3 - Biotek Tanah Plant Growth-Promoting Microorganism

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Mata Kuliah

Bioteknologi Pertanian (2-0)

Part 3
Soil biotechnology:
Case study on plant growth-
promoting microbes
Team teaching:
Satriyo Restu Adhi, S.P., M.P.
Dra. Ida Adviany., M.P.
Program Studi Agroteknologi
Fakultas Pertanian Uninus
Tahun 2020

Sekuens pembelajaran

Kontrak perkuliahan: Tanaman: Gen
Pendahuluan isolation, PCR,
molecular markers

Ruang lingkup, peran Bioteknologi

dan perkembangan Tanaman: FGD: Bioteknologi Etika dalam dunia
bioteknologi bidang micropropagation, Tanaman Bioteknologi
pertanian tissue culture

Bioteknologi Tanah: Bioteknologi Perlintan:

Introduction of Plant FGD: Bioteknologi
Pupuk Hayati, Biological control for
Genetic Engineering Perlintan
PGPR/PGPF plant pathogen

Bioteknologi Tanah: Bioteknologi Perlintan:

FGD: Bioteknologi Bioteknologi Perlintan:
Bioremediasi tanah & Deteksi Variabilitas
Tanah cases study
lingkungan Patogen

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Unsustainable agricultural intensification including intensive
tillage, imbalanced and excessive use of chemical fertilizers,
excessive pesticides, etc., have both short and long-term
adverse impacts on soil microbial diversity and functioning.

Petani mulai mengeluhkan bahwa tanah mereka menjadi

padat, keras dan sukar diolah, serangan hama dan penyakit
meningkat, serta pencemaran lingkungan oleh pupuk dan
pestisida semakin nyata di beberapa tempat. Demikian juga
organisme tanah tertentu seperti cacing tanah di beberapa
lokasi tidak lagi terlihat, erosi tanah meningkat dan produksi
tanaman menurun (Chaniago, 2016).

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Soil biotechnology, which can be defined as the
study and manipulation of soil micro-organisms and
their metabolic processes to optimize crop productivity.

Bioteknologi tanah (soil biotechnology) adalah teknologi

yang memanfaatkan organisme tanah (makro, meso,
dan mikrobiota) untuk berbagai keperluan seperti
perbaikan sifat tanah guna memperbaiki pertumbuhan dan
meningkatkan produksi tanaman serta memperbaiki
kesehatan tanah (soil bioremediation).

(Chaniago, 2016).

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Soil is by far the most biologically diverse part of the Earth. Soil
biodiversity reflects the mix of living organisms in the soil. These
organisms interact with one another and with plants and small
animals, forming a web of biological activity. The soil food web
includes earthworms, spiders, ants, beetles, collembolans, mites,
nematodes, fungi, bacteria and other organisms.

Soils are the habitat of diverse

communities of microorganisms with
about 10000 to 50000 species present in
one gram of soil (Schloss & Handlessman,

Global Soil Biodiversity, 2015

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Peran umum organisme pada tanah
The role of macrofauna includes:
• Direct processing of organic matter (e.g. snails, earthworms,
enchytraeids, millipedes, ants, and termites). Earthworms can
improve the incorporation of organic matter below the soil surface,
increase the numbers of water stable soil aggregates, improve
water infiltration, aeration and root penetration and increase
microbial activity;
• Predation (e.g. spiders, ants);
• Creation of soil structure (e.g. earthworms, termites);

The micro- and mesofauna (protozoa, nematodes, collembola, and

mites) are important regulators of the bacterial and fungal activities.
They predate on these organisms (and on each other) and are involved
in the decomposition of organic matter. Soil nematodes occupy an
important position in the soil detritus food web and are thus significant
regulators of decomposition and nutrient mineralisation.

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Soil microorganisms perform a wide range of functions:
they decompose organic matter, release nutrients into plant-available
forms and degrade toxic residues, they also form symbiotic
associations with plant roots, act as antagonists to pathogens,
influence the weathering and solubilisation of minerals and contribute
to soil structure and aggregation (Breure, 2004)

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Bagaimana mendapatkan mikroorganisme
bermanfaat untuk tanaman?

• Rhizosfer, rhizoplan, • Uji kompatibilitas formulasi
endofit, tanah pada tanaman
gambut, tanah salin, • Karakteristik • Bioassay • Daya simpan,
dll. morfologi, viabilitas, aplikasi
mikroskopis, jenis • Uji mekanisme

Seleksi & uji


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Diagram Rizosfer Tanaman
Source : Hyrnkiwiecz & Baum, 2012

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Serial dillution



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Studi Kasus

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Aplikasi terapan sederhana

Kohe kambing Kohe ayam Kohe kelelawar

bahan organik tanah ini disebut sebagai nyawanya tanah

(organic matter is a soul of soil).

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Tugas Individu
1. Jelaskan kekurangan, resiko dan tantangan aplikasi
penggunaan mikroorganisme tanah dalam
meningkatkan hasil pertanian.
2. Cari artikel ilmiah/jurnal hasil penelitian 5 tahun
terakhir yang membahas mengenai bioremediasi
tanah, setelah itu rangkum beberapa hal penting.

• Tugas ditulis dalam kertas A4, format PDF

• Tulis daftar pustaka (pustaka primer/jurnal/artikel ilmiah),
khusus untuk soal nomor 2 lampirkan juga
• Pengumpulan via google classroom.

uninus.ac.id Created by Satriyo

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