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Removal of Toxic Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions

Using Jute Fibers Grafted With Acrylic acid by Gamma


Mahmoud S. Hassan , Maged H. Zohdy

Department of Radiation Chemistry, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Atomic Energy
Authority, Cairo, Egypt

Jute fibers were grafted with acrylic acid by using the in water with higher quantities can damage of the central
direct gamma irradiation technique, which used as an nervous system and chromosomes and can cause the chest
adsorbent substrate for the toxic heavy metal ions
such as Hg21 and Pb21 from their aqueous solutions.
pain [4]. Because of increased environmental awareness,
The structure and crystallinity of the grafted jute fibers the development of cost-effective methods for the
were characterized by using Fourier-transform infrared removal of lead and mercury from aqueous solutions has
spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. The gained great importance. Different techniques were used
effect of pH range of the metal ion solutions, contact to remove the undesirable dissolved heavy metal ions
time, and the adsorption kinetics of the adsorption
process were investigated. The effect of the initial con- from aqueous solutions. The conventional techniques such
centration of dissolved metal ions and the adsorption as chemical precipitation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis,
isotherm for both Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption membrane separation, and electrochemical treatment pro-
models were also investigated. From the results, it can cesses [5–7], although, these techniques are often costly
be concluded that the adsorption process obeys the
or ineffective, especially in removing heavy metal ions at
second-order kinetic reaction and follows the Lang-
muir adsorption isotherm model, while, about 86 and low Concentrations [8], whereas the adsorption methods
80% of Pb21 and Hg21, respectively, were adsorbed at are more effective for removing the undesirable heavy
pH 5 and 6 after a contact time of 60 min. J. VINYL metals without producing unwanted by-products. Different
ADDIT. TECHNOL., 00:000–000, 2017. V
C 2017 Society of Plas-
materials such as activated carbon [9], carboxylated cellu-
tics Engineers
lose nanocrystals [10], fly ash [11], soy protein hollow
microspheres [12], sawdust [13], polyrhodanine-
encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles [14], and chitosan
INTRODUCTION entrapped CM-cellulose hydrogels [7], were used as
adsorbents. Moreover, the grafted substrates with poly(a-
Heavy metal pollution can cause serious environmental crylic acid) have a characteristic chelating ability toward
problems as a result of their toxicity and carcinogenic different divalent metal ions [15, 16].
effects on the natural environment and its accumulation The irradiation technique is known to be an effective
in living organisms [1]. The toxicity of heavy metals technique for changing the properties of matters. The
might be caused by blocking essential functional groups graft copolymerization by using the direct irradiation
of biomolecules and by disrupting the integrity of bio-
technique was used over the past decades for polymer
membranes [2]. Mercury and lead are from the most
treatments, in which, new side chains could be introduced
famous toxic heavy metals, which are responsible for the
to the polymer backbone by covalent bonding [17–19]. In
water pollution from industrial effluents.
this regard, the radiation was used to induce the graft
Mercury pollution usually comes from different indus-
copolymerization process to produce high performance
tries such as chloroalkali, paint, pharmaceutical, pulp, and
chemically active polymer materials for adsorption and
paper. Lead pollution comes as a result of the batteries’
separation processes. For example, the grafting process
storage and plating industries [3]. The increase in lead
with poly (acrylic acid), which acts as a chelating poly-
concentrations in the drinking water can affect the mental
mer, has a considerable attention in the separation of
development of children and can increase the blood pres-
heavy metals due to its ability to form chelates [15].
sure in adults. On the other hand, the presence of mercury
Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibers and is
the second to cotton in amount produced and variety of
Correspondence to: M. S. Hassan; e-mail: [email protected]
DOI 10.1002/vnl.21603
its raw material extracted from vegetable fibers. Jute
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( fibers are lignocelluloses natural fibers, composed mainly
C 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers
V of cellulose, hemicellulose (82–85%), and lignin [20]. It


