PEC 1&2 - RME Uploaded by Dor Sniper Mendoza

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RME Question

Philippine Electric
al Code, Parts 1 an
d 2:

General requirements
for installation of
electric wiring and
equipment. Approved
of wiring materials
and wiring
of switchboard and
boards.Installation in
hazardous locations. 
Wiring diagrams of
different types of
motor starters with
symbols and
wiring plants.Other
related subjects as
may be prescribed by
the Board.

Republic of the
ional Regulation o
Institute of Integrated
ElectricalEngineers of
the Philippines
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1. Service overhead conductors to a building or other
structure (such as a pole) on which a meter
ofdisconnecting means is installed shall be considered
as a ______and installed accordingly.
(a.) temporary service (c.) service drop(b.) service lateral 
(d.) service point

2. If a switch or circuit breaker serves as the disconnecting

means for a permanently connected motordriven
appliance of more than _____horsepower, it shall be
located within sight from the motor controller.
(a.)1/8 (c.) ½(b.) ¼ (d.) ¾

3. Overcurrent devices shall be enclosed in

______.I. cabinets II. Cutout boxes
(a.) I only (c.) I or II(b.) II only (d.) none of these

4. Where reduced heating of the conductors results from

motors operating on duty-cycle, intermittently,or from all
motors not operating at one time, the feeder conductors
(a.) are not allowed to have the ampacity reduced
(b.) may have an ampacity less than specified if
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
(c.) must be sized no smaller than 125% of the largest
motor connected to the feeder
(d.) must be sized not smaller than 125 % of the largest
motor plus other loads
5. Live parts of generators operated at more than ____volts
to ground shall not be exposed to accidentalcontact where
accessible to unqualified persons.
(a.) 30 (c.) 120(b.) 50 (d.) 150

6. A _____is a circuit operating at 600 volts, nominal or less,

between phases that connects two powersources or power
supply points, such as the secondaries of
transformers.I. branch circuit II. branch circuit multiw
ire III. secondary tie
(a.) I only (c.) III only(b.) II only (d.) I and II only

7. Entrances to rooms and other guarded locations

containing exposed live parts shall be marked
with _____warning signs forbidding unqualified
persons to enter.
(a.) yellow (c.) conspicuous(b.) blue (d.) orange

8. Overhead spans of open conductors and open

multiconductor cables not over 600 volts shall have
avertical clearance of not less than ______ above the
roof surface.
(a.) 8 (c.) 4(b.) 6 (d.) 3

9. Where single conductors #1/0 through 4/0 are installed in

a ladder or ventilated trough cable tray theyshall be
installed in no more than
______.I. a depth of 4” II. a depth of 6” III. a single lay
(a.) I only (c.) III only(b.) II only (d.) I or II only

10. Where flexible cords are permitted by the code to

be permanently connected, it is permissible toomit
______for such cords.
(a.) switches (b.) receptacles(c.) grounding connections (d
.) GFCI protection

11. Lested or labeled equipment shall be installed, used, or

both, in accordance with ______.
(a.) the fob specified
(b.) the plans
(c.) the instructions given by the authority having
(d.) the instructions included in the listing or labeling

12. A grounding electrode connection that is encased

in concrete or directly buried shall ______.
 (a.) be made accessible(b.) be made only by exothermic
welding(c.) be a minimum #4 bare(d.) not be required to
be accessible

13. Wet niche or no niche lighting fixtures that are supplied

by a flexible cord or cable shall all exposednoncurrent
carrying metal parts grounded by an insulated copper
equipment grounding conductor notsmaller than the
supply conductors and not smaller than _____.
(a.) #16 (c.) # 14(b.) # 18 (d.) #12

14. If laid in notches in wood studs, joists, rafters, or other

wood members ______ shall be protectedagainst nails
or screws by a steel plate at least 1/16” thick.
(a.) EMT(b.) rigid nonmetallic conduit(c.) intermediate
steel conduit(d.) flexible conduit

15. A two pole circuit breaker that may be used for

protecting a 3 phase corner grounded delta circuitshall
be marked _______.
(a.) 1 phase 120/240v (b.) 1 phase – 3 phase(c.) 1 phase/
2phase/3phase (d.) 480Y/277v

16. When installing a surge arrester at the service of less

than 1000 volts, the grounding conductor shallbe connected
to ______.I. the grounded service conductorII. the
grounding electrode conductorIII. the grounding electrode
for the serviceIV. the equipment grounding terminal in the
service equipment
(a.) I & II only (c.) III & IV only(b.) I & III only (d.) I, II, 

17. A means shall be provided in each metal box over 100

cubic inches for the connection of anequipment grounding
conductor. The means shall be permitted to be ______.
I. a tapped hole II. the cover screw III. a screw used to mo
unt the box
(a.) I only 
(c.) I & II only
(b.) II only
 (d.) I, II or III

18. a lighting fixture installed outdoors is permitted to be

supported by
_______.I trees II. a metal pole III. an outlet box
(a.) I only (c.) II only(b.) II & III only (d.) I, II or III

19. The outer metal shell of a lampholder shall be lined with

insulating material that shall prevent morethan ____, but
shall prevent any current carrying part of the lamp base
from being exposed when a lamp isin the lampholding
(a.) 1/16” (c.) ¼”(b.) 1/8” (d.) ½”

20. A ____shall be used to connect the equipment

grounding conductors, the service equipmentenclosures,
and where the system is grounded, the grounded
service conductor to the grounding electrode.
(a.) bus bar ( c.) 5/8” ground rod(b.) neutral conductor (d.) 
grounding electrode cond.

21. For equipment rated 1200 amperes or more 600

volts or less, and over 6 feet wide,
containingovercurrent devices, switching devices, or
control devices, there shall be one entrance not less
than ____inches wide and 6 ½ feet high at each end.
(a.) 24 (c.) 36(b.) 30 (d.) 48

22. Appliances that have _____that are to be connected by

(1) permanent wiring method or (2) by fieldinstalled
attachment plugs and cords with three or more wires
(including the equipment groundingconductor) shall have
means to identify the terminal for the grounded circuit
conductor (if any).I. screw shell lampholdersII. single pole
overcurrent device in the lineIII. single pole switch
(a.) I and II only (c.) II and III only(b.) I and II only (d.) I, 
II and III

23. O the following, _____box may be used for a floor

(a.) a 4 11/6” x 1 ¼ square metal box with device ring
listed for the purpose(b.) a 3” x 2” x 2 ½ “ metal device
box with device ring listed for the purpose(c.) a box listed
specifically for this application(d.) any of these

24. For one family dwelling, at least one receptacle outlet, in

addition to any provided for laundryequipment, shall
be installed in each ______.
I. basement II. detached garage with electric power III. att
ached garage(a.) I only (c.) I and III only(b.) II only (d.) I, 
II and III
25. Where nonmetallic sheathed cable is used with boxes no
larger than ____mounted in walls or ceilingsand where the
cable is fastened within 8 inches of the box, securing the
cable to the box shall not berequired.
(a.) 2 1/4 x 4” (c.) 2” x 4”(b.) 2 ½ “ x 4” (d.) 1 ¼” x 4”

26. For swimming pool water heaters rated at more than

____amperes that have specific instructionsregarding
bonding and grounding, only those parts designated to be
bonded shall be bonded, and only thoseparts designated to
be grounded shall be grounded.
(a.) 50 (c.) 30(b.) 40 (d.) 20

27. Where a fixture is recessed in fire resistant

material in a building of fire resistant construction,
atemperature not higher than _____shall be considered
acceptable if the fixture is plainly marked that it islisted for
that service.
(a.) 150
C (c.) 170
C(b.) 165
C (d.) none of these
28. A manufactured assembly designed to support and
energize lighting fixtures that are capable ofbeing readily
repositioned is ______.
(a.) ceiling grid lighting(b.) electric discharge lighting(c.)
lighting track(d.) open circuit lighting

29. For AC adjustable voltage, variable torque drive

motors, the ampacity of conductors, or amperetatins of
switches, circuit breakers or fused and ground fault
protection shall be based on the operatingcurrent marked
on the nameplate. If the current does not appear on the
nameplate, the ampacitydetermination shall be based on
____of the values in tables 430-149 and 430-150.
(a.) 80% (c.) 125%(b.) 100% (d.) 150%

30. Which of the following is a false statement?

(a.) An accessible plug and receptacle shall be permitted
to serve as the disconnecting means for a cord and
plugconnected appliance
(b.) For a household electric range, a plug and receptacle
connection at the rear base is acceptable as the
disconnectif it is accessible from the front by removal of a
(c.) A counter mounted cooking unit shall be connected
by a permanent wiring method
(d.) A switch with a marked off position that is a part of
an appliance and disconnects all ungrounded conductors
is permitted in a dwelling if the circuit is protected by a
circuit breaker

31. Where a transformer vault is constructed with other

stories below it, the floor shall have a minimumfire
resistance of 3 hours unless ______.
(a.) the floors in contact with the earth not less than 3”
(b.) protected with automatic sprinkle
(c.) constructed of fire rated wallboard
(d.) constructed of steel studs and fire rated wallboard

<a>32. A storage battery having the cells connected to

operate at a voltage exceeding 250 volts but
not over600 volts, shall have insulation between groups
and shall have minimum separation between live
batteryparts of opposite polarity of _______inche(s)

33. When calculating the conductor fill for strut-type

channel raceway with internal joiners, theraceway shall be
permitted to be filled to _____% of the cross-sectional area.
(a.) 20 ( c.) 30(b.) 25 (d.) 40

34.Which of the following wiring methods may be used

inside the duct used for vapor removal andventilation of
commercial type cooking equipment?
(a.) nonmetallic sheathed cable(b.) EMT(c.) rigid steel
conduit(d.) none of these
35. Splices and taps shall be permitted in surface
nonmetallic raceways having a removal cover that
isaccessible after installation. The conductors, including
splices and taps, shall not fill the raceway to morethan
_____percent of its area at that point.
(a.) 31 (c.) 53(b.) 40 (d.) 75

36. Cabinets and cutout boxes shall be deep enough to allow

the closing of the doors when _____amperebranch circuit
panelboard switches are in any position; when combination
cutout switches are in anyposition; or when other single
throw switches are opened as far as their construction will
(a.) 15 (c.) 30(b.) 20 (d.) 100

37. Underfloor flat-top raceways over 4 inches but not over

8 inches wide with a minimum of 1 inchspacing between
raceways shall be covered with concrete to a depth of not
less than ______.
(a.) ¾” ( c.) 1 ½”(b.) 1” (d.) 

