u) Dµν ( e0 jν ) = ieeff (ū′ γµ u) (eeff jν ) , (13.6)
which shows that the effect of the corrections due to vacuum polarisation can
be described leaving the form of the propagator of the free theory unchanged
and replacing the coupling constant α0 = e20 /4π with an effective coupling
constant α(q 2 ) = e2eff /4π, defined by the relation

α(q 2 ) = α0 = z3 (q 2 )α , (13.7)
1− e Πc (q 2 )

1 In the description of the propagation of virtual photons, we can omit the term iǫ in the


with α = Z3 α0 = 1/137. Therefore, besides the infinite constants which ap-

pear in the definition of Z3 , the higher-order terms of the perturbative series
introduce a finite correction z3 , expressible in terms of the function Πc (q 2 )
defined by (12.52).
Using the asymptotic expression for Πc (q 2 ) (we recall that for a virtual
photon q 2 < 0, and we define Q2 = −q 2 )
2 1 Q
lim Πc (q ) = ln , (13.8)
Q2 →∞ 12π 2 m2
we can write the explicit form of the effective coupling constant valid at short
α(Q2 ) = α(0) Q2
. (13.9)
1− 3π ln m 2

Equation (13.9) shows that the effective charge is an increasing function

of Q2 . Consequently, as it was natural to expect, the electrostatic interaction
between two charged particles decreases as their separation increases due to
the effect of screening caused by vacuum polarisation. The dependence of the
QED coupling constant on Q2 has been observed experimentally at the LEP
storage ring at CERN in Geneva. The results of these measurements are shown
in Figure 13.1.
We note also that (13.9) predicts the appearance of a pole, called the
Landau pole, for Q2 /m2 = exp [3π/α(0)], which from the observational point
of view corresponds to an enormous value of Q2 (∼ m2 × 10560 ). In a theory
with several charged particles, however, the Landau pole may get much closer
and become relevant to physics, as we shall discuss in Chapter 17.
From the definition it follows that we can write the function α(Q2 ) in the
1 1
= − F (Q2 ) , (13.10)
α(Q2 ) α0
with F (Q2 ) = 4πΠ(Q2 ). We note also that (13.10) implies
1 1
= − F (0) , (13.11)
α(0) α0
and that combining (13.10) and (13.11) gives
1 1
= − [F (Q2 ) − F (0)] . (13.12)
α(Q2 ) α(0)
The choice of performing the subtraction at Q2 = 0, although natural in
the case of QED, is not the only one possible. The effective coupling constant
can be equally obtained by choosing a different value, Q2 = µ2 , and using
1 1
= − [F (Q2 ) − F (µ2 )] . (13.13)
α(Q2 ) α(µ2 )

Figure 13.1 Dependence on −t = Q2 of the ratio between the elastic scattering

cross section for e+ –e− (Bhabha scattering) measured at LEP [14] and the results
of theoretical calculations. The horizontal line corresponds to the case in which the
value of α is kept constant as Q2 varies.

The subtraction at µ2 = 6 0 is necessary if we wish to go to the massless

limit of the theory, which is useful to examine the dependence on momentum
when Q2 >> m2 . It is, furthermore, essential in the case of the theory of
strong interactions, in which the coupling constant becomes infinite in the
limit Q2 → 0.


Using the results of the previous section, we can write the renormalised
photon propagator in the form
e2 Dµν (q) = d(q 2 , 0, e2 ) , (13.14)
where we have indicated explicitly that the subtraction is performed at the
momentum scale µ2 = 0.
The explicit expression for d(q 2 , 0, e2 ), which agrees with the square of the
effective charge introduced in (13.6), is

d(q 2 , 0, e2 ) = , (13.15)
1 − e2 Πc (q 2 , 0, e2 )


Πc (q 2 , 0, e2 ) = Π(q 2 , 0, e2 ) − Π(0, 0, e2 ), (13.16)

which implies Πc (0, 0, e2 ) = 0. Using (13.16) we can also write the square of
the observed electric charge as

e2 = d(0, 0, e2 ) . (13.17)

If we now change the renormalisation scheme by choosing a different scale,

µ2 =
6 0, equations (13.15) and (13.17) become, respectively

d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) = , (13.18)
1 − e2µ [Π(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) − Π(µ2 , µ2 , e2µ )]


e2µ = d(µ2 , µ2 , e2 ) . (13.19)

The expressions for the propagator which are obtained from (13.15) and
(13.18) must agree, because both are equal to the divergent expression, which
is obtained from the perturbative expansion in powers of e20 . It is thus true

d(q 2 , 0, e2 ) = d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) , (13.20)

which for q 2 = 0 allows us to establish the relation between e2 and e2µ

e2 = d(0, 0, e2 ) = d(0, µ2 , e2µ ) . (13.21)

We can now repeat the steps up to this point by choosing a different scale
for the subtraction, with the objective of determining a connection between

the propagators obtained using two arbitrary momentum scales, µ2 and σ 2 .

From the previous equations it immediately follows that

d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) = d(q 2 , σ 2 , e2σ ) , (13.22)

and therefore that

e2σ = d(σ 2 , σ 2 , e2σ ) = d(σ 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) . (13.23)

The renormalised charge at σ 2 is the evolution at q 2 = σ 2 of the renor-

malised charge at µ2 .
Substituting (13.23) into the right-hand side of (13.22), the functional
equation originally derived by Gell–Mann and Low [15] is obtained:

d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) = d[(q 2 , σ 2 , d(σ 2 , µ2 , e2µ )] , (13.24)

which relates the coupling constants corresponding to the two different scales.


The Gell–Mann and Low equation (13.24) can be solved in the region of
spacelike momenta —where there are no singularities linked to the production
of real particles—in which −µ2 , −σ 2 and −q 2 ≫ m2 .
We firstly consider equation (13.20). The dependence on m of the left-hand
side, while not being specified, is singular, as seen from (13.8). Even in the
−q 2 → +∞ limit we cannot get to the theory in which the electron is massless.
The mass singularity disappears in the theory renormalised at µ2 ; the theory
at zero mass is regular and the asymptotic dependence on q 2 becomes
1 q2
lim Πc (q 2 , µ2 ) = 2
ln 2 . (13.25)
−q2 ,−µ2 >>m2 12π µ
The other difference between the two sides of (13.20) is that the right-hand
side exhibits an explicit dependence on µ that must be exactly cancelled by
the µ-dependence of e2µ , since the left-hand side does not depend on µ. The
invariance of physical quantities upon the choice of the renormalisation point
is, in fact, the essence of the renormalisation group and requires that
∂d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) ∂e2µ ∂d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ )
µ = −µ . (13.26)
∂e2µ ∂µ ∂µ

If we limit ourselves to lowest order quantities, in the left-hand side we

can set ∂d/∂e2µ = 1, since the derivative of e2µ is of at least second order in e2 .
In the right-hand side, after having differentiated d, we can set q 2 = µ2 , since
the further dependence on q 2 is in higher order terms. We therefore find

∂e2µ ∂d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ )
µ = −µ . (13.27)
∂µ ∂µ 2 2
q =µ

It is usual to define the β function by the relation

µ = β(eµ ) , (13.28)

which, using (13.18) and (13.25), leads to

β(eµ ) = + . (13.29)
12π 2
In electrodynamics extended to include different spin 21 particles—e.g.
quarks and leptons other than the electron—with electric charge Qf , and
spin 0 particles, with electric charge Qs , the formula for the β function is
immediately generalised to
 
e3µ X 1 X
β(eµ ) = +  Q2f + Q2s  . (13.30)
12π 2 4 s


In the massless theory, the function d(q 2 , µ2 , e2µ ) depends only on the ra-
tio q 2 /µ2 . This allows use of the renormalisation group relation, (13.28), to
determine its asymptotic variation with q 2 .
Let us consider the effective coupling constant at a momentum scale around
the renormalisation point q 2 ∼ σ 2

e2 (q 2 ) = d(q 2 , σ 2 , eσ ) , (13.31)

and calculate
∂e2 (q 2 ) ∂d(q 2 , σ 2 , e2σ ) ∂d(q 2 , σ 2 , e2σ )
q2 = = −
∂q 2 ∂lnq 2 ∂lnσ 2
2 2 2
1 ∂d(q , σ , eσ )
=− σ |q2 ∼σ2 = e(q 2 )β[e(q 2 )] , (13.32)
2 ∂σ
∂e(q 2 ) 1
= β[e(q 2 )] . (13.33)
∂lnq 2 2
We can integrate the above equation, by separation of variables, between
µ2 and a given value of q 2 . Thus we obtain
Z e(q2 ) Z q2
de 1 1 q2
= d lnq 2 = ln . (13.34)
e(µ2 ) β(e) 2 µ2 2 µ2

If we now use (13.29), we find

Z e(q2 ) Z Z
de de 3π 1
= 12π 2 3
=− d( ) , (13.35)
e(µ2 ) β(e) e 2 α

from which it follows that

1 1 1 q2
= − ln , (13.36)
α(q ) α(µ ) 3π µ2

α(µ2 )
α(q 2 ) = α(µ2 ) 2
, (13.37)
1− 3π ln µq 2

which again gives equation (13.9), with α(0) → α(µ2 ) and m2 → µ2 .

The reader can easily show that the expression (13.37) and the analo-
gous expression in terms of the subtraction point σ 2 satisfy (perturbatively
in the constant α which appears in the numerators) the Gell–Mann and Low
equation, (13.24).

Comment. The formula (13.2) tells us that the dominant correction to the
propagator grows as α ln(q 2 /m2 ). For larger values of the logarithm we can no
longer state that the higher-order terms are negligible. Actually the nth term
of the series which we have conjectured in (13.3) is of order [α ln(q 2 /m2 )]n
and when the lowest-order term becomes of order one, to obtain a meaningful
result, it is necessary to resum all the terms of the series, which are known as
the leading logarithmic terms or leading logs.
The renormalisation group equations are based on the β function, which is
obtained from a legitimate perturbative calculation, not invalidated by large
logarithms; the calculation of the right-hand side in equation (13.27) is carried
out by setting ln(q 2 /µ2 ) = 1 at the end. The result found in (13.37) shows that
the renormalisation group equation (13.33) sums all the dominant logarithms
in a rigorous way.
The calculation of the β function can be carried out to higher orders, to still
higher orders, and so on (naturally with rapidly increasing difficulty!). Apply-
ing these results, the logarithms of order αn [ln(q 2 /m2 )]n−1 , αn [ln(q 2 /m2 ]n−2 ,
etc. are summed, and denoted as Next to Leading Logs (NLL), Next to Next
to Leading Logs (NNLL), etc. The calculations of various variables of QCD,
in which the effective constant is not small like that in electrodynamics, must
be performed at least up to NNLL terms.

14.1 Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
14.2 Quarks in quantum chromodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
14.3 The Faddeev–Popov determinant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
14.4 Feynman rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

The gauge transformations considered in Chapter 5 for the electromagnetic

field were extended by Yang and Mills [16] to local transformations based on
a non-Abelian group. The resulting theories, known as Yang–Mills or gauge
theories, provide the basis for a description of electroweak interactions and
quantum chromodynamics.
The fundamental elements and the relevant aspects of Yang–Mills theories,
at the level of the classical Lagrangian, are summarised in [2]. In this chapter
we discuss the procedure for quantisation of the gauge fields in the formulation
based on the Feynman path integral, following the method introduced by
Faddeev and Popov in 1967 [17].

We recall briefly the fundamental concepts and the notation.

Gauge transformations. A gauge transformation is a correspondence be-

tween the points of space-time, x, and the elements, g, of a continuous group
G: x → g(x). We consider the unitary matrices, U (g), which represent G in a
vector space. The following composition law must apply

U (g2 g1 ) = U (g2 )U (g1 ) . (14.1)

The gauge transformations act on the vectors, ψ(x), of the representation as

ψ(x) → U (g(x))ψ(x) = U (x)ψ(x) . (14.2)


In applications, ψ(x) are the quark and lepton fields and the Higgs field
(matter fields) and the groups are G = SU (2) ⊗ U (1) or SU (3)colour for
electroweak interactions or QCD, respectively (see [2]).
For infinitesimal transformations
U (x) = 1 + iT AαA (x) , A = 1, · · · N , (14.3)
where T are the generators of the Lie algebra of G, N is the dimension of
the algebra and αA (x) are infinitesimal functions of the coordinates; the sum
over repeated indices is understood. The generators satisfy commutation rules
which characterise the algebra
 A B
T ,T = ifABC T C , (14.4)
with the structure constants of the group, fABC , completely antisymmetric in
the indices.
The gauge fields are represented by matrices of the form
Aµ (x) = T A AA
µ (x) , (14.5)
which transform as
Aµ (x) → (Aµ )U = U (x)Aµ (x)U † (x) − iU (x)∂µ U † (x) , (14.6)
or, for infinitesimal transformations,
AA A ′ A B C A
µ → (Aµ ) = Aµ − fABC α Aµ − ∂µ α . (14.7)
Applying (14.6) successively with two gauge matrices, U and V , we find
the composition law of two gauge transformations
Aµ (x) → V U Aµ U † − iU ∂µ U † V † − iV ∂µ V †
= V U Aµ U † V † − iV U ∂µ U † V † − iV U U † ∂µ V †
= (Aµ )V U , (14.8)
in agreement with (14.1). Equation (14.7) clearly shows that the transforma-
tion law of gauge fields does not depend on the specific representation that we
have chosen for ψ, but only on the algebra of G, characterised by the structure
Starting from (14.7), we can define the covariant derivative of ψ, Dµ (A)ψ,
which transforms like ψ
Dµ (A)ψ = ∂µ ψ + iAµ ψ ,
Dµ (A)ψ → ∂µ (U ψ) + iU Aµ (x)U † U ψ + U (∂µ U † )U ψ
= U [∂µ ψ + iAµ ψ] (14.9)
= U Dµ (A)ψ .
The gauge transformations of QED correspond to the Abelian case and
are obtained from the previous formulae by setting
fABC = 0 , TA → Q . (14.10)

The Yang–Mills tensor. The final element necessary for the theory is the
Yang–Mills tensor, the analogue of the Maxwell tensor of electromagnetism.
In matrix form, starting from (14.5), we define

Gµν = T A GA
µν = ∂ν Aµ − ∂µ Aν + i [Aν , Aµ ] ,

µν = ∂ν Aµ − ∂µ Aν + fABC Aµ Aν . (14.11)

The Yang–Mills tensor transforms linearly (as matter fields do) according
to a group representation

Gµν → (Gµν )U = U Gµν U † , (14.12)


GA A ′ A B C
µν → (Gµν ) = Gµν − fABC α Gµν . (14.13)

If we define
(Treg )AB = ifACB , (14.14)

it can be seen that these matrices satisfy the commutation rules of the algebra
and therefore define an irreducible representation of the algebra, called the
regular or adjoint representation (see [2], Appendix C). In terms of these
matrices, (14.13) takes the form
GA A ′ C C
µν → (Gµν ) = (1 + iTreg α )Gµν . (14.15)

The Yang–Mills Lagrangian (classical limit). The starting point is a La-

grangian of matter fields, L0 (ψ, ∂ µ ψ), which should be invariant under global
transformations of the group G. From (14.9) it follows that a Lagrangian
invariant for local transformations of G is obtained with the minimal substi-
tution: ∂ µ → D(A)µ , or that

Lmat = L0 [ψ, D(A)µ ψ] (14.16)

is gauge invariant.
From (14.15) it follows that the function of the gauge fields represented by
1 X A A,µν
Lgauge = − (Gµν G ), (14.17)
4g 2

is an invariant function and can be chosen as the Lagrangian of the gauge

For a simple group, i.e. one that cannot be decomposed into products
of commuting factors (for example SU (3)colour ), (14.17) is unique, but for
semi-simple groups (for example SU (2) ⊗ U (1)), the matrices (Treg )AB are

block-diagonal and the sum in (14.17) limited to each block is itself invariant.
In this case we have as many constants g as there are simple factors
X 1 X 
A A,µν
Lgauge = − (Gµν G )i , (14.18)

where the internal sum extends over each block. The constants g or gi in
(14.17) and (14.18) are the coupling constants of the gauge fields, as is imme-
diately seen by rescaling the fields AA
µ in the previous equations:

µ → gAµ ,

Dµ (A)ψ → ∂µ ψ + igT A AA
µψ ,
Gµν → g ∂ν Aµ − ∂µ AA B C
ν + gfABC Aµ Aν . (14.19)

In the limit g → 0, the Lagrangian of the gauge fields reduces to a sum of

Maxwell Lagrangians, one for each index A.
In the same limit, the gauge fields describe N massless, free particles with
spin 1, similar to the photon, while matter is described by the Lagrangian L0 .
The Standard Theory, in this limit, contains quarks and leptons interacting
with the Higgs field (Yukawa interactions).
In conclusion, the Lagrangian of a Yang–Mills theory is given by

LY M = L0 [ψ, D(A)µ ψ] + Lgauge . (14.20)


In this section and the following we narrow our discussion to the case of
quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the gauge theory which is invariant under
the SU (3) group associated with the colour quark symmetry, both for its
physical importance and because it contains all the relevant elements for a
general gauge theory with exact symmetry.1
QCD describes the fundamental strong interactions, due to interactions
between SU (3) gauge fields, the gluons, described by the regular 8 represen-
tation, and quarks, spin 21 particles attributed to the fundamental 3 represen-
tation of the group (correspondingly, antiquarks transform according to the
conjugate representation 3̄).
At present we know of six different types of quark, characterised by quan-
tum numbers denoted by the generic name flavour, which identify their prop-
erties under electromagnetic and weak interactions, as shown in Figure 1.1. For
weak interactions, the six quarks can be classified into three doublet-singlet
families (or generations), with identical interactions, distinguished only by
1 The case of a gauge theory with spontaneously broken symmetry will be considered in

Chapters 18 and 19 and is introduced in more detail in Ref. [2].


their different masses:

, uR , dR (generation one) ,
, cR , sR (generation two) ,
, tR , bR (generation three) . (14.21)
b L

The suffixes L and R in (14.21) denote left-handed and right-handed com-

ponents of the fields. In each doublet, the electric charge has the value 32
and − 13 for the upper and lower component, respectively. To the previous
properties, we must add the colour charge.
The lightest baryons (proton, neutron, hyperons) are made of three spin
2 quarks in an overall symmetric state for exchange of the quantum numbers
of space, spin and flavour. Colour was originally introduced to reestablish the
antisymmetry required by the half-integer spin of the quarks. The choice of
SU (3) is motivated by the possibility to attribute the quarks to the 3 repre-
sentation, which allows us to describe baryons as completely antisymmetric,
colour singlet states.
The three colour states of each quark are traditionally denoted with the
names of three different colours, for example blue, green, red, or by assigning
an index with three values to the field of a quark of a given flavour, e.g.
uL,R → uaL,R , with a = 1, 2, 3.
The colour interactions conserve parity, hence left- and right-handed com-
ponents enter on the same level into the Dirac combination:
1 − γ5 a 1 + γ5 a
uaL + uaR = u + u = ua . (14.22)
2 2
A generation structure similar to (14.21) is encountered in the leptons,
spin 21 particles sensitive only to electromagnetic and weak interactions:
, e (generation one) ,
e L R
, µR (generation two) ,
µ L
, τR (generation three) , (14.23)
τ L

where we have assumed that the observed neutrinos exist only in left-handed
The assignment of zero colour charge to the leptons implies in a natural
way that these particles are not affected by strong interactions.


Using the notation of Section 5.1 adapted to the case of a general gauge
group, we denote with f A [A(x)], or simply f A (A), the function of Aµ that
fixes the gauge for all components of the gauge field, for example
f A [A(x)] = ∂ µ AA
µ (x) , (Lorenz gauge) , (14.24)
and by B[f (A)] a functional of f which introduces a convergence factor along
the gauge orbits, which are characterised by (AA U A B C
µ ) = (Aµ )0 +fABC (Aµ )0 α −
∂µ αA , with f (A0 ) = 0, and illustrated in Figure 14.1.

Figure 14.1 Space of the functions Aµ (x). Trajectories composed of paths connected
by gauge transformations are indicated by the horizontal lines. Along coordinates
orthogonal to the gauge trajectories (shown by the vertical line) we find physically
distinct paths.

To restrict the integration to the vertical line, we can use a δ-function

B[f (A)] = δ[f (A)] . (14.25)
In what follows we will use an alternative, the Gaussian functional:
d4 x f (x)2 −i
d4 x (∂µ Aµ )2
B[f ] = e 2α = e 2α , (14.26)
from which the δ-function can be obtained by taking the limit α → 0.
We now consider the “naive” generating functional
W = d[Aµ ] eiS(A) , (14.27)

where S(A) is the Yang–Mills action. To restrict the integration only to non-
equivalent configurations, we could insert the function δ[f (AU )] and integrate
over the gauge transformations, so as to extract the measure of the gauge
orbit. However, this would not be correct, as seen from a very simple case,
from the fact that
dx δ[f (x)] = ′ 6= 1 . (14.28)
f (x0 )

The correct factor to insert in (14.27) is, rather, the analogue of

dxf ′ (x) δ[f (x)] = df δ(f ) = 1 . (14.29)

In the case of the functional integration, this means inserting into (14.27)
a factor 1 written in the form
1 = ∆[A] d[U (x)] δ[f (AU (x))] , (14.30)

(x)T A
U (x) = eiα , d[U (x)] = ΠA d[αA (x)]; ,

and ∆[A] is the Faddeev–Popov determinant:

δf [A(x)U ]
∆[A] = Det[KF P ] = Det . (14.32)
δ[αB (y)]

Equation (14.32) shows that ∆ is simply the Jacobian of the transformation

which changes the variables of the gauge transformation to the coordinates of
the gauge orbit in Figure 14.1, i.e. the functions f A (AU ).
As a first step, we will show that the Faddeev–Popov determinant is gauge
invariant. To see this, we make the substitution A → AV in (14.30), where V
is a fixed gauge transformation. Equation (14.30) becomes
1 = ∆[AV ] d[U (x)]δ[f ((AV )U (x))]
= ∆[AV ] d[U (x)]δ[f (A(U V )(x) )] . (14.33)

Combining the gauge transformation U with a fixed one V , we obtain a

new gauge transformation which, as U varies, covers the same functional space
as U ; multiplication by V is the equivalent of a translation in the manifold of
gauge transformations, under which the measure d[U ] is invariant. Therefore
we find
1 = ∆[AV ] d[U (x)] δ[f (A(U V )(x) )]
∆[AV ]
= ∆[AV ] d[U (x)] δ[f (AU )] = . (14.34)

We now substitute both sides of (14.30) into (14.27). Using the gauge
invariance of the integration measure over Aµ , from the Yang–Mills action

and from KF P , we find

W = d[Aµ ] e = d[Aµ ] ∆[A] d[U (x)]δ[f (AU (x))] eiS(A)
= d[AU µ ] d[U (x)] ∆[AU ] δ[f (AU (x))] eiS(A )
Z  Z
= d[U (x)] × d[Aµ ] ∆[A] δ[f (A)] eiS(A) . (14.35)

The factor which multiplies the final term of (14.35) is a multiplicative

constant independent of the fields, which we can omit from the generating
functional. Furthermore, we can replace the Dirac δ-function with a more
regular functional, such as the Gaussian functional in (14.26), to obtain
W [A] = d[Aµ ] ∆[A] ei[S(A)+Sgf (A)] , (14.36)

Sgf (A) = − d4 x (∂ µ AA 2
µ) . (14.37)

The same conclusion is reached if we consider the vacuum expectation

value of a gauge-invariant observable O[A]. Starting from the formula analo-
gous to (14.27) and normalising the matrix element leads to
d[Aµ ] eiS[A] O[A] d[Aµ ] eiS[A] O[A] ∆[A] B[f (A)]
h0|O[A]|0i = R = R
d[Aµ ] e iS[A] d[Aµ ] eiS[A] ∆[A] B[f (A)]
d[Aµ ] ∆[A] eiSnew [A] O[A]
= R . (14.38)
d[A]µ ∆[A] eiSnew [A]

The first fraction corresponds to the naive prescription [cf. equation (5.5)]
derived by analogy with the case of the scalar field, and which formally satisfies
the gauge invariance if O[A] is gauge invariant. However, the numerator and
the denominator are both separately divergent because of the volume of the
gauge orbits. In the second fraction, the functional B[f ] provides a convergence
factor along the gauge orbit and both the numerator and denominator are
separately convergent. In the third fraction we have absorbed, for convenience,
the functions B[f ] into an overall action, Snew

eiSnew [A] = eiS[A] B[f (A)] = ei(S[A]+Sgf [A]) . (14.39)

The overall action Snew is different from the Yang–Mills action and is not
gauge invariant. However, the equality (14.38) which we just derived shows
that for gauge-invariant quantities the third fraction gives the gauge-invariant
result required.

