Module 8 Lesson 8 Trigo Identities

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This lesson builds on the understanding of different trigonometric functions by
discovery, deriving, and working with trigonometric identities.

II. Objectives
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. determine whether an equation is an identity or a conditional equation; and

2. apply trigonometric identities to find another trigonometric values;

III. Content

Lesson 8: Fundamental Trigonometric Identities

Activity 1:

Directions: Determine the domain of the following expressions/equations.

1. 2x+1

2. √ x 2−1
3. 2
x −3 x −4

√ x−1
Identity and Conditional Equation

An identity is an equation that is true for all values of the variable in the domain of
the equation. An equation that is not an identity is called a conditional equation. (In other
words, if some values of the variable in the domain of the equation do not satisfy the
equation, then the equation is called conditional equation.)

Example 1. Identify whether the given equation is an identity or a conditional equation.

For each conditional equation, provide a value of the variable in the domain that does not
satisfy the equation.

a) x 3−2=( x−√3 2 )( x2 + √3 2 x+ √3 4 )
b) sin2 θ=cos2 θ+1

1−√ x 1−2 √ x+ x
c) =
1+ √ x 1−x


a) This is an identity because this is simply factoring of difference of two cubes.

b) This is a conditional equation. If θ=0, then both sides of the equation is 0, while the
right side is 2
c) This is an identity because the right-hand side of the equation is obtained by
rationalizing the denominator of the left-hand side.

The Fundamental Trigonometric Identities

In unit circle we have defined the six trigonometric circular functions. We let θ be an
angle in standard position, P(x , y ) any point on the terminal side of θ . So we have,

1 y
sin θ= y csc θ= tan θ=
y x

1 x
cos θ=x sec θ= cot θ=
x y

From the definitions, the following reciprocal and quotient identities immediately
follow. Note that these identities hold if θ is taken either as a real number or as an angle.

Reciprocal Identities

1 1 1
csc θ= secθ= cot θ=
sinθ cosθ tanθ

Quotient Identities

sinθ cosθ
tanθ= cot θ=
cosθ sinθ

We can use these identities to simplify trigonometric expressions.

Example 2. Simplify the following expressions.

tanθcosθ cosθ
1.) 2.)
sinθ cotθ


sin θ
cos θ
1) tanθcosθ cos θ
= =1
sinθ sinθ

cosθ cos θ
= =sin θ
2) cotθ cos θ
sin θ

If P( x , y ) is the terminal point on the unit circle corresponding to θ , then x 2+ y 2=1.

Since sin θ= y and cos θ=x , we get

sin2 θ+cos 2 θ=1.

By dividing both sides of this identity by cos 2 θ and sin 2 θ, respectively, we obtain
2 2 2 2
tan θ+1=sec θ and 1+cot θ=csc θ .

Pythagorean Identities

sin2 θ+cos 2 θ=1

2 2 2 2
tan θ+1=sec θ 1+cos θ=csc θ

Example 3. Simplify the following trigonometric expressions.

1) cos 2 θ+ cos2 θ tan 2 θ

1+ tan θ
2) 2
1+cot θ


1) cos 2 θ+ cos2 θ tan 2 θ=(cos¿¿ 2 θ)(1+tan 2 θ) ¿

2 2
¿ cos θ+ sec θ
2 2
1+ tan θ sec θ
2) =
1+cot 2 θ csc 2 θ

cos 2 θ
sin 2 θ
sin θ
¿ 2
cos θ
¿ tan θ

In addition to the eight identities presented above, we also have the following identities.

Even – Odd Identities

sin(−θ)=−sin θ cos (−θ)=cos θ

tan (−θ)=−tan θ

The reciprocal, quotient, Pythagorean, and even-odd identities are what we called the
fundamental trigonometric identities.

Example 4. If sin θ= and cos θ>0. Find cos θ


Using the identity sin2 θ+cos 2 θ=1 with cos θ> 0, we have

√ ( ) √7
cos θ=√ 1−sin θ= 1−
4 4

Example 5. If sec θ= and tanθ< 0, use the identities to find the values of the remaining
trigonometric functions of θ .


Note that θ lies in QIV.

1 2
cos θ= =
sec θ 5

sin θ=−√ 1−cos 2 θ=− 1−
√ ()
2 2 − √21

1 −5 √ 21
csc θ= =
sin θ 21

− √ 21
= √
sin θ 5 − 21
tan θ= =
cos θ 2 2

= √
1 −2 21
cot θ=
tan θ 21

IV. Assessment
a.) Simplify each of the following trigonometric expressions using the identities
presented in this lesson. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1+ tan x
1+cot x

sin θ 1+cos θ
2) +
1+ cos θ sin θ

b.) Use the identities to find the values of the remaining trigonometric functions of θ ,
given some initial values. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

1) sin θ= and sec θ> 0

2) sec θ= and tanθ> 0

V. References
Department of Education. Bureau of Learning Resources. Precalculus Teacher’s Guide.
Philippines: Lexicon Press Inc., 2016

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