is also cheap, contains huge interspaces, and can be used Madison, WI). XRD studies were performed using Philips
easily as a wastewater effluent filtration. On the other (PW 1390) equipment and Nickel-filtered Cu-Ka radia-
hand, jute fibers are known for its durability, and eco- tion. A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study of the
friendly properties, so that they are ideal for the different prepared jute fibers was carried out by JSM-640, JEOL at
adsorption applications. 15 kV, in which the dried sample was sputter-coated with
The present work deals with the preparation and char- gold using a microscope sputter coater and viewed
acterization of jute fibers grafted with acrylic acid (AAc) through the microscope.
monomer by using the mutual gamma radiation technique,
which used as an adsorbent substrate for some toxic
Determination of Metal Ions Adsorption Capacity by
heavy metal ions such as Pb21 and Hg21. The grafted
jute fibers were characterized by using Fourier-transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction The adsorption capacities of jute fibers towards the dif-
(XRD). The effect of different parameters on the adsorp- ferent metal ions were determined. A constant weight of
tion capacity (mg/g) of grafted jute fibers toward Pb21 dry treated jute fibers (0.2 g) was immersed in a 50 ml
and Hg21 such as contact time, pH range, and the initial metal salt solution from HgCl2 or Pb(NO3)2 at the initial
concentrations of the metal ions solutions was investi- concentration of 27.15 and 33.12 (g/L), respectively, which
gated. The kinetic parameters and the adsorption isotherm equivalent of (0.1 M) for both of them, under shaking. The
of the adsorption process were also investigated. remaining metal ion concentrations were determined by
using standard solution of EDTA [21]. The adsorption
EXPERIMENTAL AND TECHNIQUES capacity, the amount of ions adsorbed per mass unit of
treated jute fibers q (mg/g), was calculated using
Materials q 5 ðCo – Ce Þ V=W; (2)
AAc was used as received, and it was supplied by
where Co and Ce are the initial and equilibrium metal ion
Fluka. Jute fibers were supplied by the Egyptian Com-
solution concentrations (mg/L), respectively, W is the
pany for Jute Production, Egypt. Ammonium hydroxide,
weight of treated Jute fibers (g), and V is the volume of
ammonium chloride, sodium hydroxide, EDTA, and gla-
metal salt solution (L).
cial acetic acid were supplied by El-Nasr Pharmaceutical
Chemicals Co., Egypt. Lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2] (Mwt;
331.2) and mercuric chloride [HgCl2] (Mwt; 271.52) were
supplied by Alpha Chemika Co., India.
Graft Copolymerization of Jute-g-PAAc
Grafting of Jute Fibers with AAc Jute fiber is known to be stiff fiber with rough textured
surface, with high crystalline proportion as a result of the
Jute fibers were swelled for 24 h in NaOH solution
high lignin percent and hemicellulose ratios. To overcome
(20%), washed, neutralized with diluted acetic acid, dried,
this drawback, the alkali impregnation of the fibers was
and then they were weighted (Wo). For the grafting pro- used as a pretreatment, to decrease the crystalline fraction
cess, the swelled jute fibers were immersed in glass tubes related to the amorphous portion. This consequently leads
containing AAc monomer with different concentrations to the increase in the chemical reaction possibilities of
(under investigation), solvent and ferrous ammonium sul- the jute fibers [22, 23]. In the grafting of individual
fate as an inhibitor for the homopolymer formation, then monomers by radiation, it is easy to control the grafting
gamma irradiated at different doses using 60Co gamma process by controlling the factors affecting the graft yield
cell of dose rate 2.5 kGy/h (made in India) installed at (%). From the previous works, it was found that the graft-
the National Center for Radiation Research and Technol- ing solution, which have an effective role in the grafting
ogy, Cairo, Egypt. The grafted fibers were then washed process as a swelling medium for jute fibers and as a dil-
to extract the residual monomer and homopolymer. The uent for AAc monomer [24], was preferred to be included
homogenous grafted samples were dried and weighed H2O/MeOH (90:10) in the presence of 0.1% of ammo-
(Wg). The graft yield (%) was calculated according to nium ferrous sulphate as inhibitor for homopolymer for-
  mation. The effect of irradiation dose and monomer
Graft yield ð%Þ5 ðWg – Wo Þ=Wo 3100 (1) concentration on the obtained graft yield (%) was investi-
gated as shown in Fig. 1. The results showed that the
grafting yield (%) increases with increasing of the irradia-
Characterization of Grafted Jute Fibers with PAAc tion dose, as a result of the free radicals formation, which
leads to the increase in the grafting yield (%) [25]. It was
The prepared jute fibers grafted with PAAc (Jute-g- found also that the grafting yield (%) increases with
PAAc) were analyzed using FTIR, in a wide range increasing of the AAc monomer concentration up to 30%,
wavenumbers (400–4000 cm21), and in solid state using then by increasing AAc monomer concentration more
Mattson 5000 FTIR spectrometer (Mattson Instruments, than 30%, the grafting yield (%) slightly increased, or