Note. In order that the change of variables from the gauge transformations
to the coordinates of the gauge orbit in Figure 14.1 [i.e. the functions f A (AU )]
should be valid, it is necessary that the relation between the f A and the αA
should be unique. This implies that the point on the gauge orbit in Figure
14.1 must not return to the same value for different values of the αA , or,
equivalently, that there are not multiple solutions of the equation

f A (A) = (∂ µ AA
µ) = 0 . (14.40)

The possibility of multiple solutions of the gauge conditions, for non-

Abelian gauge theories, was considered by Gribov [18] and the different pos-
sible solutions of (14.40) are called Gribov copies. It is thought that Gribov
copies can play a role in the theory of quark confinement. We will remain in
the framework of perturbation theory in which we move in an infinitesimal
neighbourhood of A0 where Gribov copies are not encountered, and we can
therefore ignore the problem.

We conclude with the calculation of the Faddeev–Popov determinant in

the case in which the function that fixes the gauge is given by the Lorenz
condition (14.40). Using (14.32) and (14.7), we find

δ[∂ µ (AA U
µ (x)) ]
KF P = B
δα (y)
= ∂ fACB δ(x − y)ACµ (x) − δ(x − y)δAB ∂µ
= −∂ µ δ(x − y)(D(A)µ )AB , (14.41)

where the covariant derivative is that appropriate for the regular representa-
In the case of QED (fABC = 0)

∆[A] = det(−✷) , (14.42)

independent of Aµ . In this case ∆[A] is a constant, which is simplified in

equation (14.38), and adding the gauge-fixing term to the action is sufficient,
as anticipated in Chapter 5.
A suggestive and useful representation of the Faddeev–Popov determinant
can be obtained by noting that the determinant can itself be expressed as
a Gaussian functional integral of anticommuting functions as we saw in Sec-
tion 6.1.3. If φ(x) is a complex function of this type, we may write
∆[A] = d[φ]d[φ† ]eiSghost ,
Sghost = d4 x (∂ µ φ† )Dµ (A)φ . (14.43)

Equation (14.43) describes massless scalar particles interacting with the

gauge fields. However, these particles have the wrong statistics to represent
spin 0 physical particles. The spin–statistics theorem can be violated by allow-
ing the states of these particles to have a negative norm. States of this kind are
not allowed among the physical states of quantum mechanics, but can appear
as intermediate states of the S-matrix between physical states.2 The need for
diagrams with internal ghost loops, in addition to diagrams which contain
gauge field loops, was derived in 1963 by Feynman [19] and subsequently by
deWitt [20].
In conclusion, the overall action to insert into the functional integral over
the gauge fields is
Stot = d4 x Ltot , (14.44)
1 µ A 2
Ltot = LY M − (∂ Aµ ) + (∂ µ φ† )Dµ (A)φ , (14.45)

with LY M given by (14.20).


We can expand the Lagrangian (14.45) in powers of the fields, obtaining
quadratic, cubic and quartic terms:
Ltot = L(2) + L(3) + L(4) . (14.46)
The expansion corresponds to an expansion in powers of the coupling con-
stant g:
L(2) = O(g 0 ) , L(3) = O(g) , L(4) = O(g 2 ) . (14.47)
The quadratic terms give rise to the free propagators. Referring to the first
line of Figure 14.2, for the quarks (spin 12 and mass m) and for the FP ghosts
(spin 0 and zero mass), we find [cf. equations (3.62) and (6.64)]
i 1
iS(p) = δab , (spin ; a, b = 1, 2, 3) , (14.48)
/ − m + iǫ
p 2
i∆(p) = 2 δAB , (FP ghost; A, B = 1, · · · , 8) . (14.49)
p + iǫ
For the gauge fields, L(2) coincides, for all values of A, with the Lagrangian
of the electromagnetic field considered in Chapter 5. In the general gauge,
identified by the parameter α of equation (14.26), we find [cf. equation (5.19)],
AB i pµ pν
i∆µν (p) = 2 −gµν + (1 − α) 2 δAB ,
p + iǫ p
(gauge fields; A, B = 1, · · · , 8) . (14.50)
2 Confirming our previous statement, (14.43) shows that in the abelian case, f
ABC = 0,
ghosts are free particles that can simply be omitted.

Figure 14.2 The relevant Feynman diagrams for propagators and vertices of a Yang–
Mills theory with exact gauge symmetry, for example QCD. Codes for the lines:
fermion matter fields, continuous arrowed lines; gauge fields, wavy lines; ghosts,
dashed arrowed lines. The indices present on the figure refer to QCD. Quarks (rep-
resentation 3 and 3̄), i, j: colour indices; α, β: Dirac spin indices. Gauge and ghost
fields (representation 8), A, B, · · · : colour indices; µ, ν, · · · : Lorentz indices. Conser-
vation of 4-momentum at every vertex is to be understood; the 4-momenta follow
the directions of the lines for quarks and ghosts, or the direction of the small arrows
for the gauge fields (thus, for example, q1 + q2 + q3 = 0).

The cubic terms give rise to the vertices illustrated in the second line of
Figure 14.2. Once again in terms of the Fourier transform we find, in order3

Aµ ′ λA
iVab (p , p) = ig( )ab γ µ , (14.51)
iΓ(q1 , q2 , q3 )ABC = −gfABC × V µνρ (q1 , q2 , q3 ) =
−gfABC × [gµν (q1 )ρ − gµρ (q1 )ν + gνρ (q2 )µ − gνµ (q2 )ρ + gρµ (q3 )ν − gρν (q3 )µ ]
= −gfABC [gµν (q1 − q2 )ρ + gνρ (q2 − q3 )µ + gρµ (q3 − q1 )ν ] , (14.52)
i(GCµ )BA (p′ , p) = −gfBCAp′µ . (14.53)
3 The first term corresponds to the vertex ieγ µ of electrodynamics (compare with the

Feynman rules of Chapter 10).


Finally, for the vertex in the last line of Figure 14.2, we find

iΓµνρσ 2
ABCD = −ig [fABN fCDN (gµρ gνσ − gµσ gνρ ) (14.54)
+fACN fBDN (gµν gρσ − gµσ gρν ) + fADN fCBN (gµρ gσν − gµν gρσ )] .

To the usual Feynman rules which associate diagrams with amplitudes as

in electrodynamics, we must add the following:
• Ghost lines form closed loops; they cannot appear as external lines;
• Each ghost loop contributes a factor (−1).

15.1 Vacuum polarisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
15.2 Corrections to quark propagator and vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
15.3 Asymptotic freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

As applications of the concepts developed in the previous chapter, we de-

rive the β function and the proof of asymptotic freedom of QCD.


The diagrams associated with the renormalisation of the gluon propaga-
tor are shown in Figure 15.1. In preparation for the proof of the asymptotic
freedom of QCD, we calculate the corresponding amplitudes. Aiming for the
high energy limit, we consider the limit of massless fermions and we renor-
malise the amplitudes to a momentum transfer value of q 2 = µ2 < 0. For each
diagram, we calculate the amplitude resulting from the Feynman rules. The
vacuum polarisation tensor, as seen from (11.2), is obtained from

Feynman amplitude = iΠµν . (15.1)

We can restrict the calculation to the first three diagrams, since the dia-
gram in Figure 15.1(d) contributes a constant, that is independent of q, which
disappears in the renormalisation procedure.

Fermions. The first diagram of Figure 15.1 describes the creation and an-
nihilation of a fermion–antifermion pair, and is obtained directly from the
calculation of the QED vacuum polarisation, Chapter 12, with the substitu-
λA λB
e2 → g 2 Tr( ). (15.2)
2 2


The Gell–Mann SU (3) matrices are normalised according to

Tr(λA λB ) = 2δ AB , (15.3)

and we define, for each representation R, the quantity T (R) by

Tr(T A T B ) = δ AB T (R) . (15.4)

T (R) is proportional to the value of the operator C(R) = A (T A T A ), known
as the Casimir operator.
The vacuum polarisation due to fermions, represented by diagram (a) of
Figure 15.1, is therefore obtained by the substitution
1 2 AB
e2 → g δ = g 2 T (R)δ AB , (15.5)
where R denotes the fermion representation, the 3 representation in the case
of quarks.1

Figure 15.1 Vacuum polarisation corrections in QCD.

From the definitions given in Chapter 11 and from (12.52) we find, in the
1 On the representation 3, T (3) = 1/2 from which, multiplying (15.3) by δ AB , we obtain

8T (3) = 3C(3) or C(3) = 4/3.


m → 0 limit
i(Π(a) )AB
µν (k) = δ
AB µν 2
(g q − q µ q ν )iΠ(a) (q 2 ) ,
Z 1  2 
g2 m − x(1 − x)q 2
iΠ(a) (q 2 ) = i T (R) dx x(1 − x) log
2π 2 0 m2 + x(1 − x)|µ2 |
g2 −q 2
= i T (R) log . (15.6)
12π 2 |µ2 |

Gauge fields. We now calculate the amplitude for the diagram of Fig-
ure 15.1(c) in the Feynman gauge, corresponding to α = 1. From (14.52)
we find
(c) AB 1 2 dD p
i(Π )µν = g fALC fLBC Vµρσ (q, −p − q, p)(−g ρα )
2 (2π)4
× Vανδ (p + q, −q, −p)(−g δσ ) . (15.7)
[(p + q)2 + iǫ][(p)2 + iǫ]
Proceeding as in Appendix E, we integrate over the momentum p in D di-
mensions. V is the colour-independent part of the Yang–Mills vertex in (14.52),
and we recall that by convention the momenta are all taken as incoming (this
explains the various minus signs on the indicated momenta). The factor 12 in
the formula, which does not follow directly from the Feynman rules, will be
discussed in a note at the end of this section.
Recalling the definition of the generators in the adjoint representation, see
equation (14.15), the colour factors lead to the constant T (R) where now R
is the adjoint representation, which we denote with A. Thus

T (A)δ AB = Tr[Treg
Treg ]=
= ifCAL ifLBC = fALC fLCB = −fALC fLBC . (15.8)

Carrying out the multiplications shown, we cast (Π(c) )AB

µν in the form
dD p Nµν (p, q)
i(Π(c) )AB
µν = g 2 AB
δ T (A) , (15.9)
(2π) [(p + q)2 + iǫ][(p)2 + iǫ]

5 5
Nµν (p, q) = −qµ qν + (qµ pν + pµ qν ) + 5pµ pν + gµν ( q 2 + (qp) + p2 ) .
2 2
We now introduce the integration over the Feynman parameter, equa-
tion (E.8), to obtain
Z 1 Z
dD p Nµν (p, q)
i(Π(c) )AB
µν (q) = g 2 AB
δ T (A) dx 4 [(p + xq)2 − s + iǫ]2
, (15.11)
0 (2π)


s = −x(1 − x)q 2 , (15.12)

and changing the integration variable to p = k − xq, we arrive at

Nµν = −qµ qν [1+5x(1−x)]+gµν q 2 [ −x(1−x)]+5kµ kν +gµν k 2 +· · · . (15.13)
The ellipsis stands for terms linear in k which vanish in the integration.
Furthermore, we can make the substitution kµ kν → gµν k 2 D−1 in the integral
and also directly set D = 4 in the numerator.
In conclusion, we must calculate the two integrals:
I1 = dD k 2 , (15.14)
[k − s + iǫ]2
I2 = dD k 2 . (15.15)
[k − s + iǫ]2

In the notation of Appendix E, having set D = 4 − η,

I1 = I(s, D, 2) = iπ 2 Γ(η/2) , (15.16)
I2 = I(s, D, 1) + sI(s, D, 2) = 2sI(s, D, 2) . (15.17)

Taking the limit η → 0, we find

Z 1  
(c) AB g 2 AB 2 2
i(Π )µν (q) = i δ T (A) dx Pµν (q, x) − log[−x(1 − x)q ]
16π 2 0 η
Z 1
g 2 AB 2
= −i δ T (A) log[−q ] dx Pµν (q, x) + Pol(q) ,
16π 2 0

Pµν (q, x) = −qµ qν [1 + 5x(1 − x)] + gµν q 2 [5 − 11x(1 − x)] , (15.19)
where Pol(q) is a polynomial in q, which includes the infinite constant 2/η and
that is determined by the condition that Πµν vanishes at the renormalisation
point q 2 = µ2 < 0.
We can now integrate directly over x, with the result
g 2 AB −q 19 11
i(Π(c) )AB
µν (q) = i δ T (A) log (− gµν q 2 + qµ qν ) . (15.20)
32π 2 |µ|2 6 3

Ghost fields. For the diagram of Figure 15.1(b), by using the vertex in
(14.51), we find
dD p (i)2
i(Π(b) )AB
µν (q) = (−1)fCAL fLBC 4
pµ (p + q)ν 2 ,
(2π) (p + iǫ)[(p + q)2 + iǫ]
where we have made explicit the minus sign associated with the ghost loop.
Recalling equation (15.8) and introducing the integration over the Feyn-
man parameter, we find
Z 1 Z
dD k (k − xq)µ (k + (1 − x)q)ν
i(Π(b) )AB
µν (q) = −δ AB
T (A) dx .
0 (2π)4 (k 2 − s + iǫ)2
Proceeding as before leads to
g 2 AB 1 1 −q
i(Π(b) )AB
µν (q) = i δ T (A) − q q
µ ν − g µν q 2
log , (15.23)
32π 2 3 6 |µ2 |
and combining this result with (15.20), we find the gauge-invariant result
g 2 AB 10 −q
i(Π(b+c) )AB
µν (q) = i δ T (A) log (−gµν q 2 + qµ qν ) . (15.24)
32π 2 3 |µ2 |
Finally, adding the contribution of nf quark triplets, we arrive at the
overall result
(a+b+c) AB g 2 AB 5 4
i(Π )µν (q) = i δ T (A) − nf T (R)
16π 2 3 3
× log (−gµν q 2 + qµ qν ) . (15.25)
|µ2 |

Note. The factor which appears in (15.7) requires explanation. We con-
sider the case in which A = B = 1 and the intermediate particles are gluons
of type 2 and 3. The factor in front of the integral is
g 2 f123 f213 . (15.26)
There are no further multiplicity factors because the vertices are symmetric
for the exchange of particles 2 and 3. If we sum the amplitudes corresponding
to the other pairs of intermediate particles, we obtain a factor
X 1 X 1
g2 f1LC fL1C = g 2 f1LC fL1C = g 2 f1LC fL1C . (15.27)
2 2

Note that the factor 21 does not appear in the vacuum polarisation due
to ghosts, equation (15.23). This is because the ghost fields are complex and
the type 1 gluon can transform into two distinct pairs: ghost 2–antighost 3 or
antighost 2–ghost 3, thus giving rise to two equal amplitudes corresponding
to the 2–3 pair.


The QCD corrections to the vertex and to the fermion propagator in the
Feynman gauge are not equal to each other, in contrast to what happens in
QED. Consequently, it is necessary to calculate them individually to obtain
the charge renormalisation. In this section we demonstrate the calculation on
the basis of the Feynman diagrams shown in Figure 15.2, beginning with the
two-point function.

Figure 15.2 Renormalisation of the propagator and vertex in QCD.

Propagator correction. We denote with iΣ(p) the amplitude obtained with

the Feynman rules from Figure 15.2(a):
X λA λA Z dD k [γµ (/p + k/ + m)γ µ ]
iΣ(p) = −(g )
2 2 (2π)4 (k 2 + iǫ)[(p + k)2 − m + iǫ]
Z 1
= C(R) dx (D − 2)(1 − x)/p − mD I(s, D, 2) ,
16π 4 0


s = m2 − x(1 − x)p2 . (15.28)

Renormalising as before to a momentum value −p2 = |µ2 | >> m2 and


neglecting m, we find

g2 −p2 
iΣ(p) = −i C(R) log /p . (15.29)
16π 2 |µ2 |

Vertex correction. We denote with igΛA

µ the amplitude obtained with the
Feynman rules from Figures 15.2(b) and (c). In the first case, we obtain

3 λ λ λ
ig(Λ(b) )A
µ = (−ig) ( )
2 2 2
dD k p − k/ + m)γµ (/p′ − k/ + m)γ ν
γ ν (/ −igµν
× i . (15.30)
(2π) [(p − k) − m + iǫ][(p − k) − m + iǫ] k 2 + iǫ
4 2 2 ′ 2 2

We can reduce the product of the three λ matrices as follows. We set

= TA , (15.31)
and use the commutation rules (14.4) and the definition (14.14) to find
T B T A T B = (T B T B )T A + T B (ifABC T C ) = C(R)T A + ifABC [T B , T C ]
1 1
= C(R)T A + (ifABC ifBCL )T L = C(R)T A − Tr(Treg A L
Treg )T L
2 2
1 λA
= [C(R) − T (A)] . (15.32)
2 2
To determine the asymptotic behaviour of QCD, we are interested in the
terms which depend on the logarithm of the renormalisation point. It is easy to
confirm that, in the expansion of (15.30), a log µ2 factor appears only from the
renormalisation of formally divergent terms in the integral of (15.30), which
in its turn is associated with the term proportional to kλ kσ in the numerator
of the fermion line. Therefore, in the numerator of (15.30), we can neglect
m as well as p and p′ . Keeping in mind also that for symmetric integration
kλ kσ → 1/4k 2gλσ , we find

1 λA −ig 2
ig(Λ(b) )A
µ = [C(R) − T (A)](−ig ) γµ
2Z 2 16π 4
× dD k 2 , (15.33)
[k − m2 + iǫ][(k − q)2 − m2 + iǫ]

where, in the denominator, we have redefined k − p → k and q = p′ − p.

Proceeding as before and renormalising at the point q 2 = µ2 < 0, we
−g 2 1 −q 2 λA
ig(Λ(b) )A
µ = [C(R) − T (A)] log( ) (−ig γµ ) . (15.34)
16π 2 2 |µ2 | 2

Finally, we calculate the amplitude for the diagram of Figure 15.2(c). We

2 λ λ dD k γρ k/γλ (−igρν )(−igλσ )
ig(Λ(c) )A
µ = (−ig) ( ) i 2
2 2 (2π) (k + iǫ) [(p − k)2 + iǫ][(p′ − k)2 + iǫ]

×(−gfABC )[gµν (q+p −k)σ +gνσ (−p′ +k−p+k)µ +gσµ (p−k−q)ν ] .

The colour factors are treated as before:
λB λC 1 λL 1 λA
ifABC ( ) = ifABC ifBCL = − T (A) . (15.36)
2 2 2 2 2 2
In the numerator we again set D = 4 and consider only terms quadratic
in k. With this the numerator reduces to
γν k/γσ [−kσ gµν + 2kµ gνσ − kν gσµ ] → −3γµ k 2 , (15.37)

for symmetric integration. Introducing the Feynman parameters and putting

everything together, we find
Z 1 Z
(c) A g3 3 λA 1
ig(Λ )µ = − T (A)( ) dx dD k 2 , (15.38)
16π 4 2 2 0 (k − s + iǫ)2

s = −x(1 − x)q 2 . (15.39)

Renormalising at the point q 2 = µ2 < 0, we obtain
g2 3 −q 2 λA
ig(Λ(c) )A
µ =− 2
T (A) log( 2 ) (−ig γµ ) , (15.40)
16π 2 |µ | 2
−g 2 −q 2 λA
ig(Λ(b+c) )A
µ = [C(R) + T (A)] log( ) (−ig γµ ) . (15.41)
16π 2 |µ2 | 2


We rewrite the results found in Sections 15.1 and 15.2:
µν = iC3 log( ) δAB (gµν q 2 − qµ qν ) = iδAB (gµν q 2 − qµ qν ) (z3 − 1) ,
iΣ = −iC2 log( ) p/ = −i/p (z2 − 1) , (15.43)
p2 λA λA
µ = −C1 log( 2 ) (−ig γµ ) = (−ig γµ ) (z1 − 1) , (15.44)
µ 2 2

g2 5 4
C3 = − [ T (A) − nf T (R)] , (15.45)
16π 2 3 3
C2 = C(R) , (15.46)
16π 2
C1 = [T (A) + C(R)] . (15.47)
16π 2
The z1,2,3 are the finite renormalisation constants of the vertex, the fermion
propagator and the gluon propagator, respectively. From the considerations
of Chapter 11 we see that the effective constant which determines the renor-
malised vertex is
√ z2
gef f = g(µ) z3 . (15.48)

The effective constant depends on q 2 , p2 , (p′ )2 , i.e. on the momentum scale

at which the process occurs, because the zi depend on these physical variables.
But it should not depend on µ, which is an arbitrarily chosen value. For this
reason we have shown the renormalisation constant as a function of µ; the
dependence of g(µ) on µ must balance the dependence of µ on the zi , which
is made explicit in (15.44) and (15.47).2
Differentiating both sides of (15.48) with respect to log(µ), we find (the
equation which follows shows that the derivative of g(µ) is of order g 3 , hence
we can set zi = 1 in the first term of the right-hand side)

∂g(µ) ∂ √ z2
0= + g(µ) ( z3 ) , (15.49)
∂ log µ log µ z1
from which it follows that:
∂ √ z2 1
β(g) = −g(µ) ( z3 ) = g[ C3 + C2 − C1 ]
log µ z1 2
g 11 4
=− [ T (A) − nf T (R)] . (15.50)
16π 2 3 3
We have obtained a very important result. In the first place, the β function
found is universal, i.e. it does not depend on the specific nature of the particle
whose interaction we are observing. This property arises because even if the
ratio z2 /z1 is not equal to unity as in QED, it is nevertheless universal: in the
C2 − C1 difference the part that depends on R cancels.
Furthermore, the z can depend only on the ratio q 2 /µ2 , hence from (15.50)
2 We are repeating with different notation the arguments of Chapter 13, which lead to

the Gell–Mann and Low equation of electrodynamics.


we can obtain the behaviour of gef f as a function of the momentum scale

∂gef f 1 ∂gef f ∂ √ z2 1 ∂ √ z2
q2 2
= q = g(µ)q ( z3 ) = − g(µ)µ ( z3 )
∂q 2 ∂q ∂q z1 2 ∂µ z1
= β(gef f ) . (15.51)
From (15.50) we see—and this is the real surprise—that the QCD β func-
tion is negative, at least for not too large values of nf ; the QCD coupling
constant decreases as the momentum scale involved in the process increases.
In the limit of infinite momentum, the strong interactions transmitted by glu-
ons are switched off. The name asymptotic freedom originates here, in view of
this truly exceptional property.
In processes at very high momentum transfer, therefore, quarks and gluons,
the constituents of the proton, behave as if they were free, a characteristic
which explains the scaling laws of the deep inelastic cross sections. These
properties were experimentally observed before the development of QCD, and
until the discovery of asymptotic freedom, have been considered to be truly


16.1 The Cutkosky rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
16.2 The inelastic reaction u + ū → d + d¯ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
16.3 The case of QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
16.4 Non-Abelian gauge theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

The unitarity condition on the scattering matrix, derived in Chapter 7,

leads to a relation known as the optical theorem which connects the amplitudes
of real and virtual processes. If we write

S = 11 + iT , (16.1)

the condition that S should be a unitary matrix, equation (7.22), implies the

−i(T − T † ) = T T † . (16.2)

We take a diagonal matrix element and introduce a complete system of

states into the product of the operators. Thus we obtain
−i(< α|T |α > − < α|T † |α >) = 2Im Tαα = |Tαβ |2 . (16.3)

The left-hand side of the equation is called the absorptive part of the am-
plitude. In optics, the forward photon scattering amplitude determines the
refractive index of the medium and its imaginary component determines the
absorption length of the photon in the same material. The optical theorem
expresses the fact that absorption is determined by the inelastic production
of states different from the initial state, characterised by the set of quantum
numbers summarised by the index β in (16.3).
Representation in terms of Feynman diagrams allows us to analyse the
unitarity relation in a simple and direct way.



