LH - Beginner - Teacher's Book Worksheets

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1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Work in pairs. Label the pictures of the countries with the words in the box.

Britain Canada Egypt Italy Japan Mexico Morocco Spain

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Numbers 0–10
A Write each word from the box next to the correct number.

eight five four nine one seven six three two zero

0    1    2    3    4 

5    6    7    8    9 

B Work in pairs. Student A, say a phone number from below. Student B, listen and point at the
number. Swap roles.

12:16 PM

Recent missed calls

3329 2256
414 987 1320
00 3889977
0770 155 2989
441 987 3120
022 259 2255
0202 598 3232
0038 889977
077 015 5298
419 225 672

Language Hub Beginner Teacher’s Resource Centre.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 1
1.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present simple be: I, you

A Complete the sentences with am, am not, are and are not. Use the short form ’m where possible.

  1 John: Hi! I John. I from Canada.

  2 Eleanor: you from Morocco?

Hector: No, I from Mexico!

  3 Heath: I from Australia. you from Turkey?

  4 Sara: you from Spain?

Maria: No, I from Italy!

  5 Keiko: Hi, I Keiko. I from Brazil. I’m from Japan.

  6 Louisa: you from Mexico?

Juan: No, I from Argentina.

  7 Hussam: I Hussam, and I from Egypt.

  8 Viktor: Hi, you from Britain?

James: Yes, I .

  9 Amy: I Amanda! I’m Amy!

10 Dexter:   you from Egypt?

Haifa: Yes, I .

B Work in pairs. Write a list of five countries. On your own, choose one of the countries from your
list. Your partner can ask three questions.

A: Are you from Italy?

B: No, I’m not.

A: Are you from Britain?

B: No, I’m not.

A: Are you from Mexico?

B: Yes, I am!

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1.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

A Reorder the letters to make the names of jobs. B Complete the sentences with a or an.

1 tordco 1 Are you  engineer?

2 rngdeise 2 Are you  designer?
3 nereegin 3 Are you  doctor?
4 hcteaer 4 Are you computer
5 nemarga
5 Are you  architect?
6 hcartitce
6 Are you  teacher?
7 tsutend
7 Are you  manager?
8 rptucmoe rgrpmmreoa
8 Are you  student?

C Work in pairs. Choose a job from Exercise B. Mime it to your partner. Can they guess what it is?
Swap roles.

D How many questions did you ask? How many questions did your partner ask?

1.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present simple be: he, she, it

A Complete the sentences with the present simple of be. Use contractions where possible.

1 Roberto from Mexico. He’s from Argentina.

2 Anna isn’t from Canada. She from Spain.
3 Jules an architect or he a doctor?
4 Maria is a computer programmer and she from Italy.
5 she an engineer or she a student?
6 He an engineer. He’s a teacher.

B Work in pairs. Make sentences about all the people in your class.

Maria is from Barcelona.

Roberto is a computer programmer.

C Ask other students to see if your guesses from Exercise B are correct.

A: Maria, are you from Barcelona? A: Roberto, are you a computer programmer?

B: Yes, I am. B: No, I’m not.

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2.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Languages and nationalities
A Complete the crossword with the nationalities of the countries.

1 2

7 8 9


11 12

Across Down
  1 England 2 Iceland
  3 America 5 Portugal
  4 Jamaica 7 Spain
  6 Brazil 9 Italy
  8 Norway
10 Japan
11 Sweden
12 Mali
B Work in pairs. Take turns to name someone from one of the countries in Exercise A. Your partner
guesses the nationality. Get one point for each correct answer.

A: Usain Bolt.

B: He’s Jamaican.

A: Correct – one point.

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2.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present simple be: we, you, they

Replace the words in bold with we, you or they.
1 James and Andy are French musicians. are French musicians.
2 Maria and I are Spanish. are Spanish.
3 You and Marco are in the same class. are in the same class.
4 The songs are in different languages. are in different languages.
5 My classmates and I are all from are all from different countries.
different countries.

Possessive adjectives
A Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives.

a I’m a musician and 1 name is Ed. This is 2 album.

3 name is In the World.

b My sister is a singer. 4 music is cool. 5 songs are

in Italian.

c We’re Spanish singers. We play world music. 6 music is sad.

d He’s from Brazil. 7 songs are in Portuguese. 8 music

is good.

B Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with names and types of music.
1 My name is . 3 My favourite music is .
2 My partner’s name is . 4 My partner’s favourite music is .

C Work in different pairs. Tell them about you and your partner from Exercise B.

A: Hi, our names are Ella and Sami. His favourite music is Spanish, and my favourite music is …

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2.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Days of the week
A Write the days of the week in order, starting with Monday.

1 Monday 5
2 6
3 7

B Work in pairs. Take it in turns to say a day of the week. Your partner says the next day of the week.

Numbers 11–100
A Write the words for the numbers. Underline the stressed syllable.

18  16  19 

80  60  90 

B Work in pairs. Say the numbers you can see in each picture.

a b c d e

2.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Wh- questions with be

A Complete the questions with the wh- question words in the boxes.

What (x2)  Where  How What When Where Who

1 Sam: _________ is your name? 5 Sam: _______ is your teacher?

Liz: My name’s Liz. Liz: My teacher is Mr Jones.
2 Sam: _______ old are you? 6 Sam: _________ is your teacher from?
Liz: I’m 25. Liz: He’s from England.
3 Sam: _______ is your job? 7 Sam: ________ is your English class?
Liz: I’m an engineer. Liz: It’s at eight o’clock every Wednesday.
4 Sam: _________ are you from? 8 Sam: _________ is your favourite music?
Liz: I’m from France. Liz: I love classical music.

B Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions so they are true for you.

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3.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Objects and colours
A Write the correct word from the box next to each picture.

a bag a coat glasses a hat headphones 

a smartphone  a sweatshirt  an umbrella

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

B Work in pairs. What colour are these objects usually? Choose the correct words from the box.

black blue brown green grey red white yellow

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

1 A traditional phone box in London. 5 A grizzly bear.

2 A traditional taxi in New York. 6 A swimming pool.
3 A ‘go’ signal to cross the road. 7 An elephant.
4 A zebra. and

C Work in pairs. Point at or name things you can see in the classroom or out of the window. Your
partner says what colour they are. Swap roles.

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3.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

a/an and plural nouns

A Complete the conversations with a, an or no article (–).

What’s in your bag, Susie?


I’ve got 1 umbrella, 2 headphones
and 3  pen. Susie

What’s your job, Frank?


I’m 4 teacher. What’s your job, Johanna?

I’m 5  architect.

I like your new coat.


 It isn’t 6 coat! It’s 7  sweatshirt.

Ha ha! Oh yes! I need 8 glasses.


B Decide if the underlined nouns are correct. If they are wrong, change them to the
correct form – singular or plural.

1 There are two book on the table. 5 Her songs is great.

2 My computers is very good. 6 Where are your baby today?
3 My teacher is Mr Jones? 7 They’re very good songs.
4 They are a tomato. 8 What’s your names?

C Work in pairs. Tell your partner …

• what’s in your bag • what’s on your table • what’s in the classroom.

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3.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

this, that, these, those

A Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 This / That television is big. 2 Those / That monkeys are grey and brown.

3 These / This shoes are nice. 4 Do you understand this / that diagram?

B Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those.

1 I like  colour. 2 Do you like  picture?

3 picture is called the Mona Lisa. 4 Look at  eggs.

5 Look at  houses. 6 question is difficult.

C Tell your partner about the things that you can see in the classroom.

A: I like that picture.

B: Those headphones are black.

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3.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

A Label the people in the pictures with the words in the box.

brother daughter father granddaughter grandfather grandmother 
grandson husband mother sister son wife

2 3 6


7 8 12

B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

children grandparents parents

1 A mother and father are .

2 A son and daughter are .
3 A grandmother and grandfather are .

C Work in pairs. Use the words to talk about you and your family relationships.

A: I’m a son. My mother is Claire. My father is Frank.

B: I’m a grandson. My grandfather is Eric. My grandmother is Vera.

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3.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

have/has got
A Write the words in the correct order to create sentences.

  1 got / I / ’ve / sisters / two

  2 any / you / brothers / Have / or / sisters / got
  3 haven’t / a / daughter / got / We
  4 grandchildren / any / Has / mother / your / got
  5 got / haven’t / You / any / children
  6 daughters / have / got / you / How many
  7 My / got / have / grandparents / grandchildren / three
  8 sisters / brothers / got / hasn’t / any / She / or
  9 any / he / sisters / got / Has
10 three / got / ‘ve / sons / They

B Work in pairs. Describe your family. Talk about who’s in your family and their jobs.