38. Lighting fixtures located in the same room and not

directly associated with a hydromassage bathrub,shall be
installed in accordance with the requirements covering the
installation of that equipment in ______.
(a.) swimming pool area(b.) kitchen(c.) exercise room(d.)
39. The allowable fill for an 1 ¼ inch rigid schedule 40 PVC
with more than 2 conductors is ______ sq.inch.
(a.) 0.794 (c.) 0.495(b.) 0.333 (d.) 0.581

40. Induction coils shall be prevented from inducting

circulating currents in surrounding metallicequipment,
supports, or structures by ______.
I. isolation II. Shielding III. insulation of the current paths
(a.) I only 
(c.) III only
(b.) II only
 (d.) I, II and III

41. At least one receptacle shall be located a minimum of 5

feet from and not more than _____feet fromthe inside wall
of a spa or hot tub installed indoors.
(a.) 6 (c.) 12(b.) 10 (d.) 20

42. An electronically actuated fuse generally consists of all

of the following EXCEPT ______?
(a.) a control module that provides current sensing
(b.) electronically derived time-current characteristics
(c.) an interrupting module that interrupts current when an
overcurrent through it
(d.) a thermally sensitive part that is heated and severed
by passage of overcurrent through it
43. An underground pull box used for circuits of over 600
volts shall have the cover locked, bolted orscrewed on, or
the cover is required to weigh over ______pounds.

(a.) 25 (c.) 75(b.) 50 (d.) 100

44. Given: On a circuit where a grounding means does not

exist, a nongrounding-type receptacle isreplaced with a
ground-fault circuit-interrupter-type receptacle which
supplies no other receptacles. Thisnew GFCI
receptacle shall be marked _____.
(a.) “Not Grounded” (b.) “GFCI Protected”(c.) “No Equip
ment Grounded” (d.) “No Grounded Conductor”
45. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection is
required in all of the following locationsEXCEPT ______.
(a.) kitchen receptacles in an office building lunchroom
installed within 6’ of the sink
(b.) kitchen receptacles in a dwelling installed to serve
counter top surfaces 10’ away from the sink
(c.) receptacles in an office building restroom which has
only a basin and toilet
(d.) receptacle provided for servicing a rooftop air
conditioning unit on the roof of a warehouse

46. For dwelling units, all of the following are true

EXCEPT ______.
(a.) outdoor outlets are permitted to be supplied through
the small appliance branch circuits
(b.) the outlet for kitchen refrigeration equipment may be
supplied by an individual 15 amp branch circuit
(c.) bathroom receptacles shall be supplied by a 20
ampere branch circuit which shall have no other outlets
(d.) the clothes washer shall be supplied by a 20 ampere
branch circuit and outlets outside the laundry area
are NOT permitted on this circuit

47. In a recreational vehicle park, tent sites equipped with

only 20 ampere supply facilities shall becalculated on the
basis of ____per site.
(a.) 180 va (c.) 360 va(b.) 300 va (d.) 600 

48. Where GFCI protection is located in the power

supply cord for an outdoor portable sign, theground-
fault circuit interrupter shall be located within _____inches
of the attachment plug.
(a.) 6 (c.) 18(b.) 12 (d.) 24

49. Given: A fixed electric space heater without a motor is

installed in a multifamily dwelling. Theheater has no
supplementary over current protection.The heater is
controlled with a thermostat which does not have a marked
“of”” position. The branch circuitswitch or circuit breaker
is not “within sight from” the heater. For the branch circuit
switch or circuitbreaker to be permitted to serve as the
disconnecting means for the heater, the switch or breaker
must ___.
(a.)Be readily accessible
(b.) not control lamps or other appliances
(c.) be capable of being locked in the open position
(d.) be located within the dwelling unit or on the same
floor as the heater

50. Given : A metal underground water pipe is used as

a grounding electrode and used to bond otherelectrodes
together. The grounding electrode conductor is connected
to the water pipe on the interior of thebuilding. The
connection of the grounding electrode conductor to the
interior water pipe shall be made amaximum of
______feet from the point where the water pipe enters
the building.
(a.) 3 (b.) 5(c.) 8 (d.) 10

1.Potential transformers, and other switchboard

devices with potential coils shall be supplied by acircuit
that is protected by standard overcurrent devices rated
____amperes or less.
(a.)15 (c.) 25(b.) 20 (d.) 30

2 Which of the following is a false statement?

(a.) Where a building is supplied by more than one
service, a permanent plaque or directory shall be installed
ateach service disconnect denoting the location of all
other services.
(b.) Service conductors supplying a building are permitted
to pass through the interior or another building
.(c.) Conductors other than service conductors shall not be
installed in the same service raceway
.(d.) Conductors run above the top level of a window shall
be permitted to be less than 3 feet away from a
windowthat is designed to be opened.

3. Type ____cable consists of three or more flat copper

conductors placed edge-to-edge and separatedand
enclosed within an insulating assembly.
(a.) NMC (c.) MI(b.) AC (d.) FCC

4. A cord connector that is supported by permanently

installed cord pendant shall be considered _____.
(a.) receptacle outlet (b.) permanent cord(c.) lighting outle
t (d.) outlet device

5. Equipment intended to break current at fault levels shall

have an interrupting rating sufficient for thesystem
voltage and the current which is ____at the line
terminals of the equipment.
(a.) at maximum (c.) available(b.) operating (d.) required

6. Electrodes of nonferrous metal shall be at

least _____ in thickness.
(a.) 0.06mm (c.) 1.52”(b.) .186” (d.) 0.06”
7. Examples of resistance heaters are ______.
I. heating blankets II. heating tape III. heating barrel(a.) I 
and II only (c.) III only(b.) II and III only (d.) II only

8 Metal surface raceways having splices and taps shall

be permitted as long as the splices and
taps andconductors do not fill the raceway more than
_____ percent of the area of the raceway at that point.
(a.) 40 (c.) 70(b.) 50 (d.) 75

9. Receptacles in damp or wet locations flush mounted

shall ______.I. be protected from the weather where
located under canopies or marquees not subject to
water run offII. have an attachment plug
cap insertedIII. be made weatherproof by means of a
weatherproof faceplate assemblyIV. be located so that
water accumulation is not likely to touch the outlet cover or
(a.) I only (c.) III only(b.) II only (d.) I, II, III, IV

10. Circuits that only supply neon tubing installations

shall not be rated in excess of _____amperes.
(a.) 15 (c.) 30(b.) 20 (d.) 50

11. A portable motor which has an attachment plug

and receptacle may use this type of attachment asthe
controller provided the motor does not exceed
(a.) 1/8 (c.) 1(b.) 1/3 (d.)3

12. Metal canopies supporting lampholders, shades,

etc..exceeding ______pounds shall not be
less than0.020 inch in thickness.
(a.) 4 (c.) 8(b.) 6 (d.) 10

13. Live parts exposed on the front of a switchboard are

present, the working space in front of theswitchboard
shall not be less than _____inches.
(a.) 24 (c.) 36(b.) 30 (d.) 42

14. Armored cable installed in thermal insulation shall have

conductors rated at ____. The ampacity ofcable installed in
these applications shall be that of 60 degree C conductors.
(a.) 60 degrees C (c.) 75 degreesC(b.) 194 degrees F (d.) 9
0 degrees F
15. For hallways of ____feet or more in length at least one
receptacle outlet shall be required.
(a.) 6 (c.) 10(b.) 8 (d.) 12

16. In panelboards, where the voltage on busbars

is 150 volts and the bars are opposite polarity, heldfree
in air, the minimum spacing between the parts is _______.
(a.) ¾” (c.) 1 ½”(b.) 1” (d.) 2”
17. Alkali-type battery cells in jars of conductive material
shall be installed in trays of nonconductivematerial with not
more than _____24 volt cells in the series circuit in any one
(a.) ten (c.) thirty(b.) twenty (d.) forty

18. Exposed live parts within porcelain fixtures shall be

suitably recessed and so located as to make itimprobable
that wires will come in contact with them. There shall
be a spacing of at least ______betweenlive parts and
the mounting plane of the fixtures.
(a.) ¼” (c.) ½”(b.) 1/8” (d.) ¾”

19. The grounding conductor for secondary circuits of

instrument transformers and for instrumentcases shall not
be smaller than #12
_____.I. metal II. Aluminum III. copper
(a.) I only (c.) III only(b.) II only (d.) I, II, III

20. A current-limiting overcurrent protective device is a

device which will _____the current flowing inthe faulted
(a.) reduce (c.) maintain(b.) increase (d.) none of these

21. An office is to be wired with the number of

receptacles unknown, the demand for the receptacles
is _____va per square foot.
(a.) 1 (c.) 3.5(b.) 3 (d.) 180
22. In a recreational vehicle park with electrical supply, at
least ____% of the sites shall be equippedwith 30 ampere,
125 volt receptacles
.(a.) 5 (c.) 70(b.) 20 (d.) 100

23. No parts of pendants shall be located within a zone

measured _____feet horizontally and 8 feetvertically
from the tip of the bathrub rim.
(a.) 2 (c.) 4(b.) 3 (d.) 6

24. The lead wires of heating cables are color coded for
(a.) lead (c.) wire(b.) voltage (d.) cable

25. Plug fuses must have what specific shape?

(a.) octagonal (c.) hexagonal(b.) square (d.) round

26. Fixtures in clothes closets shall be _____,I. a surface-

mounted or recessed incandescent fixtures with a
completely enclosed lampII. a surface-mounted or recessed
fluorescent fixtureIII. pendant fixture
(a.) I only (c.) I and III(b.) I and II only (d.) I, II & III

27. All heating elements that are replaceable _____and are

a part of an electric heater shall be legiblymarked with the
rating in volts and watts, or in volts and amperes.
(a.) in the shop (c.) in the field(b.) by the manufacturer (d.
) none of these

28. Plug fuses and fuseholders can be used in circuits

supplied by a system having a grounded neutraland
having no conductor at over ____ volts to ground.
(a.) 115 (c.) 125(b.) 120 (d.) 150

29. EMT shall not be used _____.

(a.) for exposed work(b.) where protected from corrosion
solely by enamel(c.) for concealed work(d.) none of these

30. Where a motor is connected to a branch circuit by

means of an attachment plug and receptacle
andindividual overload protection is omitted, the rating of
the attachment plug and receptacle shall not exceed _____
or 250 volts.
(a.) 15 amperes at 110 volts(b.) 20 amperes at 115
volts(c.) 25 amperes at 120 volts(d.) 15 amperes at 125