FIG. 1. Effect of (a) AAc concentration and (b) irradiation dose on the graft yield (%) of PAAc onto jute fibers at constant solvent composition
(H2O/MeOH; 90/10) and am. ferr. sulfate (0.1%).

tends to level off as a result of homopolymer formation These findings prove the introduction of PAAc grafted
of PAAc [26]. chains onto the backbone of jute fibers [27].

X-ray Diffraction. The XRD patterns of ungrafted jute

Characterization of Jute-g-PAAc
and Jute-g-PAAc are shown in Fig. 3. The jute fibers
Fourier-Transform Infrared. FTIR spectroscopic anal- showed a definite characteristic peak at 2h 5 22.458 with
ysis was used to confirm the formation of graft copoly- high intensity (908 kcps), which reflects the high crys-
merization of PAAc onto Jute fibers. Figure 2 shows the tallinity nature of the jute fibers, due to the presence of
IR spectra of ungrafted and grafted jute fibers with PAAc the crystalline lignin with high portion (80%) in the
(28% grafting yield). The FTIR spectrum of jute fibers Jute fiber composition [22]. On the other hand, the Jute-
before grafting, as an example of cellulosic materials, g-PAAc fibers showed the same characteristic peak of the
showed a characteristic absorption band at 3448 cm21 jute fibers with lower intensity (620 kcps), which indi-
assigned to the stretching vibration of –OH, the vibration cates that the crystallinity of the jute fibers was decreased
band at 2923 cm21 confirms the presence of C–H stretch- after the incorporation of the PAAc, which characterized
ing, the vibration band at 1650–1640 cm21 due to the with its amorphous nature [28] into the jute matrix, result-
water associated with cellulose. In addition, absorption ing in the lowering in the overall crystallinity of the
bands at 1375–1320 and at 1047–1004 cm21 confirm the grafted jute fibers.
presence of C–H bending of cellulose and the stretching
vibration of C–O, respectively. On the other hand, the Scanning Electron Microscopy. The SEM was used to
FTIR spectrum of Jute-g-PAAc showed that the same compare the differences in the surface morphology and
characteristic vibration bands of jute fibers were found the physical appearance of ungrafted jute fibers and Jute-
beside new characteristic absorbed bands for –CO of car- g-PAAc as shown in Fig. 4. The SEM micrographs of
boxylic acid at 1320–1210 cm21, –C5O of carboxylic ungrafted jute fibers showed the smooth crystalline
acid at 1720–1700 cm21, accompanied with an increase
in –OH broad band of carboxylic acid at 3448 cm21.

FIG. 2. FTIR spectra of ungrafted jute and Jute-g-PAAc fibers. FIG. 3. XRD patterns of ungrafted jute and Jute-g-PAAc fibers.


FIG. 4. SEM micrographs of (a) ungrafted jute and (b) Jute-g-PAAc fibers.

