Working at Heights Risk Assessment

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Finance and Business Services / Infrastructure and Assets

Risk Assessment – Work at Height

Risk Detail
Unit Work Lead: Work Order No.: No of Workers:

WMH Facility: Building Name /No. Facility Address:

Risk Location: Risk Description Construction Work ☐ Yes ☐ No

Implement Control Measures (Supervisor to complete)

Risk Control Measures (complete for all new/recommended controls)
Recommended controls to eliminate or minimise the risk Person/s Responsible Date Completed

Entered into Risk Register ☐ Yes ☐ No

Supporting evidence for control measures i.e. SWMS , Prestart Checklist, Inspection Certificates for Equipment,
Equipment Register (please attach)

Risk Review
All necessary control measures have been implemented to eliminate or minimise the risk
Supervisor/Manager Name: ___
Position: Signature: Date / /

Risk Rating Minimum Action Required (specific to safety risks)

 Monitor to ensure no change to risk level occurs.
 Action required within one month.
 Detailed risk assessment required.
 Action required within one to two weeks (short and/or long-term controls).
 Report in accordance with West Moreton Health (WMH) risk requirements
 Report within one week to the local Work Safety and Wellbeing (WSW) Unit.
 Long term control plan including detailed risk assessment required with management involvement/review.
 Immediate action required (short and/or long-term controls).
 Work activity/component may be ceased/restricted until short term controls implemented to reduce risk level.
 Report in accordance with WMH risk requirements. Report immediately to the local WSW Unit.
 Long term control plan including detailed risk assessment required with senior management involvement/review.
Risk Assessment – Work at Height (refer to the risk management guide attached)
Inherent Residual List of established
Risk Rating Risk Rating control measure
What are the
What are the hazards and risks The risk with The risk with Who is responsible
control measures
no controls in controls in
place place
Describe what will Identify a single Note: More than one of these
When assessing the risks arising from each fall hazard, the following matters should measures to reduce a risk
be done to control person responsible
be considered: can be used. For example,
the risks and to for establishing or
engineering controls such as
 the design and layout of elevated work areas, including the distance of a make the activity as verifying the control
edge protection can be
potential fall safe as reasonably measure. implemented with
 the number and movement of all people at the workplace practicable (apply administrative controls such


 the proximity of workers to unsafe areas where loads are placed on elevated the Hierarchy of as training and use of this

Risk Score

Risk Score

working areas (for example, loading docks) and where work is to be carried out control) SWMS, while wearing PPE
above people and there is a risk of falling objects Choose from the list (non-slip shoes).
 the adequacy of inspection and maintenance of plant and equipment (for of established A. Edge Protection
example, scaffolding) control measures.
 the adequacy of lighting for clear vision Assign the letter for B. Elevating Work Platform
 weather conditions—the presence of rain, wind, extreme heat or cold can cause the option(s) (EWP)
slippery or unstable conditions selected
C. Scaffold with work
 the suitability of footwear and clothing for the conditions platform and internal ladder
 the suitability and condition of ladders, including where and how they are being
used D. Ladder
Gravitational: Surface condition E. Fall protection cover
☐ Surface type ☐ Stability / ☐ Slope
evenness F. Scaffolding
☐ Traction / grip / ☐ Load ☐ Work area
G. Fall Arrest Platforms
slipperiness bearing/strength
☐ Safe movement ☐ Fragile surfaces ☐ Access/egress H. Industrial rope access

The risk of traumatic injury due to slipping on or falling through the work I. Travel restraint system
surface resulting in death or disability”. J. Safety Observer

Thermal and Work Environment: Facilities / built environment K. Permit to work systems

☐ Location ☐ Proximity ☐ Driveways / pathways ☐ Indoors L. Safe work method

☐ Buildings ☐ Roofs / ☐ Gardens/landscaping ☐ Retaining statement
and fixtures guttering walls M. Warning signage
The risk of traumatic injury due to the design and layout of elevated work N. Toolbox talks
areas resulting in death or disability”

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Risk Assessment – Work at Height (refer to the risk management guide attached)
Inherent Residual List of established
Risk Rating Risk Rating control measure
What are the
What are the hazards and risks The risk with The risk with Who is responsible
control measures
no controls in controls in
place place
Machinery / plant / equipment (refer to a completed safe work method
statement) O. Safety harness with
☐ ☐ Safe ☐ Machinery ☐ Ladders lifeline
Maintenance operation (fixed / mobile / P. Non-slip shoes
☐ Suitability ☐ Hand ☐ Trestles/Scaffold ☐ Q. Work at Height Training
tools Vehicles/trailers (statement of attainment)
The risk of traumatic injury due to the adequacy of inspection and R. Falling Objects control
maintenance of plant and equipment resulting in death or disability system
The risk of traumatic injury due to the failure of systems of work resulting S. Barricade/fencing
in death or disability around the work zone
Manual tasks
☐ Heights ☐ Balance ☐ Restricted ☐ Fatigue
☐ Over reach ☐ Repetition ☐ Heavy objects ☐ Vibration
The risk of traumatic injury due to the maintaining sustained or awkward
postures resulting in death or disability