I’ve got a brother and a sister.

My brother is an engineer and my sister is a teacher.
My sister is married, and her husband is called Alex.
They’ve got two children – a son and a daughter.
My brother’s got two sons, Sam and Michael.
My mother is a businesswoman and my father is a mechanic.

C Work in groups. Tell the group something about your partner from Exercise B.

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4.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Daily activities
A Match pictures (a–g) with the sentences (1–7).

a b c d

e f g

1 I watch TV in the evening.

2 I have breakfast at quarter past eight in the office.
3 I get up at seven o’clock in the morning.
4 I go to bed at 11 o’clock.
5 I go to work at quarter to eight in the morning.
6 I get home at about seven o’clock in the evening.
7 I finish work at half past five and go home.

B Work in pairs. Put the pictures in the correct order to make the daily routine.

A Match the times. Write the numbers next to the words.

12.45 1.15 1.45 2.00 5.30 5.20 4.05 1.25 1.50 7.30 6.35 6.25

a ten to two g two o’clock

b twenty-five past one h half past five
c quarter past one i twenty-five past six
d half past seven j quarter to one
e twenty-five to seven k five past four
f twenty past five l quarter to two

B Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 What time is it now?

2 What time is your English class?
3 What time do you get up?
4 What time do you go to bed?

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4.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present simple: I, you, we, they

A Write down the times that you do each of the things in the ‘me’ column.

Me My partner

get up

have breakfast

go to work/school

finish work/school

get home

have dinner

go to bed

B Cover the table in Exercise A. Take turns to say a time and an activity. Your partner says if that is
the correct time that you do the activity or not.

A: Six o’clock. Get up.

B: You get up at six o’clock.

A: Correct!

B: Nine o’clock. Have dinner.

A: You don’t have dinner at nine o’clock.

B: Correct! I don’t have dinner at nine o’clock. I have dinner at eight o’clock.

C Work in new pairs. Tell your new partner about anything that is the same about the daily
routines of you and your first partner.

We go to work at eight o’clock. We get home at seven o’clock. We have dinner at …

D Tell the class about anything that is the same about the daily routines of your partner and
their first partner.

They go to work at eight o’clock. They get home at seven o’clock. They have dinner at …

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4.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Months and seasons
A Reorganise the letters to write the months. Then put the months in the correct order.

a tuAusg g ryauJna January 1

b ayM h Jnue
c eeerbmSpt i cebrDeme
d bFuraeyr j oOctrbe
e luyJ k hcraM
f moverbNe l ilArp

B Label the pictures with the names of the seasons.

1 2

3 4

C Work in pairs. Complete the sentences about yourself. Then ask your partner questions to
complete the information about them.

My favourite month is . Your favourite month is .

My favourite season is . Your favourite season is .
My birthday is in (month) . Your birthday is in (month) .

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4.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present simple questions: I, you, we, they

A Correct the mistakes in the questions.

1  What time you do get up?
2  What your favourite season?
3  You go to another country in the summer?
4  Who do talk to you in the morning?
5  Live do you in Japan?
6  What month your birthday?

B Match the answers to the questions in Exercise A.

a  Winter.
b  No, in Sweden.
c  Yes, I go to Brazil.
d  It’s in January.
e  My parents.
f  At seven o’clock.

C Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using words from the list.

birthday favourite music

get up start work
Italy favourite season
favourite month work at night
watch TV go to bed

A: When’s your birthday?

B: My birthday is in September. What time do you get up?

A: I get up at six o’clock. What’s your favourite type of music?

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5.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Free-time activities
A Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.

1 I go / play / have for a walk.

2 We go / cook / play a meal.
3 You go / sit / have a bath.
4 I go / play / sit to the gym.
5 We go / cook / play chess.
6 I have / go / play running.
7 You go / have / cook shopping.
8 We have / go / sit in the garden.

B You are going to interview your classmates. Write the questions to find the information below.
Then ask your classmates and write down a name for each activity.

Find someone who …

1 goes running three times a week.
2 has a bath to relax.
3 goes for a walk at the weekend.
4 goes shopping every Saturday.
5 goes to the gym before work.
6 cooks dinner every day.
7 sits in the garden in the summer.
8 plays chess with friends or family.

A: Do you go running three times a week?

B: No, I go running at the weekend.

A: Do you have a bath to relax?