31. All type FCC cable connections shall

use connectors identified for their use, installed such
that _____against dampness and liquid spillage
are provided.I. electrical continuity II. Insulation III. 
(a.) I only (c.) III only(b.) II only (d.) I, II & III
32. The disconnecting means of a hermetic-type
refrigerator compressor shall have an ampacity
of atleast _____ of the nameplate full load current.
(a.) 125% (c.) 100%(b.) 80% (d.) 115%

33. Fixtures shall be so constructed that adjacent

combustible material will not be subject totemperature in
excess of ______ degrees C.
(a.) 60 (c). 90(b.) 75 (d.) 110

34. A factory installed duplex receptacle in a baseball

heater, where the heater is to be permanentlyinstalled in a
commercial building is ______.
(a.) prohibited by the code
(b.) allowed only when the receptacle is factory connected
to the heater circuit
(c.) not allowed to be used as the required receptacle
outlet for flexible cords with attachment plugs, when
wiredon a separate circuit from the heater circuit
(d.) allowed to be used in lieu of the required receptacle
outlet for flexible cords with attachment plugs,
whenwired on a separate circuit from the heater circuit

35. Type FCC cable, cable connectors, and insulating ends

shall be covered with carpet squares nolarger than
(a.) 24” (c.) 36mm(b.) 914” (d.) 36”
36. Vegetation such as trees shall not be used for
support of ______.
(a.) lighting fixtures(b.) brackets or clamps(c.) overhead
conductor spans(d.) none of these

37. Fixed electric space heating loads shall

be computed at _____ % of the total connected load;
howeverin no case shall a feeder load current be less than
the rating of the largest branch circuit supplied.
(a.) 80 (c.) 115(b.) 100 (d.) 125

38. The adjustable speed drive incoming branch circuit or

______ to power conversion equipmentincluded as a part of
an adjustable speed drive system shall be based on the
rated input to the powerconversion equipment.
(a.) service (c.) lateral(b.) feeder (d). none of these

39. Separation of junction box from motor shall be

permitted to be separated from the motor not morethan
(a.) 6 feet (c.) 1.83(b.) 4 feet (d.) none of these

40. A single 1500w cord and plug connected load on

120v would draw ______ amps, this requires anumber
______ wire and _____ circuit breaker for the branch
(a.) 8-#14-15amp (b.) 10.5-#14-15amp(c.) 12.5-#14-
15amp (d.) 12.5-#12-20amp
41. SE cable used to supply ______ shall not be subject
to conductor temperature in excess of thetemperature
specified for the type of insulation involved.
(a.) lighting (c.) motors(b.) appliances (d.) generators

42. Torque motors are rated for operation ______.

(a.) at full torque (c.) at standstill(b.) at F.L.C. (d.) with co
de letter

43. The rating of an overcurrent device for a capacitor shall

be ______.
(a.) not over 20amp (b.) as low as practicable(c.) less than 
50amp (d.) none of these

44. _____ of insulating material shall be permitted to

be used without boxes in exposed cable
wiring.I. switch devices II. outlet devices III. tap devic
(a.) I only (c.) III only(b.) II only (d.) I, II & III

45. The following pool equipment shall be grounded ____.I.

ground-fault circuit-interruptersII. transformer
enclosuresIII. electric equipment located within 5 feet
of the inside wall of the pool
(a.) III only (c.) II only(b.) II and III only (d.) I, II & III
46. It is the intent of the Code that _____ wiring or the
construction of equipment need not be inspectedat the time
of installation of the equipment, if the equipment has been
listed by a qualified electrical testinglaboratory.
(a.) factory-installed internal (b.) factory-installed(c.) und
erground (d.) raceway

47. Distances fro signs, radio and TV antennas, tanks

or other nonbuilding or nonbridge
structures,clearances, vertical, diagonal and horizontal,
shall not be less than _____ feet.
(a.) 2 (c.) 6(b.) 3 (d.) 8

48. Any motor application shall be considered as ____

unless the nature of the apparatus it drives is suchthat the
motor will not operate continuously with load any
condition of use.
(a.) short-time duty (b.) varying duty(c.) continuous duty (
d.) periodic duty

49. An overcurrent trip unit of a circuit shall be connected

in series with each _____.
(a.) ungrounded conductor(b.) grounded conductor(c.)
overcurrent device(d.) transformer

50. The grounded conductor of a mineral-insulated, metal-

sheathed cable shall be identified at the timeof installation
by ______ marking at its termination
.(a.) distinctive (c.) solid(b.) neutral (d.) identified

1.An assembly drawing for a switchboard appears to

have some errors. As supervisor, what steps will your
a. Report the apparent error to your supervisor.

 b. Make the connections per drawing but be prepared to

correct it if orders. c. Hold the job until you have checked
with the person who initiated the plans.
d. proceed making the corrections on the drawing.

2 .Vertical clearances of all service drop conductors

above roofs shall NOT be less than one of the following
 a. 2,000 mm b. 2,750 mm c. 3,000mm d. 2,500 mm

3. According to its make, conduits maybe classified as

a. rigid metal b. rigid non-metal c. flexible metal d. all of

4. The Philippine Electrical Code, Part 1 does not

cover wiring of equipment installed within or to or
from one of the following. Which is one is this?
a. Trailers b. Mobile homes c. Water crafts d. Airplanes
5. When the wiring a raceway at least a certain length
of free conductors shall be left at each outlet. What
isthis minimum length?
a.75 mm b. 100 mmc. 150 mm d. 200 mm

6. When a rigid metal conduit is used, there shall NOT be

more than equivalent of ______ quarter bendsbetween pull
a. three b. fourc. five d. two

7. Which of the following wires has 75-ohm impedance?

a. Foam-filled twin lead b.
Coaxial c. Flat twin lead d. None of these

8. In a battery room, it is important that no hot spot due to

loose connections or sparking will occur, due to aserious
event may happen. What can this be?
a. An explosion might follow
 b. A short circuit may occur
c. an electric shock can happen to electrician 
d. the electrolyte might overheat.

9. For dwelling units, the demand factor for the first 3000
volt-amperes of load is?
a. 95% b. 85%c. 100% d. 80%
10. In which method of starting of a motor is
the starting current a minimum?
a. star-delta b. starter-
rotor starter c. direct on line d. autotransformer

11. In television studios, wiring for stage, set lighting,

stage effects and other electric equipment which are
fixed shall be done with approved flexible cables
protected by circuit breakers. The approved rating
iswhich one of the following?
a. 30 A b. 40 Ac. 20 Ad. 10 A

12. A convenience outlet circuit consisting of 8 outlets

connected across to a 220-V supply considering 180 W
per outlet, what is the maximum circuit current?
a. 4.56 A b. 6.54 A c. 8 A d. None of these

13. The minimum electrical trade size of flexible

metallic tubing shall be _____.
a. 15 mm b. 20 mm c. 32 mm d. 100 mm

14. Open wiring on insulators shall be supported at

intervals NOT longer than what distance?
a. 1,300 mm b. 500 mm c. 2,000 mm d. 750 mm

15. The term given to insulated stranded wire.

a. Durability b. Cord c. Length d. Volume
16. Surface metal raceway should not be allowed in the
following, EXCEPT?
a. where it is subject to corrosive favors 
b. where location is dry and ventilated 
c. where the voltage is over 300 volts 
d. where subject to severe physical damage

17. Where passing through wood cross member in

plastered partitions, conductors in concealed knob and tube
wiring shall be protected by insulating tubes extending
NOT less than _____ beyond the wood member.
a. 80 mm b. 70 mm c. 76 mm d. 64 mm

18. A type of a cable which is a single or multi-

conductor solid dielectric insulated cable rated 2001
volts or higher.
a. MC b. MV c. FCC d. AC

19. An exposed or enclosed upright panel carrying switches

and other protective, controlling and measuringdevices for
electric machinery and equipment.
a. Switchgear b. Panel boardc. Switchboard d. Switch box

20. In indoor wet locations, the entire wiring system

including all boxes, fittings, control boards and
panelboards shall be installed on walls with a minimum
clearance. What is this clearance?
a. 10 mm b. 5 mm c. 20 mm d. 15 mm
21. The primary winding of a step down transformer
shall be protected on the primary side by overcurrent
device rated NOT more than a certain percentage of the
primary current. What is this percentage?
a. 110 % b. 125% c. 80% d. 150%

22. Consist of three or more flat copper conductor

placed edge to edge separated and enclosed with an
nsulating assembly.
a. Armored cable b. Flat cable assemblies c. Sheathed cab
le d. Flat conductor cable

23. As compared with solid wires, stranded wires of the

same cross sectional area have the following advantages
EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. It is larger in overall diameter 
b. It is easier to skin off the insulation
c. It is better fot high voltage 
d. It has a higher current rating

24. Dry type transformer rated over _____ volts, shall

be installed in vaults.
a. 25,000  b. 10,000 c. 35,000 d. 50,000

25. Are rectangular sheet metal enclosures equipped with

removable covers providing access to conductors inside.
a. Metal clad cable b. Multiple cable conductors c. Buswa
y d. Wire ways

26. What is the maximum number of over current

devices of a lighting and appliance panel board that
shall be installed in a cabinet?
a. 36 devices b. 24 devices c. 48 devices d. 52 devices

27. For the installations of 2.0 mm

conductors in 600-volts circuits. What is the minimum
insulation resistance allowed by the Philippine Electrical
a. 1,000,000 ohms b. 750,000 ohms c. 250,000 ohms d.
500,000 ohms

28. The following are types of protection for single pase

induction motors, EXCEPT
a. Overload protection b. ground fault protection c. under
voltage protection d. single phasing protection

29. Branch circuit conductors supplying a single phase

motor shall have an ampacity NOT exceeding
a. 100% b. 125% c. 200% d. 115%

30. Flat conductor cables maybe installed in any of the

following locations Except one. Which one of this?
a. On hard concrete flooring b. In wet
locationsc. For branch circuits d. In damp locations

31. For voltages above 600 V, the minimum insulation

resistance shall be _____.
a. 1,5000,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
b. 500,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
c. 1,000,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
d. 2,000,000 ohms per kilovolt rating

32. A device actuated by the operation of some devices with

which it is directly associated, to governsucceeding
operations of some or allied devices.
a. Selsyn b. Automatic c. Interlock d. Relay