appearance as shown in Fig. 4a. After the grafting process 2Jute-g-COO2 1Hg21 ! ½Jute-g-COO2 Hg ðcomplexÞ (4)
with PAAc, thick spongy layers of the graft copolymer
were noticed on the jute surface resulting in the increase
in the diameter of fibers with uniform shape as shown in Effect of pH. The removal (%) of metal ions by the
Fig. 4b, which can enhance the effluent diffusion through adsorbent as a function of pH, using of (0.1 M) as an ini-
the fiber interspaces leading to the increasing of the tial concentration for both metal salts, at a temperature of
adsorption efficiency. 308C, after 60 min of soaking under shaking is repre-
sented in Fig. 5. It is clear that the removal (%) of metal
Adsorption Mechanism of Metal Ions by Jute-g- ions is strongly pH dependent and maximum removal (%)
PAAc. The mechanism of the metal ion adsorption pro- occurs at pH 5 for lead and pH 6 for mercury. The
cesses is not fully understood, but several mechanisms increase of metal ion removal (%) with an increase in the
were suggested for metal ion binding to the grafted poly- pH is due to a decrease in competition between proton
mer chains including ion exchange, complexation, co- and metal ions for the surface sites and by the decrease in
ordination/chelation, electrostatic interactions, acid–base positive surface charge. Meanwhile, the metal ion
interactions, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, removal (%) was decreased at low pH values as a result
physisorption, and possibly precipitation. In the case of of the protonation effect and the increasing competition
Jute-g-PAAc, the hydrogen atom in the carboxylic group of protons for the same binding sites that metal ions can
of AAc can be exchanged by metal ion and then the car- bind. A slight decrease in removal (%) observed above
boxyl groups have two lone pair of electrons on the oxy- pH 5 for lead, which may be due to the precipitation of
gen which can form a chelate with metal ion [29]. Two Pb21 as Pb(OH)2. Hence pH experiments at alkaline
carboxyl groups are required to form a chelate with diva- ranges were avoided. The maximum removal (%) of
lent metal ions. The Jute-g-PAAc was used as an adsor- Hg21 observed at higher pH (6) than that of Pb21 may be
bent matrix for some toxic divalent heavy metal ions attributed to the electrostatic attraction between Hg(OH)1
such as Pb21 and Hg21. Previous reports [30] proved that ions and the negatively charged adsorbent surface [31].
the carboxylic groups of AAc act as a strong complexing
agent for the metal ions as shown in Eqs. 3 and 4. This Effect of Contact Time. The effect of contact time on
complex shows a tetrahedral structure (square planar com- the removal (%) of Pb21 and Hg21 by Jute-g-PAAc fibers
plex) as shown in the following scheme. using the initial concentration of (0.1 M) at pH 5 and a
temperature of 308C was studied, and the results are rep-
resented in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the removal (%) of

FIG. 5. Effect of pH on the removal (%) of Pb21 and Hg21 by Jute-g-

2Jute-g-COO2 1Pb21 ! ½Jute-g-COO2 Pb ðcomplexÞ (3) PAAc after 60 min, using the initial concentration of (0.1 M) of both
metal ion solutions.


TABLE 1. Adsorption kinetic parameters.

Pseudo-first-order Pseudo-second-order
kinetic model kinetic model
Metal ions k1 (min21) qe (mg/g) r2 k2 [g/(mg/min)] qe (mg/g) r2

Pb21 0.07 1.19 0.79 0.03 22 1.00

Hg21 0.07 1.16 0.79 0.02 20.75 1.00

log ðqe 2qt Þ5log qe –k1 =2:303t (5)

FIG. 6. Effect of contact time on the removal (%) of Pb21 and Hg21
by Jute-g-PAAc at pH 5, using initial concentration of (0.1 M) of both where qe represents the adsorbed amount of metal ions
metal ion solutions. (mg/g) at equilibrium, qt is the adsorbed amount of metal
ions (mg/g) at time t, while k1 represents the pseudo-first-
order rate constant (min21). The slopes and intercepts of
Jute-g-PAAc toward Pb21 and Hg21 increased signifi- the plots of log(qe–qt) versus time (t) were used to deter-
cantly after 10 min, and it tended to increase with lower mine k1 and qe [13, 32] as illustrated in Fig. 7. The values
rate with increasing the time up to 60 min. Above 60 of k1, qe, and correlation coefficient (r2) are listed in
min, the removal (%) tended to level off. The rapid Table 1. As a comparison, the pseudo-second-order model
removal (%) in the initial stage was due to the abundant [39] was used according to
available chelating PAAc sites on the surface of grafted
Jute fibers and the high concentration of metal ions [32]. t=qt 51=k2 qe 2 1t=qe (6)
Meanwhile by increasing the contact time, the removal
(%) slow down and finally reached equilibrium, due to where qe is the adsorbed amount of metal ions (mg/g) at
limited vacant adsorption sites available on the Jute-g- equilibrium, qt represents the adsorbed amount of metal
PAAc fibers. It was also found that, at the same condi- ions (mg/g) at time t, while k2 represents the pseudo-
second-order rate constant (g/mg/min), The slopes of the
tions, the removal (%) was grater in the case of Pb21
plot of (t/qt) versus time (t) were used to determine the
than that in the case of Hg21. This could be attributed
adsorbed amount of metal ions qe (mg/g), while the inter-
the change in their binding capacity, where it was 7.18
cepts were used to determine the rate constant of pseudo-
and 6.75 for Pb21 and Hg21, respectively [33]. Also, the second-order model k2 (g/mg/min) [32, 40], as illustrated
metal ion atomic number plays an important role in Fig. 7. The values of qe, k2, and correlation coefficient
[34–36], in which the Pb21 metal ions possess the higher (r2) are also listed in Table 1.
atomic number and the smaller hydrated ionic radii, As shown in Table 1, the obtained data for both
which increase its adsorption possibility by using Jute-g- adsorption kinetic models, the correlation coefficients
PAAc. were found to be 0.7882 for both Pb21 and Hg21 accord-
ing to the pseudo-first-order model. Meanwhile, the corre-
Adsorption Kinetics. Various adsorption kinetic models lation coefficients by using of the pseudo-second-order
have been used to describe the adsorption kinetics of the model were found to be 0.9991, which have good linear
metal ions. The pseudo-first-order model [37, 38] was relationship (r2 > 0.99) than the first-order kinetic model,
used according to for both Pb21 and Hg21.