B: Yes, I do!

C Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your classmates.

A: Roberto goes running three times a week.

B: Alexandra has a bath to relax.

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5.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present simple: he, she, it

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

do does get up gets up go goes

1 What time does Paulo to the gym?

2 What time does Julie in the morning?
3 Martha at seven o’clock in the morning.
4 My grandmother to the library in the afternoon.
5 What does Ben to relax at the weekend?
6 What kinds of games your brother play?

B Work in pairs. Write the names of five people you know in your notebook and show them to
your partner. Ask and answer questions about the people.

A: Who is Martin?

B: He’s my brother.

5.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Food and meals
A Write the words from the box into the correct places in the table.

apple banana beans biscuits bread broccoli cereal cheese chicken chocolate 
crisps cucumber eggs fish grapes juice milk noodles onion orange 
pasta peanuts pear potatoes rice tea tomato water

Fruit Vegetables Dairy products Drinks Snacks Other

B Work in pairs. Talk about how to make a nice meal with the foods in Exercise A.

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5.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Adverbs of frequency
A Write the adverbs of frequency in the box in the correct place.

always never not often often sometimes usually

2 4 6
0% 100%

1 3 5
B Where does the adverb of frequency go, position a or b? Write the adverb in the correct place.

1 I (a) am (b) late for work. (never)

2 My father (a) cooks (b) at the weekend. (always)
3 My grandmother (a) eats (b) fish. (often)
4 We (a) are (b) busy in the evening. (usually)
5 My daughter (a) has (b) a bath in the morning. (sometimes)
6 Mirka (a) is (b) early. (always)

C You are going to interview your classmates. Read the questions below, then add three of your
own ideas.

How often do you … Name Name Name Name

cook fish?

have an apple?

eat meat?

eat in a restaurant?

go to the gym?

play chess?

go running?

drink juice?

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6.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Places in a town
A Use a word in the box to answer each question.

art gallery café hotel market museum park restaurant shop station theatre

Where do people go to …
  1 see a play?
  2 learn about history?
  3 catch a train?
  4 sleep on their holiday?
  5 have a coffee?
  6 go out for a meal?
  7 see paintings and art?
  8 buy fresh fruit?
  9 go running?
10 buy clothes?

B Write the names of five places in your town or city. Tell the class:

• how often you go there

• what you do there
• the location of the places.

I sometimes go to the Metro Theatre. I see plays there. It’s near the train station.

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6.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

there is / there are; some and any

A Write sentences using the correct form of there is / there are and some and any.

  1 a bank 3 There’s a bank.

  2 theatres 7 There aren’t any theatres.
  3 a museum 7
  4 parks 3
  5 a market 7
  6 station 3
  7 cafés 3
  8 restaurants 3
  9 an art gallery 7
10 a hotel 3

B Work in pairs. Look at the plans of two different towns. Describe the two towns and find
ten differences.

Town A Town B


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6.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Furniture and rooms
Draw a picture for each word.

1 clock 2 window 3 sofa 4 shower

5 bed 6 cooker 7 desk 8 chair

9 lamp 10 bookshelf 11 cushion 12 cupboard

Prepositions of place
Work in pairs. Student A, describe Picture 1. Student B, describe Picture 2. Include sentences
using in, on and under.

Picture 1 Picture 2

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6.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

is there / are there question forms

A Put the words into the correct order to form questions.

  1 sofa / a / there / Is   6 any / shoes / there / Are

? ?
  2 any / there / Are / windows   7 pictures / any / Are / there
? ?
  3 a / there / mirror / Is   8 any / there / people / Are
? ?
  4 Is / coffee table / a / there   9 rug / there / Is / a
? ?
  5 television / there / Is / a 10 cushions / any / there / Are
? ?

B Answer the questions (1–10) from Exercise A about the picture of a living room.

  1 Yes, there is.

C Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about what is in the picture below.

A: Is there a fridge?

B: Yes, there is. Is there a coffee table?

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7.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

A Complete the boxes with the activities in the pictures.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12






B Work in pairs. Interview your partner about the activities in Exercise A. What can they do?
What can’t they do?

A: Can you play the piano?

B: Yes, I can.

C Work in new pairs. Tell your new partner about the person you interviewed in Exercise B.

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7.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  


A Four of the sentences have mistakes. Find and correct them.

