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"Do you not see that Allah sends down from the clouds water, then brings forth

with it fruit of
different kinds (or colours). And in the mountains there are streaks, white and red, of different
colours, and some intensely black. And of people and animals and cattle there are different colours
likewise. Only those of His servants fear Allah who possess knowledge." (Holy Quran 35:27-28)

Submitted to:
Ma’am Shafaq
Submitted by:
Ammara Abdul Rehman 301651004
Anza azeem 301651010
Saba shahzadi 301651038

Class: BS-IV
Semster: VII

11/15/2019 Methodology of
[Medical physics]


Chromotherapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors)
of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. It is a centuries-old concept used
successfully over the years to cure various diseases. It has been used in medicinal
practices over 2000 years ago in ancient Egypt and China. Ancient Egyptians
considered chromotherapy as part of their mythology and constructed various
healing rooms with different colored crystals, oil, minerals, and remedies. The
modern understanding of the light spectrum began in 1672 with the experiments
of Isaac Newton on the light spectrum.He discovered that white light splits into
the different colors of the spectrum when passing through a prism.

Light is electromagnetic radiation, which is the fluctuation of electric and

magnetic fields in nature. More simply, light is energy, and the phenomenon of
color is a product of the interaction of energy and matter. The wavelength,
frequency and quantity of energy of every colorful ray are fixed for each color;
that is, a specific wavelength, a certain frequency and a particular amount of
energy in that wave have been denominated as a distinct color.

The human eye is sensitive to electromagnetic radiations only at

wavelenghts roughly between 380 and 780 nm. This small segment is called the
visible spectrum or visible light. Visible light can be broken down into numerous
electromagnetic frequencies, and frequency relates to a color of the rainbow:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and all the vibrations thereof.
How the human body responds to the colors?
In modern history, Newtonian ideas helped us to understand solid matter and
moving objects found in the earth's gravitational field. Einstein, however,
through his renowned equation E = mc2, determined that energy and matter are
dual expressions of the same universal substance.
The vibratory rate of a substance determines its density or its form as matter. A
slowly vibrating substance is referred to as physical matter, whereas the
subatomic substance (which vibrates at or above the speed of light) is pure light
Einstein's approach deals with the human body not as an assemblage of chemical
parts but as a total, complete system operating in harmony with the
electromagnetic/energy system of the universe
The human body is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the correct
working of various systems that function in the body. All organs and limbs of the
body have their own distinct color. All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy,
and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and
energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors.
When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations,
one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning
properly. The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique
(chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern found in
the body. For in every organ there is an energetic level at which the organ
functions best.
Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of energy
that are prime activators of the biochemical and hormonal processes in the
human body, the stimulants necessary to balance the entire system and its organs.
Different colored lights affect different enzymatic reactions for healing purposes
in the body. When we speak of color, we mean energy waves. Every color, each
with its own frequency, is a form of energy.
Colors have a profound effect on human body at all levels—physical, mental and
emotional. If our energy levels are blocked or depleted, then our body cannot
function properly, and this in turn can lead to a variety of problems at different
During the 1950s, studies suggested that neonatal jaundice, a potentially fatal
condition found in two-thirds of premature babies, could be successfully treated
by exposure to sunlight. This was confirmed in the 1960s, and white light
replaced high-risk blood transfusions in the treatment of this condition. Blue light
was later found to be more effective and less hazardous than full-spectrum light.
Bright white full-spectrum light is also now being used in the treatment of
cancers, SAD (seasonal affective disorder, so-called winter depression),
insomnia, jetlag, shift working, alcohol and drug dependency.
Pink light has a tranquilizing and calming effect within minutes of exposure. It
suppresses hostile, aggressive and anxious behavior. It appears that when in pink
surroundings people can never become aggressive despite their desire.
In contrast, yellow should be avoided in such contexts because it is highly
stimulating. Gimbel Peterson suggested (in his research paper “our relationship
with light and colour”) a possible relationship between violent street crime and
sodium yellow street lighting.
At the other end of the color spectrum, red light has been shown to be effective
in the treatment of cancer and constipation and in healing wounds.
A new technique that has been developed over the past two decades as a result of
pioneering research is photodynamic therapy (PDT). This is based on the
discovery that certain intravenously injected photosensitive chemicals not only
accumulate in cancer cells but also selectively identify these cells under
ultraviolet light. These photosensitive chemicals then exclusively destroy the
cancer cells when activated by red light, whose longer wavelength allows it to
penetrate tissue more deeply than other colors. PDT can be used for both
diagnosis and treatment. Thomas Dougherty, who developed PDT, reports that in
a worldwide experiment more than 3000 people with a wide variety of malignant
tumors have been successfully treated using this technique.