We consider a particular connected Feynman diagram, of a certain pertur-
bative order, which describes the elastic amplitude α → α. It can be possible
to cut a certain number of internal lines so as to disconnect the diagram and
produce two connected diagrams which describe the process α → β, where β
denotes the set of particles associated with the cut lines. If the centre of mass
energy of α allows the transition α → β, the latter represents the possible
result of an inelastic reaction which begins from the state α. Each β state of
this type corresponds to a line of singularity of the amplitude in the complex
total energy plane and the discontinuity of the elastic amplitude across the
cut is obtained with the Cutkosky rule [21].
We consider the Feynman propagator
DF (q) = N p(q) , (16.4)
q 2 − m2 + iǫ
where p is a polynomial in q, which on the mass-shell reduces to the projector
of the positive energy states of the particle

X  1
p(q) = |β >< β| = (/q + m)/2m , (16.5)

spin(β) (−gµν + qµ qν /m2 )

for the cases of spin 0, spin 21 and spin 1 with mass, respectively. N = 2m or
1 for half-integer or integer spin.
According to the Cutkosky rule:
• The discontinuity of Tαα , defined as

DiscTαα = Tαα (m2 − iǫ) − Tαα (m2 + iǫ) = 2 iImTαα , (16.6)

is obtained with the substitution

DF (q) → 2πδ (+) (q 2 − m2 ) N p(q) , (Cutkosky rule) , (16.7)

for each cut line. The superscript (+) indicates that we must take the
positive energy solution for the argument of the δ-function.
The starting point is the well known relation1
1 1
= P ( ) ∓ iπδ(x) . (16.8)
x ± iǫ x
Applied to the propagator, the above relation translates to
d4 q 2 i d4 q Np d3 q N p
D F (q, m ∓ iǫ) = P ± (1/2) . (16.9)
(2π)4 (2π)4 q 2 − m2 (2π)3 2q 0
1 P denotes the principal part of the integration in x, and the prescription ±iǫ indicates

that the pole is below or above the path of integration.


The first term, after the Wick rotation in the complex plane of q 0 which
eliminates the factor i, provides the part of the amplitude that is continuous
across the line of singularity. The second term determines the discontinuity of
the amplitude for each cut line (for a proof, see [21]).
Using this rule, it is easy to show that the optical theorem is satisfied in
the case of the internal lines listed in (16.5). In fact, given a diagram G, the
absorptive part that is obtained by cutting it according to a given class of β
states takes the form
XZ d3 qi
−iDisc[T G ] = Πi 0 Ni p(qi ) T1G (α → β)[T2G (α → β)]⋆ , (16.10)
qi (2π)3

where the index i goes on the cut lines and β denotes the other quantum
numbers of the intermediate state.
T1G and T2G are the amplitudes of two specific diagrams which give rise to
the α → β transition and it is not difficult to confirm that, summing all the
diagrams G which permit the same intermediate state, leads to the modulus
squared of the total amplitude for the transition α → β, or that
−iDisc[Tαα ] = |Tαβ |2 , (16.11)

as required.

Note. In carrying out the calculation, it is necessary to remember that, if

we denote with F the amplitude that is obtained by applying the Feynman
rules to a given diagram, we have
Fαβ = iTαβ . (16.12)
Therefore, if we denote with F̃ the result that is obtained by applying the
Cutkosky rule to F , we obtain
F̃ = iDisc T = −2 Im T , (16.13)
and the optical theorem takes the form:
−F̃αα = |Fαβ |2 . (16.14)

16.2 THE INELASTIC REACTION u + ū → d + d¯

As a first check, we can consider the fermion–antifermion annihilation pro-
cess in QED to order e4 , applying the optical theorem to the discontinuity
related to the production of a fermion–antifermion pair with a flavour differ-
ent from the initial flavour, for example u + ū → d + d. ¯ In terms of Feynman
diagrams, we must verify what is shown symbolically in Figure 16.1, where
the vertical dashed line in the diagram on the left-hand side denotes the ap-
plication of the substitution (16.7) to the cut lines in the Feynman amplitude.

Left-hand side. The Feynman rules for the left-hand side give
F = (Qu Qd )2 jµ (iΠµν )jν⋆ ,

jµ = ū(p− )γ µ v(p+ ) ,

and p− + p+ = q. Πµν is the QED vacuum polarisation tensor, calculated in

Section 12.4 starting from equation (12.41), which we recall for convenience:
1 i i
iΠµν (q) = dD p
(2π)D p2 − m2 + iǫ (p − q)2 − m2 + iǫ
× Tr γ µ (/p + m)γ ν (/p − /q + m) . (16.15)

We apply the substitution (16.7) and set D = 4 to obtain

µν 1  
iΠ̃ = d4 p (2π)2 δ (+) (p2 − m2 ) δ (+) (p − q)2 − m2 )
× Tr γ µ (/p + m)γ ν (/p − /q + m) .

The integral is manifestly Lorentz invariant, and furthermore, because of

the δ-function,

qµ Π̃µν = 0 . (16.16)

As a consequence, we set

Π̃µν = (g µν q 2 − q µ q ν )Π̃(q 2 ) , (16.17)

Figure 16.1 Contribution of the intermediate dd¯ state to the unitarity relation for
the amplitude u + ū → u + ū.

from which it follows that

iΠ̃(q 2 ) = 2 gµν iΠ̃µν
1 4(q 2 + 2m2 )  
= 2 2
d4 p δ (+) (p2 − m2 ) δ (+) (p − q)2 − m2 )
(2π) 3q
1 q + 2m2
= β , (16.18)
6π q2
where β = 1 − q 2 /4m2 is the velocity of the final fermion in the centre of
mass frame.
In conclusion, taking the limit m = 0, as we have done in the calculations
up to now, and using conservation of the current jµ we find2
e4 e4
F̃ = 4
(Qu Qd )2 (iΠ̃)(−q 2 j · j⋆ ) = − (Qu Qd )2 j · j⋆ . (16.19)
q 6πq 2
We obtain the same result starting from the outcome of the full calculation
of Πµν , equation (15.6). With obvious substitutions we find
i Πµν (q) = (g µν q 2 − q µ q ν )iΠ(q 2 ) ,
Z 1  2 
1 m − x(1 − x)q 2 − iǫ
iΠ(q 2 ) = i dx x(1 − x) log
2π 2 0 m2 + x(1 − x)|µ|2
1 −q − iǫ
→i log , (16.20)
12π 2 |µ|2
e4 e4
Tαα = −iF = 4
(Qu Qd )2 jµ Πµν jν⋆ = − 2 (Qu Qd )2 Π(q 2 )j · j⋆ . (16.21)
q q
The logarithm in (16.20) is an analytic function of q 2 , with a cut along the
real axis of q 2 for q 2 > 4m2 . The discontinuity is across the cut and given by
h i
−iDisc Π(q 2 ) = −i Π(a) (q 2 + iǫ) − Π(a) (q 2 − iǫ) . (16.22)

Since ln(z) = ln(|z|) + iArg(z) e Arg[−q 2 − iǫ] = −π, we find

−iDisc Π = −2π ,
2 Im Tαα = −iDisc Tαα = −(−2π) (Qu Qd )2 j · j∗
12π 2 q 2
= (Qu Qd )2 j · j⋆ = −F̃ , (16.23)
6πq 2
in agreement with (16.13), providing a nice check of the Cutkosky rule.
2 Note that in the centre-of-mass frame, ∂ µ jµ = 0 implies j0 = 0.

The right-hand side. We denote the momenta of the outgoing quark and
antiquark as p1,2 , and then
X Z 3
d p1 d3 p2 m2
|T (α → β)|2 = 6
(2π)4 δ (4) (Pin − Pf in ) 0 0 |F (α → β)|2 ,
(2π) p1 p2
f in
2 e4 (Qu Qd )2 ⋆ /2 − m µ p
p /1 + m ν
|F (α → β)| = (jµ jν )Tr γ γ . (16.24)
q4 2m 2m

Easy steps (see for example [1]) lead, for m = 0, to

X e4
|T (α → β)|2 = (Qu Qd )2 j · j⋆ , (16.25)
6πq 2
f in

which agrees with (16.23).


The Cutkosky rule is not sufficient to prove the unitarity of theories which
contain gauge fields, because the numerator p(q) in (16.4) depends on the
gauge. We consider here the case of QED in the Feynman gauge, in which the
propagator is given by
−ig µν
DF (q)µν = . (16.26)
q 2 + iǫ
The relationship between −g µν and the projector onto the two photon
states with helicity −g µν was discussed in Chapter 5.
We denote the spatial part of q µ as q and introduce the two purely spatial
polarisation vectors, ǫ1,2(q)µ , orthogonal to q. The projectors of the physical
P µν = ǫi (q)µ (ǫi (q)ν )⋆ , (16.27)

project onto the plane orthogonal to q. To obtain a complete system we intro-

duce a purely timelike vector, nµ = (0, 1), and the unit vector q/|q|, defining

q µ − q 0 nµ
vµ = . (16.28)
The completeness relation can therefore be written as
X vµ vν
−g µν = ǫi (q)µ (ǫi (q)µ )⋆ + − nµ nν
qµqν q µ nν + nµ q ν nµ nν
= P µν + 2
− q0 2
+ q2 , (16.29)
|q| |q| |q|2

where q 2 = (q 0 )2 − |q|2 .
If we substitute this relation into the Cutkosky rule, (16.7), the fourth
term vanishes, because q 2 δ(q 2 ) = 0, but the second and third terms in (16.29)
appear to disrupt the unitarity relation, which is saturated by the transverse
projector, P µν , alone. However, we can prove that these extra terms also make
zero contribution since
• the photon is coupled to a conserved current,
• QED is a commutative (i.e. Abelian) gauge theory.

Proof. We consider the simple case of the intermediate state of two photons.
Figure 16.2 shows the two diagrams which correspond to the two possible ways
in which a photon with 4-momentum q coupled to the charge QA can end on a
fermion line, together with a second photon with fixed 4-momentum coupled
to QB . If in place of the photon polarisation we set q µ , as occurs in the second
or third term of (16.29), we find, associated with the second fermion line, the
i i
A = ū(p′ )QB /ǫ QA /qu(p) + ū(p′ )QA /q ′ QB /ǫ . (16.30)
p +
/ / q − m p
/ − /−m

Alternatively, we write /q = (/p + /q−m)−(/p−m) = (/p′ −m)−(/p′ − /q−m) and

use the equation of motion on the external spinors to find, for any polarisation
ǫ, of the second photon

A = iū(p′ )QB QA /ǫu(p) − iū(p′ )QA QB /ǫu(p) = 0 , (16.31)

since QA = QB = e.
This simple example is easily generalised and shows that, because the

Figure 16.2 The two diagrams correspond to the ways in which a photon with 4-
momentum q coupled to the charge QA can end on a fermion line, together with a
second photon with fixed 4-momentum coupled to QB .

second and third terms in (16.29) contain at least one factor q µ or q ν , we can
substitute −gµν → P µν in the Cutkosky rule and unitarity is satisfied in QED
after having summed over the ways in which a given photon is coupled to the
lines representing the charged particles.


The argument found in QED obviously does not apply to Yang–Mills theo-
ries, in particular QCD, because the charges do not commute with each other.
The previous result shows, however, in which direction to go; the result found
in (16.31) could be cancelled by a contribution connected to the commuta-
tor of the two charges. This is actually required by the fact that the gluons
themselves are charged, in contrast to the photon. In addition to diagrams in
which the gluon ends on a fermion line, we must consider those in which the
gluon ends on all possible gluon lines. The question of unitarity of the one-
loop amplitudes in an exact Yang–Mills theory was considered for the first
time by Feynman [19]. The surprising result obtained by Feynman is that the
additional terms in the completeness relation (16.29) do not vanish even when
including the diagrams related to the couplings with three gluons, when one
considers loops made by gluons only. However Feynman proved that unitarity
could be satisfied by introducing, for each gluon loop, a loop of anticommut-
ing scalar fields, also massless. The justification given by Feynman is that the
additional contribution is necessary to completely cancel the contribution of
the spurious polarisations introduced by the gauge. These scalar fields do not
satisfy the spin-statistics theorem and cannot appear in the external states
since they should be associated with a negative metric, denoted in quantum
mechanics by the name ghost3 .
As we saw in Section 14.3, the need for ghosts arises independently from
the argument of Faddeev and Popov, as a necessary step to fix the gauge in
the formulation of QCD by means of the Feynman integral. In the Feynman
gauge, the Faddeev–Popov ghosts are in fact the scalar fields hypothesised by
Feynman to restore the unitarity of the amplitudes. The argument of Feynman
provides an illuminating physical basis for the abstract argument of Faddeev
and Popov.
To analyse the situation, we consider the simple case of the discontinuity
linked to two gluon intermediate states in the fermion–antifermion annihila-
tion u + ū → u + ū.
To calculate the discontinuity in the elastic amplitude, it is helpful first
to assemble the terms of the total amplitudes u + ū → gluon + gluon and
gluon + gluon → u + ū, and then calculate the discontinuity (see, for example,
The amplitude u + ū → gluon + gluon is described by the diagrams (A),
3 Feynman was interested in the Yang–Mills theory as a simple prototype for quantum

gravity, later studied by De Witt [20], who also demonstrated the need of ghost fields in
the quantisation of gravity.

(B) and (C) in Figure 16.3. The resulting amplitude is

λA µ i λB ν
Mµν +
AB (q1 , q2 ) = v̄(p )(−ig) γ − (−ig) γ u(p− )
2 /p − /q2 2
λB µ i λA
+ v̄(p+ )(−ig) γ − (−ig) γ ν u(p− )
2 /p − /q1 2
λC ρ −igρσ
+ v̄(p+ )(−ig) γ u(p− ) 2 iΓσµν
CAB (q, −q1 , −q2 ) , (16.32)
2 q
where Γ is the three-gluon vertex given in (14.51). We use the centre of mass
of the reaction, and p∓ are the momenta of the quark and antiquark, with
p− + p+ = q1 + q2 = q . (16.33)
In what follows, we also set jµA = ψ̄(−ig)(λA /2)γµ ψ and recall that, in this
reference frame, two further relations hold
< 0|j0A |uū > = 0 , (conservation of the current) , (16.34)
< 0|j3A |uū >=0 , (massless fermions) . (16.35)
Subsequently, denoting the amplitude for gluon + gluon → u + ū as NED ,
leads to
ρσ λE i λD ν
NED (q1 , q2 ) = ū(p− )(−ig) γ µ − (−ig) γ v(p+ )
2 /p − /q2 2
λD µ i λE
+ ū(p− )(−ig) γ − (−ig) γ ν v(p+ )
2 / − /q1
p 2
−igαβ λL
+ iΓρασ
DLE (q1 , −q, −q2) 2
ū(p− )(−ig) γ β v(p+ ) . (16.36)
q 2
The following relations are immediately obtained
1 + λ
Mµν 2
AB (q1 , q2 )(q1 )µ = −(−ig) fABC (q 2 ) ν v̄(p ) −
/q u(p ) , (16.37)
q2 2 1
1 + λ
Mµν 2
AB (q1 , q2 )(q2 )ν = +(−ig) fABC (q1 )µ v̄(p ) −
/q u(p ) , (16.38)
q2 2 2

Figure 16.3 Contribution of two gluon intermediate states to the unitarity relation
for the amplitude of fermion–antifermion annihilation.

and, similarly,

ρσ 1 λC
NDE (q1 , q2 )(q1 )ρ = +(−ig)2 fDEL 2
(q2 )σ ū(p− ) /q v(p+) , (16.39)
q 2 1
ρσ 1 λC
NDE (q1 , q2 )(q2 )σ = −(−ig)2 fDEL 2
(q1 )ρ ū(p− ) /q1 v(p+ ) . (16.40)
q 2
We can now discuss the unitarity relation, illustrated in Figure 16.4. We
calculate the discontinuity in the elastic amplitude due to the two-gluon in-
termediate state, Figure 16.4(a). Applying the Cutkosky rule to the gluon
propagators, we have
−Disc M = − dΩ Mµν AB (−gµρ )(−gνσ )N
, (16.41)
where we have denoted with dΩ the integration measure of the phase space of
the two gluons
1 1 d3 q1 d3 q2 4 1
dΩ = 0 3 0 3
(2π) δ(q − q1 − q2 ) , dΩ = , (16.42)
2 2 2q1 (2π) 2q2 (2π) 8π

and included a factor 21 for the identical particles.

We furthermore decompose each factor −gµν into transverse, longitudinal
and time components according to (16.29)
q n
−gµν = Pµν + Pµν + Pµν ,

q qµ qν n qµ nν + nµ qν
Pµν = , Pµν =− , (16.43)
|q|2 |q|

where P is the projector on the transverse states and nµ is the unit vector in
the time direction.
The term with P ⊗P reproduces the right-hand side of the optical theorem,
as shown in Figure 16.4. Therefore we must check if the sum of the other terms
vanishes or not. On the basis of (16.37)–(16.40) we note that:
• terms with P (1) ⊗ [P q (2) + P n (2)], [P (1)q + P n (1)] ⊗ P (2) give zero
contributions, because the amplitudes vanish if they are multiplied by
ǫ(1)q2 , or q1 ǫ(2);
• the terms in P q (1) ⊗ P q (2) or [P q (1) ⊗ P n (2) + P n (1) ⊗ P q (2)] similarly
vanish because the amplitudes give zero if multiplied by q1 q2 ;
• potentially damaging terms arise from the product P n (1) ⊗ P n (2) and
give exactly [n(1)q2 ⊗ q1 n(2) + q1 n(2) ⊗ n(1)q2 ].

Figure 16.4 The contribution of the intermediate ghost state must be added to the
intermediate state of two gluons in order for the fermion–antifermion annihilation
amplitude to satisfy the unitarity condition.

The potential anomaly is therefore

∆=− dΩ {[Mµν ρσ
AB nµ (q2 )ν ] · [(q1 )ρ nσ NAB ]
+ [Mµν ρσ
AB (q1 )µ nν ] · [nρ (q2 )σ NAB ]} . (16.44)

The two terms differ in the exchange of 1 ↔ 2 and are therefore equal; we
can take one of them and cancel the factor 12 for identical particles.
Using the explicit expressions (16.38) and (16.39), we find
g4 g 4 T (A) A A⋆
∆ = − dΩ 4 jiC jjL fABC fABL (q2 )i (q1 )j = j j = 6 0 . (16.45)
q 32π 3q 2
The discontinuity due to the ghosts, however, is also associated with the
cut of the two gluons, Figure 16.4(b). For the contribution of this discontinuity
we find
g 2 A B⋆
∆ghost = j j [−iDisc(Π(b) )µν
AB ]
q4 µ ν
g 4 T (A) A µν A⋆
=+ (j g jν ) (16.46)
32π 3q 2 µ
g 4 T (A) A A⋆
=− j ·j ,
32π 3q 2
and so we arrive at the expected result

∆ + ∆ghost = 0 . (16.47)

17.1 The determination of αs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
17.2 The Landau pole and the continuum limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
17.3 Effective constants of the Standard Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
17.4 Grand unification and other hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

In this chapter, we would like to deepen the concept of the running cou-
pling constant and discuss how this has led to the first ideas for a complete
unification of the gauge forces, excluding gravity, or what is known as grand


The constant αs is introduced in analogy with QED, starting from (15.48),
to characterise the strength of the QCD interaction
gef f
αs = . (17.1)

Equation (15.51) determines the variation of αs as a function of the mo-
mentum scale. We define
2 b 3 1 11 4
t = log q , β(g) = g , b=− T (A) − nf T (R) , (17.2)
4π 4π 3 3

and rewrite the equation as

2dgef f b
3 = dt , (17.3)
gef f 4π


4π 1
d(− 2 ) = d(− α ) = b dt , (17.4)
gef f s

from which, integrating from a reference momentum, µ2 , up to q 2 ,

1 1 q2
= − b ln , (17.5)
αs (q 2 ) αs (µ2 ) µ2
αs (µ2 )
αs (q 2 ) = q2
. (17.6)
1 − bαs (µ2 ) ln µ2

Equation (17.6) defines the running coupling constant, the coupling con-
stant appropriate to describe phenomena at the scale q 2 , in terms of the con-
stant defined at a fixed scale µ2 . As q 2 grows, the running constant decreases
or increases according to whether b < 0 (QCD, asymptotic freedom) or b > 0
In QCD, because the coupling can be small but not vanishing, we can
use perturbation theory to determine the deviations from the scaling rules
for q 2 > 1 GeV2 where the scaling laws begin to be approximately valid.
Measurements of these deviations have been carried out at high-energy accel-
erators, in particular at SLAC, CERN, the DESY laboratory in Hamburg and
at Fermilab, near Chicago. In this way, it has been possible to determine the
behaviour of αs as a function of q 2 , to be compared with the predictions of
QCD, represented by the lowest-order result (17.6) or more precise estimates
at higher orders; see Figure 15.1 [23, 24]).


The casePb > 0 applies to QED,1 as seen from (15.50) by setting T (A) = 0,
nf T (R) = Q2i , where Qi are the electric charges of the charged fermions,
quarks and leptons, in units of the proton charge
1 X 2
bQED = + Qi . (17.7)
3π i

As noted by Landau, equation (17.6) in the case b = bQED > 0 presents a

paradoxical aspect of the growth of q 2 : the denominator vanishes for a finite
value of q 2 . For this value, the running constant encounters a singularity, the
Landau pole, beyond which α(q 2 ) would become negative and, correspond-
ingly, the theory would become unstable. The value of q 2 corresponding to
1 We restrict ourselves for the present to energies below the threshold for production of

charged intermediate bosons.


Figure 17.1 On the left, a compilation of values of αs at the fixed scale of the
mass of the Z 0 , obtained from several different processes. On the right is shown the
theoretical variation of αs (q 2 ) compared with available experimental information
(Dissertori and Salam in the Particle Data Group 2014 [23]; the figure is a redrawing
of the original in [24]).

the Landau pole therefore represents a limit to the validity of the theory,
commonly known as a cutoff, beyond which the integrations over momentum
cannot be continued.
Another way of expressing the same problem is by writing the low-energy
constant in terms of the scale limit of validity of QED at high energy, q 2 = Λ2 .
This should be the case for a QED formulated on a space-time lattice with
finite spacing, a = 1/Λ:

α(Λ2 )
α(µ2 ) = 2 . (17.8)
1 + α(Λ2 )bQED ln Λ

The continuum theory is obtained in the limit of zero lattice spacing,

Λ = 1/a → +∞.
In the neighbourhood of the Landau pole, α(Λ2 ) is large and equation
(17.8) predicts
α(µ2 ) ≈ 2 . (17.9)
bQED ln Λ

Thus, in the Λ → ∞ limit, the coupling tends to zero, implying that in

the continuum limit, QED exists only as a free theory.
The opposite case is that of an asymptotically free theory, like QCD. If we

formulate QCD at the level of a finite lattice, the lattice coupling constant,
αs (Λ2 ), is obtained from (17.6):
αs (µ2 ) 1
αs (Λ2 ) = Λ2
∼ 1 , (17.10)
1 + |b|αs (µ ) ln µ2 |b| ln( (aµ) 2)

− |b|α 1(Λ2 )
(aµ)2 = e s . (17.11)

The continuum limit does not give rise to pathologies, at least in this
approximation, and it corresponds to allowing the lattice constant to tend to
zero, with µ constant.