1 He can’t to swim.
2 They can run very far.
3 We not can speak Icelandic.
4 I can’t dive for very long.
5 He can cook Chinese food.
6 She can climbs high.
7 I can’t eating spicy food.
8 They can play chess.

B Write questions with Can you …? and the verbs in the box. Or use your own ideas.

climb cook dive run far sing speak Chinese speak Spanish swim

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

C Work in pairs. Ask the questions you wrote in Exercise B. Then tell the class what your partner
can do.

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7.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  


A Decide which adjective is positive and which is negative.

Positive Negative
1 Football is a great / boring sport.  
2 Spanish is a/an difficult / amazing language to learn.  
3 I am a very bad / talented singer.  
4 Maths is an interesting / awful subject.  
5 Running is a/an easy / terrible hobby.  
6 My cooking is OK / terrible.  

B Choose an adjective to complete the sentences so they are true for you.

C Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. Are they the same or different?

D Read the questions below. Then add three more questions of your own.

1 Do you think English is easy?

2 Do you think football is interesting?
3 Do you think chocolate is healthy?
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?

E Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise D.

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7.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Possessive ’s
A Look at the picture of the family. Complete the description with the correct names and possessive ’s.

James Emma

Violet Bill

Matt Katie Tom

James has got a great family. His 1 name is Emma. They’ve got three
children – two boys and a girl. Their 2 names are Matt and Tom. Their
3 name is Katie. James’s 4 names are Violet and Bill.

B Work in pairs. Ask questions about the people in the picture.

A: Who is Violet’s husband?

B: Bill is Violet’s husband.

B: Who are Katie’s brothers?

A: Katie’s brothers are Matt and Tom.

C Work in groups. Talk about your friends and family.

My parents’ names are Anna and Mark.

My brother’s name is Phil and his wife’s name is Sam.
They’ve got two children.
My best friend’s name is Karen. She’s married. Her
husband’s name is Chris …

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8.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Verb phrases

A Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 He has a mirror / coffee before work.

2 She watches messages / videos to learn English.
3 I read messages / shopping on my phone.
4 They go shopping / station every Saturday.
5 We talk on the work / phone every week.
6 He takes a coffee / break every two hours.
7 I look in the mirror / message three times a day.
8 We meet at the coffee / station at 8.30 every morning.

B Work in pairs. Talk about how often you do the activities in Exercise A.

I always have a coffee before work. I go to the café near my

flat and get a takeaway. Then I drink it on the train on the
way to work.

I don’t often watch videos to learn English. But I always listen to

English music. I love it.

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8.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present continuous

A Use the prompts to write sentences and questions in the present continuous. Use contractions
where possible.

1 They / walk in the park. (+) 5 You / listen to me? (+)

2 They / sit on the bench. (–) 6 He / talk on the phone. (–)

3 She / have a rest in the park. (+) 7 We / watch a video online. (–)

4 I / wait to call my friend. (–) 8 He / drink a coffee. (–)

B Work in pairs. Describe the two pictures. What is the same? What is different?

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8.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

A Label the picture with the words in the box.

dress handbag jacket jeans shirt shoes shorts skirt sweatshirt suit trainers trousers

3 1

4 7

12 11


1 5   9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12

B Work in pairs. Student A, choose someone in your class and think about what they are wearing.
Student B, ask Student A questions to find out who the person is. Then change roles and repeat.

B: Is the person wearing black trainers?

A: No, he isn’t.

B: Is the person wearing a blue T-shirt?

A: Yes, he is.

B: Is the person Omar?

A: Yes, it is.

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8.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Adjective order

A Tick (3) the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes in the other sentences.

 1 He’s wearing a black old coat.  He’s wearing an old black coat.
 2 She’s got a large blue shirt. 
 3 That’s a yellow big hat! 
 4 He’s got a new white sweatshirt. 
 5 I’ve got long red socks. 
 6 They’ve got green new caps. 
 7 I’ve got a blue beautiful dress. 
 8 They’re wearing old blue jeans. 
 9 He’s got a black new suit. 
 10 She’s got a long red skirt. 

B Work in pairs. Tell your partner about some of the clothes you have.

A: I’ve got an old brown jacket. I wear it every day.

B: I’ve got a long red dress. I wear it to parties.

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9.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Dates and years
A Complete the list of numbers and words. B Write the years in words.