☐ Sun exposure / glare ☐ Wind ☐ Water (rain / dew /
frost / fog)
☐ Temperature (hot / ☐ Electrical ☐ Work alone or in
cold) storm isolation
The risk of traumatic injury due to the weather conditions—the presence
of rain, wind, extreme heat or cold can cause slippery or unstable
conditions resulting in death or disability
Energy systems
☐ Electricity (mains ☐ LPG gas ☐ Gas/pressurised containers
and solar)
☐ Ground Services
The risk of traumatic injury due to the failure of pressurised or electrical
energy systems resulting in death or disability

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Risk Assessment – Work at Height (refer to the risk management guide attached)
Inherent Residual List of established
Risk Rating Risk Rating control measure
What are the
What are the hazards and risks The risk with The risk with Who is responsible
control measures
no controls in controls in
place place
☐ ☐ Competency/training ☐ Noise ☐ Contractors
☐ Vehicle traffic ☐ Pedestrian ☐ Physically
traffic capable
The risk of traumatic injury due to the failure of systems of work that
manage the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic resulting in
death or disability

The risk of traumatic injury due to the failure to provide information

instruction and training resulting in death or disability

Critical incident
☐ Rescue from fall ☐ Falling object ☐ Disruption to daily
☐ Injury ☐ Near miss
The risk of traumatic injury due to the proximity of workers to unsafe areas
where loads are placed on elevated working areas (e.g. loading docks,
mezzanine floors, material storage areas, plant/equipment/tools and
where work is to be carried out above people resulting in death or

The risk of traumatic injury due to the failure of systems of work resulting
in death or disability

Comment: (Outline the detail relating to the control measure selected.)

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Guideline for Completing this Risk Assessment
Managers, contractors and workers should all be involved in developing a JHA.
Consulting workers is important, so they understand the detail of the JHA and what they are required to do to implement and maintain risk
Recommended steps for filling out the Risk Assessment template
1. In the ‘What are the hazards and risks?’ column, identify the hazard category and type. (Table One) Describe the risks that may cause harm
to workers or the public.
2. Select the risk rating for each step using the risk matrix table attached. Determine the likelihood of an event occurring and what the
consequences may be if an event happened. This step should be undertaken in consultation with the workers who are involved in the task.
Rate the risk level before and after controls have been established.
3. In the ‘What are the control measures?’ column, select an appropriate control or combination of controls by working through the “Hierarchy of
Controls”. It is important you are able to justify why the selected control measure is reasonably practicable for the specific workplace.
Selecting control measures
1. Eliminate the risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
2. If this is not reasonably practicable, minimise them so far as reasonably practicable by:
 substituting the hazard
 isolating the hazard
 implementing engineering controls
3. If the risk still remains, minimise the remaining risk by implementing administrative controls (rules)
4. If the risk still remains, minimise the remaining risk by ensuring the provision and use of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).
It is important to note, PPE is the least effective means of controlling risk and has no effect on the identified hazard and should be the last
control considered.
Hazard Category Hazards Type Table One
1) Gravitational Slips, trips, falls at the same Fall from Heights Access/work beneath Falling objects
level suspended load
2) Kinetic Caught in/between moving Struck by moving Contact with sharp objects Struck by projectiles.
/Mechanical plant or parts; vehicles/mobile plant
3) Noise and Excessive noise (sustained or Vibrating plant/vehicles Contact with vibrating tools/objects
Vibration peak)
4) Electrical Exposed or faulty wiring or Contact with live Exposure to high fault currents Mechanical damage to power
equipment; static shocks electrical parts; electrical leads, fixed electrical wiring;
5) Chemical Ingestion, absorption or Uncontrolled spill Burns / splash in eyes Specific exposure: Asbestos
inhalation of chemicals /Lead / Silica
6) Thermal and Work Lighting workplace and Uneven/unstable ground Weather and atmospheric Contact with hot/cold objects /
Environment equipment/tool design; or work surface conditions; Remote and isolated surfaces/ liquids
Restricted working space work
7) Biological Exposure to algal, bacterial, Animal, insect and spider Sharps injury/needle-stick Specific exposure: Contact with
fungal, viral or parasitic agents bites/stings exposure raw sewage
8) Fire / Explosions Condition leading to fire/explosion (combustible material) Ignition of gas/dust in a hazardous area
9) Manual Tasks Repetitive or sustained force; Repetitive movement; Exposure to vibration; Tool use Handling unstable or awkward
High or sudden force; Handling Sustained or awkward which requires excessive force; objects /loads;
heavy loads posture;
10) Pressurized Release of a stored energy i.e. gases, water, oil subject to Release of spring/tension
energy high/ low pressures energy
11) Psycho-social and Exposure to workplace bullying, Exposure to traumatic Working for excessive time Working under the influence of
medical harassment, violence & incidents; periods and/or while fatigued alcohol/drugs
12) Radiation Non iodizing radiation: Ultraviolet light (artificial/sunlight), laser, infra-red, microwave, radio frequency, welding arc light