FIG. 7. The pseudo-first- and second-order plots for the adsorption of Pb21 and Hg21 by Jute-g-PAAc.


TABLE 2. Adsorption isotherm parameters.

Langmuir model Freundlich model

Metal ions qm (mg/g) B (L/mg) r Kf [mg/g(L/mg)1/n] n r2

Pb21 16.67 0.01 0.99 0.75 0.78 0.97

Hg21 15.63 0.01 0.99 0.74 0.75 0.97

adsorbent molecules with the adsorbent surface [42, 43].

The common adsorption isotherm models that can be
used to describe the adsorption data are Langmuir and
Freundlich models. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm
assumes that the adsorption process occurs at specific
homogeneous sites on the Jute-g-PAAc and is the most
FIG. 8. Effect of initial ion concentrations on the adsorption capacity
commonly used for the monolayer adsorption process,
of Pb21 and Hg21 by Jute-g-PAAc after 60 min at pH 5. according to:

On the other hand, the results of qe obtained by using Ce =qe 51=b qm 1Ce =qm ; (7)
of the pseudo-first-order model were much lower than that where qe represents the adsorption capacity (mg/g) at
in the case of the pseudo-second-order model, which could equilibrium of metal ions on Jute-g-PAAc, Ce is the metal
be attributed to the inapplicable of the pseudo-first-order ion concentration at equilibrium (M), qm is the monolayer
equation throughout the contact time more than 20–30 min adsorption capacity (mg/g), and b is the Langmuir adsorp-
of the adsorption process [13, 32]. This indicates sharply tion constant (L/mg). Figure 9 shows the Langmuir plot
that the adsorption processes for both Pb21 and Hg21 by of the adsorption of Pb21 and Hg21 by Jute-g-PAAc. The
Jute-g-PAAc obey the pseudo-second-order model. slope and intercept of the plot of Ce/qe versus Ce were
used to determine qm and b as illustrated in Fig. 9. The
Effect of Initial Concentration. The influence of the values of qm, b, and correlation coefficient (r2) are listed
initial metal ions concentrations Co (M) on the amount of in Table 2.
adsorbed Hg21 and Pb21 at equilibrium (qe) by Jute-g- The Freundlich adsorption isotherm assumes that the
PAAc is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the adsorp- adsorption process occurs at specific heterogeneous sys-
tion capacity (mg/g) at equilibrium (qe) increases with tems and is most commonly used for adsorption process,
increasing of the initial concentration of both Pb21 and using
Hg21. This could be attributed to the acceleration of the
metal ions diffusion into the polymeric network, where, ln qe 5ln Kf 11=nln Ce (8)
at high concentration, the driving force increases, which
overcome the mass transfer resistance between solid–liq- where qe represents the adsorption capacity (mg/g) at
uid phases [41]. equilibrium of metal ions on Jute-g-PAAc, Ce (M) is the
metal ion concentration at equilibrium, Kf is Freundlich
Adsorption Isotherms. The adsorption isotherms are constant, and 1/n is the heterogeneity factor. The slopes
important for the discussion of the interaction of the and intercepts of the plot of ln qe versus ln Ce were used

FIG. 9. The Langmuir and Freundlich plots for the adsorption of Pb21 and Hg21 by Jute-g-PAAc.


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