The Standard Theory is based on the gauge group SU (3)colour ⊗ SU (2)L ⊗
U (1)Y , characterised by three coupling constants, gs , gW and g ′ , respectively;
see [2]. The electroweak constants are connected to the electric charge by the

e = gW sin θ = g ′ cos θ , (17.12)

where θ is the electroweak mixing angle introduced by Glashow, Weinberg

and Salam [2], see Chapter 18.
The fermion interactions are identified by the quantum numbers shown in
the schemes of (14.21) and (14.23).
Considering one generation, we have
• colour: six quark triplets;
• SU (2)L : a quark doublet (e.g. u, d) in three colours and one left-handed
doublet of leptons.
The charge associated with the U (1)Y interaction is conventionally denoted
as 21 Y and is connected to the electric charge and weak isospin by the relation
Q = T3 + Y , (17.13)
valid separately for left- and right-handed fields.
To calculate the β function of the three interactions, we must take into
• some results valid for an SU (N ) group with fundamental representation
N (see problems 1 and 2);

T (A) = N , (SU (N ), N ≥ 2) ,
T (N ) = , (Dirac fermions) ; (17.14)

• that the contribution to the β function of a chiral, left- or right-handed,

fermion is 12 the contribution of a Dirac fermion

T (N )chiral = , (chiral fermions) . (17.15)

Putting everything together, starting from the formula (17.2), we find:

gs3 1 4
β(gs ) = bs , bs = − (11 − ngen ) , (17.16)
4π 4π 3
g3 1 22 4
β(gW ) = W bW , bW = − ( − ngen ) , (17.17)
4π 4π 3 3
(g ′ 3
) 1 2 X YL 2 X YR 2
β(g ′ ) = bY , bY = + ( | | + | | )ngen
4π 4π 3 2 2
1 20
= + ( )ngen , (17.18)
4π 9
where, for each generation
X YL 2 X YR 8
| |2 = , | |2 = . (17.19)
2 3 2 3
Repeating, with obvious redefinition of the constants, the procedure of
(17.6) and using MZ2 as the subtraction point, we find, for q 2 >> MZ2

1 1 1 4 q2
= + (11 − n gen ) ln( ), (17.20)
αs (q 2 ) αs (MZ2 ) 4π 3 MZ2
1 1 1 22 4 q2
= 2 + ( − ngen ) ln( 2 ) , (17.21)
αW (q ) αW (MZ ) 4π 3 3 MZ
1 1 1 20 q2
= − ( )ngen ln( 2 ) . (17.22)
α′ (q 2 ) α′ (MZ2 ) 4π 9 MZ

From relations (17.12) it follows that

1 1 sin2 θ cos2 θ 1
+ ′ = + = , (17.23)
αW α α α α
and hence the running electromagnetic constant is obtained simply by sum-
ming equations (17.21) and (17.22). Thus we obtain

1 1 1 11 8 q2
= − (− + n gen ) ln( ). (17.24)
α(q 2 ) α(MZ2 ) 3π 2 3 MZ2

The term proportional to ngen reproduces the traditional formula for the
QED β function, (17.7), with, in addition, the negative contribution of the
charged vector boson, W ± .
Equations (17.20)–(17.24) allow extrapolation of the running constants to

energies much higher than those explored experimentally, at least up to regions

in which new particles, in addition to those required by the Standard Theory,
could be produced. Strictly speaking, taking MZ as the renormalisation point
we are still in a non-asymptotic energy region compared to the masses of the Z,
W and the top quark. Corrections can be made, by calculating the evolution
of the constants with equations in which contributions of particles below their
production threshold are suppressed and repositioning the subtraction point to
an energy, e.g. 2mtop , at which we enter the asymptotic region for all particles
of the Standard Theory. These corrections are almost irrelevant, however,
because of the logarithmic dependence which, to be significant, requires energy
variations of orders of magnitude, rather than simple factors of 2−4. A further
correction is the contribution of the scalar Higgs electroweak doublet, which
would be operative above the Higgs boson threshold. We leave as an exercise
to the reader the computation of this numerically negligible contribution.
Figure 17.2 shows the high-energy behaviour of the effective constants,
α, αW , αs , starting from MZ , extrapolating to 2mtop with the procedure de-
scribed, and applying equations (17.20), (17.21) and (17.24) above 2mtop , up
to 10 TeV, which is the region that will be explored with the next generation
of particle accelerators.

Fundamental conjugate representations of SU (N ). The generators of

the fundamental representation of SU (N ) are constructed with Hermitian
N × N matrices which generalise the Pauli and Gell–Mann matrices (see [2])
and which have matrix elements different from zero only for a given pair of
row and column indices:

(λ(l̄m̄) )ij = λδl̄i δm̄j + λ∗ δl̄j δm̄i , 6 m, λ = 1, i ,

l= (17.25)

or are diagonal matrices with zero trace.

The number of independent diagonal matrices with zero trace is N − 1
while the number of non-diagonal elements with i < j is N (N − 1)/2. The
number of generators of SU (N ) is therefore equal to N 2 − 1. The λ matrices
are usually normalised as

Tr(λA λB ) = 2δ AB , A, B = 1, · · · , N 2 − 1 , (17.26)

and the generators of SU (N ) are

1 A
(tA (N ))ij = λ , A, B = 1, · · · , N 2 − 1 , representation N . (17.27)
The complex conjugate representation, which for N > 2 is non-equivalent
to the representation N , is usually denoted as N̄ . Its generators are given by
tA (N̄ ) = −(tA (N ))T = − (λA )T , A, B = 1, · · · , N 2 −1 , representation N̄ .

Figure 17.2 High-energy behaviour of the effective constants, α, αW and αs starting

from MZ , extrapolating to 2mtop with the procedure described in the text and
applying the renormalisation group equations above 2mtop . The points represent
the values of the constants at MZ , at the vector boson threshold, 2MZ , and for
t–t̄ pair production, 2mt . The vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field, which
defines the energy scale of the Standard Theory, is also shown.

One way to derive this result is to start from the transformation rule for
an element, qi , of N :

qi → (q ′ )i = (1 − iǫA tA )ji qj , (17.29)

with ǫA infinitesimal parameters. We take the complex conjugate and obtain

qi∗ → (q ′ )∗i = [(1 − iǫA tA )ji ]∗ qj∗ = (1 + iǫA tA )ij qj∗ , (17.30)

where we have used the hermiticity of tA . Therefore, if we define by q̄ i the

element of N which transforms as qi∗ , we find
(q̄ ′ )j = (1 + iǫA tA )ij q̄ j = 1 − iǫA (−tA )T q̄ , (17.31)

which leads to (17.28).

We now consider the tensor product N ⊗ N̄ , the tensors with two indices,
Tij , which transform like the product q̄ j qi :

(T ′ )ji = (1 − iǫA tA )ki (1 + iǫA tA )jh Tkh = Tkh (1 + iǫA tA )jh (1 − iǫA tA )ki . (17.32)

If we set i = j and sum, the equation becomes

(T ′ )ii = Tkh [(1 + iǫA tA )(1 − iǫA tA )]kh = Thh , (17.33)

which proves that the trace of the tensor is invariant.

The N ⊗ N representation, with dimensions equal to N 2 , decomposes into
a singlet, dimension 1, and an irreducible representation of dimension N 2 − 1,
which is easily recognised to be the regular representation of the group. Using
the previous result, we can therefore obtain an explicit representation of the
generators of the regular representation:
1 1
T A = ( λA ) ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ (− λA )T . (17.34)
2 2

Problem 1. In the SU (2) group, the infinitesimal generators in the fun-

damental representation (spinor representation, spin 12 ) and in the regular
representation (spin 1) are constructed with the Pauli matrices and with the
completely antisymmetric tensor:
1 i
(ti )ab = (τ )ab , a, b = 1, 2, i = 1, 2, 3 ,
(T i )jk = −iǫjik , i, j, k = 1, 2, 3 . (17.35)

Prove that
Tr(ti tj ) = T (2)δij = δij ; Tr(T i T j ) = T (A)δij = 2δij . (17.36)

Problem 2. Prove that for the SU (N ) group, the relations shown in (17.14)
T (A) = N , T (N ) = . (17.37)


The success of the Standard Theory has produced a first, very important,
unification of the forces acting at nuclear and subnuclear level; the three in-
teractions, strong, electromagnetic and weak, are all derived from gauge sym-
metries. The differences are due to a phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry
breaking, which introduces a mass scale below which the weak interactions
freeze into Fermi interactions, and gives a real difference in strength between
the electroweak constants, g, g ′ and gs , Figure 17.2.
After the pioneering works of Pati and Salam [25], the hypothesis that the
gauge group of the Standard Theory arises from a simple group, and that the
differences between the three interactions are due to a spontaneous breaking
of symmetry at energies higher than the electroweak level, was put forward

in 1974 by Georgi and Glashow, who proposed [26] the first theory of grand
unification based on the SU (5) group (for a summary of grand unification
theories see, for example, [27]).
The group SU (5) is the minimal symmetry group which contains the Stan-
dard Theory, according to the scheme

SU (5) ⊃ SU (3)color ⊗ SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y , (17.38)

and which allows complex representations capable of describing the observed

chiral fermions.
It is useful to describe all the fermions with chiral left-handed fields. In this
case, instead of fields associated, for example, with the right-handed electron,
we consider2 the field associated with its antiparticle, the left-handed positron
(ec )L and similarly the fields associated with uR and dR are substituted by
(uc )L and (dc )L . The extraordinary feature of SU (5) is that we can include all
the observed fermions from one generation in two irreducible representations:
 
5: e  , 1, 2, 3 = colour indices , (17.39)
(dc )1,2,3

 
0 ec d1 d2 d3
 0 u1 u2 u3 
 
¯ = [5̄ ⊗ 5̄]
10 antisymmetric tensor : 
 0 (uc )3 −(uc )2 .

 0 (uc )1 

The multiplet 5 ⊕ 10¯ contains only the left-handed neutrino. Among the
numerous extensions of SU (5), the simplest one is based on the group O(10) ⊃
SU (5) ⊗ U (1), which has the complex representation
¯ ⊕ 1]SU(5) ,
16O(10) = [5 ⊕ 10 (17.41)

allowing us to add a right-handed neutrino.

The SU (5) group predicts 24 vector bosons, which include:
• eight SU (3)colour gluons;
• four SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y vector bosons: W ± , Z 0 and the photon;
• six additional vector bosons, SU (2)L doublets and colour triplets:
(−1/3) (−4/3) (+4/3,+1/3)
Xi , Xi and their antiparticles, X̄i .
2 The suffix c denotes the charge conjugate field.

The X bosons must be very heavy, because they mediate transitions, inside
¯ which violate baryon number conservation. The transitions shown
5 and 10,
in Figure 17.3 lead to the reactions

u + d → e+ + ū , or (uud) → e+ + ūu , (17.42)

which would manifest themselves in proton decay

p → e+ + π 0 . (17.43)

Figure 17.3 In the grand unification theory based on the SU (5) group, amplitudes
involving the exchange of intermediate bosons X (see text) do not obey baryon
number conservation.

The decay rate of (17.43) is inversely proportional to MX and hence can
be made sufficiently small to satisfy the very strict limits which already ex-
isted in 1974, requiring mass values MX ∼ 1015 GeV, which are extremely
high compared to the scale of electroweak energies. Given the logarithmic de-
pendence of (17.20)–(17.24), such an elevated mass is consistent with the vast
energy interval which must exist between the electroweak and grand unifica-
tion scales, to allow the constants g, g ′ and gs to converge to the common
value required by grand unification.
To obtain a quantitative estimate, we must examine the form of the elec-
troweak interactions at the grand unification scale, q 2 ∼ MX2
We consider the fermions of 5. The GUT interaction takes the standard
Yang–Mills form
λA µ A
LI = F̄ gGUT γ Vµ F

λ µ i τ3 µ 3 Y
= F̄ gs γ gµ + g γ Wµ + g ′ γ µ Bµ + · · · F ,
2 2 2
A = 1, · · · , 24 , i = 1, · · · , 8 , (17.44)

where we have separated the interactions with the vector bosons of the Stan-
dard Theory, gluons, W 3 and B, and the dots denote interactions with all the
other vector bosons. We see from (17.44) that the gluons and W 3 are coupled
with matrices which have the same normalisation as the SU (5) interactions.
Therefore we expect that

αs (q 2 ), αW (q 2 ) → αGU T , for q 2 → MGU

T . (17.45)

Conversely, on 5,
 2  2
Y 5 5 1 5 τ3
Tr = = × = Tr . (17.46)
2 6 3 2 3 2

Hence, we expect
α′ (q 2 ) → αGU T , for q 2 → MGU
T , (17.47)
so as to reproduce an interaction normalised to the GUT interactions.3 More
simply, we can calculate the evolution in q 2 of αs , αW and 53 α′ and see if they
converge to the same value for any q 2 , which would indicate the point of grand
The continuation of Figure 17.2 to very high energy is shown in Figure 17.4
and shows a surprising convergence of the constants, for energies which are of
the order required by the stability of the proton.
The tendency of the constants to converge towards similar values at very
high energy is a striking piece of evidence in favour of grand unification.
The absence of convergence at a single point, shown by Figure 17.4, has
given rise to numerous studies—for example, on the effect of higher orders
on the evolution of the coupling constants, and on possible extensions to
the grand unification group—as well as to conjectures about the existence
of phenomena beyond the Standard Theory occurring at accessible energies,
which would change the extrapolation of the constants to high energy.
Several authors, from about the year 2000 onward, noticed that conver-
gence to a grand unification point would be considerably improved by as-
suming that, at energies of order4 of 1 TeV, particles predicted by a new
symmetry, supersymmetry, which connects particles of different spins, were to
be produced. Up to now there has been no sign of the presence of such parti-
cles up to masses of 500–600 GeV. Supersymmetric particles will be searched
for more intensively in the coming years in collisions at the CERN Large
Hadron Collider up to the maximum energy and luminosity accessible, with
a discovery potential of order 2–3 TeV.
3 It ¯
is easily seen that the same scaling factor is obtained by considering 10.
41 TeV = 1000 GeV = 1012 eV.

Figure 17.4 The extremely high-energy behaviour of the coupling constants of the
Standard Theory with only the observed three generations of quarks and leptons
shows an approximate convergence to the values required by SU (5) grand unification
at a mass scale MGU T ∼ 1015 GeV.

The exploration of the whole region in which it is suspected that super-

symmetric channels could open requires a further generation of particle accel-
erators, currently in the study phase in Europe, the United States, Japan and

The search for proton decay. The search for proton instability was carried
out, in the 1970s and 1980s, with huge detectors in underground laboratories,
shielded by thick layers of rock from the background produced by cosmic rays,
like Kamiokande and SuperKamiokande in Japan and IMB in the United
States. These searches did not produce positive results and have extended
the limits on the proton lifetime, in particular of the decay mode (17.43), to
extreme values compared to what is possible with this type of experiment.
The present limit from SuperKamiokande is [23]
> 8.2 · 1033 years . (17.48)
B(p → e+ π 0 )

The problem of compatibility of such large values with the predictions of

grand unified theories is still open (see again [27]).


18.1 Scalar fields in the Standard Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
18.2 Limits on the mass of the Higgs boson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Scalar fields are a central element of the unified electroweak theory, in that
they make possible the spontaneous breaking of the SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y gauge
symmetry required to give rise to the masses of quarks, leptons and vector
fields, cf. [2].
In this chapter we study the limits on the masses of these scalars, which
are obtained from the condition that the theory remains stable up to a cer-
tain energy scale, for example, the grand unification energy or the energy
characteristic of gravitation.
Max Planck was the first to observe that Newton’s constant, which defines
the strength of gravitational forces, combined with the universal constants
of Relativity, the velocity of light c, and Quantum theory, the quantum of
action, ~, leads to an energy scale which is extraordinarily large with respect
to the typical energies encountered in atomic and nuclear physics. This is
the so-called Planck mass, which, in natural units is MPlanck = GN =
1.2 · 10 GeV.
Lev Landau speculated that the onset of quantum gravity at the Planck
mass could naturally provide a finite cut-off to cure the so-called triviality
problem of QED he had discovered; see the discussion of the Landau pole,
Section 17.2.


To trigger the spontaneous symmetry breaking, a doublet of complex scalar
fields with Y = +1 is inserted into the Standard Theory
 +  φ1√
φ 2
φ= = . (18.1)
φ0 φ0√


The self-interaction of the scalar fields is described by a renormalisable

potential similar to that introduced in (8.1)

Ls (φ, ∂µ φ) = ∂φ†µ ∂ µ φ − V (φ) , (18.2)

λ † 2 1 λ
V (φ) = m2 φ† φ + (φ φ) = m2 (φi φi ) + (φi φi )2 , (18.3)
6 2 4!
where the sum over repeated indices, i = 0, · · · 3, is understood. The La-
grangian (18.2) allows a global symmetry under O(4) ⊃ SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y .
The symmetry under SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y is promoted to a local symmetry with
the minimal substitution
τ 1
i∂µ → iDµ = i∂µ + g Wµ + g ′ Bµ = i∂µ + g A tA WµA , (18.4)
2 2
and the addition of the relevant Yang–Mills tensors
LY M−EW = − (Wµν W µν + Bµν B µν ) . (18.5)
Among the interactions of φ with the vector fields, we note the quartic
(seagull) interaction:
1 †  A A B B
L(4) = φ g t , g t φ W A,µ WµB , (18.6)
which, added to LY M , corresponds to giving the vector bosons a mass depen-
dent on φ

MAB (φ) = φ† g A tA , g B tB φ . (18.7)

The interaction of scalar fields with quarks and leptons is described by

couplings without derivatives (Yukawa couplings), made possible by the fact
that the scalar doublet allows a symmetric coupling of the left-handed fermion
doublets, quarks and leptons, to the right-handed singlets, cf. Section 14.2. In
this way, in the presence of spontaneous breaking, the masses and mixing
angles of fermions of the Standard Theory [2] are generated.
Yukawa couplings are proportional to fermion masses, so the most impor-
tant one, by far, is the coupling of the heaviest quark, the t quark, which is
the only one we will consider.

Lt = gt t̄R φ0 tL − φ+ bL + h.c. (18.8)

In what follows, we will focus on the gauge theory based on SU (3)c ⊗

SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y , restricted to scalar fields (colour singlets) and the set of
(t, b)L , tR and bR (colour triplets), interacting with each other and with the

gauge fields.1 The corresponding Lagrangian, cf. [2], is obtained from (14.17)
and (14.20), specialised to the gauge group of the Standard Model, to the
scalar matter fields and to third-generation quarks, (14.21), with the addition
of (18.3) and (18.8)

L = Lgauge − V (φ) + Lt . (18.9)

Spontaneous symmetry breaking. For m2 < 0, the potential (18.3) has a

minimum for φ = 6 0 and the Higgs field acquires a non-zero vacuum expectation
value. With suitable definitions, we can choose the minimum of the potential
for real φ0 with the other components equal to zero
0 φ0 −3m2
h0|φ |0i = h0| √ |0i = =η= 6 0. (18.10)
2 λ

Under these conditions, we write

φ= 2 , (18.11)
σ φ3
η + √2 − i √ 2

and expand the total Lagrangian (scalar, vector and quark fields) in powers
of the quantum fields, σ and φi (i = 1, 2, 3).
The expansion of the potential (18.3) around the minimum, (18.10), gives

λ 1 2 λη X λ X
V = − η 4 + ( λη 2 )σ 2 + √ σ(σ 2 + φ2i ) + (σ 2 + φ2i )2 . (18.12)
6 2 3 3 2 i
4! i

We note:
• the absence of terms linear in the fields, since we have expanded around
a minimum;
P 2
• the absence of quadratic terms of the form i φi , which is a conse-
quence of the Goldstone theorem; φ1,2,3 , which correspond to the three
spontaneously broken generators, are massless;
• the quartic terms respect the O(4) symmetry as in (18.3).
The gauge symmetry changes the situation.
For local transformations, the fields φi transform in a non-homogeneous
way and we can choose a gauge, the unitary gauge, in which the Goldstone
1 For consistency it is necessary to add the third lepton generation τ, ν , cf. (14.23),
required to cancel the quantum anomalies which prevent the conservation of currents asso-
ciated with the gauge fields; see for example [22]; however, the effect of the lepton doublet
on the considerations which follow is completely negligible.

fields are identically zero in all space. At the same time, the corresponding vec-
tor bosons acquire the mass given by (18.7), with φ = η. In the unitary gauge,
the only physical scalar field is the Brout–Englert–Higgs boson, corresponding
to the σ field in (18.11)
φ(x) = (unitary gauge) , (18.13)
η + σ(x)


with mass
2 2
Mσ2 = λη . (18.14)
Correspondingly, cf. [2], the interaction of the scalar field with the vector
bosons reduces to the seagull term
1 T  A A B B
L(4) = φ g t , g t φ (W A )µ WµB (unitary gauge) (18.15)
 2  2
2 σ(x) 1 σ(x)
= MW 1+ √ (W µ )† Wµ + MZ2 1 + √ Z µ Zµ ,
2η 2 2η

2 1 2 2 1 g2 2
MW = g η , MZ2 = η , (18.16)
2 2 cos2 θ
and θ is the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam angle, which connects the fields W 3
and B to the mass eigenstates:

Wµ3 = cos θZµ + sin θAµ ,

Bµ = − sin θZµ + cos θAµ . (18.17)

The photon, coupled to the conserved electromagnetic current, naturally re-

mains massless and does not interact directly with the σ field.
From (18.16) and from the relation which links the Fermi constant to the
mass of the W we determine the value of η
GF g2 1 −2 √
√ = 2 = 4η , or η = (2 2GF )−1/2 ≈ 174 GeV . (18.18)
2 8M W

Still in the unitary gauge, the Yukawa interaction takes the form
σ(x) σ
Lt = gt η + √ (t̄L tR ) + h.c. = mt t̄t + gt √ t̄t (unitary gauge) ,
2 2

from which it follows that

gt = . (18.20)

The massless theory. To study the high energy limit of the effective con-
stants λ and gt , we must consider the massless theory, m2 → 0, as we did for
QED. In this limit the spontaneous breaking disappears and the theory re-
duces to Yang–Mills and Yukawa interactions of massless scalars and fermions.
The vertices of the massless theory are obtained from (18.1) and (18.3),
with m2 = 0, and from (18.8) for the Yukawa interaction. The interaction of
the scalar fields with the gauge fields is obtained from the minimal substitution
Starting from (18.15) and setting η = 0, the quartic (seagull) term takes
the form:
1 2 φ20  1 φ2
L(4) = g ( Wµ1 W 1,µ + Wµ2 W 2,µ + (g 2 +g ′2 )( 0 ) Zµ† Z µ +· · · , (18.21)
4 2 4 2
where we have extracted the relevant terms when the external lines are of the
φ0 type.
In the spontaneously broken theory, the scalars φi provide the longitudinal
components of the vector fields with mass. Instead, in the limit of zero mass,
they are coupled, for example, to the top quark with a constant gt , independent
of the constants g, g ′ with which the transverse components of the vector fields
are coupled.
To clarify the situation, we recommence from the unitary gauge and con-
sider W exchange between the fermion lines in the b + t → t + b transition in
the limit of high momentum transfer, q 2 → −∞, Figure 18.1.

Figure 18.1 In the massless theory, the longitudinal component of W becomes an

independent field.

In the unitary gauge, cf. [2], W exchange is described by the propagator

i qµ qν
Dµν = 2 2 −gµν + 2 . (18.22)
q − MW MW

In the limit q 2 → −∞, the first term gives a genuine order g 2 contribution,

due to the transverse components2

 1 −igµν
Atransv = b̄L γ µ tL × (t̄L γ ν bL ) g 2 2 . (18.23)
2 q
In the longitudinal term, we use the equation of motion on the fermion
lines (neglecting mb ) to find, in the same limit

 i 1 m2t g 2  i
Along = b̄L tR × (t̄R bL ) 2 2 = b̄L tR × (t̄R bL ) 2 gt2 , (18.24)
q 2 MW q

which corresponds to the amplitude due to the exchange of the scalar φ+

coupled according to (18.8). A similar argument connects the exchange of the
longitudinal Z to the exchange of the scalar φ0 in the diagonal transition,
t → t.


