I Introduction
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-driven, teacher-facilitated approach to
learning. Learners pursue knowledge by asking questions that have piqued their
natural curiosity. It is not a new concept in the world of education. It provides
students with practical applications of concepts that allows for them to make
connections between the content being learned and the real world. The connections
produced allow students to see there are opportunities for them to use information
gathered in the real world and provides students with multiple opportunities to
enhance skills that will be needed in the future. Students learn how to collaborate
and brainstorm ideas of each other. They will develop their critical thinking and
problem-solving skills. This allows them to learn different ways of thinking and how
to come to conclusions more efficiently and effectively.
In fact, PBL is not a new concept. In 20 th century, Dewey introduced the idea of
using real life problems during the education (Evenson & Hmelo, 2000). This idea
has taken its place in formal education in 1970s in medical education as problem-
based learning (Maudsley, 1999). Later, this approach became popular in
engineering faculties and high schools (Boud & Feletti, 2003). Its main focus was to
connect the content and its applications, in other words, it can be referred to as
‘learning by doing’. Later problem based learned started to be used as PBL in
compulsory education steps. Not only PBL but also problem-based learning deals
with real life problems and both of them start with a problematic situation or
question. Although these two approaches seem to be the same at a first glance,
they are different from each other in terms of various aspects (MEM, 2016;
Blumenfeld, Soloway, Marx, Krajcik, Guzdial & Palincsar, 1991; Fleming, 2000;
Dooley, 1997).
The aim of this paper is the impact of using the project-based learning, its
usefulness and its impact on improving some skills for students such as critical
thinking, creativity, ownership and collaboration inside my own classroom. By using
Project-based learning method can enable you and your students to go beyond
content coverage and develop the deep understandings and success skills needed
to thrive in today’s complex world.
Students will learn to work independently and creatively, plan and complete their
work, take responsibility for their work and overcome obstacles, work with
information, present their own work, express themselves correctly and argue,
cooperate, communicate, tolerate, accept other opinions, evaluate their work and
the work of others (Turek, 2008). Project-based learning is considered a very useful
tool for mobilization of students, interesting interpretation of educational content,
acquiring new knowledge, but also for developing personal features necessary for
cooperation with other people and solving problematic situations (Chmelárová &
Pasiar, 2017). It makes a strong connection between students’ engagement in their
own projects and their learning outcome (Pedersen & Hobye, 2020). By using PBL,
teachers reinforce learning (reinforcer), they extend learning (extender), they
initiate learning (initiator), or they can navigate among these three trends
according to need (navigator).
Research indicates that PBL: (a) has a positive effect on student content knowledge
and the development of skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and problem
solving; (b) benefits students by increasing their motivation and engagement; and
(c) is challenging for teachers to implement, leading to the conclusion that teachers
need support in order to plan and enact PBL effectively while students need support
including help setting up and directing initial inquiry, organizing their time to
complete tasks, and integrating technology into projects in meaningful ways (Brush
& Saye, 2008; Krajcik, et al., 1998).
In the context of COVID 19, innovation at this level creates quality education for
the learner. Innovation at the classroom level is linked with the use of various
technologically advanced equipment for the purpose of quality learning. It includes
the use of computers, which provide both audio and visual aids to learning. It also
includes extended use of PowerPoint presentations on a small or big TV display. It
will essentially enhance the quality of learning and have a more powerful impact on
the learner’s memory and their learning experience. Smartphones, tablets, e-books,
open sharing resources, digitalized libraries, etc. are some of the new
advancements in the field of education that have facilitated the learners of today’s
time. But still, the teacher plays a very important role in the classroom sessions.
The teacher is the one who acts as a facilitator and gives instructions to their
During PBL, many students use their knowledge to have fun while completing their
projects. Teachers want to have fun, and this type of instruction is one way for
education to be fun. PBL helps students work independently. The projects are fun,
but they also teach them time management skills and the skills they need to solve
problems. One of the many advantages of PBL is that it encourages students to
promote creativity in their projects. Learners learn best when they create a
sharable and thought-provoking artifact. They use prior knowledge to complete
each activity that will become a project. Making learning enjoyable for students can
be very rewarding and increase their understanding.
In the 10th grade, students at AWIHAO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL are expected to
generate a mini-research paper in preparation for their practical research 1 and 2 in
Senior High School. Before giving the task to my students, I gave a thorough
discussion on how to write a research paper and presented the different examples
of research. I grouped my students and then gave each group the task of choosing
an issue they were interested in. The project would involve coming up with a viable
solution. As a class, we brainstormed all kinds of big issues, including how social
media is changing students’ ways of learning, modular distance learning, teenage
pregnancy, LGBT rights, and bullying.
Next, students had to conceptualize possible resources and questions they needed
to answer. Therein lies the beauty of PBL: Since I couldn’t anticipate their every
need, they had to take responsibility for their own learning and solve problems as
they encountered them. I created rubrics and exemplars so students would know
what I wanted them to achieve. I didn’t want to be controlling, but I wanted high-
quality products. As the students continued their research journey, they faced
difficult times, but because of their passion, positivity, and perseverance, they did it
until the end.
They were able to submit their output in good quality. I think PBL has an impact on
our lives and encourages students to step out of their comfort zones, so authentic
learning happens when they are doing it on their own.
IV Reflection
Teaching the learners is a great privilege because you are shaping their young
minds and molding their characters and personalities to become the best versions
of themselves in the future. We cannot deny that this is not an easy job, but seeing
your students' eagerness and willingness fills you with joy, makes you feel valued,
and gives you satisfaction. Inside the four corners of the classroom, you are the
captain of your own ship, which means that you must be prepared, more
knowledgeable, skilled, and a facilitator. As you sail your journey in teaching, you
will encounter different challenges that will test your patience, capabilities, and all
areas of your life, especially in the midst of COVID 19. Those challenges will
strengthen and develop your professional skills. The coronavirus caused numerous
changes in the field of education. Despite the changes from face-to-face classes to
virtual classes, we were able to surpass and adopt the changes in the world of
education. We have learned about different platforms of teaching, such as: modular
distance learning, blended learning, online learning, and flexible learning. Through
the different platforms, we are able to maintain the essence of education. There are
different types of flexible learning, and one of those is project-based learning. This
type of learning is a method that helps students connect to the real-world.