34. Concealed knob and tube wiring maybe used in which

of the following locations?
a. Theaters b. Hazardous Locationc.. Commercial garages 
d. Hollow spaces of walls and ceilings

35. Four (4) 3-phase motor are supplied by one common

feeder cable. The full load current ratings of themotors are
10 A, 20 A, 30 A, 40 A. What should be the minimum
ampacity of the cable?
a. 110 A b. 125 A c. 150 A d. 100 A
36. Lead wires furnished as part of a weather proof lamp
holder shall be stranded and rubber covered andapproved
for such service, shall not be less than what wire size?
a. 3.5 mm
 b. 2.0 mm
c. 0.75 mm
d. 5.5 mm
37. Which of the following wiring cables is most
suitable for shipboard installations?
a. Flat cable assembly b. Shielded non-metallic sheathed c
ablec. metal clad cabled. Armored cable

38. What is the maximum allowable voltage drop from the

main circuit breaker to the farthest lamp?
a. 10 % b. 5 %c. 5%d. 3 %

39. Flexible cords and cables shall be used for the following
applications, EXCEPT
a. elevator wirings b. pendantsc. fixed
wirings d. wiring of fixtures

40. In starting a large DC motor, a starter is primarily

used in order to
a. save electrical power b. limit the starting
currentc. add more power d. reduce the voltage drop

41. The frequency of the output voltage of an AC generator

depends on which of the following?
a. Excitation circuit b. Load c. Power factord. Speed

42. Busways shall not be installed in the following EXCEPT

a. where there are corrosive fumes
 b. where they are located in the open and visible
c. where they are subject in severe physical damage 
d. where they are in damp locations

43. In the Electrical Engineering Law, what is the official

designation of “Master Electrician”?
a. Master Electrician b. Registered Electricianc. Licensed
Electriciand. Registered Master Electrician

44. In judging the suitability of an electrical equipment for

proper mounting, the following factors should
beconsidered, one of which is the Least important.
Which one is this?
a. Type of enclosure b. Wire bendingc. Electrical
Insulationd. Mechanical strength

45. According to the Code the minimum insulation level for

neutral conductor of residential installationwhich has
solidly grounded system shall be ______.
a. 300 V b. 600 V c. 750 V d. 1,000 V

46. A lighting fixture shall be wired with lighting cord with

a cross sectional area of NOT less than a certainminimum
area. Which is this?
a. 0.75 mm²
 b. 2.00 mm
c. 0.50 mm
d. 1.25 mm

47. The surge arrester for devices less than 1,000 volts
connected by copper conductor to ground
electrodeconductor or equivalent grounding terminal shall
NOT be smaller than ______.
a. 8.0 mm
 b. 5.5 mm
 c. 3.5 mm
 d. 2.0 mm
48. The electrical drawing of a single family dwelling shall
show the following EXCEPT
a. floor plan b. computation of
illumination c. location plan d. one-line diagram

49. AC equipment on board watercraft shall operate

satisfactory at the following voltage limitations.
Whichone is correct?
a. Minus 5% to plus 10% b. Minus 6% to plus
10%c. Minus 10% to plus 6% d. Minus 10% to plus 10%

50. Which of the following statements on lighting fixtures

NOT correct?
a. Outdoor lighting fixtures and associated equipment
shall be permitted to be supported by trees 
b. Metal fixtures and enclosures rated at 250 V and
installed up in the ceiling shall be grounded
c. Stranded conductors shall be used in wiring a fixture
supporting chain and other movable flexible parts
d. Fixtures and lighting equipment operating at over 250
V shall be grounded

1.Open conductors passing over residential driveways and

those commercial areas not subject to trucktraffic
where the voltage exceeds 300 V to ground shall have
vertical clearance of ______.
a.3,700 mm b. 4,600 mm c. 3,100 mm d. 5,500 mm
What is the radius of a solid round conductor, which is the
nearest equivalent of a strandedconductor whose total area
is exactly 8.0 mm²?
1.597 mm b. 1.596 mmc. 3.191 mmd. 3.192 mm

Where galvanized steel conduit is used, the
primary purpose of galvanizing in which one of

a.It provides good electrical contact for grounding

 b.It increases the mechanical strength
c.It provides good surface for painting
d.It retards rusting
Equipment to be installed shall be fully specified in the
name plate EXCEPT which of the followingconsidered
a.Power and speed ratings b. Name of Manufacturerc.
Voltage, current, frequencyd. Date Manufactured
5. A three-phase general purpose squirrel cage motor
draws a full load current of 40 A. What is
themaximum size of time delay fuses that may be used for
short circuit protection?
a. 120 A b. 80 Ac. 40 A d. 100 A

6. Busways shall be permitted to be installed behind

panels if means of access are provided and if
theconditions below are met. One of them is NOT valid.
Which one is this?
a. No overcurrent devices are installed on the busway
other than for an individual fixture
 b. The busway is so installed that the joints between
sections and fitting are accessible for
maintenance purpose
c. The busway is open and of ventilator type
d. The space behind the panels is not for air handling

7. When alternating current flows through a conductor,

there is an inductive action that causes thecurrent in the
conductor to be forced toward the outer surface. The
current is greater at the surfacethat at the center of
the conductor, this, _______ will cause the resistance
in the conductor to increasedue to the increased heating
of the conductor.
a. superconductive effect b. capacitive effect c. outer effec
td. skin effect
8. The _______ shall not be less than the continuous
load plus 125% of the continuous load.
a. conductor size b. branch circuit
rating c. non continuous load d. continuous load

9. What is the maximum rating of a molded case

circuit breaker to protect a 10 hp squirrel
cageinduction motor rated at 230 volts, 3-phase, 60 Hz
with a full load rating of 28 A?
a. 30 A b. 50 Ac. 70 Ad. 100 A

10. Any motor application shall be considered as _____

duty unless the nature of the apparatus itdrives is such
that the motor will not operate continuously with load
under any condition of use.
a. short time b. periodicc. continuousd. varying

11. What is the metric size equivalent of 1,000 MCM?

a. 250 mm
 b. 750 mm
c. 500 mm
 d. 1,000 mm
12. No-metallic sheathed cable shall not be permitted for
the installation in the following locationsEXCEPT
a. storage battery b. corrosive locations c. moist locationd.
dry locations
13. Instrument pilot lights and potential transformers shall
be protected by OCD of ______ amps orless.
a. 50 b. 15 c. 30 d. 20
14. Insulators used to support wires under cross arm
are called ______.
a. pin b. spoolc. suspensiond. strain

15. The unit lighting for a dwelling unit express in

watts per square meter shall be
a. 8 watts b. 40 wattsc. 24 wattsd. 16 watts

16. Where the conduits enter a switchboard at

the bottom, a sufficient space shall be provided
to permitinstallation of the conductors in the
enclosure. The minimum spacing between the bottom
of theenclosure and the non-insulated bus bar shall be
a. 155 mm b. 300 mmc. 255 mm d. 200 mm

17. To make sure that the voltage switchboard is not

energized, what final step should you take
a. ground all bus bars inside the switch board b. Assign a
person to guard the disconnect switchc. Open the
disconnect switchd. Put a sign board that the switch
should not be turned on

18. Type FCC ( flat conductor cable) are permitted for the
following installation, EXCEPT
a. on wall surfaces in surface metal raceways b. on hard,
sound and smooth continuous surfacec. in residential
buildingsd. for general purpose branch circuit wiring

19. Which of the following listed materials is

considered among the best insulation material for
a. Nomex b. Red fiber c. Mylard. Fish paper

20. In a switchboard there shall be an air space of at

least ______ between the energized metal part andthe
door of the cabinet.
a. 30 mm b. 20 mm c. 15 mmd. 25 mm

21. The maximum size of liquid tight flexible metal conduit

shall be ______ trade size.
a. 50 mm b. 125 mm c. 150 mmd.100 mm

22. Feeders should be of such size that the voltage

drop up to the final distribution panel should
a. 2½ % b. 4½ %c. 3 % d. 6 %
23. Resistors and reactors shall not be installed in
close proximity to combustible materials such that
itconstitutes a fire hazard. What minimum clearance is
required by the code?
a. 250 mm b. 300 mm c. 400 mm d. 100 mm

24. All circuit conductors between the

service equipment or the generator switchboard of an
isolateplant, and the final branch circuit overcurrent
a. Service b. Feeder  c. Branch circuit d. All of these

25. The code requires that all energized parts of

electrical equipment operating at _____ or
more shallbe guarded against accidental contacts by
approved enclosures. What is this voltage?
a. 24 volts b. 110 volts c. 230 voltsd. 50 volts

26. In order to protect a personnel and prevent shock, the

equipment should be connected good earthground through
a. conduit pipe b. hot water pipe c. cold water pipe d. rigid
conduit pipe
27. In the interrupting rating of a circuit breaker is
lower than the required, what will happen to
thebreaker if there is a dead short between the downstream
breaker terminals?
a. Only the conductors will burn out b. Nothingc. The
entire breaker will be completely damagedd. The breaker
may trip but may reset

28. The ______, or other descriptive marking by which

the organization responsible for the productmaybe
identified, shall be placed on all electric
equipmentI. trademark II. Cost III. Manufacturer’s nam
a. I, II and III b. I and II onlyc. I and III only d. I only

29. Conductors of AC and DC rated up to 600 V

nominal shall be permitted to occupy the
sameequipment wiring enclosures, cable tray or
raceway. Is this being allowed under Section (c)
(1)Article 5.1 in PEC?
a. Installation is correct b. Falsec. Trued. Acceptable

30. Consist of a group of wire twisted to form a

metallic string
a. duplex wire b. Loomex wire c. solid wired. stranded

31. If an electrician does not understand the

instruction that were given by the supervisor, which of
thefollowing is best for him to do?
a. He works out the solution himself b. He ask to repeat
and clarify the instruction c. he gets one of the electrician
to do the jobd. He does the job the way he thinks best

32. The inner strands of ACSR is made of what?

a. brass b. steelc. copper d. lead

33. The grounding electrode for grounding

communications systems may be connected to the
nearestaccessible location on any of the following
EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Buried interior PVC water piping system b. Grounding
electrode conductorc. Building structure of a concrete
buildingd. Grounding terminal of service equipment if
provided by the utility company

34. In rigid metal conduit, conduits shall be supported

at least every
a. 2,000 mm b. 2,500 mm c. 3,500 mmd. 3,000 mm

35. Employees shall be familiarize themselves with

approved methods of ______ rescue techniques andfire
.a. playing b. first aid c. wiring d. heating