The β functions of the electroweak constants up to the two-loop (NL)
approximation are calculated in [29]. Referring to Appendix F for the details
of the calculation, we give the one loop β(λ) function which is obtained from
the diagrams of Figure F.1
27 4 9 2 ′2 9 ′4
16π 2 β(λ) = 4λ2 + 12 gt2λ − 36 gt4 − 9 g 2 λ − 3 g ′2 λ +
g + g g + g .
4 2 4
In a similar way the various terms which constitute the β(gt ) function are
calculated, starting from the Feynman diagrams in Figure F.3. This leads to
2 9 2 2 9 2 17 ′2
16π β(gt ) = g − 8 gs − g − g gt . (18.26)
2 t 4 12

The renormalisation group equations which determine the behaviour of

the effective constants λ(q) and gt (q) as functions of the momentum scale q
are a straightforward generalisation of (15.51). To leading logarithmic order
(LL, Section 13.4)

∂λ(q) 1
q = β(λ) = 4λ2 + 12 gt2 λ − 36 gt4
∂q 16π 2
27 4 9 2 ′2 9 ′4
− 9 g 2 λ + 3 g ′2 λ − g − g g − g , (18.27)
4 2 4
2 The factor 1 in the formula arises from the fact that the fields W 1,2 are coupled
through the Pauli matrices 12 τ 1,2 , while the vertices in Figure 18.1 correspond to raising
and lowering operators, τ ± . The factor 21 follows from the relation 12 τ 1 ⊗ 12 τ 1 + 12 τ 2 ⊗ 12 τ 2 =
1 +
τ ⊗ τ− + · · · .
∂gt (q) 1 9 2 2 9 2 17 ′2
q = β(gt ) = g − 8 g − g + g gt , (18.28)
∂q 16π 2 2 t s
4 12
where we have put the subdominant terms due to the electroweak interactions
in parentheses.
In the absence of other interactions, (18.27) shows that β(λ) > 0. The λφ4
interaction, per se, has the same pathology encountered in QED, a Landau
pole at a finite energy scale.
According to the discussion in Section 17.2, in the continuum limit the
λφ4 theory should tend to the free theory (or be trivial). Non-perturbative
arguments in this direction have been given by Kogut and Wilson for the
lattice λφ4 theory [30].
In the case of the Standard Theory, the coupling constant λ is determined
by the mass of the Higgs boson according to (18.14) and could be large enough
at presently achievable energies to give rise to the Landau pole at energies not
astronomically large, as happens in QED. The requirement that this does not
occur below a given energy, Λ, leads to an upper limit on the Higgs boson mass,
as a function of Λ. The same happens for the Yukawa interaction constant,
giving an upper limit to the mass of the top quark.
Furthermore, equation (18.27) leads to a lower limit on the mass of the
Higgs boson. Actually, for too small values of λ(µ), the negative term of order
gt4 in the right-hand side of (18.27) can push λ(q) to negative values, for which
the theory is unstable.
An upper limit on the Higgs boson mass of the order of 150 GeV, dependent
on the number of generations of quarks and leptons, was obtained in [31] from
the requirement that λ does not develop the Landau pole for energies below
the Planck mass, MPlanck = 1.2 · 1019 GeV.
A first estimate of the stability of the Higgs boson mass as a function of
the top quark mass, for Λ = MGUT = 1015 GeV, was obtained by Cabibbo et
al. [32]; see also [33]. At the time of this work, the mass of the top quark was
not known. Inserting the actual value, mt = 174 GeV, leads to

150 GeV < MH < 180 GeV ,

(Λ = 1015 GeV , mt = 174 GeV , LL approximation) . (18.29)

The behaviour of λ for the extreme values of this interval, obtained by numer-
ically integrating equations (18.27) and (18.28), is shown in Figure 18.2. For
comparison, the same figure shows the LL behaviour of the curve correspond-
ing to the observed value of MH = 125 GeV. The figure shows clearly that
the energy value at which λ becomes negative can be appreciably influenced
by higher-order corrections.
The calculation of the two-loop β function [29] and a preliminary determi-
nation of the mass of the top quark, allowed an approximate estimate to next

Figure 18.2 Behaviour of the effective constant λ(q) in the Standard Theory to
leading logarithm (LL) approximation, [32]. The values indicated (MH = 150 and
180 GeV) are lower and upper limits on the Higgs boson mass from the conditions
that the theory does not become unstable and does not develop a Landau pole below
1015 GeV. The curve with MH = 125 GeV corresponds to the observed mass of the
Higgs boson. The rather flat behaviour around λ ≤ 0 suggests that the lower limit is
sensitive to higher-order corrections, as confirmed in [34] and [36]; see Figure 18.3.

to leading log (NLL) order of the lower limit [34]

MH ≥ 135 GeV ,
(Λ = 1015 GeV , mt = 174 GeV , NLL approximation) . (18.30)

The argument received considerable attention after the discovery of the Higgs
boson in 2012. Figure 18.3 shows the behaviour of λ, estimated in [36] in the
next successive approximation (NNLL) with the more precise values of αs and
mass of the top quark available today.
Within errors, the observed value of MH is such that the Standard The-
ory could be extended to the Planck mass without encountering instabilities,
a noteworthy result which has given rise to some speculation (see for exam-
ple [35]), but that in substance leaves completely open the possibility of new
physics regimes at energies intermediate between those presently achievable
and Planck’s energy.

Figure 18.3 Behaviour of the effective constant λ(q) in the Standard Theory in the
next to next to leading log (NNLL) approximation. The dependence on uncertainties
with which the colour constant, αs , and top quark mass are known is shown. The
figure is derived from [36].


19.1 The Rξ gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
19.2 Muon anomaly: W exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
19.3 Z and Higgs boson exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
19.4 Comparison with data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

The advent of the renormalisable, electroweak Weinberg–Salam theory

made it possible to compute the one-loop weak corrections to the muon
anomaly, completing Schwinger’s calculation of the pure electromagnetic cor-
rection illustrated in Chapter 12.
Previous calculations of the weak anomaly were made in the intermediate
vector boson theory [37] and were plagued by uncertainties related to the
divergent structure of the theory. The calculation of the weak anomaly in the
Weinberg–Salam theory, reported in Ref. [38], provided a first example of how
a renormalisable, spontaneously broken gauge theory works (see the paper of
Fujikawa, Lee and Sanda for a particularly clear exposition).
The expected weak corrections are of order g 2 , similar to the order α
corrections considered in Section 12.5. However, since the intermediate vector
boson masses are much larger than the muon mass, the actual order of the
weak corrections is determined by the Fermi constant to be

1 g 2 m2 Gm2
(aµ )W ∼ 2 × numerical factor ∼ √ ∼ 10−8 , (19.1)
π 2 8MW 2π 2
m being the muon mass. At this level, weak corrections are hidden by the
hadronic corrections and, as we shall discuss later, it is not yet possible to
meaningfully compare the theory with the experimental data. The correspond-
ing corrections to the electron anomaly are completely invisible, for the time
In this chapter we introduce the main features of renormalisable Rξ gauges
in a spontaneously broken theory and then present the calculation of the weak


muon anomaly in the renormalisable Feynman–’t-Hooft gauge, following the

strategy illustrated in Section 12.5.
The starting point is the Lagrangian describing scalar and vector fields in-
troduced in the previous section, equations (18.1)–(18.5), which we summarise
L(φ, V ) = (Dµ φ)† Dµ φ − V (φ) − (Wµν W µν + Bµν B µν ) (19.2)
τ ′1
Dµ = ∂µ − ig Wµ − ig Bµ (19.3)
2 2
and define:
φ1 − iφ2
S= √ ; S3 = φ3 (19.4)
Wµ1 − iWµ2
W = √ . (19.5)
We expand the scalar field Lagrangian to obtain the vector boson masses
and their couplings to the Goldstone bosons. We organize the expansion in
order of the powers of η, the vacuum value of the scalar field, equation (18.10),
and the number of derivatives of the scalar fields, restricting to terms necessary
for our calculation.

Two η s, no derivatives. This is the same as in the unitary gauge and

it gives us masses and mixing angles of the vector bosons, equations (18.16,

One η, one derivative. One finds:

MZ S3 ∂µ Z µ + iMW (S † ∂µ W µ − S∂µ W µ† ) . (19.6)

One η, no derivative. These terms provide the trilinear couplings of the

Goldstone to the vector bosons. We shall need only the S–W –A coupling,
which is
egη µ
LSW A = + A (Wµ S † + Wµ† S) . (19.7)


’t-Hooft’s has extended to the spontaneously broken theory the choice of
the gauge-fixing terms made in (14.45). With reference to the vector fields
that take definite masses, one introduces the Lagrange multipliers (for a more
complete discussion of gauge fixing and ghosts in a spontaneously broken

gauge theory, see e.g. [39])

fA = ∂µ A, (19.8)
fW = ∂µ W µ + iξMW S, (19.9)
fZ = ∂µ Z µ + ξMZ S3 , (19.10)

and adds to the Lagrangian (19.2) the gauge-fixing terms:

1  1 †
Lg.f. = − fA2 + fZ2 − fW fW . (19.11)
2ξ ξ
Explicitly, taking e.g. the Z term:
1 2 1 1
− f = − (∂µ Z µ )2 − MZ S3 (∂µ Z µ ) − (ξMZ2 )S32 , (19.12)
2ξ Z 2ξ 2
one obtains (i) a gauge-fixing term to the Z quadratic Lagrangian; (ii) a mixed
term MZ S3 (∂µ Z µ ), which cancels the similar term arising from the covariant
derivatives in the Lagrangian of the scalar fields, equation (19.6); (iii) a mass
term for S3 , providing to the would-be Goldstone boson a mass M32 = ξMZ2 .
After adding the gauge-fixing terms to the Yang–Mills Lagrangian, one
easily finds the vector boson propagators (see e.g. [2]) in the generic gauge
(V = W, Z):
i pµ pν
Dµν (p) = 2 −g µν
+ (1 − ξ) . (19.13)
p − MV2 p2 − ξMV2

The gauge parameter ξ is arbitrary. Special values are:

i pµ pν
(Landau gauge) : Dµν (p) = −g µν
+ (19.14)
p2 − MV2 p2
−ig µν
(′ t − Hooft − Feynman gauge) : Dµν (p) = (19.15)
p2− MV2
ξ = +∞
µν i µν pµ pν
(Unitary gauge) : D (p) = 2 −g + . (19.16)
p − MV2 MV2

The propagator of the corresponding would-be Goldstone boson is:

D(p) = . (19.17)
p2 − ξMV2

For 0 < ξ both propagators go asymptotically like p−2 , making the theory
renormalisable by power counting, like QED. However, to fix the gauge, we
have produced unphysical poles in the scalar and in the longitudinal parts of

vector propagators, which have to disappear from physical amplitudes. The

cancellation has to be guaranteed by the Ward identities derived from gauge
The general argument goes, schematically, as follows. Consider a vector bo-
son exchange between two vertices, VA and VB . Multiplication of the vertex by
the W momentum makes the divergence of the current, which is proportional
to the coupling of the corresponding scalar, would-be Goldstone boson:

ig(∂µ JVµ )A = igmA JSA = igη gSA JSA = MV (gSA JSA ) . (19.18)

Writing mA = gSA η, we took into account that symmetry breaking orig-

inates from the vacuum value of the Higgs field via the coupling of A to the
scalar fields.
The exchange of the longitudinal gauge boson then gives:
i 1−ξ
Aa = 2 ig(∂µ JVµ )A 2 ig(∂µ JVµ )B =
p2 − MV p − ξMV2
(1 − ξ)MV2 i
= 2 igSA JSA 2 igSB JSB . (19.19)
p − MV p − ξMV2
On the other hand, the exchange of the scalar field between the same
vertices is
Ab = igSA JSA igSB JSB , (19.20)
p2 − ξMV2
and the sum of the two amplitudes is
i (1 − ξ)MV2
Aa + Ab = igSA JSA igSB JSB +1 =
p2 − ξMV2 p2 − MV2
= igSA JSA igSB JSB , (19.21)
p2 − MV2
which is indeed independent of ξ.
The argument would be spoiled by the presence of Adler–Bell–Jackiw
anomalies [40] in the partial conservation of the axial currents, which are
implied by the V –A structure of the weak interactions. Bouchiat, Iliopoulos
and Meyer [41], have shown however that the anomalies do cancel if the elec-
tric charges of the fermions sum to zero, as happens in the Standard Theory
with the composition of quarks and leptons introduced in Section 14.2.

A useful check. To see how gauge invariance works, we consider the tree-
level amplitudes shown in Figure 19.1, which receive contributions from the
vector and scalar propagator.
We consider the W exchange first, Figure 19.1(a). To be specific, we fix
the external W to be W 2 , then the exchanged W is W 1 and the amplitude,
see equations (14.51), (14.52), is:

Figure 19.1 For external W 2 , the exchanged vector boson in (a) is W 1 . In the Rξ
gauge, the longitudinal, gauge-dependent, part of the propagator in (a) combines
with the Goldstone boson propagator in (b), to yield a ξ independent result; see

ig 1 − γ5
Aa = ūνL (q) τ1 γ ρ uµ (p1 )Dρµ (q1 )(−e)ǫ132 V µνλ (q1 , q3 , q2 ) (19.22)
2 2
with q1 = p1 − q and q1 + q2 + q3 = 0. We insert the longitudinal, gauge-
dependent, part of the vector propagator, (19.13). Multiplication by q1 in the
fermion and Yang–Mills vertices gives:
ig 1 − γ5
q1ρ ūνL (q) τ1 γρ uµ (p1 ) =
2 2
ig 1 + γ5
= m ūνL (q) uµ (p1 ); (19.23)
2 2
(q1 )µ V µνλ (q1 , q3 , q2 ) = g νλ (q22 − q32 ) + · · · = g νλ MW
, (19.24)
where the ellipsis denotes terms that vanish when multiplied by the external
polarisations of the on-shell photon and W 2 .
Putting everything together, we find
geη 1 + γ5 (1 − ξ)MW νλ
Aa = −gY ūνL (q) uµ (p1 ) 2 2 2 2 ) g , (19.25)
2 2 (q1 − MW )(q1 − ξMW
where we have introduced the Yukawa, scalar–lepton coupling related to the
muon mass m = gY η.
We turn now to diagram (b) in Figure 19.1, in which the exchanged scalar
is φ2 . Using the result in (19.7), we find1
−igY 1 + γ5 i igeη νλ
Ab = i √ ūνL (q) uµ (p1 ) 2 2
√ g =
2 2 q 1 − ξM W 2
geη 1 + γ5 1 νλ
= −gY ūνL (q) uµ (p1 ) 2 2 g . (19.26)
2 2 q1 − ξMW
1 The

first −i/ 2 comes from the normalisation of φ2 in equation (19.4), when inserted
in the Yukawa coupling ν̄L SµR .

The total amplitude is then:

Aa + Ab =

geη 1 + γ5 1 νλ (1 − ξ)MW
−gY ūνL (q) uµ (p1 ) 2 2 g +1 =
2 2 q1 − ξMW q12 − MW

geη 1 + γ5 1 νλ
= −gY ūνL (q) uµ (p1 ) 2 2 g =
2 2 q1 − MW
= gauge independent. (19.27)


We are now ready to compute the weak muon anomaly, starting from the
diagrams which describe the effect of W exchange and of the accompanying S
exchange, Figure 19.2. We set ourselves in the ’t-Hooft–Feynman gauge, ξ = 1
and follow the strategy described in Section 12.5.

Figure 19.2 Diagrams contributing to the weak muon anomaly to order g 2 : charged
boson exchange.

We use the following notations for the momenta:

p1 , p2 = incoming and outgoing muon;
q = virtual neutrino;
p1 + p2
q3 = p2 − p1 = incoming photon; Q=
q1 = p1 − q = W 1 /S; q2 = −p2 + q = W 2 /S .
We write the amplitude corresponding to diagram (a) as:
d4 q Naν (p1 , p2 , q)
Aa = 4 2 2 2 + iǫ] [(q − p )2 − M 2 + iǫ] .
(16π) (q + iǫ)z [(q − p1 ) − MW 2 W

Discarding terms of O(q32 ) and O(m2 /MW

), one finds
2 2
(q − p1 )2 − MW2
+ iǫ (q − p2 )2 − MW
+ iǫ = (q − Q)2 − zMW
so that, using the Feynman formula, equation (12.73), we obtain
Z 1 Z
d4 q Naν (p1 , p2 , q)
Aa = dz 2z =
(16π) [(q − Qz)2 − zMW 2 ]3
Z 1 Z
d4 k Naν (p1 , p2 , k + Qz)
= dz 2z 2 )3 (19.31)
0 (16π)4 (k 2 − zMW

after the change of variables q = k + zQ.

We consider now the function in the numerator of (19.29).
Omitting initial and final spinors for simplicity of notation, we find
igτ2 1 − γ5 igτ1 1 − γ5
Naν = γλ iq/ γµ ×
2 2 2 2
×(−i)2 (−e)ǫ213 V λµν (q2 , q1 , q3 ) +
igτ1 igτ2
··· ··· · · · ǫ123 · · · (19.32)
2 2
The two terms produce the commutator [ τ22 , τ21 ], which, taken between initial
and final muons, gives an additional factor of +i/2.
Simplifying and using the previous expression for V , equation (14.52), we
g 2 1 − γ5
Naν = e γλ/q γµ ×
2 2
×V λµν (q2 , q1 , q3 ) =
g 2 1 − γ5
=e [γα/q γ α (q2 − q1 )ν + (q/1 − q/)q q (q/3 − q/)]
3 / γν + γν / 2 .
2 2

The numerator N is at most quadratic in k, but the quadratic terms

contribute a logarithmic divergence to the form factor proportional to γ ν
and γ ν γ5 . Linear terms integrate to zero and we are reduced to computing
Naν (p1 , p2 , zQ).
Note that there is no parity violating term of first order in q3 , so we can
drop the γ5 together with the terms proportional to γ ν and γ ν γ5 .
Using equations (19.28) and the equations of motion on the external
spinors, we can express the numerator in terms of q3 and Q. After some
algebra, we arrive at:
ν eg 2 ν 3 ν
Na = m Q z(1 − z) − z[q/,
3 γ ] . (19.34)
2 4

The required result is obtained by the substitutions

ν i νρ
3 γ ] = 4m( σ (q3 )ρ );
i νρ
Qν = m( σ (q3 )ρ ) + terms ∝ γ ν (19.35)
to get
eg 2 2
Naν = m (2z + 4z 2 ) · σ νρ (q3 )ρ + terms ∝ γ ν . (19.36)
The integration indicated in (19.31) is done with the help of Appendix E,
which gives
d4 k −iπ 2 1
2 + iǫ]3 = 2 . (19.37)
[k 2 − zMW 2 zMW
Collecting all results and factorizing the factor −ie, which goes with the tree-
level Lagrangian, we find:
g 2 m2 1 7 Gm2 1 7
a(µ)a = 2 = √ ( ). (19.38)
8MW 8π 2 3 2π 2 8 3
The calculation of diagram (b) is considerably simpler. The starting point
is the expression

d4 q Nbν (p1 , p2 , q)
Aa = 2 + iǫ] [(q − p )2 − M 2 + iǫ] ,
(16π)4 (q 2 + iǫ)z [(q − p1 )2 − MW 2 W
which has the same denominator as (19.29) but a different numerator. For the
exchange of S1 and omitting the external spinors, one finds
igτ1 ν 1 − γ5 1 + γ5 igY iegη
(Nbν )1 = γ iq/ √ × √ =
2 2 2 2 2
eg 2 η m 1 + γ5 ν
= γ /q . (19.40)
4 η 2
Adding the exchange of S2 gives a factor of 2. The diagram with W ↔ S
simply sends 1+γ 5 ν
2 γ / q → /q γ ν 1−γ
2 .

Dropping the terms with γ5 , we find

Nbν = e m · (2q ν ) . (19.41)
The shift in the integration variable q = k+zQ simply amounts to replacing
q by zQ, since the term linear in k integrates to zero, and
g2 g2 i νρ
Nbν = e m · zQν = e m2 z ( σ (q3 )ρ ) + terms ∝ γ ν . (19.42)
2 2 2m

Carrying out the integration in k and z, we find finally

Gm2 1 3
a(µ)b = √ ( ), (19.43)
2π 2 8 3
and the total from Figure 19.2 is

Gm2 1 5
a(µ)W = √ ( ) (19.44)
2π 2 4 3
as reported in [38].


The contributions from the exchange of neutral bosons arise from the di-
agrams of Figure 19.3, including the routing of momenta, and
p2 − p1
q3 = p2 − p1 ; Q = . (19.45)
We first consider diagram (c). The denominators, to first order in q3 and
neglecting m with respect to MZ , can be written as
(q 2 − MZ2 + iǫ) [(q − q1 )2 − m2 + iǫ] [(q − q2 )2 − m2 + iǫ]
= dz 3 . (19.46)
[(q − zQ)2 − z 2 m2 − (1 − z)MZ2 + iǫ]

Figure 19.3 Diagrams contributing to the weak muon anomaly to order g 2 : neutral
boson exchange.

The numerator, after obvious simplifications, is

NZν (p1 , p2 , q) =
= e (gL γρ a− + gR γρ a+ )(q/1 + m)γ ν (q/2 + m)(gL γ ρ a− + gR γ ρ a+ ) , (19.47)

with a± = 1±γ52 . Making the shift q = k + zQ and setting k = 0 as before,

after obvious steps, we get

NZν (p1 , p2 , q) = −eP ν (p1 , p2 , q);

P ν = 8m(1 − z)Qν gL gR +
2 2
 ν ν

+(gR + gL ) −p/γ
1 p/2 + z(p/γ
1 Q /γ ν p/)
/+Q 2
2 −z Q/γ ν Q
/ . (19.48)

Eliminating p1,2 in favour of Q and q3 , using the equation of motion of the

external spinor and equations (19.35), we find2 :

i νρ  2 
NZν = −e·( σ (q3 )ρ )·2m2 ·(1−z) (gL 2
+ gR )(2 − z) − 4gL · gR . (19.49)
Finally, performing the dz d4 k integrations and dividing by the tree-level
value, −ie, we find
Gm2 cos2 θ 2 2 2
a(µ)Z = √ · − (gL + gR ) + 2gL gR . (19.50)
2π 2 g 2 3

We leave to the reader the task of proving that the exchange of S3 gives
a result smaller by a factor of m2 /MZ2 and the exchange of the Higgs boson

Gm2 m2 M2
a(µ)σ = − √ 2
log 2σ , (19.51)
2π 2 4Mσ m

largely negligible given the mass of the Higgs boson.


The chiral couplings are found directly from the weak assignments in
g 1 g
gL = − + sin2 θ ; gR = sin2 θ (19.52)
cos θ 2 cos θ

with cos θ related to the masses in (18.16). We find

Gm2 1 M2 MW4
a(µ)Z = √ 1−6 W + 4 =
2π 2 6 MZ2 MZ4
Gm2 1 
=√ −1 − 2 sin2 θ + 4 sin4 θ (19.53)
2π 2 6
2 The denominator in equation (19.46) and the numerator given here allow us to recover

the QED limit by setting MZ → 0 and gL = gR = e. It is easy to see that one reobtains
Schwinger’s result (12.82).


a(µ)weak = a(µ)W + a(µ)Z =

Gm2 1 5 1 2
= √ + (1 − 4 sin θ) = 195 · 10−11 . (19.54)
2π 2 8 3 3

The authors of [42] compare the most recent data on the anomaly with the
full Standard Theory prediction, which includes QED corrections up to order
α4 , the hadronic correction estimated via the cross section of the inelastic
process e+ e− → hadrons, and the weak corrections (19.54) supplemented by
the two-loop calculation.
The comparison displays a discrepancy at the level of 2–3 standard devi-

∆a(µ) = aexp − aSM = 288(63)(49) · 10−11 , (19.55)

which is at present unexplained.


20.1 Effective potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
20.2 Expansion around the classical limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
20.3 Loop expansion of the potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
20.4 One loop potential in the Standard Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
20.5 Non-naturalness of the Standard Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

The considerations about spontaneous symmetry breaking up to now are

based on the classical potential introduced in (18.3). The quantum effects
of the potential can be calculated by an expansion in powers of Planck’s
constant, ~, starting from the functional methods introduced originally by
Schwinger [43], applied to spontaneous symmetry breaking by Jona–Lasinio
and other authors [44, 45], and more recently by Coleman and Weinberg [28]
in the context of the Standard Theory. For an extended review, see [46].1
After analysing the ultraviolet divergences which characterise the effective
potential, we illustrate the conceptual difficulties which arise from the presence
of elementary scalar fields in a renormalisable field theory.


The starting point for the construction of the effective potential is the
definition of the generating functional Z(J) introduced in (3.20), which we
recall here for convenience
Z " Z !#
i X
Z[J] = d[ξ]d[φ] exp S(ξ, φ) − d z φk (z)Jk (z) . (20.1)

The action (20.1) may include spinor and gauge fields, which we denote
collectively by ξ(x). The functional integration denoted by d[ξ] refers to them.
1 LM is grateful to Massimo Testa for some illuminating discussions on the subject.


However, our attention is focused on the scalar fields, and the classical cur-
rents, J, are coupled only to them.
To carry out explicit calculations, it is useful to perform the functional in-
tegrations in four-dimensional Euclidean space.2 In the integral which defines
the action, we substitute x0 → −ix4 (cf. Section 2.4)
i d x L(ξ, φ) → + d4 xE L(∂0 → −i∂4 ) = −SE (ξ, φ) ,

and the exponent is such as to guarantee the convergence of the functional

integration.3 In the case of scalar fields
4 1
SE (φ) = d xE φ(−✷E )φ + V (φ) , (20.3)
where ✷E is the sum of the squares of the derivatives with respect to all
With these substitutions, we have
Z " Z !#
1 X
ZE [J] = d[ξ]d[φ] exp − SE (ξ, φ) + d zE φk (z)Jk (z)
−~ WE (J)
=e , (20.4)

and the exponential now converges when the fields and their derivatives go to
infinity. WE (J) is the generator of connected diagrams (cf. Section 8.3).
We define a classical scalar field corresponding to each current:
δWE (J)
φk (x) = , (20.5)
δJk (x)

and we expect to be able to obtain J in terms of φ from (20.5). Thus we

define the effective potential, a functional of φk (x), as the Legendre transform
of W (J):
Γ(φ) = WE (J) − d4 zE Jk (z)φk (z) , (20.6)

and from now on, for notational simplicity, we omit the index k from the scalar
fields, and the suffix E from the spatial coordinates.
The central property of Γ is
δΓ 4 δWE δJ(z) δJ(z)
= d z − φ(z) − J(x) = −J(x) . (20.7)
δφ(x) δJ(z) δφ(x) δφ(x)
2 This step is equivalent to carrying out the integrations in the Feynman diagrams by

performing a Wick rotation.

