Biology Cycle Test - Diva Shah

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Human Influence

Statement: As the world is getting more modern, pollution is also enhancing day by day. It’s
like we are the prisoners of our own creations.
The statement mentioned above is emphasising on the current situation that the world is
going through. Globalisation and urbanisation of countries is a huge benefit but also has an
unparalleled disadvantage to this world which has a direct impact on our lifestyle. The world
has made tremendous advancements in technology and innovation, but this progress comes
with a cost. The increasing modernity and advancements in technology has led to a
significant rise in pollution, affecting the environment and our health. The lifestyle we all
have adapted to is harming us. It is as if we have become captive to our own creations, unable
to escape the consequences of our actions. We are creating inventions to make our life
simpler but in return harming the entire human and animal existence.

Air pollution will affect you no matter where you live, it is everywhere. Microscopic
pollutants in the air can slip past our body’s defences, penetrating deep into our respiratory
and circulatory system, damaging our lungs, heart and brain. Statistics from WHO state that
nine out of ten people now breathe polluted air which kills 7 million people every year. There
are several things in our daily life that we can alter to help save the world from being buried
in a hole dug by us humans. The pollution from our cars, chemical waste released into the sea
from factories, oil spills, littering, energy wastage, are just a few examples amongst many of
which we are risking the planet’s health by our carelessness.
The situation is particularly concerning because pollution can have long-lasting and
widespread impacts, including harm to wildlife, degradation of natural resources, and health
problems for humans. The situation demands that we take immediate and effective measures
to curb pollution and preserve the planet for future generations. The challenge is great, but it
is not impossible to overcome. With determined efforts and the right approach, we can create
a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.
As a student, I can reduce pollution by incorporating small
habits into my daily routine. These small changes make a
great impact on the environment. Some of these habits
include: using a reusable water bottle so that I don’t have to
throw the plastic, carrying a cloth grocery bag instead of
using plastic one, turning off lights and electronics when
not in use so that I can save energy, carpooling or using public transportation to reduce the
amount of petrol of diesel used, and properly disposing of waste in the garbage bin and not on
the roads. By making these simple changes, you can significantly reduce your carbon
footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
After making these small changes with yourself you can change things around your house
and then spread awareness about it in your neighbourhood and your society.
Plan of Action
 Once a week I will go and pick up any trash I see on the roads or on the beaches and
throw them in the garbage bin.
 Print posters about how pollution is harming us and how you can reduce pollution and
stick them all around my neighbourhood.
 Go to people’s houses in my building and explain to them how they can help in
reducing pollution.
 Speak to my building’s committee regarding planting more trees in the society and
getting electric car charging ports installed in our building
“How Air Pollution Is Destroying Our Health.” World Health Organization, World Health
Organization, 2020,
“Pollution.” National Geographic Society, 2007,
“Reducing Pollution.” DCCEEW, 2022,

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