SS ZC416 Revised Course Handout

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Part A: Content Design

Course Title Mathematical Foundations for Data Science
Course No(s) SS ZC416
Credit Units 4
Course Author Srinath Naidu
Version No 3
Date 01.08.2022
Lead Instructor TSL RADHIKA, G VENKI

Course Description
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic equations and their solutions; Eigenvalues,
eigenvectors and diagonalization of matrices; multivariate calculus, vector calculus, Jacobian and Hessian,
multivariate Taylor series, gradient descent, unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization,
nonlinear optimization, stochastic gradient descent, dimensionality reduction and PCA, optimization for
support vector machines.

Course Objectives
No Objective- The course aims to

CO1 Introduce concepts in linear algebra and to use it as a platform for machine learning.

CO2 Provide techniques for analytical and numerical solutions of linear equations.

CO3 Introduce concepts in multivariate calculus and vector calculus, and introduce multivariate Taylor

CO4 Introduce concepts of gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent and the concepts of
unconstrained, constrained and nonlinear optimization.

CO5 Introduce the concepts of dimensionality reduction, principal components analysis, and
optimization for support vector machines.

Text Book(s)
No Author(s), Title, Edition, Publishing House
T1 M.P. Diesenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong, Mathematics for Machine Learning,
Cambridge University Press, 2020.
T2 Charu C. Aggarwal, Linear Algebra and Optimization, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020

Reference Book(s) & other resources

No Author(s), Title, Edition, Publishing House
R1 K Hoffman and R Kunze, Linear Algebra, Pearson Education, 2 nd Edition, 2005.
R2 Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley India, 10th Edition, 2015 (earlier
editions are also okay)

Content Structure

No Title of the module References

M1 Solution of linear systems – systems of linear equations, matrices, solving systems T1: Sec 2.1, 2.2,
of linear equations. 2.3
M2 Vectors Spaces - linear independence, basis and rank, affine spaces, Norms, inner T1: Sec 2.4, 2.5,
products, Lengths and distances, Angles and orthogonality, Orthonormal basis 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

M3 Matrix Decomposition methods - Determinant and Trace, Eigenvalues and T1: Sec 4.1, 4,2,
Eigenvectors, Cholesky decomposition, Eigen-decomposition and diagonalization, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
singular value decomposition, matrix approximation

M4 Vector Calculus - Differentiation of univariate functions, Partial differentiation T1: Sec 5.1, 5.2,
and gradients, Gradients of vector-valued functions , Gradients of matrices, Some 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,
useful identities for computing gradients, Backpropagation and automatic 5.7, 5.8

M5 Continuous Optimization - Optimization using gradient descent, Constrained T1: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
optimization and Lagrange multipliers, Convex optimization

M6 Nonlinear Optimization - Minutiae of Gradient Descent – learning rate decay, T2: 4.4, 4.5, 5.2,
initialization, Properties of optimization in learning – typical objective functions, 5.3
stochastic gradient descent, how optimization in machine learning is different,
tuning hyperparameters, importance of feature pre-processing, Challenges in
Gradient-based optimization, local optima and flat regions, differential curvature,
examples of difficult topologies like cliffs and valleys, adjusting first-order
derivatives for descent, momentum-based learning, AdaGrad, RMSProp, Adam

M7 Dimensionality reduction and PCA – problem setting, maximum variance T1: 10.1, 10.2,
perspective, projection perspective, eigenvector and low-rank approximations, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5,
PCA in high dimensions, key steps of PCA in practice, latent variable perspective, 10.6, 10.7, 12.1,
Mathematical preliminaries of SVM, primal/dual perspective for SVM, nonlinear 12.2, 12.3, 12.4,
SVM - kernels. 12.5, 12.6, T2: Sec
Class Notes

Learning Outcomes:
No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Students will be able to effectively use matrix algebra tools to analyze and solve systems of linear

LO2 Students will be able to learn concepts of linear algebra that form the foundation of data science
LO3 Students would be able to learn the basic techniques of constrained and unconstrained
optimization and understand how these are applied in the context of support vector machines.