Research in Russia during the 1960s showed that one in six experimental
subjects could recognize color with their fingertips after only 20–30 min training,
and blind people developed this sensitivity even more quickly. Understanding of
these effects has come about only as a result of research into the hormones
melatonin and serotonin, both of which are produced by the pineal gland in the
brain. Melatonin is known to be the crucial chemical pathway by which animals
respond to light and synchronize their bodily functioning.
Serotonin is a very important neurotransmitter in the brain, whose action has
been linked with mental disturbances such as schizophrenia. Serotonin, a
stimulant, is produced during daylight. Its main site of action appears to be the
hypothalamus, the part of the brain involved in mediating the effects of various
hormones and in regulating emotions.
Research also confirmed that certain parts of the brain are not only light sensitive
but actually respond differently to different wavelengths; it is now believed that
different wavelengths (colors) of radiation interact differently with the endocrine
system to stimulate or reduce hormone production.
A detailed study of chromotherapy, with patients exposed to sunlight through
color filters, was produced by Jacob. He adopted modern theories to prove the
relationship between melatonin, light and color. He stated in his work that:
Light is responsible for turning on the brain and the body. Light enters the body
through the eyes and skin. When even a single photon of light enters the eye, it
lights up the entire brain. This light triggers the hypothalamus, which regulates
all life-sustaining bodily functions, the autonomic nervous system, endocrine
system, and the pituitary (the body's master gland). The hypothalamus sends a
message, by way of light, to the pineal organ, which is responsible for releasing
one of our most important hormones, melatonin. The release of melatonin is
directly related to light, darkness, colors, and the Earth's electromagnetic field.
This necessary hormone affects every cell in the body. It turns on each cell's
internal activities, allowing them to harmonize with each other and nature. The
pineal gland is believed to be responsible for our feeling of oneness with the
universe and sets the stage for the relationship between our inner being and the
environment. If that relationship is harmonious, we are healthy, happy, and feel
a sense of well-being.
Particular colors effect the particular parts of the body. Detail is given below:
Body parts Its related color
Heart Red
Liver yellow
Thyroid Blue
Lungs Orange
Eye Sky blue
Pancreas Violet
Mucus glands Indigo
Gallbladders, gonads, ovaries Purple
Pituitary gland Violet

Sunlight contains Vitamins and every vitamin is associated with its particular
color. Detail is given below:
Vitamin Its related color
A Yellow
B Green
C Lemon
D&E Violet
K Indigo

Researhers associated the following colors with the following emotions:

• Red: aggressiveness, energy, movement, confidence, stimulation, intensity
• Yellow: happiness, improved mood, optimism, laughter
• White: sterility, cleanliness, purity, innocence
• Pink: calm, reduced appetite, sweetness, love
• Green: openness, peace, prosperity
• Black: strength, toughness, power, anger, authority, intelligence
• Blue: reduces nervous excitement, truth, devotion, sincerity
• Orange: energy, ambition, activity, socialization
• Brown: reliability, stability, wholesome, organic, natural
• Purple: creativity, luxury, spiritual, wisdom.
Absorption of colors through different mediums:
This method of providing vibrations of needed colors to the human body
involves material mediums for transportation of the color energies. The medium
could be anything like boiled or distilled water, milk, juices, syrup, sugar tablets,
petroleum jelly or oils for ointment.
1- Chromotized water:
For chromotized water, a transparent glass bottle of required color is filled up
with boiled or cooled water, leaving one quarter of the bottle empty. It is capped
and placed in the sunlight for 2 to 6 hours. Bottle is placed during this period in
such a way to prevent it from any shadow.
If colored bottle is not available then a white
glass transparent bottle can be used by
wrapping with required colored cellophane
sheet. Remember that bottle cap shouldn’t be
metallic. If the sunlight is not available then
electric bulb can be used. In that case the
bottle is placed at a distance of 2 to 3 feet
from the bulb and the bulb should not be less
than 200 watts.
Caution is to be exercised that the bottle is to
be kept in the light on a piece of wood or
some other non-conducting surface so that
the frequencies absorbed from the light in
the form of color vibrations and the charge produced in the water may not be
This water can be prepared daily although a bottle once chromotized or charged
and kept on a wooden or insulated surface maintains its charge upto 6 or 7 days.
The recommended dosage of this prepared water is half a cup or 2 ounces at one
time. This dosage is to be repeated according to the intensity of the ailment to be
treated and the disease to be cured.
2-Chromotized oil:
Different oils can also be chromotized and used for massage on the effected part
of the body in the same way. Three fourth of a bottle of required color is filled
with olive, mustard or sesame oil is capped securely and is kept in the sunlight
for forty days or is kept under the bulb light four 200 hours continuously.

The olive oil can also be administered

orally and in that case its dosage is
5ml or a full teaspoon only once a day.
When the chromotized oils are used
for massage on the effected part of the
body, it is recommended that massage
is to be done in anticlockwise circular
3-Chromotized milk:
Preparing milk or juice for chromotizing milk for babies, transparent
cellophane sheet of required color is wrapped around the feeding bottle and is
kept under the sunlight on a wooden table foe one or two hours.
Another method of chromotizing milk r juice for patients and babies could be
like this. Prepare a box of wood, hard board or card board of an appropriate
size, say one cubic ft. , leaving one side open , cover the open side with a
needed colored plastic or cellophane sheet.
Place a glass of milk or juice in the box which can kept in the sunlight or
under the electric bulb for one or two hours before using.

4- Preparing chromotized tablets:

Tablets of milk of sugar, which are easily available
with the homeopathy drugs stores, can easily be
chromotized when these are kept in the securely
capped, transparent colored bottles.
For chromotizing the tablets, the colored bottles are
kept in the sunlight for forty days or under a beam
of artificial light for 200 hours. Bottle is to be
placed at wooden table and to be shaken atleast
once in a day so that each and every tablet could
exposed to the colourful vibrations and absorb them adequately.
These tablets cab used up to six months and can also be recharged by placing
the bottles in the sunlight for 50 to 60 hours.
Another method of preparing these chromotized tablets is to prepare
chromotized alcohol or some edible oil for hours and then few drops of them
are to be put onto the tablets before using by the patients.

5- Chromotized ampoules:
Ampoules of distilled water can also be chromotized, placing in a transparent
colored jars, in the same manner as oils and tables are chromotized.
These chromotized
ampoules can be
administered orally or
can be injected into
the body under the
supervision of
chromotherapist for
treating severe pains,
stubborn, ailmentsand
diseases.Except in extreme cases, under normal circumstances, one ampoule is
used as an injection is sufficient for one week, second dose is administered
after one week.
And if chromotized ampoule used orally then one ampoule is sufficient for a
day to treat a disease.

6- Using Infrared light bulbs:

To intake a required colour inside the body ,
infrared bulbs of that color can be used. In this
case, the body part which has a severe pain or
body is suffering from stretched muscles is to be
placed exactly in front of a infrared bulb’s light for
20 to 30 minutes.
7- Using colored silks:
Depending upon what color is required to treat a
the colored silk is placed directly onto the body. It
is not usually necessary for the patient to remove
his or her clothes for this.
It is accepted that silk is the finest material for the
transmission of color energies to the body which is
why chromotherapists choose silks specifically for
healing and balancing the body’s energies.
Patient is to be laid down in a sunlight and her/his body is covered by silk
pieces of required colors so that filtered light will penetrate into the body
through those pieces of silk.

And there furthermore some absorption

methods for chromotherapy which are
listed below:
8- using colored candles
9- using colored dresses and sheets
10- using coloured crystals and
11- using colorful food. Etc.

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