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Risk Assessment- Work at Heights
Risk Management Guidance
Definition Hazard Category & Risk control means taking action to eliminate health and safety
Type risks so far as is reasonably practicable, and if that is not
A hazard is a situation or thing that has
the potential to harm a person. Hazards (refer to attachment A) possible, minimising the risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
at work may include noisy machinery, a Hierarchy of Control
moving forklift, use and storage of Gravitational
Highest Most
chemicals, electricity, working at heights, Kinetic /Mechanical
Eliminate the hazards (i.e. removing the risk
a repetitive job, bullying and violence at Noise and Vibration completely).
the workplace.

Level of Health and Safety Protection

Risk is the possibility that harm (death, Chemical

Reliability of Control Measures

Substitute the hazard with something safer (e.g.
injury or illness) might occur when Thermal and Work replacing a hazardous chemical with a non-
hazardous chemical to complete the same task).
exposed to a hazard. Environment Isolate the hazard from people (e.g. physical
Expressed as a risk Statement Reduce the risk through engineering controls (e.g.
Fire / Explosions ventilation system, trench shoring etc.).

“The risk of <harm> due to <exposure to Manual Tasks

hazard> resulting in <consequence>”. Pressurized energy Reduce exposure to the hazard using administrative
actions (e.g. training, site induction, competency
assessment, work instructions, job rotation etc.).
Psycho-social and Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (e.g.
medical respirator, hearing protection etc.).

Radiation Lowest Least

What is the LIKELIHOOD of an event occurring

Descriptor Definition Frequency Probability
Rare No identified or known events occurring. Only Event expected to occur less than Less than 5 percent
occurs in exceptional circumstances. once every five years.
Unlikely Evidence of event occurring in the past, but Event expected to occur once in the 5-30 percent
unlikely to occur in the future. next five years.
Possible There is evidence of several events in the past. Event expected to occur once in the 30-60 percent
It would not be a surprise if it occurred. next two years.
Likely Event occurs from time to time. Event expected to occur once in the 60 - 90 percent
next year.
Almost Certain Risk event is expected to occur. Event expected to occur within the More than 90 percent
next three months.

What would be the CONSEQUENCES should an event occur

Negligible/ Minor Moderate Major Extreme / Catastrophic
No injury/illness/time No lost time injury. An injury involving a temporary loss of An event resulting An event resulting in loss of
lost. Minor adjustment An injury requiring function or a notifiable event (illness/injury in permanent loss life.
to operational routine. first aid or medical requiring overnight inpatient hospitalisation, of function or
treatment. or a dangerous event requiring notification). disability.

Indicate the LIKELIHOOD and CONSEQUENCE in the table below to establish the RISK RATING
Negligible/ Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Extreme
Rare Low Low Medium Medium High
Unlikely Low Low Medium High High
Possible Low Medium High High Extreme
Likely Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme
Almost Certain Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme

Risk Rating Minimum Action Required (specific to safety risks)

LOW Monitor to ensure no change to risk level occurs.
MEDIUM Action required within one month.
HIGH  Detailed risk assessment required.
 Action required within one to two weeks (short and/or long-term controls).
 Report in accordance with West Moreton Health (WMH) risk requirements
 Report within one week to the local Work Safety and Wellbeing (WSW) Unit.
 Long term control plan including detailed risk assessment required with management involvement/review.
EXTREME  Immediate action required (short and/or long-term controls).
 Work activity/component may be ceased/restricted until short term controls implemented to reduce risk level.
 Report in accordance with WMH risk requirements. Report immediately to the local WSW Unit.
 Long term control plan including detailed risk assessment required with senior management involvement/review.

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Risk Assessment- Work at Heights

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