3 For a finite number of degrees of freedom, L = T − V , while L = T + V with T > 0
and hence also LE > 0.

For J → 0:

=0, (20.8)
δφ(x) J=0

δWE (J)
φ(x)|J=0 =
δJ(x) J→0
1 1
= d[ξ]d[φ] φ(x) exp − SE (ξ, φ)
Z(0) ~
=< 0|φ(q) (x)|0 > . (20.9)

In words:
• the extreme of the potential, for zero external currents, corresponds to
the vacuum expectation value of the quantum field φ(q) .
Furthermore it can be seen that, to have limited fluctuations around the vac-
uum (a stable vacuum)
• the extreme must correspond to the absolute minimum of the potential.
The study of Γ, a functional of the classical variables φk (x), allows an
examination of the possible quantum vacuums of the theory.
If we require that the stable vacuum should be invariant under the proper
Poincarè group (translations and proper orthochronous Lorentz transforma-
tions), the values of the fields ξ(x) in the vacuum must vanish and we can
limit our considerations to scalar fields independent of x.
The potential Γ(φ) has a simple diagrammatic interpretation. Using the
expansion in powers of φ:
X 1
Γ(φ) = Γ(n) (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )φ(x1 )φ(x2 ) · · · φ(xn ) , (20.10)

we can show that

• Γ(n) (x1 , x2 , ·, xn ) is the sum of connected 1-particle irreducible (1PI)
diagrams with n external lines, deprived of the corresponding propagator:
in short the n-point vertices, connected and 1PI.
In the case of constant fields, the external lines have vanishing momenta.


In the limit ~ → 0, the exponent in (20.1) must be stationary and we
recover the solution of the classical equation of motion:
+ Jk (x) = 0 , =0. (20.11)
δφk (x) δξ(x)

In the absence of external currents, the classical solution for the spinor and
vector fields is simply ξ(x) = 0. For the scalar fields, the equations of motion
with constant fields reduce to
∂V (φ)
+J =0 . (20.12)

We denote the solution of (20.12) by φJ and we set φ = φJ + σ in the

functional integral (20.1).
According to the saddle point method, we must expand the exponent of
(20.1) up to terms quadratic in deviations from the classical solution, obtaining
1 4
Z(J) = exp − SE (0, φJ ) + d z φJ (z)J(z)
Z  Z 
1 4 (2)
× d[ξ]d[σ] exp − d xLE (ξ, σ, φJ , x) . (20.13)

We have omitted terms linear in the σ fields which are of the form
Z " #
4 δSE (0, φ)
d x σ(x) + J(x) , (20.14)
δφ(x) φJ

and vanish from the equation of motion (20.11).

LE is the (Euclidean) Lagrangian truncated to second order in ξ and σ,
which depends on φJ , the starting point of the expansion of the scalar fields.
The dependence on the ξ fields is at least quadratic, hence we can write
(2) (2) (2)
LE = LEξ (ξ, φJ ) + LEσ (σ, φJ ) . (20.15)

The first term on the right-hand side is the Lagrangian of the spinor and
gauge fields, restricted to quadratic terms, which can depend on the scalar
fields only through φJ . The second term is simply the mass term of the σ
fields, calculated in the field φJ = constant

(2) 1 ∂V (φ)
LEσ = |φ σk (x)σh (x) . (20.16)
2 ∂φk ∂φh J
We can write symbolically
LE = ζ̄Kζ (φJ )ζ + Vµ Kξµν (φJ )Vν + σKσ (φJ )σ , (20.17)

where ζ and Vµ denote the various fermion and gauge fields present in the
theory. The integral in (20.13) reduces to the product of Gaussian integrals,
which each give a contribution equal to
K ∓1/2
[det ] , (20.18)

for every degree of freedom, with exponents equal to ∓1 according to whether

boson or fermion degrees of freedom are being treated (cf. Section 6.1.3). From
here we find
Ni X
WE (J) = SE (0, φJ ) + d4 z φJ (z)J(z) ± ~ [log detKi (φJ )] + const .
2 i
The factor 1/~ in (20.18) is absorbed into the constant and disappears
with the normalisation of Z, hence the term additional to the classical action
is effectively of order ~, compared to the classical term.
The exponent of the determinant of K, Ni , is the number of degrees of
freedom of the field. On the basis of the formulae (6.40) and (6.43), Ni = 2, 1, 2
for, respectively, complex fermion, real scalar and complex scalar fields. The
sign + (−) holds for boson (fermion) fields.
We can now derive φJ in terms of φ from (20.19)

W (J)
φ(x) = i~
Z   Z
δS(0, φ) δφj (z) δφJ (z)
= d4 z − |φ J + d4 z J(z) + φJ (x) + O(~)
δφ(z) δJ(x) δJ(x)
= φJ + O(~) .

We denote with ~ψ the difference defined by

φJ = φ + ~ψ . (20.21)

Finally, we can calculate Γ(φ)

Z Z  
δSE (φ)
Γ(φ) = SE (0, φ) + d4 z φ(z)J(z) − d4 z ψ(z) |φJ + J(z)
X ±Ni Z
+~ [ log detKi (φ)] − d4 zJ(z)φ(z) , (20.22)

X ±Ni
Γ(φ) = SE (0, φ) + ~ [ log detKi (φ)] . (20.23)

We have again used the fact that the first derivative of the action in the
presence of J vanishes at the saddle point, equation (20.11).
The method can be extended to the calculation of the corrections of order
~2 and beyond, as we show in the following section; cf. [46].

Calculation of log det K. In cases of interest, the operators Ki are traced

back to the operator
K = −✷E + M 2 (φ) . (20.24)
If φ is independent of the coordinates, the eigenvalues in four-dimensional
Euclidean space can immediately be calculated. The eigenfunctions are plane
waves with Euclidean momentum p and eigenvalues
λ(p) = p2 + M 2 , p2 ≥ 0 . (20.25)
In a finite 4-volume VE with periodic boundary conditions, the eigenvalue
density is obtained by extending the well-known three-dimensional formulae,
cf. [1]:
d4 p
dn(p) = VE . (20.26)
In terms of the eigenvalues λi of K, detK = i λi , or
log det K = log λi = Tr log K , (20.27)

from which
d4 p
log det K = VE Tr log [p2 + M 2 (φ)]
= Tr dp2 p2 log [p2 + M 2 (φ)] , (20.28)
16π 2
where the Tr operation is carried out over the possible additional indices of
K, due, for example, to M 2 (φ).
We perform the integration over momentum with an ultraviolet cutoff, Λ2 .
We find
VE 2 2 1 2 4
log det K(φ) = Λ Tr M (φ) − logΛ Tr M (φ)
16π 2 2

+ Tr [M 4 (φ) logM (φ)2 ] . (20.29)
Constants independent of the fields disappear in the renormalisation and
are systematically omitted.
For constant fields, the action in (20.23) is proportional to VE and we can
therefore, for corrections due to a scalar boson field, simplify (20.23) into
Vcorr (φ) = V (φ) + δV (φ) ,
±Ni 1 1
δV = ~ Λ2 Tr M 2 (φ) − logΛ2 Tr M 4 (φ)
2 16π 2 2

+ Tr [M 4 (φ) logM (φ)2 ] . (20.30)


As we have seen, the action divided by ~ appears in the exponent of the
generating functional and we can ask how to organise the amplitudes in a
series of increasing powers of Planck’s constant. Expansion in powers of ~ was
proposed by several authors as an alternative to the perturbative expansion
(expansion in powers of the interaction Lagrangian) and has been shown to
be of great utility in the analysis of gauge theories [28, 46].
If we deal with fundamental particles, the expansion is not necessarily use-
ful for calculations: generally we end up with setting ~ = 1. The conceptual
importance of the expansion lies in the fact that the sum of terms up to a
certain order gives an approximation at least compatible with the symme-
tries of the system, and such that there cannot be systematic cancellations or
conspiracies between different orders.
Furthermore, the expansion to a certain order in ~ corresponds to the sum
of an infinite number of diagrams of the perturbative series and provides some
insight into the properties of the exact result, better than do the first terms
of the perturbative series.
We can show that the powers of ~ are linked to the number of independent
integrations over internal momenta of the Feynman diagrams. This number,
L, can be visualised as the number of closed loops of the diagram, in which
flows a momentum not determined by the momenta of the external particles.
The expansion in powers of ~ reorders the terms of the perturbative series as
an expansion in the number of loops.
To obtain the result, we can restrict the diagrams to those connected and
1-particle irreducible (1PI). A diagram with V vertices of the interaction La-
grangian and I internal lines corresponds to carrying out a number of inde-
pendent (four-dimensional) integrations equal to

L = I − (V − 1) . (20.31)

The reason for V –1 is that at each vertex there is a Dirac δ-function

of momentum, but invariance under translations requires that a δ-function
expresses the conservation of energy and overall momentum, and hence only
V –1 δ-functions are used to reduce the number of integrations.
The power of ~ of the overall result is linked to L. Every vertex carries
a factor ~−1 , every propagator (the inverse of the free Lagrangian) carries a
factor ~. Therefore, the diagram that we considered has a power ~P , with P
equal to

P = −V + I = L − 1 . (20.32)

The expansion of the potential in loops has a simple diagrammatic inter-

pretation of the terms of order ~0 and ~ in (20.23) (it is necessary to take into
account that in the definition (20.6) we have rescaled by one power of ~)
• ~0 : diagrams with zero loops, no integration, are the diagrams called

tree diagrams; it is the part of the classical Lagrangian, V (φ), without

• ~: are the corrections calculated with the saddle point method, equa-
tion (20.23); they correspond to diagrams with one loop and an arbitrary
number of outgoing zero-momentum lines.
The argument shows also that the subsequent corrections in ~ are associ-
ated with diagrams with two loops, three loops, etc.


We apply the results of the previous section to the calculation of the effec-
tive potential of the Higgs field in the Standard Theory. As shown by (20.23),
we must identify the Lagrangians which are quadratic in the quantum fields
and calculate the determinant of the differential operator which characterises

Scalar fields. The quadratic Lagrangian arising from (18.2) and (18.3) is
written (in the Standard Theory a, b = 0, · · · , N − 1, N = 4)

(2) 1 1
LEσ (σ, φ) = ∂µ σ a ∂ µ σ a + σ a M (φ)2ab σ b
2 2
1 a 2
= σ δab −✷ + Mab (φ) σ b = σ a Kσ (φ) σ b , (20.33)
2 2
where φ is the classical field and

∂V (φ) λ
M 2 (φ)ab = = m2 δab + (δab φ2 + 2φa φb ) ,
∂φa ∂φb 6
φ = φi φi . (20.34)

From (20.30) we find

1 1 1 1
[log det Kσ (φ)] = Λ2 Tr M 2 (φ) − logΛ2 Tr M 4 (φ)
2 16π 2 2 2

+ Tr M 4 (φ) logM (φ)2 . (20.35)

The terms which depend on the cutoff are a second-order polynomial in

φ2 and are balanced by counterterms generated by the potential expressed in
terms of the physical mass and coupling constant:
1 2 2 λ 1 δλ 2 2
V (φ) = m φ + (φ2 )2 − δm2 φ2 − (φ ) . (20.36)
2 4! 2 4!

If we require that the final correction vanishes for a value of the field such
that M 2 (φ) = µ2 , we obtain
1 λ 1 M (φ)2
Γ(φ) = m2 φ2 + (φ2 )2 + Tr M 4
(φ) log . (20.37)
2 4! 64π 2 µ2
To diagonalise the mass matrix we use the projector
Pab = φa φb (φ2 )−1 , P2 = P , (20.38)
and write
1 1
M 2 = (1 − P )(m2 + φ2 ) + P (m2 + φ2 ) = (1 − P )G(φ) + P H(φ) , (20.39)
6 2
from which we find the contribution of the scalar fields to Γ(φ) [29]
1 1 2 H 3 2 G
δΓσ = + H log 2 + G log 2 . (20.40)
16π 2 4 µ 4 µ
In the m = 0 limit
1 φ2 φ40
δΓσ |m=0 = 2λ2 log 2 . (20.41)
16π 2 µ 24

Fermions. We choose the classical field with φ0 =

6 0 and all the other com-
ponents vanishing. From (18.19) we obtain
(2) gt
Lt = t̄ (ı∂/ − Mt (φ)) t , Mt (φ) = √ φ0 , (20.42)
Kt = /p − Mt (φ) . (20.43)
We write
d4 p  
−Tr log Kt = − Tr log /p − Mt (φ)
1 d4 p  
=− Tr log (/p − Mt (φ)) + log (−/p − Mt (φ)) (20.44)
2 (2π)4
=− dp2 p2 log [p2 + Mt (φ)2 ] + const ,
16π 2
where a factor 4 · 3 arises from the trace over the Dirac and colour indices. In
1 4 Mt (φ)2
δΓt = − 3 Mt (φ) log
16π 2 µ2
1 4 Mt (φ)2 φ40
= −18 gt log . (20.45)
16π 2 µ2 24
4 The

physical mass of the quarks is obtained from φ0 = 2η; in Euclidean space,
p = −p4 γ4 − p · γ with γ4 = iγ0 , γ42 = −1 and /
/ p2 = −p2 .

Gauge fields. The relevant Lagrangian is

(2) 1 1
LV = − Wµν W 1µν + Wµν
W 2µν − Zµν Z µν
4 4
1  1
+ MW (φ)2 Wµ1 W 1µ + Wµ2 W 2µ + MZ (φ)2 Zµ Z µ (20.46)
2 2
1  µ 1 2 
− 2 (∂ Wµ ) + (∂ µ Wµ2 )2 + (∂ µ Zµ )2 ,

where we have introduced a gauge-fixing term. As before, we choose the clas-
6 0, all the other components vanish and5
sical field with φ0 =
1 2 2 1 2
MW (φ)2 = g φ0 , MZ (φ)2 = (g + g ′2 )φ20 . (20.47)
4 4
Proceeding as in Section 5.2 we calculate the inverse of K (in Euclidean
space) for each of the vector fields
−1 1 pµ pν
Kµν = 2 δµν − (1 − α) 2 . (20.48)
p + M (φ)2 p − αM (φ)2

In the Landau gauge, which corresponds to α = 0, the numerator is the

projector of the states which satisfy the Lorenz condition, with
pµ pν
Pµν = δµν − 2 , Tr P = 3 , (20.49)

and we can write the contribution of a neutral vector boson to the potential
1 3 d4 p
δΓV = Tr log K = −Tr log K −1 = Tr log[p2 + M (φ)2 ] , (20.50)
2 2 (2π)4

from which, specialising to the case of the Standard Theory

1 3 MW (φ)4 MW (φ)2 MZ (φ)4 MZ (φ)2
δΓV = 2 log + log
16π 2 2 2 µ2 2 µ2
 2 2
1 9 4 MW (φ) 9 MZ (φ) φ0
= 2
g log 2
+ (g 2 + g ′2 )2 log 2
. (20.51)
16π 4 µ 8 µ 24

Renormalisation group for the potential. The methods used to study the
variation of the scattering amplitudes at high energy can be used to charac-
terise the behaviour of the effective potential at large values of the field. For
simplicity, in what follows we will limit ourselves to consider in detail the
purely massless scalar theory with a single coupling constant λ, in which the
potential becomes finite without needing to consider the renormalisation of
5 The

physical mass of W and Z is obtained from φ0 = 2η.

the field, because Z2 = 1 to one loop. Later we will comment on the extension
to the Standard Theory.
To keep the corrections (20.35) finite, avoiding the singularity for φ → 0,
we must define the renormalised constant at a value φ2 = µ2 = 6 0 and write,

Λ2 φ4
V = [λ0 − C λ20 log ]
φ2 24
Λ2 φ4 φ2 φ4
= [λ0 − C λ20 log 2 ] + C λ20 log 2 (20.52)
µ 24 µ 24
2 4
φ φ
= [λ(µ) + C λ2 log 2 ] ,
µ 24
from which it follows that
∂λ(µ) φ2 φ4
β(λ) = µ = 2Cλ2 , δΓ = C λ2 log , (20.53)
∂µ µ2 24

with C = 2/(16π 2 ), as shown by a comparison with (18.27) and (20.41).

As there is no renormalisation of the field, the proportionality of the poten-
tial to the fourth power of the field is dictated by purely dimensional reasons.
In what follows, we define

φ4 φ
V = λef f (t, λ) , t = log , (20.54)
24 µ
and focus our attention on the dependence of t on λef f .
The construction that leads to (20.52) shows that λef f is independent of
the value of µ, on condition of compensating a variation of µ with an appropri-
ate redefinition of λ. In formulae, we find the Callan–Symanzik equation [47]

d ∂ ∂
[λef f (t, λ)] = µ + β(λ) λef f = 0 . (20.55)
dµ ∂µ ∂λ

The solution of (20.55) is obtained starting from the function λ̄(t) with

= β(λ̄) , λ̄(0) = λ(µ) . (20.56)
Actually, up to higher orders
∂λef f
β(λ) = β(λ) ,
and therefore
∂λef f ∂λef f ∂λef f
= −µ = β(λ) = β(λef f ) , (20.57)
∂t ∂µ ∂λ

from which it follows that

λef f = λ̄(t) . (20.58)

Summarising, with β(λ) = 2Cλ2 , we have

V = λef f , (20.59)
λ(µ) 2
λef f = φ2
, C= . (20.60)
1 − Cλ(µ) log 16π 2

The result has been derived for values of φ not too different from µ, when
λ log φµ << 1, so that perturbation theory can be used. However, by integrating
the equation for increasing values of µ, we can reconstruct the variation in φ
beyond what is predicted by perturbation theory. The solution (20.59) sums
the leading powers in the parameter λ log φµ , as in the case of QED and QCD
(cf. Section 13.4 and Section 15.3).
As expected from the positive sign of the β function, the potential exhibits
a Landau pole for large values of φ.

Standard Theory. The presence of non-irreducible divergent diagrams,

shown in Figure F.1(d) and (g), ensures that the potential in the Standard
Theory should also be finite for non-constant fields only after renormalisation
of the wave function. In the potential, this implies an anomalous dimension for
the φ fields and it is necessary to add the corresponding term to the Callan–
Symanzik equation, leading to its general form for a renormalisable theory

∂ X ∂ ∂
µ + βi − γφ V =0, (20.61)
∂µ i
∂g i ∂φ

where we have denoted the coupling constants of the various interactions,

λ, gt , g, g ′ , generically as gi and the relevant β functions with βi . However, we
can omit the terms in which the β function does not refer to the constant λ,
because they should give higher-order contributions, resulting in
∂ ∂ ∂
µ + β(λ, gt , · · · ) − γφ V =0. (20.62)
∂µ ∂λ ∂φ

To lowest order, the steps shown in (20.52) can be repeated by adding the
contributions originating from the diagrams of Figure F.1 which correspond to
corrections to the potential via the coupling constant and the normalisation of
the field. It is useful to distinguish the contributions from irreducible diagrams,

Figures F.1(c), (e) and (h), from those of reducible diagrams, Figures F.1(d)
and (g):
 X X   X 
Λ2 1 4 Λ2
V = λ0 − ( Cirr + 4λ Cred ) log 2 φ 1+4 Cred log 2
φ 24 φ
 X X 2 X X 
Λ φ2
= λ0 − ( Cirr + 4λ Cred ) log 2 + ( Cirr + 4λ Cred ) log 2
µ µ
 X 2
  X 2

1 Λ φ
× φ4 1 − 4 Cred log 2 × 1 + 4 Cred log 2 . (20.63)
24 µ µ
The divergent corrections are absorbed into λ(µ) and φ(µ), with
β(λ, gt , · · · ) = +2( Cirr + 4λ Crid ) , (20.64)
γ(λ, gt , · · · ) = +2 Crid , (20.65)
and we can write
φ 1 φ
V = λ(µ) + β(λ, gt , · · · ) log φ(µ)(1 + γ log ) . (20.66)
µ 24 µ
By construction, (20.66) fulfils the condition
=0. (20.67)

It can immediately be seen that the form of V which satisfies (20.62) is
V = V (t, λ, gt , · · · , φ) = V (t, λ̄(t), ḡt (t), · · · , φ(t)) , (20.68)
where t is defined in (20.54), and λ̄(t), ḡt (t), · · · are the solutions of the equa-
= β(λ̄, ḡt , · · · ) etc. (20.69)
Z t 
φ(t) = φ(µ) exp dt′ γ[λ̄(t′ ), ḡt (t′ ), · · · ] . (20.70)

To one-loop order, explicitly

λ̄(t) n Rt
γ(t′ ) dt′
V = [φ(µ)] 0 , (20.71)
∂V dλ̄
µ =− + 4γ λ̄ ,
∂µ dt

β(λ, gt , · · · ) − 4γ V = β(λ̄, · · · ) − 4γ λ̄ ,

and the Callan–Symanzik equation is satisfied by virtue of (20.69).

The form of the potential in (20.71) is connected to the considerations
discussed in a previous chapter, Section 18.2, where we studied the equa-
tions (20.69) in an explicit form. If (18.25) leads to a negative value of λ̄ at a
certain mass scale Λ, we must expect that the potential becomes negative for
φ ∼ Λ, as shown in Figure 20.1, with the destabilisation of the minimum from
the minimum at low energy, where the Standard Theory resides, in favour of
a new minimum, corresponding to a Higgs boson with a mass of the order of

Figure 20.1 Qualitative behaviour of the potential of equation (20.71). The dotted
lines mark the regions where we do not have a detailed calculation of the potential.
If the running coupling λ̄ becomes negative at a large energy scale, Λ, the potential
becomes negative for values of the field φ̄ ∼ Λ much larger than the electroweak vac-
uum value φEW determined by the Fermi constant. The theory is unstable, possibly
towards a new minimum at Λ.


We have many times mentioned the necessity of a completion of the
Standard Theory at high energy. Leaving aside motives of elegance which
would require a unified theory, at least of the interactions associated with the
SU (2)L ⊗U (1)Y gauge group, it does not seem possible to contemplate a world
in which gravity should be separated from the other forces of nature and not
quantised. As we noted earlier, the constant which characterises gravity, the
Planck mass, has an extraordinarily large value compared to the mass scale

of the Standard Theory, fixed by the Fermi constant

< 0|φ|0 >= η = (2 2GF )−1/2
≈ 274 GeV << MP lanck = GN ≈ 1019 GeV . (20.73)

It is therefore reasonable to think that the Standard Theory should be the

“low” energy limit of a theory whose effects would show up at energies Λ > η
and to believe that in any case Λ ≤ MP lanck , the equality applying in the case
in which there are no other interactions below quantum gravity.
But how large can Λ be? Or, can we find clues in the Standard Theory that
there should be new physical phenomena at high energy? And what estimates
can we propose for the value of Λ?
A question of this type was posed at the beginning of the Fermi theory of
weak interactions. In this case, to state the problem was simpler. The theory
proposed by Fermi is not renormalisable and we can imagine that the new
phenomena would come into play at the scale fixed by the Fermi constant,
namely energies of the order of GF ∼ 300 GeV. There, the increasing
amplitudes calculated with perturbation theory exceed the unitarity condition
on the S-matrix. In practice, somewhat before this point, the vector bosons
make the amplitudes less singular and the Fermi theory is merged into the
Standard Theory, of which it represents the low energy limit.
A similar situation appears in the theory of grand unification in which,
at our energies, the effects of the exchange of additional bosons would be
manifested by Fermi interactions, for example those supposedly responsible
for proton decay.
In the Standard Theory, since it is renormalisable, the problem is posed in
a similar way to that of QED. The Landau pole sets a limit to the extension
of integrations over momentum and makes it necessary to complete QED
with new interactions, to absorb it into a consistent theory in continuous
space-time. In this situation, QED, and with it the Standard Theory, would
be integrated directly with gravity. This would also be compatible with the
considerations made on the Higgs boson mass in Section 18.2; see Figure 18.3.

New signs emerge if we follow the idea that the scale of possible new physics
provides the cutoff on the momentum integrations of the amplitudes of QED
or the Standard Theory.
Generally in QED there are amplitudes quadratically or linearly diver-
gent, in the vacuum polarisation and the electron propagator. However, the
quadratic divergence vanishes by virtue of gauge invariance, see Section 11.1,
and the linear divergence vanishes because of chiral symmetry (see the discus-
sion on the electron mass in Section 12.3). Therefore, in QED, the ultraviolet
cutoff is frozen inside the logarithmic divergences and does not produce ap-
preciable effects on quantum corrections to the mass of the particles which
appear at low energy, even if we attribute to it a value equal to the Planck
mass or grand unification mass.