1st 1 1967 1

2nd 2 1981 2

3rd 3 2008 3

4th 4 2011 4

5 fifth 1643 5

6 tenth 1715 6

11th 7 1816 7

8 twelfth 1997
20th 9 1464 9

10 twenty-first 2023 10

22nd 11 1977 11

12 thirtieth 2019 12

C Interview your classmates.

Find someone who … Name

was the first to arrive today.

passed their driving test on the fifth time.

lives on the third floor.

is the second child in their family.

went to a 50th birthday party last year.

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9.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Past simple: was/were

A Find the five mistakes in the use of was and were in the sentences below. Rewrite the
incorrect sentences.

1 My grandmother was a teacher.  6 My brother and I was tired.

2 My dad’s first phone weren’t a smartphone.  7 Tom wasn’t at the party.
3 My friends was late for class today.  8 The journey was very dangerous.
4 The sandwiches wasn’t very good yesterday.  9 My mum wasn’t at home.
5 My neighbours were very loud last night. 10 The food weren’t expensive.

B Add was or were to the correct place in the questions below.

Question Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

1 What the last film you saw?

2 Where the last selfie you took?

3 Who the last celebrity you

watched on TV?

4 What on TV last night?

5 Where you born?

C Ask three people in your class the questions in Exercise B. Make a note of the answers in
the table.

D Present the information from Exercise C to your class.

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9.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Everyday verbs
A Choose the correct verb to complete the questions.

1 How many hours a week do you design / study English?

2 Do you know someone who collects / starts stamps?
3 Would you like to design / travel a building?
4 How often do you travel / receive to different countries?
5 Do you like to give or receive / study presents?
6 When was the last time you travelled / helped a friend?
7 When did you start / study learning English?
8 Do you enjoy painting / helping pictures?

B Complete the table with your answers to the questions in Exercise A. Then interview
another student.

My answers Another student’s answers

C Are you and your partner similar? Tell the class.

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9.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Past simple: regular verbs

A Find and correct one error with the verb in each sentence.
  1 I didn’t used my phone yesterday.
  2 We study English for three hours last week.
  3 My best friend not received a present from her brother.
  4 I design the slides for our last presentation.
  5 They didn’t wanting to help anyone.
  6 She travelling to the USA for work last month.
  7 He ask the police officer for help last night.
  8 She didn’t planted the tree yesterday.
  9 We live there from 2006 to 2012.
10 They didn’t tried to help me last week.

B Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

  1 When I was younger, I wanted to be a .

  2 When I was a child, I didn’t like .
  3 When I started learning English, I used a .
  4 When I was at school, I didn’t .
  5 When I was a teenager, I decided to .
  6 When I got home yesterday, I .

C Work in groups. Compare your sentences. Are any of the ideas the same?

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10.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Time phrases
A Complete the sentences so three are true for you and three are not true for you.

1 I saw my best friend  ago.

2 I finished primary school in .
3 I bought last .
4 I went on holiday  ago.
5 I started learning English in .
6 I spoke to last .

B Work in pairs. Guess which sentences in Exercise A are true for your partner.

C Work in pairs. Read the actions below and write a time expression for when you think your
partner last did these things.

My partner …
bought a phone … 18 months ago
spoke to a friend …
wore sunglasses …
left school …
went on holiday …
visited a museum …
had a history class …
visited a place built a long time ago …
went shopping …

D Show your partner your answers to Exercise C. Are they correct?

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10.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Past simple: irregular verbs

A Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I dinner at home yesterday evening. (have)

2 I at five o’clock this morning. (get up)
3 I a jacket yesterday afternoon. (buy)
4 I to the cinema yesterday. (go)
5 I anywhere last weekend. (not go out)
6 I someone a present last week. (give)

B Change the sentences in Exercise A so they are true for you.

C Imagine you are a famous celebrity. You are going to talk about what you did last weekend.
Write about what you did. Use the verbs in the box to help you or use your own ideas.

buy choose eat find give go have make phone

D Work in pairs. Tell each other about the day you described in Exercise C. Which sounds fun?

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10.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Life events

A Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 I drove / finished / met my best friend at university.

2 My sister belonged / wrote / passed her first blog post last year.
3 My teacher got / won / met married last month.
4 My best friend passed / wrote / won a prize for her essay.
5 I was so happy. I wrote / passed / won my driving test first time.
6 This house belonged / got / finished to my grandparents.

B Write important events from your life on the timeline.

I was born Now

C Tell your partner about the events from your life. Your partner will complete the timeline below
for your life.

