Night Vision Technology

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Night Vision Technology

Computer science (Government College of Engineering, Amravati)

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Seminar Report


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering

Computer Engineering

Government College Of Engineering, Jalgaon

Submitted by

Pratik Astak Koparkar (1941026)

Under the Guidance of



2020 - 2021

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This is to certify that the seminar entitled NIGHT VISION TECHNOLOGY, submitted by Pratik

Astak Koparkar in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer

Engineer ing has been satisfactorily carried out under my guidance as per the requirement of

Government College Of Engineering , Jalgaon.

(Prof. D.V.Chaudhari)

HoD of Department in Computer Department

(Prof. G M Malwatkar) Examinar


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I hereby declare that the Seminar entitled, “NIGTH VISION TECHNOLOGY ” was carried out
and written by me under the guidance of Mr. D. V. Chaudhari, Department of Computer
Engineering. This work has not been previously formed the basis for the award of any degree or
diploma or certificate nor has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma.

Place: Jalgaon


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The success and final outcome of this seminar required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people
and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my project. All that I have done is
only due to such supervision and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.

I would like to express our deep gratitude and sincere thanks to all who help us to complete this Seminar
report work successfully. I would like to thank principal Dr.Malwatkar, Government College of Engineering,
Jalgaon for having provided us with facilities to complete our Seminar report work. Our deep gratitude goes
to Prof. D.V.Chaudhary, head of the department, for granting us the opportunity to conduct this Seminar
report work. I am also sincerely thankful to Smt. Shrutika Mahajan, sir, Seminar guide, for his valuable
suggestions and guidance at the time of need. I am sincerely thankful to the seminar Smt.Shrutika Mahajan
Mam and Great thanks to our friends, our Seminar associates and all those who helped directly or indirectly
for completion of this Seminar. Last but not least, I am thankful to my Parents.

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all teaching
staff of the Computer Department of Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon which helped us in
successfully completing our seminar work.

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This paper describes the various Night vision techniques. "Night Vision" is referenced as technology that
provides us with the miracle of vision in total darkness and the improvement of vision in low light
environments. This technology is an amalgam of several different methods each having its own advantages
and disadvantages.

The most common methods described here are Low-Light Imaging, Thermal Imaging and
Illumination.This paper also give brief idea about various night vision device (NVD) that allows images to
be produced in levels of light approaching total darkness, it also explains various applications where night
vision technology is used to solve various problems due to low light conditions.Whether by biological or
technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral
range, and sufficient intensity range. Humans have poor night vision compared to many animals, in part
because the human eye lacks a tapetum lucidum.

A night vision device (NVD) is an optical instrument that allows images to be produced it levels of light
approaching total darkness. They are most often used by the military and law enforcement agencies, but
are available to civilian users. The term usually refers to a complete unit, including an image intensifier
tube, a protective and generally water-resistant housing, and some type of mounting system. Many NVDs
also include sacrificial lenses, IR illuminators, and telescopic lenses. Night vision devices were first used
in World War II, and came into wide use during the Vietnam War. The technology has evolved greatly
since their introduction, leading to several "generations" of night vision equipment with performance
increasing and price decreasing.

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Table of Contents



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Night vision technology, by definition, literally allows one to see in the dark. Originally developed for
military use, it has provided the United States with a strategic military advantage, the value of which can
be measured in lives. Federal and state agencies now routinely utilize the technology for site security,
surveillance as well as search and rescue. Night vision equipment has evolved from bulky optical
instruments in lightweight goggles through the advancement of image intensification technology.

The first thing you probably think of when you see the words night vision is a spy or action movie you've
seen, in which someone straps on a pair of night-vision goggles to find someone else in a dark building on
a moonless night. And you may have wondered "Do those things really work? Can you actually see in the
dark?" The answer is most definitely yes. With the proper night-vision equipment, you can see a person
standing over 200 yards (183 m) away on a moonless, cloudy night! Night vision can work in two very
different ways, depending on the technology used.

1.1 Image enhancement

This works by collecting the tiny amounts of light,including the lower portion of the infrared light
spectrum, that are present but may be imperceptible to our eyes, and amplifying it to
the point that we can easily observe the image.