36. Branch lighting circuits shall be protected by

overcurrent devices not rated more than
a. 40 A b. 20 A c. 30 A d. 50 A
37. In all case where there are energized parts on the
front of the switchboard or motor control centers,the
working space in front of such equipment shall NOT
be less than a minimum distance. What is thisdistance?
a. 2,000 mm b. 500 mm c. 1,500 mmd. 1,000 mm

38. A protective devices for assembly as an integral part of a

motor or motor compressor and whichwhen properly
applied protects the motor against dangerous overheating
due to overload and failure tostart.
a. Fault current b. Ground fault c. Thermal heatd. Thermal

39. Wirings allowed to be installed outside the

buildings are enumerated below EXCEPT one.
Whichone is this?
a. Type MC cable b. Flat conductor
cable c. Rigid metal conduit d. Open wires on insulator

40. Employees shall read _____ and warn others who are in
danger near energized equipment or lines

a. first aid equipment and materials

 b. manhole and vaults
c. warning signs and signals
d. body belts and safety straps
41. A 20-ampere rated brach circuit with 3.5 mm² wire
supplying a duplex receptacle can be loaded to amaximum
of _______ amperes.
a. 16 b. 20 c. 30 d. 12

42. For better illumination you would provide ________.

a. joint lights b. even spacing numerous
lightsc. random spacing lights d. evenly space high ceiling

43. What is the allowable ampacity of THW insulated

copper conductor with an area of 8.0 mm² andexposed
to an ambient temperature of 30°C?
a. 45 A b. 20 A c. 30 A d. 60 A

44. Electrical equipment may best be mounted on a

concrete wall by using one of the following. Whichone is
a. wooden plug b. expansion
boltc. load plug d. plastic plug

45. If there are three wires of 150 mm² connected to

one terminal entering a cabinet or a switchboard,the
bending space at each terminal shall NOT be less than
______, provided the conductors do not enteror leave
the enclosures through the wall opposites its terminals.
a. 200 mm b. 300 mm c. 400 mmd. 250 mm
46. For an ambient temperature of 30°C, a THW
insulated copper conductors with a cross sectionalarea of
3.5 mm² and buried underground has the following
ampacity. Which one is correct?
a. 20 A b. 40 A c. 15 Ad. 30 A

47. Transformer exceeding 112.5 kVA, shall not be located

within ______ from combustible materialson the building.
a. 400 mm b. 300 mmc. 200 mm d. 500 mm

48. The following copper conductors have the

same cross sectional area but are made uf of
differentnumber of strands. Which one has the least
resistance to AC current?
a. 19-strand conductor b. single solid conductorc. 7-strand
conductord. 37-strand conductor

49. Lighting fixtures suspended from the ceiling by chains

should be wired so that the _______.
a. chain is grounded b. wires help support the fixturec.
wires will not touch the chaind. wires do not support the

50. In rigid metal conduit wiring, conduits shall

be supported at least every
a. 2,500 mm b. 3,500 mmc. 3,000 mmd. 2,000 mm
1.Equipment for installation in hazardous locations
must be tested and approved for use according tothe
classification of the hazards involved. These are divided into
______ groups.
a.4 b. 3c. 7 d. 6

2. Compliance with the provisions of the PEC will

result in
______.I. freedom of hazards II. good electrical service III
. an efficient system
a. I, II and III b. I and II only c. II only d. I only

3. Auxiliary gutters shall not contain more than

______ current carrying conductors at any cross
a.  36 b. 32 c. 30 d. 24

4. IN hazardous locations, the use of non-metallic conduit

shall be permitted provided it is buried NOTless than
______ below the earth level.
a. 400 mm b. 600 mm c. 1,000 mm d. 500 mm

5. Hazardous locations in which easily ignitable fibers or

materials producing combustible flyings arehandled,
manufactured or used.
a. Class III, Division
1 b. Class III, Division 2c. Class I, Division 1 d. Class I, 
Division 2

6. There are situations where deviations from the code

requirements are necessary. Before suchdeviations are
made, there must be a written permission from one of
the following entities. Which oneis this?
a. Board of Electrical Engineering 
b. Code of Enforcing Authority
c. IIEE Code Committee 
d. Philippine Regulation Board

7. A point in a wiring system at which current is taken

to be used in some equipment.
a. grounded b. conductor c. service entrance d. Outlet

8. Circuits with rigid non-metallic conduit approved for

direct burial and placed under streets, hi-ways, roads,
alleys, driveways and parking lots shall have a minimum
cover distance of _______.
a. 760 mm b. 900 mm c. 1,000 mm d. 600 mm

9. A building or other structure serve shall be supplied

by only one service drop EXCEPT for
a. multiple occupancy building b. fire pumps c.
emergency electrical system d. all of these
10. This type of cable is a fabricated assembly of
insulated conductors enclosed in a flexible metal
a. ground wire b. integrated gas spacer c. medium voltage
cable d. armored cable

11. The following are common splicing rules EXCEPT

one. Which one is this?
a. A splice must provide a path for the current to pass 
b. A joint must be mechanically as strong as the wire
c. All splices must be mechanically and electrically
secured by means of solder
d. Wires of the same size should be spliced together in

12. Communication wires and cables shall be separated at

LEAST a certain minimum distance from service drops of
electric light and power conductors, which are not installed
in a raceway or in cable. What is this minimum distance?
a. 150 mm b. 175 mmc. 300 mm d. 200 mm

13. Overhead conductors used in festoon lighting shall NOT

be less than _______.
a. 0.75 mm² b. 3.5 mm²c. 2.0 mm² d. 5.5 mm²
14. When circuit breakers are installed in enclosed
switchboards, they are usually derated to a
certainpercentage. What is this percentage?
a. 60%  b. 80%c. 50% d. 70%

15. The clearance from the top of a switch to a ceiling which

is combustible shall NOT be less than ______.
a. 1,000 mm b. 800 mm c. 900 mm d. 1,250 mm

16. The rating of the overcurrent device shall not be less

than the non-continuous load plus a percentage of the
continuous load.
a. 125% b. 80% c. 100% d. 140%

17. In concealed knob and tube wiring, the clearance to be

maintained between conductors is ______.
a. 55 mm b. 45 mmc. 76 mm d. 50 mm

18. Where no standard electrical equipment of the exact

size or rating is available and the next larger size is neither
available the next smaller size or rating maybe used
provided a special permission is obtained from one of
the following. Which one is this?
a. Barrio Captain b. Mayor c. Electrical Inspector d. Fire
19. A box with a blank cover which is inserted in one
or more runs of raceway to facilitate pulling of the
a. coupling box b. junction box c. terminal box d. pull box

20. What is the total number of mechanical degrees that a

PVC conduit run maybe bent between pull points (pull
boxes, junction boxes or utility boxes)?
a. 360 degrees b. 180 degrees c. 120 degrees d. 270

21. Where extensive metal in or on buildings may

become energized and is subject to personal
contact ______ provided additional safety.
a. bonding b. suitable ground detectors c. suitable
arresters d. adequate bonding and grounding

22. Below are the factors that affect the ampacity of an

electrical conductor EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Insulation resistance b. Length of conductor c. 
conductor  material d. cross-
sectional area of the conductor

23. Where flexible tubing is used to encased the conductors,

the tubing shall extend from the last insulating support to
no less than _______ inside the nonmetallic boxes.
a. 8 mm b. 10 mm c. 5.5 mmd. 6.4 mm
24. The sum of the cross sectional area of all conductor in a
wire way must not exceed ________ percent of the cross
sectional area of the wire way.
a. 15 b. 20 c. 10 d. 25

25. Lighting fixtures shall be wired with a fixture flexible

cord with a cross sectional area of NOT less than
a. 0.50 mm² b. 2.00 mm² c. 1.25 mm² d. 0.75 mm²

26. The total load on overcurrent device located in

panel board shall NOT exceed a certain percentage of
its rating. What is this percentage?
a.  100 % b. 90 % c. 80% d. 125 %

27. Flexible metal conduits must not be used in

a. wet locations b. hoist ways c. storage battery room d. al
l of these

28. The use of surface non-metal raceway is NOT permitted

in all those mentioned below EXCEPT one. Which one is
a. Dry locations 
b. where subject to severe physical damage
c. where the voltage is over 300 V 
d. where concealed

29. What is the lowest dielectric strength of transformer oil,

which is acceptable to the PEC?
a. 20,000 volts b. 22,000 volts c. 25,000 volts d. 17,500

30. Flat conductor cable (FCC) system shall NOT be used

in the location enumerated below EXCEPT one. Which
one is this?
a. Locations where subject to corrosive favors b. Damp
locationsc. Residential buildings d. Outdoors

31. The surface nonmetallic raceway may NOT be used in

the following locations EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. In dry locations b. Where concealed
c. Where subject to severe physical damage d. In hoist wa

32. For grounding electrode to which portable or mobile

equipment system neutral impedance is connected, shall
be isolated from the ground by at least a certain
distance from any other system or equipment
grounding electrode. What is this distance?
 a. 4,000 mm b. 6,000 mmc. 5,000 mm d. 3,000 mm
34. A run conduit between outlets, between fittings,
between outlet and fittings shall not contain more than the
equivalent of _______ quarter bends.
a. 2  b. 4 c. 3 d. 5

35. A storage battery supplying emergency lighting an

DC power shall maintain no less than 87.5 % of full
voltage at total load for a period of at least
a. 1.5 hours b. 2.5 hours c. 2.0 hours d. 1.0 hours

36. What is the temperature rating of THW insulation?

a. 60°C b. 85°C c. 75°C d. 90°C

37. This is a single conductor or multi-conductor assembly

provided with or without an overall covering, primarily
used for services.
a. tray cable b. clad cable c. service entrance
cable d. flat conductor cable

38. Transformer that contains liquid that will burn shall be

installed only in approved vaults and shall also comply with
following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Ample ventilation shall be provided for the continuous
removal of flammable gases
 b. Vent openings shall lead to a safe location outside the
c. All vent ducts and openings shall be sufficient areas to
reliable explosion pressures within the vault
d. There shall be a robust door between the vault and any
non-hazardous location

39. What locations do NOT allow the installation of

PVC rigid conduits?
a. Hazardous
locations b. Corrosive locationsc. Wet locations 
d. In concealed locations
40. To provide for small appliance load in a dwelling unit,
the feeder should be computed at
a. 2,400 watts b. 3,000 watts c. 1,500 watts d. 3,600 watts

41. The circuit conductors between the service entrance

equipment or isolated generating plant and the branch
circuit overload device or devices.
a. overcurrent protector b. feeder
c. motor controller d. disconnecting switch

42. Conductors shall be securely attached to the buildings

using fasteners. Fasteners shall be spaced NOT more than
a. 760 mm b. 600 mm c. 880 mmd. 900 mm

43. Concealed knob and tube wiring conductors shall be

rigidly supported on knobs not more than a certain
minimum distance apart. What is this distance?
a. 2,000 mm b. 1,500 mmc. 1,300 mm d. 2,500 mm
44. For motor starter to be in sight of the controlled motor,
it must NOT be more than _______ meters away.
a. 20 b. 15 c. 25 d. 

