Workshop - Practical Introduction To Video Prototyping

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Introduction to
Video Prototyping
0 : What Are Video

Video prototypes are short videos

made to show a design concept,
problem or artefact.

Within the context of your

studies, this will mostly mean
short videos (1-2 minutes)
produced quickly with readily
available materials & tech
0 : What Are Video

Video prototypes are short videos

made to show a design concept,
problem or artefact.

Within the context of your

studies, this will mostly mean
short videos (1-2 minutes)
produced quickly with readily
available materials & tech

Cardboard and your phone will get

you far!
0 : Why Are Video

Video prototyping is a tool for

communication. It is a way to
quickly and efficiently get the
central points of a design across.

Like any sketches, they can be

anything from very quick ‘studies’
for internal communication within
the design team, or more polished
productions to present to external
0 : Why Are Video

Video prototyping is a tool for Video has the benefit of letting

communication. It is a way to us ‘cheat’ with basically
quickly and efficiently get the everything - we don’t need
central points of a design across. functional prototypes, just simple
props and video editing.
Like any sketches, they can be
anything from very quick ‘studies’ These basic tools lets us show
for internal communication within almost any idea imaginable
the design team, or more polished regardless of the feasibility of
productions to present to external actually making it.
1 : Software

Software is nothing more than a

tool, you can use pretty much any
software that will get the job
done. From iMovie on your phone to
Adobe Premiere, every tool will
have its limitations.
1 : Software

Lo-fi options are more than

Software is nothing more than a
tool, you can use pretty much any
software that will get the job ● iMovie (iOS, MacOS)
done. From iMovie on your phone to ● Kapwing (Online)
Adobe Premiere, every tool will ● Etc…
have its limitations.
Good, free, full-suite options:
That said, here is a list of free
(not required!)
video editing software or paid
software with a free version -> ● Lightworks (Win, MacOS)
● DaVinci Resolve (Win, MacOS)
1 : Hardware

If your phone has a video camera,

you are more than likely completely
set as far as hardware goes. DSLRs
or other pro equipment is not
required at all.

If anything, a tripod might be

handy, particularly if you rely on
jumpcut-effects that require a
stable shot - but even then it is
not strictly required.
1 : Keepin’ It Lo-Fi

There is no point in spending a

lot of time making your video
prototypes very polished!

Of course you should put in

enough effort that the
production quality doesn’t get
in the way of presenting your
idea - but getting the idea
across is all that matters,
everything else is just gravy.
2 : Example video - “Bad experience”
2 : Example video - “Random groceries”
2 : Example video - “Grocery store WoW Experience”
3 : Technique

How do we go about creating

video prototypes? As with all
activities within IxD, there are
several different ways of
getting from point A to point B.
3 : Technique

How do we go about creating

video prototypes? As with all
activities within IxD, there are
several different ways of
getting from point A to point B.

What is important is that you

consider what qualities,
experiences or problems it is
you want your video to convey,
and what you need to do so.
3 : Technique

How do we go about creating Some useful techniques are:

video prototypes? As with all
● Storyboarding
activities within IxD, there are
● Video-in-video
several different ways of
● Overlays
getting from point A to point B.
● Production plan
● More?
What is important is that you
consider what qualities,
experiences or problems it is
you want your video to convey,
and what you need to do so.
3 : Technique - Storyboarding

You have probably heard the term

before, but what it essentially
means here is that you sketch out
events that will take place in your
video beforehand.

This will greatly aid you in making

the video as it is much less likely
that you forget something that was
essential, and it will help you
figure out which scenes will serve
what purpose.

It is more difficult than one might

imagine to be on the same page
about shot angles, timing etc.
without a shared visual reference.
3 : Technique - Video-in-video

By this we refer to using video or

other visual material (like
pictures, figma prototypes etc) on
a device within the video itself.

This can help create very

believable video prototypes
without having an actual finished
final design.

Because you get to direct the

video, you also get to show the
intended usage.
3 : Technique - Overlays

Overlays refer to any graphical

material, static or moving,
displayed on top of the video.

They can be things like a HUD in a

game or AR/MR environment, or
other material used to more
closely illustrate the POV of an
actor in your video.

It might be hard to show the true

POV, in such cases we can overlay
any relevant UI on top of the
3 : Know your audience

These kinds of videos can have a End users (“normal people”) might
slew of different target groups. need higher fidelity prototypes
Therefore, it can be important to understand what the design
to consider who your audience is, whilst designers will likely
is. understand a lower fidelity
cardboard prototype or wireframe
Think about how videos on
because they are designers
kickstarter might differ from a
video intended for internal use
within a company. What is the That said, most of your videos
prior knowledge or contextual will be intended for designers.
understanding of the setting?
3 : Have a Production

Not a prototyping-specific
'tool' as much as just a
reminder to make a plan for how
you are going to make the video.

Video prototypes often have

fairly short production periods,
so minimizing confusion will
help speed up the process
3 : Have a Production
Before shooting anything, it is
Plan good to figure out who will:

Not a prototyping-specific - Draw the storyboard?

'tool' as much as just a - Hold the camera?
- Be in front of the camera?
reminder to make a plan for how - Make any overlays?
you are going to make the video. - Do the editing?

Video prototypes often have Likewise, schedule when you will

shoot, edit etc. and make sure the
fairly short production periods, involved people’s schedules line
so minimizing confusion will up.
help speed up the process
Editing can be difficult to do
tremendously. collaboratively, so while the other
tasks can be more loosely shared,
it is often most efficient to have
a person whose main task is
3 : An Aside on Comedy

It can be tempting to add jokes or

other lighthearted elements to
your video.
We have found that the teachers
generally seem to frown on it, so
proceed with caution.
In our opinion it can be OK as
long as it doesn’t get in the way
of presenting the idea at all.
Only include it if you feel like
it strengthens the impact of your
If in any doubt at all, leave it
4 : Assignment

Make a short video prototype for

a design concept based on one of
the supplied prompts. Don’t
worry about if the concept is
good or feasible, showing it in
video is all that matters.

The video should be around 1

minute long, 2 minutes max. As
long as the concept comes across
clearly, a lot of effects can be
“make-believe” (eg. paper
wireframes for screens etc.)
4 : Assignment Possible video subjects:

- A smart lending bike with haptic

Make a short video prototype for
feedback in the handlebars for
a design concept based on one of
helping tourists navigate the city
the supplied prompts. Don’t
worry about if the concept is
good or feasible, showing it in - A voice-controlled app or device
video is all that matters. that lets office workers order a
custom coffee from the hallway coffee
The video should be around 1
minute long, 2 minutes max. As
long as the concept comes across
clearly, a lot of effects can be - An app or website that shows
“make-believe” (eg. paper availability of speciality groceries
wireframes for screens etc.) in nearby shops & guides the user to
the appropriate isle.
5 : Session End & Handin

Exact hand-in information will be

The last 15 minutes are
posted in an announcement on Canvas
dedicated to documenting your
ASAP, but we will review any videos
work for journaling purposes as
submitted by the morning of the next
well as general Q&A about
video prototyping workshop. (Ie.
journal related topics.
submit on tuesday feb. 7th)

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