1.2 Thermal imaging

This technology operates by capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum, which is emitted as
heat by objects instead of simply reflected as light. Hotter objects, such as warm bodies, emit more of this
light than cooler objects like trees or buildings.

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In order to understand night vision, it is important to understand something about light. The amount of
energy in a light wave is related to its wavelength: Shorter wavelengths have higher energy. Of visible
light, violet has the most energy, and red has the least. Just next to the visible light spectrum is the infrared

Infrared light can be split into three categories:

● Near-infrared(near-IR) - Closest to visible light, near-IR has wavelengths that from 0.7 to 1.3
microns, or 700 billionths to 1,300 billionths of a meter.
● Mid-infrared (mid-IR) - Mid-IR has wavelengths ranging from 1.3 to 3 microns. Both near-IR and
mid-IR are used by a variety of electronic devices, including remot controls.
● Thermal-infrared (thermal-IR) - Occupying the largest part of the infrared spectrum, thermal-IR has
wavelengths ranging from 3 microns to over microns.The key difference between thermal-IR and
the other two is that thermal-IR is emitted by an object instead reflected off it. Infrared light is
emitted by an object because of what's happening at the atomic level.

Atoms are constantly in motion. They continuously vibrate, move and rotate. Even the atoms that make up
the chairs that we sit in are moving around. Solids are actually in motion!Atoms can be in different states
of excitation. In other words, they can have different energies. If we apply a lot of energy to an atom, it can
leave what is called the ground State energy level and move to an excited level. The level of excitation
depends on the amount of energy applied to the atom via heat, light or electricity.

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Atoms are constantly in motion. They continuously vibrate, move and rotate. Even the atoms that make up the
chairs that we sit in are moving around. Solids are actually in motion! Atoms can be in different states of
excitation. In other words, they can have different energies.

If we apply a lot of energy to an atom, it can leave what is called the ground-state energy level and move to an
excited level . The level of excitation depends on the amount of energy applied to the atom via heat, light or
electricity.An atom consists of a nucleus (containing the protons and neutrons) and an electron cloud .

Think of the electrons in this cloud as circling the nucleus in many different orbits. Although more modern
views of the atom do not depict discrete orbits for the electrons, it can be useful to think of these orbits as the
different energy levels of the atom. In other words, if we apply some heat to an atom, we might expect that
some of the electrons in the lower energy orbitals would transition to higher energy orbitals, moving farther
from the nucleus.

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3.1 Here's how thermal imaging works:

● A special lens focuses the infrared light emitted by all of the objects in view.
● The focused light is scanned by a phased array of infrared-detector elements.
● The detector elements create a very detailed temperature pattern called a thermogram.
● It only takes about one-thirtieth of a second for the detector array to obtain
the temperature information to make the thermogram.
● This information is obtained from several thousand points in the field of view of the detector
array.The thermogram created by the detector elements is translated into electric impulses.
● The impulses are sent to a signal-processing unit, a circuit board with a dedicated chip that
translates the information from the elements into data for the display.
● The combination of all the impulses from all of the elements creates the image, and the signal-
processing unit sends the information to the display, where it appears as various colors depending
on the intensity of the infrared emission.

Basic components of thermal-image system

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3.2 There are two common types of thermal- imaging devices:

● Un-cooled- This is the most common type of thermal-imaging device. The infrared-
detector elements are contained in a unit that operates at room temperature. This type of
system is completely quiet, activates immediately and has the battery built right in.

● Cryogenically cooled- More expensive and more susceptible to damage from rugged use, these
systems have the elements sealed inside a container that cools them to below 32 F (zero C). The
advantage of such a system is the incredible resolution and sensitivity that result from cooling the
elements. Cryogenically-cooled systems can "see" a difference as small as 0.2 F (0.1 C) from
more than 1,000 ft (300 m) away, which is enough to tell if a person is holding a gun at that

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Image-enhancement technology is what most people think of when you talk about night vision. In fact,
image-enhancement systems are normally called night-vision devices (NVDs).NVDs rely on a special
tube, called an image-intensifier tube, to collect and amplify infrared and visible light.