45. Stage equipment like foot lights, border lights and

others shall be so arranged that no branch circuit supplying
such equipment will carry a load exceeding _________.
a. 20 A b. 15 A c. 30 A d. 10 A

46. The branch circuit conductors that supply one

or more units of data processing system shall have an
ampacity NOT less than _______ percent of the total
connected load.
a. 150 b. 100 c. 125 d. 200

47. Which of the raceway methods is NOT allowed to

be used in a hazardous location?
a. Rigid metal conduit b. Liquid tight flexible metal condu
it c. Rigid non-metallic conduit d. None of these

48. Explosion hazards exist due to the presence of the

following materials EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Combustible dust b. Flammable vapors c. Flammable
liquids d. Carbon dioxide gas

49. What is the temperature rating of THHN insulation?

a. 60°C b. 90°C c. 85°C d. 75°C
50. Some of the principal factors that affect
the operating temperature of a cable are the following
EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Voltage b. Ambient Temperature c. Ventilation d. Load

1 .Metal clad cables shall be supported and secured at

intervals NOT exceeding
a. 1,800 mm b. 1,500 mm c. 1,600 mm d. 2,000 mm
2.Sizes of building wires manufactured in the
Philippines are standard in square millimeters. What
is the area of copper conductor, which is next larger than 8
square millimeters?
a.12 mm² b. 10 mm² c. 14 mm² d. 9 mm²

3. According to PEC, the minimum insulation resistance

level for neutral conductor in residentialinstallations, which
have solidly grounded system, shall NOT be less than this
voltage, which one isthis?
a. 1,000 volts b. 300 volts c. 600 volts d. 750 volts

4. Which of the following electric wires has the highest

ampacity ?
a.5.5 mm²  b. 8.0 mm²  c. 30 mm² d. 50 mm²
5.A 15-A or a 20-A branch circuit shall be permitted
to supply lighting units and other utilization devices.
The rating of any one cord and plug connected
appliance shall NOT exceed a certain percentage on the
branch circuit rating. What is this percentage?
a.80% b. 90% c. 70% d. 60%
6. Metal clad cables shall be permitted for installations
in the following locations EXCEPT one. Which one is
a. Signal circuits b. Branch circuits c. Direct burial in
earth d. Ariel cable

7.Concealed knob and tube wiring shall be supported

within _______ of each side of each tap or splice.
A .150 mm b. 125 mm c. 100 mm d. 200 mm

8. What is the insulation resistance acceptable by the

Philippine Electrical Code for 600 V circuits consisting of
2.0 mm² conductor?
a.250,000 ohms b. 750,000 ohms c. 500,000 ohms d.
1,000,000 ohms

9. The usual function of a disconnect switched in

high voltages circuit is to
a. Isolate from energized buses, equipment which are not
in service 
b. Open or close the circuit under load
c. Open the circuit in the event of an overload
d. Maintain continuity of service

10.An overheated cord often indicates

A .Defective cord b. Corroded terminals c. Corroded
terminals and defective cord d. None of these

11.The usual nameplate data on DC motors include in the

following EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a.Manufacturer’s name b.Rated frequency c.Rated voltage
d.Rated speed

12. What is the purpose of using locknuts?

a. To make tighter connection 
b .To make it difficult to tamper connections
c. To able to make more connections to one stud
d. To prevent the connections from loosening under
severe vibrations

13. Insulated ground conductor of 14 mm² or smaller

shall be identified by a continuous white outer finish
along its entire length on another color is
a. Green b. natural gray c. striped green d. striped white

14.Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

a. Overcurrent devices shall be located where they will
not exposed to physical damage 
b. Overcurrent devices shall be readily accessible
c. In a multi-family dwelling, each occupants shall have
ready access to all overcurrent devices protecting his
d. Overcurrent devices may be located inside clothes

15. Lamp protection shall be provided by elevation of

atleast _______ meters from the normal workingspace.
a.2 b. 1 c. 2.5 d. 3

16. What is the maximum number of conductors

permitted in a wireway at any cross-section, signalcircuits
or starter-control wires are not included?
a. 30 conductors b. 50 conductors c. 40 conductors d. 25

17.The largest size of electrical metallic tubing is

a. 75 mm b. 125 mm c. 150 mm d. 100 mm

18.The used of underground feeder cables may NOT

be used in the following conditions EXCEPT one.
Which one is this?
a.Embedded in concrete b. Hazardous locations c. Direct
burial d. Theaters

19.Which of the following colors identifies the

grounded conductor of a branch circuit?
a.Green b. Black c. White d. Blue
20.Any box not over _______cm² in size, intended for the
mounting in closed building constructionshall be affixed
with anchors or clamps as to provide a rigid and
secure installation.
a.1,540 b. 1,760 c. 1,800 d. 1,640

21.Conductors in open wiring on insulators shall

be rigidly supported within _____ from a tap or splice.
a. 200 mm b. 100 mm c. 250 mm d. 150 mm

22. Connection between conductive or inductive metal

object in an element of a lightning protection system to
accomplish electrical continuity.
a.Connectors b. Interlink c. Counterpoised. Bonding

23. Flexible cords used in locations where there is a lot

of flying flint or fibers shall comply with the following
EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
A .It shall be approved for use in locations which are
b. It shall contain in addition to the conductors, a
grounding conductor
c. It shall be of type approved for extra hard usage
d .It shall be provided with suitable seal to prevent the
entrance of dust
24. Article 1.10.2 of PEC 1 requires working spaces for
equipment operating 600 V nominal or less to ground.
This is required for live parts on the other side, like
concrete, brick or tile walls and shall be considered as
grounded. What is this minimum distance for condition 2?
a.1300 mm b. 1400 mm c. 1200 mm d. 1100 mm

25.When installing cables or raceway type wiring method

parallel to the framing members such as joist, rafters or
studs, the cable or raceway shall be installed and
supported so that the nearest outside surface of the
cable or raceway is NOT less than a certain distance
from the nearest edge of the framing member. What is
this distance?
a.20 mm b. 30 mm c. 10 mm d. 50 mm

26. The multiplying factor for determining the size of

branch circuit protection for non-time delay fuse is
a.300% b. 175%  c. 250%  d. 

27. Each transformer up to 600 V nominal shall be

protected by an individual overcurrent device on the
primary side at not more than a certain percentage of
the rated primary current of the transformer. What is
this percentage?
a.110% b. 125% c. 100% d. 140%
28 . What is the maximum fuse rating allowed by the Code
to protect single phase motor that draws 20A at full load
against short circuit but at the same time will not fail at
a.30 A b. 60 Ac. 50 A d. 20%

29. Conductors supplying one or more motor-compressor

with or without additional loads shall havean ampacity not
less than the sum of the rated load plus _______ percent of
the highest motor-compressor rating in the group.
a.30 b. 25c. 20 d. 15

30.Motor A has a full load current of 8 A and motor B,

10 A. What is the ampacity of the feeder conductor
supplying this two motors?
a.9 A b. 20.5 A c. 18 A d. 24.2 A

31. The minimum size of wire used in electrical wiring is

the former number 14 AWG. Under themetric system
shown in the PEC, the diameter is
a.2.0 mm b. 3.2 mm c. 1.6 mmd. 2.6 mm

32.The ampacity of type UF cable shall be of that

________ conductor.
a.60°F b. 140°C c. 60°C d. 75°C

33. For each small appliance branch circuit, the feeder load
shall be ________ per 20 A circuit.
a.1,000 VA b. 1,200 VA c. 1,500 VA d. 1,800 VA
34.What is the nominal supply voltage specified by the
Philippine Electrical Code for residential homes?
a.225 Volts AC b. 230 Volts
AC c. 240 Volts AC d. 220 Volts AC
35. When thermal overload relay are used for the
protection of a three phase induction motor, theirprimary
purpose is to protect the motor in case of
a. Short circuit between lines 
b .Reversal of phase sequence
c. High voltage
d. Sustain overload
36. The electrical plans for residential house include
the following items EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Substation plan 
b. Location plan
c.Floor plan showing location of service
d.Layout of wiring plan for general lighting and
receptacles outlet
37. For rigid steel conduit of trade diameter 50mm, the field
bend shall be so made that the radius ofthe inner edge
shall not be less than a certain radius for conductors
without lead sheathed. What isthe radius?
a.450 mm b. 250 mmc. 300 mm d. 375 mm
38. The Electrical Code requires that electrical plans and
drawings shall be drawn on sheets of thefollowing standard
size. Which one is NOT considered standard?
a.600 mm x 900 mm b.217 mm x 279 mmc.760 mm x
1000 mmd.500 mm x 760 mm

39. Type SE service entrance cable shall be permitted in

interior wiring system where all of the circuitconductors of
the cable are of the _______ type.I.Rubber-
covered II. Thermoplastic III. Metal
a.I, II and III b.II onlyc.II and III only d.I and II only
40. A multi-contact switch, which fixes the operation
sequence of the major device during starting and stopping
or during other sequential switching operations.
a. Motor operation sequence b. Manual transfer switch
c.Position switch d. Field circuit sequence switch
41 A test lamp using ordinary bulb is used to test one
of the following. Which one is this?
a. Overload test b. DC or AC check c. Polarity check d.
Ground check

42.Air conditioning load has a demand load of ________.