D Listen to your partner talk about their life. Add the important events from their life to the
timeline below.

My partner was born Now

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10.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Past simple questions
A Find and correct the mistakes in the past simple questions.

1 Where you study last year?

2 When you did get your phone?

3 You did give someone a present last month?

4 How get you here today?

5 What did you bought yesterday?

B Match the answers (a–e) to the questions (1–5) in Exercise A.

a Yes, I gave my mum a book.

b I didn’t buy anything.
c At university.
d I got it two months ago.
e By bus.

C You are going to interview someone about their life. Write six questions.

1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?

D Work in pairs. Interview your partner. Ask other questions to find out more information, for
example, Why?

E Tell the class about the person you interviewed.

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11.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Leisure activities

A Complete the verb phrases with go, get, watch, listen or spend.

  1 to a concert
  2 takeaway food
  3 to a football match
  4 time with family
  5 to a restaurant
  6 to the park
  7 to a museum
  8 football on TV
  9 a video online
10 to music
11 time with friends

B Complete the questions with your own ideas. Then interview a partner.
Where do you usually …? Who do you usually … with?
How often do you …? Why do you …?
When was the last time you …? Why do you like …?
C Tell the class what you found out about your partner in Exercise B.

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11.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

like/love/hate/enjoy + verb + -ing

A Choose the correct word to complete the text about Kai and his brother.

I’m Kai. I love 1spend / spending time with my friends. I like 2go / going to a café for lunch
with them. I 3enjoy / enjoys going to the cinema, too. It’s a great way to relax. I don’t like
staying at home in the evening. My brother is very different. He 4enjoy / enjoys studying at
home. He loves 5cooking / cook for the family. But he 6hates / hate doing the cleaning!

B Tell your group about what you and someone in your family or a friend enjoy doing in your
free time. Listen to the others in the group and ask questions.

A: I like staying at home in the evening. My sister is

different. She enjoys meeting friends.

B: Do you like going to the cinema with your sister?

A: Yes, I love it!

B: Why?

A: It’s a great way to relax.

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11.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

action actor band cinema concerts match musicians 
player pop star premiere rock songs stadium

a She’s my favourite 1 . I love all her

2 and she did some great
3 on her tour last year.

b He is an excellent football 4 . I went

to the 5 in the city last week and
I watched a very exciting 6 .

c I love this 7 . I saw her at the

8 of her new 9
film in London. She was at the 10
near my house! It was amazing.

d This is my favourite 11 . They play a lot

of 12 music, but some of them are
classical 13 !

B Write an example for each item below.

action film rock band

singer popstar
film star comedy
football player football stadium

C Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to Exercise B. Do you know all the examples on your
partner’s list?

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11.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Object pronouns
A Find and correct the mistakes with object pronouns in the sentences below. Three sentences
are correct.

  1 My friends want to go and see that new horror film but I don’t want to see it.
  2 Mario rang I last night and told me the news.
  3 I gave my brother some new shoes for his birthday but he didn’t like they.
  4 That’s Helen’s sister – I play tennis with she.
  5 Who’s that man over there? I don’t know he.
  6 I need to talk to your.
  7 Your friends are here. Let’s talk to them.
  8 The teacher gave we a test yesterday.
  9 This is for John – can you give it to him, please?
10 Where are my glasses? I can’t find us!
11 I like your new coat. Where did you buy him?
12 I met Alfonso’s brother yesterday. I talked to her for a long time.

B Who or what are your favourites? Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

My favourite film is . I like because …

My favourite sports team is . I like
because …
My favourite musician is . I like
because …
My favourite town is . I like because …
My favourite food is . I like because …

C Work in pairs. Compare your answers to Exercise B. Are any of your sentences the same?

A: My favourite film is The Lion King. I like it

because it has got a really interesting story.

B: My favourite musician is Beyoncé. I like her because she’s a great singer.

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12.1 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

A Match the words in the box with definitions below.

airport bag credit card money passport plane ticket traffic

1 An official document saying which country you are a citizen of.

It has your photograph on it and you show it when you travel.
2 What you earn, save and use to pay for things.
3 The vehicles that are travelling in an area at a particular time.
4 Something made of material that is used for carrying things.
5 A place where planes arrive and leave, with a terminal for passengers.
6 A piece of paper that shows you have paid for a journey on a train or plane.
7 A small plastic card you use to buy things now and pay for them later.
8 An aircraft with wings.