Image Intensifier tube

Here's how image enhancement works:

● A conventional lens, called the objective lens, captures ambient light and some near-infrared light.
● The gathered light is sent to the image-intensifier tube. In most NVDs, the power supply for the
image-intensifier tube receives power from two N-Cell or two "AA" batteries. The tube outputs a
high voltage, about 5,000 volts, to the image-tube components.
● The image-intensifier tube has a photocathode, which is used to convert the photons of light energy
into electrons.
● As the electrons pass through the tube, similar electrons are released from atoms in the tube,
multiplying the original number of electrons by a factor of thousands through the use of a micro
channel plate (MCP) in the tube. An MCP is a tiny glass disc that has millions of microscopic holes
(micro channels) in it, madeusing fiber-optic technology. The MCP is contained in a vacuum and
has metal electrodes on either side of the disc. Each channel is about 45 times longer than it is wide
and it works as an electron multiplier.

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5.1 Generation 0
The earliest (1950's) night vision products were based on image conversion,rather than intensification.
They required a source of invisible infrared (IR) light mounted on or near the device to illuminate the
target area.

5.2 Generation 1
The "starlight scopes" of the 1960's (Vietnam Era) have three image intensifies tubes connected in a series.
These systems are larger and heavier than Gen 2 and Gen 3. The Gen 1 image is clear at the centre but may
be distorted around the edges. (Low- cost Gen 1 imports are often mislabeled as a higher generation.

5.3 Generation 2
The micro channel plate (MCP) electron multiplier prompted Gen 2 development in the 1970s. The "gain"
provided by the MCP eliminated the need for back- to-back tubes - thereby improving size and image
quality. The MCP enabled development of hand held and helmet mounted goggles.Second-generation
image intensification significantly increased gain and resolution by employing a micro channel plate.

5.4 Generation 3
Two major advancements characterized development of Gen 3 in the late 1970s and early 1980s: the
gallium arsenide (GaAs) photocathode and the ion-barrier film on the MCP. The GaAs photocathode
enabled detection of objects at greater distances under much darker conditions. The ion-barrier film
increased the operational life of the tube from 2000 hours (Gen 2) to 10,000 (Gen 3), as demonstrated by
actual testing and not extrapolation.

5.5 Generation 4

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It was developed in early 2000’s and also known as “filmless and gated” technology .Some of its
characteristics are as:-
● It shows significant improvement in both high-and low-level light environments.
● No ion barriers are present there in MCP so it is convenient to produce multiple numbers of
● Responds quickly to different lightning conditions present in the surrounding view in the area.
● Background noise are reduced up to a greater extent because of the absence of the ion barrier.
● Enhances signal to noise ratio and as signal to noise ratio is directly proportional to the resolution of
the NVD’s so resolution gets increased.
● Images are less distorted and brighter due to the better SNR and greater reduction in noise.

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● Textures, Light and Dark

Objects that appear light during the day but have a dull surface may appear darker, through the night
vision unit, than objects that are dark during the day but have a highly reflective surface. For example, a
shiny dark coloured jacket may appear brighter than a light colored jacket with a dull surface.

● Depth Perception
Night vision does not present normal depth perception.

● Fog and Rain

Night vision is very responsive to reflective ambient light; therefore, the light reflecting off of fog or heavy
rain causes much more light to go toward the night vision unit and may degrade its performance.

● Honeycomb:-
This is a faint hexagonal pattern which is the result of the manufacturing process.

● Black Spots:-
A few black spots throughout the image area are also inherent characteristics of all night vision technology.
These spots will remain constant and should not increase in size or number. See example below of an
image with black spots.

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Night-vision equipment can be split into three broad categories:

● Scopes - Normally handheld or mounted on a weapon, scopes are monocular (one eye-piece). Since
scopes are handheld, not worn like goggles, they are good for when you want to get a better look at
a specific object and then return to normal viewing conditions.

● Goggles - While goggles can be handheld, they are most often worn on the head. Goggles are
binocular (two eye-pieces) and may have a single lens or stereo lens, depending on the model.
Goggles are excellent for constant viewing, such as moving around in a dark building.