a.80% b. 100%c. 125% d. 150%
43. In every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room,
parlor room, library, bedroom or similar room or area of
dwelling units, receptacles shall be installed so that
no point along the floor line any wall space is more than
________ measured horizontally from an outlet in that
a.2,000 mm b. 1,800 mm c. 1,900 mm d. 2,100 mm
44. If an electrician does not understand the instruction that
were given by the supervisor, which of thefollowing is the
best for him to do?
a. He ask that instruction be repeated and clarified 
b. He does the job the way he thinks best
c. He works out the solution to the problem himself
d. He gets one of the other electrician to do the job
45. The branch circuit load for drying equipment is
the larger of either the VA rating of the name plate
or ________.
a. 5,000 VA b. 6,000 VA c. 4,000VA d. 3,000VA
46.An outlet box should be fastened to a concrete wall by
the use of
a.Wood plug and nail b.Toggle bolts c.Porcelain insert
and screw d Expansion bolts
47. Wiring methods / materials allowed by the code
for gasoline stations include all the following EXCEPT
on. Which one is this?
a. Type MI cable with approved terminal fitting
b. Threaded steel intermediate conduit
c. Rigid non-metallic conduit
d. Threaded rigid metal conduit

48. What does the symbol consisting of rectangular with
solid shading indicate?
a. Fuse cutout b. Telephone exchange c. safety switch d.
Lighting panel board 

49. Branch circuits shall be classified according to the

maximum permitted _______.
kW rating b. voltage rating c. ampere rating d. all of these

50 Medium voltage cable shall be permitted for
installation on the following EXCEPT one. Which one
is this?
a. Where installed in cable trays 
b. where exposed to direct sunlight
c. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in dry locations
d. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in wet locations
1.If there will six or more 2-wire branch circuits, the
service disconnecting means shall NOT be smaller than
a.100 A b. 90 A c. 60 A d. 30 A

2. To improve the insulation resistance of a motor, it

is first cleaned, washed, varnished then baked. Which
is very economical and effective method of baking
particular the inside coils of a large motor?
a.Putting incandescent lamp around the winding and
b.Hanging resistor strips inside the core and cover
c.Putting it inside the baking oven and control the oven
d.Connecting the terminals to a variable low voltage
supply and increase the baking currentgradually until the
desired baking temperature is attained, making sure that
the rated current isnot exceeded.
3.The construction of metal cabinets and cutout boxes
shall be such as to secure strength and rigidity.If
constructed of uncoated sheet steel, the metal thickness
should NOT be less than
a.1.55 mm b. 1.75 mm c. 1.00 mmd. 1.35 mm
4, Where raceways are exposed to widely different
temperatures they shall be ________.
a.Grounded b. Sealedc. Isolated d. Bonded 

5.The uses of non-metallic extension are NOT allowed in all

EXCEPT one of the following. Whichone is this?
a.As an aerial cable b.Where exposed to corrosive vapors
c.Where subject to corrosive vaporsd.Through floors or

6.When the voltage between conductors does not exceed

300 V and the roof has a slope of not lessthan 100 mm to
300 mm, the clearance can be reduced to
a.500 mm b. 800 mm c. 1000 mm d. 900 mm

7.A circle with letter B stands for

a.Buzzer outlet b. Push button outlet c. Outlet with blank
coverd. Bell outlet

8.Exposed energized parts of motor and controllers

operating at ________ volts or more betweenterminals
against accidental contact by enclosure.
a.50 b. 30 c. 40 d. 60

9.Wires or cables used in dry and wet locations for over

2000 volts insulation and ozone resistantwith moisture and
heat resistant rubber and has a maximum operating
temperature of 90 °C is _______ type.
a. MI b. RHW c. THW d. THHN

10.A certain residential house has a lighting load of 1.1

kVA and an appliance load of 10 A at 220volts, single
phase, two wires, 60 Hz. The branch circuits fuse protection
for lighting and applianceloads are ______ and ______
a.30 A, 60 A b. 20 A,30 A c. 15 A, 30 A d. 15 A, 20 A

11.The building code (PD 1096) of the Philippines has

several referral codes. The only no-referral codeis
a.The Philippines Electrical Code b. Fire
Codec.Structural Code d. Chemical Engineering Code

12.At least _______ of free conductor shall be left at each

outlet, junction and switch point for splicesor the
connection of fixtures or devices.
a.200 mm b. 100 mm c. 150 mm d. 300 mm

13.Which of the following is NOT used as an electrical

a.Flat cables b. Optical fiber cables c. Armored cabled.
Steel cables

14.Motors with marked temperature rise not over 40°C

shall have an overload protection equal to _______
percent of the motor full load current.
a.115 b. 125 c. 110 d. 100

15.What is the temperature rating of a TW insulated

a.60 °C b. 90 °C c. 75°C d. 100°C

16.The minimum clearance of service drops over

a.8 ft b.14 ftc. 10 ftd. 12 ft

17.What is the diameter of a solid wire which is equivalent

to 5.5 mm²?
a.2.26 mm b. 1.62 mm c. 1.75 mmd. 2.65 mm

18.The combined cross sectional area of all conductors or

cables shall NOT exceed _______ percent ofthe internal
cross-sectional area of the raceway.
a.50 b. 60c. 40d. 70

19.To cut rigid steel conduits, an electrician should

a.Use a hack saw and ream the ends b.Use a three-wheel
pipe cutterc.Use a cold chisel and ream the endsd.Order it
to cut to size

20.The maximum distance between open service conductor

supports for a voltage of up to 300 volts?
a.2,000 mm b. 1,000 mm c. 1,500mmd. 1,300mm
21.Where coaxial cables are attached to building, they
should have a separation of at least ________from the
electric light or power cables.
a.100 mm b. 50 mm c. 250 mm d. 200 mm

22.A phase converter is usually employed to convert single-

phase to three-phase power supply so thatthree-phase
motor maybe used. For this service, the PEC specifies that
the single-phase conductorsshave an ampacity of NOT
less than _________ of the full load current rating of
motor or loadbeing served where the input and output
voltages are identical.
a.173 % b. 240 %c. 216 % d. 350 %

23.What is the minimum insulation resistance of a

building’s electrical wiring for circuits using 2.0mm² or 3.5
mm² conductors?
ohms b. 250,000 ohms c. 1,000,000 ohms d. 750,000 ohm

24.In the installation of power resistors, a thermal

barrier shall be required if the space between
theresistors and any combustible materials is less than
________ mm. What is this minimumclearance?
a.150 mm b. 300 mm c. 200 mm c. 250 mm
25.In estimating the loading of a branch circuit, what
loading shall be used for each receptacle?
a.160 VA b. 120 VAc. 180 VAd. 150 VA

26.Festoon lighting is a string of outdoor lights suspended

between two points more than _______apart.
a.4,000 mm b. 3,800 mm c. 4,500 mm d. 5,000 mm

27. With respect to the safety value of the insulation on

electrical maintenance tools, it can be said properly that
a. The insulation provides very little real protection 
b. Its value is mainly to the untrained electrician helper
c. The insulation should not be used as the only protective
d. It adequately insures the safety of the user

28. Outlets for heavy-duty lamp holders shall be rated

a. 500 VA b. 600 VA c. 660 VA d. 550 VA

29. When fastening an outlet to a brick wall, the electrician

should use one of the following. Which one is this?
a. Expansion
bolt b. Toggle bolts c. Temporary nail d. Wooden
plug and nail

30. When soldering two copper surfaces together, they

should be kept clean while heating by
a. Applying the solder quickly 
b. Not admitting the open flame to touch the copper
c. Frequently rubbing the tip with emery cloth
d. The use of flux

31. When testing the insulation integrity of a new or

old electrical wiring installation circuit of 5.5 mm² the
Code specifies a minimum insulation resistance of what
a.1,000,000 ohms b. 250,000 ohms
c. 500,000 ohms d. 100,000 ohms

32. In general, layout of motors and power outlets not

exceeding a total of ________ maybe include in the
lighting layout provided such inclusion will not make the
reading, interpretation and or checking of the said plan
a.8  b. 10 c. 12 d. 6

33. Before an ammeter is disconnected from an energized

current transformer circuit, one of the procedures should
be followed. Which one is this?
a. Primary winding should be shorted 
b. Secondary winding should be shorted
c. Secondary winding should be opened
d. Primary winding should be opened
34. Give the minimum vertical clearance from finish
grade of a service drop conductor installed between
buildings on residential properties and driveways?
a.5,500 mm b. 4,600 mm c. 3,700 mm d. 3,100 mm

35.When measuring to determine the size of stranded

conductor, you would place the wire gauge
over _______.
a. The insulation b. all of the
strands c. one strand of the conductor d. the outer of the c

36. Who shall make the final decision in the

interpretation of controversial provisions of the
Philippine Electrical Code?
a. IIEE Board of Governors b. Board of Electrical
Engineering c. Building Official d. IIEE Code Committee

37. A continuous electrical load is one where the

maximum current is expected to continue for
minimum duration of time. What is this minimum duration
of time?
a. 1 hour b. 4 hours c. 3 hours d. 2 hours

38. S2 means?
a. Duplex switch b. two-pole switch c. 2-way switch d.
two-throw switch
39. Under floor raceways may be occupied up
to ________ percent of the area.
a. 55 b. 38 c. 40 d. 30

40. The minimum size of service drop copper conductors

allowed by the Philippine Electrical Code is one of the
following. Which is this size?
A .3.5 mm² b. 5.5 mm² c.  2.0 mm² d. 8.0 mm² 

41. Appliance outlets installed in a dwelling unit for specific

appliances, such as laundry equipment, shall be installed
within ________ of the intended location of the appliance.
a. 1,800 mm b. 1,500 mm c. 2,000 mm d. 1,000 mm

42. As a general rule, equipment rated 1,000 A or more and

measuring more than 1,900 mm wide, containing OCD,
shall have an entrance at both ends of the switchboard
room. The width and height of each entrance shall NOT be
less than the following dimensions. Which one is correct?
a. 800 mm wide and 2,000 mm high 
b. 600 mm wide and 2,000 mm high
c. 600 mm wide and 2,000 mm high
d. 800 mm wide and 2,200 mm high

43. Which is the most important thing to do when a

person has been shocked by electricity?
a. Separate the victim from the electric wire as soon as
possible making sure that you do not become another
b. Call for competent help
c. Apply for resuscitation
d. Disconnect the switch

44. A stranded wire is given the same designation as a solid

wire if it has the same ________.
a. Overall diameter b. weight per foot c. cross-sectional
area d. strength

45. Communication conductors shall be separated at least

________ from conductors of any electric light or power
a. 50 mm b. 40 mm c. 60 mm d. 75 mm

46. A general-purpose single-phase motor rated 0.5

hp has a current rating of 5 A. What should be the
setting of the overload relay that is installed to protect
the motor? Assume the service factor of the motor to
be 1.0.
a. 5.75 A b. 5.5 A c. 5.0 A d. 6.25 A

47. To support conduit on a hollow block wall, use one

of the following methods. Which one is this?
a. Machine screw b. Lag screw c. Toggle bolt d. Through
48. Which of the motor starters does not stress the motor
winding severely?
a. Across the line starter b. Wye-delta starter c. Soft-start
starter d. Transformer-type starter

49. What is the minimum depth of clear working space

in front of a switchboard rated at 4,160 volts, where
there are exposed energized parts on the both sides of the
a. 1,000 mm b. 1,900 mm c. 1,600 mm d. 2,000 mm

50. Rigid metal conduit shall be firmly fastened within

_______ of each outlet box.
a. 800 mm b. 900 mm c. 760 mm d. 600 mm

1. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

a. The use of an inductive ballast for fluorescent lamps is
usually because it is the most efficient.
b. Lighting fixtures having exposed ballast shall be
installed that they will not be in contact with combustible
c. A ballast which incorporates an autotransformer to
raise the voltage to more than 300 V shall besupplied only
by a supply system which is grounded.
d. A receptacle outlet installed outdoors shall be located
so that water accumulation is likely totouch the outlet
cover or plate.