An elegant criterion for theory to be natural even in the presence of two

very different mass scales as in equation (20.73), is that the limit m → 0 of
the “light” particles corresponds to an increase of symmetry [48].
The cases of the spin 12 fermion and of the spin 1 boson clearly conform
to this picture: either chiral symmetry or gauge symmetry are recovered as
m → 0. For spin 0 particles, the light mass is natural if the particle is the
Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken global symmetry. This is the case,
for example, of the pion which, in the limit of massless quarks, becomes the
Goldstone boson of chiral symmetry.
It is easy to verify that none of these circumstances applies to the case of
the Higgs field of the Standard Theory. The most direct way is to consider
the structure of the quadratic divergences of the corrections to the effective
potential, starting from equations (20.30) and (20.35). If we confine ourselves
to terms quadratic in the fields, we can write:
1 2 2 Λ2 X
V (2) = m0 φ + (−1)2J (2J + 1) MJ (φ)2 , (20.74)
2 32π 2

where the summation runs over the particles of the Standard Theory (counting
particles and antiparticles separately), and MJ (φ) is the mass that the particle
of spin J takes in the Higgs field φ.
In the Standard Theory, the constants which enter into the expression for
MJ (φ) are independent of each other and there is no natural relation which
makes the coefficient of Λ2 zero. If we set
MH ∼ m20 − constant · Λ2 ∼ (100 GeV)2 , (20.75)

for Λ = MGUT or MP lanck it is clearly necessary to have an extraordinary

conspiracy between the starting mass and the correction, to make the resultant
mass of the order of the Fermi scale, as observed.
However, the fact that in the sum of (20.74) terms enter with opposite signs
suggests that some appropriate extra symmetry could force the summation to
be zero. Clearly a symmetry of this type should connect fermions and bosons,
i.e. must be a supersymmetry, the symmetry discovered by Wess and Zumino
and by Volkov and Akulov in the 1970s [49]. In practice, as noted by several
authors [50], in a supersymmetric theory there is exact equality between the
number of fermion and boson degrees of freedom and the rule
(−1)2J (2J + 1) MJ2 = 0 , (20.76)

holds exactly. In the presence of explicit or spontaneous supersymmetry break-

ing, the masses of the particles satisfy the ’t-Hooft criterion [48]; the symmetry
becomes exact in the limit of mass differences equal to zero, and the Standard
Theory completed in a supersymmetric theory would be natural, with respect
to both grand unification and quantum gravity, if the breaking of supersym-
metry would not occur orders of magnitude above the Fermi scale. From this

it follows that the particles implied by supersymmetry must appear at a mass

scale of order 1 to a few TeV.
Realistic models of supersymmetric electroweak interactions have been
constructed starting from the 1970s and 1980s [51] [52]; for more recent reviews
see for example [53].
Supersymmetry today appears as the only reasonable possibility to have
a spin 0 particle as elementary as quarks, leptons and gauge fields. The alter-
native is that the Higgs boson is not elementary, but rather a bound fermion-
antifermion state, just as the pion is composed of a quark and antiquark, and
that it should be, approximately, the Goldstone boson of a symmetry that will
appear at a higher energy [54]. In this picture, the only elementary particles
should be spin 21 and spin 1 particles, from which it is possible to construct
natural theories, based on gauge and chiral symmetries. In these schemes, the
cutoff Λ in (20.75) would be the energy at which we can resolve the Higgs
boson into its elementary constituents (i.e. new types of quark bound by new
forces not yet observed). The naturalness of the theory requires, also in this
case, new phenomena to be observed in the region from 1 to several TeV.
The observations made at the CERN with the Large Hadron Collider dur-
ing 2011–2013 did not find evidence for supersymmetric particles within mass
limits that extend from 600 GeV to a little above 1 TeV, nor of new particles
associated with hypothetical constituents of the Higgs boson.
A new series of measurements has just begun at higher energy and lumi-
nosity, which will explore the mass range from about 1–2.5 TeV.
New accelerators will be needed to explore the multiTeV region and give
an answer to the issues raised by the mere existence of the Higgs scalar boson.

Transition Amplitude
A.1 Transition amplitude for zero potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

In this appendix, we describe the calculation of the matrix element

hq2 |e−i 2m T |q1 i corresponding to the absence of a potential, discussed in Chap-
ter 2.


We assume that the eigenstates q and p are normalised so that
hq ′ |qi = δ(q ′ − q) , dq|qihq| = 11 .

If we normalise the states |pi so that

hq|pi = √ eipq ,

we find that Z
′ ′
hp |pi = δ(p − p) , dp|pihp| = 1 .

We therefore have
p2 p2
hq2 |e−i 2m T |q1 i = dkhq2 |e−i 2m T |kihk|q1 i
= dke−i 2m T hq2 |kihk|q1 i
1 k2
= dke−i 2m T ei(q2 −q1 )k .


The integration is simplified by making the exponent a perfect square. In

this way we obtain the expression
p2 1 i m(q2 −q1 )2 (k−kcl )2 m(q2 − q1 )
hq2 |e−i 2m T |q1 i = e 2T dk e−i 2m T , kcl = ,
2π T
which is convergent for Im T < 0. For real values of T we can define, with a
change of variable, Q = k − kcl :
Z Z r
−i 2m T Q2
−i 2m (T −iη) 2πm
dQe = lim dQe = ,
η→0 + iT

where the notation η → 0+ denotes that the limit is taken starting from
positive values of η. The necessity to approach the limit of real values of time
starting from complex values in the lower half-plane is reflected, as we saw in
Chapter 3, in the famous “rule of iǫ” in the calculation of propagators and
Feynman diagrams. Substituting into the previous expression, the result of
equation (2.3) is obtained.

Connected Diagrams
B.1 Generating functional of connected diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271


We want to prove that the generating functional Z[J] can be written in
the form
Z[J] = exp(W [J]) = W [J]k , (B.1)

where W [J] is the sum of all the connected diagrams. The proof, which we
will discuss for the case of the λφ4 theory, applies similarly to the perturbative
expansion of any field theory.
We can write Z[J] in terms of the “vertex” operator, V , defined by
Z[J] = eV Z 0 [J] = Z 0 [J] , (B.2)
where the operator V is obtained directly from the interaction Lagrangian

4 1 δ
V =i d xL i , (B.3)

and depends on the theory. In the case we are considering, this operator is
[see equation (8.6)]
Z  4
−iλ 4 δ
V = d x i ,
4! δJ(x)
while in different theories it can take a more complex form, with more J
functions corresponding to several fields. The generating functional of the free
theory, Z 0 [J], can be written in the form

Z 0 [J] = exp W 0 [J] , (B.4)

where W 0 [J] is the sum of connected diagrams not containing vertices. In the


λφ4 theory the only diagram of this type is diagram (d) of Figure 8.2, and we
find (see equation 8.5)
W 0 [J] = d4 x d4 y J(x) ∆F (x − y) J(y) . (B.5)

Each functional derivative of Z [see for example equations (8.9) and (8.10)]
contains a factor Z 0 [J], hence we can write

e Z 0 [J] = Z[J]
Z[J] = Z[J] e exp(W 0 [J]) , (B.6)

and note that Z[J] can be expressed by means of the sum of all diagrams
G—connected and unconnected—in which each connected component has at
least one vertex
Z G. (B.7)

To prove (B.1) it is therefore necessary to prove that

e = exp(W
f [J]) = 1f n
Z W [J] , (B.8)

f [J] is the sum of all connected diagrams, with one or more vertices,
where W
which we imagine to be ordered in a series {D1 , D2 , . . .}

f [J] =
W Di [J] . (B.9)

Denoting the diagrams with one vertex by vi = 1, those with two vertices
by vi = 2 and so on, we can therefore write
X D1n1 Dnk
f [J]) = eD1 eD2 · · · eDk · · · =
exp(W · · · k · · · . (B.10)
n1 ,n2 ...nk ...
n1 ! nk !

The term V k /k! in (B.2) will produce connected diagrams with k vertices
(a subset of the list {D1 , D2 , . . .}) as well as unconnected diagrams which we
will now denote with G
" #
Vk 0 X
Z [J] = Di δk vi + (unconnected diagrams G) Z 0 [J] . (B.11)
k! i

We consider an unconnected diagram, i.e. of type G, which contains n1

copies of connected diagrams D1 , n2 copies of D2 and so on. We can therefore
write its contribution in the form

G = KG (D1 )n1 (D2 )n2 · · · , (B.12)

Connected Diagrams  273

where KG is a combinatorial coefficient. To prove (B.8) we must prove that

KG is the same coefficient with which this term appears in (B.10), i.e. that
1 1
KG = ··· ··· . (B.13)
n1 ! nk !
To calculate KG we must start from (B.2). If vi ≥ 1 is the number of
vertices in diagram Di , the total number of components and of vertices in G,
n and v, will be respectively1

X ∞
n= ni , v= ni vi .
i=1 i=1

Therefore G will be produced by the term V v /v! in (B.2). In this term we

must choose the v1 factors V which produce each of the n1 copies of D1 , the
v2 factors which produce the copies of D2 and so on [see equation (B.11)].
This choice can be made in
1 v!
ni ! (vi !)ni

different ways, since there are v! permutations of the factors V , but this num-
ber is divided by the number of permutations of V Qwhich contribute to each
connected component of G. Therefore we divide by (vi !)ni , and by the num-
ber of permutations between the Q n1 groups which give the n1 copies of D1 ,
and so on. Finally, we divide by ni ! . The factor v! is simplified with the
factor 1/v! which accompanies the term V v in the expansion of Z[J], equation
(B.2). Similarly, each of the factors vi ! in the denominator are combined [see
equation (B.11)] with a V vi to generate the components Di .
In conclusion, the value of the diagram G, composed of n1 copies of D1 ,
n2 copies of D2 , and so on, is given by
Y∞ n
(Di [J]) i
G[J] = . (B.14)
ni !

The coefficient KG is hence that of (B.13), and this completes the proof.

1 We note that even if the sums extend up to infinity, we are considering diagrams with

a finite number of components, for which only a few nk will be different from zero.

Lorentz invariance and

one-particle states
C.1 Renormalisation constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275


In Section 3.4 we saw that the matrix elements of a scalar field between the
vacuum and the one-particle states are given, in a theory without interactions,
by√expressions of the type of equation (3.75) in which a characteristic factor
1/ 2ω appears. In this appendix we will prove that this factor is determined
by the invariance of the field φ under Lorentz transformations, and by the fact
that we have chosen for the one-particle states the normalisation

hp′ |pi = δ (3) (p′ − p) . (C.1)

In the presence of interactions, the form of the matrix element between the
vacuum and the one-particle states is determined to within a multiplicative
constant, known as the renormalisation constant. In the case of a real scalar
field, we must have

h0| φ(x, t) |pi = 3/2
p ei(p·x−ωptx ) . (C.2)
(2π) 2ωp

This result, which is the basis of the KL representation of the two-point

Green’s function, equation (8.39), was used in Chapter 7 to establish the
relation between Green’s functions and S-matrix elements.
We note that the dependence on x, t is fixed by the value of the momentum
and energy of the particle, so it is sufficient to verify equation (C.2) for |x| =
t=0 √
h0| φ(0) |pi = p . (C.3)
(2π)3/2 2ωp
For |p| = 0, (C.3) can be considered as a definition of the renormalisation


constant Z √
h0| φ(0) ||p| = 0i = √ . (C.4)
(2π)3/2 2m
Therefore it remains only to prove that a Lorentz transformation leads
from (C.4) to (C.3).
We consider a Lorentz transformation with velocity v along the x-axis (a
boost ) applied to the 4-vector q ≡ {E, q}
Ev + qx E + qx v
qx′ = √ , qy′ = qy , qz′ = qz , E′ = √ , (C.5)
1 − v2 1 − v2
which is represented by a unitary transformation Bv on the Hilbert space. The
action of Bv on the one-particle states can be represented in the form
Bv |qi = h(q, q′ )|q′ i , (C.6)
while the vacuum state |0i must remain invariant
Bv |0i = |0i . (C.7)

Starting from zero momentum, a momentum p = {ωp = m/ 1 − v 2 , p},
is obtained, i.e.
Bv ||p| = 0i = k(p)|pi , (C.8)
where (k(p) ≡ h(0, p)). Rotational invariance guarantees that k(p) depends
only on the magnitude of the vector p, and we can choose the phase of the
state |pi so that k(p) is real and positive.
To determine the value of k(p) we note that [see equation (C.1)]
δ (3) (q) = hq||p| = 0i = hq|Bv† Bv ||p| = 0i
= h∗ (q, q′ )k(p)hq′ |pi = k 2 (p)δ (3) (q′ − p) ,

where in the final step we have used the first δ (3) (q), which guarantees that
|q| = 0, and therefore we have substituted h(q, q′ ) with h(0, p) = k(p) which
we know to be a real quantity. The vector q′ present in the argument of the
last δ-function depends on q via the Lorentz transformation. We therefore
have ′ −1
δ (3) (q) = k 2 (p)δ (3) (q′ (q) − p) = k 2 (p) i δ (3) (q) ,
∂qk |q|=0
and with a simple calculation of the Jacobian of the Lorentz transformation,
we find that ′
∂q 1 ωp
k (p) = i
= √ = ,
∂qk |q|=0 1−v 2 m
from which it follows that (C.8) can be rewritten
Bv |p = 0i = |pi . (C.9)
Lorentz invariance and one-particle states  277

Because φ(x) is a scalar field, it must be true that

Bv† φ(0)Bv = φ(0) , (C.10)

which implies
h0| φ(0) ||p| = 0i = h0|Bv† φ(0)Bv ||p| = 0i = h0| φ(0) |pi .

We have therefore proven that (C.3)—and hence, for arbitrary values of x

and t, also (C.2)—is obtained from (C.4).

Reduction formulae
D.1 Reduction formulae for the Compton scattering amplitude 279


As we saw in Chapter 10, the generating functional that is obtained to
first order from the QED perturbative expansion can be written in the form1
ρ ¯ −iδ µ iδ iδ ¯ J]
Z1 [J , J, J] = ie d4 u γ ¯ Z0 [J ρ , J,
δJ(u) δ J(u) δJ µ (u)
= ie d4 u C1 µ [J ρ ]C2µ [J,
¯ J]Z0 [J ρ , J,
¯ J] , (D.1)

¯ J] = Z0 [J ρ ]Z0 [J,
where Z0 [J ρ , J, ¯ J] is the generating functional of the free
theory, equation (10.9),
C1µ [J ] = − d4 xJ ρ (x)∆ρµ (x − u) ,
C2µ [J,
¯ J] µ
= −iγ SF (u−u)− ¯
d4 y d4 z J(y)S µ
F (y −u)γ SF (u−z)J(z) , (D.3)

and we have introduced the notation ∆λµ (x − u) = gλµ ∆F (x − u; 0).

To obtain the generating functional to second order, we must calculate the
expression Z
1 −iδ ν iδ iδ ¯ J] .
ie d4 v γ ¯ Z1 [J ρ , J, (D.4)
2 δJ(v) δ J(v) δJ ν (v)
The result of this operation is the sum of a large number of terms,
which correspond to the different physical processes discussed in Section 10.4.
Here, we only consider the contribution corresponding to the generating func-
tional from which the Compton scattering amplitude is obtained, denoted
¯ J].
Z2C [J ρ , J,
1 The presence of mass counterterms in the interaction Lagrangian is not relevant for the

result that we propose to derive, and will therefore be neglected.


In this context the relevant functional derivative with respect to J ν (v) can
operate only on Z0 [J ρ ], with the result
iδ ρ
Z 0 [J ] = − d4 x′ ∆σν (v − x′ )J σ (x′ )Z0 [J ρ ] , (D.5)
δJ ν (v)

while the functional derivatives with respect to J(v) ¯ and J(v) can operate,
¯ ¯
respectively, on C2 [J, J] and Z0 [J, J], or vice versa. In the first case we find
(for clarity, we make the Dirac indices explicit)
ν iδ ¯ µ
γαβ ¯ C2 [J , J] = −i d4 z γαβ
SF βδ (v − u)γδρ SF ρσ (u − z)Jσ (z) , (D.6)
δ Jβ (v)

−iδ ¯ J] = −
Z0 [J, d4 y J¯ξ (y)SF ξα (y − v)Z0 [J¯, J] . (D.7)
δJα (v)

Combining equations (D.6)–(D.7) with the analogous expressions obtained

¯ J] with respect to J(v)
by differentiating Z0 [J, ¯ ¯ J] with respect to
and C2 [J,
J(v), we obtain
Z2 = (ie) i d4 u d4 v d4 x d4 x′ d4 y d4 z J λ (x)∆λµ (x − u)∆σν (v − x′ )J σ (x′ )
C 2

× J(y)S ν µ
F (y − v)γ SF (v − u)γ SF (u − z)J(z) (D.8)
+(y ⇌ z, u ⇌ v, µ ⇌ ν)] .

It is immediately seen that the two terms of (D.8) give identical contributions,
which together eliminate the factor 12 . The final result can be written in the
Z2C = (ie)2 d4 u d4 vD1µν [J ρ ]D2µν [J¯, J]Z0 [J ρ , J,
¯ J] , (D.9)

D1µν [J ] = d4 x d4 x′ J λ (x)∆λµ (x − u)∆σν (v − x′ )J σ (x′ ) , (D.10)

D2µν [J,
¯ J] =i ¯
d4 y d4 z J(y)S ν µ
F (y − v)γ SF (v − u)γ SF (u − z)J(z) .


The Compton scattering amplitude is obtained, by means of the LSZ re-

duction formulae, from the four-point Green’s function

Gαβ (x1 , x2 , x′1 , x′2 ) = h0|T {Aα (x1 )Aβ (x′1 )ψ̄(x2 )ψ(x′2 )}|0i , (D.12)
Reduction formulae  281

which in the path integral formalism can be rewritten in the form

Gαβ (x1 , x2 , x′1 , x′2 ) =

1 −iδ iδ iδ iδ ρ ¯

Z[J , J, J] . (D.13)
¯ ) δJ (x1 ) δJ (x1 )
Z[0, 0, 0] δJ(x2 ) δ J(x ′ α β ′ ρ ¯
2 J =J =J=0

Using the expression for the generating functional to second order, given
by equations (D.9)–(D.11), it is immediately seen that the two functional
derivatives with respect to J α (x1 ) and J β (x′1 ) must operate on D1 [J ρ ], with
the result
iδ iδ
D1 [J ρ ] =
δJ α (x1 ) δJ β (x′1 )
− [∆αµ (x1 − u)∆βν (v − x′1 ) + ∆βµ (x′1 − u)∆αν (v − x1 )] . (D.14)
¯ 2 ) and J(x′ )
We now take the functional derivatives with respect to J(x 2
which can operate only on D2 [J, J]. The result obtained is

−iδ iδ
¯ D2 [J¯, J]
δJ(x2 ) δ J(x′2 )

= d4 z SF (x′2 − v)γ ν SF (v − u)γ µ SF (u − z)J(z)
δJ(x2 )
= iSF (x′2 − v)γ ν SF (v − u)γ µ SF (u − x2 ) . (D.15)

From equations (D.13)–(D.15) it follows that

Gαβ (x1 , x2 , x′1 , x′2 )

= −i(ie)2 d4 u d4 v [∆αµ (x1 − u)∆βν (v − x′1 ) + ∆βµ (x′1 − u)∆αν (v − x1 )]

× SF (x′2 − v)γ ν SF (v − u)γ µ SF (u − x2 ) . (D.16)

Now we want to use the expression for the Green’s function, (D.16), to
obtain the amplitude of the process

γ(k, r) + e(p, s) → γ(k ′ , r′ ) + e(p′ , s′ ) , (D.17)

where (k, r), (k ′ , r′ ), (p, s) and (p′ , s′ ) are the 4-momenta and the electron
and photon polarisation in the initial and final states. Using the reduction
formulae discussed in Chapter 10, we can write the S-matrix element in the
′ ′ ′ ′
Sif = N dx1 dx′1 dx2 dx′2 e−i(kx1 +px2 ) ei(k x1 +p x2 )
× ǫβ (k ′ , r′ )−

✷ x′1 ū(p′ , s′ )(i∂/ − m)x′2 Gαβ (x1 , x2 , x′1 , x′2 )
× (−i∂/ − m)x2 u(p, s)← ✷− ǫα (k, r) ,
x1 (D.18)

where N is a normalisation factor that we will discuss later. The integrals over
x1 , x′1 , x2 and x′2 are carried out by using the relations

✷x ∆F (x − y; 0) = −δ (4) (x − y) , (i∂/ − m)x SF (x − y) = δ (4) (x − y) , (D.19)

with the result

Sif = −i(ie)2 N d4 u d4 v (D.20)
n ′ ′
× e−i[(p+k)u−(p +k )v] ǫν (k ′ , r′ )ū(p′ , s′ )γ ν SF (v − u)γ µ u(p, s)ǫµ (k, r)
′ ′
+e−i[(p−k )u−(p −k)v] ǫµ (k ′ , r′ )ū(p′ , s′ )γ ν SF (v − u)γ µ u(p, s)ǫν (k, r) .

For the last two integrations, the new variables W = (v + u)/2 and w =
v − u are used. Integrating over W , the δ-function expressing 4-momentum
conservation is obtained and, using the concise notation

ǫµ (k, r) = ǫµ , ǫν (k ′ , r′ ) = ǫ′ν , u(p, s) = u , ū(p′ , s′ ) = ū′ , (D.21)

we can write the S-matrix element in the form

4 ′ ′ 2
Sif = N (2π) δ(k + p − k − p ) ie d4 w
h ′
× ei(p+k)w ū′ /ǫ′ SF (w)/ǫu + ei(p−k )w ū′ /ǫSF (w)/ǫ′ u
= N (2π)4 δ(k + p − k ′ − p′ ) ie2 ū′ /ǫ′ SF (p + k)/ǫ + /ǫSF (p − k ′ )/ǫ′ u ,

/p + m
SF (p) = . (D.23)
p2 − m2 + iǫ
The normalisation factor in equation (D.20) has the form
1 1 1 1
N= p p p p , (D.24)
3 3 3 3
(2π) 2ωk Z3 (2π) 2ωp Z2 (2π) 2ωk′ Z3 (2π) 2ωp′ Z2

which contains the normalisations of the states describing the particles in the
initial and final states, and we may set Z2 = Z3 = 1 to the present perturbative
Equation D.22 reproduces the Compton scattering amplitude to lowest
order, well known in the literature (see e.g. [1], equations (14.82) and (14.83)).

E.1 Integration in D dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
E.2 Feynman parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285


We derive the result of the following integral often encountered in pertur-
bation theory
dD k Γ(n − D/2) 1
I(s, D, n) = = iπ D/2 (−1)n . (E.1)
[k − s + iǫ]n
2 Γ(n) sn−D/2

The integrals extend over a space of D dimensions, k = {k0 , k1 , ....kD−1 },

with a Minkowski metric k 2 = k02 − k12 .... − kD−1
. We will assume that s is
real and positive.
The Γ function is defined by
Z ∞
Γ(x) = dy y x−1 e−y , Γ(x) = (x − 1)Γ(x − 1) , Γ(n) = (n − 1)! . (E.2)

In reality, we are interested in the case D = 4, but we would also like

to consider an analytic continuation to arbitrary values of D defined by the
result in (E.1), which is an analytic function of D except for poles at D/2 =
n, n + 1, . . ..
Actually Γ(x) is analytic for ℜ(x) > 0, and can be continued to values
ℜ(x) ≤ 0 by using the relation Γ(x) = Γ(x + 1)/(x), with which it is easily
proven that Γ(x) is analytic in the whole of the complex plane with the ex-
ception of poles at x = 0, x = −1, · · · . For example, starting from a Taylor
series expansion in the vicinity of x = 1, where Γ is analytic (see for example
Γ(1 + η) = 1 + γη + O(η 2 ) ,
1 The value of I(s, D, n) for complex values of s, if needed, can be obtained by analytic



where γ is Euler’s constant, γ = 0.5772 . . ., we obtain, in the vicinity of x = 0

Γ(η) = + γ + O(η) .
To obtain the result in (E.1), we first rotate the integration path in the
complex plane of k0 from the real to the imaginary axis with a rotation in the
anticlockwise direction. Due to the +iǫ rule of the propagators, no singular-
ities are encountered, as shown in Figure E.1. This operation is known as a
Wick rotation. After the rotation we can take the limit ǫ → 0 since the two
singularities at k0 = ±ω = ±(s + k12 .... + kD−1
)1/2 are far away from the new
integration path.

Figure E.1 Wick rotation.