B Work in pairs. Talk about the places you travel to using the transport below.

• by bike • by car • by taxi • by tram

• by bus • by plane • by train • on foot

A: I usually go to work by bike. It’s only about half an hour.

B: I never go anywhere by bike. I usually go to work by train.

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12.1 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Countable and uncountable nouns

A Find and correct the errors in the sentences. There is a mistake with one of the words in bold in
each sentence.

1 I have 500 dollar. Do you think I need more money?

2 Are you going to use one of your credit card or cash?
3 There is a lot of traffics today. We’re going to be late for the plane.
4 I’ve only got two bag. You’ve got lots of luggage!
5 Is there any informations about the arrival time on the ticket?

B Work in pairs. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

bags cash euros luggage

A: I think I’ve got everything. Let me count … one, two, three, four 1 .
B: That’s a lot of 2 . You can’t carry all that!
A: Don’t worry. I’ve got 3 for a taxi when we get there.
B: A taxi will cost about 45 4 ! You’re rich.
C Work in pairs. Continue the conversation from Exercise B. Use the words in the box to help you
or use your own ideas.

credit card information money plane ticket traffic

D Practise and then perform your conversations from Exercise C to the class. Listen to the other
conversations. Do other students have the same situation as you?

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12.2 Vocabulary Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Types of holiday
A Complete the paragraphs with the words in the box.

beach holiday camping holiday chalet guidebook hotel (x2)

sightseeing holiday skiing holiday snorkel stove sunglasses tent

Maria Pierre

James Samantha

Maria:  hen I go on a 1
W , I like to stay in a really nice hotel, as close to
the sea as possible. I spend a lot of time in the water, and I like to swim and look
underwater at the fish and coral, so I always take a 2 . The weather is
usually warm and really sunny, so I always wear my 3 .
James: E very winter, a big group of my friends and I go on a 4 . We never go
to the same place and we always check to see where the best snow is before we book.
We’re a big group, so we like to rent a traditional 5 to stay in. It’s
better than a room in a 6 because we can also cook a meal together
and relax there in the evenings.
Pierre: E very year, I try to visit a new city somewhere in Europe. I don’t really like going on
holiday and sitting on the beach, so a 7 is perfect for me. I usually go
with a friend and we get a cheap room in a 8 for a couple of nights.
I like to just arrive and explore, but my friend is a bit more organised, so she usually reads
a9 on the plane and makes a list of things she wants to see.
Samantha: I’m never going on a 10 again! It was awful. The weather was
terrible and really windy – it took hours to put up the 11 . It rained
every day and I didn’t enjoy hiking at all. The showers at the campsite didn’t work and
I couldn’t wash my hair for days. Then, on the final night, we didn’t have enough gas for
the 12 , so we couldn’t have any hot food. This holiday was a disaster.
In future, I’m only going to stay in five-star hotels!

B Work in pairs. Which holiday in Exercise A would you like to go on? Why?

C Work in pairs. Describe your last holiday to your partner.

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12.2 Grammar Language Hub Beginner Worksheet  

Present continuous

A Complete the conversation with the present continuous form of the words in brackets.

Laura: Hi Amelia! How are you?

Amelia: I’m fine, thanks! I 1 (go) on holiday tomorrow, so I need to go home
and pack.
Laura: Oh, very nice! Who 2 (go) with? And where 3 (go)?
Amelia: I’m going to Budapest with an old friend from university. We 4 (stay) in a
five-star luxury hotel right in the city centre – my friend works for a travel company, so she
got a special deal!
Laura: That sounds amazing. How long 5 (stay) for?
Amelia: Just a couple of days, we 6 (come back) on Thursday.
Laura: Great. Let’s meet up when you’re back and you can tell me about it.
Amelia: Yes, that sounds lovely. I 7 (work) on Friday, but I’m free at the weekend.
I’ll call you on Saturday.
Laura: Perfect. Have a lovely holiday! See you on Saturday.
Amelia: Bye!

B Complete the diary below with your plans for next week.

Monday  Friday 




C Work in pairs. Organise to do something with your partner next week. If you are already busy,
say why.

A: Hi. Do you want to go to the cinema on Wednesday night next week?

B: Oh, sorry. I’m playing football next Wednesday. What about Thursday night?

A: Yes, great. I’m free on Thursday.

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