2. When pulling wires into a conduit, a certain percent of

the conduit area should unoccupied. What isthe purpose
of this?
a.To permit pulling in additional wires later 
b.To permit pulling out of the wires for replacement even
if the insulation has swelled
c.To allow pulling in the wire without strain on the
conductors or abrasion
d.To permit circulation of air so that the insulation will
not be damage by heat

3.If a bare live conductor is touched accidentally, the

severity of electric shock is determined primarilyby
a.The size of the conductor 
b.The type of the power supply, whether AC or DC
c.The contact resistance between the bare wire and the
person at the point of contact
d.The current flowing in the conductor

4.Intermediate metal conduit shall shipped in standard

lengths of ________.
a.5,000mm b. 4,000mm c. 2,000mmd. 3,000mm 
5.Hazardous locations are classified by the Philippine
Electrical Code in how may classes?
a.Two classes b. Four classesc. Three
classes d. One classes

6. Bonding jumpers which connect communications cable

grounding conductors and the groundingelectrode of the
building shall NOT be smaller than what copper size?
a.5.5 mm² b. 8.0mm²c. 14.0 mm² d. 3.5 mm²

7. Underground cable feeder and branch circuit cables

shall be permitted for use in any of the following
applications EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Where embedded in poured concrete b. For interior
wiring c. For direct burial d. Where used in corrosive

8. The minimum size of conductors to be used for lighting

purposes is
a. 1.5 mm² b. 1.25 mm² c. 1.75 mm² d. 2.0 mm²

9. Any unguarded metal sheathed service cable, service

conduits, metal fixtures and similar non-current carrying
parts, if located in urban districts and where liable to be
charge to more than a certain voltage to ground shall be
isolated or guarded so as not to be exposed to
accidental contact by unauthorized persons. What is this
a. 1,000 V b. 500 V c. 150 V d. 300 V

10. Where an intermediate metal conduit is used, there

shall NOT be more than the equivalent of ______quarter
bends between pull points.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5

11. Service entrance conductors passing over roofs shall

have a clearance over the roof which they pass of
a. 1,000 mm b. 2,000 mm c. 1,500 mm d. 2,500 mm

12. Flexible metal conduit shall be secured by an

approved means at intervals NOT exceeding _______.
a.1,200 mm b. 1,300 mm c. 1,500 mm d. 1,400 mm

13. Over current in transformers affect all of the following

a. Breather effectiveness b. Mechanical stress c. Life
insulation d. Rise in temperature

14.An electrician should consider all electrical equipment

live unless he definitely knows that they are not. The main
reason of this practice is to avoid
a. Personal injury b. Energizing the wrong circuit c. De-
energizing the wrong circuit d. Unnecessary work
15. The rating of the branch circuit serving a
continuous load shall NOT exceed _______ percent
of the continuous load.
a.100 b. 130 c. 125 d. 115

16. What is the maximum allowable voltage drop from the

distribution panel to the farthest load?
a.10% b. 5% c. 3% d.2%

17. The use of rigid metal conduits shall be permitted

under all atmospheric conditions subject to the following
conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
a. Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to
be used with rigid steel conduits 
b .Ferrous metal conduits shall be permitted to be
installed in concrete
c .Conduits shall be permitted to be used in sand fill
which is subject to permanent moisture
d. Where the ferrous raceways are protected solely by
enamel, the use is permitted only indoors

18.Communication conductors shall NOT be attached to a

cross arm below electric light and power conductors
under Article (a) (2).
a. No one cares b. True
c. False d. Allowed with approval fromutility
19. Where receptacles are connected to a 30-A branch
circuit, the maximum allowable cord and plug
connected load shall not be more than
a.30 b. 24 c. 16 d. 20

20. In every drawing, the title block shall be standard

strip, which shall contain the name of the project,
owner, title of the sheet, scale used, name and
signature of the PEE. How wide is this strip?
a.35 mm b. 30 mm c. 40 mm d. 45 mm

21. The disconnecting means for motor circuits rated

up to 600 volts, shall have an ampere rating of at least
______ percent of the full load current of the motor.
a. 200 b. 115 c. 150 d. 125

22.Underground communications conductors in a raceway,

hand hole or mab hole containing electric light and power
conductors, shall be in a section _______ from such
conductor by means of a separator ( brick, concrete or
tile ) under Article (a).
a. Combined b. Separated c. Included d. Inside

23. Refers to the power plant mounted on wheels as used in

the railroad transportation industry.
a. Electric
locomotive b. Electric train c. LRT d. None of these
24. Power and control tray cables (type TC) maybe
used under one of the following conditions. Which one
is this?
a. Where exposed to physical damage 
b. Where installed as open cable or brackets
c. Where installed in industrial establishment where a
registered master electrician will service the installation
d. Where direct buried underground

25. Which component of a DC motor is used to control the

a. carbon brush assembly b. armature winding c.
commutator d. field winding

26. A repulsion motor equipped with one of the following.

Which one is this?
a.A set of slip rings b.A commutator c. Both commutator
and slip rings d. Neither a commutator nor a slip rings

27. A frequency meter is connected as a potential

device, which is connected across the line because of
one of the following reasons. Which one is this?
a. A transformer maybe used for different voltages 
b. The reading will be independent of the varying current.
c. Only the voltage has frequency
d. It is safer than a series device
28. Which of the following is NOT one of the
considerations that must be evaluated in judging the
a. Electrical insulation b. Arcing effects c. Wire bending
and connection space d. Longevity

29.In each conduit run entering an enclosure for

switches, circuit breakers, relays and others that may
produce high temperatures, seals on the conduit shall
be installed with a certain length before entering the
enclosure. What is this length?
a. 900 mm b. 750 mm c. 250 mm d. 460 mm

30. Rigid non-metallic conduit approved for direct

burial without concrete encasement shall have a
minimum burial of?
a. 500 mm b. 400 mm c. 460 mm d. 440 mm

31. Non-metallic boxes not over _______ cu. Cm shall be

permitted only on non-metallic wiring method.
a. 1,725 b. 1,520 c. 1,700 d. 1,640

32. A wye-delta starter for a single voltage three phase

squirrel cage induction motor would requires the
connection of a certain number of wires from the motor.
How many wires would be needed?
a. 3 wires b. 9 wires c. 6 wires d. 12 wires
33.What size using non-time delay fuse does the Code
requires for a 2 hp, 208 volts, single-phase motor?
a.40 A b. 30 A c. 35 A d. 20 A

34.For raceway 20 mm trade size or larger containing

conductors 22 mm² or larger, the minimum length of
the box in straight pulls shall NOT be less than _______
times the trade diameter of the largest raceway.
a.8 b. 10 c. 6 d. 12 
35. An assembly drawing for a switchboard appears to
have some errors. As a supervisor, what step will you
A Report the apparent error to your supervisor 
b. Make the connections per drawing but be prepared to
correct it if ordered
c. Hold the job until you have checked with the person
who initiated the plan
d. Proceed making the correction on the drawing

36. Vertical clearances of all the service drop conductors

above roof shall NOT be less than one of the
following values.
a.2,000 mm b. 2,750 mm c. 3,000 mm d. 2,500 mm

37. According to its make, conduits maybe classified as

a. Rigid metal b. rigid non-metal c. flexible metal d. all of
38. The Philippine Electrical Code, Part 1 does not
cover wiring of equipment installed within or to or
from one of the following. Which one is this?
a. Trailers b. Mobile homes c. Water crafts d. Airplanes

39. When wiring a raceway at least a certain length of free

conductors shall be left at each outlet. What is this
minimum length?
A .75 mm b. 100 mm c. 150 mm d. 200 mm

40. Where a rigid metal conduit is used, there shall NOT be

more than the equivalent of _______ quarter bends
between pull points.
a. Three b. four c. five d. two

41. Which of the following wires has 75-ohms impedance?

a. Foam-filled twin lead b. Coaxial c. Flat twin lead
d. None of these

42. A single-phase motor is taking 20 A from a 400- V

supply at unity pf. What is the power taken?
a. 6,000 W b. 8,000 W c. 4,000 W d. none of these

43. The common use for autotransformer in electrical

power work is
a. Current-limiting reactor 
b Instrument current transformer
c. Starting compensator for motor
d. Insulating transformer

44. A 5.5 mm² TW copper conductor has a conductor

ampacity of _______.
a. 30 A b. 40 A c. 20 A d. 50 A

45. MC cable insulation shall have a maximum operating

temperature of NOT less than ________.
a.75 deg. C b. 80 deg. Cc. 90 deg. C d. 60 deg. C

46. The branch circuit load for continuous duty receptacles

shall be calculated at ________ VA per receptacle.
a. 150 b. 175 c. 180 d. 200

47. Mandatory rules of the PEC are characterized by

the use of the word _________.
a. Shall b. Should c. Both A and B  d. Neither A or B

48. Plug fuses shall not be installed in circuits exceeding

________ between conductors.
a. 125 V b. 250 V c. 300 V d. 150 V

49. The minimum number of branch circuits shall be

determined from the ________.
a. Total computed load and the size of disconnect needed 
b. Total computed loads and the rating of the circuits used
c .Size or the rating of the circuits
d. Minimum number required by the PEC

50. Where rear access is required to work on de-energized

parts on the back of enclosed equipment, a minimum
working space of _______ horizontally shall be provided.
a.1,000 mm b. 900 mm c. 800 mm d. 600 m

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