We can therefore set k0 = ikD and dk0 = i dkD , and rewrite the integral
as Z
n dD p
I(s, D, n) = i(−1) , (E.3)
[p2 + s]n
where p = {k1 , . . . kD−1 , kD } is a D-dimensional vector with Euclidean metric
p2 = k12 + k22 . . . + kD
To calculate the integral we use polar coordinates in the space of D dimen-
sions. Since the integrand does not depend on the angular variables, the latter
can immediately be integrated and, with the change of variables x = p2 /s,
implying p dp = s dx/2, we obtain
pD−1 dp dΩD
I(s, D, n) = i(−1)n
[p2 + s]n
Z ∞
ΩD x(D−2)/2 dx
= i(−1)n . (E.4)
2sn−D/2 0 (1 + x)n
Integrals  285

The above integral is convergent as x → ∞ if n > D/2. The solid angle in

D dimensions is given by 2
2π D/2
ΩD = , (E.5)
which reproduces the known results: Ω2 = 2π and, since Γ(3/2) = 12 Γ(1/2) =
π 1/2 /2, Ω3 = 4π. In four dimensions Ω4 = 2π 2 is obtained.
The remaining integral is expressed by means of the Beta function (for the
proof see Chapter 15 of [56], but here we use the notation of [55]),
Z ∞
xz−1 dx Γ(z) Γ(w)
B(z, w) = z+w
= , (E.6)
0 (1 + x) Γ(z + w)
and we finally recover the result of (E.1).


A simple case. We consider the integral
1 1
I(p) = dD k . (E.7)
k2 − m + iǫ (k − p) − m2 + iǫ
2 2

I(p) can be expressed in terms of a parametric integration over a real

variable x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) with a method introduced by Feynman. We start from
the identity
Z 1
1 1
= dx 2 , (E.8)
D1 D2 0 [xD1 + (1 − x)D2 ]
which is proven straightaway by carrying out the integration of the right-hand
Z 1 Z 1
1 1
dx 2 = dx 2 (E.9)
0 [xD1 + (1 − x)D2 ] 0 [x(D1 − D2 ) + D2 ]
1 1 1 1
= − = . (E.10)
D1 − D2 D2 D1 D1 D2
Applying (E.8) we find
Z 1 Z
I(p) = dx dD k 2
0 [x(k − p)2 + (1 − x)k 2 − m2 ]
Z 1 Z
= dx dD k 2 (E.11)
0 [k 2 − 2xk · p + xp2 − m2 ]
Z 1 Z
= dx dD k 2 .
0 [(k − xp)2 + x(1 − x)p2 − m2 ]
2 The result is easily obtained by evaluating the Gaussian integral in D dimensions
2 2
dD x e−(x1 +···+xD ) in Cartesian and polar coordinates.

After the change of variable k → k ′ = k − xp, the integral (E.11) takes the
form in (E.1) with
s = m2 − x(1 − x)p2 , n=2, (E.12)
from which it follows that
Z 1
D/2 1
I(p) = iπ Γ(2 − D/2) dx 2−D/2
. (E.13)
0 [m2 − x(1 − x)p2 ]
We can now set D = 4 − η, with the idea of taking the limit η → 0+ . We
Z 1
dx e− 2 ln[m −x(1−x)p ]
η 2 2
I(p) = iπ Γ(η/2)
 Z 1 
= iπ 2 − ln π − dx ln m2 − x(1 − x)p2 + O(η) (E.14)
η 0
Z 1  
= I(0) − iπ 2 dx ln 1 − x(1 − x) 2 ,
0 m
with I(0) a constant, diverging the limit η → 0+ .

The general case. Equation (E.8) can be generalised to the case of n de-
nominators. We start from the Schwinger representation
Z +∞
= dα e−αD1 , (E.15)
D1 0
and write
Z +∞
1 P
In = = (Πi dαi ) e− αi Di
. (E.16)
D1 D2 · · · Dn 0
The right-hand side of the above equation can be rewritten introducing a
δ-function and an integration over the additional variable λ
Z +∞ X P
In = dλ(Πi dαi ) δ(λ − αi ) e− αi Di . (E.17)
Setting αi = λxi we obtain
Z X Z +∞ P
In (Πi dxi )δ(1 − xi ) dλ λn−1 e−λ( xi Di )
, (E.18)

where the integration over each xi isP now extended to the range [0, 1]. Finally,
introducing the new variable t = λ( xi Di ), we find
Z X Z +∞
In = (Πi dxi )δ(1 − xi ) P t(n−1) e−t
( xi Di )n 0
Z X (n − 1)!
= [Πdxi δ(1 − xi )] . (E.19)
(x1 D1 + x2 D2 + · · · xn Dn )n

β(λ) and β(gt) functions

F.1 Calculation of the β(λ) and β(gt ) functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
F.2 β(λ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
F.3 β(gt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293


We describe here the details of the calculations of the β(λ) and β(gt )
functions, cf. [29].

F.2 β(λ)
The relevant Feynman diagrams are shown in Figure F.1. The integration
over the internal lines is carried out with an upper limit on the momenta, an
ultraviolet cutoff Λ, and with external momenta initially different from zero.
For the simple cases in the figure, techniques of dimensional regularisation to
identify the quadratically and logarithmically divergent terms are not needed.

We introduce the superficial degree of divergence which, for one-loop dia-

grams, is equal to

D =4+n−d , (F.1)

where n and d are the powers of the momentum circulating in the loop, which
occur in the numerator and the denominator of the function to be integrated.
D = 2 and 0 correspond to quadratic and logarithmic divergences in the cutoff


Figure F.1 Feynman diagrams for the β(λ) function in the Standard Theory. The
contributions shown for each diagram are multiplied by a common factor of (16π 2 )−1 .
The box diagrams with internal lines of alternate scalars and vectors, which are not
divergent in the Landau gauge used in the text, are not shown.
β(λ) and β(gt ) functions  289

The usefulness of the Landau gauge [28] is in the fact that this choice
reduces the degree of divergence associated with the scalar-vector vertex in
one-loop diagrams, see Fig. F.2. As a consequence, diagrams involving a loop
in which scalars and vectors alternate become more convergent, or vanish if
the external momentum vanishes, q = 0.

Figure F.2 Scalar-vector vertex in the Landau gauge. The momentum of the loop
gives zero in the product of the scalar vertex with the propagator of the vector field,
reducing the degree of divergence of the diagram by one unit.

Referring to the one-loop diagrams appearing in (a)–(i) of Figure F.1, we

note that:
• (b) and (f ) have D = 2 but contribute a constant independent of the
external momentum, hence only to the renormalisation of the mass of
the scalar (cf. Section 8.4), and we can ignore them;
• (d) is similar to vacuum polarisation in QED; the term with D = 2 is not
zero but it contributes only to mass renormalisation; the derivative with
respect to the external q 2 has D = 0 and it contributes to the β function,
similar to what happens for renormalisation of the wave function, Z2 in
QED and QCD;
• (g) has in general D = 2, but has D = 0 in the Landau gauge, see
Figure F.2; it contributes to the renormalisation of the wave function,
as in the previous case; (i) has D = 0 in general, but is convergent in
the Landau gauge and drops out ;
• (c), (e) and (h) have D = 0.
The logarithmically divergent contributions are calculated at an external
momentum scale of order µ2 . The dependence on µ, for dimensional reasons,
can only be of the type ln(Λ2 /µ2 ). Therefore, every logarithmically divergent
contribution of the form δλ(X) = C (X) lnΛ2 contributes to the β function
with a term
∂(δλ(X) ) ∂(δλ)(X)
µ = −2Λ2 = −2C (X) . (F.2)
∂µ ∂Λ2

Diagrams (a), (c). We can restrict ourselves to the case in which the ex-
ternal states are all of type φ0 , making the potential (18.3) explicit as
 
λ0  4 X
V = φ0 + 2φ20 ( φ2i ) + · · ·  = V00 + V0i + · · · . (F.3)
1,N −1

To first order, Figure F.1 (a), only V00 counts and the amplitude is equal
(4) λ0
A0 = F C × (−i ) = −iλ0 , (F.4)
where F C is a combinatorial factor which represents the number of ways in
which we can connect the external states 1, · · · , 4 to the vertex and is equal
to 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 4! as already noted with reference to equation (8.38). We shall
write the higher-order corrections as δA0 = −i δλ.
In the first correction, Figure F.1 (c), the terms V00 (exchange of σ in the
internal lines) and V0i (exchange of φi in the internal lines) play a role. We
(c) λ0 2 d4 k i i
−i δλ = F C × (−i ) , (F.5)
4! (2π) (k + q1 + q2 ) (k)2
4 2

where F C is the appropriate combinatorial factor. The amplitude has D = 0

and we can calculate the logarithmically divergent term directly, neglecting
the external momenta. After the Wick rotation, discussed in Appendix E, we
λ0 2 i
−i δλ(c) = F C × ( ) × lnΛ2 + · · · . (F.6)
4! 16π 2
To calculate F C, we consider first the diagram in which V00 appears and
the states 1, 2 are connected to the first vertex, Figure F.1(c). We note that:
• the factor 12 from the Dyson formula is cancelled by the fact that there
are two possible vertices which connect to 1, 2;
• we can connect 1, 2 to the first vertex in 4·3 different ways, and similarly
3, 4 to the second vertex;
• we can connect internal lines from the first vertex to the second in 2 · 1

(F C)00 = (4 · 3)2 · 2 . (F.7)

We proceed in a similar way in the case of V0i and obtain

(F C)0i = 4 · (2)2 · 2 · (N − 1) , (F.8)

β(λ) and β(gt ) functions  291

having taken account of the factor 2 in V0i and that there are N − 1 types of
internal lines. Putting everything together and setting N = 3 at the end, we
9 + (N − 1) iλ20 2 iλ20
−i δλ(c) = lnΛ 2
+ · · · = lnΛ2 + · · · . (F.9)
18 16π 2 3 16π 2
A further factor 3 is obtained from adding the crossed diagrams, with the
exchanges 1, 2 → 1, 3 and 1, 2 → 1, 4.
Using (F.2), we finally find

∂(δλ(c) )
(16π 2 )µ = (16π 2 )β (c) = +4λ2 . (F.10)

Diagram (e). Considering external states of type φ0 , we have

Z  4
(e) gt 4 d4 k i
−i δλ = (−1) × F C × (i √ ) 4
2 (2π) k/
gt 4 i
= −4 · 3 × F C × ( √ ) lnΛ2 . (F.11)
2 16π 2
The factor −1 corresponds to the fermion loop, and the factor 4 · 3 follows
from the trace over Dirac and colour indices. For the calculation of F C, we
note that
• the Dyson factor 1/4! is cancelled by the number of ways in which the
external states are associated with each of the four vertices;
• the vertices which follow the first vertex along the fermion line can be
chosen in 3 · 2 · 1 ways.
We therefore find
∂(δλ(e) )
(16π 2 )µ = (16π 2 )β (e) = −36gt4 . (F.12)

Diagram (h). We first consider the W 1 exchange. In the Landau gauge and
using (18.21), we find
ig 2 2 d4 k i kµ kν i kν kµ
−i δλ(h) = ( ) FC −g µν + −g νµ
8 (2π)4 k 2 k2 k2 k2
3 ig 4
= FC lnΛ2 . (F.13)
64 16π 2
The combinatorial factor is equal to (2 · 1)2 · 2 = 8 corresponding to the
ways of associating the external lines to (φ0 )2 at two vertices and to the ways
of contracting the W 1 internal lines. Multiplying by 3 · 2, to take account of

the crossed diagrams and the exchange of W 2 , and calculating in a similar

way to the Z exchange, we obtain
i 9 4 9 2
−i δλ(h) = g + (g + g ′2 2
) lnΛ2 , (F.14)
16π 2 4 8
from which it follows that
∂(δλ(h) ) 27 4 9 2 ′2 9 ′4
(16π 2 )µ = (16π 2 )β (h) = g + g g + g . (F.15)
∂µ 4 2 4

Diagrams (d), (g). We denote the amplitude resulting from the integration
over the closed fermion lines in (d) with
A(d) = i(A + δZ q 2 + · · · ) , (F.16)
where A corresponds to a mass renormalisation, which we can ignore.
If we imagine the diagrams of Figures F.1(a) and (d) inserted in a more
complex diagram, hence with their external lines associated with propagators
of the scalar fields, the sum of (a) and (d) is written
i 2 i i Z √ √ 1
(a) + (d) = 2 1 + iδZq 2 (−iλ0 ) = 2 (−i Zλ0 ) , Z = 1 − δZ.
q q q 2

Therefore the charge λ0 is renormalised as the effective charge Zλ0 =
λ0 + δλ. Taking into account that four lines merge at each vertex, the overall
effective charge is obtained from
−i δλ(d) = i 2 δZ λ0 . (F.18)
Putting δZ = C lnΛ2 , we find from (F.18)
β (d) = 4 C , (F.19)
and the same for diagram (g).
The amplitude resulting from the integration in diagram (d) is written1
 2 Z  
(d) igt d4 k i i
A = (−1) √ Tr
2 (2π)4 k/ k +
/ q
2 Z 4 2
g d k k + (k · q)
= − t 4·3 .
2 (2π)4 k 2 (k + q)2
Using the Feynman representation, Appendix E, easy steps lead to
(d) gt2 2 3 2 2
A = −i 6 −Λ − q lnΛ + · · ·
16π 2 2
= +i 3 t 2 q 2 lnΛ2 + · · · , (F.20)
1 As before, the factor 4 · 3 arises from the trace over the Dirac indices and colour.
β(λ) and β(gt ) functions  293

from which it follows that

16π 2 β (d) = +12 gt2 λ . (F.21)

We leave to the reader the task of deriving the result:

16π 2 β (g) = −9λg 2 − 3λg ′2 . (F.22)

F.3 β(gt )
The relevant Feynman diagrams are shown in Figure F.3, along with the
results corresponding to each diagram.
Note the vanishing of the renormalisation of the wave function for ex-
change of electroweak vector bosons, analogous to what happens in QED in
the Landau gauge.2
The calculations do not present particular difficulties, and we restrict our
considerations to the contributions of diagrams (b) and (c).
The fermion inside the self-energy diagram in (b) and (c) can be t (two
amplitudes t → t + φ0 → t and t → t + φ̄0 → t), or b (one amplitude
t → b + φ+ → t). To isolate the logarithmic divergence, we proceed as for
diagram (d) of Figure F.1. For the exchange of the neutral scalars and the
charged scalar we find, respectively,
1 2
i δZn /q(a+ + a− ) , (16π 2 ) δZn = g lnΛ2 , (F.23)
2 t
+ 2
i δZch /q a , (16π ) δZch = δZn . (F.24)

With these results we can construct the correct fermion propagator

i i
S(q) = 1 + i δZL a− /q + i δZR a+ q/ + ···
/q /q
i  i
= 1 − δZL a− − δZL a+ = Z , (F.25)
/q /q


ZL = 1 − δZn − δZch , ZR = 1 − δZn . (F.26)

2 Using the notation of Section 11.5, it is easy to confirm that B = L = 0 in the Landau


Figure F.3 Feynman diagrams for the β(gt ) function in the Standard Theory. The
contributions shown for each diagram are multiplied by a common factor of (16π 2 )−1 .
The wavy lines represent gluons in (f )–(h) and electroweak vector bosons in (g)–(l).
Diagrams of the same order with the exchange of a vector boson between the fermion
and the scalar are not divergent in the Landau gauge, and not shown.

We now sum diagrams (a), (b) and (c) and find

i gt i i√ √ gt p i√
(a) + (b) + (c) = Z i √ Z= Z Z i√ Z̃ Z , (F.27)
/q 2 /q /q 2 /q


Z = (1 − δZL ) a− + (1 − δZR ) a+ = ZL a− + ZR a+ (F.28)

Z̃ = ZL a+ + ZR a− . (F.29)

The renormalised charge is therefore

√ gt p gt p gt 1
Z i√ Z̃ = i √ ZL ZR = i √ 1 − (2δZn + δZch ) , (F.30)
2 2 2 2
(b)+(c) 3 2 3
(16π 2 ) δgt =− g lnΛ2 = + gt2 lnµ , (F.31)
4 t 2
which gives the result shown in Figure F.3, (b) and (c).

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β function, 220 limits on the mass, 236–238

electroweak, 236
QCD, 195 Callan–Symanzik equation, 263, 264
QED, 180 Casimir operator, 196
λφ4 CERN, 177, 228, 269
Feynman rules, 106 charge
Green’s functions, 104 electron, 124
in Standard Theory, 232, 233 quark, 187
interaction, 91, 99, 237, 273 chiral symmetry, 164, 267
1PI Coleman theorem, 52, 54
see under Green’s function, 117 colour, 187
combinatorial factors
action, 6, 7, 10, 17, 18, 57, 68 λφ4 , 103, 120, 292
classical limit, 9 QED, 136
complete non-Abelian, 192 commutation rules, 5, 34, 41, 45, 46,
Fermi in QED, 58, 61 49, 201
principle, 9 canonical, 38
translational invariance, 23 non-Abelian, 185
Yang–Mills, 188 complex time, 9
adjoint representation, 197 Compton scattering, 135, 136, 281
angle connected diagrams, 273
electroweak mixing, 220, 234 conservation of current, 49
anomalous magnetic moment, 169 continuum normalisation, 34, 35
QED, 169, 173 Coulomb
Weak, 241, 249, 250 field, 93
anticommutation rules, 67, 68 gauge, 60
antiparticle, 31, 81 interaction, 64, 145
asymptotic counterterm, 125, 140, 260
completeness, 88 coupling constant
condition, 92 effective, 177
fields, 91 gauge fields in QCD, 186
hypothesis, 87, 91 running, 217
asymptotic freedom, 195, 202, 218 creation and destruction operators,
24, 67
bare mass, 113 current
baryon number classical, 156
non-conservation, 226 conserved, 54
bremsstrahlung, 159 Dirac, 49
Brout–Englert–Higgs boson, 234

300  Index

Cutkosky rule, 206 amplitude, 96

ghost, 192
dimensional regularisation, 141, 285 parameters, 287
Dirac path integral, 3, 5, 6, 8, 38, 39,
equation, 2, 76, 162 52, 183
field, 81 and quantum mechanical
matrices in D dimensions, 167 operators, 39
operator, 77 in field theory, 46
divergences, 140 Feynman diagram, 1, 106
in bremsstrahlung, 160 connected or disconnected, 111
infrared, 1, 142 four-point function, 134
QED, 139 rules for S-matrix elements, 120
ultraviolet, 1, 142, 267, 289 rules for Green’s functions, 117
Feynman rules, 91, 103, 106, 126
effective charge, 177
FP ghosts, 194
effective potential, 253 non-Abelian theory, 192
electromagnetic field
QED, 133
quantisation, 55
tensor, 55 Dirac, 67
vector potential, 55
free scalar, 28
electron gauge, 184
propagator in QED, 146, 149 Goldstone, 233, 243, 244, 246
vertex in QED, 151
Higgs, 186, 233
gyromagnetic factor, 169 spinor, 67
magnetic moment, 2, 169
fine structure constant, 2, 164, 169,
measurable charge, 125
measurable mass, 125 four-point function, 73, 106, 108
scattering by an external field,
functional derivative, 20, 101, 105
155 functional integral–see Feynman
self-energy, 41, 49 path integral, 8
self-energy divergence, 164
divergence, 9, 56
electron-nucleus scattering, 158 Furry’s theorem, 135
determinant, 188, 189, 191
’t-Hooft–Feynman, 243
ghost, 191, 212
condition, 57
ghost Lagrangian, 191
Coulomb, 65
quantisation, 183
Feynman, 49, 59–61, 124
fixing, 57, 190, 243
constant, 234, 267
invariance, 56, 123, 267
oscillator, 67, 70, 74
Landau, 243, 262, 291
theory, 140
Lorenz, 57, 262
trajectory, 56
field, 67
unitary, 234, 243
Gaussian path integral, 75
Gaussian integrals, 74
Index  301

Gell–Mann SU (3) matrices, 196 Källén–Lehmann representation, 112,

Gell–Mann and Low equation, 179, 277
203 Klein–Gordon
generating functional, 23, 29, 58, 71, equation, 33, 92, 95, 99
78, 99, 100, 253, 281 operator, 29
real scalar field, 30
complex field, 31 Lagrange multipliers, 57
Dirac field, 76 Lagrangian, 7, 17, 18, 23, 29, 30, 59,
electrodynamics, 125 68, 100, 113, 124, 233, 273
ghost, 192, 212 density, 47, 55, 76
Glashow–Weinberg–Salam angle, 234 electromagnetic field, 193
gluon, 186 Fermi in QED, 60
Goldstone GUT, 227
boson, 268 interaction, 110
Goldstone theorem, 233 Maxwell, 57
Gordon identity, 169, 170, 173 QCD gauge field, 186
grand unification, 217 QED, 49, 123
O(10), 225 Standard Theory, 233
SU (5), 225 Yang–Mills, 185
spontaneous breaking, 225 Lamb shift, 162
Grassman Bethe calculation, 163
variable, 69 Landau pole, 177, 218, 231, 237, 264,
gravity, 231, 267 267
Green’s function, 25, 38, 41, 46, 52, lattice approximation, 8, 18
57, 72, 73, 78, 91, 95, 99, leading logs, 182, 237
282 lepton, 187
1PI, 117, 118, 120, 133, 255, 259 doublet, 220
analytic continuation, 52 generation, 187, 220
connected, 112 vanishing color charge, 187
electromagnetic field, 58, 63 LHC, 228, 269
harmonic oscillator, 28 Lorenz gauge, 188, 191, 262
Lorentz invariance, 96 LSZ reduction formulae, 91, 130, 282
Gribov copies, 191
Hamiltonian, 12, 23, 46, 65, 68, 86 electron, 124
harmonic oscillator, 23, 67, 71 Higgs boson, 234
Heisenberg representation, 4, 12, 86, vector bosons, 234
90, 91 microcausality, 52
Higgs boson, 233 minimal substitution, 163, 185, 232,
mass limits, 237, 267 235
Hilbert space, 52, 90
hydrogen atom, 162 naturalness, 268
Noether’s theorem, 45, 62
interaction representation, 90
optical theorem, 205
Jacobian, 19, 40, 57, 75, 189, 278
302  Index

Pauli constant, 145, 277

exclusion principle, 67, 74 electric charge, 145
perturbation theory, 51, 106 renormalisation group
perturbative series, 100, 125 equations, 236
photon QED, 175
longitudinal, 64 renormalised mass, 114
timelike, 64 representation
transverse, 63 SU (N ), 222
photon propagator running coupling constant, 218
Feynman gauge, 59
Landau gauge, 59 S-matrix, 86, 89, 90, 120, 124
renormalised, 144, 179 Feynman diagrams, 132
Planck mass, 231, 267 perturbative series, 125
Poincarè group, 255 unitarity, 205
propagator, 25, 30 scattering
electron, 267 amplitude, 89
fermion, 79, 295 cross section, 89
photon, 59 Schrödinger representation, 4, 86
quark, 200 Schwinger magnetic moment
second order, 115 calculation, 169
proton Schwinger representation, 288
decay, 226, 228, 267 seagull interaction, 232
self-energy, 41, 49, 51, 93
QCD, 186 semi-simple group, 186
β function, 195, 204 simple group, 186
asymptotic behaviour, 201 spectral function, 113
unitarity, 212 spin-statistics theorem
QED and ghosts, 192
β function, 181 and quark colour, 187
applications, 155 spinor, 76
Lagrangian, 123 spontaneous symmetry breaking, 233
unitarity, 210 Standard Theory, 1, 139, 186, 225,
vacuum screening 267
observation, 177 SU(N) representations, 222
quantum electrodynamics-see QED, superficial degree of divergence, 289
1, 41 supersymmetry, 228, 268
quark, 1, 207, 220 symmetry, 41
colour, 187 of action, 46
generations, 187 continuous, 47
properties, 186 gauge, 183
QCD interaction, 200 Abelian, 3
non-Abelian, 3, 183, 184, 232
reduction formulae - see LSZ, 95 group, 45
regularisation, 140 space translation, 45
renormalisation, 1, 93, 113, 125, 139 structure constants, 184
Index  303

time translation, 45
vacuum, 52, 53

T-matrix, 133
time-ordered product, 29, 38, 42, 72,
transition amplitude, 6
two-point function, 59, 73, 76, 106,
two-point Green’s function, 23

unitarity, 90, 205, 211, 212, 214, 267

vacuum, 38, 52
symmetry, 52, 54
vacuum polarisation, 166, 195, 267
tensor, 166
vacuum-vacuum diagram, 101, 112
vector bosons mass, 234
vertex role assignment, 136

Ward identity, 41, 48, 49, 141, 149,

153, 170
Wick rotation, 207, 254, 286, 292

tensor, 185
theory, 183
coupling, 232
interaction, 234

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