LO4 Students will be able to learn the concepts of dimensionality reduction, and principal components

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term Second Semester 2022-2023

Course Title Mathematical Foundations for Data Science

Course No SS ZC416

Lead Instructor TSL RADHIKA, G VENKI

Course Contents

Contact List of Topic Title Text/Ref

Hours Book/external

1 Solution of linear systems – systems of linear equations, T1: Sec 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
matrices, solving systems of linear equations
2 Vectors Spaces, linear independence, basis and rank, affine T1: Sec 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,
spaces 2.8

3 Analytic Geometry – norms, inner products, lengths and T1: Sec 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,
distances, angles and orthogonality, orthonormal basis 3.4, 3.5

4 Matrix Decomposition – I T1: Sec 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Determinant and Trace
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Cholesky Decomposition

5 Matrix Decomposition – II T1: Sec 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

Eigen-decomposition and Diagonalization
Singular Value Decomposition
Matrix Approximation

6 Vector Calculus – I T1: Sec 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Differentiation of univariate functions
Partial differentiation and gradients
Gradients of vector-valued functions

7 Vector Calculus – II T1: Sec 5.4, 5.5, 5.6

Gradients of matrices
Some useful identities for computing gradients
Backpropagation and automatic differentiation

8 Vector Calculus – III T1: 5.7, 5.8

Higher-order derivatives Class Notes
Linearization and multivariate Taylor’s series
Computing maxima and minima for unconstrained

9 Continuous Optimization T1: Sec 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,

Optimization using gradient descent
Constrained optimization and Lagrange multipliers
Convex optimization

10 Nonlinear Optimization- I T2: Sec 4.4, Sec 4.5

Minutiae of Gradient Descent – learning rate decay,


Properties of optimization in learning – typical

objective functions, stochastic gradient descent, how
optimization in machine learning is different, tuning
hyperparameters, importance of feature pre-processing

11 Nonlinear Optimization- II T2: Sec 5.2, 5.3

Challenges in Gradient-based optimization, local
optima and flat regions, differential curvature, examples of
difficult topologies like cliffs and valleys.
Adjusting first-order derivatives for descent,
Momentum-based learning, AdaGrad, RMSProp, Adam
12 Dimensionality Reduction and PCA – I T1: Sec 10.1, 10.2,
Problem setting 10.3
Maximum variance perspective
Projection perspective

13 Dimensionality Reduction and PCA – II T1: 10.4, 10.5, 10.6,

Eigenvector Computation and low-rank 10.7
PCA in high dimensions
Key steps of PCA in practice
Latent variable perspective

14 Mathematical preliminaries for SVM T2: Sec 6.4

Karash-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

15 Primal/dual perspective for linear SVM T1: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3,


16 Nonlinear SVM (Expert lecture) Class Notes


# The above contact hours and topics can be adapted for non-specific and specific WILP
programs depending on the requirements and class interests.

Lab Details
Title Access URL
Lab Setup Instructions Not applicable

Lab Capsules Not applicable

Additional References Not applicable

Select Topics and Case Studies from business for experiential learning

Topic Select Topics in Syllabus for experiential learning Access URL

1 Assignment - linear algebra topics

2 Assignment- Vector Calculus/Optimization based topics

Evaluation Scheme
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component
No Name Type Duration Weight Day, Date, Session, Time
1 Assignment 1 Online 10% February 13-23, 2023

2 Assignment 2 Online 10% March 20-30, 2023

3 Quiz 1 Online * 5% April 20-30, 2023

4 Quiz 2 Online * 5% To be announced
5 Mid-Semester Exam Closed 2 Hours 30%
Sunday, 12/03/2023 (FN)
6 Comprehensive Exam Open 2 ½ Hours 40%
Sunday, 21/05/2023 (FN)

Important Information
Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in Weeks 1-8
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics (in sessions 1 to 16) given in plan of
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of two Assignments and two Quizzes (best two out of the three would be
taken for grading). Announcements regarding the same will be made in a timely manner.
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of prescribed and reference text books, in original (not
photocopies) is permitted. Class notes/slides as reference material in filed or bound form is
permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is
permitted in all exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any
material is not allowed.
4. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the
student should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam. The
genuineness of the reason for absence in the Regular Exam shall be assessed prior to
giving permission to appear for the Make-up Exam. Make-Up Test/Exam will be
conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-study
schedule as given in the course handout, attend the lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation
components such as Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to
the evaluation scheme provided in the handout.

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