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● Cameras - Cameras with night-vision technology can send the image to a monitor for display or to
a VCR for recording. When night-vision capability is desired in a permanent location, such as on a
building or as part of the equipment in a helicopter, cameras are used. Many of the newer
camcorders have night vision built right in.

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Military:- In the military it is used to keep eyes on unwanted activities and unwanted things at the border
or at a specific area.

Law enforcement:- It is used by the government officers to look after the details of a place at
night where we are unable to see at night.

Hunting:- In forests it is very difficult to see the things at dark night so by using this device one can
identify the object in dark night also.

Wildlife observation:- For taking care of the wildlife animals and to keep observation on illegal activities
in wildlife this is used.

Surveillance:-In this night vision cameras are mounted around a factory or house to get aware from the
surroundings at dark night also.

Navigation :-Used to show the way and also to show the obstacles in path. This is mainly observed in
automobiles and ships.

Hidden-object detection:-By using thermal imaging process it is possible to detect the things buried under
earth surface.

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In biological night vision, molecules of rhodopsin in the rods of the eye undergo a change in shape as light
is absorbed by them.

The peak rhodopsin build-up time for optimal night vision in humans is 30 minutes, but most of the
adaptation occurs within the first five or ten minutes in the dark. Rhodopsin in the human rods is
insensitive to the longer red wavelengths of light, so many people use red light to preserve night vision as
it will not deplete the eye's rhodopsin stores in the rods and instead is viewed by the cones.

Some animals, such as cats, dogs, and deer, have a structure called tapetum lucidum in the back of the eye
that reflects light back towards the retina, increasing the amount of light it captures.

In humans, only 10% of the light that enters the eye falls on photosensitive parts of the retina.

Their ability to see in low light levels may be similar to what humans see when using first or perhaps
second generation image intensifiers.

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● An increase in nighttime situational awareness for pilots as this helps them to see the
things clearly at a distance and reduce the risk of accidents.

● This would markedly decrease the possibility of collisions with terrain or man-
made Obstructions.

● It does permit the user to see objects that normally would not be seen by the unaided eye.
Improved vision conditions of dusk and darkness helps to see in the severe condition
which naked eye can’t see.

● Highlighting of illuminated, heat-emitting objects as pedestrians, cyclists, deer, Etc.

● Lack of color discrimination :-As most of the cases the output image is green so there is no color
discrimination is there in the image obtained in the display.

● Neck strain and fatigue :- Night vision goggles are mounted on the helmet which one have to wear
on head. So there is a chance of neck strain and fatigue.

● High initial cost to purchase :- As high resolution cameras are used so initial cost for installing
this device is high.

● Need for recurrent training :- Before using these devices one have to properly get training about
the use of these devices so that they can use those devices more efficiently.

● Decreased field of aided view :- This technique is used to cover a specific area only so extra field
of view cannot be added.

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Through a night vision device we can see the object in a dark environment. We have seen four generation
of this device and seen different ranges. Initially this device was used by the military but now it is also
available for civilians. The innovation and implementation of the night vision system has a great impact on
automotive usage such as saving many lives from death and reducing accidents at night. In the NIGHT
VISION SYSTEM of automobiles which gave us the knowledge about the whole system. By the study of
the system we got familiarized with the technology used in the BMW NIGHT VISION SYSTEM. Also
understood how to utilize the BMW NIGHT VISION feature. Finally, we came to know the benefits of
having this technology in the vehicle which can be used to avoid accidents. On the basis of that we
conclude that automatic pedestrian warning, in the form of highlighting the pedestrians on the night vision
display, is generally helpful in increasing detection distance and accuracy.In this we have described various
night vision technologies which are available and also its working in order to avoid various low light
problem, this shows that how efficiently a soldiers can work efficiently during night also wildlife observer
can work during dark and also shown how surveillance can be kept in low light condition this summarize a
various generations of night vision technology.

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1. www. night

4. Www.Wikipedia.Org
6. Morovision.Com/How_thermal_imaging_works.Htm
7. En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Night_vision

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